#mcsm cmyj
citric-acid-rain · 2 years
Ok so like command block possessed Jesse
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Except they think they can resurrect Reuben with tortured souls and a rotting porkchop.
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
Cry for the injuries you’ve been forced to endure
Scream at the injustice that never breaks day
Destroy the insolence that tears apart your home
Protect their innocence for the sake of their sanity
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The moment Jesse absorbs the power of the command block.
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
Jesse when they go oops! Infinite power!
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I have not yet spouted about this mf fic/fanseason/au/WHATEVER to tumblr but this was in fact my first drawing of CMYJ <3 (never posted bc I wanted to make a lil animation but never got it to cooperate in a way I was satisfied with so just take it)
Yes they look awfully like an admin. And they will vehemently deny being one.
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
Command block Jesse is so silly bc like. What would a genderfluid mfer do given unspeakable power before losing their mind
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Also someone tell me why femme side profiles r so… so…
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
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Some command blocked Jesse doodles bc I wanted to draw floaty poses. I was in a floaty mood.
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
Your OP Jesse design kinda gives me kill la kill vibes. I mean that in the best possible way
FR? I’ve never watched the anime (heard good things!) and all ik is the scissor swords girl? Yeah. That’s baller character design thank you
My like actual inspirations were motion capture suits and the cmyk colorspace in a very fourth-wall-break sort of way B)
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I think the inspiration is trackable, granted I had neither of these pictures in front of me while making the design and was more just Thinking about them
Taking my excuse to talk about my design explanation and RUNNING
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
I feel the need to properly explain myself here because I simply have been posting my art of CMYJ without real context
In short, they found some shards of the command block and were forced to use them to save their family (Petra, Lukas and Radar). In using them they became infused with the command block’s power.
In medium, the command block was shattered but not properly destroyed. Ofc given it’s a crazy object of unwieldily power it’s been repairing itself over time. Mining expeditions noticed abnormal activity in the deep dark, which they reported to Radar. He then gathered Petra, Lukas and Jesse to investigate with him. They plan to gather the shards without even touching them, but things go awry when the warden emerges. After everyone is beat nearly to death, Jesse looks out on the carnage and understands what he has to do.
In long is an in-progress fic that is sitting at well over 3k words <3 it’s planned to be multiple chapters and we’ll see exactly how long this hyperfixation holds out
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
Command block Jesse is an RGB Gamer confirmed
NO THEYRE NOT‼️‼️‼️🤬🤬🤬🤬 those were the ADMINS.
They’re a CMYK Gamer ☝️😡
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