#md3 watches demon slayer kimetsu no yaiba
mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
Reactions to Demon Slayer KNY ep15-26
5:07 PM 10/8/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep15
I haven't quite decided to drop this series.  And if I watch Haikyuu instead, I'll want to write reactions and read subtitles instead of eat.  So KNY is best for my multitasking.  
5:33 PM 10/8/2020 A much better episode.  
I didn't write notes during because I was eating away from my keyboard.  
Really surprised there wasn't a scene of Zenitsu being told that Nezuko is Tanjiro's sister.  I would have liked to have seen Zenitsu come to the conclusion to be nice to Tanjiro in order to get close to Nezuko.  Such a drastic switch is funny.  And yeah, he *began* this episode with that drastic switch, but didn't it need an explaination?  I mean, I've watched enough anime tropes to know about "getting the older siblings' blessing to date the younger sibling" cliche.  But shouldn't they have explained it?  Or at least explained how Zenitsu is ok with Nezuko being a demon?  I know he's a hardcore girl-chaser, but he's also been mostly established as a coward, especially when it comes to demons.  So shouldn't there have at least been conflict between those 2 sies of himself?  At the least, seeing that play out would have been interesting.  
Felt kind of sorry for Zenitsu when he thought about wanting encouragement.  that's relatable.  But leaving him was the practical thing to do.  And anyway, even if he wanted encouragement, he should be honest with himself about not actually wanting to go into a forest of demons and be glad he got what he actually wanted.  
I'm going to say it.  Inuyasha's Yura of the Hair, Get Backers' Kazuki Fuuchouin, Claymore's Winged Anastasia.  So many of the ways the spider webs threads were used in this episode, other anime have done before.  Seeming like they're floating by standing on threads, puppeting corpses, controlling living people, etc.  I should research spider yokai and see if they originated these specific techniques.  
Oh, and Inosuke has an "animal spacial awareness" power too?  They say "technique", but c'mon, it's a power.  I don't know why I found it so much more acceptable in Naruto, but it just seems too much like a deus ex machina in KNY.  Maybe because Naruto had a lot of screentime to show training in techniques and normalizing that anyone can learn these "powers".  Whereas, KNY had a LOT of time lapse for the actual training montage episodes, and now these "powers" are coming out of seemingly nowhere.  
Ukogi is the sparrow, huh?  
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4:29 PM 10/10/2020 Demon Slayer Kimentsu no Yaiba ep16
WEll, tangling the threads is a good idea, but does that mean the spider demon has kept her threads untangled all the way from her fingertips, through the trees, bushes, and entire forest, WITHOUT getting them tangled?  I mean, is folding over a branch really considered "tangling"?  I thought thread technique characters could manipulate their threads more---at least in other series.  
I was wondering why they stopped attacking just because she snapped their necks, when half the people she was controlling were already corpses, but then I remembered she gave up on their usefulness.  
Really disturbing to see the mother spider so obviously terrified, about to be abused by her husband, while her own children are laughing at her.  
"If I die, I'll be released".  At least someone gets it.  
It's interesting how a lot of the demons have a quick flashback to their human memories right before they die.  I hope that pays off well in the overall story later.  
Tanjiro is sure taking his name misspoken by Inosuke during the previews, pretty well.  That's so refreshing, after so many series where a character completely freaks out then holds a grudge over their name being misremembered by someone that just met them.  I'm so tired of that trope.  It's so nice to see Tanjiro just patiently encouraging Inosuke to try again.  ;u;  Tanjiro continues to be so nice!  ;u;;  He and Nezuko really keep me sticking to this series.
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4:59 PM 10/12/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep17
But if Zenitsu passes out in 15min, then won't he just go unconsciously OP and kill the demon?
So his hair is yellow from lightning?  ok......?  
I have anxiety, depression, and suicidally low self esteem, so I can relate to Zenitsu, but WATCHING scene, after long scene, of a character who does nothing but scream and chase girls is not enjoyable.  I feel bad, constantly wondering why I keep hearing he's a fan-favorite character.  
Isn't saying that the time Gramps spends training Zenitsu is "wasted", the same as saying Gramps is a bad teacher?  Does this guy *really* respect Gramps as a former Hashira?  Sounds pretty disrespectful to me.
Well, it's nice to see the malicious child---enough to laugh at his own mom while she's getitng spousal abuse---get beaten by someone like Zenitsu.  
So is Zenitsu actually a little conscious?  Or is he dreaming?  
I'm sorry I forgot the bird's real name.  Chuntaro will have to do for now.  Chuntaro's crying face was super cute.  
It really hurts to see people picking on Zenitsu, when my anxiety/depression really forces me to identify with him.  And then the moral in the end is "everything is still worthwhile if you just don't give up"?  Sorry.  Not buying it.  If you're suicidal, you've already got the idea that death is an escape from suffering.  So the idea of working hard to survive, just to endure more suffering from your so-called "friends" and appreciating abuse from your "family" just because their abuse is proof of "not abandoning you", really irks me.  
Hang on a second...  This demon isn't overtly hostile.  What?  
Wait.  So this demon will abuse his wife but protect his daughter?  The hell?  And how he's spouting about protecting hsi family?  That's messed up.   . . .
2:44 PM 10/13/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep18
I don't understand.  Every other anime has translated "nisemono" as "fake".  Why is this series/episode translating it as "forged"?  Would it make sense to use "fake"?  There has to be something later in the story where "forged" makes more sense then using "fake".  I hope it comes soon, because it his really perplexing to me.  Right now, the emotional stakes of the fight don't mean anything without referring to a "fake bond".  
I guess the flashbacks aren't just for demosn right before they die.  
Wow.  These nichirin swords are breaking left and right in this episode.  
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10:34 PM 10/14/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep19
By god.  Someone figured out how to get Inosuke to take the time to heal his wounds in the midle of a battleground.  lol  Not bad.  lol  ^o^  
Wow.  All this time I had been hoping Nezuko would help out in this fight since it seemed so many odds were stacked against Tanjiro.  Then shen it actually happens, I had forgotten about it, then WHAM.  Genuine surprise.  ^_^  It's like how I never see Tokugawa protecting Ishida, no matter how many times i see that movie.  lol  
I'm sorry, but the talks between Tanjiro about fundamental philosophies is just too good!  ^o^  Nezuko has a will of her own...Fear is not a family bond...You need to fix that fundamental understanding...  It really helps to hear characters resolute in their belief that Nezuko has her own thoughts, to counteract all the ways this series keeps reducing her:  she can't speak, the hypnosis makes her protect humans vs she herself deciding to have a fervent wish/desire to protect humans, etc.  Need more of this.  Good job.  
Is the blade being held by threads?  It looks like it's not even touching Rui's neck. o.o?
That was good setup for these flashbacks when a character thinks they're going to die.  I liked that the Hashira saving Zenitsu explained that specifically, on top of the series repeatedly showing it with demons and other characters through now.  
This series really likes coming up with secret special techniques out of no where.  lol  I wonder why I put up with it so much with other Shonen anime?  Did they have better setup?  But even though it stands out a bit in KNY, I still roll with it because I love these protagonists and the animation is just SO DAMN GOOD.  
Ooh!  Nezuko doing a Demon Blood Art!  *o*!  Yes!  Agency for Nezuko!  ^o^
Wow.  Haven't seen anyone fight this much with a broken sword since Utena.  ^o^  
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8:09 PM 11/4/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep20
That was a good ep.  
Maybe as long as the characters are cool instead of really pushing for being the comedic characters, then I have absolutely no problems with this series.  
I love how creepy Kouchou is with her friendliness and how sincere her offers probably are.
I already forgot wisteria is poisonous to these demons.  lol  
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5:33 AM 11/6/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep21
Well, this is unusual.  They're showing the ghosts conversing with the oni after they die.  Usually it's jut the flashback, some last reaction to the memory, then the oni dies.  
Once again, I like how empathic Tanijro is.  I forgot that he can literally smell grief.  
Tomioka only *just now* recognized Tanjiro and Nezuko?  lol  
So Tomioka often acts contradictory to what he says?  He's a tsundere?  
Is this going to be the comedy duo for the episode?  Better than Inosuke and Zenitsu.  
I was wondering why Tomioka wasn't explaining earlier that Nezuko
"Kakushi".  Doesn't that mean "spirited away"?  Or maybe just "away"?  
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7:22 AM 11/9/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep22
In other words, they would have been IN SO MUCH TROUBLE if they went ahead and executed him.  lol  
"The fact is that Nezuko has refraine dform devouring humans for more than 2 years, and also that there are 3 people risking their lives for her.  To reject this notion, those who reject it must offer an even more convincing argument."  That's a really good argument.  
Other Hashira have never crossed paths with Kibutsuji before???
By those scares it loosk like Sanemi cuts himself a lot.  
I think she's more angry that he attacked her and Tanjiro though.  More than holding back hunger.  
Aaaaaaaaaand that's end of episode.  
This episode's direction has had SO MUCH "be awed" moments.  The music, the pauses, the slower pace of some reveals, etc.  They really want us to be awed by the Hashira and everything going on.  Sorry, but the ending theme animation sequence and the continuation of this series already proves that everything will end up ok.  But even if I didn't already know a few spoilers, I'm so tired of the whole "be awed" direction.  
All these Hashira are such exaggerated characters, I can feel how much this series is intended for younger audiences.  Suddenly, I'm more able to accept that article mentioning that kindergardeners watch KNY.  (https://soranews24.com/2020/09/07/japanese-schoolgirl-struggles-to-comprehend-the-shocking-truth-that-her-mom-is-kamen-rider/)
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12:30 PM 11/16/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep23
I' expect Nezuko to be more angry about the Hashira beating up Tanjiro, more than any temptation by the blood.  
omg Nezuko is speaking.  
I still think it's more dramatically impactful for Nezuko to solely make the decision herself to not eat humans, vs because of Urokodaki's hypnosis.  
Oh yeah, she's the medical person.  It makes sense for Tanjiro and Nezuko to stay at her house, at least for treatment.  
omg  He still wants to do that right now???  You can get back at the wind Hashira later.  lol  
Tamayo is teh oni doctor, right?  It seems like the Master has a physiological connection to demons, after all.  
Yes, please stop shouting.  I can tell the seiyuu is having a lot of fun, but omg...I don't think I want to see a return of their form of humor.
omg  He's awake.  I thought being asleep would be the only way Inosuke would be so still.  
I feel like the constantly crying Hashira is like a parody of all the Empathy I've been repeatedly praising Tanjiro for.  lol  
1:01 PM 11/16/2020
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6:29 PM 11/20/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep24.   Watched during dinner.  Didn't write reactions.
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9:36 PM 11/21/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep25
9:44 PM 11/21/2020 I can't watch this episode anymore.  After all those stupid commercials, realizing how spoiled I've been by YouTube's skip ad option, my whole body still being sore from day 2 of returning to my pushups/ballet exercises routine,...  Everything is just too annoying.  
This girl training Tanjiro during his rehabiliation is annoying.  Whether she's supposed to act as "teacher" for the training or "medical authority" in thier rehabilitation, it should be her responsibility to get Zenitsu and Inosuke back to rehab training.  Even if it wasn't, I hate this implication that this show is framing this situation as Tanjiro's responsibility!  It's not his responsibility!  His responsibility is to get himself healed!  This girl has no right to seemingly direct her anger at him for failing to get Zenitsu and Inosuke back to rehab training!  And even if she wasn't blaming him, the direction is certainly portraying that implication!!!  Adn Tanjiro is _reapeatedly_ trying to get them back to rehab training, so we have to watch this girl _repeatedly_ seem to blame him for their failures!  This whole thing is stupid.  
And then on top of that, the story is starting to move back towards Zenitsu and Inosuke's perspective, likely to finally reveal why they've been skipping out on rehab training.  But all I can remember is how much worse this series got when they showed up.  How much every scene with them went too long and too annoying.  How I don't want to watch them.  And how much better the series got again when they faded back into the background.  I'm sorry to their fans, but my brother was right (about Zenitsu):  Zenitsu and Inosuke are annoying.  I don't think I like them.  
Previous episode was good though.  All about Tanjiro and Kochou.  
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12:24 PM 11/22/2020 The other day, maybe 2 days ago, I was watching the Kimetsu no Yaiba ep where Tanjiro was struggling to do his full concentration breathing 24hrs a day, and I heard it again: The theme of diligent everyday work.  I'm listening to the One Punch Man opening theme, and that series was very much about that.  Did HeroAca also have that theme?  I doubt it, with all the superpowers.  Then again, it may not have stated it explicitly like KNY or OPM, but it probably *portrayed* it better than them.  
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1:52 PM 12/2/2020   Kimetsu no Yaiba ep25.   2nd try, after Crunchyroll crashed.  
1:56 PM 12/2/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep25
Unfortunately saw note from last time I tried to watch this ep and found it very annoying so I didn't finish it last time.  Maybe now's not a good time to watch an annoying show, while Nanay is giving off ominous vibes.  But I'm so close to finishing off this series/season.  
Ugh.  Oh yeah.  Tsundere.  That's part of why I gave up on this ep last time.  
Again, with the "work hard" theme.  If they're going to go with the "hard work solves everything" theme, that's been going around with series like One Punch Man, then at least be encouraging about it, sparrow.  I'm sorry, but I'm already from the generation/society that has lived with that "hard work ethic solves everything" being told all our lives, but by now has been proven a lie.  People work hard and work hard and the oppressions keeping them back aren't recognized.  Then "just work harder" gets used as a fuckin EXCUSE to ignore those oppressions and blame everyone's positions SOLELY on their individual motivations/ambitions.  I mean, *I'm* lazy and hopeless as all hell---I am Gen X, we're supposed to be nihilistic, after all---but I'm coasting!  Hard work does not deterine everything!  And there have been so many journalism pieces revealing the myth of the "hard work solution" just being used as an excuse to ignore problems and not help people, forgive me if seeing that theme being advocated just makes me cynacle as all hell.  
At least Kocho knows how to encourage people.  
If Shinobu is so angry that Kanao can't think for herself THEN JUST TEACH HER GODDAMNIT.  She's a little kid!  That's what you do with little kids!  omg Why does she bother staying angry after her big sister solved the problem right in front of her.  See?  This is what is so tiring about sticking to comedic cliches (in this case, the prolonged flustered angry ranting), instead of just allowing the writing to follow the logic of the characters.  Like PopCultureDetective advocated, you don't have to follow a genre's cliches, simply for homage, if those cliches just perpetuate negative things.  In this case, annoying nusance behavior for the purposes of obsolete ideas about comedy.  ..then again, this series has already proven that the manga-ka has warped ideas about prolonging annoying behavior as equating "comedy".  
Haganezuka is probably going to kick your ass for breaking your last swords.  Don't be so happy to see him---Yup.  There it is.  
He's probably going to chip the blades with that rock.  This is going to be bad.
At the rate Tanjiro is straining, he's going to need to recover from his rehabilitation.  lol  
LOL Tanjiro just tapped the teacup into place on her head! lol  I'm so glad he didn't just not splash her or completely forfeit the duel.  There's this old martial arts anime cliche about guys losing on purpose or forfeiting a match just because they "don't want to hit a girl".  It comes from old "gentlemanly" ideas, about respecting women because their "delicate" and frankly, before chivalry codes, knights were assholes and women were especially brutalized all the fucking time, so chivalry was needed to counter that.  But in martial arts anime, it repeatedly gets used on female characters who have actually been kicking everyone's asses, including the male protagonist's, for a big part of their screentime.  So it just ends up being really insulting to imply "hey, I'm this big strong dude, simply for being born male, and your sex/gender automatically makes you nothing but weak, so I'm not going to even try to actually win this duel, because anything I do without holding back is going to be too much for you to handle".  And maybe I'm old and have seen this cliche too many times with all my years on me, but I'm tired of it.  Maybe in real life, women still get brutalized much more than men, women still need efforts at consideration directed towards them to counter all the mysogyny, and the average man vs an exactl equal average woman tends to maybe have more muscle mass without trying, but when I watch an anime to see the fantasy of a woman unafraid to take a hit and able to dish it out just as well, you can't just break the immersion by bringing in those real world considerations of chivalry, without being simply demeaning towards that power fantasy female character.  
omg I thought someone would peak out and reveal they spoke for Nezuko.  But I think thee thing I've been griping about should happen, just happened!  Nezuko spoke for hereself.  ;u;  
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12:00 PM 12/3/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep26
Does this mean I have to watch the movie before season 2 is released?  I thought I could just skip the movie.  I hope it gets put on Crunchyroll.  Because AX won't be in-person again for a while.  
0 notes
mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
reactions to Demon Slayer KNY ep8-14
12:15 PM 9/21/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep8
Wow.  Tanjiro actually called out to Kibutsuji Muzan, since he had to let him get away!  O.O  I was hoping he'd do that, but usually that doesn't happen.  
So his alias is Tsukihiko?
Aw, demons who are moved by Tanjiro's empathy for the guy was who transformed!  ;u;
Oh, interesting!  A simultaneous reason for why Tanjiro's family was attacked in the middle of nowhere and why his father was gone.
I've often daydreamed of my OC's blood effecting people with such instantaneous infection that all their cells melt simultaneously, but I've never seen a series fulfill my daydream before.  
Tamayo and Yushiro.
When did Tamayo learn that Nezuko was asleep for 2 years?  We wern't even told she was asleep for 2 years.  O.o?  
Is this Yushiro character indicative of the type of humor this manga-ka injects into all his non-action scenes?  I hope it doesn't get too annoying.  But if it does, it would explain why my brother doesn't like Zenitsu(?).   . . .
------------------------------------------- 12:48 PM 9/21/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep9
I know they wanted Yushiro's beheading to be shocking, but he's a demon and we've seen demons regenerate quickly throughout the series.  
I like that Nezuko and Tanjiro are fighting like a team now, as a given, even when they haven't been forced into a last resort.
Why are they recapping this deal to retrieve blood?  I know in a weekly manga, a recap like that is necessary, but is teh manga just trying to buy time/filler?  
Suzumaru sucks at close quarters combat.
I still don't like the idea of Nezuko being hypnotized to see other people as her family.  If the imagery was overlapping her family onto people, without Kurokodaki's hypnosis explaination, then that imagery would be used to understand what Nezuko is thinking/feeling, even though she can't talk anymore.  It would be touching that she gets reminded of the family she lot and of wanting to protect people as deeply as her own family, to prevent a repetition of her family's tragedy.  There would be so much emotion throughout all of it, in thinking about Nezuko's motivations through everything.  But with that Kurokodaki hypnosis explaination, it takes away her agency and all the emotions behind the possible motivations.  ;_;  
Time to kick some dush into those eyes.  
But if he got the neck, won't the whole body disappear before they can get a blood sample? I wonder if the previously chopped off arms from Suzumaru still have blood samples in them? Or did they disappear?  
Wait.  Is her name Suzumaru or Susamaru?
If Yahaba an Suzumaru only just met but they fight so in sync, does that mean the blood from Kibutsuji Muzan inside them makes them sync up?   . . .
7:27 PM 9/24/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba
Going to leave ep9 playing, while I go get food, since I've seen this ep before.
The animation in the fights is really good, and I'm very glad for Tanjiro when he fights well, because I don't want him to die.  But suddenly shouting these moves, that we've never specifically seen before, then instantly winning, sometimes feels like a "magic" deus ex machina.  I mean, his training episodes help, but we didn't see him learning specific moves.  Maybe I'm just too accustomed to older Shonen anime being very specific with its training.  Ranma 1/2, Bleach, etc.  
"Let's practice our teamwork, Nezuko!"  Now I wish Nezuko was awake during Tanjiro's training instead of asleep for 2 years.  I still can't believe it was TWO YEARS.  The series didn't give that sense at all until Tanjiro specifically said how long she was asleep.  It would have been so cool of Nezuko was helping Tanjiro with his training, and essentially training alongside him.  Ah, well.  Their teamwork now is so endearing.   . . .
7:58 PM 9/24/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep10
REally showing the toll a battle has on TAnjiro.  I always watch movie reviews criticizing modern movies for NOT doing this.  Good to see a good example of it being done, that isn't Die Hard.  
It's good to hear a character say that this power of Nezuko's is "her own".  I'm really stuck on that Kurokodaki hypnosis suggestion taking away a sense of Nezuko's agency/motivations.  But if this series could do more to suggest that Nezuko has her own feelings and motivations to protect people and fight, that would vastly improve things.  I want to forget that Kurokodaki hypnosis thing.
Ack!  He said not to move!  Please don't turn into a trap!  ...Thankfully, it didn't.  Maybe i have that expectation from Western storytelling, since it's so rooted in moralistic religious cultures?  Naw, even the "2 Sons of the Sun" story used that disobeying trope.  Anyway, I really appreciate how often, even after each battle, this series takes the time to show Tanijro showing empathy.  And high levels of empathy too, when he can even risk expressing empathy for an enemy!  *o* This is one of my favorite archetypes/tropes.  ;u;  
Suzumaru asking for her temari...Was she turned into a demon when she was a kid then grew as a demon? "Just like a little kid"?  So is Nezuko after becoming a demon.  And that morphed demon during Tanjiro's exam had childhood memory flashbacks before he died.  Do people's minds just get rebooted when they become demons or something?  They revert to childish mentalities?  
"At first, I didn't like the idea of Nezuko being under a spell, but since it looks like she has a will of her own, I'm glad that---"  I was about to write that even though I don't like the plot device of Kurokodaki's hypnosis on Nezuko, taking away her agency and the sense that she decides her actions and thus still has her own motivations---I was ok with this scene because her being affectionate to Tamayo and Yushiro was just so cute.  But now the scene is burying itself into that hypnosis plot point.  -.-;  Still a very heartfelt scene though!  ;U;!!!
I'm glad Tanjiro took Nezuko's wishes into account.  
Zenitsu is giving me Miroku flashbacks.  How did I put up with Miroku's running gag for so long anyway? Especially considering now that I'm just soooooooo terribly sick of the cliche of "sexual harassment as humor and running gags".  Is it because I worshiped Rumiko Takahashi and was so used to it?  Is it because I could always be confident that perverts in Takahashi series would immediately get pummelled, since Inuyasha had its roots in Takahashi's slapstick sensibilities?  I mean, if since Takahashi series are so slapstick, even when her series got more series, like INuyasha, if a pervert was bieng especially annoying, you could still count on them being punted into the sky or at least beaten until they couldn't move.  Well, usually, they could twitch, but that was about it.  And if they were beaten half to death and left out all night, well, that was common enough to be counted upon when needed.  Because seriously, after Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura, if there's going to be a pervert, then they sure as hell better be satisfingly beaten half to death.  I guess that slapstick extreme is the only way I'll accept that trope as a running gag.  Though, I still prefer if it didn't happen.  Like, I enjoy seeing Happosai suffering, but I'd prefer to not see him at all.  
8:38 PM 9/24/2020 ep over. I'll take a break from KNY for now because I need to multitask.  
I know I've been writing most of my negative criticism reactions to watching this series so far, but I really am enjoying it.  The animation is beautiful, the protagonists are endearing, the music is so good, I've been listening to the opening theme song on loop, during my daily walks this week.  I gotta write down more of my positive reactions.   . . .
12:51 AM 9/26/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep11
I think I'm beginning to see why Kuya doesn't like Zenitsu.  
Sometimes I have to wonder about Shonen manga-ka or the Shonen genre, when it seems to always default to using "harassing women", "chasing after disinterested women", and "whining about getting girls" as "humor".  Hell, even Persona 5 used that cliche for their humor thru Ryuji---and I love that character despite that!
Though my brother is probably annoyed by Zenitsu's whining more than by his girl-chasing cliche.  
So Zenitsu's "power" is hearing?  lol  Are all the protagonists in the Demon Slayer Corps going to have "magically unsuual senses"?  lol  
This episode had too many slow downs up until this point, but I will always appreciate the story slowing down to emphasize Tanjiro's emathy.  ^-^  
I'll admit, this series really loves it's funny faces.  But it doesn't fit sometimes.  It's not like Soul Eater, where humor was clearly the manga-ka's forte, and they were forcing themselves to do a Shonen action series.  
Maybe this would be funnier if I didn't already know spoilers about Zenitsu actually being good with a sword.  
Wait.  Inosuke??????  That's his name right?  They all met in this one episode by CHANCE????????????????  I thought they would get assigned to the same headquarters for Demon Slayers or something.
Did this demon not mean to trap humans into his house?  That doesn't sound right...  
Everyone's really in their own little worlds huh?  This demon, Inosuke,...everybody is just parallel talking towards each other.  Odd.   . . .
1:45 PM 9/27/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep12
All I hear from the fandom is that "Inosuke is a good boy".  So what's with this callous stepping on a kid?
I know Zenitsu's freak-out scenes are meant to be humor and the seiyuu is obviously having fun with it, but these scenes really should be cut SHORTER.  It's not that funny.  Dragging out such a mediocre joke AND as a RUNNING GAG is getting really tiresome.  It's bad enough that it's starting to turn me unsympathetic to someone who is justifyably afraid.  Who was the editor telling the manga-ka or the direction who thought that dragging these jokes out was "soooooooooo funny"??????????  
I can't figure out if I like or dislike this series!  Mou!  Now I know why I initially tried several times to watch this series and wasn't compelled to binge or watch more...until I consciously tried to catch up on it recently...just because it's popular and I like the opening theme and animation.  ~_~;  Previously, I thought that maybe all my reactions to each episode so far had just _seemed_ negative, because I was forgetting to write down the positives.  But now, I'm beginning to think maybe I'm just not having that much fun with this series.  Though it's true that I was compelled to watch it today, I was excited to watch more...now that I actually am, I'm just not having so much fun.  Maybe I just don't like Zenitsu and Inosuke.  So far, at least.  Maybe I only really liked Tanjiro and Nezuko.  Reminds me of Bleach: I thought I loved _the series_; turns out I only liked Rukia and Ichigo, and when the series focused less on them, I got disinterested and dropped the series.  
Well, at least Zenitsu is protective towards the kid. He's selfless...sometimes.  
So...Is he really sleep-fighting?  
Listen.  I know it was probaby someone's idea to really drag out Zenitsu's cowardice to make his excellent sword attack more shocking.  But that joke was not worth it.  ~.~;  
I'm sorry, but exposition only just now, about how much pain Tanjiro is in, just to put more tension into this fight, is not going to cut it. Yeah, there have been a few foreshadowings of Tanjiro being in a lot of pain.  He even straight up told Zenitsu that his leg and rib(s) are still broken.  But "telling, not showing" was just as ineffecitve then as this monologue meant to build tension in this fight's resolutiion, right now.  ~.~;  If Tanjiro's pain and previous injuries were supposed to make this fight tense, the outcome of his victory less certain, then the episodes so far should have been peppering asides of him secretly flinching with pain and secretly trying so hard to put on a brave face UP THROUGH THIS ENTIRE TIME.  It should have been so obvious, that going into this fight with the tsuzumi demon, the audience would have *already known* that this was a worry, even at the start of just going into the fight---even at the NOTION of going into ANY possible fight!  But instead, we get this monologue, with barely any foreshadowing to suppot it beforehand, that's supposed to *suddenly* convince us that this fight has higher risks that any previous fight?  I call sudden editor changes to the manga.  ~.~;;;;;;;;;;  
"YOu're the eldest daughter, but don't just endure it, come talking to me"?  Tanjiro deserves to not just endure it too!  ;o;!  I mean, he's alone right now and does need to endure it, but when Nezuko or anyone else is around he deserves someone to lean on too!  ;o;!!!   . . .
10:44 PM 9/28/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep13
Well, I like that this series continues to emphasize Tanjiro's empathy, even for demons. Actually kind of reminds me of the yokai genre more than the demon-hunting genre, which is a compliment.  But even that's starting to get forced, just like last episode's last minute tension about Tanjiro's broken bones.  Why would Tanjiro try not to step on the writings/papers?  Why would he suddenly ask for the demon Kyougai's name??  Not that I didn't enjoy it.  But c'mon...
This series is just so cloud so being something great, that every faint failing bothers me.  The production is great, I love the 2 main characters, the character design is good,...Why do I keep finding things to be annoyed with?  I worry that I've just become a grumpy butt.  ~__~;;;  Maybe I just can't enjoy Shonen series anymore???  I did move to almost exclusively watching iyashikei genres...  Ugh.  I don't know.  Because this series totally has objective problems!!!  Not deal-breakers, but everyone has built up this series as warranting fanatasim, and I'm just not feeling it.  
So why is Zenitsu suddenly brave when it comes to protecting Tanjiro's box?  He doesn't know Nezuko's in there yet, right?  
Oh, so Inosuke isn't totally heartless.  HE stopped his sword at Zenitsu's neck.
Oh, that's right.  Zenitsu's "superpower" is his hearing.  He already knows a demon is inside Nezuko's box.  
I dunno.  I just can't buy Zenitsu fighting so hard for Nezuko's box, jsut because he knows Tanjiro is exceptionally gentle.  Zenitsu has spent all this time unwilling to fight demons, even when more was at stake than Tanjiro's box.  It's just so inconsistent, I can't feel the stakes that these scenes want me to feel.  I'm so disassociated and non-immersed.  
Like right now.  Inosuke is so sick of this he's going to skewer both Zenitsu and Nezuko's box simultaneously?  We just saw him unwilling to follow through on that same bluff!
omg  I _WISH_ I was just being too nit-picky!  But lately this series has been proving to me why I asn't compelled to continue this series after the first time I tried it, until maybe the 2nd or 3rd time I gave it a try.  
Maybe I just am fed up with everyone who's not Tanjiro and Nezuko. When the series was just their adventures, I loved it.  Even though it was just repeating old Shonen tropes that I had seen too many times, after all my years---I just didn't care.  Because I liked spending time with Tanjiro and Nezuko SO much.  But now Zenitsu is being annoying, Inosuke is not being the "good boy" I kept hearing he is, and the writing is contradictory, last-minute,...blehhhhh... I WANT TO LIKE THIS SERIES SO MUCH!!!  Why does it have to keep getting in the way of that?   . . .
5:10 PM 10/5/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep14
I can't stop thinking about all those anitubers who called Inosuke "best boy" and "goodest boy", in contrast to what a bullying asshole he's been so far.  Incidentally, bullies are my biggest pet peeve.  I've dropped SERIES for that reason.  If I can drop HeroAca after giving it 3-4 tries, because any glimpse of Bakugo was enough to piss me off for the rest of my day, don't think you're immune, Kimetsu no Yaiba!  
Is this supposed to be enjoyable?  I know this fight between Inosuke and Tanjiro is animated beautifully and martial arts anime used to be my obsession, but I do not want to see more of this character.  Especially in a fighting scene, a scene that is designed to somehow make him subconsciously look cool.  I know what you're doing.  He's not cool.  He's being an asshole.  This isn't a scene or a character I want to see more of.  This is like in Ironman 2 when the director said in interviews how well the actor who played Hammer oes the "greasy salesman" act---But why do I want to watch more of a greasy salesman!?!  I don't!  A serial killer can do their murders impressively well; doesn't mean I enjoy seeing all these murders happen in front of me!  Inosuke is getting all these "cool" Shonen genre tropes layered onto him, but no.  He's not cool.  
The thing that pisses me off is the idea that Inosuke clearly is being portrayed as those battle-hungry characters who want to become stronger and constantly test their strength.  YA CAN'T ACTUALLY IMPROVE IF YOU TAKE ON WEAK OR UNWILLING OPPONENTS, YA DOOF!!!!!  That's like rule #2 of any martial arts or battle manga/anime!  Why do you think so many anime have the "bad guy who becomes reluctant ally/rival" type?  It's because they're waiting for that proper duel where they've both agreed to fight to their fullest and not hold back.  You can't get that from an unwilling opponent and getitng it from a weak opponent is worthless!  GAwd!  Inosuke is pissing me off more, the longer this duel goes on.  It's such a shame that such good animation has to go to a fight that don't want to see more of.  Cut this short!
My one reprieve is that at least Tanjiro is intensely angry at his bullying, enough to reflect my own anger.  Yet, he keeps his Compassion and True Strength unassuaged by Inosuke's provocations.  
Oh no...I just realized that the way Inosuke is acting in this episode is one of my other highest pet peeves:  Assholes who confuse Power with Strength.  Strength is defined in 2 ways: 1)  A soul pattern that will not assimilate into another's pattern.  In other words, a resolve that won't fall under the influence of someone else's mindset.  The ability to retain one's own will.   2)  The ability to do the hard thing, the difficult thing.   Guess what falls into both categories of Strength?  COMPASSION.  That's why people with True Strength act with decorum.  It's why I love that one of Confucius's 8 virtues is Courtesy.  Having consideration for everyone, at all times, in everything, is the most difficult thing in the world.  And anyone that can keep to that with unfaltering resolve, is The Strongest.  Compassion is not easy for the Weak.  It's difficult.  Only the Strong can demonstrate that level of Compassion.  Only the Strong can risk being Kind, can bear the exposed vulnerabilities of Kindness, and continue to act with Compassion even after being hurt, betrayed, or taken advantage of, for offering Kindness.  That's why jerks who confuse Power with Strength, piss me off.  They're idiots, who don't recognize that attacking is inherently an action of Fear and Weakness.  
Ah, wait.  I see.  When Tanjiro chided Inosuke for aggrivating his rib wounds...  Inosuke is self-destructive.  He's just taking it out on everyone else.  Ugh...  
Huh.  Delayed reaction.  
Wow.  I thought Inosuke's unmasked face was a spoiler for much later in the series.  
I love that Tanjiro probably honestly is concerned about Inosuke's rib injuries and totally doesn't think he's being condescending or passive-aggressive to Inosuke.  
So only 1 of the siblings has Marechi blood?  I hope they plant wiseria plants all over their house.  
See that scene of Zenitsu crying and being quickly silenced by Tanjiro?  Most of his grovelling was at a distance and quickly cut off.  That's what we need more of.  For both Zenitsu's supposed "comedy" and Inosuke's bullying.  
Is there a difference between the 3 futons to even fight over???
That "severe" joke was funny though.
I appreciate the faster pace fo this episode, but the jokes are starting to wear down.  
Kindness has a specific scent now.  lol  
I imagine that hearing Zenitsu crying for so long, so often, is how ProfessorThorgi described Spiderman sometimes being written with nothing but quips, and you don't notice how annoying such dialogue is while reading, but when you hear it, it's just grating.  ~.~;;
I've been bitching so much about this series.  Do I even like it?  Why am I watching?  Maybe I should drop it?  But I really like Tanjiro and Nezuko.  The animation production and music themes are beautiful.  And I haven't watched a Shonen action series in so long, and I think I really need one to help get through my depression...
I know this Demon Slayer Corps Academy omake is supposed to be cute, but don't remind me about the whole "dye your hair black" "But this is my real hair color" bullshit.  Fuck Harmony.  Wrong things are wrong!  Sorry, but I'm American, and I'm going to fetishize Justice!  Pretending everything is ok and just going along with the loudest authority, no matter how cruel and inconsidering they are, is what makes the whole of society miserable!  Fuck that shit!  
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
reactions to Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep7
5:59 PM 9/20/2020
Charging into protect his sister!  ^o^
What did he chop off his other arm?  Why not the neck/head?  Oh, Tanjiro wants to interrogate the demon.  
Well, at least it's the bad guy talking about how women are no good after they age past 16 and "get ugly".  As a feminist, I'm still sore about Nezuko not having her own volition to protect humans (since the previous episode explained it by Kurokodaki putting a hypnosis suggestion on her to protect humans), on top of her not talking for the rest of this series.  ..But wait a second, while she and Tanjiro fought that demon BEFORE meeting Kurokodaki, she totally had her own agency and chose herself to fight demons in retribution for killing humans.  Why did the previous episode add that bit about Kurokodaki's hypnosis then????????????  
I love how even before showing Tanjiro's face, his characterization has been portrayed so well already, that we can be sure, without even seeing Tanjiro's face, that Tanjiro's grip on Kazumi's wrist was gentle.  I love how often Tanjiro has already and probalby will continue to put a gentle hand onto someone's hand/wrist and show empathy.  
Immediately to the next job?  This really reminds me of Claymore.  lol  Well, it's not like they can't rest after they get to Tokyo.  
Poor Tanjiro.  Unaccustomed to the big city.  ^.^
Wow.  I've gotten too old and jaded for these extra long portrayals of the naieve hero being shocked at how horrible or duplicitous monsters can be.  The direction really sat with it too!  I think maybe now I'm at that point where I identify more with the warrior protagonists who are now so used to fighting and unhesitating in ruthlessness, that now they have to worry about going to far and becoming compassionless "monsters" themselves.  Still, a series like KNY feels nostalgic.  
Infecting people through claws is going to be a problem.  At least with vampires, it's easier to avoid a bite, and then a lot of them need to do that whole blood exchange before a real infection too.  
I'm really surprised they had the protagonist find the final baddie so soon.  Even if it's just an introduction.  
0 notes
mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
reactions to Demon Slayer KNY ep3-6
9:28 PM 8/24/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep3
I have this terrible habit of avoiding good anime, even if I've seen enough clips or episodes to know I enjoy it.  Or maybe because of that.  I'm always so afraid of how terrible I'll feel, when watching the anime makes me so distracted, that my entire day is unproductive.  Adn then there's the emotional investment in great characters and archetypes I know I'll love.  That's just too much emotional exhaustion when I'm already dealing with anxiety/depression almost daily.  It's why I pretty much abandoned all other genres besides iyashikei and slice of life, for the past 2 decades.  
I used to LOOOOOOOOOVE the "demon slayer" subgenre.  Devil Hunter Yohko, Phantom Quest Corp, Devil May Cry, Claymore, Bleach, etc.  I loved martial arts anime too.  Even before I got into online artist communities/spaces, and heard their encouragement philosophies about improving skill and focusing on one's own progression vs comparison to other, etc., I had heard it all already from martial arts anime.  And I really needed it.  I needed the Fighting Spirit themes of teh "demon slayer" genre too.  Back when i was forced into costantly, daily socializing, my anxiety/depression was under so much more pressure.  I needed to emmerse myself into those "Fighting Spirit" and "martial arts anime" mentalities to survive.  And I'll admit it was addictive.  So addictive, that I subconsciously distained my older brother's lamentations about being too tired for all that spiritual Fighting anymore.  But now I'm also tired.  I'm glad I can understand him now and no longer feel negatively towards someone I care about.  But man, I'm just so tired of all this spiritual Fighting required to live.  I'm tired of this "being alive" thing, that I'm just not cut-out for.  Maybe these days, watching the "demon slayer" and "martial arts anime" genres, just make me tired.  I don't have the energy for those Fights anymore, even vicariously.  
9:36 PM 8/24/2020 Even right now, I'm getting too distracted.  I have to stop watching.  ;___;   8:28/23:40
. . .
4:39 AM 8/27/2020 Going to continue Kimetsu no Yaiba ep3.  
I'll say it again.  I'm too suspicious now, when soem Shonen protagonist advocates "bearing things in silence".  Maybe I used to buy into that, that now it's just toxic masculinity to me.  I used to be AAAAAALLLLLLLLLL about bearing everything in silence and being all "manly" about it.  If it wasn't for the fact that I'm female-presenting, then the people around me, my family, probably wouldn't have constantly chided me to express my feelings more.  Meanwhile, my linebacker brothers was avidly collecting romance genre manga, proudly loved cute things, and saying "fuck you" to anyone who would make fun of him for what he liked.  So compared to my repression, who was the Stronger "man"?  There I was, constantly afraid---afraid of showing my feelings, of anyone seeing me cry, of complaining when I was in physical pain, of "causing trouble" by asking for any help, of even telling my orthodontist that the new mouthpiece was jamming into the roof of my mouth everyday until there was a wire-shaped indentation---I was constantly afraid of sharing my feelings, or even letting anyoen know I liked romance, cute things, and anything emotionally vulnerable.  I, with all my repression, was the one constantly afraid and thus Weak.  My brother, was the Stronger man for not caring about that "manly" image.  Meanwhile, I was sooooooo obsessed with attainting that "manly" image.  It was a really stupid Weakness.  So please excuse me, but nowadays I'm suspicious of "masculine" stories/protagonists who advocate for emotional repression.  
5:13 AM 8/27/2020 Well, Crunchyroll crashed again.  Should I go for a 3rd try at finishing ep3?  Naw, it's too distracting.  But I guess I'm still eating breakfast...I could watch some more.  
Well, at least this guy recognizes that Tanjiro is worrying about him.  Though, he was likely sarcastic.  ~.~;  As always, Compassion (and recognizing it as the greatest Strength) is my favorite story theme.  
 More of this "being a real man talk" is kind of grating on me for some reason.  I wonder if I stopped watching as much Shonen anime as I used to, because I've out-grown those "be a real man" themes.  I thought I was just leaning more towards the iyashikei genre this decade, because of my depression and anxiety.  But maybe I've also recognized all the mental health  experts saying that emotional repression is bad.  But I still admire many traits that media says is "a real man".  I wish I could regain some of the Strength I had back when I was trying so hard to be "manly"...Without the probably-bipolar suicidal depression every couple weeks, of course.  Though, if I was suicidal, back when I was spiritally Fighting all the time, while I was ALL-IN on being "manly", it's probaby a sign that that way of life wasn't exactly great either.  Time for a new one.  Maybe I have moved on from loving the Shonen genre.  ...Still love Claymore though.  And the "battle anime" subgenre.  More of that please.
5:34 AM 8/27/2020 Well, I finally finished ep3, after all this time.  
I really wonder why I don't like Demon Slayer more.  I should be EAGER to binge this series, have already finished it, and preordered the Nendoroids by now.  But I'm just not that compelled.  WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????????????????????????????  I really don't understand it.  The protagonist is th earnest Compassionate type that I love.  The art style and animation is beautiful.  The story is the "demon hunter" and "battle anime" genres that I love.  Why aren't I compelled to follow these characters more?  What more do I need?  
5:54 AM 8/27/2020 Well, I'm watching this series becasue some part of me still recognizes that I still love/need that Fighting Spirit of the Shonen genre.  I may not want to return to that toxic masculine mindset that used to exaserbate my deprssion.  But I don't want to watch ONLY iyashikei for the rest of my life.  I may have outgrown binging nothing but Shonen anime, but the new path I need now should be a combination of the Shonen I use to watch and the iyashikei I watch now.  That's why I'm still trying to watch more Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba.  
. . .
5:40 PM 9/17/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep4
6:09 PM 9/17/2020 Well, that was good.  REally felt something doing the battles.  Which is exceptional because I was depressed most of yesterday and started this ep so apathetic.  Being apathetic to stakes has been so common with me lately, that I've given up and just watched series with little to no stakes.  Depression will do that.  And anyway, that conflict-free iyashikei genre was soothing for my depression.  But I knew I really needed to watch a Shonen series that could really touch me, get me motivated again.  And KNY wasn't really compelling me to watch successive series.  But after this episode's fight, I see what everyone had been glowing praise about for this series' sakuga fight scenes.  
Anyway, I really liked how Tanjiro didn't run away from the big demon and instead prioritized saving that other examee.  I also liked that he got angry for the dead student, still showing compassion for them, even though they were already dead.  
Tanjiro's sense of smell and seeing the opening threads, and especially when he sensed the demon's arms coming to attack him from underground, really reminded me of Claymore.  lol -----------------------------------------
. . .
6:14 PM 9/17/2020 ep5
I guess that big demon who got trapped by Urokodaki isn't dead yet if he's getting this flashback.  
Aw, Tanjiro is showing compassion even to this demon.  ;u;  You know just the themes I like, KNY!  ;u;!!!  ...Wait.  Am I gonna regret not buying all thos KNY Nendoroids?!  ;O;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Noooooooooooooooo!
His sense of smell is really becoming like an empathic power!  
Is their rank getting engravee on their swords?  Does that mean each time they change rank, their swords get re-engraved?  Maybe rank changes don't happen often.  
So are those girls just dolls?
I can't believe we're this far into the series of watching Tanjiro's sense of smell do amazing things, and he still doesn't know how to choose ore.  It would be cool if it didn't matter which they chose, because the swordsman would give the sword teh appropriate power.  
"Even my uniform is heavy".  I know that feel.  Then again, maybe it's one of those weighted clothes, like DBZ?  lol  
FAmily hugs.  I guess Tanjiro and Nezuko are Urokodaki's kids now.  
"Morphed Demon".  That's the phrase.  
Recovering by sleeping vs eating humans?  Like I always said in college, when you can't eat, sleep; when you can't sleep, eat.  
"Child of Brightness".  
So are they saying the swords can kill demons because they absorb sunlight as ore?  
Yeah, that's about right for 37.  lol  
I just realized I haven't watched a demon hunting series since Claymore.  It's so weird to see a slayer get orders, without all the indifference to the villagers.  lol  
. . .
5:30 PM 9/19/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep6
Riiiiight...Black blade demon slayers dont' get far?  No one knows much about them?  We've consumed enough stories to know the characters with "unknown factors" are the ones with infinite potential to evolve and grow enormous power.  
Nezuko is super cute, but it's so strange that she used to be a fully functioning person, and now she acts like a childish puppy.  It's really tough to be a feminist but also love ingenues and cute regressive characters.  x_x;
"Abducted"?  Aren't they totally dead?  If this story is setting up that the girls were kidnapped...What are the demons doing with them?
An uneven scent?  Isn't that normal for intermittent killings happening over several days' time?
Like I've said, it's been a while since I've gotten into a demon hunting series, and the last one I was into was Claymore.  But is this another series where they'll set up a character that turns out to be a demon disguised as a human or maybe even doesn't realize they're a demon?    I hope Kazumi isn't a demon.  
Only one type---No, one individual demon. Kibutsuji Mujan?  Mibutsuji Muzan.  
Oh, the demon is actually talking to Tanjiro.  
Lose flavor?  See?  They're being eaten, not kidnapped.  Though, that Muzan guy is probably kidnapping people.  
Is that calmer of the demon trio played by NOBUTOSHI KANNA???????????????????????  *O*!!!!!!!!!  <3
The montage merging the thoughs of Kazumi with Tanjiro's was a nice technique to show Tanjiro's sympathy.  
Aw, man!  The overlap of Nezuko's nostalgic perspecitve onto kazumi and this new girl is really effective!  ;o;!!!  Don't make me cry, KNY!  
Aw, but it's not as effective to know she's protecting humans because Kurokodaki put a hypnosis suggestion on her!  It's more heartfelt to know that she herself chooses to hold people dear and protect humans so that they don't suffer the way her and her family did!  Then you'd know there's still something going on in her head, even though she's likely not going to speak for the rest of this series (until probably the end or a climax).  Is Nezuko just going to be this blank, 2D, vessel for fighting, while distracting us from another underdeveloped female character, by being such a cute mascot that even I've falling for it????  
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
md3 watches Demon Slayer ep1-2
Apparently I watched Demon Slayer last month and I forgot to post my reactions. 1:59 PM 8/26/2019
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 1 – Cruelty
Maybe I shouldn't have started watchign this anime with such high expectations.  I had been passing it up for a while now, even though the "demon hunting" genre used to be *my jam* (before my mental/emotional problems had me watching almost exclusively the iyashikei genre).  But then EVERYONE started saying how good this series was.  And I reluctantly went to go check it off my list today.  Just another thing to do.  And I was hoping it would excite me, more than just being a chore.  
But so far, the character introduction seemed too stale.  Reminded me of what critics have said about Adam Sandler movies, where the beginning of the movie does too much to show "this is a good guy".  It feels too unreal.  And indeed, I couldn't get emmersed.  But I gave it slack, because this is a Shonen Jump manga.  It's about the action to come, not always about characterization or plot---even though the great Shonen Jump manga can do that too.  And anyway, I'm sure in a manga, these introduction scenes would have gone by faster.  Why was I so impatient about it anyway?  Is it because the first scene was an in medias res with high stakes and high tension, but then we're expected to just slow down for this long character introduction flashback?  Usually, I like getting to know a character, especially Shonen protagonists.  They're usually so endearing.  But I guess Tanjiro hasn't been the typical spunky or even quirky protagonist.  His introduction has been all about everyone else showing how nice he's been to them, how trustworthy he's proven himself to everyone, and his sense of smell.  Even his interactions with his family were very subtle, with most of the proactive, more extroverted interactions coming from his siblings.  Then again, such a reserved protagonist is fitting for a serious toned series. And whave I've seen of this series has seemed kind of serious toned.  
Oh, I see.  Seeing Nezuko's character design and Nendoroid all over the place, never without the scroll in her mouth, I wondered if it was a seal so she wouldn't turn into a monster.  I should have remembered that when I saw Tanjiro's slaughtered family.  My first thought was, "They weren't eaten?  What were they killed for then if they still have all their flesh and blood on their bones?"  It was so the demons could proliferate and multiply.  
2:27 PM 8/26/2019
I mean...It's good.  The direction, the charcter designs, the animation, the story,...But I don't care about the characters yet.  
...Until this scene.  When Nezuko is fighting to protect Tanjiro and earlier, Tanjiro's tactics impressing the Demon Slayer were intriguing.  I mean, it's all signs of some good fights to come.  But I don't necesstarily care aobut the characters yet.
UFOTABLE?!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, no wonder the animation is so good.  
...I don't know.  I don't feel like watching a second episode.  Maybe later, to kill time.  But I wanted to be exhilierated right now.  I just came back from being depressed yesterday.  I needed something to lift me up.  And this was all tragedy and horror. It doesn't have enough levity for me, and I really need levity in my life right now. 
2:21 PM 8/28/2019
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 2 – Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki
My computer is still booting up though.  So the episode hasn't actually started yet.  
I've decided to give this series another chance.  I mean, episode 1 didn't have enough levity for me, and I need that in my life, especially from what I spend time on as my "entertainment" and "relaxation".  But I don't ONLY like iyashikei.  I mean, I loved Shonen manga/anime for a long time.  So I may as well give this series another chance and see if there's something for me.  Lest I miss out, especially on the Nendoroids whose preorder windows are halfway through _right now_.  If it turns out I like this series and end up falling in love with these characters, I'm going to regret not getting those Nendoroid preorders.  
2:31 PM 8/28/2019
Reloaded page.
Ok.  Opening scene was comedy, so that's an imrovement.  
BTW, what era is this?  When I first saw these character designs without watching this series, their collars looked like gakuran.  So I thought this was one of those modern setting with old-fashioned demon hunter organizations that made their exorcists wear traditional clothing.  But now that I'm watching this series...Is this early Meiji Era?  
Ever since I first noticed the UFO Table name in the credits, I can't stop noticing how nice the animation quaility is.  
Well, that explains the kick pose in Nezuko's Nendoroid.  
I'll say one thing for this series, it very immediately gives teh vibe of a battle manga.  That tone where characters are thinking about strategy, tactics, and you're guessing how they're going to win the fight, what kind of ingenuity the protagonist is going to come up with, etc.  I missed that.  ...that's right I loved the "battle anime" genre.  It used to be the fundamental subgenre I'd watch, with some other kind of genre layered on top of it...or alone.  Now that I think about it, the only "battle anime" I've really been watching lately, has been "Shokugeki no Soma".  The only other Shonen series I've picked up recently, has been "Dr. Stone" and that hasn't proven to be a "battle anime" in several episodes so far.  (I've been really enjoying it from the first epsiode though.  Even more immediately than "Demon Slayer".)  
I mean, everyone---all the anitubers---keep posting how great this series is, so I'd feel bad if I ended up liking it and missing out on the Nendoroid preorders.  But then again, they all love HeroAca, and I gave that series 3+ tries and just couldn't get over how much I dislied Bakugo (and how hard the series tried to frame him with sympathy).  Sorry, bullies are my pet peeve.
So it's one of those demon/yokai series:  Where the demons have some kind of specific weak point.  The demon's body got crushed, and suddenly it's head in another location died or at least felt a lethal blow?  Reminded me of "By the Sword", the manga by Sanami Matoh.  In that manga, the demons had their soul in a spherical jewel and that was their actual weak point.  (You couldn't even crush it to kill them.  You had to capture it, take it to an exorcist, and they would actually destroy yokai for demon hunters.)  Reminds me of the belief that human souls are in a jewel/ball/tama, which usually gets mentioned in kappa stories, about how kappa will try to grab that soul from out of your butt.  
"This kid isn't going to cut it.  He's too kind and can't make decisions.  He's facing a demon, yet the scen tof kindness remains.  He has empathy for even a demon."  Hey, man.  The fact that he's concerned about the suffering of the person he's going to kill is the whole reason I'm now finding Tanjiro endearing.  Sure, it was nice in ep1 when all the villagers showed how much they trusted him and how altruistic he is.  But my pet ideal is Kindness/Compassion.  If a character can retain that, even in the worst circumstances, even towards the worst people, then I'm hooked.  
I guess sunlight is enough.  Oh yeah, Nezuko was hiding from sunlight earlier in thsi ep.  Well, here's the solution to our protagonist retaining his empathy.  ^__^  He jsut has to last until dawn of each fight.  That's fine.  Shonen heros need to show determination through stamina.  
Listen, if the mentor figure is going to slap our protagonist for preserving his Compassion, while the series frames his "lesson" as advocating for admirable Resolve---as Shonen manga/anime are prone to do---then I'm out of here.  I just hope on the obvious hunch that our protagonist is going to prove him wrong, regardless of his standing/experience.  That's what'll make him a Hero...at least the "protagonist who chooses their own option while rejecting the rigid systems" is the type that plays well in America.  "Rebel without a cause" and all that.  Hard to know which way an anime/manga will go until you watch the whole thing.  
Actually, killing Nezuko if she eats a human THEN killing yourself, sounds reasonable.  1, Nezuko already has shown that killing humans for demon food still makes her feel bad enough to cry, so I'm sure if she did it, she'd want to kill herself.  2, Tanjiro would never be able to forgive himself for having to kill Nezuko and he'd want to die too.  Urokodaki then said, "But that must never happen no matter what.  And you'd best not forget."  So looks like he's not going to be that trope mentor who constantly advocates against Compassion as a weakness, just so the protagonist can demonstrate his resolve towards Compassion, by constantly butting heads with the mentor figure.  Good, because battle anime can spend a lot of time with mentors and I don't want their company to be a pain to be around.  
Lost in the thick fog?  No.  He thinks you're going to get eaten by demons on the way down the mountain.  Man, this series did well to establish that association between night and demons, pretty well, if even a forgetful idiot like me can remember. LOL  
Traps?  Wehn did he have time to set that up?  Isn't he just backtracking?  Wouldn't they have set off those traps while going up the mountain???  Whatever.  
"That's why I'm gasping for air like this and feel so dizzy!"  This series does a good job of inserting exposition very quickly and when you want to hear it.  This is going to be an excellent battle anime, isn't it?  
This smoke portrayal reminds me.  I haven't noted how beautiful this art is yet.  I've noted how nice UFO Table's animation is, but these character designs and artwork in general are also pretty nice.  It's nothing fancy like CLAMP, but the draftsmanship is good, everything is very solid in what it needs to do and does nothing in excess...unless needed, when rendering magical things.  Though the artwork during the ending credits shows nice stylized illustration, and not just any "minimums" of draftsmanship.  This nice artwork is also the reason why I want to know if I like this series, before their Nendoroid preorders close.  Because the character designs make the Nendoroids pretty in and of themselves.  The Nezuko Nendoroid is already really cute, without me even knowing who she is.  But I need (to try) to stick to only buying Nenodroids of characters I OBSESSIVELY LOVE from now on, with my budget the way it is now.  As pretty as both the Nezuko and Tanjiro Nendoroids are, if I don't LOVE these characters, then I'll have to skip their preorders.  Of course if the preorders close and I do end up loving these characters, I'll feel pretty bad.  (But I can rely on rereleases, which are coming more often in recent years, and on Good Smile Company's booth sales, like I did for the "Cells at Work" Nendoroid.)  That's why I've gotta get through this series fast!
Still...The preview just ended, and I'm not raring to binge another episode.  So maybe my wallet is looking safe from Nezuko's and Tanjiro's Nendoroids???  o.o???  I don't know...  Maybe I'm just avoidant because indecisiveness is one of my sore spots and Urokodaki keeps scolding our protagonist about it.  Mabye I just don't want to feel bad, wasting all day on binging anime.  I mean, I really like "Dr. Stone" so far, and I don't binge it.  ...I mean, I don't think?  I may have watched 2-3 episodes in one sitting more than I wanted, so....  Ug.  Whatever.  I've got stuff to do, I can't waste time binging "Demon Slayer", and it has yet to grab me enough to make wasting my whole day on it, worth it YET.  
0 notes
mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
md3 watches Jujutsu Kaisen ep1 (and little of ep2) and begins to regret not preordering those Yuuji an Gojo Nendoroids.  
4:05 PM 12/13/2020   Jujutsu Kaisen ep1
The lighting for this series is so serious that the first time I tried to watch it, I was like, "Nope!  I can't just multitask while this plays in the background!  I'll have to find time later so I can give it my full attention."  That was weeks ago.  But today, I can't keep putting it off.  This series has like 3 Nendoroids already and if it runs out I want these series, then I'm going to have to play catch-up, and Nendoroids get more expensive, the longer you wait.  
This protagonist seriously has Ryuji Sakamoto vibes.  Plus, his name is "Yuuji".  ^.^!  Love it.  
The grandfather is strict about him going to his club instead of visiting him in the hospital?  Looks like it's going to be one of those schools that secretly trains demon hunters and Yuuji doesn't realize his club is training him.  lol  Like Kekkaishi, but the protag doesn't realize what the school is doing.  Or like Morose Mononokean as all this yokai stuff going on at school without anyone realizing.  omg I miss the demon hunter and yokai subgenres.  ;u;  It's been so long, I'm just listing off their general traits as if they're novel.  I've stayed away too long!  
I'm sorry for comparing this series to so many others.  I'm not trying to diminish this series as something special.  I think that just comparing stuff to previous things is what otaku do as they get older.  -.-;  We have to latch onto familiar things to understand new stuff.  
Is it just me, or does this occult club with the spazzy girl with short hair, kind of resemble the occult/goofing-off club from Mob Psycho 100?  They're even getting kicked out of their club room for "not being a real club". Wait.  Yuuji is a track and field athlete type?  More Ryuji Sakamoto vibes.  Stop making me like this guy so much!  ;o;  
4:18 PM 12/13/2020 I forgot how much I missed sunshine himbo Shonen Manga protagonists!  ;u;
I will say that I like the humor in this series so far.  The last series I finished was Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba, which I loved---except for the goddamned horrible attempts at humor.  But Jujutsu Kaisen?  The occult club, the track and field coach rewriting Yuuji's club registration, Yuuji challenging the coach,...This is all great, warm stuff.  ^-^  
4:38 PM 12/13/2020 omg Yuuji's body language.  ^o^   1)  Ryuji Sakamoto vibes again.  My heart!   2)  This subtle joke of every time the camera returns to him, he's in a completely different position?  This humor in this series is so goodd!!!!!!!!!!!  ^o^  lol  
It's so weird that they're part of the occult club, but senpai says "nothing is going to happen", like she doesn't believe.  
I like that Yuuji is just going along with this, with the stakes of his friends' lives, being so high.  So many series have the protag not believing and causing problems.  
Gawd the animation is good!  *o*
I rally hope Yuuji's friends don't die.
This series has me so invested in its characters in already!  ;u;
I appreciate when a series makes the ultimatum moment believable.  Doing something dangerous to survive usually starts off a series, giving the protag power.  But sometimes some series don't convince the audience well of the protag having no other choice.  But this was good.  So I'm glad.  
He's laughing like a madman and giving a villain speech.  Well, this is a thing now.  lol  
4:54 PM 12/13/2020 This series is indeed, too good to do while multitasking.  I'm afraid to look away to even write reactions.  So I can't go on to ep2, as much as I"d like to.  I have to get on with my day. ;-;  
...But I can watch a little bit...
. . .
4:55 PM 12/13/2020 ep2
I can see now why everyone likes Gojo.  I love a happy go lucky, casual type of fighter who can have fun in a fight.  ^o^ Gonna say again, I like how casual Yuuji and everyone can be about this occult/yokai---I guess for this series, I should be saying "Curse"--- stuff.  lol  
Also, since old otaku compare new things to previous things we're familiar with...  Gojo having silver hair and operating like normal, though blindfolded, reminds me of Kingdom Hearts II Riku.  ^o^  
5:03 PM 12/13/2020 Ok.  But seriously.  I have to do other stuff with my day.  When this commercial break is over, I have to pause or stop watching this ep.  ;_;  
GAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!  The commercials ended and I want to watch this episode so much! ;o;!!!!!!!!  But I have to go.  ;_;  
5:56 PM 12/13/2020 Maybe I can watch more.  Nope.  Crunchyroll reset on my Firestick.  I have to start from the beginning again.  It's autoplaying ep1.  Should I re-watch ep1?  Instead of going to ep2?  Maybe I'll do that.  I wasn't able to watch the opening theme sequence before because i was eating at the same time, after all.
THIS IS ANIMATED BY MAPPA???????????????  Woah.  So that's why there isn't a new season of Yuri on Ice yet.  Hey, I'm not complaining.  
6:00 PM 12/13/2020 Damn.  Crunchroll crashed/reset again.  I guess this is why I always end up watching YouTube instead.  ;_;  
1:24 AM 12/14/2020 Jujutsu Kaisen ep2 I want to re-watch this fight immediately.  lol   Nice of Gojou to give condolences.    The character designs of both Gojou and Yuuji look like such typical anime teens that I forget Gojou is older until a scene reminds me of their height difference.  lol 1:41 AM 12/14/2020 Well, Crunchyroll crashed at the commercial break again.  I guess I have to go watch YouTube instead.  YouTube never crashes.  Even if I can't continue watching this episode.  ;_;  
0 notes
mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
MD3 watches Carole & Tuesday season 1 part 2
I didn't write any reaction notes while watching eps13-14 because I wasn't at my laptop at the time.  And I didn't write any during ep15, because I was trying to not be so distracted.  By by ep16, I couldn't not write reactions anymore.  ^^;;;;
Also, I watched this half of the season mostly in English dub.  I thought if I did, I wouldn't get so distracted. And it did help me be able to watch while I ate.  Yet I ended up marathoning the rest of the series all day.  ^^;;;;;  
2:26 PM 12/27/2019
Carole and Tuesday ep16
"Where can we find a band that will play for free?"  *Turns corner and finds a band playing for free*  LOL  I love this show!  LOL  ^o^  No, but seriously, I love how virtually conflict-free it is.  Whatever obstacles there are, get resolved quickly or by the end of an episode or 2.  ^o^  I used to be the type who was all about the "demon hunter" subgenre and Shonen anime.  But yesterday, I had to admit that maybe I'm not that anymore.  Yesterday, I had been trying to get myself to catch up on Dr. Stone and Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba, but instead I watched more Ascendance of a Bookworm and Carole & Tuesday.  ~.~;  For a few years now, I've found myself unable to watch anything outside of the iyashikei genre: moe shows, slice of life, "feel good" series, etc.  Hell, Natsume Yuujinchou is one of my top 3 favorite anime.  And now I can't stop watching Carole & Tuesday...but I can't get myself to watch more of a good show like Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba.  x~x;  I guess this means my anxiety has gotten really bad if I have to exclusively watch soothing series with no traumatic drama.  I recently heard a movie reviewer (reviewing Uncut Gems and) describing the Drama genre as supposed to make you tense and uncomfortable, and I was like, "Nope.  Not for me.  No wonder I can't watch dramas."  But I don't want people to mistake me as saying series like Carole & Tuesday and Natsume Yuujinchou are "shallow".  I cry at every episode of Natsume Yuujinchou.  Carole & Tuesday constantly move me inside.  It's just not the manufactued drama and glorification of meanspiritedness that seems to be on display in the Drama genre (for dramam series/movies outside of iyashikei category).  
"She was born poor.  Her parents both died when she was young."  What?  I saw this clip subtitled before Netflix US was able to premier it.  And the translator said that Flora's parents died because they couldn't afford their hospital bills.  And that really struck me.  It's a real thing going on in the US.  So I'm sad that Netflix didn't have the same translation in their subtitles.  
Oh, wow.  The dub translated it as "She lost both her parents at a young age, becuase they couldn't afford a hospital."
Carole & Tuesday ep17
Ertegun is so stupid.  LOL  He doesn't even realize that the one thing he has left is his name, and he could use that to make money.  
I was so sure Aaron was the black_knight.  Well, at least we can ID the stalker by his fingernails.  
LOL  They both thought they could get away with playing the same song.  LOL  
You tell her, Spencer.
Woah.  It just turned into Perfect Blue.  
6:51 PM 12/27/2019
Continuing the ep.
Well, you sure ARE going to die soon. I don't care if Ertegun has been mostly an antagonist during the first half of this series.  That Pinocchio needs to get pummeled.  lol  But don't kick him into the air!  Take him to jail!
6:57 PM 12/27/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep18
They're not going to try to interrogate Aaron?  Sounds like he has an idea who the stalker is.
They didn't ALREADY tell the police?!????
Hofner!  I like when Gus reconnects with his old friends.  Even if it is business. It's like a glimpse of these guys being rag-tag musicians back in the day, contrasted against them now, is kind of amusing.  
Why is she interviewing him?  I thought Tuesday wanted to ask him what he's been covering about her mom.
I should look up Kyle's voice actor.  He sounds familiar.  
Now that I think about it, Angela has been really preoccupied by this stalker stubplot.  Usually she's more of an antagonist towards Carole and Tuesday.  
Well, the phone is bugged.  ...Or is it the car?
"Anti-Mars" terrorists?  
Please don't tell me Jerry caused the exploison.
Well, I didn't expect Tao to get pulled into this political subplot.  
I kind of wish I hadn't seen this clip of "Threads" beforehand.  Then I wouldn't have been reading for when Tuesday was crushing on Kyle.  Still, even while watching it, if it wasn't for Tuesday's blushing, I probably wouldn't have gotten the hint that she was forming a crush on him, because I didn't really see why anyone would crush on him for the few interactions they've had.  I mean, Tuesday finally talked about her mom and even fears that she's afraid to burden Carole with.  So maybe she confused "friendship-like therapy sessions" with a deep connection?  
7:33 PM 12/27/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep19
I hope Alba City's infrasstructure is built for snow and whatever run-off water it might cause.  
They don't have money for a big stage show!  LOL
I wonder if Tao and BlackKnight know each other from past programming industry.  
Bilboard status!
Aw, don't call Ertigun a traitor...
I'm surprised Carole recognized Amer.  Boys' facial bone structures can change a lot as they grow.  
Whenever Angela and Carole&Tuesday have their little stand-offs, it reminds me of a "battle anime".  lol
"If you tell us, maybe I'll stop calling you a traitor."  Oh, poor Roddy!  LOL
I actually really like this idea of Tao's programming skills, how the analytical psychology programs apply to both music and politics, all this AI, and hacking.  If they made a whole series about that, I'd be very interested.  
Dun dun DUN!
Even though Ertigun is an idiot and can be a jerk, it still is sad to see someone sad.  
I wonder if the Black Knight set up this hoodie guy---and there we go.
Oh!  So that's why that lcip I saw of Carole & Tuesday's song from this ep seemed like most of their electronics were out of comission.  I'm surprised Tao's microwave emitter didn't blow out Ertigun's electronic equipment too.  ----Wait.  So all their equipment wasn't blown out?  They chose to go low fi?  Good.  It's like what that Chinese cinema movie critic said: It's better to contrast a superstar vs trying to copy cat Bruce Lee; that's why Jackie Chan was able to stand out.  But it's really sweet that Carole & Tuesday prefaced their performance with "this is how we play at home for each other".  ;u;  Even if it's quiet, it's cool to see the crowd so perfectly captivated.  
7:58 PM 12/27/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep20
Jeeze, this is getting serious.  As in uncomfortably plausable in real life.  Big companies being behind a political candidate, so they can manipulate laws to get away with whatever they want...  Yeek.  
"Popcorn Bomb"?  ^o^
Wait a second...  I switched to Japanese dub so I could check out his seiyuu...  Is that...Keiji Fujiwara?  No way...  Wikipedia says Subaru Kimura.  
I like that this series is discussing how rap is used as a protest tool.  I'm not that familiar with the genre, so I wasn't aware of how entrenched it is in politics until I saw some reports recently.  Apparently, there are even authoritarian governments trying to create their own rappers, in an attempt to drown out all the dissident popular rappers.  
I know "I don't have time to be sad" is framed as some kind of "admirable" resilience, but it seems kind of sad to me.  
It's funny how little characterization their band is given, other than their character design and a few short moments, but I guess this series doesn't have much time for that on top of everything else.  
Well, that's a target on Amer's back.
Angela's adopted?  
Maybe I haven't noted this yet, but it's really creative all the ways this series finds to save its budget. Like keeping Angela in essentially the same outfit as one of her previous standard costume designs, but just changing the color of her strapless top.  And they get away with it; it really does look very different, just by changing the color (and probably symolizes the darker turn her story is taking.)  It's impressive.  It's how studio Bones can afford all this rotoscoping and so much more animation that other series.  
8:25 PM 12/27/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep21
"Nevermind the serious darma going on in Angela's B plot.  Let's get on with our A plot."  LOL
Y'know there's a lot of anime where a girls says, "Will you go somewhere with me?"  And she's framed really cute.  Then cut, and there's supposed to be some kind of scene of them hanging out that the characters say isn't a date, but the direction/framing and the male protagonist treat like a date.  Is that phrase "Wanna go somewhere with me?" like a common phrase in Japanese used to ask someone out on a date?  
HOw did Roddy make that promise without already knowing how much a natural Christmas tree costs?  lol
Wow. So many pills. This escalated quickly.
8:43 PM 12/27/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep22
I"m so glad we have protagonists who can worry about their "rival".  
"You don't have time to be worrying about other people."  But that's why I like Carole & Tuesday!  ;o;!
Now that I think about it, isn't it weird that they're meeting and having this complicated discussions with Crystal in a hotel lobby instead of a conference room?  But hey, if it saves studio Bones money to reuse the same set designs, rather than design a whole new conference room and hall to a conference room, then it's an impressive budget cutting technique.  
They're so cute!  Jumping up and down and giggling.  ^o^
Look how flabergasted Carole looks while Tuesday sings "happy birthday" to her! ^o^ And Ziggy is so cute!  Cooing/singing along too.  ^o^
Professor Zeeman?  Who's that?
Whole scene stopped so Roddy can compliment their dresses...  Dawwwwww.... ^___^
Omg someone really studied US award ceremony monologues.  All the cheesey cringe and shout-outs to the audience and everything. O_o
OMG  The host is outsing Tuesday's relation to Valerie?!  Did peopel know that before???
9:04 PM 12/27/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep23
Aw, Angela's #1 fan/manager is back.  
Dang.  Skip-tachi getting arrested for just walking down the street.  I know I started off watching this show because "nothing really bad happens", but as these last few episodes come up, it's sure escalating into "real world problems" territory.  o_o  I can't even look at the "MICE" on the cops' backs and this whole subplot about refugees and immigration being used as a political talking point for an election more than as anything else, without thinking of real world problems right now.  
Just a second ago, I thought it was really cool that Spencer was actually in Carole & Tuesday's apartment.  But now EVERYBODY'S there!  LOL
I like that they mentioned "scaring people into self-censorship" and not just banning freedom of speech.  
At first, this speech sounded like unrealistic slice of life fluff.  "Saving the world through a song"?  Isn't that what won the war in Macross?  That level of unrealism.  But when Tuesday said, "If we can all sing freely, none of us will be silenced," then it all made sense as a unified protest song.  Like, "I dare you to arrest the entire industry".  
"But a person who's not idealistic is nothing but a slave!" turned into "Although, if you don't defend what you believe in, then what's the use in living."  o.o
Well, I didn't expect Valerie to confront Jerry about the bombing.
Well, now we know why the first episodes introduced the Immigration Hall.
Wow.  there's a whole cyberpunk corporate espionage movie going on in the B plot.  lol
Oh..."Mother Earth"...I saw spoilers of that song before I actually watched this episode.  That was the one interpretation I didn't consider.  
I love when the cuts go to Ziggy with the sleepy eyes.
I'm really glad they brought back Angela's #1 fan/manager to be there to listen to Angela's emotional breakdown.  
I like that Tao and his AI exchanged some semblence of "human"/empathic concern in saying goodbye to each other.
Is Tao really going to disappear?
9:34 PM 12/27/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep24
So Pr. Zeeman is a designer baby creator.  
Oh, wow.  Tao and Angela are like siblings.  
Don't people die by jumping off bridges?????? O~O!
LOL  Scream from the rooftops then "SHUT UP!"  LOL
The landlord finally spoke!  ^o^
Aw, their idol Crystal is fangirling over their other idol Flora.  And then Desmond appears to overshadow them all.  LOL
AW, they even brought back Carole's friend working security at the Immigration Hall.  ;u;
Finally watching this song in context.  ;U;
Well, if Shinichiro Watanabe wanted to make a series about the music industry and all its tropes, he did it.  It's got that "We Are the World" moment and everything.  
The lyrics of "Mother" really mean something different after realizing they're protesting for freedom of speech.  o.O
9:56 PM 12/27/2019
And now, done.  That was Carole and Tuesday.  ^___^
0 notes