#mdhm after the accident
rouge-666 · 2 years
if we met at this time…
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Do you know what is as mutch difficult to get motivation ? Well for me is... To take a decition of WHAT TO DRAW ! I get ideas, but it’s complicated to decided on what to draw about, So if anyone have ideas, i lisent. Because i really whant to make drawing about My Dear Hatchet Man but i take desision.
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mirrortouchedsea · 2 months
*prompt* = pls i beg
promts from Touches Ask Game
handholding: only linking the pinkies together, not ready to let go completely | loosely holding onto each other’s hands, laying in one’s lap | holding hands while skating | *bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go* | *holding onto the other’s hand so they can’t run away*
kisses: *kisses as a promise* | *kisses to shut them up* | kisses with their last dying breath | reassuring kisses
touching: *listening to the other’s heartbeat* | *bandaging/stitching up an injury* | *kissing their bruises and scars* | braiding the other’s hair
my own idea: df come back from mission. niki immediately yoink kohaku away for care. leaves mdhm alone. himeru insists on caring for mada. mada is Allergic To People Caring For Him as per usual. hime essentially drags his ass to the couch and uses cuddles to make sure any injuries r cleaned and bandaged. kiss by Accident (it felt natural) only to turn into a "who can givw more kisses before someone walks in" (kohaku suffers by walking in on them being fruit)
Sorry this took so long. Uhm. Enjoy
Madara opened the door to Niki's apartment, an unofficial meeting place for Double Face if a mission went wrong, and the two of them stumbled inside. While they had managed to make it out without losing an organ, there were still some scrapes that needed to be patched up and Crazy:B had stopped asking questions a while ago. Well, the apartment had started as a drop off point for Kohaku, but at some point Madara started tagging along too.
The rest of Crazy:B had very mixed opinions on Double Face's actions, but ultimately supported their youngest member in living his life, Niki going so far as to offer his parents' home to them if they ever needed a place to stay (the spare key was kept beneath a fake potted plant in the hall). Niki was also the one who fussed over Kohaku the most, followed by Rinne, which often left Madara alone with the hardest person to crack, HiMERU.
Madara had been able to figure out some of HiMERU's past, though the specific details of what happened after the incident continued to evade him (if Jun was anything to go by, the boy had completely changed after being discharged from the hospital.
So when Madara started finding himself stuck with HiMERU tending to his hard to reach wounds, the two began talking. Talking is a strong word for Madara's one sided jokes and comments, asking about the weather and how idol work was going. HiMERU's hands were always strangely cold while he worked, as cold as his personality.
Slowly but surely over the course of several months, HiMERU began to open up and the mask was cracking. Madara could see from the corner of his eye the way HiMERU stared at him, could feel the way his fingers lingered just a little too long after cleaning a cut. HiMERU rolled his eyes and made a comment about how he was "just as insufferable as Amagi and twice the trouble to clean up after." Madara took this as a challenge to be even more insufferable during their quiet meetings.
Which led to his current situation, where Madara was teasing HiMERU and trying not to wince at the antiseptic wipe running over his hands. "HiMERU-san, you sure are gentle with your hands~ I thought you hated cleaning up after me~" Madara teased, fingers lightly stinging.
"Would you rather HiMERU was rougher with you? That can be arranged." Immediately, Madara's hand started stinging real bad and he had to blink tears from his eyes.
"How rude HiMERU-san! If Mama says he's sorry will you forgive him?"
"You will have to try much harder than that, Mikejima."
"If I ask nicely, will you kiss them better?" Madara grinned, teasing the other man. What he didn't expect was for HiMERU to bring Madara's hand to his lips and press a gentle kiss to the palm of his hand. Stinging forgotten, Madara's face felt like it was on fire.
"If it'll shut you up, HiMERU has no problems obliging you."
"You'll have to try harder than that, HiMERU-san~" Madara did his best to keep his voice steady despite how flustered he felt. HiMERU yanked his hand forward (notably, not letting go) and pulled Madara into a kiss. HiMERU's lips felt purposeful, practiced, as if he'd done this before (this was not the boy who went to Reimei, Madara decided then), but Madara gave in, just for a moment.
"Will that shut you up?" HiMERU's thumb ran over Madara's knuckles, his hand still cold despite holding onto Madara's hand for several minutes now.
"I don't know, why don't you try it again?"
Madara briefly registered Kohaku and Niki making vomit noises between kisses, but he didn't care.
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helleborerain · 2 years
[GTKMOC] Rendered Settings
to [Get To Know My MDHM Ocs]
[Repost I guess]
Decided to write about darker subjects about the characters because I’m angsty right now.
TW in Notes: Abandonment Issues, mentions of child abuse, mental Illness, and drug abuse
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Harley Notes:
- Harley was kicked out of the house as a teenager. She has not had any contact with her family since then.
- She has tried a lot of drugs to try and numb emotions. Mostly MDMA and coke since they made her feel happier. She’s mostly sober now but does smoke weed and drink.
- Was trying to Freight-hop around the country, but she got caught in Texas and hasn’t been able to leave.
- While she’s social, she tries to keep people at a distant as she feels like one day they’ll have enough of her one day too.
- She is based on the Green Day songs Viva La Gloria/Viva La Gloria (Little Girl)
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Yarrow Notes:
- Yarrow lost her vision in her left eye after her father went into a paranoid episode and caused a car accident while Yarrow was in the car.
- Her aunts - who raised her as a toddler while her father was deployed- weren’t around to raise her after her father went to jail, so she was placed into foster care, which she grew out of.
- Her mother hasn’t been in her life since an infant. Yarrow is the result of a drunken affair.
- Deers seem docile, but there are cases in my state where does have harmed people in the woods. I wanted to make Yarrow seem docile and innocent, but she is won’t hesitate to cause harm if she feels threatened or insulted.
- She did get into fights as an elementary kids. Most of them she won.
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bunai-codepink · 1 year
giving my brain a VIOLENT rest from theories and brainstorming ideas and just. overworking itself? but gonna talk about my self inserts again cause i love them both? sm???
both (looma + mj)
- don't let the frills and bright colors fool you. literal human form of a chihuahua and will not hesitate to go for the knees. just happens to like cute things. - strawberry blonde basically means part angry part stupid and no self preservation (as you can tell. by their tastes in men) - if it was a career option they'd both kill to be magical girls. doesn't matter if they're not girls, dream job fr - not super chatty at first, but is the type of person where once they're comfy with you, you have unlocked The Weird. - awful sweet tooth. don't leave either of them alone with anything sugary it WILL be gone - adhd/autism duo fr fr!! - both like to just get up and dance when a good jam comes on (working on playlists cause i am unhinged) - both of em wear a binder! looma doesn't wear it all the time but mj has a timer set and a sports bra in xir bag when it goes off
looma (sdj)
- uses xe/xir pronouns, but begrudgingly uses they/them while at work - can't stand just doing nothing and has to be moving. due to this ABSOLUTELY hates slow days. once refilled toppings at least 3 times and overfilled by accident. - stims by drumming xir hands on things or arm flapping - captain oblivious my beloved. literally has no idea about anyones feelings until after the fact - likes to wear oversized jackets! while jack's is warm, xe prefers xir own (personal favorite is xir blue jersey with the stars on it) - yes, xe named xemself after the loomas from super mario galaxy.
"they're just funny lil guys!! sillies!!"
mj (mdhm)
- is very Particular about xir house. if anything remotely looks out of place or is nudged it sends off red alarms. - has an unhealthy collection of mini backpacks stored in the back of xir closet. no ones knows about it and xe would like to keep it that way - what does mj stand for? your guess is about as good as mine, xe changes xir answer anytime anyone asks. - local theivery of jackets hoodies and similar abound. usually if alan takes his jacket off there's a high chance mj will swipe it instead of getting up to get a blanket - isn't a huge fan of the slasher genre when it comes to horror, but if you want found footage or cult classics mj's your bestie - i've mentioned this before but doesn't like putting people's names or anything in xir phone. usually defaults to nicknames or just emojis - big fan of swishy skirts!! bonus points if there's pockets - unfortunate forgetful tbh!! memory is shit so often takes notes or pictures as reminders - has gone trick or treating the last 5 years as sam from trick r treat and due to xir height, always passes as a teenager at least. the candy scam continues. - chewerly hoarder!! has a bunch of necklaces but prefers the bracelets
"sorry if that was a bit blunt, i'm autistic. and also kinda a bitch? i didn't mean it, i promise."
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helleborerain · 2 years
GTKYOC: Life Stages
Wanted to torture myself and my characters with the ‘Get to Know Your Oc’ Challenge.
Decided to use Harley and Yarrow for this challenge because I wanna be cringe I guess and I love MDHM-
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Some info:
- She played baseball as a child and was pretty good at it. Her bat was given to her by her grandfather, She named it Winston. She’s kept it ever since and gets tense if she doesn’t know where ‘he’ is at. She stopped playing because she ‘got bored of it’. That’s not exactly true.
- She was kicked out as a teenager after getting into a fight with her stepfather, which she lost a tooth. She train-hopped to her fathers place but...it didn’t work out either.
- Harley has two very younger siblings, at least from her mom’s side. She knows OF them, but they don’t know of her.
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Some Info:
- Yarrow really loves spiders and tried to keep a Golden Silk Orb-Weaver as a pet. She has a scar on her shoulder from a Brown Recluse bite that got infected after a kick startled it and it bit her. She doesn’t blame the spider though. She still tries to keep house spiders around her plants for pests, or at least let them outside.
- She is partially blind in her left eye thanks to a car accident. She became depressed and isolated (It’s not a phase guys-) which developed into a goth/witch phase in high school. Because her father was fully blind, she knows how to read braille
- She is an only child, but was raised in the foster care system for the last parts of her youth. Her father...wasn’t the most mentally sound parent...
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