#mdhm little Doe-Eyes
rouge-666 · 2 years
if we met at this time…
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Do you know what is as mutch difficult to get motivation ? Well for me is... To take a decition of WHAT TO DRAW ! I get ideas, but it’s complicated to decided on what to draw about, So if anyone have ideas, i lisent. Because i really whant to make drawing about My Dear Hatchet Man but i take desision.
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succubusmelt · 11 months
Hi, at frist i wanted to thank you for the one-shot / writing on MDHM, i miss that, and it's brig me motivation and idea of drawings to make.
If it's don't bothering you can i ask about. Alan watching a horror movie with is Doe-eyes but they not really a big fan of that kind of movie, but mostly watching it for Alan.
( sorry if it's not very clear or have a lot of mystake in it )
Don't worry anon, I'll try my best!!
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- Alan would be very excited to watch a horror movie with you. He loves slashers and seeing gore on screen.
- However, he also picks up on your discomfort and lack of enthusiasm for the genre. He wants you to enjoy the movie too.
- Alan sits close to you on the couch, wrapping an arm around your shoulders in a comforting and protective gesture.
- If you get scared during a jump scare, he holds you a little tighter with a smile. Thinking you're cute when frightened.
- But he is also attentive to you, asking if you're okay and if you want to watch something else. Alan wants you to be comfortable.
- If you say you'd rather switch to a different movie, he happily obliges. Wanting your night together to be enjoyable for both of you.
- He puts on a comedy instead, continuing to keep you close. Gently teasing you about getting scared but also reassuring you that he's there to protect his Doe-eyes.
- Overall Alan tries to balance his enjoyment of horror with making sure you have a good time as well. Your comfort is important to him in this scenario.
When you arrived at Alan's cabin, he happily greeted you with a hug. He had snacks and blankets ready for their cozy night in. Alan put on an old slasher flick he knew well, sitting close to you on the couch and wrapping an arm around their shoulders.
It was a Friday night and Alan had asked you to come over to watch movies with him. He was excited to introduce you to some of his favorite horror films, not realizing you wasn't as big of a fan of being scared.
At first, you tried to seem interested despite feeling uneasy during some of the more gruesome scenes. But a particularly startling jump scare made them jump with a yelp, burying their face against Alan's chest. He smiled, enjoying their cute reaction even if it meant they were frightened.
Alan held you tighter in reassurance. Glancing down, he noticed the worry on your face as the movie continued. "You okay, Doe-Eyes?" he asked softly. You admitted the film was scaring them more than they'd like.
Not wanting their night to be spoiled, Alan changed the movie with care and understanding. "We can watch something else, don't worry." He selected a comedy this time, keeping you close as the opening played.
Through the new film, Alan gently teased you for getting scared but assured you he'd protect his delicate Doe-Eyes from any monsters. You seemed to relax again, laughing along with the on-screen jokes.
By the end of the night, Alan was pleased to have found an activity you both enjoyed. He wanted nothing more than for you to be comfortable in his company, even if it meant skipping the gore for their sake. Making you happy made Alan happy in return.
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itzddsyanderefanacc · 5 months
Oc(y/n-sona) ref sheet!!
(both a blue and red version.. cause I couldn't find a blank version of the original ref sheet thing and cause I thought the blue pastel one looked cool :3)
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Facts about my MDHM version of DD!
●shes actually in protective services! she's actually my ybf version of DD except if she was able to escape peter before he got too choppy choppy with her. her fake name is Destiny Lee, but she still goes by DD too those she trusts..especially since she has trouble remembering her fake name
●Her nickname for alan is "star boy" or "shiny" when she's feeling really silly! mostly because his eyes remind her of gemstones
●DD is a rapid day-dreamer, mentally escaping the world to the point where it becomes dangerous. she does it while she's eating, walking, talking, and even alone when she's just chilling. it could be quite creepy when she does it cause she tends to have that 1000 yard stare when she does zone out like that.
●When DD has energy and doesn't have to go to collage or work, she tends to like to dress up a lot (like the full body photo in the ref) and walk off into the woods, almost pretending she's a silly little forest fairy for shits and giggles.
●DD is often seen as childish from strangers or new people she meets due to her bubbly, sweet yet kind of shy personality, also because of her honesty and almost..mental fog? but she's like that since its a way of escapism for her since she gets stressed out very easily and its also due to a variation of mental health problems. which is why she tends to seem pretty childish or dumb to people that don't know her very well.
●The only strong part of her body is her thighs, she won a strength competition between her and stu, stu won in upper body strength and her in lower body strength! she was able to make a watermelon explode with just pressure of her thighs! the prize was 100$ too see who was the most strongest...they both got 50$ since it was technically a tie...but she still counts it as a win
(wow guys, I haven't posted in almost a month, that's crazy!! but art block did hit me pretty hard so I'm sorry about that fam ♡...anyways this is about all I could really muster out :( I hope you guys like it hehehe)
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helleborerain · 2 years
[GTKMOC] Rendered Settings
to [Get To Know My MDHM Ocs]
[Repost I guess]
Decided to write about darker subjects about the characters because I’m angsty right now.
TW in Notes: Abandonment Issues, mentions of child abuse, mental Illness, and drug abuse
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Harley Notes:
- Harley was kicked out of the house as a teenager. She has not had any contact with her family since then.
- She has tried a lot of drugs to try and numb emotions. Mostly MDMA and coke since they made her feel happier. She’s mostly sober now but does smoke weed and drink.
- Was trying to Freight-hop around the country, but she got caught in Texas and hasn’t been able to leave.
- While she’s social, she tries to keep people at a distant as she feels like one day they’ll have enough of her one day too.
- She is based on the Green Day songs Viva La Gloria/Viva La Gloria (Little Girl)
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Yarrow Notes:
- Yarrow lost her vision in her left eye after her father went into a paranoid episode and caused a car accident while Yarrow was in the car.
- Her aunts - who raised her as a toddler while her father was deployed- weren’t around to raise her after her father went to jail, so she was placed into foster care, which she grew out of.
- Her mother hasn’t been in her life since an infant. Yarrow is the result of a drunken affair.
- Deers seem docile, but there are cases in my state where does have harmed people in the woods. I wanted to make Yarrow seem docile and innocent, but she is won’t hesitate to cause harm if she feels threatened or insulted.
- She did get into fights as an elementary kids. Most of them she won.
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
Could you get alan reaction from mdhm and jack (SD jack) when their darling goes and randomly bites them on the neck and then walks away like nothing happened?hehe
I've said it once I'll say it again, i wanna bite these boys 🤣.
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Jack is gonna be really confused for a little bit ngl 🤣.
"Umm sunshine? What was all that about earlier?".
He knows people like biting for intimate reasons but to just nip at him outta nowhere?
The man also has a sensitive neck so they've got him feelin things and thinkin some impure thoughts 😳.
If they let his mind wander for to long clown man is gonna be feelin frisky.
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Careful Y/N cause this man is 100% INTO THAT.
He'll be caught off guard, especially when they just walk off, but he'll recover quickly.
Comes up behind them and grips their waist as his face nozzles their neck.
"Don't suppose you'd mind me returning the favor would ya doe eyes?" 😈.
Congrats Y/N the man is horny, they better hope they don't got any plans later 😘.
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years
Maybe this question is strange, but.. What does Y/n look like in game? I mean, we know what Y/n looks like in Your Boyfriend, but what would he look like in MDHM?
I actually do have some concepts of MC
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I gave them silly little eyes
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