#mdhm theory
proxylynn · 1 year
What do you know about Alan's job and his boss? What is Alan like in a relationship and what was in his past?
[I'm gonna be real. Digging up that Carver info was the first time in months I've gone into MDHM stuff. So let me try to find anything.]
{The Boss Entity}
"Alan didn’t find him. His boss found Alan."
"Alan fears that his boss will make him kill MC if he finds out he has a partner."
"Carver can’t exactly feel love, but if he ever grew to “like” his own mc in a way, would he kill them if his boss told him to? Yes, Not instantly tho. He would have to follow orders of course. BUT he wouldn't kill them. However, if he wants to keep his job, he's gotta make it at least look like he assassinated them."
"Technically, their boss is not really a road sign. He doesn't have a physical form but melds into certain objects. So, in a way, he does move. Their boss communicates by changing the images/words on the signs or through "sound". He doesn't talk though. in fact, he doesn't even use words, but you can understand him. If you are not in the right head space, he can make you paranoid. He is quite older than the town itself. As for payment, he has his ways. You just have to feed him."
"he is able to move but can't travel long distances. So in theory, they can escape their boss. They're still not exactly 'safe' from him"
[I'll tap into the Alan stuff later.]
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threadsun · 1 year
I don’t know what’s hotter, this ramen I’m eating or my face! 😂 I’ll just say it’s the ramen jussst to be cheeky about it (*'▽'*) So um, I’d never, like EVER say I’m a needy little masochist or a slutty little nympho, but like, if I WAS then MAYBE what I’d say your absolutely correct and read me like a book. But I’m not, so I won’t! ;P Fun fact though, did you know when I was younger, I LOVED playing as a kidnapped princess and would tie myself up to the pole at my old home. Like, I would BEG to be tied up because I enjoyed it so much. It sounds really weird in that context, but old habits die hard and I still love dressing like a princess.
I’m gonna go on limb here and say “Why not both?” 😂 Hopefully I’ll get to be your friend in time AND you get money. It’s a win-win! But then again though, it might be hard to form any kind of friendship when all you know about me is that I’m a kinky mfer who uses a pumpkin emoji and loves ghost tiddie men (I mean MDHM is also great too, but my hyper fixation those blinders on me man) so there’s that. ._. I mean, you don’t even know if I’m supposed to be a spooky pumpkin or a pumpkin that turns into a carriage! I completely understand my guy. I wouldn’t be a decent business administration major if I was just like “GIVE ME ALL THE GOODS!” But damn, those are some damn good marketing skills you got here. Ironically though, I used be a vocal major, so you could say I’m a bit of a pro when it comes to anything vocal based~ ;3
It definitely did feel out of nowhere, especially with that afterlife episode (legit finally PLAYED the game instead of watching walkthroughs online last night, but I didn’t see the afterlife part until yesterday). My brain figured after seeing it that maybe he still felt so insecure and unwanted that he fell into the affair so he could forget everything for one night. Feeling like he’s replaceable, subconsciously it’d be almost like a test to see if M/C would really be willing to stick through it all despite what his mother implies (only being good enough if he has money since he looked ugly in his mom’s perspective), but realizing what he’s done, he desperately apologizes. Of course this mostly changed once I read what you thought the reason could be. I think he’d be too scared to upset anyone to do something harmful so that’s why I agree with your theory.
OOOOO! WOOF! Love IT! Think m/c is gonna be stuck doing lots of doggy style and mating presses in that firehouse. Lots of bones to suck on there. But just imagine how often you’d be pulled into the back of the fire truck on a slow day. Being put into degrading positions because puppy was just so bad today. Getting so used to responding to certain commands that the moment one of the guys says it, you instinctively do it. Jack always calling you a good puppy anytime you react positively to his pleasurable touches, so the moment he states, “Awww, you’re SUCH a good puppy for me, aren’t you sunshine? Yes you are!” And you just becoming immediately aroused. He acts so innocent about it too, squishing your cheeks in between his giant hands while your eyes cloud over in lust. That hypnokink post you made before can be thanked for that thought! Lol So hot~! FREAKING YES TO THE KITTY/PUPPY PIN UP CALENDAR!! It’d be funny if someone flips through the different months seeing all the cute animals being held by the guys, until one picture of has you being held in dog ears with instead. The person just squints at the photo and is like “There’s no animals here!” 😂 Freaking going FULL ON MONKE mode at the thought of rough brat taming Jack and the outlaw Joesph x Zander fic! Like YUM! OOOOO That sounds real nice! So you basically saying it smells like Alan? 😂 He got that campfire smell going, but I burn smudging sticks made from sage so I could imagine it! And I definitely could see Ian smelling like that too! Glad to see that you have also been blessed with experiencing the smell of Obsession. I swear that stuff is ADDICTING 😂 Add a little sugar to that grapefruit and you got the perfect scent recipe for Jack!
Ohoho~ Now, I’m a fan of temperature play (ice cubes, warming and cooling lubes, etc), but I’ve ALWAYS wondered what it’d feel like to do wax play. Don’t they have one’s with essential oils too so they smell nice on your skin? My brain always thought you’d get like third degree burns from it so I’d squirm uncomfortably at the thought (same with electricity), but like, they have ones that are hot, but WON’T send you to the hospital?
Also on a side note, I hope I didn’t cause any discourse here within the community because of my very blatant flirting. Definitely not my intentions and I figured if I made you or your spouse uncomfortable, you’d tell me! So I apologize if I made anyone on here upset, worried, or uncomfortable because of how blunt I’m being here. I’ve never really had a safe space to flirt comfortably or discuss sex outside of romantic relationships, so I guess I went a bit overboard! I’m still gonna keep doing what I have been, the moment you tell me I’ve went too far, I’ll stop. I’m all about that good ol’ fashion communication and I know your profession requires it to be respectful and safe, so I know you’ll do it when you feel like you need to and I’ll do the same! 😊
Oh of course, no one would ever say that about you! No one would ever say you're a submissive little ropebunny who wants to be wanted so badly someone kidnaps you. You definitely don't want to be a mean dom's pretty princess who they tie up and abuse. That would be ridiculous!
Who knows? I've got a few friends who started off sending me anon messages on my main blog, so anything's possible! But I'm also a professional, so I'll certainly be reserving freebies for those closest to me~
Yeah, exactly!! Like I just can't imagine the same Ian from both Afterlife and those pathetic voicemails being the kind of person who sleeps with someone to test you. That's far too... idk bold? He's the sort of guy who never wants to test his partner because he's so afraid they'll leave at the slightest thing. He already doesn't think he's worthy of them. The only way I can see him cheating is if he thought things were already basically over/they'd cheated first.
Oh yesssssss conditioning like that is so good!!! Jack definitely enjoys making people associate innocent phrases with him fucking their brains out so that every time he slips it into casual conversation, they melt a little bit and start thinking about his cock~ The whole lot of them would enjoy taking turns with the station puppy, definitely!! Lots of getting fucked in the back of the fire trucks... And god the punishments would be so good....
I'm hype to write both of them!! Just need to make myself focus enough to properly write them, but once I do it's over for you >:3c but yes!!! All of those sound right to me in terms of the way they'd all smell!! Ian would lean more floral than Alan I think, but other than that a similar sort of smoky scent~
Waxplay is great!! Different types of wax melt at different temperatures, so some are cool enough to be body safe while others will cause dangerous burns. But if you get candles specifically for waxplay then they won't burn you. You can also get massage candles that have essential oils and stuff and smell really nice, and they basically melt into a hot massage oil you can pour on your partner~ Electricity is also fun and not particularly dangerous if you know what you're doing! I love a good violet wand~
Oh no, don't worry!! No one said anything, I just figured I'd mention it in case people were worried I wouldn't assert boundaries if I needed to. I always ask Moon before flirting with people, and I'm certainly having fun~ So definitely no need to be sorry or tone it down! I'll let you know if it ever goes too far, and I trust you'll do the same 💙 and in the meantime, I'll keep teasing you for being too needy to be a brat~
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bunai-codepink · 1 year
giving my brain a VIOLENT rest from theories and brainstorming ideas and just. overworking itself? but gonna talk about my self inserts again cause i love them both? sm???
both (looma + mj)
- don't let the frills and bright colors fool you. literal human form of a chihuahua and will not hesitate to go for the knees. just happens to like cute things. - strawberry blonde basically means part angry part stupid and no self preservation (as you can tell. by their tastes in men) - if it was a career option they'd both kill to be magical girls. doesn't matter if they're not girls, dream job fr - not super chatty at first, but is the type of person where once they're comfy with you, you have unlocked The Weird. - awful sweet tooth. don't leave either of them alone with anything sugary it WILL be gone - adhd/autism duo fr fr!! - both like to just get up and dance when a good jam comes on (working on playlists cause i am unhinged) - both of em wear a binder! looma doesn't wear it all the time but mj has a timer set and a sports bra in xir bag when it goes off
looma (sdj)
- uses xe/xir pronouns, but begrudgingly uses they/them while at work - can't stand just doing nothing and has to be moving. due to this ABSOLUTELY hates slow days. once refilled toppings at least 3 times and overfilled by accident. - stims by drumming xir hands on things or arm flapping - captain oblivious my beloved. literally has no idea about anyones feelings until after the fact - likes to wear oversized jackets! while jack's is warm, xe prefers xir own (personal favorite is xir blue jersey with the stars on it) - yes, xe named xemself after the loomas from super mario galaxy.
"they're just funny lil guys!! sillies!!"
mj (mdhm)
- is very Particular about xir house. if anything remotely looks out of place or is nudged it sends off red alarms. - has an unhealthy collection of mini backpacks stored in the back of xir closet. no ones knows about it and xe would like to keep it that way - what does mj stand for? your guess is about as good as mine, xe changes xir answer anytime anyone asks. - local theivery of jackets hoodies and similar abound. usually if alan takes his jacket off there's a high chance mj will swipe it instead of getting up to get a blanket - isn't a huge fan of the slasher genre when it comes to horror, but if you want found footage or cult classics mj's your bestie - i've mentioned this before but doesn't like putting people's names or anything in xir phone. usually defaults to nicknames or just emojis - big fan of swishy skirts!! bonus points if there's pockets - unfortunate forgetful tbh!! memory is shit so often takes notes or pictures as reminders - has gone trick or treating the last 5 years as sam from trick r treat and due to xir height, always passes as a teenager at least. the candy scam continues. - chewerly hoarder!! has a bunch of necklaces but prefers the bracelets
"sorry if that was a bit blunt, i'm autistic. and also kinda a bitch? i didn't mean it, i promise."
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
Masterlist 1.0
Yep i finally put one together 🤣. This is what I've been spending time on here lately.
Zombie apocalypse. (Jack, Alan, Peter)
Most to least likely to steal your clothes. (Jack, Alan, Peter)
How dangerous are they? (Jack, Alan, Petet)
Oral game. (Jack, Alan, Peter)
Getting frisky in public. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Feral/gremlin reader. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Living with all of them. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Calling them the wrong name. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Calling him your husband. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Passing out from anemia. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Male darling coming out as trans. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Guys with a tall SO. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Y/N in a good place in life. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Y/N refusing or forgetting to eat/drink cause of work. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Y/N smells nice. (Jack, Alan)
Guys with a short SO. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Y/N doesn't believe the guys are into them. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Ahego face joke. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
V killer sweater. (Jack, Ren)
Nervous & shy Y/N. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Y/N bites them. (Jack, Alan)
Y/N knows they're yandere & has rules. (Jack, Alan, Ren, Peter)
Wiccan SO. (Alan, Friend)
Werewolf Alan & mermaid Ren. (Alan, Ren)
Revealing clothes. (Jack, Alan, Ren. Peter)
Doing his hair.
Comforting Y/N after a bad day.
Y/N being especially forward.
Sick Y/N.
Y/N wanted alone time.
STT AU meeting his family.
Y/N had a broom when Jack appeared.
Taking care of Y/N who pushes themself.
Insomniac Y/N.
Y/N is good at singing but is self conscious.
Things he's said.
Y/N has facial scars from their ex.
Y/N likes wearing his coat/sweater.
Assorted n/sfw headcanons.
Ticklish Peter.
Y/N with narcolepsy.
Player looses a loved one.
Vampire Peter.
Y/N can't have children.
Vampire Peter 2.
Y/N suddenly sings to him.
Assorted headcanons.
N/sfw headcanons.
Assorted headcanons.
100 followers drabbles
SDJ 80s Camp AU
Gettin frisky in the lake house.
Assorted headcanons 1.
Horror movie night.
Kids gossip about Jack & Y/N.
Y/N sleep talks during a lewd dream.
While camp is closed.
A night at the bar.
Assorted headcanons 2, meet the lifeguard.
SDJ Childstar AU
More info.
MDHM Y/N's ex was abusive.
How much of Jack's personality is Jack vs how much is Joseph.
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
So, since I read your theory on the MDHM mc's ex boyfriend likely being an abusive asshole, it has given me absolute brain rot. So, imagine if the poor MC has a ton of facial scars no thanks to their ex? Accidental or not, I imagine it would only fuck with their mental state even more and having to hide it in any way they can. But can you imagine how Alan would react? Someone... had the absolute gall to hurt his doe eyes, that was infuriating enough. But to permanently scar them not just mentally but physically!? Ho boy, the ex's days would be numbered, dude.
Oh anon ex is gonna have a bad time no matter what. Each new thing Alan discovers is like adding fuel to a forest fire 🔥.
In these HCs Y/N shows Alan willingly but i am working on another piece where they're forced to due to a certain situation.
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Alan wasn't exactly sure what to expect when they asked him to wait in their living room while they "took care of something".
Whatever it was it certainly made them nervous, if their wringing hands and refusal to meet his eyes was anything to go by.
Still he wasn't expecting the multiple scars across their beautiful face when they returned.
Granted they weren't giant or as noticeable as some of his but Alan could still tell they were there.
But the look in their eyes? Absolutely heartbreaking.
They looked absolutely terrified. Ready to bolt were it not for their legs rooting them to the spot with an unusual stiffness.
He didn't even need to ask where they got them as his blood began to boil all over again as he remembered what they told him.
About how their ex was more than just an asshole.
How he was a fucking monter who had the audacity to not only treat them like shit but actually lay hands on them.
How Alan promised to himself that the fucking waste of space would be six feet under as soon as he found him.
'Another reason why i hate people.' he thinks trying hard not to clench his fists.
'Don't wanna accidentally scare them off when they already look terrified.'.
After taking a moment to collect himself he staps twords them and slowly raises his hand to the side of their face in a silent question.
It takes them a minute before they timidly nod their head and he carefully cups the side of their face, his thumb lightly rubbing across a thin scar on their cheek.
"I wasn't sure how to tell you." they murmur casting their still wide eyes down "So i figured showing you would be best.".
"Do they make my face look bad?" the words nearly broke his heart all over again.
He tentatively cups their other cheek and raises their face to look him in the eyes.
"Doe eyes i want you to listen to me carefully." his words were soft but serious so they nodded their head.
"There isn't a single fraction of you that i don't find completely beautiful inside and out. Absolutely nothing will ever change that, least of all something done to you by some bastard." he ended the statement with a gentle kiss to their forehead.
When he pulled back his mouth was tilted in a wry smile "Besides in case you haven't noticed I've got a couple scars here and there to.".
His terrible joke managed to get a small chuckle out of them and he was glad.
Said chuckle turned into a surprised laugh as he began peppering their face in kisses.
Alan has enough sense to know that this is only the first step for them, and that they likely cover them up for reasons besides not liking the way they look.
Still he was proud and happy that they were comfortable enough with him to take this step.
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