#me a couple hours ago: wrow ppl rlly liked that angst i wonder if i can just--))
onippep · 1 year
Who Else
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Aaand breathe.
...gggguhh. S-sorry. That was. Uh. Super embarrassing.
...Thanks, for, uh. You know. Being... my crutch, yet again.
...Will you be good to work tomorrow?
There might be stressors. I don't want you spiraling.
I can do it.
...Uh, if I need to-- need to leave, though, I will.
I don't want you to be alone at home.
What, I'm not gonna do anything. I'll go straight to bed.
The fuck you want me to do then? We can't just-- close the store for tomorrow. We need the cash. And we gotta take care of the weirdos living in our vents.
You should call Gerome.
A-- AH? WHAT? Why?! O-oni--
RrrrRrrr. Hang on. Hear me. You should call him, because this is making you feel like this. Maybe you two can have a talk about it.
Like FUCK am I ever gonna face those Pillars after hearing this today. Oni, that's a horrible idea. I can't do that.
...Gerome still cleans the shop, every weekend. Does the blood and stone on your hands still stain him? Even if it does, what does he do then? He still brings his broom and mop to our Pizzeria. He dedicates himself. No malice in any crevice no matter where you want to find it.
... What did you just--!? When did you get so--...
...(sniffles)... y'can't just.. assume that... he-- he.. could... he could be doin' this because he.... he...
(hic) good-- good god.. Oni, I don't know, it--
...Wouldn't do any harm to try. But only if you want.
Christ... (sob)
RrRrrrr... sorry... here...
--Don't leave this spot with me. I need to think for a while.
...I don't want to alarm you, but I also remember.
(sharp inhale) Fucking-- no, seriously? O-oni that REALLY doesn't help right now-- wh-what do you MEAN you remember? What do you remember?!
The dread you felt. The grief. Terror. Remorse. The rotting dark muck inside of you every night that prevented you from sleeping. All of it--
(hyperventilating) oh god WHO ELSE r-remembers-- WHO ELSE-- shit-- SHIT--
RRrRrrrrrrRRrr...!! Peppino..! Here, here, hey!
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I know. You don't have to believe me right now, but you need to know that this is okay. I do not hate you. Nobody hates you. Not even the ones that caused you such torment.
(harsh, heavy breathing)
Everything you have done outweighs the loss that could have been had. A miracle to a privilege to even be able to make this world even better. You took it. You did it. Peppino, you're amazing.
Igh...!! (gross sniffle) I'mgonnapassout...
Rest. Want to take a bath?
Th-th--that mi-- th-- (panting) Th-- that sounds-- great. Actually. C-can we? F-fuckin-- smooth talker, asshole--
Rrrrrrrrr. Let's get you calm... breathe again... rrrrr....
H-how do you know what exactly t-to say, I don't get it. Goddamn-- demon-- (breathing in, slowly, shakily, for a little while; starts to calm down)
...You... you care. Too much.
It's the least I can do.
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