#me again! back with another Jango analysis nobody asked for
notthestarwar · 10 months
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Obi Wan
Anakin (1 2 3 4 5)
Jango (1 2 3 4 5 6)
Is Jango a father to the clones
ok so thinking about how on the surface Jango doesnt really make sense as a character. there are all these contradictions, a cold cruel man, who hurts children, yet loves his son. an ignorant man who died because he let himself get tangled with dangerous people, who is also considered to be one of the best bounty hunters out there(he's clearly intelligent, and observant). and thinking about why
i've been thinking about how Jango seems to be a contradiction because he is two men, not one.
The jango fett we are presented with isnt a real person. he is an image created by the real jango fett. its a diguise a misdirect. he wants people to believe in his ruthlessness, his viciousness. he doesnt want people to believe him capable of love or mercy. he wants people to think him cold.
so we are left with 2 jango's: the person he is trying to make everyone believe he is, trying to make himself believe in. brutal, unrepentant, the best. This is the jango on the surface. and then there is who he has always been in truth. pushed down, twisted, but still there. a person that does know that the things he does are unforgivable, a man that does know he could be better, and more than that, a man who is scared. who has seen the worst happen more than once, and stands in its shadow. a man who is angry, because he is overwhelmed by grief, by the helplessness of it all.
i've said before that i think the grief of losing his family, then jaster, then his people, and then the trauma of slavery, kind of broke him as a person, right? his past defines him. it is the only reason he keeps walking & it is the only reason he cant live.
i think that trying to escape from that grief results in him being numb in a way. he does not see the self corruption as it is happening as he is not willing to see it. that denial, the ignorance, his refusal to see the truth of his actions, their futility, that all feeds in to him becoming the kind of person that he hates. he was a leader, of a group of people that valued children (which the clones were), valued their language and their culture (which he pretty much leaves behind), and valued fairness. its about punching up (or laterally)  not down. they clearly believed in him! they followed him to the end when he was barely more than a kid and then some of them even followed him to kamino betraying themselves, because he asked them to. For him to have been accepted as leader (by mandalorians who clearly wouldn’t shy from deposition) I think that he could not have always been the man we see in aotc. I think that he was once someone different, who wouldn’t have done the things that he did, but that then he lived a life that made him in to someone that could.
theres an obvious conflict there between the person he was, the person jango might have been in a better galaxy, and the person he is and i think thats because he's forcing himseld in to a new mold. theres this image we see of him as someone cold and efficient, with the confidence to always believe he’ll win. He is brutal, someone to be feared, not someone who fears. he's made himself in to someone that always wins. but he didnt. he was clearly smart enough to notice that he was wrapped up in something that'd kill him. he didnt make any plans should he survive, in fact he made plans for the opposite, setting Boba up to find people that would 'continue teaching him' (be cruel enough to steer Boba away from vulnerability) it makes sense for a man with a death wish, but the image we are shown of jango doesnt seem like someone that wants to die. because what we see isnt real and the real jango, thinks himself already dead. death is a certainty to him. then, the glimpses of his love for Boba that we see. he says its about building a legacy, and maybe thats what he's told himself, but there is something more there, lurking beneath the surface. what we see isnt the real jango, it is something he has crafted.
he is lying to himself. he is so inauthentic, even to himself, that he's pretty much forgotten who he is. who he was. i think his whole thing is about telling himself that he is right and that the choices he has made are the only ones he could have made. that anyone in his position would do the same. But he can’t believe that, he knows that he could have done better, so he makes himself in to someone that couldn’t.
when i look at jango i see a man telling a story. a man who is desperately trying to tell it in a way that concludes with him, the victor. he is trying to rationalise, to find a way that he can still win, but he has already lost. he was dead from the start. jango only exists, as background to all the characters that survive him. he led a hard life, it twisted him in to someone that would do terrible things and then he died before the story had even started really. he only exists, he only went through those  awful things, to help set the main events in action. he is the clones terrible childhood. he is the man that lost himself, betrayed children, before anakin ever did. he is the man who enabled the clone plot (because would it have happened without him? maybe. but it doesnt matter, it never needed to , because jango was always going to be there to play his part)
so he's telling this story, he's made himself in to a character, one that nobody looks beyond, but its not a story that anyone is there to hear. jangos story doesnt matter ultimately, because it could have been anyone else. the galaxy is full of people who've lived lives like jango fett. he puts all he has in to telling his version of this story. but nobody seeks it out. the only person he is telling this story to, the only person who cares enough to ask why? why did he do those things was he justified? is himself. the story he has built, the person he has created, dont matter to anyone else. there is noone there to hear jangos story, so the whole pursuit was pointless. he destroyed himself for no reason.
he's so repressed he doesnt even remember its a lie. he doesnt remember he ever was anyone else. and nobody really sees it. because they are all so far away. in the end jango doesnt need to push people away, they dont even try to get close. because the persona he's put on, isnt someone that would ever need anyone. would ever want anyone. he is empty, flat.
there is no point to any of it. he's doing this for revenge but has he asked himself if this is what they would have wanted? of course not! the dead dont desire revenge, they are dead. revenge is for the living. for the survivors. jango is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. he understands people. he can read them. he can see their next 5 steps. but he can never know himself. because he will not allow himself to
his rational falls apart as do his motivations. whatever he comes up with, will always be a lie. he doesnt know himself. its always the wrong answer. because the truth doesnt matter. jango isnt defending himself. he isnt being introspective and trying to process anything. he doesnt need to. he isnt living. he is telling a story, one that in the end, doesnt really matter.
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