#me and Gyomei are the same we both love cats
nemesis0001 · 2 years
Rereading KNY. I didn't realize how much I adore Gyomei Himejima. Happy birthday to him🎂🎉
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I still find this funny everytime I see this panel and I don't know why
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giyuwu-san · 4 years
All of the hashiras know that Obanai has a crush on Mitsuri. Tired of him not doing anything, they confront him and tell him to confess."No""Why not?! It's not as if she's dating anyone""...I'm not worthy of her"And so the hashiras team up to make him confess to the one and only love pillar!
I’m sosososososo sorry this took so long. please forgive me, I was trying to come up with creative ideas for this one since it’s my first kny fic so I really wanted to do it justice I hope you understand. and then chapter 200 hit me and I was done for. but!!!! it’s here now after all this time and it’s finally at a point where I’m happy with it, so hopefully the wait was worth it >.
the sound of fireworks.
   pairing : iguro obanai x kanroji mitsuri
   warnings : a little angst, fluff, one curse word (I’m pretty sure)
   summary : the pillars are trying everything to get iguro obanai to confess to kanroji mitsuri in the name of love as a life-changing decision is made under fireworks and starlight.
   word count : 2.2K
tags : @lordexplosionsextra @jojosmilktea
Iguro Obanai had always been in love with Kanroji Mitsuri. This was a fact, a statement known by both him and all his fellow Pillars, except perhaps, Mitsuri herself. 
It wasn’t fear of rejection that kept him from confessing, nor was it the complications that would plague their relationship once he did. The fear that tormented his mind wasn’t caused by the thought of rejection, rather by acceptance. 
He didn’t want her to see him, even if he craved it. He didn’t want her to smile at him, even if he yearned for it. He didn’t want her to love him, even though he pleaded for it.
The smile he loved so much isn’t meant for him. That smile of hers that filled his conscience. That smile of hers that he could never mimic. That smile of hers that he could never have. 
And no matter how hard he tried, his thoughts were the same. The love he held for her would always stay a secret. That’s what she deserved. 
She didn’t deserve someone like him, whose blood was filthy. Someone like him, whose shine could never match hers.
When she could give him such a vibrant smile, what could he give her in return? How could a scarred mouth like his hold the same glow?
He would always give her what she deserved, even if it meant hurting himself. 
It would always be like this, no matter what anyone said. This is how it’s supposed to be.
       - - -  *゚‘゚ ☽  ☼  ☾ *.:。 - - -
         "Now this is just getting ridiculous.“ was what the Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu said. Her smile leaving her face with the facade she carried slowly slipping, annoyance seeping in, taking its place.
         "Indeed, indeed!” was the chime of the Flame Pillar standing beside her, “Iguro-san must confess his true love! Let his most profound passions reach her from the deepest depths of his⁠—”
         "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Iguro’s in love with Kanroji, and it’s annoying, we get it.“ Shinazugawa interrupted Rengoku before he could ramble on further. 
Each of the Pillars, minus Kanroji and Iguro, were all bundled together in an empty room located at the Butterfly Estate, with the common goal of finally getting their fellow Snake Pillar to confess his feelings. (Except for perhaps Muichiro, who had already forgotten how he ended up in this room, to begin with.)
All of the Hashiras knew about Iguro’s feelings toward the Love Pillar, but whenever they would approach him about it, he would always reply with the same words. 
‘I don’t deserve her.’
However, things were about to change in the next week, for all of them had made plans to attend an upcoming summer festival in a nearby village. It was the perfect opportunity. 
          “Alright!” said the Sound Pillar, who had been surprisingly quiet until this moment. “Let us execute this plan flamboyantly!“ 
And so, each Pillar walked out of the room. Most of them hopeful that the plan would go smoothly.
       - - -  *゚‘゚ ☽  ☼  ☾ *.:。 - - -
Iguro was sitting next to Mitsuri, watching as she stuffed her face with more sakura mochi. Her cheeks puffing up cutely much to Iguro’s hidden delight, his eyes brightening slightly with his masked smile. 
Although Iguro had no plans of confessing, he had to admit that these simple moments with her made his heart soar. Watching her eat to her heart’s content made him feel like a boy again. Young and in love with the girl next to him. 
Kanroji enjoyed his presence equally as much. The warmth and affection flowing from his eyes that only looked at her made her feel giddy inside. Every meal with him always felt comfortable, and every meal without him always felt empty and incomplete. 
And as she kept chewing, only her happy hums and remarks were heard in the otherwise relaxing silence. 
Meals with him were always the best. 
Mitsuri smiled to herself, her cheeks still full.
       - - -  *゚‘゚ ☽  ☼  ☾ *.:。 - - -
The festival had come sooner than expected, and all the Pillars had gathered at one spot. Eyes already scanning the festivities around them. 
Iguro and Mitsuri (but mostly Mitsuri), were both excited to explore the festival together with all their fellow Pillars. Or so they thought, because when they looked around, the Pillars had already dispersed into their own groups. 
Mitsuri however, had no time to be surprised as her eyes caught a glimpse of a food stall further ahead of them. Turning her head to the baffled Iguro, she quickly pointed forward excitedly.
         "Iguro-san!” she said, her excitement barely containable. Her finger pointing in all directions at the food stalls around them. Her eyes glinting crazily to the point Iguro thought she was crying, and maybe she was.
          “FOOD!” was all Obanai heard until he was forcefully dragged by a hunger-crazed Mitsuri.
       - - -  *゚‘゚ ☽  ☼  ☾ *.:。 - - -
It had been a good hour since they arrived at the festival, yet there had been no progress made in the field of love as Iguro merely followed Mitsuri around in her pursuit of culinary enlightenment. 
The plan, however, was not in vain just yet, for the Pillars had more tricks up their sleeves.
The pair made their way about the various stalls until they catch sight of Shinazugawa, who seemed to be waiting for them in front of a game stall. The Wind Pillar points at Iguro, much to his confusion.
          “Whoever scoops the most goldfish wins." 
Iguro was not expecting the sudden challenge. To be fair, this was his first time playing kingyo-sukui, but after looking towards Mitsuri whose face held nothing but excitement, he was in no position to back down.
Iguro had surprisingly won against the competitive Sanemi. Who of which completely forgot that he was supposed to let Iguro win and played for real. Much to his dismay. Face scowling (and pride damaged), Sanemi turned on his heels and walked away. 
The person manning the stall then gave Iguro more snacks as a prize, only for them to quickly disappear inside Mitsuri’s mouth.
The series of strange events and interferences kept occurring throughout the summer festival, such as Kocho running into them and momentarily stealing Mitsuri for ’girl talk’, allowing Muichiro to sneakily shove some flowers he found wandering in the field into Iguro’s hands, Rengoku coming over to the pair to give them an impromptu love poem recital, and Giyuu even tried his best by directing them towards a more intimate food stall that didn’t have many people.
As the night progressed Iguro felt himself becoming more and more flustered by the events that have taken place thus far. With Mitsuri holding the flowers Muichiro picked, they walked silently alongside each other, all the food that Mitsuri ate had finally caught up to her. 
Noticing this from their respective hiding spots, the Pillars finally threw into action their last and final hope: advice from the man with three wives.
Gyomei approached the two, seemingly coming from the shadows as he asked to steal Mitsuri away for a moment to talk about cats. Mitsuri happily complied, but with less enthusiasm than usual as she could feel her impending food coma creeping closer.
Iguro then stood alone, even more confused than he already was.
That was until he saw the Sound Pillar jump out from the bushes, Obanai wasn’t even surprised anymore. 
          "You’re really taking your sweet time aren’t you?” was what he said as he crept closer towards the Snake Pillar, who only blinked at him. It wasn’t that Obanai hated the Sound Pillar, it was just he never really spent the time getting to know the man, or the other Pillars for that matter, minus Kanroji.
So he wasn’t exactly thrilled at the idea of the two of them being alone when he could have been basking in Mitsuri’s warm presence, but that was beside the point.
          “What do you mean?” he tries feigning innocence, even if he knew exactly what Tengen was entailing. He noticed all the things that had been happening since the start of the festival. He may have been slightly dense, but he wasn’t completely oblivious either.
The two men started walking side by side, as their conversation continues.
          “Don’t play dumb with me Iguro-san.” Iguro could only sigh and raise his eyebrow at the man.
          “Your point?” he said, not wanting to have to repeat the same words he’s said to all the other Pillars again.
Tengen knew that the chances of him somehow convincing the Snake Pillar to change his mind were slim. Yes, he had three wives. He has experienced love and continues to experience it throughout his life, but he did admit that helping a man overcome his self-loathing was going to be challenging for anybody. Nonetheless, he put away his eccentric side, for now, focusing purely on the assignment he was tasked with.
          “My point is that you should just tell her.” he said bluntly, he knew flowery words were no use with Obanai, instead opting to give it to him straight. “She deserves to know.”
          “No, she does not.” was the Snake Pillar’s retort.
          “And why is that?” Tengen was barely fighting off his sigh.
          “She doesn’t deserve someone like me.” At this, the sigh that Tengen was holding back finally made itself known. He couldn’t tolerate this any longer.
          “You can’t decide that for her.” he said, sighing once more. “She’s the one who decides that. That’s her choice to make, not your’s Iguro-san." 
Tengen wanted to help him, and that’s a lot from someone who typically didn’t care much about the well-being of other people, only having a few people he genuinely treasures. But even with Tengen’s way with words, he knew that Obanai himself had to be the one to change. Tengen knew that his words alone couldn’t solve this, and frankly, he had nothing left to say.
Sighing, he walks away to leave Obanai to his own thoughts, as the man stopped walking along with him anyway. 
Besides, the fireworks show was about to start.
       - - -  *゚‘゚ ☽  ☼  ☾ *.:。 - - -
Obanai sat idly next to Mitsuri, the two of them being left alone by the other Pillars, an act that, Obanai assumed was another one of their stunts. He sighed, lost in his thoughts as Tengen’s words started to settle in. It wasn’t as if he had never played with the idea before: that Mitsuri at least deserved to know. But he was still conflicted, even if he did say it, who would want someone with a scarred mouth? Someone with a bloodline so wicked and cruel. 
He couldn’t do that. He wouldn’t.
His mind was made, and no one could change that.
Iguro turned his head around to the drowsy Mitsuri, her head starting to tilt forward as sleep was slowly sinking into her. He hummed lightly in reply, listening to her words carefully.
          “You know, I’m really glad I got to spend the festival with you.” she smiled at him, much to his frustration as his cheeks fought off a blush. “I didn’t regret a single moment.” her smile grew wider.
          “And that’s exactly how I want to live my life!” she suddenly pointed her finger upwards towards the sky in sudden triumph, her sudden burst of energy quickly subsiding, however, as her head started to tilt over again, but this time towards Obanai’s shoulder.
          “I want to live my life with no regrets…” she yawned midsentence, still trying her best to not succumb to slumber. Her hands holding onto the flowers tightly.
Iguro however, pondered over her words, a sudden heat rushing towards his cheeks, feeling the adrenaline rush in.
He wanted to live his life with no regrets too.
And with the sudden adrenaline and correlation, his brain felt like it was taking a crash course. He adjusted slightly on the blanket, attention not leaving the girl beside him as his heart started ruling over his brain.
         "Kanroji-san.“ he said.
Kanroji hummed slightly, her droopy eyes looking over at him. And for a moment, Iguro wondered what the hell he was doing, but he couldn’t stop now, he didn't want to.
          "I want to spend all my meals with you." 
Obanai wasn’t expecting the large smile to take over her features, nor was he expecting her to understand what he meant in the state she was currently in. Nevertheless, as he looked at her underneath the starlight, its ethereal glow highlighting her face in ways that knocked all the air out of his lungs, he couldn’t help but smile, his heart feeling lighter. He wanted to laugh at himself. He was so adamant about not confessing, but here he was, with her by his side.
He said he wouldn’t do it, but he did. 
His mind was made, but only she could change that.
And as she finally let her head fall against his shoulder, Kaburamaru slithering from his neck to nestle on top of her head, and the fireworks finally dancing around in the sky above them in loud explosions and tremors, he couldn’t help but smile, his eyes glowing. The light from the fireworks only illuminated her serene features, painting it in all its colors, and at that moment, Obanai was at peace.
He couldn’t feel anything else, he didn't need anything else. As he sat on the blanket, he closed his eyes and sighed happily. He felt perfectly content. 
Just the three of them, and the sound of fireworks.
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shibalen · 4 years
♡ matchup for @shower-wizard​
hihi! my first request! i was excited to do this. i looked up information on your signs and mbti, hopefully that’s all right :)
✩ Boku no Hero Academia
platonically, i match you with . . .
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Iida Tenya
You two would make a great team! You're both reliable and care for the ones around you. While Iida's got the firmness and boldness of a leader you have the charm and the ability to harmonize. You'd work together like clockwork, instructing your classmates and helping them out any way you can.
If there's anyone you can trust, it's Iida. He was your first friend in ua and the first person to gain your trust there. If you don't like to talk much or be the centre of everyone's attention, no worries - he's got you covered so you could always be comfortable!
Honestly, he'll fight/tell off anyone if they're being loud and obnoxious and it's bothering you, no questions asked. We already know even Bakugo isn't a problem for him.
Iida has a strong sense of duty so you being nearby assures him and helps him worry less. Your loyalty is like his own, and it makes him happy someone shares his view on it. He knows he can count on you if there's ever the need.
He can't always tell how you're doing because you don't give away much, so he'll ask if there is a single grain of doubt. It's sweet but you can tell him if he's being too big a worrywart :)c
You explore different book genres together. Be prepared because he gives extremely long and detailed reviews of each one he reads, especially if you were the one who recommended it to him.
Coming from a higher-class family, Iida was likely taught how to play the piano from a young age. Though he doesn't remember much of it now, hearing you play brings back some of his old spark. Once he tries, it's more fun than he recalled.
Will take you to grand piano concerts whose tickets should have already been sold out? Sometimes you meet Yaomomo there too and other times three of you go together. You discuss your opinions on the way back while grabbing a bite to eat.
You can go to his house to practice archery whenever you'd like. His family definitely has a space for it. Iida doesn't know much about the sport himself but will cheer you on nevertheless! He learns all the vocabulary so he can understand when you talk about it.
Study sessions with the two of you are the best. It has gotten to the point where you make sure to announce them beforehand so any of your other friends can join you. you're the saviour duo (-人-)
Runner up: Denki Kaminari
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romantically i match you with . . .
Shinsou Hitoshi
You know i had to. softness: check. dates indoors: check. cats: double check.
You encourage him so much. While he's definitely improved over the series, your support on his goals saves him from moments of doubt and dark thoughts. You gently remind him even the smallest progress pays off in the end, that steadily working on his shortcomings is better than comparing himself to others and doing nothing.
While he knows you're not easily deceived by others, he still keeps an eye out and making sure no one with ill intentions approaches you.
Ironically enough, the first time you met he probably tried to brainwash you during the sports festival. You'd already figured out his quirk though and just smiled at him and sauntered away. Boy was left kind of annoyed but also quite a bit intrigued.
Whether or not you're easily embarrassed doesn't matter cause Shinsou will tease you anyway. He's a little shit and enjoys cracking your mysterious demenour.
Be soft for him. Take his hand, compliment him and run your fingers through his hair. It won't take too long before he's the one subtly trying to hide his flustered face. And if you cuddle him and kiss his cheek while you're napping, I bet those dark circles would be a lot less visible.
Shinsou loves how comfortable you are to be around. He loosens up whenever you're interacting without even noticing it himself. He laughs and smiles more but if you point it out he'll either claim not to know what you're talking about or come up with a way to sidestep the topic smh
You go over to his house to study and see his cats, or vise versa, and before either of you have realized, you're snuggled up, drinking coffee/tea and exchanging book recommendations with a cat purring in your lap. Basically you're on a date now, congratulations! it comes so naturally.
You two just having a good time in a cosy café, people watching and lowkey trying to guess their stories.
He'll gift you with a lot of cute charms, bookmarks and other little things you might need. Shinsou's very observant so even if you don't tell him you'd like something he figures it out one way or the other. He just wants to see you happy.
"This is the same sheet music folder I've been planning to get. How did you know?"
"Can you imagine? This guy worked his back off asking—”
Shinsou, casually wrapping up a struggling Kaminari: "I just knew you could use a new one"
Everyone else is either lowkey scared of you or thinks you're the coolest couple. You seem like a relaxed but "mess with my s/o and you're dead" pair. Well, it's true for at least one of you.
You guys don't have a lot of pda going on but anybody who knows the two of you believes the compability is incredible. They're jelly.
❋ Kimetsu no Yaiba
Runner up: Izuku Midoriya
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platonically i match you with . . .
First thing's first: the aesthetic you two have? 10/10. Tol and smol but both just emitting a calm and mysterious aura. Extra points cause you seem to have a very classy appearance so that adds to your reserved look!
Gyomei Himejima
Both of you are the type to be mistrustful towards others at first. However, although it may take a little time due to that similarity, once you have warmed up you'll be big softies for each other and it's the sweetest thing.
You dislike the same kind of people so you tend to prefer each other's company. That's probably how you met too, while steering clear from obnoxious people at a meeting. You decided to befriend him since he seemed like a more humble person to talk to.
Gyomei appreciates the way you carry yourself because you remain level-headed and kind. He thinks that is a difficult combination to keep up, as the world is far from being a fair place. Going off your infj-a personality type, he also admires that you focus more on inner peace and improving yourself rather than dwell on your weaknesses.
You are both loyal so you always have each others' backs. Your gentle nature is comforting when he's feeling emotional.
This man never fails to hear you out on your problems and give the best advice. It might not always sound like it cause of how blunt it is, but trust him.
A lot of mutual understanding. Can you read each other's mind at this point? rumors say yes.
You spend a lot of time together in quiet reading sessions. He'll read his scriptures and offer to explain them to you (though he sucks at it. . .) Feel free to rant about what you're reading too!
He'd carry you on his back, arms and shoulders and it's one of the most comfortable things ever. There is not always a reason for it. it's more like a quiet way to show he cares for you.
I can easily imagine you feeding and taking care of several stray cats together. You need to make sure he doesn't accidentally overuse his strength though while playing with them.
It's great you play the piano. Since he can't see you, listening to you play helps Gyomei form an image of you in his mind. Also, your music is therapeutic to him. He'll always come hear you play ♡
Some see you as an otherwordly pair, as in: how are you always so collected and wise? are you beings from another dimension? share your secrets with us.
Hear me out! You said you don't like rude people BUT I think Genya needs someone like you to relax more. He's stiff, short-tempered and awkward so your calm and gentle personality would help him feel at ease.
Genya Shinazugawa
Runner up: Giyuu Tomioka
romantically i match you with . . .
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Tanjirō likely introduced the two of you, yet the first impression wasn't the best. Genya got too nervous, turned away to hide his blush, and ended up not speaking a word which came off as pretty arrogant.
He is so gentle with you! towards you, he's never disrespectful or mean.
But he apologised for his actions soon enough and quickly explained he wasn't very good with talking to girls. With such honesty, it didn't take too long afterwards before you came to trust him. For Genya, trusting you came easily because of how laid-back you were. He could tell you were being honest with him and it was that genuine kindness that sent butterflies into his stomach uwu
Genya's not the most talkative but his smile speaks for itself. He loves listening to you talk though. Then again, he could stare at you while you're reading him the world's most boring book and still be ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
Boy will melt at the affection you give him. He’s very blushy about it but grows more comfortable overtime (on most part at least rip) Secretly happy he's one of the only people who gets to see that side of you.
He looks up to you for having traits he lacks BuT his favourite thing about you is your confidence and passion for what you do. it inspires him to become stronger too and confront his brother.
Teaches you how to defend yourself just in case you're in trouble and he's not there. He worries.
Genya thinks it's cool you do archery, cause he does shooting! You guys often chat about your hobbies respectively. Also, showing the other how to aim with their weapon and gently adjusting their position from behind? Yes, please.
Dates would include romantic walks in the woods, picnics and trying out foods from different stands or restaurants. Don't worry though, no one will bother you. With a big guy like Genya next to you, nobody will dare raise a commotion. though you might want to stop him from death-glaring or picking a fight with anyone who talks too loud
Indoor dates also happen a lot and whatever you may be doing, Genya likes to be holding your hand. It's just so small in comparison to his and he loves it (but won't admit it) If you two are cooking or if you're playing the piano, he settles with standing next to you and enjoys your presence (✿◡‿◡ )
In conclusion, a very sweet couple that balances each other out nicely. You being soft and down-to-earth and Genya being more hot-headed but still incredibly caring ♡ Did i mention i'm a sucker for height differences?
thank you for requesting i hope you enjoyed it! i’d appreciate any feedback you might have ♡
Runner up: Tanjirō Kamado
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