#me and some classmates are trying to finish that statistics project that's due tonight but idk if we can do anything to add
kaserolly · 1 year
I'm trying to relax at the seaside rn but I can't stop stressing and overthinking at all
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frickyeahfanfic · 5 years
STATS & STAR WARS (peter parker)
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pairing: peter parker x cheerleader!smart!reader
warnings: none
summary: You are in peter’s math class, and you got partnered with him for a stats project. Peter is TERRIBLE at math, so you have to stay after school to help him with the project. and maybe hang out and study later?
word count: 2.5k
Peter was dreading his math class today. He didn’t have any friends in that class, nor did he do the homework, but on top of it all, there was a group assignment. It wouldn’t have been as miserable if he had been put with MJ, or even Flash,
But he had been paired with you. 
The best math student with the worst. 
“Everyone get in your assigned groups, you have twenty minutes until the bell rings to work. These projects are due on Friday, so get them done!”
The lifeless room shuffled to life as the kids moved their desks and slung their brick-heavy backpacks over their shoulders.
You turned your head over your shoulder and made eye contact with a scared looking Peter Parker. Honestly, you could never figure out why he always looked like a deer in the headlights. You wave your hand and he follows the movement, quickly getting out of his seat and plopping down in the one next to you.
“You start on page 329 and I’ll start on 349,” you say, hoisting your textbook out of your backpack. He did the same, humming in agreement. 
As you fingered through the textbook with delicate fingers, Peter scribbled down the notes from his pages. You could simply read the information and process it perfectly, thus classifying you as the smartest person in the room.
Peter, on the other hand, was a bit slow.
“Hey, um, what formula would you use for this problem?” He turned his messy notes to you. 
You looked up from your concentration and scrutinized his page for a moment, before jotting down the equation on the corner of his paper.
“Use this one,” you said with a smile. 
Peter laughed nervously. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.”
Although Peter was a little thick when it came to numbers and graphs, you were more than happy to help a classmate out. Especially if it meant that you would get free physics and AP biology tutoring. 
Still, why did he act so… afraid?
There were a few moments of silence before the bell rang and students scrambled to collect their supplies. Peter didn’t move. 
As you started to stand, he panicked. “Wait, I need more help!”
It was the last class period of the day, so everyone was eager to go home, to clubs or sports practices. You were a cheerleader, and tumbling practice wasn’t until later, so you had some time to stay after school and help Parker out. 
You sank back into your seat and grabbed your calculator that you had just put away. 
“Sorry Y/n, you can go home if you want, I think I can figure this one out.”
A soft smile warmed your face and you started plugging in numbers into the calculator. “You have ten problems left, and it’s a group assignment. We won’t go home until it’s finished,” you stated simply, writing an answer down on his paper. Your arm brushed over his and he flinched, but you didn’t notice. He always got so jumpy around you. 
It was silent as you worked on the next problem. The vents whirred loudly, and when you slammed your pencil on the desk, Peter nearly had a heart attack and sat up straighter than a stick in his chair. If only his Spidey-sense could help him with not being so nervous. 
“Parker, please just talk to me. You don’t have to be so quiet,” you complained, raising an eyebrow. 
He opened his mouth, but no words came out. What an idiot, she’s probably thinking.
“How’s Ned? Got another lego set?” You try, his eyes looking anywhere but yours.
“Oh! Ned’s great! We just finished a limited edition Millenium Falcon piece!”
Idiot, idiot, idiot! She probably thinks I’m the biggest nerd now!
“Millenium Falcon, from Star Wars?” You asked with genuine interest. 
Peter nodded and swallowed. Maybe he could redeem himself.  
“Well, yeah, Ned’s a huge fan of Star Wars, I’m not as-”
“My brother doesn’t play with his legos anymore, and he hasn’t touched his Super Star Destroyer in years,” you say, cutting him off. 
Peter was listening now. “The Super Star Destroyer?” The set cost almost a thousand on ebay, and there was no way that May would approve of the heavy purchase. 
You shrug. “My parents bought it for him when he was 12. He was such a brat about it, they paid him to put it together. You can have it if you want, the box is only good at collecting dust.”
The rich, smart, hot cheerleader just offered him a Lego Star Wars set. Ned would never believe him.
“I… don’t know what to say,” Peter said, staring at his scribbles in disbelief. 
“Thank you.” You teased, nudging him with your elbow. 
I think I broke him, you thought to yourself as he looked at your eyes for a second, then continued to stare at the paper in front of him. 
You clear your throat. “I’ve never seen Star Wars before.”
Peter looked at you in disbelief. Okay, he’s not broken. “What?” He nearly screamed at you.
Furrowing your brow, you continue copying down numbers from the dim screen on the calculator. “I don’t watch nerd movies, I watch chick-flicks and rom-coms with my friends, Peter Parker,” you say.
Your sparkling laughter fills the air as Peter’s face twisted into one of confusion. 
“We need to watch Star Wars,” he blurted out.
You squint your eyes. “We need to finish our project.”
He groaned and put his face on the desk, but gasped when an idea came to his head.
“We can watch Star Wars and work on the project,” Peter said, lifting his face off the desk. His paper was stuck to his cheek and it fluttered to the ground when you blew on it.
“You mean, I watch Star Wars, while you work on the project,” you roll your eyes and pick up Peter’s paper off the ground. “Or is it the other way around.”
When you put the paper back on his desk he was nearly glaring at you. 
“You need to watch Star Wars,” he insisted again.
“Fine. I’ll watch it when I get home from tumbling practice, you can wait until then,” your last statement wasn’t a question, rather, demanding Peter to be patient. 
He huffed and nodded. “Deal. Your house or mine?”
You bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing. “Peter, if you’re asking me on a date, then it’s your place, but if we’re just hanging out we can do my place.”
Peter’s face turned bright red and his palms were sweating profusely. “A date? No, no, we can just hang out at your house.”
You wink and he almost faints. “It’s a deal.” 
Peter gets a text on his phone and starts packing his things. He gets halfway through the door when he stops. A clammy hand wraps around the doorframe and he peaks back at you.
“I, uh… probably need your address, and your phone number in case I get lost.”
You catch up to him, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. “Thought you’d never ask.”
He hands you his phone with a blank contact and you fill it in quietly. Peter can’t help but stare at you, this close to him. The way your lovely lashed eyes settle on the cracked screen, the hair that falls over your right shoulder, you make his knees weak. 
You hand his phone back to him and he gasps softly when you make eye contact with him again. You tilt your head in confusion. 
“Something wrong Peter?”
He shakes his head and steps backwards. “Uh, I’ll see you tonight! Good luck with tumbling practice!”
Peter runs faster than he’s ever run before. 
He can’t stop shaking when he comes to the door. 
You live a little way out of the city, in a two-story home on a busy street. The streetlamps seem bright and the road well kept in contrast to the dirty and dim Queens area that Peter Parker lived in. 
Peter looks at his phone one more time, making sure he has the right address and knocks on the door with a clenched fist. 
To his relief, a small head poked through the crack in the door and looked up at you. It must’ve been one of your brothers. 
“Who are you?” He asked innocently. Peter could see a glowing lightsaber in the hands of the elementary-age child, as if ready for attack. 
“I’m Peter, I’m coming over to study with Y/n,” he said, hefting the AP Stats textbook in his arm. 
The boy turned his head and yelled your name, to which you came quickly to the door. 
Your hair was pulled back in a slick ponytail, but the ends were tousled from your cheerleading practice. A baggy t-shirt draped over your arms and fell down to your mid-thigh, and from there tight leggings were situated comfortably. 
This was a different version of yourself, a tired, undone version. Normally your hair was perfectly curled, and you had the cutest clothes on, but at home, you could unwind and take things down a notch. 
Peter thought you looked perfect. Either way, you were just stunning, sweats or skirts. 
“Ben, let Peter in! Dude, I’m so sorry, he’s kinda a weirdo,” you said laughing. 
“Ben,” Peter breathed. Ben Parker was his Uncle’s name.
Your brother scurried off behind you when Peter came inside. 
“He’s the one that doesn’t play with his legos anymore,” you turn and look at him running off with his lightsaber. “Speaking of which-”
You plopped down a box by the door, the sound of plastic bricks clinking inside. “Your Super Star Destroyer. Don’t forget it here.”
Peter beamed. “Awesome!”
You gesture to the basement door. “Let's get our homework done. Both assignments.”
He looked confused and started panicking. There were two assignments?
You saw the look of confusion on his face. “Stats and Star Wars?”
Peter sighed with relief. “Oh yeah, duh.”
The basement was small but cozy. You had already set up the TV to watch Star Wars, and your backpack and textbooks were already strewn across the floor and the couch. 
“There’s food and sodas in the fridge, feel free to help yourself,” you said, plopping down on the couch. You grab a heavy textbook and set it in your lap, opening up to wear a pencil marked your spot. Peter had a water bottle in his hands from the fridge and sat down gingerly next to you, pulling out a binder full of statistic worksheets.
You nod towards the TV. “Ready?”
His face glows. “Yes.”
Not even ten minutes into the movie, Peter asks for your help on a problem.
“Y/n, how do you do this one again?” He nearly cringes as you turn your attention away from the screen. He doesn’t want you to miss this scene. 
You cheerfully point out that he needs to fix the Window setting on his calculator, then immediately go back to watching the movie.
Peter realized that you had your textbook open on your lap to help him.
So embarrassing. At least he only had two more problems left, then he could enjoy the movie. 
You can sense his frustration as he flips through the pages of the textbook, trying to find the next solution. You study his paper for a second, equally as confused. 
 “I actually don’t know how to do this one, I don’t think Mr. Saldor explained this concept,” you say with a sigh.
Peter didn’t feel so embarrassed anymore. You didn’t know all the answers in the universe. 
“Wait, you actually don’t know?” He asked, a bright tone in his voice. 
You roll your eyes and turn back to the screen. “No, Peter Parker, I actually don’t know all the answers in the universe.” You shut your textbook and set it on the floor. “I assume he’ll go over it in class tomorrow until then we need to work on our next assignment.”
Phew. The pain was over. He could finally watch his favorite movie with you. Pray to Thor that he doesn’t make himself more embarrassed. 
“I need some water, I’ll be right back,” you get up, hoping that he gets the message to scoot over and make a move. 
Of course, you wanted to hang out with Peter, and working on AP stats homework was the perfect excuse. 
You thought he was the sweetest kid in your class, and he wasn’t too bad to look at either. You didn’t mind all of his nerdy-ness, his friend Ned, or the fact that he straight-up sucked at Statistics, in fact, you found it all the more endearing. And when he got all nervous around you, you just wanted to pull him in a hug and tell him to take it easy. You liked him for who he was. If only you had the courage to tell him that. Maybe you were just as shy.  
As you come back to the couch, Peter was sitting with a blanket on his lap. He looked so uncomfortable. He had to focus so hard not to move away from you when you sat down so close to him. 
You reached for the blanket. “Mind if we share?”
“Oh yeah!” He exclaimed, and then pushed all the blankets off of himself onto you. 
He looked at you, his lips pressed together and his eyes wider than ever before. 
“Stop worrying!” You burst out in laughter, clutching your gut when you couldn’t get any air. 
“I can’t!” He nearly yelled at you as you continued to double over.
Once your breathing slowed you looked at him again and stifled a laugh. He looked terrified. 
“Peter Parker, share the blanket with me.”
He blinked in surprise. You wanted to cuddle with him?
You could read the shock plastered all over his face. In one swift movement, the blanket was draped over the two of you and you snuggled into his side.
“This is the part where you put your arm around me,” you say softly now. 
“Right,” he said, face blushing hard. His muscular arm wrapped around your shoulder and relaxed when he found the right spot to rest his hand. 
“I kinda don’t know what’s going on in the movie,” you admitted. 
“Guess we’ll have to watch from the start,” he said smoothly. Finally! He thought to himself. I think I’m catching onto this flirting thing!
“Guess so.”
ok i think i’m gonna end it there. I might write some more mini fics to this bc i love this concept where peter is just HEAD OVER HEELS for the pretty!reader, i just gotta finish up a submission first before i post anything else aaaaaa
any advice for my writing?? send in an ask! i have LOTS of room for improvement!
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