#me every day nuking fics from my sight on ao3 only to refresh the page the next day to MORE C!INNITER FIC
dr3amofagame Β· 5 months
Still doing hot takes?
Here's mine: the DSMP was the worst thing to happen to the Dream tag on AO3 - it used to be manhunt or IRL, now it's 98% C!Tommy sympathetic "Dream is an evil manipulator"/"Dream is a horrible person, no I will not add C!" fics
strongly agree / agree / ambivalent / disagree / strongly disagree / don’t care whatsoever
FUCKKK MY LIFE YOURE SO RIGHT T-T i use an extension to just nuke fics from my page on sight and then end up with pages and pages of just all nuked fics bc like TWO-THIRDS OF HIS TAG OR SMTH STUPID IS ALL C!SBI (<- DIDNT EXIST !!!!!) CENTRIC FIC LIKE ITS AWFUL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i miss manhunt fics so bad Come Back To Me . Pleek. kicks dirt and the amount of good c!dream fic out there is so abysmally small too...
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