#me getting my lit and comp friends to explain why a writing is bad
rgr-pop · 4 years
@little-brisk i am not admitting that i posted it here at 5:30 am my time knowing that you might see it because you’re my target audience for a certain genre of bad things... but on the level of prose alone...
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jisungsmochi · 5 years
competition - na jaemin
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summary: you and jaemin have been competing alongside eachother in soccer since you were younger. it slowly became a competition when your teams were often compared to each other, so you both instead became rivals. but things change, when your teams are forced to merge.
childhood best friends to rivals (?) to lovers hehe 
a/n: i really outdid myself with this one but i just couldn’t stop writing HAHA pls enjoy it!! 
word count: 6.6k 
‘over here y/n !!’ you heard a high pitched voice call from your left, you giggled softly before dribbling the ball between your feet, handing it over to the six year old boy.
he dribbled skilfully before taking the final kick for the goal. both of you cheered as your parents and siblings watched on, clapping at your efforts. you ran up to him with arms wide, as did he, both meeting in the middle and embracing eachother in a slightly sweaty hug.
‘we are such a good team!’ you pat him on the back, while walking to your parents.
‘yeah we are! i can’t wait until we’re older, we can play on the same team!’ jaemin cheerfully exclaimed, making you nod in agreement.
‘i’ll see you next friday! bye jaemin’ you gave him one last hug before jogging to your parents.
‘ewww y/n! you like jaemin!’ your brother, mark teased.
‘i do not! boys have cooties!’ you crossed your arms, following your parents to the car.
‘whatever you say! i bet he will be your boyfriend in the future!’ mark taunted you while making kissy faces. although he was just a year old than you, you didn’t hesitate to slap the back of his head.
na jaemin was your best companion on the field. you practiced every friday, as your families were good friends, so your friendship was bound to have happened. but your interest in soccer was what really brought you two together.
as the years went by, your love of soccer didn’t fade away.
when you were both fourteen, you tried out for the regional teams at your local soccer club.
you both hyped eachother up as it would give you both an opportunity to be scouted when you both go to college.
‘y/n, you’re the best player i know, those girls have nothing on you!’ you nodded at his mini motivational speech. he looked at you with his smile which instantly made you feel at ease. you both had practiced almost everyday after school for this try out.
‘jaemin’ he looked over to you. ‘promise that we’ll play alongside eachother one day’ you pulled out your pinky, in which he nodded whilst linking his with yours and conjoining your thumbs at the end. it was a small action that was significant to you both.
‘i promise!’ he cheered before you both headed to the field.
and with flying colours, you both earned positions on your respective teams. jaemin came running to you, as he had done many times before, picking you up and spinning you around.
‘we did it! i can’t believe it! we are amazing!’ he smiled, slinging his arm around your shoulders as you both walked over to your parents.
‘we are going to own high school together!’ you smiled up at him, in which he smiled back at you.
everything was going to be perfect, so you thought.
but high school wasn’t all you expected. jaemin soon became a distant stranger. you couldn’t find time to hang out after school due to your practice schedules. and school was a whole different story, different classes, new friend groups. the whole lot. it was difficult to stay in touch. the only thing you both seemed to still have in common was your love for soccer. but it wasn’t enough to keep your friendship growing.
dinners at each other’s houses soon turned into just jaemin’s parents and his little sister. jaemin was always busy with his new friends and with his soccer team, he couldn’t come over anymore. and each time you would come over to dinner at his place, he would lock himself in his room to chat with his friends and play video games, leaving you and his little sister to watch random shows on tv. you missed him, a lot. you missed how you would both go to the local reserve to destress by kicking the ball around. you missed how he would text you at early hours of the morning because he had a nightmare. you missed how you give eachother shoulder massages before every tournament you attended. you missed na jaemin being your best friend. but this feeling soon turned into a distaste for him. you disliked how he tossed you away as soon as he found a new clique. you disliked how he became the star player on his team, when you were always placed second on yours. you disliked how no matter how many memories you both made, na jaemin refused to acknowledge your existence in the halls. you soon came to dislike na jaemin. and you weren’t so sure it would change any time soon.
you made your way to the soccer club, checking yourself in and meeting up with the rest of your team mates.
you only really had one other close friend on the team, yuna. she was the team’s goal keeper, and was often described as a prodigy as she only began playing soccer two years back. you both took your seats on the bleachers, awaiting the arrival of your coach. you looked over as you saw him, followed by the boys team.
‘oh no, this looks bad’ yuna gasped as the boys made their way over to your team and sat to the right of the bleachers.
‘okay so now that we are all here, i have some news. coach shin for the boys regional team has gone on part time leave due to an injury. we aren’t sure how long he will be gone for, but he and i have both agreed to merge training for the male and female teams to be on the same days.’
a wave of groans filled the stands as both teams were infuriated.
‘i understand your frustration, but i believe this is the best option as you all know we have the upcoming co-ed tournament. i will be choosing six players from each team to be on the team with consulting from coach shin. but for now, please practice as you would, and do not hesitate to practice together! now chop chop, we don’t have much time left!’ your coach blew his whistle as everyone made their way to the field.
‘i can’t believe it, the boys are complete assholes’ yuna groaned as you both left your seats.
‘i know, i can’t believe jaemin is still there’ you sighed.
‘okay but he is one of the best players in the club, you can’t deny it, he’s definitely making the co-ed team’ she looked over at him, then back at you.
‘yeah well i’m going to make it on the team as well. i need to beat him’ you spoke with such determination, yuna just nodded as you both began to practice dribbling.
on the other side of the field, jaemin was watching you practice. he hasn’t seen you on the field in a while, due to his schedule. but he couldn’t deny that you were getting better by the second. his thoughts were interrupted.
‘bro, take a shot!’ jeno yelled from the goals, as jaemin readjusted himself, before striking the ball, only for it to completely miss the goal. jeno ran up to his friend, with confusion.
‘dude you never miss, why did you miss?’ jeno questioned.
‘just...distracted’ was all jaemin could reply with.
‘by what? the girls?’ jeno joked, giving his friend a small tap on the shoulder.
‘it’s just so unfair that they are taking up half our field space as well as us having to share our practice time’ jaemin rolled his eyes, letting them land back on you.
‘yeah i know it’s whack, but if coach said it will be good then it will be. plus we have to try to get on the co-ed team’ jeno explained.
‘you mean, you, have to try’ jaemin jokes, as jeno tackled him to the ground,
‘oh you’re an asshole’
the next day at training, you saw that some of the girls on your team had started practicing with the boys. you weren’t completely against the idea, but it was always instilled into your team that they were our rivals. the boys team always competed in more well-known comps and had won more tournaments than your team. it was a real confidence bust. as you stepped onto the field, your coach called you over.
‘hey y/n, could you please practice with jeno? he’s still a bit unconfident with his goal kicks, and you are one of our best strikers so it wouldn’t hurt to help him out’ your coach politely asked. you didn’t dislike jeno, the way you disliked jaemin, so you agreed, making your way over to jeno. but the two boys came like a pair, get one, and forcefully get the other.
jeno gave you a small wave before jogging up to you to shake your hand.
‘hi y/n!’ he smiled at you, in which you returned,
‘hi, coach said you need help with goal kicks?’ you got straight to the point, ignoring jaemin staring from the corner of your eye.
‘yes please’ jeno followed you to the goal, observing your every move as you explained your technique. you tried your best to make it simple for him to understand. it took a while for him to get the hang of things but once he did, his face lit up. you couldn’t help but watch as jaemin glared at the both of you. you couldn’t read his expression, but he wasn’t happy.
once you had finished with jeno, jaemin approached you.
‘your leg wasn’t straight’ was all he said.
‘what?’ you struck back at him, the tone in your voice coming out harsher than you anticipated.
‘i said, your leg wasn’t straight. your knee kept bending’ he stood so his figure towered above you, his way of making it clear he felt superior. you rolled your eyes before poking his chest,
‘well hotshot, coach asked me to help jeno, and he actually got it. so my leg may not be ‘straight’ but i still got the job done’ your eyes pierced into his.
he scoffed, while crossing his arms,
‘i could have done better’ his whole composure infuriated you. this wasn’t the jaemin you used to practice with everyday. this wasn’t the jaemin who would compliment your every move.
‘just shut your mouth for once, jaemin, no one asked for your opinion’ you shoved past him, as jeno was jogging to you guys.
‘hey what happened?’ he asked you politely, trying to stop you from storming off.
‘he’s an asshole’ was all you could say before making your way to the bleachers and packing your things. you hated that he made you feel so small. you needed to prove to na jaemin that you were a good player, no matter what it takes.
the weekend had come along and it was a local tournament for your team. the boys were pretty much forced by coach to attend in order to analyse how the girls play. you and yuna were preparing for the match, tightening your shoe laces and doing some last minute stretching.
‘okay girl, what’s the game plan?’ she asked you as you both walked into the field.
‘game plan is to show these boys how it’s done’ you chuckled as you fist bumped her and made your ways to your designated spots.
the team you were up against were known local champions, you had only won against them a few times, but they had a well known rep for playing dirty. as the game commenced, everything went at such a quick pace. players from your team were getting tripped over, and constantly getting blocked shots. it frustrated you how embarrassing it seemed from the boys’ perspective. you had received the ball, whilst two players from the opposing team were chasing you down, one of them tripped you over as the other ran for the ball. as you fell to the ground, you felt your ankle twist, instantly knowing it wasn’t going to end well. as your body hit the ground, you immediately reached for your ankle in pain, calling out for the ref. the ref dismissed the action from the other players, and called a time out. your coach, along with some players from your team, helped you to the bench.
‘does it hurt when i do this?’ your coach was worried about the extent of the injury. you shook your head.
‘how about this?’ he strained it in another direction,
‘oh god yes it does’ you winced before grabbing your ankle again.
‘okay it’s not broken, just a sprain, someone get her some ice, you need to be on rest for the next few weeks’ he sighed, evidently stressed about the whole situation.
‘but coach, i need to make the co-ed team’ you cried,
‘try outs for that team aren’t for another two months, you will be okay’ he pat your shoulder as someone aided you with ice.
fuck this, was all you could think.
you scanned the bleachers as your eyes met with jaemin, who, for once, seemed to be worried. you ignored his glance before attending to your ankle.
despite your injury you still wanted to attend practice even if it meant you were to be put on the bench. jaemin constantly kept looking over at you, as if he was unsure on whether to approach you or not. you were tapping away on your phone when you felt a presence next to you,
‘how’s the ankle?’ he asked in a monotone voice.
‘why do you care?’ you shut off your phone and glared at him.
‘just asking’ he shrugged, taking a seat next to you.
‘it’s fine, i mean, i can’t really feel it but if i move it the wrong way, it just hurts so bad’ you sighed, unsure of why you were letting this out on him.
‘i’ve had a sprained ankle before, it will pass, don’t worry too much about it’ he awkwardly spoke as you just nodded. the tension was slightly unbearable.
‘you going to try out for co-ed?’ he decided to continue the flow of the conversation.
‘yeah of course, i can’t wait to beat you’ you chuckled softly, watching as his eyes met yours.
‘oh really now? with that little ankle of yours?’ he shot you his flawless smile that used to calm you down when you were younger.
‘once i’m healed you better watch out’ you continued with the banter. it felt nice to talk normally with jaemin again, but it still didn’t excuse the way he had acted towards you in the past.
‘i’m sooo scared’ he put his hands up in defence, yet again, smiling at you.
stop doing that, you thought to yourself.
‘it’s been a while’ you sighed, he looked at you with a confused expression.
‘since we’ve properly talked’ you explained, as he slowly nodded.
‘yeah about that i’m-‘
‘HEY! jaemin! my mum’s here to pick us up!’ jeno interrupted, as he made his way to the car park.
‘oh i’m sorry i should go, nice talking to you after so long’ jaemin quickly packed his things before rushing off to meet jeno.
he was something else. one moment he was criticising you on your kicks, and now he’s trying to be all friendly.
during school, you would never even taken notice of jaemin, but since that conversation at practice, it was all you could do. everywhere you went, he was somehow always there. part of you wanted to talk to him, but it seemed like something you both could only do at practice.
your brother, mark, was picking you up from school that day. as you put on your seatbelt, he started the car.
‘woah hold on, is that jaemin? i haven’t seen that guy in ages!’ mark spoke in awe before popping his head out the window,
‘yo jaemin!!’
the brunette boy noticed someone calling his name and made his way over to mark’s car.
‘what the fuck are you doing?’ your eyes widened as you slid down the car seat.
‘hey mark, it’s been a while’ jaemin was at the driver’s window.
‘oh hi y/n’ he smirked as you gave him a small wave before rushing to grab your phone.
‘damn you’ve gotten taller, wanna come hang out at our house, we’ve got to catch up!’ mark offered him, before you blurted,
‘no!’ the two boys looked over at you in confusion.
‘i- i mean, shouldn’t we also invite his parents too? mum and dad are both home from work today’ you quickly put together, watching as mark nodded in agreement.
‘yeah sounds good’ jaemin spoke, causing you to look over at him.
‘cool, come over at 6’ mark waved goodbye as he drove off.
‘why did you do that?!’ you slapped his arm.
‘hey! unlike you, i am still friends with him okay? and dude, are you sure you don’t have a crush on him? because i see the way you been looking at eachother an-‘
‘one more word and i’m going to dye all your white shirts, pink’ you threatened as the older boy became quiet.
what in the world was going to happen tonight?
six o’clock struck. your parents were frantically setting the table, excited that their friends were coming over after a while of not seeing eachother. you felt bad that they had stopped hanging out, partly due to your distance from jaemin. mark was excited as well, him and jaemin would play fifa on the playstation together, whilst you would bother them to watch a movie with you. it felt like old times were reoccurring.
the doorbell rang, and you being the closest, walked over the answer it. there you saw jaemin and his parents. he was dressed in a grey hoodie and some black jeans. it was a simple outfit but it made him look more fit and attractive. which you didn’t want to admit. you greeted them all politely as jaemin’s mum began to explain,
‘ah yes yeeun is currently on school camp so she is unable to be here’ you also missed hanging out with jaemin’s sister, hopefully that day will come again soon. both of your parents instantly reconnected, chatting away in the living room.
‘hey‘ you smiled at him softly. he looked down at you with slight admiration.
‘it’s been a while’ you spoke awkwardly.
‘yeah almost, three years?’ jaemin sighed, looking around your house that he once used to come to everyday.
‘not much has changed, really’ you led him towards your room, where a large butterfly sculpture was stuck on the outside of your door.
‘this is still here?!’ his mouth widened in shock.
‘yeah well, using super glue to stick this bad boy on, makes it difficult to remove’ you smiled as you opened the door,
‘ah my bad i’m sorry about that! but hey, i was eight’ he shrugged before looking around your room.
he walked over to your trophies that were displayed on a bookcase next to your study table.
‘so what’s new with you?’ you asked, taking a seat on your bed.
‘umm a lot? y/n, we haven’t spoken since like three years ago’ he sat next to you, leaving some space between you both.  
‘yeah, who’s fault was that?’ you mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
‘what do you mean?’ he tried to regain your attention.
‘you’re the one who stopped being friends with me!’ you threw your hands in the air in annoyance.
‘not true! you’re the one who left me for another group!’ he retorted, your eyebrows furrowed, irritated at his words.
‘well you’re the one who stopped coming over. you stopped talking to me at school and you stopped taking the bus to practice with me. what else was i supposed to do, but make new friends!’ you scowled at him, angered that he was trying to put the blame on you.
he was unable to say anything in return, instead he pulled your head against his chest and ran his fingers through your hair.
‘i- i just thought that, we were drifting already since we weren’t in the same classes, so i just cut our friendship off to just, try and make things easier. it’s not a good excuse i know, but i thought its what you wanted’ he explained, his words trembling as you felt his hands shake.
‘i didn’t want to stop being friends’ you wiped some tears that left your eyes and looked up at him.
‘i’m sorry for everything.’ he mumbled just loud enough for you to hear.
‘it’s okay’ you nodded, placing your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug.
‘can we try to pick things up where they left off?’ he offered, unsure of what your response would be.
you debated on your response. remembering the times he was completely rude to you.
‘we can try. but the moment you act like an asshole, i’m not afraid to hit you’ you threatened as a smile crept onto his face.
‘thankyou for giving me another chance’ he muttered.
‘it’s okay, promise you won’t mess this up?’ you pulled out your pinky. he smiled widely at your actions before linking your pinkies together and joining your thumbs.
‘i promise’
and with those words, and the official seal of friendship, na jaemin wasn’t so unbearable.
the next practice you both attended, your coach allowed you to participate in some simple training.
‘hey, your ankle seems to be healing pretty quickly!’ jaemin approached you, as he trapped the ball between his feet.
‘oh yeah, it’s barely hurting anymore’ you smiled back at him. although it has only been a week since he had come over for dinner, you both attempted to somehow rekindle your friendship. at times it was still awkward and you both were unsure of how to continue the conversation, so you both unanimously agreed to only talk during practice.
jeno and yuna would often join you both, abiding by your coach’s orders of light training. so the four of you were just passing the ball to eachother in a circle while talking about events at school.
yuna, unfortunately didn’t attend your school, which often led to her ranting about her crush on a guy in her maths class by the name of haechan.
‘ugh he’s just so nice to me but he’s so oblivious! i invited him to go to the movies but then he invited one of his friends as well because he thought it was a group thing, so i ended up third wheeling them!!’ she groaned, passing the ball over to jeno.
‘that’s a tough blow, maybe you just need to be more straight up?’ he passed the ball over to jaemin,
‘or how about this? get over him! you were already clear by asking him out’ jaemin shrugged before tapping it over to you.
‘i agree, he isn’t worth your time’ you stated to your best friend as she nodded along to everyone’s advice.
‘you are all probably right, fuck boys’ she giggled as jeno chased her to the other side of the field.
‘they would be cute’ jaemin muttered, standing beside you.
‘i mean i guess’ you chuckled, ‘want to go out? just the four of us?’ you offered as he agreed,
‘damn you’re asking me out on a date already? y/n i don’t like you like that’ jaemin smirked as you shoved his shoulders,
‘can you like not be self absorbed for like five minutes?’
‘no can do’
you were seated next to jaemin as yuna and jeno sat across from you both.
‘we’re really having mcdonald’s for dinner?’ yuna commented, whilst taking a bite of her fries.
‘got a problem?’ you retorted, causing her to chuck a fry at you.
‘so how are we feeling about co-ed try outs? i mean, we HAVE to all make it’ jeno started the conversation.
‘but jeno, we are both goalies, only one of us can be the team’s goalkeeper, and besides i suck at dribbling’ yuna sighed.
‘don’t be discouraged! we can help you’ jaemin offered, trying to cheer her up.
‘yeah, it’s no fun if one of us is left out!’ you exclaim, remembering back to when you and jaemin promised to play on the same team together one day.
as you all parted ways from car park, jaemin approached you.
‘hey y/n, want me to drive you home?’
you were originally waiting for mark, but remembered that he was studying for his college exams. you nodded in response to his offer and entered the passenger seat of his car.
‘wanna go somewhere?’ he mumbled, looking over at you. there was a short silence before you responded,
‘let’s go to the reserve’ you smiled as his face lit up. that reserve held so many of your memories. the time that you and jaemin were hiding from mark and yeeun when playing hide and seek. the time that jaemin got rejected by his crush in 7th grade and asked you to buy him lollies so you could both talk about it.
you hopped out of the car, meeting jaemin at the centre of the reserve.
‘it’s so quiet’ he whispered, slinging his arm around you, like many times before.
but this time it felt different. you missed the feeling of his arm around you. you missed his hugs and his motivational speeches, you really missed jaemin.
‘yeah it is’ you sighed before taking a seat on the grass. jaemin followed, not saying a word before pulling you closer to his side and allowing your head to rest on his shoulder.
‘remember when we were younger, and we wanted to play on the same team so badly that you even tried to cut your hair shorter so you would look like a boy’ jaemin chuckled, causing you to lightly slap his thigh.
‘hey! i had to live with a bowl cut for a whole year before my hair reached past my shoulders’ you whined, hiding your face in the crook on his neck, which made his composure stiffen. he wrapped his arm around you before continuing to tease,
‘no you looked very cute, the bowl haircut really suited you’
you didn’t know why he made you feel so fuzzy inside but you didn’t want that feeling to go away. you wanted to keep feeling how na jaemin made you feel.
moments passed before you moved your head to face jaemin. his side profile was so gorgeous, it made you speechless. his jawline was defined, his cheeks weren’t as full, his lips were plump. he soon took notice of you staring, turning his head to look you directly in the eyes. your faces were mere centimetres apart, if you would have just moved slightly forward your lips would have touched. jaemin’s eyes flickered between yours and your lips. his breath was hitting the surface of your lips as you felt his hand move a piece of hair from your face. he let his hand linger there, still not saying a word. you wanted to just close that gap, but you were unsure of how he felt about it.
‘i- i mean we should go’ he whispered to you, pulling away from you. you didn’t know why your heart hurt at his actions. you wanted to kiss jaemin right then and there, but you guessed that he clearly didn’t feel the same. you quickly made your way to his car, he remained silent the entire trip back to your house. as he pulled up to your drive way, you turned to him before saying,
‘i’m sorry about earlier, it wasn’t meant to happen. i mean, god i don’t know. i’m sorry, thanks for the ride, bye’ you stammered, making your way out of his car and heading inside. jaemin sat back in his seat, his heart beat finally resuming to pump at a steady pace.
he wanted to kiss you. but the timing didn’t feel right to him. he didn’t want to hurt you, like he did years before. jaemin sat in your driveway for a few minutes, recounting the events in his mind, replaying what he should have done differently. eventually he just groaned to himself before driving back home.
as you entered your room, you immediately called yuna, ready to pour your emotions out for the rest of the night.
a week had gone by since that day. your ankle was 99% healed, and you were cleared to play as usual. you entered the field and immediately began practicing your goal kicks. yuna was absent due to a cold, so your next best goalkeeper was jeno. you were shooting balls at him, left and right and he managed to save more than you expected.
‘let’s take a break’ he almost wheezed before walking up to you and handing you a water bottle.
in the back of your mind, you wondered where jaemin was, it wasn’t like him to skip out on practice, but part of you also didn’t want to know, in fear that your embarrassment would resurface.
‘try outs are next week, how you feeling?’ jeno asked, spreading himself flat on the field. you chuckled whilst copying his actions.
‘i feel good about it, and you?’ you question him back, as he lets out a small sigh.
‘fingers crossed, am i right?’ was all he said. you weren’t sure how to respond so you remained silent as you both stared at the stars in the sky.
‘hey’ you suddenly blurred, causing jeno to sit up and face you.
‘how do you know, if a guy likes you?’
jeno gave you a puzzled look before thinking of what to say.
‘well, depends, are you talking about any other guy or are you talking about jaemin?’ your eyes widened at the boy’s question, worried that you had been too obvious.
‘how did you know?’ you hung your head low to play with the grass.
‘i’ve seen the way you both look at eachother, you don’t just do that with a friend’ he shrugged before approaching you closer. ‘y/n, what are you waiting for?’
you weren’t sure what he really meant. it wasn’t like you were waiting for jaemin to confess. you weren’t waiting for you both to have some romance story to tell people. you weren’t sure of what you wanted from na jaemin.
‘i’m just scared, that things are going to go back to the way they were before. us ignoring eachother and not being friends’ you muttered, pulling your knees to your chest.
‘it won’t happen, you just need to be upfront with him. jaemin can be reserved and quite the ignorant guy, but he will let his guard down’ jeno reassured you, whilst softly rubbing your back.
his words remained with you for the rest of the night. as you laid in bed at 2:34am, not able to fall asleep, you called the one person you needed to talk to most.
‘y/n?’ the deep voice groaned, clearly having been woken by your call.
‘meet me at the reserve in 15 minutes, we need to talk’ you quickly hung up and put on warmer clothes. jaemin was confused to say the least, but he agreed that you both needed to talk.
and just like that, 15 minutes later, his car pulled up to the reserve where you sat in the centre of the field, just like many nights ago. you could hear his footsteps approach you, your heart pounding with every step he took. he hunched down to meet you at eye level before taking a seat next to you.
‘you called me out here to talk’ he spoke so softly, you didn’t want to look at him. instead you stared at some trees before replying,
‘what are we?’ you struck at him, watching as his demeanour changed.
he became more enclosed, his lips sealed and hands in his pockets.
‘what do you mean?’ he cluelessly replied.
‘you know what i mean, jaemin. you can’t keep confusing me. i can’t keep going on thinking we can still be just friends when you haven’t even properly told me how you feel.’ you sighed as you faced him, his face washed with a blank expression.
‘you haven’t told me how you feel either’ he retorted. part of you wanted to scream at him, but you knew he was right.
‘fine. i’ll say it. i like you, na jaemin. i’ve liked you since we were little. i’ve liked you since you took my hand after each fall in our practice games. i’ve liked you since you plastered a stupid butterfly sculpture on my door because you said it looks pretty. i’ve liked you since you promised me that we would make it on the same team one day. but these past three years, i’ve been battling myself into not liking you. i’ve tried to hate you because you just tossed me away. like all our memories didn’t mean anything to you. do i even mean anything to you?’ you suddenly felt tears rush down your face, your breathing becoming heavy and your fists were balled up. jaemin stared back at you, with every ounce of hurt he had ever felt. he didn’t want to hurt you. that was his number one priority since you were children, but he didn’t exactly that.
he pulled you to his side and stroked your hair to calm you down.
‘y/n, you mean more to me than you will ever give yourself credit for. i thought that i was holding you back, three years ago. you were pretty much the star player of the club, i couldn’t compete. i know that we were on different teams, but i wanted to be better than you. and fuck, that feels so selfish and arrogant to be saying right now but i hated how we were both brought up the same but you were significantly improving whilst i remained the exact same. so i decided that being friends with you, would only bring a lifetime of competitiveness and jealousy. there wasn’t a day that went by where i didn’t regret my actions.’ jaemin reached for your hands to interlock. still continuing to stroke your hair as you listened to his sweet voice.
‘now that we’ve had the chance to reconnect. i feel like an asshole. i should have kissed you that night. i kicked myself everyday since then because i didn’t do it. i just didn’t want to end up hurting you, so i pushed you away. and i am sorry for doing that to you’ jaemin pulled your face to be met with his. both his palms rested on your cheeks as he made eye contact with you.
‘before i keep rambling about how much i fucked up, i wanna say that, i like you too. even though it took me longer to realise it, i like you.’ he said above a whisper, your lips now millimetres apart. a smile crept to your lips, your tears had halted as you were admiring his words. na jaemin liked you back. that’s all you needed.
you leaned in closer, waiting for him to continue. he smiled back at you before softly pressing his lips against yours. his hands moved down to the side of your neck as the kiss got deeper. your hands played with his hair as he motioned for you to lay down on the grass, his body towering over you. his lips were so soft, so supple, everything about him was so amazing. he pulled away for a split second,
‘can we continue this in my car? It’s getting cold out here’ he smirked as you eagerly nodded.
god, he was something else.
today was the day. co-ed tryouts were commencing. you, jaemin, jeno and yuna huddled together,
‘okay everyone, let’s kick ass and show them what we’ve got!’ jaemin cheered as you all pat eachother on the back.
jaemin pulled you aside, pulling you in for a kiss, that lasted a big too long for everyone’s liking.
‘oh god they’re doing it again’ yuna fake gagged before pulling jeno to the field.
jaemin chuckled at their reactions before mumbling to you,
‘you got this baby’ you blushed at his words before giving him another quick kiss and running to your position on the field.
you pumped out your absolute best skills in this game, you had to put it all on the line. making this team would mean that you had a chance for college, and you needed it more than anything.
after what felt like hours of constant running and kicking, the game came to an end. you ran up to jaemin and embraced him in a hug as he swung you around.
‘that’s it, we’re done!’ he smiled before kissing your cheek.
‘i can’t believe we made it to this point’ you were in awe that in just a few moments, you would find out if you had actually made it.
jeno and yuna joined the both of you as you all walked to the leaderboard with the names listed.
‘oh i can’t look, one of you guys do it for me please!’ yuna trembled, hugging your side. you also put your hands over your eyes, asking jaemin to tell you the results. the boys both took a deep breath before reading the list of names. they both didn’t say anything. you and yuna slowly opened your eyes as the boys led you away from the leaderboard.
jeno looked solemnly at the both of you, along with jaemin who had his head in his hands.
‘what happened? did we not make it?’ you asked nervously, clinging onto yuna.
‘no’ jaemin blurted, followed by a sigh. ‘we all fucking made it! let’s gooooo!’ he cheered loudly, pulling you off the ground once again and spinning you around.
‘oh fuck you na jaemin!’ you giggled whilst slapping him lightly.
‘don’t do that again!’ yuna rolled her eyes before slapping jeno’s arm.
‘guys we are the dream team’ jeno stayed as you all laughed.
‘this is amazing! we have to celebrate! let’s go to mcdonald’s!’ yuna exclaimed, ‘race you to jaemin’s car!’ she laughed as jeno chased her to the car park.
you looked over at jaemin who couldn’t stop smiling.
‘you’re something else’ you pulled him to your side and slung his arm around your shoulder.
‘yeah but you love it’ he teased.
‘yeah and i love you’ your words stopped jaemin in his tracks, as he brought you to face him.
‘what did you say?’ he spoke in disbelief, looking for any sign of bluffing from you.
‘i love you, jaemin’ you said again with more confidence.
his smile got even brighter, if that was even possible. he attacked you with kisses all over your face and finally attached his lips to yours, pulling you in by the waist.
‘i love you too, so so much’ he mumbled against your lips, not caring that families were witnessing your major public display of affection. his forehead rested against yours as he stared into your eyes.
na jaemin was never meant to be your competition. he was meant to be your first love. he always has been.
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