#me ignoring current manga event to draw my comfort character
beolh · 2 years
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My little focus and hc on Ran’s necklace we see in that small flashback in Tenjiku Arc. I want it to be something he keeps over the course of his life.  Maybe it’s something Rindo gave him or a trophy of the brother’s very first victory. And Rin probably asks him why he doesn’t “get rid off this ugly thing” but Ran simply smiles and keeps wearing it.  I think i just love useless looking items that don’t serve the narrative in any way but are little easter eggs that help us better understand a character's personality or imagine a part of their story (hence the fact that I loooove the plans of the bedrooms that we see in the character books), especially on under develop chara like the s62 boiz. 
So here are 3 little headshot sketches of 13, 18/20 and 30 Ran.
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Why Emma not wearing pants is 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘
An essay by me
First of all, I'd like to remind that most likely the choice of giving Emma pants was not because of scarce budget. Models for pants!Emma were already created, as she widely used pants for the entirety of the first two and most of the third episosodes of the second season:
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On top of that, my artist sister can confirm that skirts way harder to draw (and, consequentially, animate). Besides, in the shelter she can be occasionally seen wearing pants as pijamas. To me, it makes way more sense for them to wear again the (possibly washed) outfits they were wearing for the escape rather than having packed some changes from GF; bringing clothes from GF doesn't sound very functional anyway, since stealing clothing changes would hardly go unnoticed, and would have had definitely increased the chances of Isabella finding out they were still planning to escape. Now, there's also the possibility the clothes they're seen wearing in episosodes three and four are the ones they found at the shelter- but I still have my fair share of confusion? GF outfits were conceived for children living in a happy, safe environment; furthermore, they are supposed to be white so to show immidiately when they're dirty (I also suspect it's meant to make it harder for children to hide eventual wounds). On the other hand, shelter's clothes are (supposedly) meant to be practical. The pants are dark because white and bright colors in general are way easier to spot when hiding, especially at night- but I guess that's something that may go overlooked. What absolutely CANNOT go overlooked is how somebody could think of giving skirts to children who need to hunt, or who must be prepared to escape at any moment. It's just something I cannot take? If that's the clothing Emma had found in the shelter, then I'm sure she would have kept wearing the pants she used when escaping: Emma is always ready to act and prepared for danger, I'm sure she would have not ignored the possibility of a quick escape (especially since, as I've mentioned before, they know pursuers are after them). It's also worth noticing that the current events are set in winter: going around a forest in a skirt short as the one Emma is wearing doesn't sound comfortable at all. Nor does leaving your skin exposed to bug bites, bushes and thorns.
Now, friendly reminder that, in the shelter, Gilda - the closest character for gender and age to Emma - does wear skirts; however, it's sure as hell that she doesn't wear them when going through demon forests.
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What was shown in the anime is just ridiculous. It's just so nice to have a manga that shows you so neatly that you can wear whatever you want - how many other Shonen manga do that? - and that makes it all the more upsetting to have an anime making girls wear skirts even in dangerous environments, for no apparent reason other than their gender.
It's not like girls don't wear skirts in tpn. Please have a look at this:
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Isn't it really nice? Girls both with skirts and pants. No doubt each of them chose for herself what she preferred wearing.
But guess what?
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After having settled down, they all change to pants. Simply because you cannot wear skirts in that kind of dangerous environment, when you need to protect your skin and be quick to run away. It's just that easy.
(Here's the reference to the children explaining that they were prepared for this, so it's not something the authors casually did, but had been considered beforehand:)
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Of course I'm not going to act like there's not a personal reason for me despising this exclusive choice of clothing so much. It is pretty depressing to see girls in such dangerous environments having to wear skirts. It's ridiculous to think Emma would go hunting wearing one. Just. I don't know. Clothing have a strong role in gender oppression, and I just wish they didn't erase how the thing was perfectly handled in the manga: who doesn't want to wear skirts can easily chose not to, without even needing to mention it.
Give Emma her pants back 2k21
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leondaltons · 3 years
tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
tagged by: @lunamoons thank you darling 💕
Please know that when this kind of games come I suddenly draw a blank and I can't remember what I ACTUALLY like alsjs
fave genre? I like every genre but I guess pop and alternative
fave artist? I have multiple fave artists but a classic one for me is Taylor Swift
fave song? Again, hard to pick one and it changes with my mood/events of my life/etc. I have been listening to Psycho by Red Velvet a lot lately
most listened song recently? Other than Psycho, Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo and Turandot performed by Pavarotti 🙈
song currently stuck in your head? Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa 'cause my sister was listening to it aksjsk
5 fave lyrics? The Archer by Taylor Swift/ Blue & Gray by BTS/ Ashley by Halsey/ Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier/ Cosmic Love by Halsey/ Fix You by Coldplay (I just put the first songs that popped from my list, i have too many I like aksjsk)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? Fantasy
fav writer? Idk if I have one but I really like Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Angela Carter
fav book? Pride and Prejudice, News of a Kidnapping
fav book series? A Song of Ice and Fire maybe? I don't read many book series. Sailor Moon if manga counts aksjsj. The Hunger Games
comfort book? Anna and The French Kiss, The Little Mermaid (the original version)
perfect book to read on a rainy day? Something from Poe
Fave characters? Susan Pevensie, Minako Aino, Sirius Black, Robb Stark, Jo March, Nikolai Lantsov
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart? I know most of Harry Potter by heart 🙈 Also Narnia and some Delirium quotes aksjss. Some poetry too!
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to something music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fave tv/movie genre? I like everything, i am honestly not picky about that
fave movie? Too many aksjaj but to name a few: Pacific Rim, The Handmaiden, Emma, Star Wars Rogue One
comfort movie? Too many, the mentioned above but some others are Pride and Prejudice, Legally Blonde, Miss Congeniality, romantic comedies, etc
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off (if it's in another language) | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
movie you watch every year? i rewatch almost everything if i like it and it pops up on my tv aksnsm. A Christmas classic is Barbie and The Nutcracker hahaha
fave tv show? Crash Landing on You, The Good Place, Buffy, Lucifer
comfort tv show? The mentioned above plus: Derry Girls, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated series)
most rewatched tv show? Up to season 9 of Grey's Anatomy probably aksjsk, Friends too because there are always recaps on tv lmao
5 fave characters? Anne Boleyn (The Tudors), Buffy Summers (Buffy), Lexie Grey (Grey's Anatomy), Raven Reyes (The 100, at least until season 4 sksjsm) and Scott McCall (Teen Wolf)
tagging: @mementovivere @antivan @lacunafiction @olivershen @solarisrenbeth @rubyverner @kdelarenta + whomever wants to do it 🥰 (also you can ignore it if you want aksjak)
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carlottastudios · 7 years
My To Belong characters
For those of you haven't heard of To Belong, it is a project made by one Tumblr and YouTube creator known as The Nameless Doll which tells the story of three orphans trying to find a place where they might belong. The twist (and fun part): it takes place in a world where all humans have an animal form and all animals (save for fish and insects) have human forms. Naturally, once I got really into it, I decided to make my own OCs for this world. There's also a story connecting them all. Can you guess it from these bios? And if not, don't worry, I plan to write a bit of said story a little later. Enjoy! By the way, all of these pictures were made thanks to the Manga Creator: Vampire Hunter dress up games by Rinmaru (pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8. THEY WERE NOT DRAWN BY ME.
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1. Emilin Silverwing
Age: 18
Gender: female
Orientation: heterosexual
Appearance (human): olive-toned skin, sapphire blue eyes, long dark brown hair most often worn in a braid (and made very wavy as a result), curvy figure, slightly-shorter-than-average height, rather uncaring of what she wears
Appearance (animal): brown tabby cat, short-haired, only slightly smaller and lighter than average, a white muzzle and cheeks, white stomach and white paws
Relationships: Dillon Silverwing (older brother), Ari Luain (future sister-in-law), John Luain (childhood friend/crush/love of her life), Olin (current best friend)
Bio: As the only Silverwing ever to have a cat form instead of a barn owl, Emilin is often the recipient of muffled snickers, hidden smirks and general amusement among the nobility. She thus prefers the company of orphans, thieves and other such outcasts, and will often sneak off to have fun with them rather than attend a social function. She tends not to look before she leaps and will sooner maim you than look at you if you're threatening her loved ones.
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2. John Luain
Age: 18
Gender: male
Orientation: pansexual
Appearance (human): caucasian skin, bright green eyes, shoulder-length dark blond hair, lithe and gracefully slim, average height, rarely wears vests or jackets, often wears gloves (usually black), very good-looking
Appearance (animal): all-black timber wolf (fur slightly ticked with brownish-silver), very sleek and handsome
Relationships: Ari Luain (older sister), Dillon Silverwing (future brother-in-law), Emilin Silverwing (childhood best friend/crush/(as he will discover later) love of his life), Olin (romantic rival/eventual friend), Lord Byron and Sol and Ethel (would-be-kidnappers), many unknown ex-boyfriends (seriously, there are quite a few)
Bio: John is almost the perfect gentleman, if you ignore his utter lack of courtly manners, and has a carefree boyish charm that draws many to him. Despite being such an attractive companion, he is infamous for being unable to keep a steady relationship, having over a dozen ex-boyfriends and many more fleeting friendships. One of the only long-standing bonds he has is his friendship with Emilin Silverwing, whom he has known since childhood. However, even that relationship has become more distant since he went abroad as his father's apprentice in trade. John does want to be a successful and adventurous merchant like his father, but not at the cost of the only friend he has.
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3. Dillon Silverwing
Age: 28
Gender: male
Orientation: demisexual
Appearance (human): olive-tonned skin, dark brown eyes, silver glasses, long dark brown hair worn in a ponytail, is most often wearing several layers of weather-beaten clothing as a result of his near-constant travelling, taller-than-average height, looks of average weight but actually very muscular under all his layers of clothing, looks older than he appears
Appearance (animal): handsome-looking barn owl, wears his glasses and betrothal chain in animal form whenever he can
Relationships: Emilin Silverwing (younger sister), Ari Luain (true love/betrothed/future wife), John Luain (future brother-in-law), Elias O Carra (friend/colleague), Olin (eventual student), Princess Lela Aragain (eventual student)
Bio: Dillon is the well-educated, very well-traveled and exceedingly well-mannered heir of the Silverwing family, despite being a male unable to carry on the traditional barn owl form. He's spent most of his life all around the world, soaking up knowledge like a sponge from either books or training, as well as getting into more adventures than most people, including himself, could ever want. He is now happily retired from the adventurer's life in favour of peace and quiet, and plans to use his world-wide experiences, and amassed wealth, to open a public school and library so he might share his own wisdom to others. His greatest wish, however, is to transfer his great knowledge in etiquette to uncivilized brutes such as his little sister Emilin and future brother-in-law John.
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4. Olin
Age: 18
Gender: male
Orientation: bisexual
Appearance (human): caucasian pale skin, freckles, short ruffled orange-red hair, forest green eyes, average height
Appearance (animal): a swift fox, so reddish-orange fur with large patches of speckled silver-grey, fur rather ruffled like his hair in human form
Relationships: Emilin Silverwing (best friend/former crush), John Luain (eventual friend), Princess Lela Aragain (eventual friend/co-student), Dillon Silverwing (eventual teacher)
Bio: Olin is one of Emilin's new friends, and he's been keeping her company in Dillon's absence. He is one of many homeless orphans on the street, but has so far managed to avoid starving by hunting/fishing/gathering most of his food. Despite having a degree in street-smarts, he's never been properly educated and is fascinated by Dillon's project of a public school and library accessible to all, at least from everything Emilin has told him. Olin doesn't care at all about reputation or what others think of him, and has a huge sweet-tooth. In fact, whenever he's being angrily chased by someone, more than half the time it's a cook or baker he's nicked a few deserts from.
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5. Ari Luain
Age: 26
Gender: female
Orientation: bisexual
Appearance (human): caucasian skin, piercing aqua-coloured eyes, short light blond hair, dresses most often in dark blue, taller than average, very athletic physique
Appearance (animal): silver-white gryfalcon with dark grey markings, unusually well-groomed feathers and very impressive wings
Relationships: John Luain (younger brother), Dillon Silverwing (true love/betrothed/future husband), Emilin Silverwing (future sister-in-law), Elias O Carra (former client), Lela Aragain (former client), unnamed ex-girlfriend
Bio: Before the Luains made their fortune and attained their high status in society, Ari was a bodyguard for hire. Her clients tended to be either fabulously wealthy or very famous, because who wouldn't want to be protected, even for a brief time, by a tall attractive woman with the most beautiful gryfalcon form anyone has ever seen? However, Ari's pretty looks hide a core of pure steel. One doesn't become a professional bodyguard without acquiring an air of responsibility and duty. Authoritative and stern, even with her loved ones, she seems to soften only around Dillon, whom she met while rescuing her then-client Elias O Carra from brigands.
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6. Elias O Carra
Age: 30
Gender: male
Orientation: heterosexual
Appearance (human): dark brown brown, bald, always wears a snow-white wig, dark amber eyes, particularly tall, not exactly chubby but not at all muscular either, a bit of belly-flab from past obesity, nearly always impeccably and fashionably dressed
Appearance (animal): particularly enormous mammoth, small bald spot on his forehead (but not very noticeable)
Relationships: two unnamed older sisters, Mary O Carra (wife), Dillon Silverwing (friend/colleague), Ari Luain (former bodyguard), Lord Byron (former rival)
Bio: To look at Mr. O Carra, you would never guess that he had a rough childhood. But if you were to meet his sisters, you wouldn't be as surprised. Elias isn't strong and charismatic, rather he's soft-spoken, meek and rather squeamish. Not exactly the ideal son in his mother's eyes. However, he found happiness once he left home (with a massive inheritance) and settled down for a life of comfort. Nowadays, though, he's cut back on the excess in favour of dotting upon his wife.
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7. Mary O Carra
Age: 23
Gender: female
Orientation: heterosexual
Appearance (human): slightly tanned skin, almond-shaped dark grey eyes, long and straight inky black hair, slim figure, not very curvy or particularly pretty (save in the eyes of her husband), rarely well-dressed or groomed, hair is slightly greasy from lack of washing
Appearance (animal): slightly haggard-looking wolverine, slightly greasy fur due to infrequent bathing
Relationships: Elias O Carra (husband), completely unknown family and past relationships
Bio: No one even knows quite how Elias met Mary or exactly how he became so infatuated with her. Her past is entirely unknown and, really, all anyone knows for sure is that they got married about a year after their meeting and that Mary is mute. She is capable of speech, or at least she once was. However, not long after their marriage, Mary stopped speaking, even to her beloved Elias. Worse, she would shut herself in her room and rarely slept. Now, Mary is seemingly afraid of everything, as though she is anxiously waiting for some dreadful event to occur. The world at large thinks she's starting to go mad, and Elias is desperate to help soothe her fears. But because Mary can't speak, or refuses to, he can't know what her fears are or how to dispel them.
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8. Sol
Age: 25
Gender: male
Orientation: homosexual
Appearance (human): caucasian skin, brown eyes, short and spiky sandy-coloured hair, broken nose (broken more than once), slightly shorter than average, formerly underweight and skinny but now muscular, still rather lithe and slim, used to wear rags, now dresses in simple yet fine and handsome clothes, slightly greasy and stinky from infrequent bathing
Appearance (animal): snow leopard, formerly underweight but now muscular and powerful, fur appears slightly spiky in places like his hairstyle in human form, fur is almost always a bit greasy and/or dirty from infrequent bathing
Relationships: Ethel (younger sister), unknown deceased parents, Lord Byron (lover/love of his life (though he finds it hard to admit)), Cecelia (eventual adopted daughter)
Bio: Sol had a hard life before. He saw his parents die and was forced out onto the streets when he was but a child and his sister Ethel a month-old infant. You had to be tough to survive in circumstances like this, and so that's what Sol became. He fed himself and his sister by any means necessary. Yet it was never enough. He and Ethel might've starved (or finally succumbed to cannibalism) had Sol not met Lord Byron. Now, at long last, they live in comfort and ease, thanks to Byron's love and generosity, and so Sol will do anything for Byron, without question, in gratitude for saving them.
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9. Ethel
Age: 19
Gender: female
Orientation: heterosexual
Appearance (human): caucasian skin, brown eyes, short and curly auburn hair, near-permanent scowl, scar between her eyes across the bridge of her nose, shorter than average (shorter than Emilin), almost always wears at least one piece of black clothing, used to wear rags, formerly underweight and skinny but now has a bit of muscle (but not nearly as much as Sol)
Appearance (animal): smaller-than-average raccoon, fur used to be perpetually dirty, now decently-groomed, black markings are particularly large, claws kept sharp
Relationships: Sol (older brother), unknown deceased parents, Lord Byron (brother's lover), unnamed boyfriend (the only person she tolerates enough to smile in front of)
Bio: If you thought Sol became a fighter after their hard life, you haven't met Ethel yet. A childhood of fighting for even the barest scraps of food has made her ruthless and quick to violence. Yet, she still has a moral compass. Ethel does believe in strength, and is quick to lash out, but only so that others don't have to. She, like Sol, is ferocious in her protection of Cecelia, despite being, in her words, "terrible with kids". Ethel isn't the best fighter in the world, especially in animal form, but she is the fiercest you'll ever meet.
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10. Princess Lela Aragain
Age: 17
Gender: female
Orientation: heterosexual
Appearance (human): chocolate-coloured skin, eyes so dark they appear black, short straight brown hair coloured light purple with powder, of average height and weight (same weight as Emilin), somewhat average figure (wider hips and smaller chest than average), has a beauty mark on her left shoulder, most often wears pretty dresses as befitting her princess title
Appearance (animal): cream-coloured mourning dove, often has a pale purple patch on her head from the powder for her hair, but the powder doesn't stick well to her feathers
Relationships: at least five siblings, Ari Luain (former bodyguard), Dillon Silverwing (eventual teacher), Olin (eventual friend/co-student/crush), Lord Byron (former kidnapper), un unknown amount of ex-boyfriends
Bio: Lela leads a charmed life, in everything except the relationship department. She has flocks of admirers cuing up to date her, but mostly, if not only, for her royal status, and all of her relationships have ended badly as a result of this. Lela now believes that her princess title is the one thing desirable about her and wants to avoid falling in love again. She has many hobbies, but prefers reading and studying above all else, and was one of the first to invest in Dillon Silverwing's project when he announced it to the public.
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11. Lord Byron
Age: 25
Gender: male
Orientation: homosexual
Appearance (human): long straight ink-black hair, pale caucasian skin, red eyes (from contact lenses he developed thanks to his ludicrous fortune) (his real eye colour is yellow-gold), slightly-taller-than-average height, lithe and beautiful physique like a dancer, dresses (almost) exclusively in black and red, extremely fine and elegant clothes
Appearance (animal): rather handsome and regal-looking wild goat, black well-groomed fur, long almost-black horns that curl impressively out to the side and back towards his face, slight mane of black fur on his neck
Relationships: unknown family, Cecelia (adopted daughter), Sol (lover/love of his life (he's not shy about saying it)), Ethel (eventual sister-in-law), Elias O Carra (former rival), Princess Lela Aragain (former "guest" AKA hostage), John Luain (would-be-"guest")
Bio: Although his past is largely unknown, Lord Byron is one of the more obscure celebrities, choosing to stay out of the limelight and gaining a rather mysterious and vaguely sinister reputation as a result. Reputations, however, can be deceiving, as he's actually proven himself to be a rather caring man, doting on his adoptive daughter Cecelia, his future sister-in-law Ethel and his lover Sol. However, he is now remerging from the shadows with the single-minded goal to find a cure for Cecelia's blindness.
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12. Cecelia
Age: 6
Gender: female
Orientation: unknown (too young to tell)
Appearance (human): albino, white-blond hair, pale skin, milky-white blind eyes (formerly rosy-red in colour), average height and weight for her age, always wears fine black and red clothes
Appearance (animal): albino-white rabbit, not as fluffy and round as most rabbits her age but particularly soft fur
Relationships: Lord Byron (adoptive father), Sol (considered her second adoptive father), Ethel (considered adopted aunt (though Ethel disagrees, mostly))
Bio: Cecelia was adopted by Lord Byron when she was two years old. Before that, she'd been abandoned by her parents, who were frightened at having an albino child. Luckily, Cecelia isn't scarred by this. Lord Byron's fatherly love more than compensates for the lack of her parents' attention. Unfortunately, about a year ago, Cecelia survived a terrible accident which led to the loss of her sight. No one is sure what this accident was, but her father Lord Byron is determined to undo the damage it made on Cecelia's life.
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