#me nimrah maren
laurkamkitchen · 7 months
I was trying to think of veggie mains for a little flat friendsgiving, and a pumpkin quiche definitely seemed in order. I took to Pinterest, and this recipe immediately jumped out on me with its gorgeous pumpkin crust and that beautiful array of beetroot on top.
I made this in full using canned pumpkin and a mix of red and white onion, as well as a mix of spinach and kale. You're essentially dealing with three different elements here, so be prepared for some multitasking and a little bit of controlled chaos.
Because I was using puree, I chose to simply whisk my crust ingredients rather than bothering with the food processor just yet. My pie pan was unfortunately almost the same color as the crust, so trying to smooth it out evenly was honestly a bit challenging. 5 minutes ended up not being near enough oven time; I think I ended up leaving it in for at least 10.
I totally should have used a bigger pot for the spinach mixture, as 120g of greens is truly a shocking amount, but I made do by adding it bit by bit until it was all nicely satueed.
The tofu filling might seem the most intimidating part, but, thanks to the food processor, it's actually the easiest. After taste testing, I ended up adding some paprika, cayenne, lemon juice, extra nutritional yeast, and a dash of nutmeg to lift the flavor a little more, all of which I think I could have gone even heavier on.
This ended up taking closer to 25 minutes to bake, but, still, for a quiche, that's practically nothing.
Overall, this was not mind-bogglingly good by any means, but it was still pretty decent. Expect a tofu-y taste and texture for sure; if you're not a tofu fan, I would definitely avoid this. The flavor overall is a bit bland, but very easy to customize as needed.
The crust, however, was divine — crisp on the outside and soft and buttery underneath, just like a good pastry version ought to be. It was also honestly ridiculously easy to make compared to a pastry version, so I will be keeping this recipe in mind for that if nothing else.
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