#me rambling about people demonizing farmers for an hour straight basically
platonic-prompts · 3 years
I'm bored, and I saw a thing calling breeding cows r*pe and its like, my guy-- (Description of animal husbandry ahead)
Anyway, cows basically go into estrus every 18-21 days, estrus is what can be considered 'heat' so she's essentially minos's wife from the minotaur story but without the bestiality, and for the cow, this actually has the potentially to be very dangerous because no matter what people want to say, nature isn't pretty
In the field, if a cow in estrus and a bull are together, then the cow really has no control over whats going to happen to her, because the bull basically makes it so she can't run and can't breathe while he--- you know. With AI (artificial insemination) the cow just...does not care. They are for the most part chill, and please remember if cows don't like something, they very much can hurt you. They're not cute defenseless puppies, they weigh over a ton.
So either way, the cow is getting knocked up, one is much more painful than the other, and one carries much, much less risk to farmers (because they don't need to deal with a bull)
And before any militant vegans rise up with their bullhorns (no problems with regular vegans except the one teacher at my school who didn't understand the concept of how small dairy farms sell their product, like dude, you're also hurting small farms) animals aren't humans. They don't think like us, they don't have the same morals as us, and they certainly don't have the same wants and needs as us. If I held down a full grown human woman and forced her to take a pill, that'd be bad, but me forcing my cat to take her dewormer isn't. Not to mention that a lot of the descriptions used by sources are very misleading and honestly disgusting
Honestly I want to know if they think reaching into a cow to help her give birth without losing the calf or the cow is bestiality too
But main point here is: The cow is getting pregnant either way, AI has less chance of severely injuring or even killing the breeding stock (Bulls can trip, cows pelvis can get crushed, bull fights, etc)
And I think my favorite comparison from the article I read to double check everything was: Did your cat or dog sign a consent form to be spayed or neutered? What about giving them kibble or canned food?
Animals cannot give or withhold consent (which is why everyone who is a zooph*le can go burn in hell) to anything, but that also means you can't use that as an argument (ZPs THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE BURN IN THE FIERY PITS)
Animal caretakers are just that they take care of their animals, which means making decisions that are in their best interest. And sure, sometimes those interests also line up with whats good for humans, but that's not a bad thing.
Also the so called 'r*pe racks' articles talk about, they don't exist. They're just things like squeeze chutes (used for vaccinations and other things) stanchions (Commonly used for vet visits), and various head-gate systems (keep the cow in place essentially. We had these in the milking parlor, they did not care, they loved headpats there though)
So, i hope that this has been informative for anyone planning to write a farm story, and also for people who've seen this and are not writing a farm story
Also have a somewhat graphic link to the page I read while doing this. I just think its good practice to look at the side who, you know, actually deals with the animals for a living rather than the people who've never stepped foot on a farm (looking at the vegan who was on the tennis team and keeps her hunting dog cooped up in a small apartment)
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