#me realizing charlie is happily dating a woman who's first answer to most annoying people is to reach for her spear
a-dauntless-daffodil Β· 4 months
Charlie: "I have to put my hoof down on this, I've got one hard rule- I am NOT going to date an active murderer."
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "What if the stab wound doesn't kill them."
Charlie: "Depends."
Vaggie: "On?"
Charlie: "Did they attack first were they very rude are they an Overlord you need to distract so you can run was it an accident am I around to help or is this a potential life and death situation how nicely does the blood spatter accent your beautiful jawline did you say sorry afterwards-"
Vaggie: "Wait go back, what blood splatter thing."
Charlie: "I mean this is HELL so it's not that big a deal? We're pretty used to getting gore and bloodstains out of clothes- there's even a special washer setting for-"
Vaggie: "My jawline."
Charlie: "Mmm no I think kisses are better for that? Or licking."
Vaggie: "Licking?"
Charlie: "It works for cleaning too! Honestly Razzle and Dazzle might be onto something there, because- "
Vaggie: "Even when I'm spattered with blood?"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "maaaaybe"
Vaggie: "...that's not a huge incentive to avoid violence, babe."
Charlie: "Murder. I specifically said, try not to do MURDER. Murder isn't sexy."
Vaggie: "But if it's just a little blood dripping down my face-"
Charlie: "-THis topic! Is no longer safe for work!"
Vaggie: "Oh my girlfriend-"
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