#me shuffling away my stacks of sketch pages of her like this lol
starbiology · 6 months
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yea i like her a normal amount
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
simulation: highschool ted “theodore” logan x reader
+++++++++ Request from @ringa-starr
"the reader has a crush on ted and she makes her dream family with him on the sims and the head bitch in school finds out about it and embarrasses her in front of the whole school"
we are doing this based on the sims, like if the reader had a thought to make a life simulation game since it obviously wasnt launched until 2000. also girl i meshed both of our ideas so i hope you like it lol
Song: stand out from the goofy movie +++++++++
i sat at my desk and drew in my sketchbook, looking up every once in a while at ted. he was the perfect model, or at least to me he was. see i had this idea a while back about a sort of video game where you could make families and houses and stuff and ive been trying to build my own characters. i was one, obviously, but id also added ted and his best friend bill as my sort of roommates. it seemed like a good idea until lainey found out. she was notorious for throwing people under the bus and starting rumors about people. i sketched until the bell rang, completely ignoring our science teacher. when i stood up i went to shove my sketchbook into my bag when lainey walked by me and slammed her hand down on it, making it hit the floor with a loud thud. i watched in horror as she laughed at my sketches of ted sprawled out on the floor in front of us.
"aw, look! y/n has a crush!"
i dropped to my knees and tried to push the loose drawings into a pile but she was standing on a few, reaching down and picking them up out of my hands.
"give those back!"
she laughed again and looked through them.
"this is adorable, really. do you imagine a life with him?"
she looked up at ted who was trying not to look at her. surely he was as embarrassed as i was if not more. and he had every right to be.
"of course not lainey, hes just has a really good bone structure."
she laughed again.
"and whats that supposed to mean?"
i stood up and glared at her.
"it means hes perfect to draw, a great model has sharp edges and structure."
i paused and looked at ted who was now sort of staring at me. i looked back to lainey and got in her face.
"someone completely opposite of you!"
her mouth hung open.
"how dare you! id be the perfect model!"
ted walked over and offered his hand to her for the drawings.
"may i?"
she glared at him for a second before handing them over to him. he shuffled through them. i wasnt exactly sure what she had picked up but i was a little worried. until he smiled at me.
"actually these are really good dude. im honored that youd want to draw me. of everyone you could choose. i mean, these are excellent."
he went to hand me the drawings back and lainey snatched them, holding them away from both of us. i sighed.
"come on lainey give them back."
i went to reach for them but she pushed me away.
"no, of course i wont give them back. you lost them, theyre mine now. finders keepers."
ted sent her a look.
"you didnt find them you stole them, thats not how that works."
she grinned at ted.
"yes it is, you can give them to her when you find one taped to your locker everyday."
my eyes went wide and i tried to reach for them again.
"i need those!"
she pushed me away again before handing the stack to one of her friends, an evil smile on her face.
"and you can have them, as soon as everyone knows how much you really like ted. and i think these drawings are a perfect way to do that."
i glared at her, putting my arms tight to my sides.
"come on lainey thats not fair. of course she doesnt like me, im just the perfect model, like she said."
they both looked at me and i could feel my face getting warmer.
i said quietly and she smirked at me.
"we'll see. and so will everyone else."
she stomped off into the hallway with her friend hot on her tail. i shoved my face into my hands immediately. i didnt wanna face ted or anybody else for that matter. then i felt his hand on my shoulder causing me to look up at him.
"itll be okay y/n, if she tapes them to my locker ill try to get them down as fast as possible and get them back to you."
i sighed deeply and shook my head.
"thanks ted, that means a lot."
i walked into the school and people were starting to look at me. i was a little confused at first until i saw ted standing in front of his locker un-moving. i quickened my pace until i was stood next to him, staring at his locker. my mouth hung open. in big letters above one of my drawings it read 'dream team' not only that but she had red penned over the drawing itself very profane things. of course it was one of the drawings of bill and ted, not jut ted, and she felt the need to let everyone know i wanted both of them as partners. i groaned before ripping the pages from his locker and crumpling them up. ted watched me intently.
"but, your drawing..."
he sighed out, looking at me kind of sad. i shook my head.
"im so sorry ted, i had no idea what she had taken from me and im so sorry its put you in this situation."
he frowned.
"it was a really good drawing before she ruined it."
he looked down at the crumpled paper in my hand before something struck him. he looked up at me with a wide smile on his face.
"hey! i have an idea."
he grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hallway.
"ted where are we going?"
he turned into a classroom. i saw lainey first and glared at her as ted continued to drag me to a table.
"hey bill!"
he said and i finally realized what was happening.
"bill i know youve been drawing the wyld stallyns logo but what if we got y/n to draw us for our band posters!"
he seemed so excited. my eyes were wide as i looked at bill, waiting for his response. bill smiled just as widely as ted.
"dude thatd be awesome!"
i looked up at lainey as bill and ted did the guitar thing. she was fuming. this clearly wasnt what she had planned on happening. ted turned to me.
"so what do you say dudette? wanna be our band artist?"
i laughed a little.
"id love to ted."
he fist pumped the air.
"awesome dude!"
lainey stomped over to us.
"thats not how this is supposed to happen ted."
he looked a little confused.
"and how was it supposed to happen?"
she turned away from him and got in my face.
"you werent supposed to come out of this on top you little weasel."
ted crossed his arms over his chest.
"well what would you say if i asked her on a date?"
we both looked at him with wide eyes, her gaze dripping with anger and mine surprise.
"you wanna ask me on a date?"
she looked at me and then back at ted.
"yeah, you wanna ask her on a date?"
he nodded.
"yeah, i do, if she'll have me."
i smiled widely.
"id love to."
he reached out and took my hand and she stomped her foot harshly against the ground. then the bell rang.
"shit im gonna be late for class."
i groaned and turned to lainey.
"as much as id love rubbing this backfire in your face i cant be late again. thank you ted for asking me to be your bands artist, and ill see you at lunch for more detes on our date."
i leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and he blushed.
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