#me when I got this: somebody cares?? OMG SOMEBODY CARES?? /lh
howdy!! I am here to ask you for J&H headcanons, gimme :)))
oooo yayayayay!!!!! thanks for asking hehe <333
lets get into it!!!
1. enfield cross dresses and goes by he/her pronouns!!! (….. this would probably be in a modern au lolol) (but omg imagine he had a sister or smth and when he was alone he just tried on her dresses- IM GETTING TOO INTO THIS MOVING ON)
2. HENRIEL QPR- jekyll and utterson hold hands and kiss and snuggle and stuff and it breaks Lanyon’s brain when they say they arent dating (poor lanyon doesnt quite understand what a qpr is but he tries his best to support them anyway)
3. as much as I love your 2 meter tall hyde, I hc that he’s 4’11. because. short.
4. jekyll likes to think that he and hyde arent the same person, while hyde knows better and totally thinks they are
5. Jekyll is tall. Utterson is taller. (not by much but still enough)
6. Hyde gives the best hugs, but he never hugs anyone (mainly bc he doesnt want them to know that hes the best hugger), so everyone thinks uttersons the best (hes a close second)
7. utterson loves tea with a passion. has a whole shelf of it. its a tea collection at this point.
8. utterson has a little monocle and its adorab- I mean very dignified
9. Jekyll/hyde is aromantic
10. utterson is aroace
11. poole writes in his free time (mainly romance, its his favorite genre)
12. utterson loves mystery books. he always figures them out before the end, though
13. curling up by a fire with a blanket and a warm cup of tea (preferably made by utterson) is jekylls favorite activity- its a shame he can only do it during the colder months
14. jekyll is always warm and utterson is always cold. jekyll likes to sleep in the cold and utterson likes to sleep in the warmth. cuddling solves this problem.
15. hyde is freezing to the touch, almost like a dead body. its very noticeable and he’s extremely proud of how off-putting it is
i have many more but this is pretty long, so I’ll end it for now!!! TYSM FOR THE ASK!!!! <333333
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I don't know who else I can rant to about this but you 😭 but there's this voting game on Reddit (on r/hogwartslegacyJKR) on who amongst all the HL students should be the rightful Head Girl/Boy, and now is the final two between Poppy and Ominis. I'm glad he was able to be part of the top two but reading all the comments about him being arrogant, snobby, holier than thou, and even pompous makes me question if we really just played the same damn game 🥲
And people voted out Natty for being a "vigilante" but isn't that what Poppy and MC are as well? Pretty privilege is real in those parts of the internet. I'm going through the trenches for our boy! He deserves justice, and I don't care if I'm getting downvoted for it 🤣
GIRL I ran over to that thread when I got this and, after casting my vote for Ominis, I dished out so many downvotes like the gd Reddit Princess of Ominis that I am lmaoo /lh
I have never liked that sub anyway, so
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But yeah omg, he is anything but snobbish?? Idk where people get the idea that he is? Ominis is our baby boy who just needs a hug and probably a warm blanket for his naps. He needs somebody who loves him unconditionally. He's a legitimate heir of Slytherin, which is impressive in and of itself, he has 100% visual impairment yet is totally independent in a time/culture when he definitely wasn't getting much (if any) accommodation, he's a CPTSD survivor—also in a time/culture when he would have had no access to mental healthcare, and on top of all that he is still willing to give Seb the benefit of the doubt and work to keep their friendship alive.
Natty is a girlboss in the most positive sense of the word too, like she gets shit DONE. 👏 she's got the strongest moral compass out of nearly every other character/MC in the game tbh. She don't take no guff from no authority figure who has fallen to the top. This girl has never ridden a hippogriff but is willing to jump on one and fly off into the sunset with someone she met 12 hours ago. Same with actually taking a cruciatus curse for MC (I love MC but they are also a certified dumbass for even getting the two of them to that point lmao). This girl is a force of nature and I demand respect for her on her behalf!
I lowkey think the fandom (mostly just the reddit fandom; the vast majority of tumblr are lovely people with whom I have no issues) has a bias issue against non-white, neurodivergent and/or non-cishet NPCs and MCs, buuuuuut that's a post for another day :^)
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