#me when i came up w like 5 different names and got attatched to all of them
vampiiirez · 2 years
update their name is electric blue and i gave them friends stay tuned girlies
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my blah about Cr3
Crossroads three is the stake in the demon that has been... almost 2 years without Starfury events (or any tbf)
I wanted to start a new review post for each convention but  always seem to get back and feel like i've been hit with a freight train (is it bad I've missed Connui/Con Flu???)
So this is going to be the same stream of conciousness it usually is.
I'll start by saying I wasnt there for any guests after Lisa Berry cancelled, and strangley didnt have any cosplays, but i thre together my old s2 dean and went for it on.
So I spent the weekend helping out stewarding where I could and catching up with people, you could see the bone deep relief on the faces of the Starfury regs at being back.
From where I was I could hear the talks and it al sounded really fun (and sometimes blue, as per SF) but i've not watched Supernatural religiously since aprox end of s6, so i was happy where i was.
alien to me and rather sacrilegiously I was only able to attend Friday and Saturday party, i missed the final party and so wasnt part of the Survivors photo, but the two I attended were awsome enough to keep me going to Enchanted. especially when someone randomly ('m guessing) requsted Shinedown be played.
I know in the grand scheme of things i'm no Convention vet, there are still those who've been to more cons and different cons than me, but some things just make you feel like you've made it, and one of those things for me happened on the saturday night - I helped lead a con dance I always see one for the vets - its called Joe 90 and despite the 'status' i attatch to it, i'm amazed i managed it with my DCD co-ordination issues and didn't seriously hurt anyone lol.
When I decided to go I didnt think many of those I knew or those regulars I'd know would be in attendance, but stood on that door on Friday was like a whose who of Starfury minus a few (who i hope to see at upcoming events) One pair i was suprised and delighted to come across were Kai and Harry, serving cosplay awesomness as alway.
I later found out the duo had brought 'paint stripping' mead with them (morrisons own as it turned out, the non fizzy one) and I think i over did the mock-scolding....see.. Mead is something Ally (and me to a lesser extent) is known for, just like we know we can count on Taz (and Lou, and Gareth) to help us drink it lol, so I ribbed them both and I messaged Kai a link to Ravens Forge mead hall when i had wifi, and reminded them that if me or her were around, there would always be mead offered :D.
During lockdown i'd gotten to know two members of staff better than i'd done before, thats not to say i ignored them before and takes into account the fact w had been at a few none sf cons with them in the past..Taryn and Dean who are 'local' to me (Manchester) have become sort of addicted to a city I love very much (York) and like Taz, Ally and Myself, Dean loves mead and York is.. well its the best place in the county of Yorkshire for mead, even if Hull makes one lol. Dean however has taken his love of mead further than any of us and actualy started making his own, which he brought with him to CR3, apparently they'd made too much so I got a bottle given :D it was delicious but didnt last the first night, because, (and yes i know i'm a fool) for the sake of saftey i thought it would be best to leave anything glass with someone staying at the con hotel. namely Taz and Gareth, but they enjoyed it so i'm sur Dean wouldn't mind lol and it was better for me not to have to carry glass back from Birmingham.
one of my favourite moments of the weekend has to be seeing Julian Riching (Death in SPN) lighting up when I asked him about Murdoch Mysteries and then elbow bumping me (not sur eif it was just precaution or bcause my voice on the mic sounded like i was talking through gravil and Sean, Mr Starfury himself,  had to translate for me. SEAN OF ALL PEOPLE lol
I love detective shows and Victorian things and Murdoch is both (though I guess now its Edwardian lol) , and if i'd had the werewithall to remember I could have brought out a cosplay which won me 2nd place at the masquerade the last time one of the cast came to an SF, as it was i just wnt up and asked him his memory of the show, which was pretty sharp I have to say.
It was a short one for me, like i said i didn't stay for the final night (£££) bt it was sooo worth the time I did get there. I will not go into detail but the week previous had been enough to test the patiences of someon a hell of a lot more saintly than me, I regret that there was a moment when i let the other world (the rl world) slip under my barrier and cause me to freak out a few people with unusual and what I hope others would consider out of charactar bhaviour. Awesome weekend. i feel like i've been hit with a freight train and my voice still sounds lik gravel (Connui/Conflu).
Pictures taken on Camera: 577 Pictures taken on phone: 360 Selfies Taken: 5
see my insta or Livejournal for pics (or Fb if your a friend)
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kpopperreaction · 7 years
Jungkook birthday fic
(AJ: warning; mentions of sexy times and mpreg~!! Also bit of language(just once) enjoy and happy birthday to the nochu muscle bunny that is Jeon Jungkook~!!) Jungkook paces quickly back and forth, waiting impatiently for any news at all then he sits down on one of the uncomfy chairs with his head in his hands. "Please.....let everything be ok," he whispers to himself and he rings his hands together to calm down. He pulls out his phone too look at the time then smiles seeing the picture he had saved as his lock screen; he never thought 6 years ago, that he would ever be this happy. *14 year old Jungkook* "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BRAT!" a voice yelled and a young boy was slapped across the face. The boy glared at the person and he spit some of his blood on the other figure before running out toward the street and alley so the other wouldn't beat him. He hid in an alleyway and he panted quietly as he watched the figure run past him then he slid down the wall while wincing in pain and holding his side. "Fucking old man did a number on me again," the boy mumbled to himself and groan hearing footsteps approach him "what do you fucking want no-" The boy's words stopped short looking up to see a pair of absolutely, stunning chocolate brown eyes looking at him with concern and worry. The boy watched the new figure, a boy about his age or maybe a few years younger than him, kneel down next to him and he carefully reached his hand out. The other boy flinched away and the concerned male pulled his hand back, clearly even more worried than before. "I won't hurt you.....i promise. I just want to see how bad your wounds are," the male said with a quiet and shy voice then the two boys looked into each other's eyes. The injuried boy put his arm down and the concerned male frowned seeing a bit of blood on his shirt. "Can you stand? I'll get you to my apartment," the quiet male said and gently put an arm under the other's armpit to help him stand. The two boys carefully hobbled down the road to a shabby apartment complex where the injuried male was lead into a semi nice place and he was lied on a mattress while the other male went to the small bathroom attatched. He came back with a first aid kit and knelt next to the mattress while gently rolling up the shirt to tend to the wound. The injuried male watched with interested eyes as the other gently cared for his injuries with a soft frown on his delicate features and he looked away when the other looked up at his face. "Here, place this ice pack on your cheek. It should help with the swelling," the quiet male said and began to put away the kit then got up to the bathroom. "Why are you helping me? You don't even know me," the male on the mattress said and saw him walk back out then sat in a chair at a desk. "You were hurt and i wasn't gonna leave a kid to die in an flithy alley," the other male said. "What do you mean by kid? I'm 14," the injuried male said and saw the other smile. "Ok, so maybe not really a kid to me but i am still older. I'm 17," the other male said, giving a tiny and sweet smile, and rolled over to the male on the bed "i'm Lee Jaehun and you are?" "Jeon Jungkook," the other male said with a blush dusting his cheeks, but smiled none the less; marking a new start for both males. *flash forward 2 years later* Jungkook sat in the apartment of his friends, Jin and Namjoon, waiting for the older of the three and his roommate, Jaehun, to get out of the room so they could go grt some food. "Does Jin hyung always take this long when you guys go out?" The 16 year old asked and was smacked upside his head by said male who frown and was held by Namjoon who grinned then the two began flirting and the young teen looked over to see Jaehun standing there awkwardly. The youngest's jaw dropped seeing that his friend of two years was wearing a pair of tight black jeans that hugged his feminine thighs wonderully, a white button down that clung to his body, a sliver cross necklace and a pair of black combat boots on his feet. The two's eyes met and they both looked away, with their whole faces a pink color, hearing the couple in the room snicker/giggle at them. "Come on you two. The night is still young~" jin said and the four left the apartment to go to the first club of the night(Jungkook was allowed in as long as he didn't drink). As the hours passed, Jungkook watched Jaehun from the booth they snagged from people getting up(the other group was not happy but who cares) and noticed a guy getting a little too close to the other male. He noticed how uncomfortable the other was getting and the second the drunk guy put a hand on the other's butt, the 16 year old sprang up and grabbed the slightly shorter male's waist, glaring at the drunk male. "Sorry it took me so long babe. The line at the bathroom was seriously long, did you wait long?" Jungkook asked and pulled the male closer against him, "i'll let the hyungs we are going. Come on, have a good night sir." The younger male pulled his friend out with a tight grip on his wrist and he mummbled to himself as he flagged down a taxi for them then got in with the other, telling the driver where to go. The two sat in silence the entire ride home and got out in silence as well, walking up to the door and the younger unlocking their front door. "Jung-" the seond Jaehun began to speak, his words were cut off by a pair of lips smashing against his own and hands gripped his waist tightly, pulling him against a slightly muscular body. The elder of the two whined in the kiss and thread his fingers through the other's hair, tugging gently, then was picked up and carried to their shared bedroom. The only sounds that were heard all night were moans, groans, whines, skin slapping skin and of course; "i love you's". *15 hours ago* Jungkook woke up to the smell of food being cooked and he felt the spot on the bed next to him then frown feeling it cold. He got up then groggily walked to the kitchen and stopped seeing the sight in front of him. The 19 year old smiled seeing his boyfriend of 3 years waddling around the kitchen with a pair of shorts on and one of Jungkook's shirt, cooking food and the younger male went behind the male the hugged him from behind causing him to jump. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook! You scared the living crap outta me! What if i had a knife in my hands!?" The elder scolded and pouted cutely making the other male smile more and kiss his nose gently. "Sorry baby, i had to do it. You looked so cute waddling around with my shirt on and your big belly~" Jungkook chuckled and gently rubbed the 6 month pregnant belly of his boyfriend. It was a shock when the 23 year old male had told the 19 year old on his birthday(Jaehun's) that he was pregnant with their child, but it quickly disappeared into happiness and the two began talking about baby names. Today however was gonna be a bit different, instead of talking about names or anything else, Jungkook was going to ask his boyfriend to marry him. Jaehun rolled his eyes and continued cooking their food, but winced a bit, placing a hand on his stomach and the younger noticed it. "Honey, are you ok? Is something wrong?" The 19 year old questioned and turned off the stove, moving the other away from it just in case. The elder tried to speak, but all that came out was a hiss of pain and the younger noticed a bit of blood coming out of the other male. "K-Kookie, something is w-wrong!" Jaehun yelled and was helped to the car as Jungkook called their friends. *present time* The young man sighs and rubs his face then looks up hearing his name and seeing the group of friends he and Jaehun had made over the years. He is hugged by the others and gives a tiny smile toward them. "How is he doing?" Jin asks sitting down with the group and sees how tired the youngest looks. "He has been in surgery for nearly 5 hours now. They wanted him to fully dilated before they went ahead with the c-section," the young man sighs and looks at his hand, "you don't think there were complications?" "Kookie, don't think that way. I am sure everything's fine," Namjoon says and rubs his friends back. The door to the waiting room opens and the group of 7 stands up to see a doctor walking over to him. "How are they doctor? Are they ok?" Jungkook asks, worry filling his eyes then leaving as a smile goes on the doctor's face. "Would you like to come meet your baby?" The doctor questions and the young man nods dumbly, following the other to a room. Jungkook stands in the doorway while he watches his beautiful boyfriend sit in a hospital with the same soft smile he fell for years ago on his face and a tiny bundle in his arms, wrapped in a baby blue blanket. Jaehun looks up and smiles more, motioning him more and the younger walks over, his eyes never leaving the child in his lover's arms. "He is beautiful.....my goodness," the young man says breathlessly and gently touches the baby's face with a finger so he doesn't wake his son. The elder smiles and holds the bundle out for the other to take then helps him hold their child and smiles more. "Have you given him a name yet?" Jungkook asks, rocking the sleeping baby carefully. "I have.....how do you like the name Jeon Junghyun?" The other male questions and giggles softly seeing him nod, "thought he might want to share part of a name with his daddy since he shares a birthday too~" The younger male looks at him a bit confused then looks at the clock which reads "1:15 am, september 1st" Jaehun smiles as his boyfriend puts the baby in the craddle then is kissed gently and lovingly. "Lee Jaehun.....marry me please?" Jungkook asks, pulling out a beautiful gold ring with intials engraved on it. The elder nods and places the ring on his finger while pressing their foreheads together. "Happy birthday my adorable Jungkookie~"
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