#me when my writing spirals into a minific but i cant be bothered to flesh it out into a more developed more detailed fic sorry yall
tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Okay but the emphasis on Ada being axed in the abdomen specifically?
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My current headcanon fer her death is that Ada was a maid who had an affair with a rich man she worked fer and fell horrendously in love with this man who likely just saw her as a pretty toy to enjoy on the side. At one point, Richboy tries to break if off with her, and Ada persists because she so wholly believes what they have is real and special meanwhile Richboy is just tryna get rid of her before this scandal gets out to the public.
tw: woah this angst got a little dark and lowkey spiraled into a minific
Ada follows her ‘lover’ into the woods where he she knows he likes to chop wood to destress, and when she finds him she starts begging him to take her back because they’re oh so in love you can’t you see? He tries to push her away, but Ada screams out, “You, you can’t leave me!”
“Ada, for the last time, leave me alone-“
A stray wind rustles fallen foliage in the distance, the silence that has befallen the pair so heavy that the man could faintly count each individual leaf. Even as he stands stunned and speechless outwardly, from within a thunderous hammering of his heart begins to stir.
“… what?”
“I am going to bear your child! Please, can’t you see? You can’t leave me now!”
Shaking his head, the drumbeat man’s heart continues to bang against his eardrums louder and louder. It’s as if the bloodied thing was trying to break out of his ribcage and run away shrieking.
“No, n-no it can not be.”
“It can, it can,” wide green eyes stare up at him with a frenzied gleam, the maid’s broad smile stretching across her features like a slash, “It’s yours, you know I would never touch another.”
Ada steps forward, clinging onto the arm of her one and only. The man tries to take a step back and dodge her hands, but it’s already too late, the maid’s fingers frantically dig deep into the flesh of his arm and pull him close.
“Ada- Ada st-stop, stop touching me-“
“This is fate!” She crows desperately, completely ignoring his plea, her grip tightening on the man who gave her light.
“A-Ada! Let go!”
“No, I can’t! This child is a sign of our lov- AAAARRGHHHHH!”
Her backside slams onto the forest floor beneath her, but the bruises that shall surely form on her back holds not even a candlelight to the wretched, searing pain races from her stomach. Ada’s shaky hands reach up and-
Oh, she’s bleeding.
Above her, the love of her life breathes unevenly, the axe clutched in his fist stained with a cruel, cruel crimson.
The immense pain rushing from her stomach is nearly enough to rob her of words completely, yet even this physical anguish can not hold back the aching in her betrayed soul.
“B-but,” she barely chokes out, hot tears streaming from her eyes, “But why?”
“Because you gave me no choice.”
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Pov Ada is crumpled on the forest floor bleeding out and STILL girly doesn’t even try to get up and call for help.
The man above her runs his free hand through his hair, disbelief and desperation laced in his every movement. His voice, once so strong and sure, now tremors as the realization of what he has done settles deep into the marrow of his bones.
“Do you understand now, you worthless fool? Do you understand?”
Ada can only shake her head. Even now, even here where she is very nearly nothing but a corpse to feed the maggots that reside in the dirt beneath her, Ada refuses to believe that this man she has devoted her whole being truly doesn’t feel the same.
“You, you didn’t mean to,” the man bellows in frustration, but Ada continues to push on with a watery smile, “It was just a mistake, I-I made you mad, and you acted out. It’s- it’s alright, I forgive you. I, I still love y-“
Pov when Richboy realizes that nothing he’ll do or say can make Ada stay away from him he ends up chopping her to pieces and hiding her body in the swamp where other animals have long since become carcasses, her shrieks of agony a quick yet haunting melody that echoes against the silent trees forced to witness such a brutal end to life.
Andddd THAT’S how I headcanon why Ada’s spectre form is a screaming banshee with cut up limbs stained in dirt and decorated in forest animal skeletons :DD
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