#me when the villain is disabled and/or lower class and is Hiding this fact. and they’re inherently inferior and duplicitious
merrygejelh · 8 months
My favorite dr who fandom hypocrisy to do in my own life is to block people for being mean about Chibnall who while also blocking people who are nice about the sixth doctor’s seasons. In my defense it drives me up the fucking wall when those are the Same People. “Chibnall who is the most conservative dr who has ever been” the sixth doctor is a eugenicist. On screen in canon. In like half of his stories. 13 is annoyingly neoliberal at worst. If you’re going to say one of these is unwatchable due to its politics you’ve made um. A weird choice if you think a few clumsy attempts at progressivism are Worse than a story in which the Luddite riots were caused by the workers being made supernaturally stupid and violent by a mad scientist and therefore weren’t listening to the nice sensible factory owner. Or a story in which the doctor gets his (inherently superior) time lord genes stolen and is turned into a subhuman cannibal. Like hello
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Hollow Knight & My Hero Academia crossover idea
Note: I’m mostly gonna wind up plain rambling & get off-topic, plus all I’ve read of BNHA is from fanfics & the fandom wiki, I’ve never watched/read official sources, so disclaimer on that. 
Hear me out, the Radiance’s fluff is a similar color to Himiko’s hair & I mistoke Toga’s eye color for orange when they’re actually yellow according to the wiki, but the hair part still holds true. If we do some cannon divergence, maybe change up Himiko’s quirk into being able to turn into a moth, a moth goddess, or maybe the Radiance just winds up infecting Himiko, unless you wanna use the Infected Radience theory, in that case, whoever’s using the Radiance as a puppet infects her & she gets it willingly or something like that.
Wait, Hollow Knight, but w/ quirks, that makes things so much more interesting. Getting back on topic, however, may be the Radiance is actually a sibling of Toga & they had the Moth Goddess quirk, wind-ups, perhaps even loses their memory, in what is now Hallownest, the other higher beings: Pale King, White Lady, Nightmare King Grimm &/or Nightmare Heart, Unn, God of Thunder & God of Rain (what if we threw Godseeker in there?), Wyrms, Lord of Shades & The Abyss Creature were all just humans w/ shapeshifting/mutant quirks that maybe even forgot they were humans & forgot how to turn back. Imagine the mental whiplash when even one Higher Being finds out how to become human again & word gets out. A Higher Being has a form that is some pale pink to dark brown squishy being. Imagine if they remembered their memories w/ the human world & some of them were friends! PK & Radiance were the closest besties & now their enemies.
Now, are we doing the Big Bugs, Bug Tank, or the Human Sized AU? I’ll provide an idea or more for all 3!
Bug Tank AU: That GIANT squishy thing a Higher Being turned into! The Abyss creature is the first one to regain their memories & the forgetting mist doesn’t affect humans for some reason, it’s too low. They’re benevolent & worried for Hallownest & it’s neighbors they do the most logical thing. Put them in a giant tank & care for them. They’ll protect them with their life, & the insanity of the other Higher Beings having to adjust to this.
In a nutshell (if we make the Godseeker’s previous gods alive), like at least 9 people are living in this house maybe they have to have a schedule of ‘who gets to be human when,’ as they decided to live in a single house, & only some people can be in public. The villain & hero chaos doesn’t help, it’s hard enough hiding Hallownest in the usual day.
The shock of everyone else, their lives were a lie! What if the entirety, of Hallownest’s ancestry, was humans that could turn into bugs & they could become humans, or half-human, half-whatever species they are people, maybe their size is a balance between their the small bug & large human height? Quirked Hollow Knight AU!
Human Sized AU: Mosscreeps & other adorable bugs get domesticated, heck though, what would they think of their smaller unintelligent counterparts? Anyways, let’s focus on the “Radiance was sealed & it worked for some time” era. The cultural whiplash (that should have already been brought up), & the technology gap here. There’s also a possibility there’s a gap between how long the humans & bugs have been sapient for. Not to mention the shock of all the laws & the whole quirk stuff, & there are so many meetings between official leaders & ambassadors. I’m not sure if the maggots were slaves, but if slavery was a thing & the fact especially the upper class will have to think “I’ll have to pay everyone I want to work for me”. The possible tension between the two! They hear the story of the first quirk & they may be torn between “Did the Pale King/the Radiance/some other light Higher being create quirks?” The language gap, how could I forget that? Assuming the more people that believe in you the more power you get as a higher being, humans w/ permission explore this alien world & find out about almost every Higher Being we know about, & the population is like in the billions, everyone’s power level, skyrockets, whomst has awakened the ancient one skyrocketing. Hallownest’s reaction to nukes . . .
(I just made a whole branch AU) I wanna focus on the Mantis Lords tho, assuming the brother was yet to betray his tribe, what if they pushed the disabled to be as equally strong as the abled? What if they looked down on most of humanity for regressing practically just because they by chance got powers that could be greater than what could be done w/ soul by chance? What if word got out of their opinions and the quirkless flock to becoming mantis tribe citizens because they have a chance at being equal not because of their birth state, but because they worked for such a state? The Mantis Tribe population becomes large as heck since 20% of the human population is almost 1,600,000,000 likely, maybe not the whole percent but a large majority. The economy on a positive note maybe becomes Mt. Everest on the charts for both groups & it doesn’t crash hard.
The introduction of Void & Soul to humans may be a bad thing tho, what the difference between human souls & bugs? Does the murder rate especially towards bugs goes up, does a war break out? Multiple? Does the relationship between bugs & humans stick on the edge of breaking? Does Hallownest split into several groups & countries with different opinions thinking humans should be wiped out, they should be lower than them, they should join them? Do even the maggots join the “I don’t feel like praising the Pale King anymore” squad since humans without much direct contact with gods have gone so far they think “We don’t need gods, we need masks.” The Mask Maker now has a business & several apprentices making masks. This branch AU has the most opportunities for drama, that’s for a fact. The whole opinions split large populations happen w/ the humans too. Criminals may see Hallownest as an easy target for a mass steal meaning security & law enforcement will have to be increased and improved, they’re given aid but this also to an extent makes them dependent on humans.
What if the Kingsoul’s discovered & it’s mass-produced, killing’s not necessary guys! You can stop now! What if the same happens to the Dreamnail? 
The Howling Cliffs is certainly an obstacle here tho too, whether you go the easy or complicated route, that’s up for debate, does being outside of Hallownest effect Higher Beings, do Higher Beings also naturally have sapience & language as well?
Human Ancestry AU part tho, bugs went from having their exoskeleton outside, to having them inside, every bug needs clothes now (Editing this for a second time I thought that on the spot, why would they all have to wear them now?), not to mention, the different foods they’ll sometimes be able to consume & sometimes not- CORDYCEPS! It messes up non-sapient bugs but has medical properties & is edible to humans if it can affect the big bugs, perhaps a quirk made, scientific &/or magical vaccine will have to be made, maybe a quirk w/ time reversing effects are used to cure a victim. Some bugs try to even make their human form permanent if we’re in the “Pure Human form” side of the AU. If not, more debate between the two groups~! Heck, a cure’s technically impossible meaning bugs would have to wait for a vaccine to be made & it may likely take a really long time since vaccines for bugs are likely rarely be focussed on, & pray they go their life never contracting it. We can also just go the “the sapient bugs are unaffected enough/immune“ route to make things easier or ignore Cordyceps altogether. Would bugs have a coffee equivalent or could take just some coffee before it’s too much, pure human sub-branch tho, heck yeah. Does the whole food & drink stuff means bugs have to wait till they fully digest food then they’re safe to shift to the other form? Is soul needed to shift? Does the body know when it’s safe to shift after eating/drinking food deadly to the other form? 
Anyways, this AU also means bugs have to learn their bug language & human language in human tongue. Some bugs like the Mantis Tribe will stick as a bug as much as possible as an exoskeleton is more appropriate with a culture like their’s but even the Mantis Lords seem to have just a single claw, the equivalent to a single finger, they definitely shift when in need of hands. People like Quirrel & Monomon have 4 fingers per hand/many limbs to get the job done, so shifting is much less likely for people like them.
If the Higher Beings has quirks humans, chances are there were missing searches for them, they remember everything & they go “oh.” Even w/ any AU if this is the case, even more, legal stuff happens. The family reunions could be every awkward.
Big Bugs AU: Mt. Lady would quickly be considered a candidate for ambassador thanks to her quirk, however, that’d be shot down. Likely she’d speak the actual ambassador’s mind if they decided to have meetings. Humans may also help with technological progression though the main issue comes with materials available on Earth, time to mine the other planets & go to other universes.
That’s enough of those three AUs & branch AUs I feel like thinking about, however, the Human Ancestory AU+Human Shapeshifting Higher Beings can both individually be their own separate AUs w/o the whole BNHA Crossover stuff. 
It’s amazing how much came from me mistaking Himiko’s eye color. This is why you twist even the tiniest detail for no reason or remember what you made a mistake about in a show/game etc. & think, “what if that was actually the case?” Edit: Frick, mistoke Mosscreep for Mosskin
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wwwps4 · 4 years
Mafia III
There is such a sign: if copies of the game are not given to the press in advance, so that journalists can write their review for the start of sales, then wait for trouble. In the case of Mafia III, I wanted to believe in the best. The second part was so amazing that its aftertaste pleased players for six years, until the opening of a new Chapter of this criminal history. And I'll just say that the trouble with Mafia III is not in the black hero (he was entered here just fine), not in the plot, not in the visual component, but in the most important thing — in the gameplay, which only does that self-repeats throughout the hours-long game campaign. I don't know what kind of masochist would like it.
But back to the game itself. In 1968, Lincoln Clay returns to his hometown of new Bordeaux after the Vietnam war. Here his family is waiting for him: friends, brother and father. If it hadn't been for these people, and especially if it hadn't been for Sammy's foster father, Lincoln would have starved to death in the city's slums. Sam raised an unwanted black Tomboy, gave him shelter and his love. From an early age, Lincoln began to help his father in his criminal Affairs and even became friends with the son of the godfather of new Bordeaux. When Lincoln returned home, it seemed to him that the war was over, but he himself had to unleash a new massacre in pursuit of the mistress of vengeance.
It all started with a RAID on a Bank. Lincoln decided on this case to help close all of his father's debts to Mr. Sal Marcano. However, the godfather decides that he will need all the stolen money, and that it is time for Sammy's family to go to another world. Lincoln is kept alive by a great accident. The incident changes his life, he decides to devote himself to revenge. Along the way, he will recruit old acquaintances and make new friends, and find out that Sal Marcano has long had a grudge even subordinates. Lincoln turns out to be the force that can break through the old foundations and build a new and promising Empire on the remnants.
From the first hour of the game in Mafia III is simply impossible to break away. There are many amazing story clips that are intertwined with interesting gameplay and a variety of tasks. I just have to praise the direction of the game, the developers can easily create an emotional closeness between you and the characters of the game. You rejoice with them, worry, and begin to want revenge with the same intensity as Lincoln. And this quality bar is not lowered until the final of the game. That's just gradually you are given less and less story clips, and the long-awaited story mission is not happy at all, since your entire mood is mercilessly shot by the gameplay.
"What's wrong with him?"you are already exhausted. Lincoln decides to destroy the Marcano Empire from the bottom. First, he recruits several lieutenants who were once close to Sal, but now want him dead. They include the head of the Haitian mafia, Cassandra, the out-of-shape Irish alcoholic Burke, and the once-promising and now exiled authority Vito Scaletta in new Bordeaux. Together, you will squeeze areas from Marcano, kill his subordinates, which keeps the criminal business, and get closer to the godfather himself.
The entire gameplay is focused on capturing new areas of the city. We arrive, find an informant who tells you about the kind of activity in the area, destroy everything we find, kill or recruit the head of this branch of business, and then declare a hunt for Lieutenant Marcano, associated with this area. We repeat all this 9 times and get the opportunity to take revenge on the offender.
And now I will describe in detail the entire process that took me the second sentence in the last paragraph. We get in the car and drive to the new district of new Bordeaux. We learn something interesting from the informant and find several points on the map. The goal is to cause damage to the specified amount. It is necessary to kill some people and interrogate others, to Rob caches, destroy property and do other similar things. You can deal a lot of small damage to achieve the goal, or you can destroy one large target and close the rest with short ones. A big goal is usually to infiltrate a well-guarded enemy object and destroy it. I've blown up a crane on a construction site, stolen gay porn for blackmail, destroyed a garbage recycling plant.
The damage we do is to lure out the leader of the business. When he decides to show up, you can stop your activities and go to kill or recruit him. Where do you think the leader is hiding? Right! In a place where you used to accomplish a big goal! You will find exactly the same location, a slightly increased number of enemies that are in the same places as before. In fact, you need to pass the same place twice. "Why not?",- apparently so thought the developers. "New Bordeaux is so small, we'd rather use the same location twice than make a new one next door. Let the city continue to remain lifeless!".
Surprisingly, the game is very pleasant to play. Driving the car is implemented perfectly and is somewhat similar to the recently released Need for Speed, skirmishes are exciting and often tense. Virtual dummies, however, are usually stupid and try to crush the number rather than tactics. In Mafia III, it's nice to play, but to perform the same tasks from place to place-no, and at least some variety in the game, too. The action takes place in an open world, but it is dead initially. Here you can only kill and there is no way to relax. And this is despite the fact that the city is made perfectly, its changes from district to district are very interesting to watch. Here you will find swamps, suburbs, poor areas, working-class neighborhoods, and a contrasting center with skyscrapers. Even side missions from friends can not bring pleasure to the game, because they are built on the familiar scheme: interrogate, kill, steal, come back for a reward.
There is also an economic component in Mafia III. Each captured point, and then the entire area can be given to one of their lieutenants. This will affect the profits that the subordinate will make, as well as the opportunities that Lincoln will get at his disposal. What is surprising is that every Lieutenant is a person who fights for his own importance and tries to grab a bigger piece. If you offend or offend one of them, it will definitely come back to you. So the choice of who to give the next section, you should always approach wisely.
Each Lieutenant immediately after recruitment provides you with special services. Vito allows you to call a consiglieri-a girl who will take your money and take it to a safe place. After his death, Lincoln loses exactly half of the money he had in his pocket, so the services of a Consigliere are always welcome. Cassandra allows you to call a gun shop on wheels anywhere in the city. In it you can buy not only weapons, but also special features: increased accuracy, the number of one-time wearable first aid kits or grenades, and more. Burke specializes in cars. After the call, his subordinate will quickly deliver you one of the six cars. The list includes both Lincoln's personal car and an armored sedan and truck. The list of cars is generated for you, you can't change it. If you destroy one of the cars, it's okay. They won't even charge you money, but just bring you a newly ordered car. Gradually, your friends will give you access to new features: disabling phones in the area (so the villains will not be able to call for help), bribing the police (the cops will instantly forget about your existence, even if they just held you at gunpoint), automatic collection of kickbacks from the leaders.
I have few complaints about the technical part of the game. The game looks good, works at a stable 30 frames per second, and sometimes it seems more. I didn't notice any severe bugs during the game, except for a couple of times when the game was treacherously closed. Local cars are extremely sad. They almost do not fight, but just immediately explode. At the same time, it looks like a faded and rotten special effect. The local police also made fun of him. Even though they watch your every move, it's easy to break away from them. In most cases, you only need to drive a meter away from the search area and the police will no longer have questions for you. The main thing is not to show up in the search area.
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eeriegrove · 6 years
Is it possible to have a prompt of BakuDeku in your AU? They are fighting a villain together, and they also are arguing over something? "Dammit Deku, you're such an idiot!" "Really? We're having this fight during an ACTUAL fight??"
Thank you so much for the prompt! My sadistic ass wanted to write about Izuku totally getting cornered, so I hope you like it! Thanks again~
KatsuDeku - “Dammit Deku, you’re such an idiot!” “Really? We’re having this fight during an ACTUAL fight?”
Izuku ducked behind a piece of rubble, clutching his side to stop the bleeding. He’d been caught off guard and was attacked on his way to school by an unknown villain. In the confusion, the villain was able to stab him before he could even think of pushing him away. It looked like the villain could control the ground or cause large tremors, so Izuku used that to his advantage, hiding behind the remnants of a building. He dug through his pants to find his phone, quickly sending his coordinates to the class chat before he even thought about initiating the attack.
“C’mon kid! Why don’t you stop hiding and come out?” the villain jeered, searching through the rubble. It wouldn’t be long until he was found, so Midoriya sucked in a breath and stood up to face his attacker. His back was facing Izuku, so he had the advantage as he reached for the man and got a hold of him with his quirk, flinging him into a wall. Luckily, it seemed that the man was on the lighter side, so it didn’t bother Izuku’s head a whole lot, but it still caused his vision to swim slightly. He was purely on the defense since he technically couldn’t use his quirk yet, but it wasn’t like Izuke could use his quirk anyway at this rate. He could hold out for a few minutes tops before he physically wouldn’t be able to move or stand.
“Someone help!” a woman cried out, clearing Izuku’s thoughts. It sounded like it came from a few feet away and the realization brought horror into Izuku’s stomach. Someone must have gotten pinned in the rubble.
Izuku knew what he had to do, but it still sucked anyway. He searched through the rubble, trying to find where the woman was, until he finally found her under a support beam. She was covered in scrapes, but apart from those, it was nothing life threatening. Izuku tried to pry the beam up with his hands, but the weight was simply too much for him lift on his own. So he lifted the beam up with his quirk, his control slipping quickly as he tossed it away. Black spots covered the corners of his eyes as he helped the lady move to somewhere safe, blood already dripping from his nose.
As soon as he tucked the woman away, a sharp pain cut into Izuku’s heel. His legs buckled under him, and it took him a minute to realize that the villain was back on his feet and had thrown a knife at his heel to disable him. With a curse, Izuku searched the area for any signs of the man, but he was out of sight. I’m a sitting duck out here in the open! I need to take cover somewhere.
Midoriya limped toward a large piece of cement, nearly collapsing to the floor as soon as he was hidden. He checked his heel to see how bad the damage was, and hissed between his teeth when he saw a clear gash between his calf and his foot. The villain had a good aim, and he used it to incapacitate Izuku so he wouldn’t be as mobile. Panic began to kick in, and Izuku pressed his other hand against the wound to slow down the blood that was currently dripping onto the cement. Now he had two wounds that wouldn’t stop bleeding, and one of them rendered him unable to walk. Izuku pressed his back against the wall, breathing heavily as he truly started to freak out.  I shouldn’t have gotten involved, now I’m going to die here, and my friends are going to see me dead with a knife in me!
Behind him, the villain chuckled to himself. “I can hear you from here, you know. Your breathing is turning erratic; you’re panicking.”
Izuku removed his hand on his ankle to cover his mouth and nose, willing himself to calm down. Oh god, I’m not going to make it. I’m going to die here!
“Get the fuck up, Deku!” a familiar voice called out, and Izuku glanced up to find Bakugou soaring through the air, his hands already sparking around the tips of his fingers. He skidded to a stop in front of Izuku, surveying him with an angry glare. “Why the hell are you just sitting there?”
Izuku removed his hand, nearly passing out when he saw how much blood was caked on his palm. It must be all over his face, too. “My heel. He, ah, cut my heel with a knife. I can’t stand, Kacchan.”
He lowered his eyes to Izuku’s feet, a low whistle coming from his lips as he saw the blood pooling around them. “Don’t just sit there and do nothing, you fucking idiot!” he barked, kneeling in front of him. With a growl, he tore a piece of cloth from his school shirt and wrapped it around his ankle, tying it in a knot.
“He’s got good aim. He was able to get me earlier at my side before I could even blink, and then when I saved someone, he cut my ankle. He’s fast and smart.” Izuku filled the silence with facts, trying to distract himself from the pain.
“When has that ever stopped your stubborn ass, stupid? You shouldn’t have let your guard down.” Bakugou swatted away Midoriya’s hand that covered his side, inspecting the damage. He grunted, but he didn’t move to cover it. “It isn’t too deep, you’ll fucking live.”
Izuku nodded, tilting his head back until it rested against the hard surface. “Thanks for coming. I don’t think I could’ve lasted much longer.”
Bakugou punched him in the shoulder with a scowl on his face. “Dammit Deku, you’re such an idiot. You shouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place! You always find yourself in the worst possible places, no matter how many times I tell you not to!”
Izuku frowned, sitting up straighter. It wasn’t like he meant to get involved, but he was dragged into it on his way to school. “Really? We’re having this fight during an actual fight?”
Bakugou only scoffed in response, a few lone sparks bursting from his palms as he observed the area. “When I’m through with this guy, I’m going to fucking end you.” He pressed a brief kiss against Izuku’s lips, keeping it chaste. And before Midoriya could even get a word in or react, the boy was leaping over the rubble with a sadistic grin, projecting his body forward with his explosions.
“Come out and play, you fucker!” Bakugou chanted, and Izuku couldn’t help but laugh.
Still the same old Katsuki, huh?
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