#me: is upset by the notion of this happening bec i experienced the backlash of it first hand
isn’t it kinda hypocritical to slam an entire fan base and then pretend that you’re the victim?? i have no evidence or even a url of this fake blog supposedly tun by ur tumblr nemesis?
First off, she’s not my nemesis lmao. I don’t care about her remotely enough for you to call her that. She doesn’t deserve the right to be called my ‘nemesis’. I’ve spoken about her maybe 4 times on this blog? and three of them were anons I answered?? lmao. I may not like her but oh my god this isn’t some highschool drama thing. it’s tumblr dot com. nothing is that deep.
I never actually said that it was legit or real though?? The ask said, “it’s rumored...” but oh, you got me! I don’t have actual proof!! I guess I’m a hypocrite :// When I confronted someone who was saying these things about my fellow shippers and I, when I asked them for proof they blocked me. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong and I’m willing to admit that. Considering how much fucking bullshit we put up with from that side of the fandom, it’s totally one hundred and forty percent possible that it happened. I have absolutely every right to be suspicious and every right to be upset about the potential of it happening.
I will admit that I shouldn’t cluster them all together because I know many really great members of that ship, it’s quite difficult not to cluster them together when you’re constantly fighting off anons, anti metas, anti gifsets, and anti posts in our tag, it’s hard to differentiate between the sane ones and the psychotic ones. Myself and many other jonerys shippers have actual proof of members of that fanbase being actually awful human beings to not just Dany stans, but Arya, Jon and Bran ones as well. It’s really easy to find! Just go into ‘anti d*enerys or anti a*ya,’ tag and guess what you’ll find who those people ship! Take a guess!! It’s just SO crazy how that happens!! So yes, I will try not to cluster them together in the future, but there is no promise as the vast majority of who I deal with are somehow miraculously members of that fanbase.
Don’t you think it’s a bit fishy though? Suddenly jonerys people on here are being attacked and blamed by something we didn’t do or have any control over on an entirely different media platform??? I don’t see how that’s fair at all? It’s not playing the victim if you’re actively being attacked for something you didn’t do and had no part in. 
When I confront one of them asking for proof they block me, or they pull something out of their ass like supposedly jonerys shippers hate on Rose Leslie (which I’ve never ever seen in my time in this fandom and is just bullshit lmao) but they didn’t show me any actual proof it being jonerys shippers. With the anons I’ve gotten, and considering my own personal history and knowledge of said person and group in the past, I could totally see it happening. As I said before in my recent post, I don’t know if it’s legit, but do I see it happening? Abso-fucking-lutely.
The real question you should be asking is why is it okay for them to actually come and attack us with literally not a stitch of proof, but I can’t be slightly upset at the idea of it all being a hoax just for them to play the victim again and make us look bad? Do you realize how that sounds? Think about it for just one second. Please. Thank you.
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