#i get it youre butthurt
hezuart · 2 years
Why do you somehow think that your words are an objective fact?
(BTW; I have watched your critique of Helluva Boss: The Circus. And I still say it was a bad take and a bad critique. And no amount of "criticism" is gonna change that.)
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skankhunt44 · 5 months
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This is a meme courtesy of the only woman fucked up enough to love me <3
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
with all the (deserved) joker hate, I don't know if it'd be better if he just died, did not pass go, stayed dead or got to experience Second Death: electric boogaloo via Means Unknown to the Living. ig it really depends on the will of a clown.
also can't wait for Dick to get his revenge once he's feeling a bit better- maybe a shovel talk?? (idk how effective it'd be to the ghost king, but a man can try) or some teasing for how unsubtle Danny's crush is
Man, even I'm not sure if the clown will live. It's going to be a surprise to me, too. The best part? I'm not sure who would kill him.
Danny, in a fit of protective and clown-hate fueled mindless rage?
Jason, finally given a chance to kill his worst nightmare?
To be honest, leaving Joker in the shadow realm would be far worse than death since it makes you live your worst nightmare. The Joker would exist in a world where no one knows him. No one cares about him. Where he's ignored. Mediocre. It's far worse than death for him.
To top it off, his real body will remain on life support. Slowly, people will forget about him as he fades from existence. Gotham will care far more about he existing Rogues who are actively causing harm. They don't have time to spend thinking about a Rogue who has been in a coma for years. Even Batman will give up eventually, forced to focus on the current catastrophe of the week.
And Dick. Ah I love this boy he has so much comedy potential. Once he realizes he finally gets to give his first ever shovel talk he's going to be ecstatic. Even better, he doesn't know Danny is the Ghost King. Can you imagine when it's later revealed and Dick realizes he threatened the King of The Dead?!
A treat for sending an ask
"So." Dick fiddled with his escrima stick, flipping and spinning it in a display of nervousness Jason only knew he was comfortable showing because they were alone.
"You and Danny, how long have you two been together?" Dick asked, tilting his head slightly so Jason could see the smirk on his face and the light of mischief in his eyes.
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guckies · 7 months
I wanna explain why I dislike q!bbh because of the purgatory event. Because personally I feel like some people misunderstand why some of us do. So warning from now if you dont wanna see q!bbh neg
Last warning this is qbbh critical and my opinion! If you don’t want to see that stuff then move on. ALSO IT IS MY INTERPRETATION OF RP DONT LIKE IT THEN TELL YOUR STREAMER TO NOT RP OR GO TOUCH GRASS.
It’s because once purgatory is over, he will find a way to blame it all on someone else and not take responsibility for his actions. And we know he will because he’s done it the entire event and before on the island. It’s as if he is playing the villain because he wants to be the hero. Yet there is no concrete evidence to match his actions it’s just what he feels.
Yes his rp can be based on his emotions but right now it’s just the same thing over and over without trying a different way it becomes so boring and barely rp since he’s the only one wanting to doing it during those times.
He excuses a lot of his actions because it’s red team and you can try to tell me someone who he does the same for but he doesn’t. Which makes him their villain, he literally even admitted to basically torturing them.
His actions are categorically top 3 shitty; he’s borderline obsessed with red, he doesn’t listen to his leader, he’s not always a team player and has ruined his friendship with others because he believes he’s right 100% of the time. This isn’t everything bc you can do your own research. Yeah that can be his rp but people can dislike his character rp.
At the end most will just forget it too because that’s what they always do and not everyone is “rping” the entire event despite some doing a little or joking about it. Someone will talk about how he’s the egg babysitter, then he’ll play it up and they forget about purgatory because they’ve got bigger fish to fry. Which I don’t like, it excuses things he’s done and I would rather he have done it so that others can feel betrayed and not want to be as trusting of him, instead of it just going back to normal because then what was it for. But in my opinion those who were “tormented” by bad in purgatory shouldn���t let it go. Because with this “lore” i would 100% think about how he would easily kill or destroy someone else for selfish reasons on quesadilla.
My problem with his character now is that he’s trying to play the hero by winning the event yet majority of the time it comes with no evidence or agreement and at the downfall of others who are meant to be his friends. So yeah his actions are going to make him a villain. He has no idea who the cursed team is only a small clue that reveals not much and he’s only really discussed it about once with others. If he believes his team is the ones who need to win then don’t you think he should try to discuss it with them via their leaders yet they just give up cause of Bad’s previous actions which has doomed blue team.
Also a small thing about his rp, if he’s in rp 90% of the time especially during this event then he should be prepared for backlash. Because yeah rp can be battles and destruction but if it’s the same thing over and over with no one else rping then maybe it’s time to get meta and think about something else to do because it becomes boring for everyone. It’s just him doing the same thing and then getting shocked when red does the same in retaliation.
BUT THIS IS JUST ME AND MY OPINIONS. You don’t like, you can move on and live your life or fucking block me I really don’t care.
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footballffbarbiex · 4 months
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ameliadallon · 9 months
you literally cannot steal ideas in a way that matters, especially in a fucking fandom. Fanfiction and even fanart is """"stealing"""" somebody's ideas and going "what if i did it like this?" It is by its nature transgressive with ideas. If disney uses your ideas and makes money, then sure, get mad, thats righteous, but if some rando uses your idea and doesnt credit you? Enjoy having your idea out there for free with practically zero effort on your part.
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dol-dee · 3 months
Thinking about how, realistically, Dee would probably be really uncomfortable with Avery picking her up from school. Thats literally just painting a target on your back/asking for trouble. I feel like Whitney alone would get wind of that real quick and have a few questions. Not to mention Kylar. Which leads to navigating the minefield that is Avery's fragile little ego while juggling the whole situation at school.
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gynecologistmsfrizzle · 7 months
the sokal affair was fucking hilarious actually and i dont trust anyone who disagrees. if i ever get to TA a course (i dont care what the course is on) im assigning that paper as a reading with no context and the seminar topic will be critical thinking and media literacy
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tasmanianstripes · 1 year
Maybe it's the result of my main fandom for the majority of my life being one where canon just genuinely doesn't exist, where there are so many different canons and literally any sort of interpretation of a single character is correct and can range from a moronic maniac with a chainsaw to a depressed old asshole boss, but
Literally who gives a fuck about canon?
Especially when the character is practically a blank slate or if it's an AU
Like, I'm sorry, but if you're butthurt about a mischaracterisation of a fictional character in an Alternative Universe then I don't think you understand what an AU is
#thylacines can talk#Maybe that's the reason I do not have the same violent reaction to mischaracterisation 99% of fandom spaces seems to have#I genuinely think that getting butthurt over somebody not writing a fictional character exactly how they appear in canon is the stupidest#most juvenile pet peeve you could ever have. Literally WHY do you care so much? It's words on a screen. Calm down.#I think it's only a problem when you believe that it's canon or try to shove your own interpretation of a character or AUs onto everybody#else. Otherwise...literally who cares? Somebody else treating characters like dolls is not hurting me. I'm not about to get legitimately#annoyed over fictional characters in a children's cat book. Unless it's like. Bigoted. But then I criticise the person's beliefs not a#goddammed characterisation of a fictional character.#In the fandom I was in most of my life a trigger-happy clown with a chainsaw canon and an old deppressed asshole boss were seen as the same#character and only had like. One design detail in common. And literally nobody batted an eye. You could write a dynamic between two#characters being incredibly hateful and toxic and somebody else could write them as old friends or an old married couple and both of these#interpretations would be equally canon. A single guy could have two wildly different personalities and backstories and he'd still be#treated like the same character as long as the two looked vaguely similar physically wise. Sure there were interpretations of characters#that were more popular than others but literally the only people who would treat one specific interpretation as canon and shove that#interpretation onto everybody else would be people who came from different kinds of fandoms and let me tell you. They were annoying as fuck#So coming from that kind of fandom into more generic mainstream fandoms feels like such a culture shock. Genuinely cannot comprehend why#people care so much.#'oh this character is so far from canon they might as well make an oc' okay...cool...and?#Maybe they don't want to make an oc?? I mean come on. It's fictional characters. You're an adult. It's not a fucking English class#People don't come to fandoms to study book literacy they come here to have fun. Literally WHO CARES if somebody's interpretation of a#character has only name and looks common with the canon version. WHO CARES. ITS WORDS ON THE SCREEN. Who are they hurting if they're just#making AUs in their own corner and not shoving it in anyone's face?#Idk I just see a characterisation I don't agree with and just go oh. Kinda weird but go off. And move on.#This got longer than I meant it to but whatever#I mean if you have that pet peeve but aren't an asshole about it. It's also whatever. That opinion also doesn't hurt anybody. It's only#people who act so butthurt about it and shit on other people having fun that I have a problem with. If you put it on your own blog and#criticise that sort of content in your own space instead of coming to somebody and going 'hey. I don't like what you're doing'. Then I#couldn't care less. Again. That's kinda weird but go off#It's kind of like. I like horror but I dont care if you dont like horror and talk about it in your own space. But I'm gonna care if you#go up to horror fans and go 'hey I think horror sucks' or 'I dont like horror so you shouldn't either'.
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syekick-powers · 2 months
sometimes i get really annoyed with cis comedians who make shitty trans jokes, not just because it's actively harmful, but also because all their jokes about trans people are exactly the same low-hanging-fruit-type of cheap, predictable jokes. it REALLY isn't that hard to make jokes and be humorous about the trans experience. i've seen TONS of jokes by other trans people (and made some myself) that capture the inherently humorous parts of the trans experience without actually being offensive or cruel to others. like these people make it clear they're not making trans jokes to find humor and joy in their lives, they're making trans "jokes" to further the stigmatization and abuse of trans people. but because they're doing so via comedy they try to escape accountability by couching it as "just a joke". like okay sure buddy, it's "just a joke" when you imply that trans people are deceitful liars trying to trick innocent unknowing cis people into sex, but the exact moment a black person makes a completely non-hostile joke about white people, you're crying and pissing and shitting yourself about it. "just a joke" shut the hell up and get real jokes.
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread    
City of Nightmares
1920s insp fantasy city where people can turn into their worst nightmares if they don’t take dream-preventing medication
a girl with anxiety & pstd from her sister turning, living in a maybe-cult, ends up in the centre of a criminal conspiracy
you can pry a platonic reading of the main relationship out of my cold dead hands
#City of Nightmares#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#i really enjoyed this!!!#maybe theres some eh thigns about it but i have decided to love it. thanks#it definitely kept going in directions i wasn’t expecting#i think i enjoyed the first half more in terms of plot direction tho?#a lot of times i had to just stop what i was doing and make a face jdghkjfs#girl u sleep curled up in the closet……#also sy bestie you are so kovit-coded. he just has daddy issues instead of mommy issues#i respect an author with an agenda#also#alloromantics are so fragile. theres so many reviews like ‘this character went on a SEVEN PAGE RANT about how TERRIBLE relationships and mon#monogamy are’ ‘the author’s SHOVING her views about HATING ROMANCE into her book AGAIN’#bro…..literally there’s just some musings on being sad when your friend abandons you for a relationship and personally not getting it#and how romanticisation of abuse is bad……….it is not that blatant and also all perfectly reasonable….#and then there’s people butthurt about the ending of MoM. like wow so sorry a series ended in friendship instead of a romance.#sucks there’s no other books in the world that do end in romance. i can’t imagine what it would be like to not be able to find books like th#at.#no romance#***probably i guess we'll see how book 2 goes#at the very end her other friend teases her for ''liking'' him and shes like yeah hes my friend.#which is of course One Of Those Tropes#but idk.....i think i trust the author...#also wait i said sy but is it cy. i listened to the audiobook
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robinsnest2111 · 4 months
I try to stay out of the crüe drama as much as possible (for my mental health) but whenever new info on how shitty mick still gets treated by his former bandmates crosses my path? makes me wanna BITE AND MAUL AND RIP TO SHREDS AUGHHH
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warwickroyals · 1 year
Okay but here me out . . . March Madness . . . but it's about discovering your favourite royalty simblr character.
Either way, I'm doing a March Madness for our favourite WARWICK character. It's gonna be fun!
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13eyond13 · 1 year
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braywashed · 9 months
i enjoy pissing my brother off to the point he becomes a giant manbaby and wont talk and storms off
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transmascpetewentz · 10 months
idk i think if you get mad at someone for calling themself MLM or autoandrophile and automatically assume that they don't know the history of the words, then you might not be the good guy in the situation.
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