#me: wants interactions earlier bc im in the uk
ofgeneration · 5 years
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━ ✧ ( nico mirallegro, 26, he/him ) did you hear about generation’s new record ? it’s totally bitchin’ ! isaac carberry was killing it as lead vocalist. people who have interviewed him say they’re really quixotic & convivial, but they can be sort of impish & ungovernable if you catch him at a bad time. a mischievous grin, northern grit, your ex-record label’s offices looking like a jackson pollock after getting your revenge in the form of vandalism.
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hello, my loves! — i’m jess, i’m 22 and over in rainy england. i’m recently done with university which gives me a lot of downtime until i find a job so hopefully i can dedicate a lot of that downtime to this fuckin’ rp because it’s gonna be lit i just know it. i’m a huge stone roses fan and 80s/90s-music-obsessed in general so getting to play this character is super exciting for me, so without further ado, meet my trash son: mr isaac carberry. PLEASE HMU FOR PLOTS!
born 14th april 1960 in manchester, england to a normal working-class family, isaac was the first born child of james & rose carberry, with a younger sister coming along a few years later. the little family of four lived fairly happily, but struggled financially just as many people did in northern england at the time. 
when isaac was five, his father lost his job as a result of coalmine closures, and times were tough. however, the family kept their spirits high by keeping close-knit, as well as listening to a whole lotta’ music. music was key in the carberry household. it was all around you at all times.
when times would get particularly bleak, his dad would pick up an guitar and play to the kids. he wasn’t very good but watching someone play an instrument and have fun with it sparked something in the eyes of isaac carberry.
tw violence, corporal punishment — during his teenage years, he was a problem child. he was the kid that always got pulled out of class by the headmaster to receive the cane in his office. he could never sit still, was always cracking jokes when he should’ve been doing his schoolwork, etc. it wasn’t talked about at the time, so it went unnoticed, but what isaac was probably dealing with was undiagnosed ADHD. despite this, though, he was a clever child. he had a way with words and looked forward to english class every week, where he would take great pleasure in writing exercises, especially poetry. 
writing was a dreamy, escapist haven for isaac, and this extended to his life outside of school, too. the works he was producing were mostly tongue-in-cheek, light-hearted stories and poems with a recurring “stop taking life so seriously” theme. when he turned 16, however, these poems began to turn into songs. this started to take up a lot of his time especially when he finished secondary school at 16 and went onto sixth form college, where he took music alongside english.
isaac desperately wanted to learn to play guitar, so that he could form some structural melodies to these songs, but struggled with honing the skill of learning an instrument. luckily, when he was 18, he made three friends who could do just that. the four kids would bounce ideas off of each other and hold jam sessions in the tiny little basement of isaac’s family home, but things never went much further than that (at least not yet, anyway.)
isaac decided against going to university, mostly since his family lacked the funds, and instead picked up a full-time job in a grocery store to help out his household’s shared income. 
in 1979, margaret thatcher came into power as the UK’s prime minister, and times got even bleaker. money was even tighter and the working-class situation became an even harder one to be in. the carberry family started sending isaac out on the street after work to sing some of his songs for tips. 
in 1983, aged 23, isaac was in a dark place. no opportunity, no degree, no wealth in the family to fall back on. he ‘rallied up the troops’ so to speak and practically begged his friends to start a band with him. he had plenty of material, after all.
to his relief, they said yes, and were determined to make it work. they were hungry for attention and throwing themselves at any gig opportunities they could get, to get them a bit of money into their pockets. that was it, GENERATION was truly alive and kicking.
at a show supporting another band, generation were noticed by a fellow musician, who took a shine to the band and booked them to support his upcoming uk tour. thus, the band were rising to prominence. fast forward a year and before isaac even had the chance to process it, generation were shaping up to be the biggest band in the uk. isaac could finally give his family everything they needed to better their situation and was having the most amazing time ever doing what he loved.
after independently releasing their own singles, the band got themselves a record deal in early 1985 and released their first full record, a self-titled album. their management wanted to introduce them to US audiences, and thus — that’s how we find ourselves here. 
ok sorry for that LONG ass background here’s the nice lil fun part where we can just dick around lmao hey meet my baby boy chaotic aries who is a lovable mess and i will protect him at all costs
literally so much of his personality is inspired by myself lmao we love an aries legend with ADHD but also i owe some of his characterization to the stone roses’ ian brown so if you ever want a look into isaac, watch some interviews or smth because Big Isaac Mood. the last aesthetic in his app references this video
nice, but a fuckin firecracker of a man. intense boi!! he’s a Lot
on first impressions he’s cool and collected and laidback but when you get to know him he can be very exhausting to be around, talks a lot, never tires of energy, etc
has that lopsided, wonky grin that you can’t help but love
lowkey isn’t really overwhelmed by the fame at all, he’s kind of narcissistic in the fact that he??? just feels like it’s really deserved? he knows hes talented jfjhgfjkghf
lowkey maybe highkey a sweetheart
a favourite with the ladies but not good w commitment
has slept around a lot. ladies, fellas, you name it. probably has it in him to settle down someday since he likes the idea of falling in love, but just hasn’t found it as of yet 
charisma literally oozes from him
tw drugs & alcohol / dOeSnT LiKe To sHoW eMoTioNs but then will literally cry w u and pour his heart out if you’re close enough to him or if he’s hella drunk or high on ecstasy 
Reyt fokin’ northern accent, yeh get meh?
man i dont even know can i just post this dumb shit already because this is getting LONG
ex-girlfriend / groupie — i have this as a wc on the main
best friends will prob be taken by his bandmates but at the time of writing this only one other spot is taken so maybe ill branch out
give me some ppl who just DONT fucking like him
hookups / ex-hookups
someone he can be a bad influence on
someone who is a bad influence on him
someone he’s had beef w in the industry, maybe they said some shit about his band in an interview or something
a slow burn love interest plot................. listen.... gimme the one person he’s falling for and would consider being tied down for. i’d be so soft for that
gimme anything and everything my babies
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fystarlust · 7 years
1-50 💛
001: name your favorite television/movie character ~ i dont have one
002: what was the last emoji you used? ~ the tongue one
003: if you had to makeout with the last person you interacted with via your phone, would you? ~ gladly
004: do you prefer to be hot or cold? ~ hot
005: do you always sleep with a fan on? ~ v rarely
006: what’s your favorite brand of water? ~ smartwater
007: do you watch grey’s anatomy? ~ no
008: name a song lyric that will always speak volumes to you. ~ chong, jojun balsa!
009: do you have a problem talking about feelings/showing emotion? ~ depends who im talking to
010: how do you arrange your contacts in your phone? ~ they’re just arranged alphabetically 
011: what’s your zodiac sign, and do you think it fits your personality? ~ pisces, and yes
012: what was your dream job as a kid, and what is it now? ~ a vet, now im not too sure but one of them is to rescue and rehabilitate neglected animals
013: do you think you could survive during a zombie apocalypse? ~ um hell yes
014: did you ever go through a “phase” ? ~ didn’t we all
015: have you ever struggled with your sexuality, and have you come to terms with it now? ~ i’ve kind of questioned it before but tbh it doesn’t bother me so i don’t really think about it
016: would you prefer someone to answer you with “yes”, or “yeah”? ~ either one
017: if you had to pick a holiday to have been born on, which would it be? ~ probably easter bc then i’d get loads of chocolate presents
018: what’s your opinion on body art? ~ idk do what u want
019: do you have a lot of friends, or do you wish you did? ~ i dont no, and i don’t wish for a loT but a few more would be nice
020: what’s your favorite swear word? ~ fuck
021: tell us the best advice someone ever gave to you. ~ there’s a lot, but one is ‘never apologise for how you feel’
022: do you get car sick? ~ if i’m sat in the back of a car yes
023: what is your ideal date? ~ idek the idea makes me nervous so
024: would you dare go cliff diving? ~ yEs
025: dogs or cats? ~ dogs
026: are you allergic to anything? if you are, what are you allergic to? ~ apparently im allergic to penicillin but ?? im not sure
027: if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why? ~ i’d change any poaching/illegal trade/ruthless killing of animals when not for food, because animal’s are pure and don’t deserve what we give them
028: if you were a fictional character, which one would you be? ~ idk if this is boring but probably hermione bc she’s a badass
029: has there ever been a time that you went through that you can now look back on and smile because you made it through it? ~ i don’t smile when i think of past tough times, but i do feel glad that its over, nervous that it’ll happen again too
030: rate your self-confidence on a scale of one to ten. ~ 4 on a good day
031: do you believe that therapy is a thing that can actually help someone? ~ yes
032: what’s your opinion on naps? ~ they’re good for some people but personally napping is a sign that im getting bad again
033: do you know who alecia moore is without googling her? ~ nope
034: are you the type of person that can say “fuck it” or do you stress? ~ a bit of both
035: what’s your favorite out of the three: aliens, ghosts, or serial killers? ~ aliens but they scare me too
036: what part of the world are you from, and what part of the world do you want to visit? ~ im from the uk, i want to visit asia and australia 
037: do you know what ‘cerulean’ is? without googling it. ~ no
038: do you believe in relationships, or would you rather hit it and quit it? ~ relationships bc im not a gross heartless c word
039: are you fake-friends with anyone? ~ nope
040: do you lie a lot? are you a good liar? ~ not really, and im quite good but sometimes not
041: what’s your favorite hex code color? ~ idk what that is
042: do you have any siblings? are you close with them? or do you wish you had some? ~ i have 1 and he’s a twat 90% of the time
043: did you ever do that thing where you put glue all over your hands and then pull it off? ~ i used to, if i had the glue id still do it now tbh
044: do you have any habits, bad or good? ~ i bite my nails, bounce my leg a lot when im anxious, chew my lips/cheeks, swear too much
045: does having red hair automatically make you not have a soul? ~ yes lolololololol
046: do doctors scare you? ~ no but earlier i watched a video on anaesthesia awareness and now im terrified of surgery
047: have you ever had a moment where your life flashed before your eyes? ~ not literally but i the other day i nearly fell off my horse and it made me feel all weird
048: what’s your everyday outfit like? ~ jeans or joggers, tshirt and a hoodie
049: kissing or no kissing on the first date? ~ no kissing
050: what’s your dream vehicle? ~ a horse
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