#me? latching onto anything that makes vanitas reinforce the idea hes not human?
rxcusant · 4 years
hi im gonna talk about vanitas really quick before i do a draft ok? ok
theres this one post canon fic i really love thats vanitas aqua and sora centric and i adore it bc of how they portray vanitas’s unhealthy coping mechanisms and dont just be like ‘okay hes saved and living with everyone now!’ but theres one specific part that really gets me
Vanitas was always so careful about what he showed, as if he carefully picked and plucked every expression, the way his brows arched or his lips curled or the slope of his shoulders and back, where his hands were and how he wore his confidence — always treating his body like it was disconnected from him, a puppet for him to control with surgical precision.
and im so over the moon about it because ive always HC’d him as having a disconnect from his face/body and i dont usually see it touched upon in fanon. even more so, seeing it talked about in a way that summarizes it better than i could is just [GESTURES WILDLY] nice!
im just thinking about it now cause n my post kh3 verse vanitas feels super disconnected from his replica body. it doesnt feel right-- like an itch you just cant scratch away. youre not comfortable until its gone. vanitas knows this isnt the body he should have, knows he’ll never be whole again either, so its like an ever-present ‘None Of This Is Right’ feeling hes gotta live with. i think the only verse he doesnt feel completely disconnected from his body is rebirthverse and thats only cause hes back in vens body-- but ven isnt around in that verse so its more like a 50% disconnect. he can vibe, but he still feels empty.
also hes always manipulating his own motions and expressions to fuck with people, thats never changed but i dont have any spiel for that LMAO anyway Read the fic its only 2 chapters in but i love it. its got some excellent aqua characterization and who doesnt love aqua? fools thats who
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