#just little vani things
bluest-planet · 9 months
This place is a message… pay attention to it! This message was important to us. We thought ourselves to be a powerful culture. This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This is a warning about danger. The danger is in a certain location… it increases towards a center… the center of danger is here… and around us. The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours. The danger is to the heart, and it can kill. The form of the danger is an emanation of energy. The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited. (Sometimes, no matter how far you try to run, how far you get, what you bring, what you leave behind, and what you find in search of sanctuary- the damage is already done, killing you from the inside out. You lost, and it wasn't even your fault-! you were dragged here against your will and forced to endure. But the worst part is, he was brought here too, and he deserves it even less. You have to get him out, before it kills him too.)
AKA, Xehanort and Vanitas end up kidnapping a poor 3 year-old Sora for a year before BBS takes place. Que Vanitas developing toxic Eldest Sister Syndome and Sora getting a bad case of Youngest Sibling Guilt tm. With some added Vanitas introspection/Queerness and angst for some spice.
but hey, the thing about siblings, is that they make even the shittiest situation a bit more bearable.
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wonderfulxhappiness · 4 months
junpei being a dick arc !!
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
hi seb ily!! how're you???
Hi hii I'm good I just took a shower and now I'm googling things and thinking about looking for dinner or something I think I'm getting hungry but who knows really
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
i want ice cream but also. no.
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jesterdeath · 5 months
(remake of a previous post, trying to keep it a little neater)
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hi, i'm vani! i'm a (nearly) 26 year old nonbinary lesbian and i got "temporarily" laid off from my full-time job on 1/3/24.
while i did immediately apply for unemployment, i have absolutely no idea when i'll start getting any of that money, and i do still have bills i need to pay in the mean time.
i got my final paycheck today, and i know it won't cover anything past this month. i'm lucky in that i don't have rent or utilities to worry about, but the smaller bills and other payments that i DO have add up to quite a bit.
if you want to help me cover things until i start receiving unemployment benefits (or until i get a new job, if those take too long to come in), here's my info. i don't necessarily have a goal at the moment, really just anything that'll help keep me out of the negatives until i have an income again.
crashapp | painpal | mercari | twitter post
(additional info below the cut, just to explain better while keeping things easy to read)
i'd like to note that, while the layoff is considered "temporary" right now, there is absolutely no guarantee as to if or when i'll be called back to work. the cutoff for this is june 31, so if i'm not called back in by then it's a permanent termination.
because of this, most people i've talked to have advised me to wait until closer to this deadline before job hunting, as it'll be a pain if i get a new job and then get called back in to work at the old one. HOWEVER, if i have issues with unemployment (such as if it's delayed or i don't get enough from it), i will ABSOLUTELY start looking before then.
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thebiscuitlabryinth · 3 months
In the end, it doesn't matter. His plans, his intentions, his hopes, none of it matters.
In his dreams, it is disturbingly easy for Pure Vanilla to forget that the world is larger than the two of them, full of Cookies with their own plans and motives. In the careful cradle of his dreams, cocooned within Shadow Milk's constant presence, he hadn't even considered that there were other options.
Now, he is forced to confront them, and he can barely pay attention to anything. He isn't sure what happened in the first place, everything moving too quickly for him to process a thing. There is chaos everywhere, a flurry of colours and sounds and happenings whipping around him like a hurricane, the veil of darkness turning it all into a blur. The air is thrumming with unleashed archaic power, pricking his dough like pins and needles, and it all goes straight to his head, making him dizzy.
His grip on his staff is tight, leaning against it as he closes his eyes and borrows its gaze in the hopes of having a clearer view. It is just as indecipherable through his staff though, which means he isn't seeing things – the world really is coming apart at the seams, his nightmares unfurling before him.
And worst of all, Pure Vanilla is awake. He is wide, wide awake and cold with shock.
"There you are!"
Arms wrap around his shoulders from behind, the voice chiming delightedly in his ear. Pure Vanilla pulls away with a violent jerk of his body, not quite having the mind to be surprised that the arms let him, spinning around to face the other.
Shadow Milk stands, practically glowing with giddy joy, in a newly-crafted body of fresh dough, and it is strange to see him so solid. He stretches his arms above his head, leaning from side to side, before turning in a circle with a flourish, as if to show the body off.
"Wonderful, isn't it? And with this, Little Miss Guardian can't lock us back up again so easily! Certainly not with a dirty little trick like patching up some cracks." His voice is jovial, even as irritation flickers over his eyes at the memory of his encounter with White Lily. It disappears quickly, swallowed by tide of something that could almost be taken as childlike excitement. "Ah, it's so fun to have my own body again!"
It's the sort of happiness Pure Vanilla had hoped to see from him, but seeing it now, it just makes his heart ache fiercely, his chest seconds away from caving in. He is beautiful, a fact preserved even through the filter of his staff's eye, and everything is falling apart around him.
"What are you doing?" He asks, hardly more than a whisper, hardly able to manage those words anyway. It isn't the fact that Shadow Milk is out, physically here in front of him that makes him feel queasy. If it were only that, Pure Vanilla suspects he'd match him in his joy. It isn't even that he grabbed the first opportunity to escape, even if it wasn't following Pure Vanilla's plans for negotiation.
It is the upheaval sweeping around him, a complete lack of care for the surroundings and exactly as Shadow Milk was before, that is what hurts. Pure Vanilla had never lied when he said he believed in him.
"Celebrating, of course! This is my greatly anticipated grand return!" Shadow Milk announces cheerfully, taking an overdramatic bow before glancing at Pure Vanilla with a cheeky grin. His eyes glitter like stars, in that way that always mesmerises him. "Come on, Vani, dance with me!"
He reaches for both of Pure Vanilla's hands, not fazed by the fact that one is still holding his staff. He simply traps Pure Vanilla's hand between his and the staff as he pulls him towards him, using the momentum to whirl them around. Pure Vanilla stumbles, and without thinking, he scrambles to hold Shadow Milk back, his stomach and head churning uselessly.
It must show on his face, the horrible turbulance within him, because Shadow Milk's eyes all squint at him, some softly, others teasingly. He lets go of the hand not on his staff, instead wrapping his arm around Pure Vanilla's waist to offer him more stability. "What are you looking so gloomy for? Isn't this what you wanted?"
"Not like this, you know that." Pure Vanilla whispers, his now free hand balling into a fist and falling weakly to rest against Shadow Milk's shoulder. His sadness leaks heavy into his tone, but he can't help it, can barely articulate himself. "I wanted you to be better."
Shadow Milk doesn't reply for a moment, still dragging him through the motions of a partner dance. He seems to realise Pure Vanilla isn't planning to open his eyes anytime soon, because his eyes slide over to make contact with him through his staff, his grin simmering down to a smile, still unbearably cheerful. "You didn't truly believe that would work, did you?"
It's a harmless question, in the grand scheme of things, in the whirlpool of everything happening around them, but it feels like a cracking punch to the stomach. Shadow Milk had seemed reluctant at first, but he had never outright refused his idea. By the end of it, he even seemed to be considering it seriously, but something said as bluntly as that must be his true feelings–
"So you lied to me." Pure Vanilla murmurs hollowly, the cracks in his heart filling with sticky disappointment, all towards himself. He can't bring himself to hate Shadow Milk for acting within his own nature, not when he should have known. "...Of course you did."
For the first time since he regained a physical form, Shadow Milk's smile drops completely, replaced with a fake pout. Though it seems lighthearted, the stars in his eyes spark with annoyance.
"I would never! How could you say such a terrible thing about me, after all we've been through?" Shadow Milk laments with exaggerated sorrow, throwing Pure Vanilla into an awkward twirl as his free hand rests against his own forehead like a hapless maiden. Pure Vanilla's brain seems to scramble at the sudden movement, barely gathering his bearings as Shadow Milk's arm returns to his waist. He thinks he may be sick.
"Remember, I said you could try your little plan out, not that I ever agreed to it." Shadow Milk reminds him in a low croon, lined with condescension. "I even told you I thought it was a stupid idea! I may be the Beast of Deceit, but I never directly lied to you. I'm a little hurt you assumed I did. I thought you knew me better than that!"
And Pure Vanilla can't muster a response to that, spirit growing soggier by the second, because it is true. His hope had led him into assumptions that were misguided, how can he blame Shadow Milk for that?
Somewhere in the background, there is the rumble of an explosion.
"You might have been able to convince me, you know." Shadow Milk adds with a gossamer thin smile, his voice growing more serious. "There was just one eensy-weensy problem with your argument."
Pure Vanilla trips over something behind him with a frazzled yelp, unconsiously gripping Shadow Milk's shoulder as his hat falls off, and Shadow Milk uses the momentum to lower him into a dip, bowing over him as he finally pauses their dance.
"You assumed that I need to be fixed," Shadow Milk spits the words through his teeth with a slight growl, curling his lip disdainfully as he pushes their faces far too close together, "but there's nothing to fix. We paid the price for having power the Witches' themselves gave us, all because of their cowardice and fickleness." He huffs, smiling with a lack of mirth. "Good punishments always teach a lesson, you say, but our punishment was unjust, decided on a whim. What lesson could it possibly teach?"
Pure Vanilla stares at him wordlessly, ears buzzing nervously. He feels vaguely like he is in freefall, his body tensing in anticipation of hitting the ground.
Instead, like a switch is flipped, Shadow Milk's stormy expression clears back into that pleasant merriment.
"But enough about all that," Shadow Milk says with faux politeness as he straightens up smoothly, jerking Pure Vanilla back onto his feet and sweeping him back into a circling dance, "now is the time for celebration! Relax!"
Shadow Milk draws Pure Vanilla even closer to him, almost pressing their bodies together, and Pure Vanilla, despite himself, is struck by the warmth of it. Shadow Milk has always been cold to the touch in his dreams but here, in this new body, he is too warm, radiating a heat that suggests getting too close will burn.
Shadow Milk hums a jaunty tune in his ear as they sway to and fro, and Pure Vanilla's darts his gaze around in an attempt to ground his thoughts. He must focus. He isn't sure where the others are – are the children safe? Where is White Lily? Shadow Milk isn't the only one who escaped, of that he is certain, so it is likely they are surrounded by danger on all sides, and that isn't even taking Dark Enchantress' forces into consideration. But if Shadow Milk is focused on him here, that is at least one less Beast for them to handle.
There you are, he had said when he found him. Shadow Milk had been seeking him out specifically, and surely not just for an innocent dance, so why—
Pure Vanilla glances down with sinking dread and realisation, jam turning cold.
"You're here for the Soul Jam, aren't you?" He murmurs, more to himself than Shadow Milk, but he must hear anyway, because his humming trails off. Pure Vanilla doesn't give him time to process the words though, yanking his staff up and suddenly there is light.
It is an extremely clumsy spell that misses by a mile – Pure Vanilla isn't awfully practised in offensive magic, and on top of that, his dough is shaking with too many emotions – but it does the trick. The bright flash startles Shadow Milk just enough for his grip to loosen, and Pure Vanilla wastes no time in scrambling back and away.
He gets a good few paces away before he is stopped by firm tug on his wrist, almost knocking him over. The beginning of real fear begins to well within him as he looks down to find himself caught by a dozen strings, shimmering like spun silk, all leading back to Shadow Milk's own hands as he approaches through the parting haze.
"I didn't know you had that in you. Bravo!" He laughs as he claps, seeming to be at ease, the attack doing nothing to dampen his mood. He comes to a stop nearby, wrapping the strings around his hand once, twice before pulling Pure Vanilla forward in a long, smooth motion that allows Shadow Milk to tuck his arm behind his back as he leans forward to meet him. "But to answer your question..."
Shadow Milk reaches up to grab the clasp that holds his Soul Jam as Pure Vanilla strains against the strings, knowing that despite any fondness he might have for him, he had never planned to let him have this. He braces for it to be ripped off, he braces for it to be gently pried away for him – he isn't sure which would be worse.
He does not brace for Shadow Milk to bend down and press a delicate kiss against its smooth surface.
"I'm here for the Soul Jam and you." He smirks against it, eyes flicking up from its sapphire shine to Pure Vanilla's stunned face, frozen in place. "That shouldn't be a surprise to you, after all our time spent together."
"You must be joking." Pure Vanilla chokes out before he can say any more, voice stuffy with conflicting emotions, gripping his staff so tightly he's distantly worried it may snap. His head is swimming, so much so that he worries he will faint, even though he's never been prone to it. "You don't mean that."
"I do." Shadow Milk replies with breezy confidence, his expression falling neutral as he straightens up just enough to press their foreheads together. It is not quite as impactful with Pure Vanilla seeing through his staff, but the contact between their dough still burns. "I like you. So, because I like you, I've come to collect everything."
Pure Vanilla is seeing through his staff, so he knows he is not imagining the solemn furrow of his brow, the slight pinch of his mouth, the lifetimes behind his eyes, the lifetimes he has fallen for. He is sure, almost instinctively, that he is telling the truth, and the mere thought makes his insides collapse into themselves like an agonising supernova.
"Please," he begs helplessly, strangely hoarse, abandoning his staff's eye and welcoming the darkness, unable to look anymore, "don't do this to me. It's–"
–cruel, but the word gets stuck in his throat. It is an accidental cruelty, and it hurts, hurts more than anything else, more than words can describe, even more than the all-encompassing ache of Dark Enchantress' first appearance, and the realisation that she shared White Lily's shadow. At least, then, Dark Enchantress was clear in her hatred, never allowing an opportunity for hope to fester. For all the pain that caused, the distance kept his head clearer.
But what is he meant to do now, knowing that Shadow Milk Cookie, for all he has done and will do, is sincere when he says he likes him? It is an irony that burdens him like a curse, but he almost wishes that it was a lie. It would be painful either way, but surely being tricked outright and mocked for it would be easier to cut clean from, to compartmentalise.
An ugly, painful sob rattles through his chest, and he bites down on it before it can leave his mouth, shoulders curling inwards like a wilting plant. Shadow Milk's arms loop around them, weighing them down further.
"Look at me." He calls, calm and low and stern, a professor's tone, and Pure Vanilla shudders with another swallowed sob.
"Look at me, Pure Vanilla." He repeats, a little louder, but it is the use of his name that catches his attention like a snare. Shadow Milk doesn't often use his proper name, not when it is just the two of them.
Pure Vanilla finally opens his own eyes, slowly and with difficulty, gummy with unshed tears and unable to make out anything beyond colourful shapes. Shadow Milk's face takes up his whole vision either way, and it makes his pain worsen. He can't look at him, not now, with everything that makes up Pure Vanilla jumbled into a mess and the world around them jumbled to match.
Surprising himself, Pure Vanilla sluggishly shifts to bury his face in Shadow Milk's shoulder, his shaking hands dropping his staff to clumsily grip his back in tight fistfuls. It surprises Shadow Milk too, judging by his slight jolt, but his arms tighten like a noose around his neck, pulling him close into a hug.
"You're awful." Pure Vanilla croaks, muffled and aching, squeezing his eyes shut again and soaking in the searing heat of the other, eating him alive.
Between them, the Virtue of Knowledge hums discordantly, its fractured pieces reunited at last. Shadow Milk chuckles, a sound Pure Vanilla feels rather than hears.
"If I'm awful," he says lightly, rocking them from side to side in a soothing rhythm, "then you must be too."
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justblades · 1 year
Hey I love love loveeeee everything that you wrote! Can you please write something about Blade being with a Herrscher so? Preferably one like Raiden Mei please ❤️❤️
blade x gender neutral! herrscher! reader
a/n : thank you so much <3 this took long since i have little knowledge about herrschers but i loved writing this and creating my own concept ! this is more of a how they became s/o, i hope you like it !
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ask children what kind of superpower they would like - "invisibility!" "immortality!" "teleportation!" and those are the three most common answers to be anticipated from their young minds. every blessing is its own curse, immortality may be a gift for some but it will never not be a curse when it is bestowed upon someone - whether forcibly or willingly.
to vividly remember how cerise colors stream out of your wounds, to clearly recall how your guts spilled and adorned the bloodshed of a battlefield - to etch in your mind how you exactly died. for blade, it was never once a blessing. he continually waits for his day to come to an end, the threads of his patience tear off, thinning.
it was a trivial mission he was assigned to, trivial but still holds significance for the future he believes in: a future where he no longer exists to happen. his monotone steps close towards you, aura exuding of an alien's, someone who's not a part of this world; this universe. he brandishes his molten cracked sword once again, studying his opponent with alert eyes and a sharp mind.
however, once you finally take a swift turn to face him - he couldn't take any steps further. the atmosphere suddenly thickens, one that's capable of making him stop in his tracks and weigh his sinful body down. blade's eyes become two full solferino moons of shock, intimidated at the life form six meters away from his stature.
around you was a butterfly flittering its wings, a seemingly normal sight at first. a watchful enemy keeps their guard up at all times, and there he only see absurdities unravel: the butterfly ages quickly, it dies in an instant— but the once corpse becomes a larva as it is encompassed by black aura, a power you're wielding from your dominant hand. not just the feeble butterfly, but the things surrounding you as well: they crumble down, brought back into the materials they're made from, turning into a process of how they're molded, and so on. a never ending cycle.
upon blade's long years of waiting, he finally sees his end. a page from his chronicles that indicates it's finally the last. he kneels down, sword sheathed and laid just beside him: he lowers his head and closes his eyes voluntarily.
the herrscher of cycle. you wield capabilities to turn everything and everyone back to what they once were, may it be from a particular point of their lifespan's timeframe or back to nothingness at all. perhaps this is the future that blade awaits. you stride towards his kneeling figure, a daring smile sculpting your lips. "you're an interesting individual."
his brows knit as he looks up to meet your iridescent eyes, among the hundreds of colors commixing together, there lies a black hole, a void, nothingness within. "in my universe, there's a particular tea i took a liking to . . ." silence engulfs the whole place for a short moment, blade feels as if he's betrayed by his own tongue, unable of any utterance.
"since your eyes are pleading me to end your life— shall we spend your last moments relishing a favorite tea of mine?"
and before he knew it, he's wrapped around your pinky finger, inseparable as ever. he'd come to adore your habits, how words roll off your tongue, your stories that once bored him to death in every sip of the drink without full on realizing the corners of his lips tug upwards whenever he hears the chimes of your laughs.
fate really is a roller coaster of events - he always seeked his end and had one concept of final moments . . . perhaps all he needed is an interesting companion, and the end of his mundane perception finally vanishes.
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neversetyoufree · 1 year
Every time I think about it too much, I go utterly insane over Noé's little "I'm glad you're the person you are now" speech.
Like, no matter how you read their relationship, it's undeniable that by that point, Noé cares about Vanitas so much. He's clearly quite upset by Vanitas's "as if anyone could fall for a person like me" line. And because of that, he goes out of his way to try and reassure Vanitas that he's good and worthy of love, and he specifically crafts his reassurance in a way that he thinks Vanitas will be able to accept.
He prefaces his kind words with "I still don't like you," because he knows that Vanitas reacts poorly to outright being liked. He adds on the line about his statement being "arbitrary" in an effort to pretend that his speech wasn't prompted by hearing Vanitas spill his self-hatred. He goes to lengths to make things look as much as possible like Noé's just sharing a thought, not trying to comfort Vani, but his intent comes through crystal clear.
Yet at the same time, the way he ties his speech to his thoughts on having met Astolpho shows that he really is being genuine. He goes out of his way to say all this because he wants to reassure Vanitas, but he doesn't say a word that isn't from the heart. Regardless of whether he “likes” the way he is or not, he’s genuinely grateful to have the Vanitas that he has.
It's so telling that Noé's reaction to hearing Vanitas speak self-hatingly is to go out of his way to contradict that hatred with affection. And that he tries to go about it so delicately. It speaks so much to his depth of feeling and his emotional intelligence. It’s just such a good scene.
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kicktwine · 2 months
*Shuffles closer just an inch too close* Tell me your Vanitas Thoughts(tm). Your hopes and dreams for him in relation to the series, and what your Expectations are for in to contrast
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I think I’ve talked so much abt vanitas I spat out like 29489385 words about what I think might happen and what I hope does RIGHT HERE right here I found it but TEE EL DEE AR worst case scenario: vanitas becomes mephiles (I don’t know sonic lore) and goes full evil cackling I’ve been darkness the whoooole tiiime (scarily likely but I want to BELIEVE the themes of kh remain intact about personhood). BEST case scenario to ME he and Ven have to work together to defeat Darkness because vanitas goes thru another self-identity crisis while trapped in (……….???) Sora’s? Ven’s heart? Somewhere? His heart grew too much to be dissolved back into nothing again. And he gets a wallet chain and a spiked collar. My TEMPERED expectations are something like,,, either he’s gone. we’re done with him, he’s dead. OR. He like… shows up as a villain and then either we have to beat him again or he defects at the last minute. There’s so much that has to do with having a will and making choices and friendship and and and AND on to ad infinitum in this video game. I want him here but if he’s gonna have a bad arc I want him gone. However I want him here so bad. And knowing kh none of this will happen he’s gonna like, go on a space adventure with yozora and pleakley or something
AND ALSO because you asked for Thoughts and then asked for the second thing here’s my first thought about vanitas make him meaner when you analyze him and in that vein if you want to give ME a little treat you’ll make badlands ven a little nervous prick too. People are too nice about vanitas because he’s the outcast emo kid and you all were outcast emo kids but vanitas in the actual game (not like. When you take a blorbo out of the game im of the opinion that you can do whatever you want with him and I do whatever I want all the time. Do you know how many soft sappy vani fics are in my ao3. do you know how many. I cherish each and every ONE of them) BUT IN THE GAME he hates. So so so strongly. I’ve also said this before but he’s so angry that the anger spills over. He’s vindictive and rash and desperate and a big meanie bully. AFFECTIONATE!!!!! He wants to be alive but not like this, this alive is the wrong kind of alive. He wants to crawl inside Ven’s heart and feel the warmth of the blood there. He didn’t ask to be made and if his unversed wants a big boot to hide in he’s going to give it a big boot
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Bunny boy
Michael Kaiser is the winner of this event! Go under the Read More to see the meaning of some phrase/words
If the post won't show up this time too I promise I won't care. Maybe
TW: Probable OCD for Michael, panic attack, angst with happy ending, happy for real don't worry
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“Please don’t go” Michael almost whines, something you never dream to hear from a football superstar of his caliber.
Thankfully you do, it’s not like you had to do anything better at home, and seeing a football superstar beg you wonderfully strokes your ego.
This decision reveals to be crucial for Michael’s health. It takes you a look at his pupils, his ragged breath, and his latex-covered hand clenching almost desperately your arm, to understand that the situation was going downhill really fast.
Meanwhile, Michael’s brain couldn’t work anymore, the breath of the people at the local giving him goosebumps, some people sneezing, others coughing, he can literally see the particles flying in the air. The shirt he wetted before, now clutching on his body feels like a strait-jacket; who knows how many people drank from that bawl that he spilled on himself earlier.
Intrusive thoughts invade his brain, he can’t think of anything other than all the illnesses these commoners are going to give him; how could he act so carelessly?
Michael let go of your arms, he pulls away like someone that just touched fire, he looks around searching for the nearest bathroom, but his eyes are already full of tears, as much as he looks left and right he can’t see anything other than one room full of ‘walking bacteria’ and he just needs to escape.
He tries, but he falls on his right knee, legs giving out, Michael’s mind so dizzy that he doesn’t even notice how hard he hits the ground.
And nobody cares. Not a single soul called for help. Or cared enough to ask him if everything is okay.
You never thought such a small local could contain so much shit.
“Michael, can you hear my voice?”
You crouch down next to him, but at a safe distance, in case you need to avoid being hit. Michael replies with a hum, it is enough for you to go on.
“Michael I think you are having a panic attack, am I right?”
A nod between shivers.
“Please Michael don’t curl into a ball and look at me.”
Thankfully he listens to you and stares straight into your eyes (or you think so, his mind must be so fogged right now to see clearly)
“Now I want you to breathe in through your nose and breath out from your mouth, can you feel the air going in? How it goes from cold to hot? Can you?”
He follows you, his breathing still going a little too fast to be normal, but at least he looks calmer than before.
“Now close your eyes and concentrate on the flow of the air, use your diaphragm to breathe, can you feel it going down your torso?” and he nods “Okay keep this going, just listen to my voice and concentrate on your breath, everything else doesn’t exist, just you and me”
It takes a dozen minutes for Michael to be finally able to breathe normally, to look fine, then he slowly opens his eyes, your face the first thing he sees in his field of vision; to say the truth you are the only one he wants to look at this moment.
“Want to hold my hands? Look I just cleaned them, still smell like soap if you don’t believe me” You say, voice barely a whisper, warm and soothing
Michael accepts, not without giving a sniff first (like you didn’t notice it, he is a terrible actor)
“Can I get a hug too?” he says with a bold smirk, but his tired eyes told you the truth and with fake annoyance you accept.
“You should also pet my head, and try not to touch the ears, they are made of latex, you know? Really delicate” Michael dares to ask, maybe it is easier to do when his face is hidden behind your shoulders.
“Do you also want a butt slice? Aren’t you asking a bit too much!?” You reply back so fast that Michael got taken aback.
He pulls up to look straight into your eyes, hands now gripping your shoulder, the tremblings from before completely vanished, and then Michael bursts laughing, one of those ugly, loud, but sincere ones. You can’t help but laugh along with the guy in your arms, noticing how different his eyes look right now, a wonderful shade of sky blue, smile shining so bright even in this dark room (and are those dimples? You are a lucky bastard Michael), his chest still wet from the beverage he spilled on himself earlier making his chest shine so bright and your eyes just wander ‘till they stop to look at his erect and perfectly shaped nipp-
What the hell are you doing? Don’t make the arrogant bastard you just helped in a bad moment notice how attracted you are to him.
Too bad. It is too late.
“Schatz, I know I’m hot, but if you keep staring I may think you want to eat me up”
You fool. Your soft heart and your (newfound) Wendy syndrome just signed your demise.
Because Michael is endlessly handsome, too much for his own good and you noticed him after the first step in the local. Sadly you also noticed how dramatic and eccentric he is and just avoided him, trying to blend with the moldy walls, avoiding his teasing glazes, hoping you won’t be picked; sadly you also noticed the many heated glances he sent your way, making you warm and tingly all over.
“You wish blondie. Did you hit your head earlier? Something is wrong for sure with your sight”
Michael laughs, but this time is sneering and you feel like it’s the right time to dig your own grave.
“Maybe I did, you look beautiful right now”
Internal screaming. Panic. It feels like someone stabbed you, but the person stabbed you with some dumb shit like a cupid arrow that makes you all warm and the person is a beautiful blonde German dressed like a bunny that is now in your arms, looking like he wants to devour you.
You squeak and push him away, finally standing up and putting as much distance as possible.
Michael is still on his knees, looking at you with predatory eyes, looking for a weak point to target and attack, licking his chapped lips like a tiger ready to feast upon his prey; you are the bunny, all trembling and with a speedup heartbeat.
Thank God he doesn’t say anything about your poor state, he dusts his leather pants and stands up too, just now you notice how big he is in comparison to you, a fact you notice even more when he stands a breath away from you.
“Anyway I need to repay you, come to my hotel room”
“Yes, I can offer you something to drink, why that sour expression? Don’t tell me you hoped for something more Häschen ”
“Shut up! I’ll go home-“ why is he looking at you with that knowing smile, just stop “ -alone! You are not welcome!”
“If you don’t want to come with me, at least give me your number” What an impudent guy! But… was it really worth acting high and mighty when deep down you also know you are interested?
“At maximum my Insta” You tell him, but the smirk on his face upon looking at your profile made you question all of the life choices that took you to this moment.
“Deal accepted Häschen. Can’t wait to take you out, maybe next time dress better than tonight though”
You want to scream at him, throw something, but you are just left there, mouth gasping like a fish, while Michael leaves the local, waving at you with his latex-clad hand, shaking his behind more like a happy dog than a bunny.
Who were you trying to fool? After all, you already missed his presence; ohh you are so intoxicated by Michael. For sure it won’t be easy to hide your crush when you’ll meet again.
“Do you also want a butt slice?” = link ik it's Italian only, but the expression is too good not to be spread around
Schatz = Treasure
(edit)Häschen = "little bunny"
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beneathashadytree · 11 months
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Warnings : this happens during the events of the last episode, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : angst
Word count : 0.8K words
Additional notes : The Hidden Inventory arc fucked me up, and this is the result of it.
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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His arm was slung against the back of the couch, and he slumped against it like every single bone in his body had grown weary of carrying his own weight. Carelessly spreading his legs open, he didn’t even bother opening his eyes as he leant his head back, one hand reaching up to tiredly palm at his forehead.
Eyebags darker and cheeks gaunter than they’d ever been, Suguru looked like he’d aged twenty years within the span of just a few minutes since crossing the threshold to their apartment. The heaviness on his shoulders was still very much visible, despite how deceptively-languidly his body draped onto that worn-down couch.
It took all they had in them to not fret over him; after all, after the last failure of a time when they’d tried to get a word out of him, they knew better than to push him to speak when he was incapable of doing so. Though it dug deep into them to know that he wasn’t able to confide in them—or anyone, for that matter—it pained them even more to see his deliberate avoidance of the topic once brought up.
At times like these, ignorance often felt like the wisest thing to feign, though it killed them a little more each time they turned a blind eye to it all.
So, in order to push the rising feelings threatening to clog up their throat, all they did was just walk up to their boyfriend, who still didn’t bother opening his eyes—not even when they lowered themself onto his lap and nestled against him. Suguru didn’t move an inch when they took his arm and wrapped it around themself in a weak attempt at soothing their own rattled nerves, and didn’t acknowledge their sharp intake of breath.
“Your hands are cold.” Too cold, given how he’d always run a little warmer than them, and how his cozy embrace in bed had always been their favorite thing about winter. His skin was near-icy to the touch now, and the fact had them swallowing thickly around the lump in their throat.
His hand curled around their waist, like everything was exactly the same but entirely too different. His grip was far too loose, but it felt like he was the one threatening to slip away from them; like smoke into thin air. If they stopped pretending things were perfectly fine, it felt like he would disappear to never return again. And they would do anything to stop that from happening.
“Must be the wind outside.” His voice was little above a mumble, the normal inflections in his soft voice dulled down and monotonous. Though his chest was rising and falling against them, and though they could feel the pulse in his wrist against their skin, he sounded like he’d already long given up on his life, fleeting as it was.
Not breaking down into gut-wrenching sobs felt near impossible, but they somehow managed it. “Were you outside for long?”
He grunted. “No. Just a quick smoke break.” Turning his face to them, he cracked his eyes open. Dark brown eyes they’d always associated with dizzying warmth and deep affection were now murky and unseeing. They were trained on their face, yes, but it felt like he was staring straight through them—perhaps at nothing at all, and perhaps at something they just couldn’t see.
Whatever it was, just the sight of his empty gaze had them blinking rapidly, in a poor attempt at stopping their tears from spilling down their cold, cold cheeks. They still couldn’t stop the crystalline tears collecting at their waterline; couldn’t stop the way they dripped down despite how calm their expression remained.
Frankly, they most likely hadn’t even noticed that they’d begun crying. It was Suguru’s words that brought it to their attention. “Why are you crying?” A small flicker of worry amidst that emotionless pit they stared right into, then it vanished before they could make sense of it.
Agonizing pain ripped through their chest at that, and they hurried to stifle it with some choked-out half-lies amidst the staggering weight of the words they actually wanted to say. “I’m just… tired. More so than usual.”
Suguru blinked twice, before giving a stilted half-nod. His hand was caressing their waist, but it felt like it wasn’t even there. And despite his heart beating loudly in his chest, neither was it there either.
With all the bravery they could muster, they reached out a trembling hand to rest against his sunken cheek, and pulled the words they’d been swallowing down like glass shards for weeks on end. “Are you okay?”
And yet all they received in turn were more lies to set upon their crumbling house of falsities. Nothing could ever go back to what it was, now that they’d mastered living with their masks glued onto their faces. It would take immense brute strength to rip them off, and neither of them cared for the bleeding mess they’d leave in their wake. So all they could do, now, was live with the cracked faces they’d borrowed, even if just for a little while longer.
“Of course. Everything’s alright.”
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lilaccoffin · 6 months
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Had some thoughts today...about their relationship...
Mostly how Chai's envy towards Vanilla gradually culminates into their falling out.
Like, they both have a lot of similarities and differences that contribute to Chai deciding to ghost Vani, both being dudes struggling with inferiority complexes in different ways. Chai handles his by gassing himself up to be the coolest dude ever because no one can call you a loser if you don't act like one, right? And his slacker attitude going hand in hand with his fear of rejection. If you don't try and put your best into stuff or do anything, it won't sting as much if someone tells you you sucked or rejects you, right?
For Vanilla, he copes with these feelings of inferiority by working his ass off to prove himself, masking his autistic behaviors and being as by-the-book as much as possible. Sure, he isn't always 100% compliant, I mean, he's lying to his parents about his major so that he can do what he actually wants to do, but for the most part, he's the type of guy who thinks doing things like they're instructed to be done will reward him. This results in all of his anxiety and stress in school. He basically overexerts himself where Chai does not.
I've boiled down three things that Chai's envious of and it's Vanilla's friend group in college, school stuff, and finally, the band that came to talk to their class.
1: The Friends...
At the start of the game, Chai tells Peppermint he's better off by himself and in general you get this air that Chai is a loner. (Using Lonely Boy as the opening song of the game is also uh...y'know, a huge indicator.) A lot of the fan base (me included) headcanon that Chai had a really hard time making friends growing up. He was the weird kid, and some (if not most) of the teasing also came from a place of ableism. I know a lot of us also headcanon Chai to have ADHD and that paired with him not being able to fully use his right arm gave bullies a lot of material. I remember someone (edit: FOUND THEIR POST, psychangels said this and it's a really good post btw) mentioning Chai dealing with pity/fake friends too and I can definitely see that and how it contributes to him being cautious of new "friends." Vanilla was pretty lucky to even get as close to Chai as he did. The shared love of music and having classes together were probably the main reasons their friendship worked for as long as it did (not very long, but not very short). Well, Chai wasn't Vanilla's only friend, even if it seemed like it at times with how often Vanilla wanted to be around him. He has a group of gothic pals who care about him a lot, most of them being people he met in middle school that he was happy to be able to go to high school and now uni with. Chai tends to just observe them from a distance because Vanilla's friends don't really like him very much over some of his crappy behavior towards Vani, and he sees how close and happy they are. Makes him wish he had that, but he tries his best to ignore it since years of bullying have made it really uncomfortable for him to accept genuine connection or kindness. It's already tough when Vanilla is so nice to him, a friend group full of that? Makes him nervous to even think about it. Though Vani and his friends aren't the type to fake anything, he's still weary.
2: School...
So, yeah, Chai isn't getting the best grades whereas Vanilla is getting straight A's. Again, Vanilla works his little ass off to get the grades his parents want him to have and Chai doesn't put that much effort into his work. To him, half-assing it also diminishes the sting of rejection if his professors don't like any of his genuine work, so getting Cs and Ds are good enough. Even with music focused classes Chai tends to take it easy. I can see him being the kind of guy to ask why they need to study the other stuff that has nothing to do with how to make music? Still, his slacker persona tends to aggravate a lot of his professors and they tend to exhibit some pretty nasty behavior towards Chai for it. Since Vanilla is hardworking and contributes to class discussions a lot, they're a lot more generous to him and have definitely cracked jokes about Vanilla's work vs Chai's. Vanilla would just nervously laugh while Chai rolled his eyes. God, actually, I don't doubt professors would make mean jokes often about those two. Probably begging Vanilla not to let Chai influence him. Vanilla didn't exactly do much about those jokes except wave/nervously laugh them off. He should have stood up to them and told them to stop making fun of Chai but, well, that kind of thing doesn't come easy to him (looks at him lying to his parents instead of putting his foot down with them about himself and his life and also how they would aaalways compare him and his older brother, which, yeah it bothered Vanilla to have their professors do the EXACT same thing with him and Chai, but...again, not REALLY great about confrontation during this time). Yeah, the way professors treat Vanilla compared to how they treat Chai also made Chai envious of Vani. Especially when it was something Vanilla could have helped to some degree if he told these people to shut up, but it's not like Chai expected him to stand up for him, either. Why would he? Why would anyone?
3: Last, the visit from the band...
Okay so, I've gone to community and uni, and it's not unheard of for a professor to have people agree to come in and talk to their students about stuff regarding the subjects they're studying. I've had professors who know some pretty neat people invite them to talk to us, so I imagine one of Chai and Vanilla's professors have done the same. I've written this scenario out before, but to TL:DR it, a band that actually went to their university and met in their classes agreed to come on down and talk to them all about the industry and how they do their thing. They went the full mile and brought their instruments and shared a short excerpt of a song with them, too. The band ended up being a band both Chai and Vanilla liked as well, so it was a pretty sick class that day! Vanilla gushes to Chai about how rad and inspiring it was and Chai offhandedly tells him he should share that new song he wrote with them and see what they think, not thinking Vanilla would actually go and do that, despite how he always considers Chai's suggestions. The band ends up really liking it and asking Vanilla if they could play a bit of it to hear it out loud, which makes him nearly faint (it's a good thing most of the class had left by then and it was just him, Chai, their professor, and the band, who was just about to put their stuff away to go). Chai's happy for Vanilla, but then he thinks back to the time he met his favorite band and how they received him...blowing him off completely (took some inspo from kennyswurvegurl's post here for the visual 'cause, damn, it hit hard). It led Chai into a bit of a spiral afterwards, wondering if maybe he really didn't have a future in all of this because of the cruelty he's faced from so many people. Seeing Vanilla flourish was every bit as painful as it was great. Sure, he tried to fall back into his cocky behavior to not think about it so much, but it was getting tougher with each snarky remark from a professor, each glare from Vani's friend group, and Vani himself being so hyped around him, the fake him.
It all just gets worse when Vanilla runs by the idea of starting a band together after Uni. In Vanilla's mind, it was a great way for them to fulfill their respective dreams of being rock stars and filling in for each other on the roles they couldn't do (Vanilla wants to sing but can't because of his monotone voice and Chai can't play guitar because of his arm.Sso in Vani's head, them doing each thing would be fine, right?). Chai just gets upset at the idea, feeling like he's being pitied all over again and that he's only going to achieve his dream by bumming off of Mr. straight A's? Nah. He rejects the offer, and after a week he drops out of college. It...super sucks for Vanilla because he thought the world of Chai. Sure, his friends get him to take off the damn rose tinted glasses after they tell him Chai wasn't really that great of a friend, but he still feels awful about Chai ghosting him and his own faults in their friendship.
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chibimonki · 2 months
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Hello again! I opened my ko-fi shop for a little bit as I made a few new things (sorry, right now it's just Ringabel & Edea)... But if anyone is interested they're up! Bravely bean plushes are limited quantity, so if anyone wants to adopt an Alternis or Ringabel I'd appreciate it!! (Is there any interest?? XDDD) Also have some stickers and stuff too.
It might take me a little bit to ship any orders, but I will try my best. Please feel free to contact me on any of my socials if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for looking!
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
do you think if leo wasn't part of knights/chess during the war that eichi would've recruited him into fine at the time?
(this is entirely inspired by me having leo in his fs2 in a fine song and feeling like he fit a little too well)
I'm not really sure cause I've never read checkmate (personal failing of mine ikik) and my first thought was that he would've made him an eccentric but then I remembered that he planned on doing that but didn't because he liked Leo too much for that (something like that was it no?) So Hmmm....
I could see Leo in fine and I suppose he would've been a very powerful ally but also maybe he'd be too good? Does this make sense? Like if fine goes against the eccentrics they can't really have a genuis that's just not part of the eccentrics because Eichi liked him too much to do that to him as part of their unit. Does this make sense? I hope so.
But I have to agree Leo would've fit very well into fine he does look really good in white and has a certain vibe to him nodnod
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vibrantshoyo · 2 years
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Land of Departure residents
Just a lil part of an AU where Vanitas redemption is a thing that happens in kh3.
Some design notes:
The wayfinder trio is mostly the same but I wanted to change the little bits of armor they have to match their full set.
Vani, on the other hand, I tried to take a lot of inspo from Ven and from his original suit. Chose to make his shirt be the same type as the others, but white to make it more obvious he's a later addition to the group.
Also, Aqua with brown eyes solely for aesthetic reasons. But, I did give her Master's Defender bc it just looks so nice in her hands.
Vani has Missing Ache to link him and Ven together with who they were before. Freckles and wavy hair for Ven and Vani bc I refuse to make half the cast with the same exact face. Basically: Vanitas is a Ven Base + Sora flavoring.
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sweetertreats · 5 months
A story about a Clown
Sweet Tooth’s very own lil guy circus, now travelling Kalos! A performance where only one man comes out on top, the clown himself. Aged somewhere between middle aged and “Young as a berry”, this clown will have you wishing you never crossed paths with such an entertaining enemy. He won’t wipe your party without cracking a few jokes along the way. He’s not afraid to play dirty, but for the sake of good showman ship he’ll start off fair.
Which would be fair information if I didn’t write it myself, huh? You never know when the shows gonna start, so make sure you have your tickets ready! Or don’t! You didn’t really have a choice. Participation IS mandatory! My pronouns are He/Him, but if don’t worry about forcing the words out of your mouth when you’re warning your friends about the c-c-c-c-c-c-clown. 
[There is a ref below the lil dude intros ;o)]
What do you think? Good show? Bad show? Be honest. I don’t really like liars. 
What a magnificent turnout! I wonder who’s on the cast list?
Machete: A rather interesting looking Honedge with a bit of edge. Pretty sharp, if ya know what I mean.
Mimo: A Mr. Mime with a wonderful outfit! A Fire/Psychic type with a cute outfit to match her trainer’s, what’s not to love!
Vani: A Strawberry Flavored Vanillite with a very creative name! Cherry on top and sprinkles! 
Pretty Kitty: A sylveon that isn’t really expected to fight, just to look pretty for the show! All dressed up with the cutest little outfit, they’re the perfect distraction for any ambush. (to be designed) 
Dizzy: They say no two Spinda are alike, but they can be if you make yourself dizzy enough! This dude’s all dressed up in his clown best! A classic puffy little outfit that’s sure to make you forget the trainer behind him. (to be designed) 
Squishy: A Banette with a rather silly look to her. There’s no time like the present, and Squishy’s little tricks will have you rolling on the ground with laughter! (to be designed) 
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now for some ooc info.
hi! names padfoot! i am an adult, so this entire blog is adult run. this is my first time running something like this on tumblr!!! so i am very excited! Sweet Tooth is adapted from the Twisted Metal series! I say adapted because he has been tweaked just a bit to fit the setting, but he’s still a loveable evil clown either way. everything will be tagged either with basic pkmnirl or rp tags :)
as far as everything goes, the concept of adapting him in this way, his design, and his first three pokemon are all credited to @moderator-monnie and @lazy-charlie ! the current pfp and the forever existing reference art was done by lazy-charlie! 
pfp and banner will be updated with the full cast at some point or another, but for now its just the truck and such. the other three pokemon will be drawn up and posted whenever i’m able to do digital art again, so far now text based description is all you get :( 
dni is basic, no nsfw (suggestive is ok!!!), no type of hate fuelled phobias, no slurs, no zoos maps or drama starters.  if i dont respond please dont get too upset about it, i will try and make responses to everyone that i can but if i miss you feel free to try again! just dont spam. as stated, i am an adult so i do have an adult life i need to tend too alongside this silly little project. 
for now responses will remain text, in the future some may be drawn if i cant find the words for things but we will see!
messages are open for rp requests, story building, or things like that :3 please respect that i am free to deny, block, or ignore any requests that make me uncomfortable. 
yahoo yippie wahoo! little dance! you made it to the bottom! do a little dance!!!
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