#me? least spiritual person alive but it's a fun celebration all the same! if I didn't live in texas of all places
prwlnglthr · 11 months
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miłej kupalnocki, happy midsummer, etc etc etc!
from both me and my favourite slavic-adjacent king!
kupalnocka (noc kupały, kupala night, etc) is the traditional west and east slavic celebration of the summer solstice, love, and cleansing. among a number of other things, women weave garlands of flowers, herbs, and ferns and send them floating down rivers and streams to divine their future luck in relationships. to have it brought back was seen as a confession of love (even if for one night...) and a man would sometimes follow a particular woman's wreath even into deep or dangerous waters to return it. people would head into the forest to search for the legendary fern flower. which does not exist, of course. but who could blame you and maybe somebody of your choice for spending hours, alone, in the woods, all night, looking for such an important, elusive flower...
fun fact: the embroidery pattern is riffed from the traditional handicrafts of a region spread between poland, ukraine, and belarus! most slav per stitch!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by joybucket
Do you have a vlog? No, but I’ve always thought it would be fun to start and maintain one. Just never got around to it because it’s so much work, from conceptualizing to shooting to editing; and idk if my humor will translate to the camera. Plus I hate being shot in public, so it would never work out for me.
If not, have you ever considered starting a vlog? Yeah, a lot of times. It just looks like such a therapeutic outlet that I can sink my teeth into. Who knows, if I ever gain more confidence in the future I may just try making a video or two.
Did you go to AM or PM kindergarten? AM. As much as I hated waking up early from ages 4-6, it was nice to be home by noon and it also made for good training for the rest of my years in school.
What are your favorite youtube channels to watch? Good Mythical Morning, several wrestling-themed channels for their weekly lists, and KBS for their Return of Superman clips. I have a lot of other subscriptions, but those are the main ones I’ve been tuning into lately.
Which relative(s) do you look the most like? I get my mom the most, but sometimes I’ll be told I look like my dad as well.
Have you ever watched a live birth video? I don’t think so.
Have you ever given birth? Definitely not.
Do you remember when the Internet was a new thing? That wouldn’t be possible as I wasn’t born yet and by the time that I was, the internet had already been around for a few years.
Do you remember Y2K? I was alive when it happened but barely conscious, so no. I was only 2.
How old were you when the year changed to 2000? I was 1, turning 2 that year.
What was your favorite childhood vacation? We didn’t have lots of vacations when I was a kid, because for most of the 2000s my parents were still busy saving up and climbing up their respective ladders at work. We only started to regularly go on vacations by the time I was around 11, when finances started to get easier to handle. That said, as a kid I really loved the time my parents would bring us to the local water park on weekends.
Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? As a teenager when hating pink and general girliness was cool, probably. I don’t wish for it now.
What's your birth order: oldest, middle, or youngest? I’m the eldest.
Do you fit the stereotype for whatever birth order you are? Idk what kind of stereotype you’re looking for, tbh. As much as I don’t really like tooting my own horn, I’ve heard firstborns are usually more intelligent than their younger siblings and I would attest to at least that lol
Have you ever worn overalls? Yup, though they aren’t the denim kind.
If you're a girl, how old were you when you started your period? I had just turned 10. I thought I was going to get it while I was still 9 (the signs had been showing for a while by then), but it ultimately came a month after my 10th birthday. Still, I was one of the rare cases in my family who had it at a lot younger.
Do you get cramps? I used to get leg cramps all the goddamn time as a kid, and they always came in the middle of the night. I don’t get them or any kind of cramps anymore, thankfully; and the only time I do is on my fingers when I don’t hold my chopsticks properly.
Is your mom mentally stable? I think there are definitely some things therapy could fix.
Is your dad a complete jerk to you? No, you’re referring to the other parent.
Where do you want to go on vacation next? Oh my godddddd, Thailand plz.
What is one place you want to visit before you die? Wrestlemania.
Has anyone ever committed suicide in your town, that you know of? A neighbor’s kid passed away a few months ago, but I didn’t know them.
What's your favorite type of crackers? Ritz Bits are where it’s at.
What's your favorite spice? Cumin.
Are you sensitive? Yeah. I’m a little soft and I tend to take a lot of things personally.
Are you intuitive? It wouldn’t be the first word I’d use to describe myself, but I guess I have my moments.
Are you spiritual? No.
Do you wish your life were easier? Um, if it was a legitimate option then yeah obviously.
What color hair did your first crush have? Black.
What was the name of your first crush? Andi.
Did you ever play on Mamamedia.com? I don’t think I’ve heard of that site. If we’re talking of websites that host flash games or whatever it is they’re called, I always hung out on Y8 haha.
Do you remember your first email address? I didn’t anymore before encountering this, but this question made me automatically rack my brain and now I do remember and now I’m wincing as well. 
Did you name your lego characters? I didn’t make any characters, I think. I just liked making towers.
What was/is your high school's mascot? Both my schools don’t have mascots.
What is/was your favorite class in high school? All the history classes we had to take under the social sciences umbrella; it was Philippine history for freshman year, Asian history for sophomore year; world history in junior year; and then unfortunately we made the switch to basic economics for senior year which was like ???? Why couldn’t we have gone all the way with history? Economics ended up being super boring lol.
Is college an adventure? It really was. I grew and learned so much in it and I couldn’t have spent the last four years in a better place and a better school.
Do you take medication for anxiety or depression? No.
If so, does it work? Does it help you? Or does it make you feel worse?
If applicable, what form of birth control do you use?
Who is your favorite cousin? My eldest cousin on my mom’s side, who pretty much feels like my older brother and not a cousin at this point.
Do you look your age? According to most, no. I look a little younger than 22.
What's your favorite flavor of frosting? Chocolateeeeeeee.
Do you like toe socks? I’ve never had to wear those before so I don’t have an opinion.
Muffins or cupcakes? Cupcakes.
Have you ever had a bag stolen? I’ve had a wallet stolen, so kinda.
How old were you when you got your first phone? I was technically still 6 because I had an advanced celebration, but it was for my 7th birthday.
Are you ready for summer?!?! Now that I think about it I do want to go back to summer, just because it was such a vastly different – and a lot happier – time...
Is winter your favorite season? It probably would be if we had it.
How many people do you know who've said winter is their favorite season? Zero.
Are you unique in any way? I think everyone is.
Do you have any hidden talents? if there are any left, I’m not aware of them yet.
Has anyone said you and your mom look like sisters? Just about everyone, all the time.
Who was your best friend in high school? Gabie for the most part, but Angela was there as well.
What book or movie gave you nightmares as a child? Commercials creeped me out as a child, not a certain book or movie.
What song makes you cry? Usually it’s 26 by Paramore, but not always.
Does anyone know who your first crush was besides you? Yeah, I’ve told a couple of people.
How many teachers have you had crushes on? I think around three or four. Possibly more, but I don’t remember all too well as I’ve since discarded a lot of memories from my old school.
Did you make your Barbie dolls get crushes on each other? Nah. I mostly stripped them of their clothes and broke their arms and legs, lol.
Did your Barbie dolls go on dates? Nope. I didn’t have enough dolls to do that, anyway. It wasn’t my toy of choice.
How old were you when you had your first kiss? I was 16.
Do you like church? Hell no.
Do you have scars from self-harm? You’d only be able to make them out if you knew I self-harmed, but I think they’re almost unrecognizable at this point.
Do you have cellulite? It’s only present if I tightly twist my skin.
How old were you when you started getting zits? Not sure, somewhere in the middle of high school. I’ve never had lasting problems with acne though; I only ever get one or two at a time and it happens like, once a year.
Did your hair change at all when you went through puberty? Aside from hair growing in places? No, not really. It stayed the same.
Are you taller, shorter, or the same height as your mom? I’m a tad bit shorter, though for a time it seemed as if my growth spurt would lead me to overtake her.
Would you ever consider adopting a child? It’s not a personal choice of mine, but there could very much be situations in the far future where I would consider doing so. I’m not shutting that possibility down.
Who was your first roommate? I’ve never had one; I haven’t tried living on my own yet.
Have you ever had a teacher who was rude? So many.
Is your mom paranoid? Very much so. She shows some signs of OCD and her paranoia is reflected through that. 
Do you trim your own hair? Not my hair, but I do this with my bangs.
Did your mom read you bedtime stories as a child? No. That’s one of the things I’ll change if I myself become a mom.
What are all the things you remember being for Halloween? Pirate, Tinkerbell, Daria, AJ Lee, Dora the Explorer, Sofie.
What was the name of the first pet that you loved? My first goldfish.
Did you have your own room as a child? Not until I was 10.
What color was your nursery? I wasn’t put in one. I shared a room with my parents and siblings until I was 10.
Did your parents know your gender before you were born? I think they waited it out until a few weeks before I was born.
What is your name (first and middle)? My first name is Robyn and my second is Isabelle; I don’t need to share my middle name.
What would you have been named if you had been born the opposite gender? They never thought about it, which is kinda disappointing because I do want to know what my other name could’ve been.
Do you like your name? I’ve ended up doing so, yes.
What would you name your children? I haven’t cemented decisions that far ahead. I have ideas for names, like Olivia, but they’re nothing absolute. 
Do you exercise regularly? Nope.
Do you have a healthy BMI? No, I’ve always been a little underweight.
What is your favorite season? Wet/rainy.
Do you look like your mom? This is like the third time I’ve answered this within just this survey lol, yes I do.
What is the origin of your last name? Spanish/Portuguese.
What is the meaning of your first name? I’ve heard it means ‘fame.’ I just don’t feel like checking.
What month were you born in? April.
Do you share a birthday with anyone in your family? Nope. But my sister and one of my cousins share the same birthday, right down to the year.
Do you have a sweet tooth? Eh, it comes out every now and then but it’s not all the time. I definitely enjoy savory more.
What photo editing software do you use? None lol, photo editing is one of my Achilles’ heels.
Where do you buy most of your clothes? Tianggeeeeeeeees.
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"Better luck next time, fellas!" ~Mr. Peanut to 2nd and 3rd contenders Geniusman (Tottemo! Luckyman) and Mettaton EX (Undertale) as he proudly shows off his "Loving" Cup that he won for being the official Winner Of My Heart this year
Hi, everyone! How are you today? I bet you're pretty tired of being mostly cooped up inside. But don't worry--I have something right here that might catch your interest.
As some of you may know, March is National Peanut Month. Now, that's not exactly something worth celebrating for peanut allergists...but, on the other paw, March is also National Nutrition Month, National Kidney Month, Optimism Month, Spiritual Wellness Month, National Women's History Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, and International Listening Awareness Month, among even more things. March is also, of course, the first month of Spring. So there's much more to celebrate in March than just peanuts.
However, in this blog post, I'm going to celebrate peanuts. I could go on and on about peanut butter, my favorite food ever, the average jar of which is made with hundreds of peanuts. But, I'm just going to focus one one peanut this time--one of the most famous peanuts of all time--the one and only Mr. Peanut, mascot for the Planters brand of nuts and snacks. Why? Because he's my biggest cartoon crush.
.......say waaaaaaa~~~t?
But isn't he dead?
youre just posting your april fools joke too early
Nope. It's all true!
All the recent hub-bub about Mr. Peanut, including the infamous commercial where he literally dies, reminded me of this earlier commercial I saw on T.V. back in 2018 (the first video featured in this post), which utilized the same sleek design he was animated in during his passing. After finding it on YouTube, I found other videos of him, and this social media browsing eventually brought me to his Twitter account, where I browsed all of his posts from 2018/19. I immediately fell for his optimistic attitude, his sweet personality and especially his support for his friends and followers...and the rest is history. He has the looks, he has the heart--and now he's helping me to grow up.
But why him?? How could an overdressed anthro peanut top, let alone compete with, these practical princes of men? How would crushing over a cartoon help me grow up in any way? And last (and strangest) of all, why am I suddenly going "nuts" over the now-defunct version of a character who just 2 months ago died and came back as a baby?
I will answer all those questions in approximately...right now!
Being autistic, I have a more child-like mind-set than others my age--one facet of this is the ability to immerse myself in imaginary worlds and connect with characters. Thinking of characters, "talking" to them and even trying to act like them has gotten me through many a tough time. As I take inspiration from their personalities and actions, I find more fun and creative ways to spice up my every-day life, stay calm when things get stormy, cheer me up when I feel down, or pep me up when I get sluggish and demotivated. I use different characters to help me with different aspects of life. The two types that always helped me the most were characters with pure hearts, and characters I had crushes on.
Recently, though, I had been looking for a character that would help me take on one of my toughest challenges--accepting the fact that the world is equally as cruel as it is kind, while staying a calm and collected person, and then handling it all just by myself--to put it in two words: growing up. I won't go into detail (in this post, at least), but life had been extremely cruel to me last year. I had a lot of trouble accepting it, and I was losing my self-control. But considering that I'm going on 23 now, I knew that I had to get it together, or else I would stay a crying ball of nerves, trapped on a bed, forever. Being one of the less restrictive aspects of having the heart of a child, I knew that modeling myself after a good-natured fictional character would be a perfect start--but I needed one exceptionally powerful character to pull this off. I needed a crush with a pure heart.
Then it suddenly and silently occured to me, as I continued to take in his various pictures, videos, GIF's and Tweets, that Mr. Peanut was it.
His sleek and curvy body, his elegant limbs, refined features and gentlemanly disposition--not to mention the fact that he's wearing white gloves and has one eye always covered--immediately calls to mind my best cartoon crushes: Geniusman from the anime "Tottemo! Luckyman" and Mettaton EX from the game "Undertale" (who are both looking salty alongside Mr. Peanut on the winner's podium in the top picture). But what really got me was what he didn't have that the other crushes did, he made up for with his unique personality, that my other crushes, in turn, didn't have:
You see, Mr. Peanut rests comfortably on two fine lines that few characters have even been able to stand on. The fine line between "handsome and stylish" and "conceited and mean", and the fine line between "peppy mascot" and "mature and modest gentle-man". All except for a "brief" 10-year stint where they tried to "re-invent" him (Yes, I'm talking about the one who spent the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade dabbing), he's always been a gentle, friendly, quiet character whose main goal in life (besides selling nuts) is to help people and make them happy, "shelling out" plenty of pep while also remaining proper and well-composed.
He never got angry for more than a second or two, and handled (almost) any problem he faced in the smartest, most dignified and most fun way possible. And of course, he's very sweet and always thinks of those he cares about first. He also, despite being a mascot for snacks, loves to play sports and stay fit and healthy--and he encourages others to do the same. And finally, despite being a mascot in general, he always had this quiet, unassuming air to him. He made all his necessary appearances and entertained his customers, yet he always acted very natural about it and never hammed it up or acted super wild and goofy--a thing that most other cartoon mascots fail to do.
So he's not just eye-candy--he's also a perfect role model. That covers the "first of all". Not only does he give me the incentive to be a dignified lady who always does the right thing first, but he gives me that euphoric, limerance-enduced energy I need to really want to act upon it. All my aspirations to be more courteous, be more proper and elegant, be more brave, lead a healthy and active life-style and be a good mascot for Ekaki No Mi are finally coming to fruition. That covers the "second of all".
Yes, this all sounds very silly. But In a "nut-shell", he's the reason I'm finally growing up, so in a way, this is all anything but silly. I would be a hot mess without him...which is exactly why I'm speaking of him in present-tense (using "is" instead of "was"), and pretending he never became Baby Nut or even died in the first place. Here's where I cover the "third of all".
For those who don't already know about his apparent death and resurrection: for their big pre-Super Bowl LIV commercial (the second video featured), Planters took a very unusual, very controversial approach: Their preview commercial depicted Mr. Peanut sacrificing himself to save his friends by letting go of a branch on a cliff that was too heavy to hold him and actors Matt Walsh and Wesley Snipes. The actual Super Bowl commercial (the third video featured) depicted his funeral, which the Kool-Aid Man, among others, attended. A magic tear from the Kool-Aid Man caused a peanut plant to grow out of the ground and sprout a "Baby Nut"--the official reincarnation of Mr. Peanut. Here are the two commercials, in order:
But what people often don't realize is that Mr. Peanut is a cartoon--a form of art--and art, except in very specific cases, is meant to be interpreted by the viewer. If the story isn't satisfactory, people can ignore some parts and pretend that others play out differently, until it fits what they believe in. And the characters and their actions can hold secret meanings that only the viewer sees. In fact, the same character can don different personalities and clothes, and exist in different universes, doing different things--all at the same time. (Think of all the different versions of Mickey Mouse that exist at the same time, even today.)
So is the case with Mr. Peanut. As long as his original likeness still exists--anywhere in this world--he's still alive and well. And even if the actual Planters corporation says he's Baby Nut now, he's still the same old Mr. Peanut in another part of the Internet, in another part of the world, or in any alternate universe. Many, actually. In one of them, he could be "Miss Peanut". In another, he could be a radical "Teen Nut". And in another still, he could actually be the evil capitalist peanut everybody says he is--you know, the one who struts around in his aristocrat clothing while roasting his fellow "pea-ple" and selling them to humans as food in order to get richer...
...which I like to think is not true, because the real peanuts he sells for your eating pleasure could never have flexy bright-yellow shells or humanoid features, could never breathe, cry, blush, say "Whoa!" when startled, wear clothes, be cuddled by a person with a peanut allergy without triggering it, and couldn't even survive on their own for more than 4 months, let alone 104 years. When they grow, it doesn't happen in the blink of an eye--peanut plants take about 3 or 4 weeks to mature (on days that strictly aren't frosty, no less), and the peanuts themselves grow under the ground--totally different from how Baby Nut came into being.
In short, the peanuts we eat aren't cartoons, like Mr. Peanut is. And since he is, I can interpret him any way I want, just as any other person can. So he doesn't have to be a cannibalistic capitalist. He can be the dapper yellow fellow who sells and eats yummy, natural and nutritious morsels that happen to look a bit like him--think of how humans eat little crackers and gummies that look like other people--and, most importantly, is not dead and never will be, because people still love him and believe in him, and belief and imagination transcend death, at least when it comes to fictional characters.
(I especially have the right to believe he's dead because it's one thing to kill off a character in a series for story reasons--it's another thing to kill a revered and internationally-known brand mascot just to create a social media buzz and generate profits. Now that's capitalism!)
But at the same time, I can't help but admit that it was at least a unique social media experiment, and despite the nasty secret intent behind it all, it was very interesting to finally get to see how Mr. Peanut would die, how he got born (and reborn), and what he looks like as a baby. And honestly, with his big round eyes, squidgy body and dainty features, I actually think Baby Nut is pretty cute--certainly too cute for me to want to break out a mortar and pestle and make peanut butter out of him--but he's just not Mr. Peanut. Mr. Peanut was such a unique character that it takes some very special minds to make a character that even comes close to a replacement--sadly, Baby Nut just doesn't make the cut.
Thanks to the power of love and imagination, though, he's still his good old self in my heart. Besides, he may just grow up and come back some day. So in conclusion, he still is, not was, and always will be, the best role model and "husbando" I could ever ask for. He's got the looks. He's got the love. He's cute. He's graceful. He's dapper. He's daring. He's silly. He's sexy. He's serene. He's cheerful, and he always brightens my day. He's everything I could ever want, and more.
Some day I plan to release an art collection featuring the lovable legume sometime in the near future. I would have each picture creatively high-light a different aspect of his personality, taking inspiration from charming vintage art-work that would fit the theme of the picture as well as actual Planters merchandise, and I would utilize various retro art styles and techniques from different time periods to give each picture a distinctive "old-fashioned" vibe.
The collection will be available on all my art web-pages, including my possible future Patreon (if I can get enough subscribers!), and I'm hoping I can also get it shown off in a gallery somewhere (if there are enough Mr. Peanut fans here in Athens to want to see it.)
One of my favorite commercials featuring him ever, back when he was (canonically) alive and well.
The commercial where he literally dies.
The commercial where he comes back to life as a little baby peanut.
And that concludes my post. The credits for the videos go to Planters and KraftHeinz, and the cover photo for this post goes to my imaginary friend, Mini Minoux. Do you love Mr. Peanut, too? And if you do, what do you love about him? And what about Baby Nut? Is he “yea” or “nay”? I'd be happy to hear your thoughts in the comments--though please, keep it reasonable and don't be too harsh. We're in the company of a gentleman. ;.3
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fangsmyth · 4 years
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100 character development questions || no longer accepting
to save time and space imma be real and just... shove these all in one post under a read more because i got a LOT of these ( tysm!! i love talking about this piece of shit literally ask me anything any time any day of the week i’d be happy to answer )
sooo here we go!
nsfw and unsanitary mentions under the cut
@haemoneiron sent:
002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday?
ehhh he’ll call it a celebration, but lanque really doesn’t do much of anything different from what he normally does. he probably won’t even vocalize the fact that it’s his wriggling day, just look around to see if anyone’s already throwing a party that he can crash. if not, on alternia he probably just drank heavily in his room and played edm way too loudly.
here, he’ll probably just go to some bar and fuck somebody. so... what he does pretty much every day
016. What is their choice of weapon?
teeth! teeth! teeth! teeth! teeth! no fr if he had to pick an actual physical weapon it’d probably be a knife or a dagger, definitely something sharp and intimate...... like teeth. i say a lot that lanque isn’t a fighter but he can and will kill if he needs to
044. What disgusts them?
mainly just bad kinks! bad kinks being scat, vomit, piss, and inc*st/p*dophilia i know that’s everyone but what he considers genuinely revolting is just that specific. also people that don’t really bathe/clean themselves
@anglerfishnabe sent:
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
ehhh, nah i feel like lanque will see a string of bad luck as a sign that he should just go home for the rest of the day, but i don’t think it would reach much further than that. he’s definitely into people that are superstitious, and taking advantage of ‘signs from the universe’ and shlocky stuff like that, but i don’t think he really personally believes in all of that stuff. lanque is a lot of things, but spiritual is not one of them
034. What’s their view of lying?
he doesn’t see the problem in little white lies that won’t hurt anyone, especially if it gets him what he wants. ( see him HONESTLY trying to tell mspa reader he’s a virgin )
but if people lie about things that will have reaching consequences that will hurt other people, that’s just... really shitty. he does this very rarely if he’s especially desperate to get some sort of reaction out of someone, but generally speaking when he wants to hurt people and make them feel bad about themselves he points out truths based on what he gauges from observation.
@feraldeus sent:
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased?
yes! very much so! a lot! to the bitter end, actually! his entire cloister does have valid complaints like how he probably comes back drunk a lot of the time and has a tendency to stir the pot just to see what happens, but lynera honest to god just... hates him so much because of all the attention he garners from bronya she tended to shit talk him behind his back.
i’d imagine part of his reason behind finding it so important to be honest with how he tears someone in half is because of how much it secretly hurt him that lynera spread the occasional lie attempting to leave bronya thinking he’s beyond saving.
not only that, but i’d imagine when he was younger he probably got picked on a lot for crying and being so emotionally vulnerable and open which is why he’s so guarded now!
@haruakifusaishi sent:
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
openly and honestly expressing his feelings as shown in the above. generally any positive, warm feelings towards anyone are humiliating as all hell and not in the kinky way. he hates being caught being sappy or expressing romance in the sweet way he does behind closed doors.
with that, honestly if anyone that knows him for his sex drive and general hedonistic tendencies found out about his poetry readings or pretty much any of his written poetry he’d just die! that’d be the end for him!
068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it?
lanque never feels responsibility for himself or the need to own up to his own actions at all, honestly. his entire kink is being sexy and irresponsible. he primarily feels a sense of responsibility for others’ actions significantly more than his own.
like if he witnesses someone being dishonest or just doing something generally shitty, he feels like it’s his responsibility to call them out since no one else has the balls to do it. if it looks like someone’s going to put themselves in danger, he’ll warn them. if he cares enough about them, he might go out of his way to physically drag them out of it.
it’s all in the moment things, his responsibility is never thought about or premeditated in any way!
073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.)
ehhhh i wanna say anti-hero, but at the same time that could be me being inherently biased. i feel like it’d be significantly more interesting if he were a foil for any protagonist, i just seriously doubt he’d ever be the main character in anything as much as he would have the bravado of someone that wants to be?
@enradiant sent:
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise?
lying fake bitches!!!! people that try to suck up to people just to get a leg up on others!!!!!! hypocrites!!!!!!! shitheads that aren’t at least a little self-aware!!!!!!!!!!! people that ask too many questions, fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness?
oh god that’s a good question can i take a raincheck i dunno, just a life without any kind of fear or anger? having a perfect soulmate that’s willing to do whatever? everything is going the right way? ultimately he feels perfect happiness is impossible and unrealistic since happiness is never constant and sustainable? uuuugh tbh it’s probably something he’d never consider because he thinks it’s so dumb and not gonna happen
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up?
i only use like one of these but let’s play in the space and add some lines i should definitely be using more
“ hey, baby. ” i guarantee you he got this from some movie or game i just can’t put my finger on which one. i hear it so clearly in my head every time i type it out i just hear some chick’s voice i just can’t put my finger on who it is she’s high pitched and horny i just know it’s not catherine it’s either jessie from huniepop or one of her lines in huniecam studio i’m so fucking stupid
“ will you help me feel alive? ” or something along those lines, i feel like it was from some vampire drama on the cw can you tell that i don’t know anything this is just the single sexiest line in his fucking route i’m so angry about it my pants were already off
“ it’s one thing to not want something. it’s another to be told you can’t have it. ” i cheated this one’s from how i met your mother i’m a fucking asshole but he would totally say something in this wheelhouse either to himself or to someone he’s trying to convince
“ we’re only alive once. ” a classier way of saying yolo don’t fucking @ me
“ vampires are always in some kind of trouble. i prefer to be in it with you. ” this is a weekly reminder that i really need to watch true blood
“ i’m all yours, do whatever you want to me. ” it’s jessie huniepop again please he’s just so horny
074. What is your character’s favorite game?
would it be cheesy to say the game/art of pick-up artistry? like convincing people he’s worth their time and that they really wanna forget about their troubles if only for just one night? i feel like lanque finds a lot of fun in the thrill of the chase! he's usually extremely disappointed by how rare it is for someone to actually leave him satisfied, but the last thing he wants to do is consider something a waste of time. sometimes you gotta find the fun
076. How do they express anger?
he doesn’t, or at least not in terms of any sort of emotional projection. lanque isn’t usually someone to hide if something pissed him off. he’ll wait for someone to realize, and if they don’t and/or keep doing the thing he’ll just tell them ‘hey this was really shitty, stop it.’ 
@plumbacks asked:
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams?
as in how he would act in the relationship? terribly. lanque is already really bad in regular relationships and flings, but when he’ll find the one he will be an absolutely deliberate fucking mess. he’ll dig up information just to use it against them, try and express every single one of their flaws (even when they’re flaws he actually kind of likes) he will do anything to get out of that relationship.
he’ll use his poetry as a last resort, intentionally trying to come across as overly possessive and clingy (i mean he already is, but i’m talking like yuri doki doki levels. an intentional exaggeration of his clingyness to attempt to scare them off) but when they just accept it and say that it’s fine, he’d probably blow up at first!
lanque would break up with them!!! all the time!!! the worst on again off again relationship ever!!! it would take a ton of patience for someone that he really adores to get settled into the more genuine, sappy romance he really wants to have. taking them out on trips to the countryside, laughing and sharing picnics with fine wine, discussing books and even trying to write ones together
but getting to that point will take ages! it’s not worth it!!!
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lowishigh · 4 years
20 Things I accomplished in 2019
I thought 2019 has been the shittiest year of my life. But then I thought about it again, this time thinking a little bit harder, and realized that it isn’t so terrible after all. It’s been a year of growth and transformation. Yes, it came with a lot of pain. I mean A LOT OF PAIN. But now I look back, it was worth the ride and I feel nothing but grateful for everything I went through.
Here are the 20 things I think I can really be proud of or content with accomplishing in 2019:
1. Work out regularly
This was my number one goal for 2019. I didn’t believe that I could persevere, especially not with exercising, but I actually made it a habit and I feel so much healthier and stronger now. The best thing about working out regularly is that it helps me to reduce stress and feel a lot more positive about my body. Most importantly, I’ve decreased my body fat percentage by almost 5%!
2. Overcome a breakup
I ended a 2.5 year relationship with someone who I really once believed that I could love forever. I got dumped with a really shitty accusation through texts and I wanted to kill myself when it happened. I didn’t think I could recover from it at first. I begged for that person’s love and another chance to show him that I can be good enough for him. In the first two weeks I couldn’t eat and felt numb most of the time. But gradually I regained my strength with the help of my friends and by focusing on working and engaging in activities. I found my inner peace and started to examine this relationship from different perspectives. The more I reflect on it, the more I understand that it wasn’t meant to be and I’m blessed that he at least was decent enough to let me go so I can have the opportunity to meet the next person who’s got what it takes to build a healthy, mature, and happy relationship that I deserve with me. This experience was priceless and I’ve learned so much from it. I feel like I know myself and what I want/need better now. And this grounds me for getting ready for a relationship that’s worth my best energy.
3. Undergraduate diploma
In fact, I’m not particularly proud of this but I still spent five years working on it and life could be a lot harder without a diploma so I still want to put it on the list to sort of celebrate it. It’s also for acknowledging the fact that I’m not a student anymore.
4. Let go of an unrequited love
This is a weird one, I know. How could I possibly be in love with someone else for over a decade while feeling like I was drowning in sorrow because of a breakup?
It dates back to a long time ago and we have a long history. I’m not gonna go into it but this person has always been really important to me and he always will. We missed each other multiple times at different stages of life because of a lot of things we weren’t in control of. And I had always wanted to tell him how I felt but never found the right timing nor the courage to do it. So it was a big step forward that I finally did it this summer.
I’m so glad that I did it and am even happier about our friendship growing stronger after having a brutally honest conversation about everything. I’m also really relieved because now I can really move on and stop wondering about the “what if”s. I’m forever grateful for the purest form of love he had displayed to me in the past and the continuous support he offers whenever I need it. Cheers to a lifelong friendship and honesty!
5. Scuba diving license
It was an exciting adventure and made me realize that there’re still so many fun things out there I want to explore and experience. I also got to see how beautiful my country is and spent some really wonderful time with my friends. Through getting this license, it really empowered me to get out of my comfort zone and feel excited about the unknown. This means a lot to me also because my ex boyfriend held me back from trying scuba diving in the past for his own fear of getting deep into the sea. I felt like in a way I was shaking off the chains he put on me when I finally got my license. It meant freedom and independence. 
6. Made new friends
2019 has always been a year full of new friends. These new friends expand my worldview and pour in fresh ideas to my mind. It’s amazing to review how many new people I have met this year and how much I have learned from each of them. I also received so much love and care from people who barely knew me but were generous and kind enough to offer help, support, advice, and guidance. I’m thankful to them for showing me the best side of human beings and I want to do this for others, too.
7. Reconnect with old friends
New friends are indeed fresh and exciting but catching up with old friends always makes me feel extra blessed. Especially with international friends, you never know when and where you’re gonna see each other again the next time, so it’s for sure the best feeling when you get to hang out together again. I’ve had several opportunities to do this with some old friends I made overseas this year and I’m truly grateful for this. It’s never easy to maintain contact with people far away from you but I always try my best. 
8. Travel
I love traveling and compared to the previous years, I haven’t done much traveling in 2019. But I’m still super glad that I got to spend 2 weeks in London and a week in Portugal this year. All the places I visited were amazing and worth revisiting. Moreover, London truly inspired me to do anything I can to move away from Taipei so I won’t feel stuck constantly. It’s a pity that I didn’t make it to Vietnam or New York like I planned to earlier this year. And I might not get the same luxury to travel so much like in uni as I have work responsibilities now and less money to spend freely. But I will definitely still try to do a trip or two every year in the future!
9. Joining VO1SS Taiwan
I came across this opportunity by randomly scrolling on Facebook. I got introduced to the founder and got the position of editor in chief of VO1SS Taiwan right away. It’s always really encouraging when people tell me that they immediately see my potential and think my personality is suitable for taking on an important role. Although this is an unpaid job at a non-profit organization, I truly appreciate having this opportunity to work with passionate and driven people with the vision of connecting people around the world together with a digital interactive media. I’m constantly learning about what it means to be a good leader in this role and I’m so grateful of all the advice and feedback I get from my teammates. 
10. Showing up for my family during the toughest time
We’ve had plenty of ups and downs this year in my family. When unexpected things hit, the only thing you could do is stick through it with your loved ones and react in the calmest, most reasonable way possible so you don’t hurt even harder with the train wreck. Each of the challenges was super tough for me but I did my best to show up for everyone anyway. I’m not saying that I did everything perfectly, but I did what I could do and what I thought I had to do to offer help and support. Most importantly, I also had to hold myself together and lower the impact of these things to my mental stability as much as possible. It really was very difficult for me and for everyone. Through these hardships, I learned that there’re always gonna be things that you have no control over in life and it’s okay to not always know what to do. It’s scary as f*ck which is why it’s important to have a strong support system and safety net with people who truly care and can offer good advice.  
11. Becoming aware of sustainability and cruelty-free
I started paying more attention to the harm of over-consumerism to the environment and also to our peace of mind after watching the documentary film “Minimalism”. I took a good look at how I was living, how much unnecessary purchase I made, and how much waste I produced obliviously over the years. So I decided to change my habit of consuming and reduce the harm of it as much as possible. I’m constantly looking for affordable, environmentally friendly, and cruelty-free products. I think twice before buying anything now. I’ve stopped spending money on things because I “want” them but because I truly “need” them or see the value of them. 
12. Listening to podcasts
For some reason, podcasts never really interested me up until this year. More and more friends around me told me that they’re listening to podcasts and each of them recommended something that they really love listening to. That’s how I got into the world of podcasts and I find a lot of the contents up there really informative and helpful. Now, instead of music, I sometimes listen to podcasts on health, spirituality, and language/culture learning during commute and shower. It has certainly opened another window for me to absorb knowledge and connect to the world. 
13. Doing online courses
Another thing that I really got into this year is online courses. Ironically, when I was still a full-time student, I could never really finish any online courses because learning was a mandatory thing. Now that I’m working, I find learning such a luxury and I’m loving every second of sitting down and learning something new for a couple of hours. I’m also really glad that I pushed myself out of the comfort zone to take the courses that contain some math and science which had always been something I was so afraid of in school. I even started learning how to code which is absolutely something I would never have imagined for myself a year ago. It feels really good to know that I can learn anything and that there’s no limit in learning. When I feel stuck in life, going back to learning always makes me feel alive again. 
14. Becoming  more responsible and careful with money (investment in funds)
I’ve never been so stressed out about money in my life like this time right now. I’m earning very little and don’t have much extra money to save up. However, I made up my mind to save as much as possible regardless of how little the amount might be. 
15. Discover my passion in public health
I was very lost, resentful, and disoriented when I graduated from university. It suddenly struck me that I was way too naive and didn’t seize the opportunity to better prepare myself for the challenges and predicaments in the world of harsh competitions, low salary, and limited choices. Meanwhile, a few things also changed my mind about working in films. For a very long time, I’d always thought it’s something I wanted to do, and losing grip of that left me in a very confusing situation. Luckily, through working on a project related to healthcare and medical services, I discovered that public health is a field that has a lot of potentials and interests me in various aspects. I felt like I have finally found my calling in life and it sets my purpose and direction for the future. 
16. Finished two scripts for short films
Despite my decision of not working in the film industry after graduation, I still want to continue writing stories and creating because it’s always going to be my passion and I believe in the power of storytelling. I was very lucky to have the opportunities to finish two scripts, although one of them wasn’t made into an actual film at the end. The creative process of writing scripts and shooting the movies really reminded me of how much I enjoy presenting a story visually.
17. Livestream talk show
Over the past few years, the idea of running a YouTube channel has crossed my mind several times. However, I never really persisted because I didn’t find a certain theme or topic of which I had so much to talk about. Starting this livestream talk show with my friend was indeed exciting for me because having someone on the show that can interact with me and exchange ideas with is much more interesting than recording content by myself. I wish to start doing podcasts in the coming year. 
18. Switch to a more positive way of using social media
A lot of people believe that a “social media detox” means that you have to be completely off it to regain your inner peace. This method is doable for some people, but definitely not for the majority of the population. We’re way too engaged in the Internet and the culture of media, after all. But there is an alternative solution. Earlier this year, I checked all the accounts I was following on social media and deleted the ones that simply did not “spark joy” for me anymore. I used to follow mostly accounts that feature fashion, beauty and celebrity news that encourage consumerism. After deleting the accounts that only made me feel that I was lacking of something instead of feeling inspired, encouraged, and educated, I started focusing on the contents about health, spirituality, and self-improvement. Right now, whenever I go on social media, I can always expect to learn something or get inspired. For me, social media isn’t a source of anxiety and depression anymore, quite the contrary, it introduces so much positive energy to my life every day. 
19. Healthier sleep routine
I used to have difficulty going to bed and getting up early. I used to always tell people that “I’m not a morning person”. But now I can really appreciate the beauty of morning and the benefits of starting a day early. I stopped staying up super late and I feel much more energetic throughout the day. I can make better use of my time and get more done in the daytime. This change of habit helps me stay focus and on track in life. I finally don’t feel like an irresponsible teenager that feels tired and lack of purpose despite sleeping 10 hours a day. 
20. Cut my hair short 
This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for many years. I didn’t do it because I wanted to avoid fights with my ex and I was afraid of other people’s opinions on my haircut. So I just kept sticking to what I’m used to. This November, I finally made up my mind and cut my hair short and I absolutely love how I look now. It’s like a ritualistic thing to do to say goodbye to my past. And I’m really glad that I made the decision purely considering how I feel about it, not anyone else’s opinions.
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patatinolovenotes · 7 years
love notes #Part3
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P: Amore i watched ten Times each video because I miss you soo much. I would really need you here with me for the next days at least to have my love here since I can’t do anything but studying. You are so beautiful and I wish you were snuggling under the bedsheets with me. I want to wake up early tomorrow morning. Send you my love🐒❤
P: Amore mio.. you are my muse. You inspire me and seeing you so discouraged by your bosses really made me upset. I can’t live with the though you’re not enjoying your everyday life. I hope this will change soon and that with experience you’ll be able to have more of a first hand on your tasks. Ask, be hungry, absorb what you can but remember you work for living and not viceversa. Keep in mind that you are not what you are professionally but you have a spiritual soul which is so pure and kind that any job position would appear so useless compered to your beauty. I know it’s just a hard moment for you right now, and a traditional period to a life style you’re not used to.., and I’m so blind I didn’t understand how many things you are asked to be strong about. I’ll be a better listener I swear my love. Please sleep with free mind and wake up like a flower ready to blossom . I love you from here to there and back together with wrong dates❤🐒 go out and rock my miracle worker. Because with our love you’re doing such a miracle 🐽tu bacio patata
Y: Hahahaha Amore I love the wrong dates part ❤ Honey you are the best, I love you so much. Some time I still can’t believe how magical is it to have you .. thank you for being so amazing and standing by my side .. 💙un bacione, have a lovely day
P: Amore mio, I just read yours.. it can be very true in some aspects and I’m in doubt for some other parts but it might be I didn’t had the chance to get to you well enough yet, and this boosts my curiosity to see everything about you!!! I didn’t read mine yet. I’ll do that tomorrow while on the train for uni. Juventus won 2-0 and I’m quite happy, but I would honestly exchange that result with only one night here, with you. My patata. I miss you so much and always hoping nothing is harming you. I need you. I wanna cook carbonara and matriciana for you❤🐒 un bacio amore, wake up with my love
Ps: I just read mine as well.. I’m astonished how true this things sometimes are
P: I truly love you baby, I was boring and very not romantic in my answer tonight, I just wanted to feel powerful on a very easy going thing and I ruin the mood to both of us. I just want your happiness and you know I would come anywhere anytime to see you, my love. With tonight dreams you’ll wake up fresh and strong again, just wish I was there tonight drinking with you❤🐒 Ps: if by any strange case you bought the flight, don’t throw it away ! I would jump on it! I send you loads of love And enjoy your night You are super sexy
P: Amore mio. Happy birthday. Another winter is gone and you are more beautiful than I could ever imagine. Time goes by, you’re growing and I love you more each minute, hour, day, month! What kind of magic is yours that enchants me more and more each time? You’re entering in the best years of your life. You have the gift to have a rich mind, a deep soul and beautiful body. Don’t ever be sad because the energy you can dissipate will take you wherever you want. I admire your life till now and I hope to be part of it for the upcoming years, cherishing many other adventures, silences and birthdays with you. How much we are invested in the future of each other? The time will give our love a label of beauty, if we will only be lucky enough. Today its your day and I’m sure eating like a pig will make you smile even without me. You’ll be a bit tipsy screaming those little sounds which made me follow in love with you. I really wish I was there to pamper you, to make you feel loved on this planet. I will always be next to you with the aim of being a lift to the other dimension. To the world of dreams where Love rules and we are just little puppets eating passion. But, what I want the most, what I would really like, is to be close to you as soon as possible, so that, with a big kiss from me, you would also receive the wish for happiness that lies in my soul in this very moment. We will find a way to make that happen, together. I send you kisses and 22 minutes of pussy pompino bonus to be asked whenever my princess is in need. Have fun with your friends, go crazy and live the night. Cant wait for the time to come, sharing the same sun, the same soil. I want to discover the world with you. As usual, I woke up today thinking about you, just as I go to sleep with you in my thoughts every time. I love you. Always yours, P. Happy Birth day pataaaa ❤❤❤🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐒
P: My love, your birthday is everyday for me because I want to celebrate you daily. We already saw each other growing up from one day to the other and from my side the feeling is that many are yet to come. Im really keen for the upcoming ones but I would like you to savour the present one. Keep one significant image printed in your brain, and rise smiling to the world. I love you. Un bacio🐽🐒
P: You’re such a pataaa and I’m grateful to life, to the world and the starts for putting us together. Sometimes I don’t even know if it’s true because this loves elevates me to a powerful dimension never experienced. I love you amore mio🐽🐽🐒 ti bacio, I miss you
P: My love, I’m sure you had a lovely night with your friend ! How long will she be there? That’s great. I miss you and I want to be there eating hummus on the bed with you. Good night baby sweet dreams ❤🐽🐽🐒 Tesoro have a lovely day
P: Good night my love I will wake up super super early tomorrow to review the final and revise big times! Anyway the only person I would really love to celebrate this with is you and luckily we will be together to catch up very soon 🐽🐒 I’m glad you have a new table, useful, and a friend whom staying over for the weekend ❤before I was just being greedy thinking about the gifts for your colleagues..if it is a “tradition” in the office in the end of the day it will probably build warmness and everyone will gather positive vibes from that ! Hope you have Sweet wet dreams. I love you
P: My pussy patata I’m bouncing to bed for few ours and at 4:20 I have my train from nyon! I always think that I love you because even when passion will slow down and than up and down.. I’ll always love you, for the person you are, whatever happen,I’ll stand with you❤🐽  I’ll text you tomorrow morning! I love you and I don’t know who’d I be without you. Ti bacio amore🐒 
P:In train patata! Everything smooth till now I would like to materialise there and watch you sleeping and kissing you slowly without waking you up, kiss kiss for you sniffff wooooof wuf ruuf
Y: Honey I’m going to bed I hope you guys have a fantastic night out, I love you from D to Barcelona, and to the moon and back again. Can’t wait to see you soon! Un bacione my love ❤
Y: Honey bunny I hope you had an amazing night/day  Heading to work now!! Un bacione x
P: Dear my love. I can’t explain the amount of joy that I’ll have when I’ll see you. I’m sick about you and I hate we didn’t Skype this two days even when we have had both busy days. But what really make me realise my true love for you is the fact that every moment, even on vacation with my family and busy all day, happy, full.. at my best, I still miss you a lot. Anywhere I go I wish you were there, with me, hand in hand, fighting all the beasts and ghosts of this world. In the dark and in the light I renew my love for you every moment. I love you. I hope today you had fun with your friend at the reastaturant and please let me know how are you! Today after sagrada we went to park guell and stayed at the beach! At night we had amazing dinner in a very conceptual restaurant I hope you’ll drop your point when the time will come and we will make Barcelona one of our cities of love such as the Paris one already on the list.
P: Amore mio! Can you please, I beg you, send me a vocal message tomorrow? I really need to listen to your voice.
P:I love you so much. I’m so upset with words to be so poor after a while to not have more words to describe love. I wonder how poets managed to write so much about love with a relative short dictionary. I really want to have a new vocabulary to talk about love with you and till now we just coined “don’t patata meee” which is not enough and we can do much better. I just want to melt my lips with yours into a never ending kiss.. I feel part of something when with you. Buona notte amore, I could talk for hours about my love for you. I really want to maximise time this time in D and just to spend all the time with you, I don’t need site visiting I just need to visit you my Love. Un bacio grande and have a great day lady❤🐒🐽🐽🐽🐽
Y: Ciao patata Thank you for always being the best boyfriend sending me love letter Even on your vacation day. I’m truly the most lucky girl, found my love and I’m deeply so happy and still in love with you Un bacione, let me know what’s your plan for today Hopefully we can skype tonight amore 🤞🏻
P: I love you, good night my only love, dream.❤🐷🐒
I’m back Already I just wanted to check out the mirador one last time at night, the view on the Alhambra. I was there talking to my self and than I just started referring to you my bocca d'orata, making you alive next to me watching at the view trough my words. It might seem full but I jope you received my call on love in your dreams🐽🐽🐽
P: Amore mio good night, sleep well and I love you ❤
Y: Good night patata I love you Can’t wait to see you soon!
P: Dear my patata I’m counting the minutes and thinking about how I will spend every valuable second with you. I want to have a routine, I want to experience chill life with you and massage you after work cuddling and having nice meals together. I miss you everywhere and soon you’ll be in my arms! I love you❤🐽 Always yours.. We just arrived in T.
P: Home sweet home for a couple of days Amore mio im in my great bed and I feel like a king! I wish you were here next to me as always I send you all my love, I’m exploding thinking there are still 2 days left before my departure ! Tomorrow I will go grocery and stuff and meet the Airbnb guy ect ect! Have a great wake up, I wish I could wake you up tomorrow with a routine  pussy pompino❤🐒
Y: Love good night Sorry I was being stupid today I love you so much can’t wait to see you soon, no matter how many days you may have Un bacione my love ❤️
P: No amore Don’t say that Cry for love whenever you want for me, I feel special to be the reason of your tears But I want as well to be the reason of your happiness
Y: Always ❤
P: I love you my patata!  Everything is ready for my departure and tomorrow is grocery day❤🐽 can’t wait to be in that Airbnb with you for the time gifted us by gods! Sleep tight and wake up as a princess  Hope I’ll dream you tonight🐒
P: Im awake And without alarm
P: Ciao my love! Once again it’s hard to leave you here. This staying has been lovely, even if doing almost nothing, being fed with our love makes me always feel alive more than anything else in my life. I’m always dreaming about that day when we will have our own life together, when we will get the chance to feel sick of one another and ti anyway come back because this love is too great to be trashed. I’ll miss you..! Tonight I’ll send you the no no period in august so you can ask for days off. Planning a new adventure with you is always thrilling.
Y: Hi amore
P: Love you
P:: I’m boarding
Y: Text me when u r at Istanbul and Milan  I love you so much
P: Yes patata
Y:Thank you
P: Have a great day at work my miracle worker
Y: ❤ Can’t wait t to see u soon
P: Wish you a good life again in this period while I can’t be there for you. Treat your self and be safe. Take care if the bump goes worse and please keep me up to date.
P: Ciao ciao D 🐒❤
Y: Safe flight baby
P: My patata I love you and I want to be with you now and always I need to drive back now Gugus is drunk with his friend the grandson of S H! G is strange.. you always meet this kind of people but I can’t wait to have you here already. Ti bacio amore, always yours. P ❤🐽🐽🐽🐒
P: My patata.. days, months are gone behind us but I still feel the same passion, the same flying soul and big heart when I look at you. I hope there, in your worm spirit the feeling is just the same. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do with my life without you. You are my reason of hope, my guiding light and I can’t wait to have you tight in my arms soon again. Sometimes..now for instance I’m falling asleep picturing all the moments of our love: on that pagoda in T, in front of louvre and in Istambul caffè . I want more. I need more. I will do my best to have more time with you in my future days. Often I feel detached, lost, confused but when you are there with me..well everything has a clear shape, a smooth label and vibrant vibes are stimulating my mind. I deeply believe in the love I host in my heart for you. Hoping you’ll be feeling better tomorrow I wish you sweet dreams. Please let me know if you recovered or if there is anything I can do. Distance is hard but it also gives a strong taste to relationships if well managed and I’m proud of us. I’m sleeping in your blankets. I feel good. Ti bacio..i love you🐽🐽❤🐒
P: Pattaaaaaa! I want you here next to me every moment and I have no other words to express this will. My happiest moment of the day is when we are on Skype telling each other about our day, sharing thoughts. I miss you dearly.. I don’t feel my love could ever be bigger than the one I have for you. I learned to love from you. It’s like we were meant to meet and show each other what love was and is. It’s been hard for us, left and right since the day we became “we”. You’ve changed me, with your love you’ve made me strong, you’ve accepted me in your life. Y, I love you a little more every day. Thank you. 6 months. Happy anniversary baby. Ti bacio❤🐽🐒
Y: I love you
P: My love good night 🐽❤I’m home and the night was good to us, we walked a lot and showed the guys the river side and we end up at a strange silent party in baroc park! I love you and hope you’re dreaming softly. Ti bacio amore mio , I need you by my side🐒
P: Amore Patata Love Goodmornig 🐽🐽🐽
Y: pattt
P: We are going to the boat🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
Y: Be careful baby
P: My dear pussy patata! Seeing you so sad makes me sad as well, when you’re happy I’m fine as well. My mood is bounded to your intrinsically, therefore I can only hope and help to always make you feel fair, happy, full. I love the Y crazy for life, passionate about anything and strong as a Siberian tiger. It’s only through the synergy of our love that I can have hope for my life. I love you so much and even now in Geneva, there’s anything that keep set my mind off you. I know it’s hard to ask and that I can’t even imagine how really is.. everything in D for you.. but try to be strong and to be professional till you’ll sit in that office. Be polite, fair, kind, smart..all what you are and sooner or later results will come. I strongly believe in you and in our love as well. Can’t wait to have you in my arms and die in yours because you’re simply home to me. I’ll text when go running tomorrow. Sweet dreams tesoro mio. Ti bacio❤🐽🐒
Y: Ciao patata thank you for being you and making me always in love and happy Good night amore
P: I love you my dear! I’m so glad I have you in my life and I can’t wait to have you in my arms whenever time will be so gentle with us. I always think about you before sleeping because it’s the only thought that makes me relax and wondering about our adventures is the driving force for everyday . Sleep tight my only princess. I send you all the love I have and hope sun will rise in your heart tomorrow morning. I hope I dream of you tonight and our fairy tail. ❤🐽🐒
Goodnight my loveree
P: Patata mia I just so all the concert to commemorate Manchester victims and Liam Gallagher from oasis is always the best
P: Anyway you are my angel and I don’t know where you’ve been al this time I don’t even remember life before you came into mine. Please do never worry about a thing because I would hurt my self before hurting you and I could never betray the promesse of love I did for you. Amore i now feel I want to live my life with you. You’re bringing so much energy into my life but mostly I feel alive because you allow me to bring love in you’re life as well. Thank you for opening me that golden door. Sweet dreams my love. I really wish the best for you and I hope you’ll get what you want and go to Hong-Kong or wherever you’re passion will take you. I’ll be standing next to you fighting for our abd your happiness . Ti bacio.
Y: Ciao pat Thank you for being so supportive love you and I want to be with you and guard our happiness together Ma mi ami ? 🙈
P: Ciao pat yes wa oi ni
Y: ❤ I miss you
P: Patata i would love to have you here with me now. I’m getting into bed missing you so much! Every time I see something beautiful  in this world I want to share it with you because you’re a lovely being. As simple as that. Tonight I truly hope to dream about my panther 🐯 alias eggplant! Good night❤🐽
Y: Baby Can u write love letter for me ?
P: Sure my love
P: My dear patata I’ve simply never been that in love in my life with anyone. I fully express my best when with you and I thank you for making me being who I am now. I feel i have the power to conquer peace, happiness and this equilibrium is feeding my soul. I miss you more than ever.. I want you in my arms now I would give anything to swap you and matteo or you and Juanita which is here I hope you feel empowered from my love as well, that you feel to be a better person just for the reason of our lovely relationship. I picture my self with you and our dog one day! I really hope fare will be gentle enough with us to give us this time!!🐽❤🐒
P: Ciao patata. Un bacione
Y: Good night my one and only
P: Ciao my patata!!!!! I’m home and everything was just fine. We had chill dinner down stairs in the common kitchen and than we went on the bench in plan palais square to have a drink and a walk by the lake side! I love you so much and I enjoyed Skype session with you. You were very gentle and sweet today I really felt loved and I happily enjoyed this extra pampers from yours. I hope some days I have the same effect on you and that this passion will last forever. My days would be so happy , full of love and energy. I send you my best kisses from the alps which are waiting to welcome you❤🐽🐒 ti bacio mia principessa
Y: Ciao pat pat And you always have this lovely and sweet effect whenever I talk to you ..❤ Good night amore Let’s see if we can catch each other tomorrow then. 
P: Amore I’ve been thinking about the ifs about our relationship.. if we kissed earlier, if we had sex earlier, if we began all of this 12 months ago. If I have to be honest I do not regret one thing. Time gave us the appetite of one another, experience, I mean we fell in love because of time value of our own humanity. We were perfectly cooked just like a medium rare stake or a juicy muffin. What I’m trying to say is that I appreciate every small thing of how things went because I’m afraid any change would impact our current passion and that is the only relevant thing. I love you from the moon (which I’m praying to be in our favour) and back and I would be lost in this chaotic universe. Stay with me and let’s save each other from the boredom of daily life to cherish the moments of wilderness. I send you all my love and I hope tomorrow you’ll have a great day. I need you in my arms. Here. Un bacio grande stellina❤🐽🐒
Y: Honey You are right. We fell in love in the right time and I should be grateful of that. Like you said, we have so much time left together. I can’t wait to explore it with you. Thank you for always keeping up, being the poet and lover that I know and love. I love you from the moon and back My stellino ❤
P: My love since I m loosing a bit my imagination after writing so many love letters, which start being repetitive, I decided to start something experimental today. Daily letters would not be so special any longer, therefore I’ll describe a moment of love we had. Our ancestors said: “verba volant scripta manent” (words disappears, ink writing will survive history). For this reason I want to make unforgettable some of our most lovely portraits. Walking to the restaurant under the rain with you was something magical. I remember the love I felt for you in front of notre dame in the cold Parisian night. You had black leggings a blue jacket and black water proof boots, the ones I like. We were both freezing and I just wanted to go home to warm up under the bed sheets. I felt wanderlust watching to shining Eiffel Tower. Talking of art, dreams and hope for a stimulating life made my staying in Paris something unforgettable so dense and perfect. I love you. I want this to last forever. Un bacio amore mio.❤❤🐽🐒wa oi ni
Y: Ciao baby I’m happy to say I’m sure there are more to come those momsnv Moments* Those moments where we felt madly in love of one and another all the time  miss you x
Y: Pat
Do you love me
P: Dear love tonight it’s the turn of the caramelised strawberry at the night market. The lights, the stinky tofu and a huge winner schnitzel Asian style made me full and happy. What I really loved was sharing with you caramelised strawberry sticks which at first are crunchy than sweet and juicy just like your pussy. I would feed my life of those two ingredients and nothing could be ever better. Eating on the door step of a temple a non identify soup, buying gringo prized tropical fruits and waiting your friend to get pierced: well all the little things happening in our world are somehow to me meaningful for the sake of being ours, unique in a way. I love you deeply and I need another pussy strawberry stick very soon. I want to go back to Taipei with my only princess.❤🐒
Y: Ciao pat I miss being with you When you narrative these stories, I can see it in front of my eyes You are a true poet and lover, you should write that on your application 🤗
P: Yo pata I really wanna tell you. You rock. Yes you are lovely because you always have sweet talks for me and your words tastes honey. I remember when we are breakfast on the first morning in Istanbul. The weather was pretty nasty but apart from that breakfast was awesome  fried cheese, olives and a young black kitty out of the window. I was happy that day as much as everyday I can have breakfast with you. We have more of those to come❤🐽 buona notte stella🐒
Y: ❤ Amore I was just talking to a friend last night saying the best is to have breakfast with family And tonight you also thought about our breakfast time Have great great day my love You are incredible, I’m so happy I found you Everyday, you reminded me of why we are in love Thank you
P: Amore mio im eating the days and I simply live dreaming about the tomorrow with you. Can’t wait to have you here in my arms, it’s going to be phantasmagoric. I remember the night in the toilet at M palace. Your blue dress was short enough to be easily lifted up for an easy sneak in. Us at the beginning of everything. I can’t even imagine what I was thinking back than because I was literally smashed by love. Pure dust of love. It’s always good to have some rough sex. Above all I think I really fell in love with you in Paris that first evening  eating Indian food. I can’t wait to make another adventure with you. Wherever and whatever it takes. I hope you are all god, having fun with tam tam and the guys. Un bacio stella🐒🐽🐽❤
Y: Thank you for always giving me the strength. Being with you, I’m always discovering more about life, us, and love. You fill up the gaps of my ignorance about being in love and loving. I can’t wait to spend next weekend with you It will be another time of our lives, just like all the other times I’ll see you soon, my hero, love, and patata I love you so so much. ❤❤
P: Amore These days I’ve been asking my self lots of times why am I here attending summer semester and what really matters in this life. It took my a while to start understanding that working the entire life to accumulate, to run, to climb the social ladder it’s a narrow minded, dumb approach. First thing must be love, love doesn’t need consumption because it can be always renewed every single day. What will really makes our life meaningful is the amount of love we are going to spread during the time given. I found in you my access to the door of love and without your guiding light I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to express me at my full potential. This being said, I want to say that I don’t care if we are broke, if things are going to be hard, if time and kilometres will take us apart or whatever will fate reserve for us. I’m sure of one thing only. That love is the only thing that matters, and you are my love, so you are in first place for everything. Tonight takes me back to the crazy dance with you at the club. I will always remember the trashy time I had with you in the stars of taipei. I love you my patata ! I can’t count the seconds that are taking us apart but I love you crazily ❤🐽🐒ti bacio
Y: Good night my patata Can’t wait to explore Geneva with you ❤
P: Dear love, I’m in my bed thinking of you, as always, before sleeping. I would have loved to have you here tonight. The art scene in plan palais was something you would have loved and was seeing you everywhere. Tonight I felt in love with the memory in Basel when waiting for Zey’s friend to come pick us up, you wished I had something for the party really keen to get high. You rocked!  it was our first official kiss even if I already kissed you a lot in my dreams. I am only thinking of you every time. Un bacione amore mio. Sleep tight because you need energy for the weekend.❤🐒🐽🐽
P: My sweet lady. I miss your skin, your fluffy touch and your cute head. I think how we treat our relationship is extraordinary. It’s a miracle how strong we are and you are my dream, golden mouth from Taipei. I remember the chicken eaten bare hands. One of my favourite dinner with you. Actually it was a bit cold but fried eggs, rice and vegetables fed me perfectly. Any day, night spent with you gives more hope for this life. I want to be tourist forever with you. Soon there’s gonna be another adventure patata and I really can’t wait. Have a great day Stella , I love you.❤🐽🐒  ❤❤🐽 You brought strength amore I love you pat, everyone who does not is missing out something special you flower Can’t wait to have you here and make you feel so.🐒
Y: Honey, I feel lost and feel not in peace for a while. In the past years, I have been motivated to have goals and to always work hard to achieve it. From stuck in T for six years, my goal was to leave, and I did it. From being in school and deciding where to go for my internships, I did it all. And from graduating with honours with finance specialization, I did it. And once I’ve done it all, I feel lost. In the alchemist, one of the crystal merchant never went to Mecca because he was too afraid that if he did go, his life will be without a meaning. And now I feel like I’m in the stage where I am a plastic bottle in the ocean, going with the flow but at the same time struggling to tell myself I have some sort of “purpose”, goal, or dream. The truth is I have been lost for the past almost a year. I don’t know who I want to be anymore, I don’t know where I want to be, and I don’t know if I should stand up tall and just keep thriving without a direction or to do something else. I feel trap in this maze that I set myself in. I hope soon I can feel happiness and determination like the times when I walk down the stairs in the humid and stinky NYC subway, or stroll down the vertical avenues of the NYC street, passing through financial buildings, historical buildings, and parks. I want to feel the sense of coolness when biking down the road in bulle, where I see the nature at its best and worst in that far faraway town. I want to go out and meet new people and different people. I miss socializing with humans. I miss dancing and getting drunk with people have just met one hour ago. I miss feeling that I have a goal and purpose. I feel trapped, honey. And I feel my heart and brain is not glowing anymore, because I’m too afraid or don’t know where to go and what to do with my life. I feel dull. I used to look at the flower blooming and feel like the happiest person. I used to spend time going to supermarkets and struggle to find the cheapest discounts and feel rewarded. I used to go online and look for healthy recipe and make it for me and my sister. I used to be so fearless, and now I lost that sense of courage and feel dull….
P: Sometimes we find our selfs in times of trouble and nothing seams to be clear. This feeling of disruption, of detachment you had tonight is just the beginning of understanding who you really are. Life till now was easy; goals were clear, the path was well indicated and success was the only possible answer. Nevertheless after playing by the rules, after such a hectic life for the past few years, getting back to a sedentary life in the desert where freedom is not granted and humanity is hard to find like water..well I understand your struggle. I think nobody would be able to stand still, to not feel like you feel every here and than. You want to be stoic? You are already my love. You’ve been so strong, with self control and wise attitudes. Nobody said it was easy to go to D at 22 with the hope of a youngster and feel integrated in few months. Be resolute my love. Now that you have clear in your mind that even with top management positions, with all the possibilities in this world..when you have no one you love to cherish the fortune with, everything is gone. I would advice you to set new goals in your life, new steps to be achieved. Find something you want to improve of your self, take care of small soul facets you’d like to empower. Be close to spirituality and transcendence, feel the magic of love and have faith for a wonderful life. When you practice love and wisdom the rest will follow, I’m sure the light will guide you pat. I cannot teach you anything unfortunately because I know nothing. Wisdom or love are only practicable, liveable. When you are seeking and you’re able to find nothing, nothing because what you see is only what seeks, being obsessed with the goal I mean. What really finding is..is being free, being open, having no goal. Your soul is the whole world, the world that you create. Finally I want to tell you I love you so much because you’re full of questions, with very little answers. This is a sign not only of mere couriosity but mostly a sign of intelligence. I hope that within us there is a sort of sanctuary where we can both retreat and be our selfs with each other. Trough your struggle I’m learning my self new aspects of my soul and I’ll be always grateful to golden mouth. Don’t be so angry at your fate, because you’ll find new solutions. Great humans rise when in shitty situations. You are not alone on this planet patata, you are not the only one struggling in the chaotic cosmos. I’m here to hold your hand, not being ambitious to guide you, but just to tackle the flow together if you wish. I send you all my love and wish for a better day tomorrow. -4 and you are in my arms and I’ll be in yours. Ti bacio tanto amore, sei una stella❤🐽🐒
Y: Ciao patatoz  Thank you for being here I’m looking forward for the day when I am stronger. And looking forward for the day when I’m going to see you This Friday my love I can’t wait
P: Dear my waxed patata🐽🐽🐽🐽everything is ready to host you here. Please don’t cut your hairs tooo much. I have no words tonight to explain my will to have you here right now next to me sharing the same sky. I want to remember our dinner in front of Sophia mosque, with the muezzin calling the prayers. The food was delicious and I loved you so much that night. Maybe for the reason that you were dizzy just after a glass or because you always choose the nicest places for us. I love you and I need to have you in my arms amore. I’m super happy seeing you pimpin to come. Ti bacio🐒❤
P: I don’t even know if you’ll manage properly to read this message since screen is fucked! Patata -2 I don’t know if this is real. The magic you bring in my life is powerful. Today since you mentioned in our last call I want to jot down the memories of me walking on the floor in Taipei. It was amazing smoking up with you and just crawling in each other eyes. I loved how that night we went out for dinner whatsoever, I loved the way you just stayed there with me in the dumbest moment. I had a lot of fun with the best Jerome ever drinking beers, playing FIFA and talking about the news of the workd, (he was being very generous and I cooked pizza for us). Sabrina and matteo are at home and now I’ll try to go to bed knowing I’ll have to sleep deeply. I wish you were here my love to share bed with me. Tomorrow is the day, you didn’t fly out of the country recently and now you are coming to Geneva to meet me, you deserved that. Ti bacio, I can’t be more impatient, I wait for you here Stella.
P: Hey patata tonight I am excited about our love in a way I never experienced before. I am always up to speak with you and see what you’ve become shaped by life. I want you so much my patata that I can’t explain! I will send you all the infos and Sabrina will be there to open the door and get you settled. I love you, hope you’re confi there because here, here we will have to rock❤🐒ti bacio amore mio
Y: Amore I’m in Frankfurt Good to be back in Europe
P: Welcome home
P: Ciao pat! I’m in a super rush and late! S will be there to welcome you in, money on my desk inside the book, I forgot to leave the keys but you can  arrange with Sabrina since she has M’s. I should be done early I think since there is in class assignment. Be safe for the last bit and weekend is about to lit !!🐽🐽
Y: Dear pat.. ❤thank you for this weekend one again. I’m so grateful to have met you in my life, over the past 6 months, I have only loved you more not less. And like you said, when we are together we both feel more assured about who we are and want to be together. You are my love. I honestly have never met someone I love so much. Being with you I only have love, happiness, and sex. I honestly can’t wait for what’s more to come. I want to travel, live and have puppies with you. I can see myself spend time with you and being better for you and for us. Amore, for every moment looking into your eyes, I love you more. I’ll see you super soon ❤
P: Amore mio I can’t believe just few hours ago I was holding you tight and playing with you. I feel so happy when I’m with you whatever happens around. My soul is at his best when you are there and my body feels fearless. I can perceive the energy. I become stupid and I can’t stop to repeat pat pat and whaaaazzz uuuuuup! Anyway the thing is I’m in love with you. Hope you felt the life going fast, open heart and indulgent with me. I will always take care of you. We will meet soon mia dolce bocca d'orata. Ti bacio 🐒❤
Amore i love you so much that you can’t barely imagine. I never loved in my life that intensively and I can’t think of me loving someone more. Please trust me on that
P: Amore I don’t know how you do but you always manage to make me feel loved even when you are far away. These last days were amazing for me. I will never forget,whatever happens, the picnic with paella and sausages laying on grass. The stroking around the city, floating with the river’s current and the easy food. I’m in love with you, meaning that you’re my sexy exotic pussy and best friend, a home where to restore with joy. You buying a cake also makes me happy because you’re always gentle and generous. I hope tomorrow will be a fine day at work and I’ll Skype with my princess for sure,
If available. Ti bacio tanto amore mio. Mi manchi❤🐽love
P: My love we spent more than 2 and a half hour on Skype and calling today without counting the amount of messages and related stuff . I think this is love. I think about you all the time and I wish you were next to me all the time. I love you. The time we had sex till 1pm in milan with elisa in the apartment and than I run to giannasi to grab some food for us. I would be happy if I could continue to feed you for the rest of our remaining time. Please let’s make an effort and resist till we enter in our own place. I’ll be very happy that day especially if you’ll give me that pompino you promised. Buona notte tesoro, don’t be late tomorrow. Ti bacio tanto❤🐽🐒
P: Dear pat, distance is hard to understand many times and things seems to fade away, but in the deep of my heart I know you’re hear. Just next to me. I want, I need to create with you a value of life that would satisfy my soul. I want to be shaped by our necessities. I’m thrilled by the idea of being like water ready to leak into every grief. I’ll be always there for you, loyal to our love, asking for nothing, offering all I’ve got. These days may seem strange, hectic, full of confusion and different dreams. I truly hope our paths won’t take opposite direction. I see my self five years from now next to a great yet normal woman, simply sharing the time gifted to us. It’s widely spread the idea of how a relationship ought or shouldn’t be, how work life should or shouldn’t be. I don’t want to be part of any label. I want to shape our own time in a very personal way, asking many question without necessarily having all the answers. I want to print in my mind the lucky day when you were laying in this bed naked, satisfied by sex. I wish you were here with me right now to be animalistic in bed, flying high with our minds on the madness of the world out there. I thank every atom, particelle of experience that lead my path bumping into yours in a cold snowy night in Bulle. Since than slowly but surely our destinies were bound to partner. I love you my patata. I wish you a nice sleep. The stars of the desert are looking at you, because you’re beautiful and precious. Ti bacio sempre. ❤🐽🐒
P: Amore mio im in bed room with parents and they are sleeping already can’t really call You are my one and only princess on this planet. I need you so badly. I’m in a very small bed right now and wouldn’t share an inch with anyone.. but I’m sure with you this would be just fine. What I mean is that there always room for you to stay with me if you only wish. I can’t wait for the day when we will have a tesla and a couple of dogs..driving our down the road mood. I want to live my life with you and it’s hard to accept is still not happening. I miss you deeply tonight I want to touch your hairs and have you. I want to remember the first evening in Taipei where I rolled and your friends were astonished, I was talking to a South African friend on the phone regarding the shitty sumas situation, we were high and the air was hot. The only moments when I’m calm, happy are the one with you. I love you pat, buona notte.❤🐽🐒tuo P
Y: 💙💙💙 I know I’m always jealous and annoying But with you I can’t stop thinking about everything. All the happy and sad runs through my mind when thinking about you. You are the sunshine and strawberries, and my source of happiness and food.
Y:I was watching a series yesterday, don’t really remember what was it about, but one part the girl was saying how her ex boyfriend depend on her so much, he lost who he is, and how can she be with him when there’s no more him…. I fell asleep with those sentences in my mind, because i realize my happieness everyday depends on you too now. Of course it relates to other things, but I couldn’t imagine going through the first couple of the year in D without you. Not just in D but the fact that I can’t think and imagine another time right now without you. You are my source of happiness and dopamine. I seek for the messages you sent when I wake up, I look forward for the nights when we Skype, and I travel through time and cities having you with me. And this makes me afraid too. Because now again, I realized never love someone so much as I love you and there’s no one else I would want to share my happiness sadness anger and love with. I know I’m not the easiest girlfriend to be with, and thank you for giving me so much patience, kindness, and love. Be with me for a bit longer and I’ll give you all I can give…would you ? 💙 I love you my love ❤️ I’m always only thinking about you
P: Amore mio. You deliver love letters less than me. This is a matter of fact. But when you do, well it’s exceeding any expectations. I love you so much and every time is a special gift for me. I believe more than you that is possible, that for us there is a shared fate. You are not hard at all. In this world where we look only for perfection and fiction stories, I seek for mistakes, for the love of misunderstandings. I believe I love you not for your perfect body, for your smooth skin and sexy ass. I love you for te annoying part, for every small mistake you do that freaks me out. I’ll never stop loving you and I can’t wait for august to bring you to my home land. We will eat like kings and I’ll show you everything worth our precious time. Thanks for being you and sharing your time with me, my only princess. I depend on you and my happiness is bounded to yours, so please do not be afraid because there is no fear we can’t defeat together. Ti bacio tesoro mio. 🐽❤🐒always yours Have an amazing day tomorrow and please let me know username and password Let’s dream my love
P: Amore I just want to hug you so much And hold you tight t must have been something I can’t imagine But I’m sure you’ll manage to find your pictures I would like to be with you and go trough them together You know I’m here if you ever want to talk or call right?
P: ❤❤ my love I’m not prepared enough to understand how traumatising was that moment of your life for you. I can’t imagine you going trough such a horrible period and becoming the woman you are now. You’ve been amazing and I’m astonished, amused of you as always. You exceed any expectation, as always. I just want to be there and hug you tight in my arms I can’t stand the idea of you being there in the bed thinking of those things without my support. It makes me sick as well. In quinte sure now if I say I believe our moods are dramatically bounded and so I feel a bit sad as well. I’m very sorry for what happened and how you feel tonight. I hope one day we will be able to share this when we are together. I send you all of my support, please call me any moment of you have nightmares or anything, I’ll live the ringtone max level
Anyway tonight I want to remember the dinner in Oman, at the nice random restaurant before taking off for D, I loved that dinner as almost all the ones with you. I really liked the rice and all the dishes. We also changed table to go to the window one, I can remover we had a nice conversation. I enjoyed su much your company that night and I hope there are thousands to come. I need to live with you pat, I can’t wait any longer.
Juste remember call me if you need anything or if you wanna talk or just stay in silence. Un bacio grande stellina mia 🐽🐒
: I’m always yours and ready to give you my love❤🔥buona notte
P: amore mio in these days you’re making me feeling so loved and wanted that I can’t remember a better moment of my life for love and passion. I always think of you in a sweet way, moving than to a strong sexual desire and this is simply crazy because I’ve been always separating my sexual desire with the passion I hold for your mind, philosophy of life. I m hanging all my hopes for the time when I’ll be hugging you again, showing you the beauty of my homeland. I really need you badly here and in the future. I want to jot down tonight our joints in taipei especially the ones smoked on sun and moon lake just out of our small hotel. Do you remember the butler/receptionist asking for how I felt about the coffee? I admit I like every moment when you are there. Hope tonight is a smooth sleep in for my princess. Ti bacio tutta. love
P: I am loving with no expectation nor demands but only with the curiosity for what will happen, being sure the best is yet to come for us. I barely imagine a situation in which patata number one is without pataaa2. I know sometimes we become childish but it’s hilarious. I really like it. When you tease me I’m still loving you. These days Goldenmouth is making me so happy. I love you. I want to remember the first time I met your mum . I couldn’t say properly the things you thought me. I really loved my time in town with you. Everything form food to sleeping wee had was great and sometimes I dream about the market and being there eating anything. Tu bacio tanto amore mio❤🐒have a great day tomorrow
Y: Buona notte amore I love you 💓💓
P: Amore tesoro mio!❤ you are a crazy little lovely thing and I can’t can’t loving you. I’m so happy we obtained another adventure together and it’s gonna be great time because whatever happens or we do when we share same stars above us everything is magic, full of passion. I kind of like the memory of us walking into park de bastion in the morning and listening to the small van beats while sitting on the yellow iron chairs. It was a charming moment for me full of recalls. I want to drink coffe with you every morning and last ray of sunshine. Ti bacio tanto my love and I wish you sweet dreams. 🐽🐒 Can’t stop In the beginning *
P: My tesoro caro where you that tired?
I love you. I love your nose Y, your mouth and crazy voice. I love the way you walk and and how you smoothly surf life. I’m always thinking about how happy I’ll be when we’ll be together in august. I need to play with you and keeping you right tonne. I don’t want to ever let you go forever. I love you my sweet patata. Un bacio 🐽❤🐒always
Tight in my arms*
Y:My love, words can’t explain how much you mean to me. Your knowledge and love for life enlightens me to be the best version of myself with you and alone. Thank you for taking the time and patience teaching me the things that I forgotten or never know about. I promise you, each day, I’ll become more positive with our love. Not that I am not positive now, it’s just that there’s a burden of love for me when opening my heart to someone or going to someone’s heart. I love you so much but it’s still hard for me to see the way you see love. I do believe what you believe deep down, but I always forgot about it with my three second gold fish memories. I would like to have faith in us together. Please give me some time, as I never thought about I can be competed naked outside and in. Thank you for showing me another world. I love you my patata or should I say I am passionate about you.
P: Ciao My passion I miss you so much here
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edc-creations-blog · 7 years
There are countless books on men and relationships that analyze and interpret men’s feelings about intimacy from a clinical or therapeutic approach. However, there are very few books that actually highlight men’s points of view on this topic in an uncut, complete, raw and emotional way.  Author, Therez Fleetwood, explores the complexities of relationships through the minds of men who give real, no holds barred answers to the questions that women want to ask.
There are many women who feel disconnected from their partner and desire to create a deeper bond.  This book is for those who are seeking to understand why men do the things they do when it comes to intimacy-related acts.  Oftentimes, women spend countless hours asking other women for advice on their relationships when they should be going directly to the source.  Men and Intimacy, Real Talk. Real Answers is the source. What you will discover is what men really think about intimacy, women, relationships, sex, love, cheating, and pornography.
As ‘Gordon’ the Behavioral Therapist stated in “Men’s Last Words,” “I think the book project is necessary. These issues are real.  They are not discussed, but they are prevalent and I think anything that provides a porthole, particularly for men of color, to express themselves, is freeing in and of itself.  I find that other races have a platform to express themselves whereas men of color do not and the family nucleus is suffering as a result thereof.”
Over fifty men, between the ages of thirty and sixty, share their voices and their viewpoints to offer us untapped information in which most of them have never openly revealed before. The men interviewed range in professions from actors to ministers, to newscaster and ex-marines, and almost any profession in between.  The questions asked in this book are probing and the answers are direct. Whether you are married or single, female or male, this book will open up a pathway to conversation and exploration.
In Men and Intimacy, Real Talk. Real Answers you will learn: Do men really want intimacy? What do men find sexy in a woman? Do men get bored with sex? Why do men cheat?  What are the most important things to men in a relationship?  This book explores what type of women are men really looking for and much MORE!
This book was not written to point fingers or blame men in any way.  It was written to allow men to be fully self-expressed.  It will also help men find their voice of self-expression as they read and connect with the different answers provided by this diverse group whose statements may resemble their own.   My hope with Men and Intimacy, Real Talk, Real Answers is that couples use these questions as a guide to help discover intimacy within each other through honest conversations and begin their journeys of creating intimacy together.
Book Reviews
Great insight to how men think about relationships. “This book gave a great insight to how men feel and think about relationships from a man’s point of view. It felt like reading parts of a man’s diary of his relationships. Very entertaining and insightful”.- Darnell Smith
This Book is a Great Personal Investment! “Men and Intimacy is unlike most books about male/female relationships. You hear from a variety of men some of whom (types) we all know personally, who may or may no be honest with us about how they really feel about women and intimacy. Some of the responses made me laugh; some responses made me angry; and some gave me hope and confirmed to me that there are a lot of good men out here… still available. I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Lots of questions we, as women, don’t or can’t ask men and can expect a truly honest answer. Here you feel as though you’re getting it. What I got from this book is so much more than the small investment I made. Buy it for yourself. Buy it for your girlfriends, daughters, moms, and sisters for you’ll want to keep your copy close by and refer to it often”.- R. Willis
Sneak Peek Inside Real Talk. Real Answers.
What Is Intimacy to Men? – Page 10 Intimacy to me is when the mind, body, spirit, and soul of two individuals collide on an emotional level.  I’ve been intimate and I did not have a connection. I was close to someone but I did not have an emotional connection and I’ve been close to women and I haven’t had a spiritual connection.  I feel when I am truly intimate and when our energies collide in such a way where we are desiring to go to the same place, and that’s just not the climax but the journey to it, then a lot of things are happening. Being a minister and a prophet, I believe that when we have sex or when we become intimate, our spirits become entangled.– GORDON
Men Feel Love Too – Page 18 For me, the times I was in love, it felt like a pain in my heart. The type of pain I would feel if I was losing that person… it was almost like a mini heart attack.  It is like missing that person and feeling as though the blood stopped flowing to my heart or something, it’s a serious pain. I can’t fake it. The times that I had been in love that pain had physically happened to me because I felt it in my heart. – OMARI
Men and Communication – Page 45 I don’t always communicate my needs because I don’t want to be needy. My appearing not to be needy I think goes back to the way I was raised where the man is supposed to be taking care of everything. I would prefer to be giving more than I am receiving.  Giving more love then receiving it,  is just something I grew up with. – GIANNI
Can Men Be Loyal? – Page 90 The way a woman keeps a man is to stroke his ego, affirm his strengths and be complimentary… that’s all the lion wants to hear. As the king of the castle, I want to know that I’m doing a decent job being a provider and taking care of her needs. – MAURICE
Can Women Strengthen Men? – Page 101 Oh yeah!  My wife made me stronger as a man.  If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be where I am right now because I was out being a man hoe and not focusing on my future. I was just focusing on having fun. I was ready to settle down and I found someone who was compatible for me. – DORIAN
The Pain Men Feel After a Breakup – Page 111 Yes, I’ve been in love where I was head over heels about her and could not think about anyone else but that person. When we broke up it was one of the most miserable feelings in my life actually.  It made me sick. It made me very depressed.  It even made me have fleeting thoughts of –“if I were not alive anymore it would be better”.  I was feeling this way for about 3-4 months but that lingering feeling, to a smaller degree, has stayed with me for almost my entire life.  –D. NICE
Why Men Watch Porn  –  Page 139 Yes, of course I watch porn! My mind is constantly thinking about sex. It’s like stepping out into the sun and feeling the sun’s rays on you.  It’s the same thing with sex for a guy. It’s like we’re sitting around and we say “hey, I want to go outside for a minute”. – MALCOLM
Do Men Get Bored With Sex? – Page 153 Do I get bored with sex?  No.  Do I get bored with sex with one person… hell yeah! But it doesn’t have to be. I wouldn’t get bored with sex with the same person if she would be more involved and if she wanted to take it to the next level and be creative.  My sex life now is almost null and void but whenever I have sex, it’s me performing all the acts and she just lays there. I feel like I’m a charity case.  Like she wears a watch and sets a timer and say “I’ll give you three minutes”.  I do what I do because I don’t get it.  I got five minutes, so it might be the only five minutes that I get for the next few months so I say “fuck it!” It isn’t going to be great but at least I get some. – TRAVIS
READ MORE SNIPPETS HERE http://menandintimacy.com/sneak-peak/
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Therez Fleetwood launched her first company under the label of PheZula Collection, dressing celebrity clients such as Angela Bassett, Vanessa Williams, Yolanda Adams, Kim Coles and Queen Latifah as well as gift designer for Avon Products.  She designed the only Kente cloth costumes worn by Mickey and Minnie Mouse at Disney World.  She is also the author of the national bestseller, The Afrocentric Bride, A Style Guide (ISBN 0-9727519-1-2).
For the past twenty-five years, Therez has been catering to brides and grooms around the world and it is her experience in working with couples that has provided her the abundance of information to launch this platform of conversation and discovery.
Therez has been a guest on several television shows including the Today Show, Good Day New York and the Dallas Morning News and her work has been on display at the City Museum of New York and Fashion Institute of Technology.
Therez has also worked as a life coach in the field of self-expression and leadership and is the former owner of Therez’s Playhouse, which provided couples with ways to rekindle the romance, intimacy and bliss in their relationships.
Purchase Men and Intimacy, Real Talk. Real Answers by Therez Fleetwood What Men really feel about Love, Relationships, Women, Sex and MORE! Printed and Kindle versions:  http://menandintimacy.com/order-now/
The Afrocentric Bride by Therez Fleetwood https://www.amazon.com/Afrocentric-Bride-Therez-Fleetwood/dp/0739440691/
Featuring the Therez Fleetwood Bridal Collection, THE AFROCENTRIC BRIDE offers valuable information, styling tips and fashion advice for every bride of color who wants to look and feel her best. Gowns, beads, fashions, headpieces, jewelry and more . . .
Ms. Fleetwood creates her bridal collection with the African-American bride in mind. In THE AFROCENTRIC BRIDE she shares her secrets on how to create an Afrocentric gown by using fabrics imported from Africa, adorning it with cowrie shells, embroidering and quilting it with natural colors and fibers, as well as wearing your favorite soft pastel shade or a wonderful vibrant red.
Men and Intimacy: Real Talk, Real Answers by Therez Fleetwood There are countless books on men and relationships that analyze and interpret men’s feelings about intimacy from a clinical or therapeutic approach.
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