fixation-issues · 3 years
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When Blitz is confronted by someone from his past, or is told something terrible about himself, he struggles to defend himself.
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During all these moments, Blitz has nothing to say. He’ll resort to violence/anger if it’ll help him escape the confrontation because its the only way he can handle it.
That’s why Blitz cares a lot about IMP. Millie and Moxxie have defended Blitz during a bunch of confrontations (some which where related to Blitz’s troubled past), overall making the situation more bearable for him.
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And I think Blitz saw Stolas under a similar (but not the same) light. Blitz considered Stolas as someone he can go to escape his problems.
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There’s a reason Blitz’s hallucination during Truth Seekers placed Stolas under a spotlight, and there’s a reason why Blitz called Stolas to Ozzie’s. Blitz and Stolas have an unhealthy relationship, but there’s something there that both of them want.
In episode 7 though, it’s obvious Blitz is unable to handle direct confrontations. 
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And Stolas is just as terrible at direct confrontations.
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This moment solidified something to Blitz. Stolas couldn’t deny the truth, and he couldn’t say anything else, which left Blitz embarrassed. When it mattered, Stolas couldn’t do what M&M have done many times for Blitz before.
And while Millie and Moxxie care about Blitz, they won’t always be there for him. They are Blitz’s employees, and the Asmodeus events happened during M&M’s off hours, on their anniversary. They are not obligated to always be there for Blitz, who is their boss.
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Also, M&M have to worry about themselves before they worry about others. That is something Blitz and Stolas fail at. Its another reason why Blitz and Stolas aren’t very good at defending themselves.
Stolas had a moment where he could defend Blitz, and he didn’t. Blitz didn’t try defending Stolas either. If anything, Blitz tried defending Moxxie (and he failed at it). Blitz and Stolas are equally terrible about confronting their issues. This entire episode messed up both of them, and made them realize some terrible stuff about each other + themselves.
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I hope this gets mentioned later because its another aspect of Blitz and Stolas's relationship that I want addressed.
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fixation-issues · 3 years
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I was comparing Octavia's rooms, and noticed that the telescope and chest in Octavia's childhood bedroom have heart motifs and white feathers, like Stella's assassin telephone
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These details disappear in Octavia's present room, so I wonder if Stella was the one who got her those things back then.
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fixation-issues · 3 years
The Fight Scene
i am in LOVE with the fight scene and probably rewatched it too many times. here's some stuff i noticed.
While Striker did not hesitate to harm Millie and Moxxie, he WAS hesitant about hurting Blitz. When Striker got ready to shoot Stolas, he got surprised about Blitz being the one behind him.
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He lost his composure for a second there. And Striker is holding an angel rifle, so it's not like he's at a disadvantage.
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Blitz didn't tell him to put down the weapon. Striker did that of his own volition. And the angel rifle is WAY stronger than the knife he pulls out later and never actually uses against Blitz (explained later).
Instead Striker chooses to talk, and he knows Blitz isn't gonna shoot.
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Honestly Striker's speech felt a little pre-planned for me but I'm gonna skip over it. Point was that Striker wanted Blitz to join him. He saw potential and didn't like seeing it go to waste.
AND I MEAN,, HE DID A WALL SLAM. He was interested in more than just a partnership too --
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Striker only got violent AFTER Blitz admitted he was just trolling. And even then, Striker aimed to hurt Moxxie (poor dude q_q) and not Blitz.
That's where the knife part comes in. I think Striker wanted to distract Blitz with the knife (not actually use it) to catch him off guard and surprise him into almost shooting Moxxie.
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THEN everything falls apart. Blitz gets p*ssed and finally gets violent (he was passive this entire time until the shot). But Striker never went full offensive back at him.
Striker's attacks against Blitz were wayyy less lethal compared to when he fought M&M. He never used his tail as a weapon or broke any bones. And when Striker threw Blitz towards Moxxie, Moxxie technically cushioned Blitz's fall. At worst Striker punched Blitz in the face hard enough to make him bleed (but by next morning the injury was gone, so).
Also this scene.
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When Striker got the upper hand against M&M, he threw them into the basement. But here, Striker said "too bad, its a shame" (with an exaggerated shrug and having the gun pointed to the floor and with his eyes closed) in the middle of a fight. Imo he kept giving Blitz chances to change alliances.
AND WHEN HE RAN,, He shoved/moved Blitz aside using both arms. I personally don't see that often. Usually its a careless one-arm shove to the side. IT WAS JUST DIFF FOR ME OK //
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TL;DR Striker held back during his fight against Blitz. Striker really did want Blitz to partner with him. And I think Striker is fine with being violent towards most characters, Blitz is just an exception (why i ship it lol fff). But also that's one of the toxic aspects of this ship, imo especially with how much Striker hates (?) Moxxie.
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fixation-issues · 3 years
Striker x Blitzø - Blitzø
Alrights I'm gonna write a flipping essay on why I ship Striker x Blitzo. No idea what their ship name is so I've just been using the term Stritzo the past few days q_q
This post focuses mainly on Blitz.
- Striker Compliments Blitz
This sounds redundant because characters have complimented Blitz before. But these were surface-level compliments regarding Blitz's appearance. Like saying Blitz is cute or is good at sex etc.
Striker compliments Blitz on his achievements. He says Blitz is impressive because most imps don't start their own business. And Blitz is FLATTERED by this. Characters usually doubt Blitz's decisions or his ability to be his own boss.
- Blitz Being Flustered
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Blitz does not get flustered easily. He literally BLUSHED about the little compliment Striker gave him. And when Striker asked about Stolas, Blitz tried to minimize the relationship to just "transactional f*cking". Like he didn't want Striker believing Millie when she said he and Stolas are dating, because they're not. Blitz is single. Or at least that's how I interpreted the scene (we can agree to disagree).
- The 'o' is Silent
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None of Blitz's past or present love interests have called Blitz by his preferred name. Stolas calls Blitz, "Blitzy". Verosika called Blitz, "Blitz-o". So far Striker is the only "romantic interest" who consistently calls Blitz by the name he prefers.
- Equally Matched
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Blitz and Striker respect each other. They share a competitive streak. They were evenly matched during the Harvest Moon Festival. They got along right up until the assassination attempt.
Blitz's previous relationships have so far had unequal power dynamics; Stolas and Verosika belittle Blitz in subtle ways like bending down to meet his eye-level or speaking to him using a soft baby-ish voice. That's condescending behavior. Striker doesn't do this despite being taller than Blitz.
Blitz and Striker are also in the same social hierarchy. This technically shouldn't matter, but Blitz has an inferiority complex. Imo he's cagey around around Verosika (succubus) and Stolas (Goetica). But Striker was just an imp farmhand. There was nothing to gain from this relationship either. Striker didn't have a grimoire Blitz needed for work, or credit cards Blitz could max out for horse-riding lessons. Blitz liked Striker because they got along. Blitz even offered Striker a job because he wanted to keep seeing him after the festival ends.
- Horse!!!
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Okay Striker outright won me over because he has a horse named Bombproof. Blitz freaking loves horses. That's an automatic win.
Fml Striker could've given Blitz those horse-riding lessons.
- Persuasive
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Okay Blitz was gonna refuse Striker's partnership from the get-go. Despite having issues with Stolas, Blitz doesn't want Stolas super-ultra-dead.
But Striker's pitch did affect Blitz. Striker was the character who showed Blitz respect, called Blitz by his preferred name and told Blitz that he deserves better. Up until the assassination attempt, Striker seemed like THE ideal love interest for Blitz. If Striker was killing some other demon royalty in that moment, Blitz would have actually considered Striker's partnership. Its one of the reasons I think the ship has potential.
EDIT: I lied there's no part 2. Instead I'm gonna write mini-metas about the StrikerxBlitz relationship.
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fixation-issues · 3 years
Why does Millie only refer to Loona as a Hellhound. She didn’t introduce Loona as Blitzø’s daughter either.
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fixation-issues · 3 years
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Moxxie giving himself a confidence boost !!
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fixation-issues · 3 years
Loud Music
I'm under the impression Octavia listens to really loud music because of her mom, and specifically only because of her mom.
At the start of episode 2, Octavia was startled awake by Stella's yelling. Octavia’s response to this was to start listening to music.
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and it barely drowns out the yelling.
Also the second Octavia entered the kitchen, she looked directly towards her mom. Octavia saw her yelling at Stolas, and thus chose to ignore them both.
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Octavia kept listening to music after Stella left, and she kept listening to music while talking to her dad. But Stolas did get worried about Octavia after learning what type of music she listens too, and thus suggested going to Loo Loo Land.
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While Octavia didn't want to go to Loo Loo Land, she never actually pulled out her music while there. I don't think she even took her earbuds with her honestly.
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There were instances where Octavia could have drowned out her surroundings with music, but decidedly didn't. It's because its not her dad who shouts or is violent. So far, Octavia is only seen listening to loud music because she is around her mom.
Like in the family dinner. Octavia probably expected her parents to argue like always, because Stella is pissed af at Stolas, so she went ahead and started headbanging.
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And Stella was kinda shouting into the telephone during this scene, so Octavia wasn't wrong to assume some kind of argument would stir up during dinner. SO YEAH;; I think Octavia mostly listens to loud music to drown out her parents' arguments, or specifically her mom (who Octavia knows is the instigator for these arguments).
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fixation-issues · 3 years
Planned Encounter?
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Not entirely confident in this theory tbh, but I think Striker met I.M.P. with the intention of assassinating Stolas and meeting Blitz.
s1e05 revealed Striker was hired by Stella to assassinate Stolas. Therefore Striker already knew about Blitz & Stolas' relationship, plus the grimoire deal, before he and Blitz even interacted. It's also very likely that Striker ran a background check on everyone working at I.M.P.
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I'm assuming Striker ran a background check on I.M.P. for these reasons:
1.) Striker chose to work at Millie's family ranch. The former farmhand working at the ranch conveniently died the week before the Harvest Moon Festival, conveniently creating a job opening for Striker.
It's never explained how exactly the farmhand died, but it can be presumed Striker killed them. And Striker did tell Millie that he learned more about her through her parents too.
2.) He knew Blitz was "conning" Stolas. Millie's parents did NOT know Blitz before s1e05, and all Millie told Striker when they shook hands was that they're visiting because her boss is the prince's "boyfriend". Blitz didn’t really deny this either.
Yet the first thing Striker asked Blitz was, "So you conned that ditzy blue-blood into letting you onto the surface?" 
Which sounds a lot like he knows what Blitz & Stolas' real relationship is built off of. But Blitz got flustered explaining his relationship with Stolas, and nobody really noticed the implications imo.
3.) Striker knows Blitz's past (???) When Striker tossed Moxxie and Millie into the basement, he told them "I'd kill ya'll but I feel like there's more leverage with your rodeo clown of a boss if I don't."
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The insult (?) was oddly specific. Blitz’s circus past is repeatedly shown in the show. Although that’s all I’m basing this off tbh.
Anyways, Striker is a professional. It makes sense that he would research his target and who his target is with. But Stella said she wanted STOLAS dead, not Stolas and the imp he's sleeping with. Even in the phone call, Striker said he failed to kill the "target" (not plural), and Stella only yelled about Stolas.
By all means, there was only 1 character on the hit list. Striker didn't have to meet I.M.P. yet he deliberately got very involved with them in s1e05. He could have EASILY just introduced himself and left to do his own thing at the festival, considering that’s what Millie’s family did shortly after being introduced.
I think Striker had 2 objectives at the festival: killing Stolas (the target) and meeting Blitz (the imp who caused royal family drama).
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The gun case has a lock, but it was left open in a vacant, unlocked room. Angelic light could be seen filtering from under the door. This is also not the room where the assassination attempt takes place. And Striker appears right after Moxxie enters alone.
As if it was planned.
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So I always assumed Striker was going to kill Moxxie if Millie didn’t appear in time, but not anymore. I think he wanted to take Moxxie as hostage after knocking him unconscious. That's why Striker kept trying to suffocate him rather than hurt him more than that. Striker specifically targeted Moxxie because he thought Moxxie was the "weak link" in I.M.P.
But this plan failed. Millie heard the vase crash and intervened. She's also stronger than Moxxie (who forgot he had a gun), so Striker was more violent with her and he didn't seem that bothered about having to break her arm or accidentally throwing her onto a bear trap.
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So now Striker had two hostages. His only explanation for keeping them alive was, again: "I'd kill ya'll but I feel like there's more leverage with your rodeo clown of a boss if I don't."
Striker never says why he wanted M&M as "more leverage" against Blitz. He didn't go to Blitz right after capturing them. Instead he went to go assassinate Stolas. Also Striker didn't bother mentioning M&M when Blitz INTERRUPTED that assassination. So what was Striker going to use M&M as leverage for?
So personal opinion: Striker was surprised when Blitz interrupted the assassination, despite taking "precautions" beforehand. While I believe the pitch & partnership thing was inevitable, I think Striker was planning ask Blitz to join him after killing Stolas. He didn’t think Blitz would interrupt/find out about it.
So the original plan got pushed ahead of schedule. Same gist; pitch and partnership. But if Blitz denied this partnership, Striker was going to use Moxxie [and Millie] as leverage against him. Whether this would be leverage to make him join Striker's vendetta against the aristocracy, or to stay quiet about the whole incident... idk that's up to personal interpretation.
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Striker's pitch targeted Blitz's insecurities. The pitch is too informative considering Striker and Blitz only knew each other for one day. Striker was either basing the pitch off past experiences, or from his research on I.M.P.. And not gonna lie, I think it can go either way since Striker and Blitz DID share a lot of similarities in s1e05.
Blitz admitted Striker made an extremely convincing offer because nothing Striker told him is necessarily wrong. Striker was just voicing most of Blitz's insecurities. And before this scene, throughout the whole episode, Striker came off as a really great guy to Blitz. Striker treated him with respect and saw him as an equal. So when this great guy (who Blitz liked enough to offer a job) ended up being Stolas' assassin, it got emotionally complicated.
Blitz didn't shoot Striker because he likes Striker. And Striker liked Blitz. I really don't think Striker was lying about these affections. Despite this, Striker wasn't entirely honest in this moment. He DID pry into Blitz's fears with a probably pre-planned speech (accidental or not). He made Blitz doubt his life choices so far. And this was all coming from one of the few people who showed Blitz respect and romantic interest.
There was also the fight scene. I made a post about it already so I'm just gonna quickly gloss over it: It seemed like Striker held back while fighting against Blitz, and he gave Blitz a chance to switch sides.
While Striker came off as cruel to certain characters, he was consistently nice to Blitz. Striker had leverage, but he wanted Blitz to switch sides willingly. He saw potential, and he outright said its embarrassing Blitz is passing the partnership for IMP (or Moxxie/Stolas idk). But despite Striker wanting Blitz to join him willingly, it doesn’t negate the fact that Striker took precautions in the event Blitz does deny the partnership.
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Blitz is crafty tho. He’s the type to say yes then flip that person off later. He obviously had doubts while hearing Striker’s pitch (considering he didn’t shoot Striker), but the partnership thing was bound to fail in this specific scenario. While Blitz was unaware about M&M, he did know Stolas’s life was on the line (tho i doubt he was in any mortal danger tbh). So basically whatever plan Striker originally had just sorta failed by the end of the episode.
But yeahhh that’s why I think Striker purposely planned to meet Blitz & crew eventually. Ofc these are just my own personal thoughts! Nothing I said is official and it's all just "what-ifs" and theory. I could be wrong lol. And totally cool if people disagree - I wanna clarify that;;;
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fixation-issues · 3 years
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I am trying to understand this location, so please correct me if I’m wrong on anything!! This is what I’m assuming:
The building is called Succ Ink.
The building is condemned.
Demons work inside the building anyway.
There’s possibly 10 floors (9 top floors, 1 basement level).
Only the 7th floor has the lights on.
The I.M.P. office is on the 7th floor.
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fixation-issues · 3 years
Heyyy is there theories or anything about the investigation wall Blitz has behind his office chair??
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In the pilot episode, it also involved Stolas.
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fixation-issues · 3 years
I'm really liking this cool-looking gun Blitz has.
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And I think this gun only has one round of ammunition (it can only shoot once).
In s1e04, Blitz is seen shooting TVs. After shooting ONCE, he reloads the gun with gunpowder.
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Then Blitz shoots a tv again but he doesn't reload. Instead a client comes in and the episode starts.
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Then later in the episode, Blitz tries to shoot Cletus but his gun was *somehow* out of ammo. There was no explanation provided. The gun was probably empty because Blitz forgot to reload it again, back at the I.M.P. office, before the mission.
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Or at least that's the gist I'm getting. Blitz didn't try to shoot anything else, at any other time, between these two scenes. So that's why I'm assuming the gun can only shoot once; its a single barrel gun.
Therefore in s1e05, I think Blitz's gun ran out of ammo after he almost shot Moxxie. After the Mox incident, Blitz was bluffing whenever he aimed his gun towards Striker because his gun wasn't actually loaded.
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I know Blitz didn't shoot Striker when the gun WAS loaded, but imo it would've sucked if Blitz didn't have the option to begin with after almost shooting Moxxie.
Also if Striker didn't kick the gun out of Blitz's hand, and the gun was empty, then Blitz could've done this cool amazing trick.
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