#meals and checked up on him regularly etcetc but I personally don't believe that would've changed anything
gojosbf · 10 months
I would like to know what you would do if you were gojo, how would you save geto from that situation he found himself in? Thank you for always answering our questions.
hi anon as much as I would like to give "proper" answer on how I could've saved I don't think it'd have been enough or fair. You're asking me to put myself in gojo's shoes and oooh boy I don't even want to imagine that because geto wasn't the only who took a hit and broken people are very good at hiding stuff, I could've noticed it and could've even tried to coax him into talking to me what are the chances he'd have truly opened up? what are the chances that wouldn't pushed him further into his shell. I could've tried to be there for him and accompany him everywhere, I could've tried to include him in everything, I could've even tried to make sure he had three meals a day and that still wouldn't have been enough. I could've done all of this and maybe he would've started feeling better too but that won't change what he felt, what scarred him and I could've done everything in world but his encounter with yuki would've still happened and he'd be sent to that village where he first met nanako and mimiko, do you think I could've convinced him for the second time to not kill evil people who harm innocent helpless ones? What if that created a greater rift between us. I am sorry I really wish I had answered in the idealistic way but that just doesn't sit right with me. I wish it was possible and yes I love to cry and preach about what could've been if everything turned out right but some things are just doomed, there's beauty in tragedy because it's real.
Okay so I have this song that explains totally what I am trying to say hope you try it <3
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