#meaning TDORS happens after the library
scullysstrapblog · 10 months
Okay, hear me out. I think that 11, Amy and Rory met a post library River. Or at least post Husband's of River Song.
Why? You may ask.
Because of one piece of dialog from the Pandorica episodes.
"I dated an SD duplicate once.... swappable heads."
She's talking about Ramone and Nardole/Hydroflax.
Therefore, she either escaped The Library and is running around through time and space. OR... she had adventures during her time on Darilium.
But the way she says it: "ONCE," makes me think that she's talking about more than 24 years ago.
So I think, she escaped The Library. She had to have. But she also knew at the library that she couldn't give out 'Spoilers.'
So what did she do? She told the doctor about Darilium.
But how did she escape the library? Who helped her escape? Did she even need help?
But also, because she has to keep the timeline intact she acts like she's not from the future when Amy mentions the Weeping Angel's at the Bizantium. So she hops around and makes sure that things play out the way they're supposed to.
All of this makes me think that Amy, Rory and 11 had more adventures with a post library River.
So, this means, IF I'm right, that I need more Alex Kingston on DW. Like right now.
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So in conclusion, 11, Amy and Rory met River after the Library in my headcanon.
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