#meanwhile beard is standing Right Next to Him but still plays along w the bit
sighonaraa · 1 year
the biggest and mayhaps only misstep ted lasso has ever made was not making ted and beard be roomies after going to england ALONE together. look me in the eyes and tell me they wouldn't want to be roomies
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vixenninjaturtle · 8 years
TMNT Leo x Female Reader(2016) Ch. 4
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TMNT Leo x Reader(2016) Ch. 4
The following evening, you managed to close up the shop early for the day and already made it back to the apartment to get ready for the meet and greet with Leo’s father Master Splinter. After you have taken your shower, you decided to wear this beautiful modern day Japanese style dress w/ cherry blossoms going around it in a flowing pattern. You bought that while you were still studying martial arts in Japan, and figured this would be the perfect opportunity to wear it.  As you were getting ready, your phone suddenly goes off and you hear tapping on your window. Checking to see who just contacted you, it was a text from Leo letting you know that he was there. You texted him back telling him that the window was open and that he can come in.
“Hey (y/n) are you ready?” Leo asked as he climbed through the window.
“Hey Leo… I’m almost ready just make yourself comfortable and I’ll be out shortly.” You called out from the bedroom.
Once Leo was inside, he set blades down by the window and decided to give himself a little tour around the place. While looking around Leo noticed a few photos of you and April as kids and teens, some family photos mostly of your dad. He even noticed a nice sized bookshelf containing some poetry books, romance novels and supernatural fiction novels. Which pretty much told him you really loved to read. As Leo continued to look around, what he saw next really caught his eye. Right next to the bookshelf was a glass cabinet case that held 4 katanas. But there was one of the four that stood out the most. Upon closer inspections of the sword, Leo noticed something engraved on the sheath.
“Hmmm… I wonder what that says?” Leo whispered as he tried to get a closer look.
“It says ‘ For every dark night, There’s a brighter day.’”
Nearly jumping out of his green skin, Leo immediately turned around and saw you in your beautiful blue dress. Already he could feel his face heating up as his heart rate started to speed up alittle.
“My father gave that to me on my 16th birthday… It’s last thing I have to remember him by.” You stated as you stood next to Leo staring at the katana.
“It’s a beautiful sword.”
“Thanks… I think so too. So are you ready to go?”
“Y-yeah I’m ready… By the way you look… Really lovely tonight (y/n).” Leo commented while looking at you.
“Awww thank you Leo…. You sure this isn’t to much?”
You spun around a bit modeling the dress for Leo as you waited for his opinion.
“Oh… N-no not at all… In fact it looks really… Really good on you.” He chimed in a loving way as he continued to stare at you.
“Why don’t you take a picture? It sure lasts longer.” you mused while winking at him, before getting your keys.
Leo stood there flabbergasted for a moment, before hurrying to the window to hold it open for you, like a true gentleman. You nodded as a note of thanks before waiting for him, so you could lock the door. As you both were walking along the sewer tunnels, Leo lead the way while also making sure you were close by. The last thing he wanted was for you to get lost down there. While following him, you mentally and physically took notes of which tunnel to take, which turns to make so you can remember how to get there on your own.
“Wow you guys made sure your home was well hidden huh?” You panted as you stopped to catch your breath.
“Huh? Oh yeah sorry about that… We had to make sure our home was very well hidden and untraceable this time so no one could find us.” Leo explained as he stop to wait for you.
“This time? What do you mean ‘this time’?”
Leo went ahead and explained how the Shredder and his foot were able to track him and his brothers down by using April without her knowing it. Ever since then, Donnie had upgrade their security system and make it so that nothing can ever track them down again. When you finally made it to the lair, you were quite amazed by how big the place is. For a bunch of mutants that live underground, their home was truly an awesome sight.
“Welcome to my home.” Leo smiled as he led you inside.
“Whoa…. This place is amazing.” You gasped in awe
“Thanks… We think so too. Would you like a tour before you meet Splinter?” Leo asked hopefully
“ Oh absolutely.” You replied still awe-struck
But before Leo could even get a chance to show you around, you both suddenly heard an explosion and shouting coming from Donnie’s lab.
“MIIIKEEEY!!!…. LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!!!” Donnie screamed in anger.
“Oops…. My bad D.” Mikey tried to apologized
“Uh-oh that doesn’t sound good.” You said quite unsure what to do now
“You have no idea.” Leo mumbled sarcastically while rolling his eyes.
You continue to hear Donatello screaming and yelling at Mikey for all the damage he caused. He was cussing at him (which is something he didn’t normally do), saying how he has to start the experiment all over again, and how many hours he spent working on it.
“Should we you know… See if everything’s alright?” You suggested feeling a little concerned.
“We could, but I guess it would be better to not enter the lab. Who knows what Mikey blew up in there…” Leo mumbled but changed his mind when he saw concern written all over your face. “But we could check up on them.” he told you before slowly moving towards Donnie’s lab, just in case.
You followed close behind Leo, preparing yourself for everything that might wait behind that door. With a fast beating heart, because of your closeness, Leo opened the door a bit, to make sure that nothing harmful would wait on the other side, before opening the door fully so you could see for yourself what had happened. As you and Leo peeked inside, a big puff of smoke blew right past you and Donnie using a fire extinguisher putting out whatever it was that exploded.
“Hey what happened in here?” Leo asked fanning the smoke away.
“As usual Lord of Destruction over there came in here to annoy the hell outta me and ended up destroying yet another one of my experiments that took me months to work on!” Donnie screamed in rage as he glared at the young turtle.
“I said I was sorry D… Cut ya bro some slack here will ya?” Mikey apologized again as he hid behind his oldest brother.
“Sorry?! No no no sorry isn’t gonna cut it this time Mikey, you always… Always do this and I’m sick of it!”
Leo and Mikey have never seen Donnie this angry before. Sure he would frustrated when things don’t work out the way he plans. But seeing him this angry was almost as scary as Raph’s angry and that is terrifying. Mikey tried to shield himself from the nerdy terrapin, when he noticed you standing there next to him.
“Hey it’s you… Ummm (y/n) right?” Mikey blurted out trying to confirm your name.
Smiling when he recognized you, you just nodded your head.
“Yes Mikey it’s me and it’s nice to see you again.”
“Wait… (Y/N) is here? Aww man… Please pardon the mess if I had known we were gonna have company I would’ve tidied up a little more.”
“No it’s ok Donnie don’t worry about it. I actually came to meet Master Splinter.”
“Speaking of which, we better head over to his chambers and let him know that you’re here.” Leo suggested before taking your hand and walking out.
Mikey was just about to walk out with them, when Donnie suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder preventing him from going any further.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Donnie asked with a dark tone in his voice.
“Oh well… I was just going to ya… Go play videogames.” Mikey stuttered as he tried to get away.
“I don’t think so Mikey… You created this mess and now… It’s going to be you that’s going to help me re-do it. And I don’t care how long it takes or how much you sleep you lose you will repay me for months of work.”
Mikey started sweating nervously and swallowed a large dry lump in his throat because he knew what that meant. And there was nothing he could say or do that could possibly get him out of it. Meanwhile, Leo took you over to Splinters room and gently knocked on the door.
“Enter.” A deep elderly spoke from the other side of the door.
“Excuse me father… But I brought (y/n), the girl I told you about over to meet you.”  Leo informed as he walked in with you close behind him.
“Ah yes come in… Please have a seat Ms. (Y/N). Would you like a cup of tea?” he asked with a japanese Teapot already in his hand.
“I’d love to have some tea.” you bowed slightly before sitting down in front of the old and worn Kotatsu.
It wasn’t that cold so the traditional blankets were removed. It has been some time since you last had some nice green tea and you were surprised that Master Splinter actually owned a traditional handpainted tea set. It seemed so wrong in a place like this, yet it felt so right. You closed your eyes a moment while savouring the strong yet gentle aroma of the tea, it sure has been some time when you last enjoyed a tea this well made.
“The tea is delicious, Master Splinter.” you sighed before placing the cup on the table.
“Please, child. You can call me sensei or father if you’d like. It is kind of special when my son Leonardo brings home a girl he chooses worthy of meeting his father.” Master Splinter announced while stroking his beard thoughtfully.
You couldn’t help but blush before looking over to Leo, who seemed to be shocked by his father’s words.
So Leonardo has told me that you’ve studied martial arts…. Tell me child where have you been studying?” Master Splinter asked while taking a small sip from his tea.
“Oh well… I studied for six years total, in two different countries. Three years in Japan and three years in China. I’ve learned quite a lot from both of them.” You explained before taking another sip of your green tea.
“That is very impressive, my dear…. I think you could teach my sons a few techniques, if you want to. Heaven knows, I have done everything I could to teach them. Maybe you know some techniques even I haven’t heard of, since I have been taught in Japan only.” Master Splinter explained.
“I’m always open to learn new techniques, sensei.” Leo protested to point out that he wasn’t the one slacking off.
“I know my son, I wish I could say the same about your brothers.” Master Splinter sighed.
 “Well to be honest, Sensei… I’m not sure I’d be a good teacher. I have never really taught anyone anything… Well except for tattoos and even that can be challenging.” you confessed, feeling a little bit uneasy thinking about teaching them.
“I think you would make an excellent teacher (y/n)… I mean you taught me some really cool moves during our sparring sessions.” Leo chimed in before Master Splinter was able to accept your thoughts on that matter.
“Well…” you began but was interrupted by Leo again.
You listened while Leo talked about how amazing you would be as a Sensei to his brothers and himself. Although you were flattered, you still thought you weren’t cut out to be a martial arts teacher.
“Thank you but I think I’m gonna have to pass. I’m having a hard time teaching my apprentices how to tattoo a straight line. However, I would love to train with you guys from time to time.” You offered before taking another sip of your tea.
“Really? That sounds like an amazing idea to me… I mean uhh…. W-hat do you think dad?” Leo asked excited over the possibility to train with you regularly and spending more time with you in long run but in the end regained his composure.
“I agree, my son. That sounds like a wonderful idea. It would be refreshing to have another beautiful, friendly face in our presence. Especially the one my eldest son has become quite fascinated with and learned to care about .” Master Splinter expressed with a knowing smirk.
You instantly blushed apple red before looking over at Leo, who was also blushing while looking at you. You both looked away from each other, when you caught each other staring. Master Splinter chuckled before finishing his tea. Within a few hours of hanging out with Leo and the boys, It was getting pretty late and it was time for you to head back home. You said goodbye to everyone and gave Master Splinter a hug before heading out with Leo, who wanted to make sure you got home safe. Once you two made it back to your apartment, like almost every night lately. You stayed outside a little longer enjoying the starry night sky and the view of the city.
“I really enjoyed meeting your family, Leo. They are so much fun to be around and Master Splinter is so nice, too.” you muttered while leaning closer to Leo, making you shoulder bump lightly into his, catching him off guard.
Leo could help but chuckle before giving your shoulder a light nudge back.
“I’m glad you like them. I hope you’ll find your way back to visit us whenever you c.. want.” he corrected. He was just about to tell you to visit him as often as you can. That wouldn’t have been right. He doesn’t want to seem persistent. You had realised what he meant to say and chuckled while telling him, you’d be coming over as often as you could. You enjoyed some moments of silence together before bidding each other good night.
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