#meanwhile jasons in awe that his partner sleeps so much. so regularly. and feels so safe with him 🥹
sanguineterrain · 4 months
"Wanna come over and nap together?"
The first time you suggest it, Jason's bewildered. Nap together? You want to be temporarily unconscious... with him??
Jason's not a nap guy. Never has been. He's always awake, always alert. Even when Bruce took him in, Jason didn't nap. He thought it was childish but even more than that, he never felt relaxed enough to sleep in the middle of the day.
You love naps. Can't get enough of them. You were born sleepy. Done with work/school? Nap. Worn out after getting up early? Nap! Stayed up too late last night? Yeah, it's naptime.
You're always down to sleep. You feel bad sometimes because it can result in sleeping instead of hanging out. But your body needs the extra rest some days.
Jason thinks it's cute that you're his sleepy sweetheart. He admires how you listen to your body and rest. (Working with Batman makes you internalize his motto: rest is for the weak.)
So one day, after Jason's on patrol for 4 days in a row, and you know he hasn't been sleeping, you call him up. "Come nap with me."
Jason warns you that he's never been a napper. "I can come over and wait for you to wake up. Or I can watch you sleep. In a nice, loving way. Not in a creepy way."
You convince him to give it a chance. Just lie down. If you fall asleep before him, he can go do something else.
So Jason obliges. Lays down and lets you curl into him. Snuggles into your warmth. Smells your scent on the sheet, basks in the quiet.
And, for the first time in his life, Jason Todd takes a nap. For 2 and a half hours.
You wake up around the same time. Jason is slow to awaken, and, for the first time, his body isn't in fight or flight mode. He wakes up gently. He wakes up to you.
"So," you say, sitting up. You're nervous because you've got a pretty guy that you really like in your bed, and you're a little worried you kicked him in your sleep or something. "What's the verdict?"
Jason smiles, really smiles, and tugs you back into his arms.
"I had no idea what I was missin'," he says, putting his face in your neck. "Can we do this again? Same time tomorrow?"
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