#meanwhile whenever I sit down to write my brain goes LOL NOPE DO NOT WANT
alienheartattack · 3 years
Me: Holy shit, I’ve written 30 chapters. What an accomplishment!
My brain: You’ve still got to write the downfall and resolution of this relationship arc. Which is gonna take another *checks notes* 10 to 15 chapters. At least.
Me: So we’re writing an 800 page romance novel, huh?
My brain: You’re damn straight.
Me: Ugh fine, I just want to finish it before the end of the year.
My brain: Sure. While we’re at it, here’s a flood of weekend-destroying inspiration for an idea you half-assed six months ago and are now obsessed with. Also, your MC is now physically based on a character design from that Dick Fight Island manga. You’re welcome. Lastly, fuck you.
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