#meanwhile witting comes so naturally to me that even when i feel like i'm totally bullshitting everything it turns out pretty decent
askdannysroleswapau · 8 months
Hey Gumball! What's your relationship with Rob? Like, are you two nemesis (nemesi? Nemesies?) Friends?
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not fully satisfied with the word bubble placement on the second one but its late and i'm tired so i'm just gonna leave it lol
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spacexseven · 2 years
Even if not a lot of people appreciate fitz as much as you if you want to write about him I definitely support it, while he isn't the first person I'd simp for I definitely see the appeal, I mean what's not attractive about a capitalist going on a coupon arc lmao.
Buuuut now imagine that same capitalist as the sort of 'leader' of a guild harem, if you will. He's the leader of the guild after all, so it makes sense he'd play a similar role when it comes to the guild's shared s/o. Well, "shared", it's definitely going to be difficult agreeing on things at the start.
You probably start out as someone just dating one of the guild members. Whether they wanted to hide you and keep you all to themselves or have been gushing about how wonderful you are to the others, eventually the rest of the guild finds out. And once they've gotten even the briefest of chances to meet you, they can't get enough. Soon enough, your original partner is barely getting any time with you because you're so busy with the rest of the group.
Maybe Mark is trying to show off just how good of a marksman he is, Louisa wants your opinion on what the best strategy for a successful date totally not with you is, or you've even got Lovecraft being... Romantic? In his own way, nobody's quite sure what he's trying to do but it's clear that, like all the others, he's developed an interest in you that is only growing stronger every day.
Naturally, conflict breaks out as they all struggle to get your attention. Quieter admirers like Louisa and Poe may feel they can't keep up with their more boisterous colleagues, so they start obsessing over how they can use their wits to get you alone and finally speak to you, or at least, stammer out a few compliments before they get overwhelmed. Meanwhile, more demanding figures like John and Mark are constantly butting heads, bickering right in front of you with no shame as they repeatedly beg you to just say who's your favourite, who do you love more, who will you choose - it better be one of them.
That's when Fitzgerald steps in to calm everyone down, if only because he's also struggling to win you over in the midst of all this chaos. Sure, he's doing this for his own gain, but he still wants his subordinates to be happy, so he'll make it his goal to get you to treat them as equally as possible. Besides, there's still a part of him that hopes you'll inevitably choose to only be with him over anyone else.
And after all the stress you've surely been under having so many powerful, probably mentally unstable figures vying for your attention, you just won't be able to help but be thankful to the man. You'll trust Fitzgerald, a trust that will be shared by the rest of the guild members. They know that he'll provide them all with a fair chance to win you over, and if he doesn't, even with his ability there's no way he'd be able to fight off all of them at once, so they don't feel much need to be wary of him right now.
- bestie (enjoy mr fitz enthusiast)
i'm seriously going to cry this is the best thing ever!!! you really are my bestie
i'm not sure if i want to involve margaret and hawthorne here (yet) so for now they're not here. also i believe the guild member you're likely to meet first is twain! the rest just strike me as too uninterested in things outside of work. fitz isn't married here ok!!!! let me indulge myself
this is guild x reader but with an emphasis on fitz x reader
cw yandere characters, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, jealousy, stalking, implied breaking in
so being friends with twain is fun and all, and while you know he's part of some organization, you aren't aware of the ability users in it and how dangerous they all are until much later. the thing you don't know is that he's been telling everyone about his super cute s/o, avoiding pictures of you, but happily gloating about how perfect his relationship is. as much as he gets jealous, he can't help but want to show off a little.
he brings you to their hq one day while you're out together, maybe because he's been asked to stop by immediately to pick up something. twain tells you to wait outside while he goes in to talk to mr fitz—he doesn't think he needs to be careful here yet, he doesn't think any of his coworkers would find an interest in you.
of course, fitzgerald notices you outside and asks twain to bring you in, saying it would be rude to leave you on your own in an unfamiliar place especially since he's intruding on your time together, but that's really all bullshit. he just wants a closer look at you. fitz has a close eye on his employees, and he's already known about you for a while, even using the eyes of god to track you down whenever he finds himself wanting to see you. sure, it's not love, at least, not yet—he'd call it more of...his best interests to make sure you're not a spy sent to infiltrate them. definitely not because he thinks you look cute when you're strolling down the street. maybe it was a bit weird that whenever he saw you pick out something you really like, only for your face to fall when you see the price, he instantly makes a note to buy it for you. that wasn't how he was supposed to be treating potential spies.
seeing you impressed by his office and by his presence, something inside you already aware of how important this man must be, only made his grin widen. you better stop being so cute, or else, he might just have to steal you away from twain himself. twain notices how closely his boss is eyeing you and instantly regrets bringing you along. the two of you weren't dating yet, despite all his stories to others. at this point, anyone could sweep you away. his fear only grows when the older man grabs your hand and proclaims that he would be delighted to show you around the building and enlighten you on their mission. out of everyone, of course fitzgerald would be interested in you. the man wanted everything.
it just so happens that a lot more of the guild members pop in during this time. louisa, with the plans she had been working on for mr fitz in hand, poe, with yet another successful mission report, steinbeck and lovecraft coming to see why everyone seemed to be gathered there.
and they all see you, with twain's arm around your waist and fitzgerald's hand grasping your own, stopped in the middle of his charming speech.
apart from the fact that you were a stark contrast to the rest of fitzgerald's office, something about the way you were standing in between two key members of the guild struck them all.
twain clears his throat and begins to bring you away from the room, only to be interrupted by a barrage of questions from the others. questions about who you were and why twain was holding onto you like that, but one line that struck out most to you was a comment by steinbeck.
"i thought he was lying about his partner!"
"oh," you chuckle, "we're not...like that."
for a minute the room goes eerily silent before a huge sigh of relief seemed to break it. from behind you, fitzgerald laughs heartily, pleased to have his suspicions confirmed. twain had been deluding himself the whole time, thinking the two of you were dating.
"i had a feeling twain here couldn't possibly win over someone as darling as you," he smirks, "in that case, you should come for dinner with me sometime."
you shake your head nervously, feeling overwhelmed by the change of atmosphere. it was only fitzgerald who made such a request but...something about it felt off. something told you it wasn't much of a request as it was an order.
obviously, you reject and go on with twain, still confused by why he would make up such a lie. he placates you with an excuse you're not sure you believe, but choose to stop asking questions about once he stares at you coldly. you've never known him to be so harsh.
after that, things seem to resume to normal. you don't check out the guild again for a long time, but it becomes almost normal to see the members outside of it. steinbeck stops by twain's room way too often, greeting you with a hello before taking up all your time by talking to you about everything and anything. you get a letter in the mail that twain begs you not to open despite it being sent by his friend, poe. when you go for a picnic by a lake, lovecraft walks out and joins the two of you, silent as ever. louisa waves at you from across the floor in the grocery store, though you note she looks very uncomfortable. when you go to join her, you see stacks of paper and tea in her cart.
the most shocking incident is when you walk into a boutique after glancing at something from outside, only to be greeted by fitzgerald, who had just happened to buy the company and offers you everything inside for free. you say no again, but his smile doesn't drop.
what really convinces you to take him up on his offer is when you wake up one morning to find a cup of tea and a book on your table. neither of which you had in your home, but you knew where you had seen that cup and you recognized the author on the book. when you glance out the window, something about the trees outside and the lake a little while away sends shivers down your spine. despite tom and finn appearing out of nowhere to convince you otherwise, you find yourself reaching around for that card fitzgerald gave you, keying in the numbers he scrawled on top of the printed design.
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