me-conte · 3 months
Vá embora sem provocar alardes, sem fazer tempestades, pode partir com sua consciência tranquila. Esqueça os textos enormes que você escreveu; as coisas que planejou dizer antes de partir porque a raiva ainda te consome por dentro. Nada disso adianta. O outro sabe o que fez com você, e não é você lembrando que o outro vai cair em si. Portanto, siga em paz, não esbraveje, não reclame. Pegue sua mala de roupas - e também aquela mais linda, a do amor próprio - e desapareça calmamente: afeto não se cobra, meu bem. Entenda isso!
// Ryan Lucas
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queimandoamor · 1 year
O amor em sua despedida
Não sei se te escrevo de lápis ou caneta, não sei se te envio uma mensagem por carta, e-mail ou pombo-correio, não tenho notícias de você e nem sei mais o sabor de seus lábios. Eu te sinto apenas em lembranças daquelas que guardarei para nunca mais esquecer. A distância foi terrível, mas eu te deixei voar em seu próprio céu, e nem pude acompanhar seu voou. Apenas te digo te quero bem, afinal amar é isso.
-Taísla Tuane
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aaronburrdaily · 11 months
June 15, 1809
Couche 2 1/2 . Slept sound till 9. La Hanoverrienne attandoit;¹ 1 1/4 rix dollars. At 11 called on Baron Munck. Spent an hour in trying to find Catteau without success. Ordered a bath at 3. II y a rien qui me etab. apres trop de muse comme le bain chaud.² Called at Hartshorne’s; found him and Hosack at chess; Heuland and Slade spectators. Brought Hosack home to settle for our two weeks’ rent with d’Aries; paid 14 rix dollars. Hosack gave notice that he should leave his quarters to-morrow etant mecontent de son demeure coeleste.³ He is in the fifth story. An bain a trois h. Tout pret. Reste dedans un heure. Tres refraichi. Le dem. qui me servait attendait que, &c. Mais non. Pai. pr. bain 1 rix; a dem. 1/2 rix. Chez moi at 5. En chem. suiv. la plus belle animal que j’ai vu en Suede. Ignore son nom. Mais nous saur.⁴ Bergström had promised to walk with me to Gahn's country house, but came not; went seul at 6, the distance two and a half English miles; walked it in 3/4 hour. A very Romanesque and retired position. Lake Shreame, locks, hills, meadows, magnificent forest; on the opposite side of the lake, pretty, neat country houses. Y: The family and four or five others whose names I did not learn. Prie a soupè mais ne veu. pas.⁵ After tea, walked home. Stopped 1/2 h. on the way to listen to the band of music. Home at 1/2 p. 9. Undressed, being tout mouille⁶ with the exercise. Morceau de soupè av.⁷ Mr. and Madame d’A.
1  For attendait. Was waiting. 2  There is nothing that restores me after too much muse as does the hot bath. (Il n’y a rien qui m’ établit, etc.) 3  For étant mécontent de sa demeure celeste. Being dissatisfied with his celestial abode. 4  For Au bain à trois heures. Tout prêt. Reste dedans une heure. Très rafraîchi. La demoiselle qui me servait attendait que, etc. Mais non. Paid pour bain 1 rix dollar; a demoiselle 1/2 rix dollar. Chez moi at 5. En chemin suivis le plus bel animal [ féminin ] que j’ai vu en Suede. Ignore son nom, mais nous saurons. To the bath at 3 o’clock. All ready. Remain in it one hour. Very much refreshed. The girl who waited on me expected that, etc. But no! Paid for the bath 1 rix dollar; 1/2 rix dollar to the girl. At home at 6. On the way I followed the finest she animal that I have seen in Sweden. Don’t know her name, but we’ll find it out. 5  Invited to supper but don’t want to [go]. (Ne veux pas.) 6  Quite wet. (Mouillé). 7  Bit of supper with. 
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my-deer-history · 2 years
Jean-Antoine Chais to John Laurens, [April/May] 1773
This letter is not dated, but the mention of Henry travelling to Geneva - which he did in June 1772 (to escort his sons there in the first place), November 1772, and mid-May 1773 - helps us to place it. John and Harry were still living with Chais in November 1772, and although John expressed some concerns to Henry, he agreed to stay put - but then moved Harry out in February 1773 anyway. Based on the tone, it seems to me that it was written after Chais's other letter, and therefore makes sense that this one was written sometime between February and Henry’s visit in May 1773. 
This letter contains a possibly homoerotic allusion to the myth of Orestes and Pylades.
Thanks to @mariexcherie and @echo-bleu for their help with puzzling this one out!
Translation here, transcription below. As always, corrections and improvements are very welcome.
The sincere esteem that I have known for you ever since I had the pleasure of meeting you attached me to you with the bonds of the sincerest friendship. The first months that we spent together had made me hope that I had found a true Pylades for life, and I was sincerely pleased by it. For some time, I have perceived with great regret that you do not look on us with the same eye of friendship, and though all of us - and I in particular - desire to do whatever is required of us to please you, I am afraid to see that we will not succeed.
Please, Sir, if there is something that is upsetting you, explain it to me freely and in a friendly way, be sure that my heart is sincerely attached to you, and that I will do everything that is in my power to meet with your approval.
As it is not impossible that your [father] will have some conversation with us during his stay in Geneva, I would like nothing to interfere with the manner in which I will speak to him of my friendship for you, and of the desire to continue it.
Please deal openly with me about it. You will certainly not be dissatisfied with my feelings, and at all times I will try to prove to you how truly I am, sir,
Your very humble and very obedient servant,
JA Chais
Geneva Sunday [evening]
L’estime sincère que j’ai connu pour vous dès que j’ai eu le bonheur de vous connoitre ma attaché a vous par les liens de la plus sincere amitie. Les premiers mois que nous avons passé ensemble m’avoient fait esperer que j’avois trouvé pour toute ma vie un vrai Pilade, et je m’en felicitais bien sincerement. Depuis quelque tems j’ai apercu avec un grand regret que vous ne nous regardez pas avec le meme oeuil d’amitié, et quoique nous tous et moi en particulier desirions de faire tout ce qui depend de nous pour vous faire plaisir, je crains de m’apercevoir que nous ne reussissions pas.
Veuillez, Monsieur, s’il y a quelque chose qui vous fait de la peine vous expliquer librement et amicalement avec moi, soyez sur que mon coeur vous est sincerement attache, et que je ferai tout ce qui dependra de moi pour vous agreer. 
Comme il n’est pas impossible que Monsieur votre [page break, missing word - probably père] aye quelque conversation avec nous pendant son Sejour à Geneve je desirerois que rien ne put gener la maniere dont je lui parlerai de mon amitie pour vous, et du desir de la continuer.
Veuillez en agir ouvertement avec moi. Vous ne serez certainement pas mecontent de mes sentimens, et en tout tems je tacherai de vous de vous prouver combien je suis veritablement
Votre très humble et très obedient serviteur
JA Chais
Geneve dimanche [soir?]
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ghostbur-archive · 10 months
Artists (by URL) last updated 7/?/23
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# 0xeyedaisy 1echann 99percentjae
A a-matty (deactivated) a-witty-pea alexmey-does-an-arts ambsacen andhyssops aresonist art--harridan artsyrobinn aubeezz aylim23
B b1ttersweet-dreams b6d11f blancauthor blanq birdiebrunch boygirlctommy bursonas
C caffeine-r0ses cainternn cata-strophes celestial-orchids charminggina chekhxvsgun chjroptera chunkysoup22 churomo cladelle cloudylem0nade cottaboo ctntduoism
D daily-tntduo decideroffacts detour-sign (previously waddei) dirt-and-scrivles dsmpdaily dumpster-fish
E echophene egretful emett-sidecast eonslice eto-kesha
F foxes-in-taigas fraseris
G galaxy-lilies ghostbur-daily ghostly-tart gim-mecontent (deactivated) ginger-rat grazzblock
H hispherenothing
I iancito0x idalus
ideligo itzzfujji (deactivated)
J jazetallo-art jellilyy
K karamii00 kiilttis-art killin-kel kkoct-ik klownxd kyerrio
L laggieo limboinfantum linktoo-doodles lucylee185 lulbyy luvgalaxu
M maelicgrn makiriin martenbur meowjoy milfbosspsmp minecraftsz mintbees missingmelody moldyhay mondaylore mooninked morningsaidthemoon morrowart mothsaauce mothssoup muckyz mymp3 myriadblue
N n0phis navy-leader novahug novesaur nyctophilia-darknessmyoldfriend
O ocublur olwolo opaquerum
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Q quackurucho
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S satchelshot scavenger-sketches scivious shanblackwood silvercdeer skelebells skimmeh skretri smallestbrown snarkmine (deactivated) sokodraws space-robin sparkyllama speakingviscera sternenwaisin strawbearbean sunlime (deactivated)
T taojave taytei tby-w31rd technoburin the--firevenus the-home-of-innovation tinydsmpdoodles
U ups1gbt3f7op3dr
V vesperotv
W wanless whalesharkstho winter-mornings wiiwarechronicles (previously fundbomb) woompfy
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propulsei · 2 years
Top 3 de coisas a serem feitas antes de morrer
1. Parar de
2. Apenas
3. Sobreviver
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poecitas · 3 years
Eu aprendi a ser sozinho dentro da minha própria imensidão.
// Ryan Lucas
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amores-reciprocos · 3 years
Pessoas felizes colocam sua vida nas mãos de pessoa de merda, e essas pessoas destroem sua felicidade em questão de minutos, não deixa ninguém controla isso em você, você é sua felicidade.
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enfer-mo · 3 years
Me joguei
Literalmente de todos os sentindos
No chão, nos carros, na cama, nos braços, na sua vida
Na rua, pra lua, pra você e por você
De emoção, tristeza e de alegria
Eu te dei tudo, eu me dei toda
Eu fui na sua, fui sua, so sua.
Me cortei pra poder se retalhar contigo,
me queimei no teu frio me enrolei de calor e fui coberto enquanto chovia dancei nossa música na ponte sozinha toda fora de ritimo de olhos fechados imaginando um cenário pra fugir da realidade temível na ponta dos pés quase caía, o vento gelido soprava minha nuca e eu sentia quase como um aviso de que
"carícias para existirem precisam serem sentidas"
mas eu sempre insistia apertei bem os olhos e dançando fora de ritimo, na chuva, descalça, com frio, cantarolando mentiras, de olhos fechados imaginando o teu abraço apertado me joguei na direção do mar, me aprofundei na imensidão, sentindo o gosto salgado me arder a garganta enquanto eu sorria uma última vez acreditei de novo no que não existia.
- enfermo
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A minha Flor é Astromélia qual é a sua flor ???? #anacavalheiro #cerimonialistaanacavalheiro #flor #flores #floresdocampo #mixdeflores #meconte #dígaloaquí #diga #fale #faleaqui #signos #signo #teste #conteparamim #libra #significado #oquesignifica #brasil #sãopaulo #oestepaulista #brincadeira #brincar #falarsobrevocê #mulherada #mulheres #empoderadas #personalizado #sobrevocê #sejoga (em Presidente Prudente, São Paulo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zdgikDfaJ/?igshid=45tfurpb4tgc
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amagsecours · 4 years
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me-conte · 3 months
Todos os relacionamentos saudáveis parecerão entediantes e chatos para você, afinal você se acostumou a sentir ansiedade, medo e ciúmes em excesso. Então quando chega alguém saudável, você nem acredita que se trata de amor.
// Ryan Lucas
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dona-pier · 5 years
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Titre: Knight named Dough Medium: Ink pen micron Temps: moins de 1 hr Format: 12cm X 12cm Tags: #Ink #Knight #Art #Drawing #Dessin #Small #Mecontent #chevalier #flashtatoo #cornes #Armure #armor https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pBChvhxGi/?igshid=2ig35im1lk3f
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feanorianweek · 2 years
Dont you worry with mecontent or disapointed people.
Your concept is amazing , thank you !
Hope you have a good day !
I do though, and I feel awful. In all honesty a lot happended and this is really the only time I've been able to log on, and it was a lot I didn't anticipate and I'm sincerely sorry for all those hurt.
Everyone knows my love and appreciation for content creators has never waned, and up until recently I've been heavily involved. It's easy to sit across a screen and judge people, but it's not acceptable.
In all honesty this will most likely be the last year in active in Feanorianweek, unless something changes. I'll go ahead and pin a post explaining everything as well as having certain dates and times planned for all future events.
I really encourage others boost everyone else's work too. I'm one person but you can all support each other by sharing everyone's work too.
Thank you for the message
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desonestos · 2 years
De 2022 eu só espero a calmaria de estar bem comigo mesmo, e só isso. #meconte
Você vai ter o que deseja!
Último reblog do Ano ❤️ Vem participar!
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retificarei · 3 years
"Que você se ame o suficiente a ponto de entender que, se rouba tua paz, é caro demais". #meconte ❤
e como é..
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