In cautarea dragonului de apa
O NOAPTE DE GROAZA    Îmi amintesc și acum noaptea aceea ciudata. Pe atunci, sufeream cumplit de insomnii . In noptile in care nu puteam dormi ma asezam in fata calculatorului si incepeam sa explorez aiurea, in vortexul uman si cosmic. De cele mai multe ori in cercetarile mele eram confuz si nu stiam prea bine ce caut. De fapt, la vremea aceea, imi treceau fel de fel de idei trasnite prin minte…
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gospocki · 1 year
treba ti neko
da te nasmijava
ljubi ruku povremeno
pomalo (slatko) gnjavi
gleda u oči dok ozbiljno zauzeto priča
da planira (sve) sa tobom
da posvjećuje knjige sa posvetama
da prati tvoje frustracije
da te umiri u trenu
stasom i pogledom
i onom tišinom i pauzama između vaših očiju
da te natjera da ga želiš samo osmjehom
da ti piše stihove romanse po koži, blagim dodirima uz kratka odmicanja
da staloženo podnosi tvoje atake i smiruje te svojom bojom glasa
koristeći samo razum
kao štit protiv tebe
da bude tvoja tvrđava od drugih
da bude dvorac prostrani gđici
da bude glas tišine duši
zelenilo prirode očima
bistra rijeka tvom licu
klima Mediterana tvom raspoloženju
slavuj ušima tvojim
krv srcu tvom
filozof dosadnim minutima tvojim
inženjer za krhke segmente tvoje
slova i suze u dnevniku tvom
mjesečeva svjetlost u tmini gustoj
da ti bude ambis sreće
da ti bude kao odmor radniku
i da postoji (uopšte)
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gtaradi · 7 days
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twistednuns · 8 days
August 2024
Munich Micro Burn. First and foremost, learning my lesson: EMBRACE THE CHAOS. After all the planning and hustling and stressful weeks, nothing really worked out. First I was pissed, then I cried myself into a tiny nervous breakdown and eventually I just accepted it and went with the flow, enjoying myself. I didn't even do any workshops myself and completely gave up control. Acid Friday was magical on the dancefloor with my kaleidoscope and prism glasses. I went on a little trip through the universe and ended up in a cuddle puddle with Luna, Patri and David. Rainmaker massaged me. I was so happy to be reunited with Luki and loved hanging out with him in the pool or cuddle space. He shared a baritone sax fantasy with me. I also connected with Makelove (playing bingo) and Marjolien (following a black cat together, then I drew one of her heart notes - "there is no right or wrong"). I got buffed. And drank a lot of cherry slushie. Played with the ball pool equipment in the pool. And started a mud wrestling event. I reunited with Frank after months of hardly any contact. I made a delicious batch of creamy coconut porridge. I performed in the Consent Cabaret and initiated the Sonic Sound Experiment with C. (humming and tuning in together with an electric toothbrush). I happily ate Pombären in my tent and wrote down everything I wanted to get rid of into the old book we'd burn in Katharina's and Alex's temple on Saturday. I played on the swing and enjoyed watching my boyfriend's DJ sets. The opening ceremony was cute this year, too. We all got little keys and symbols for our archetypes.
A personal little decompression with C. I don't even know what we did all those days. All I know is that we started watching Twin Peaks.
Holding Charlie in baby pose. He even snuggled up to my chest.
Homemade pizza.
Getting a cheep red dress that is so comfy I wanna live in it for the whole summer.
Devouring a whole, moist mozzarella ball. Alone time. Dopamine mode with strange food, gaming, even smoking a few cigarettes. I don't really like myself when I'm like that though. I appreciate a pinch of control in my life.
Board game night with Margit and Ansgar. Having three kids around was a little too much though. Spiel des Wissens nostalgia.
Swimming in Klostersee during Golden Hour after L.'s sport event. Going to the other side of the lake. Watching the dragonflies (thinking of my mum whenever I see one after Ash's comment) and water lilies.
Test-driving e-bikes.
Cuddling with L. and C. on the sofa. With lots of blankets and pillows.
Having Kanako, Uli, Gyan and Jana over for a campfire BBQ and stargazing. Kanako shared a lot of stories and the next day we sat around in the kiddie pool together.
Riding the rollercoasters, water slide and boat swing with C. and L. at the amusement park. More cherry slushie. Discovering the Nordic theme world with obvious Midsommar vibes. There was a triangular church and eerie music playing. Inside the church you could ride around a tree in walnut halves and shoot at creepy little animals. Lian was super scared of the buffalos with the giant horns. In the evening, we drive through a medieval village and had delicious pizza and ice-cream. C. researched its history and came up with stories about witch trials.
Flutschfinger popsicles. So fruity.
Getting to know Christian's parents. They're pretty much exactly as he described them. It's creepy to see how he changes his personality completely when he's around them.
Getting to know Maike and Simon. Such wonderfully open, engaged, intelligent, easy-going people. She used to be a feminist porn director and now works as an art teacher. He used to be a climate activist and cuts movies. I loved their home (the green bathroom with yellow and pastel pink accents looked delicious), the conversations, dinners with their friends and daughters. We stayed in Ala's room. Of course I connected with her. Little girls always find me.
Mediterana Therme in Bergisch Gladbach. I've never visited a more beautiful spa. I especially enjoyed the Indian and Persian saunas, pools and courtyards. There were events every 30 minutes and there was so much art around. No kids allowed either. What a fantastic experience.
Richard Seewald's Surrealist painting Katze mit Salamander (I didn't even find the original - I bought the postcard in the gift shop before I even bought an entrance ticket). Walking through Museum Ludwig with Christian, calming down after a sensitive mood with tears and overwhelm in the morning. Taking photos in a far-off corner of the photography exhibition. Being inspired by the Surrealist paintings. I probably liked Ursula's Dunkle Messe best.
Only touching, no talking during the train ride. Earplugs. C. already knows when I need them and offers them to me.
A tiny corner of Cologne (my first time there): lighting a candle in the cathedral. Gift shopping on our way to Brüsseler Platz (I bought a glass straw, a Hamsa bookmark made from brass and a postcard as a thank you note for Maike and Simon). Balinese food. Chocolate coconut popcorn. Going home early, enjoying the night outside on the terrace after everybody had already gone to bed.
Cute children's books in Ava's room (one about a little girl going on a nightly stroll through the city with her dad because she's afraid of the dark) and in the museum shop.
Staying with Ludo in Eibelstadt. He let us stay there the first night even though he wasn't there. On our way back to Munich we stopped by again and went to his cabin in the hills behind the river with him, his partner Sophia and his son. He built everything himself! Such a cozy and cool place. We had a decadent barbecue and hopped into the warm jacuzzi after the boys had gone to bed. I performed a witchy little ritual on C. in the morning. Then we went to Ludo's other property to visit the old building there. Lost places.
Bubblegum pink nails.
C. sending kiss emojis and 111(1) reminders.
Guessing correctly which year a movie came out.
Late summer/early fall vibes. I can already feel a slight urge to bake zucchini cake and pumpkin quiche, watch whimsical autumn movies, read gothic novels. I started reading the first Practical Magic book and even found a copy of the Book of Shadows on the street in Leipzig. And when I bought a drink at Marie's Hoffest, the bartender girl tattooed a little magic wand on my wrist! It's the season of the witch!
Going to Leipzig for my Gestalt therapy training. Meeting my group. Observing my process. I'm very happy with my decision to ditch my yoga module and do this instead. I got the feeling that my empathy and intuition is very well-suited for the position of a therapist. I even managed to make someone cry because I helped him realize an important need in one of my first training sessions.
Learning about my role as a leader / how I want to be lead in an exercise with Tillmann.
Going into plough pose to help my back pain. Deep stretches. Recovery measures after hours on those tiny meditation pillows.
All the mirroring and the little insights it produces: that I'm hardly able to sit with a feeling. I always want to move on, find solutions, go deeper. Movement comes easy, stillness is hard. Which is quite fitting to someone's recent observation about me: I tend to avoid stillness and rest. / I can't feel myself very well. Which is why I push my boundaries. I don't even notice them until it's too late and at that point I draw a very strict line and establish tight boundaries. Too tight, of course. But I need to protect myself because I haven't taken good care of my needs before. / I can't tolerate weakness very well. Not in me, not in others. I want to learn how to lean into my own fragility more and allow it to come to the surface from time to time.
Listening to NOUK and Anna's beautiful voice. I adored her edgy haircut and the long white dress she was wearing.
Sitting outside on the balcony with Franzi and Marie, talking in the dark. / Drinking beer outside Marcus's camper van after class on Saturday.
(Vintage) shopping. I got a cheap yellow plastic ring, a wooden ring holder, a hair clip, and a funny postcard for C.
I got a copy of Psychologie Heute for the train and was surprised to find articles about the topics most relevant to me now: Gestalt Therapy, eating disorders, and especially boundaries.
C. picked me up from the train in Munich. It was lovely to see him but felt a little unfamiliar at first. On the way home he filled me in on his exciting weekend. We had a chat with his neighbors who gave us fresh produce from the garden and plum cake - which was fantastic because the fridge was empty so now we were able to make a big pot of creamy lemon-zucchini pasta. I loved touching each other's warm, naked skin. Reconnecting, tuning in. Going through an elaborate pop-up book together.
Hearing about C.'s very cinematic dream in the morning. Toasted bread with butter and honey for breakfast. Encouragement to become some sort of touch therapist. Apparently I've got magic hands.
Learning about Ursula Schultze-Blum and her fascinating Surrealist art.
Two harmonious, beautiful days at C.'s place. Journalling, drawing, making a shadow frame for the Hilma Af Klint altar piece. Visiting Tobi one evening, creating visions for the cabin and the forest lot. Pizza and a long evening walk with Marcus. Caring for the scared little red cat they caught to bring him to the vet. Watching a spider catch a fly, devouring it violently. Embracing my crazy urges. Eating scrambled eggs on cheese toast. Watching The Broken Circle Breakdown together, researching Bluegrass bands in Munich. Singing together. C. said I should find a Bluegrass band and sing with them instead of my gospel choir.
A summer afternoon outside. Ripping out vines, picking blackberries behind the vegetable garden. Memories of the brambles we had behind our house when I was young. Huge tomatoes, an abundance of beautiful butterflies everywhere. Biting into a ripe plum; vowing to make zucchini cake and plum dumplings when we get back from France.
C. carrying my backpack for me, entertaining me during the wait at the train station. Waving cheerfully after the train doors had closed and I was about to leave.
Drawing the Page of Fire, Playfulness - along with Adventure (Page of Rainbows). Writing about it. And the dream I had about feeling unwanted and criticized at home, trying to leave in overwhelm and chaos. And then there was C., smiling at me, embracing me, not even aware of the perceived hostility.
Emotional release on a physical level. This is new for me. I felt so nervous, was hardly able to hold the feeling in my body. It was unbearable. I ate some granola with almond milk and an apple. Lay down. And then my jaw started shaking uncontrollably. I was crying, grasping for air. I already felt better afterwards.
A hard massage from Pani. Coming back into my body.
Starting our roadtrip with a deep talk about having children. Visiting Kerem (I loved learning about his travels and diving, playing and drawing with his daughter, confusing the cat, looking at his design furniture), Makelove (our afternoon by the river was gorgeous; eggs and mayonnaise, land art, insightful conversations, learning something new about him), and Marjolien (eating salad on her balcony, learning about her passion for constellation work, her love for Tobi). Then we drove all the way over the San Bernardino pass. Enjoyed the view of the austere landscape and even saw a true cowboy up there. Dinner in Torino. Well-deserved sleep.
Making an excellent 90s Ethno-pop playlist on our way over the mountains between Italy and France. And the view from the top! What a lovely road we took.
Try not / to expect / anything - in this way / everything / will open up / to you (Buddhist teaching)
Arriving at Villa Josalie. Buying the most delicious snacks at the French supermarket. The friends dropping in one by one. Drinking wine and eating cheese outside, watching fireworks together.
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leontiucmarius · 28 days
Turiștii, îndemnați să vină la muzeu fără haine. Unde se întâmplă?
Muzeul de Civilizații din Europa și Mediterana din Marseille găzduiește o expoziție inedită în care se recomandă vizitarea operelor de artă fără haine. Singurul obiect vestimentar acceptat este reprezentat de pantofi. Muzeul de Civilizații din […] Articolul Turiștii, îndemnați să vină la muzeu fără haine. Unde se întâmplă? apare prima dată în Descopera. Această știre a fost preluată de pe…
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opgpereglin-blog · 3 months
Engleska lavanda: njega Lavande Angustifolie Lavanda je prekrasna cvjetnica poznata po svom slatkom cvjetnom mirisu. Iako postoji mnogo različitih vrsta lavande, engleska lavanda je najmirisnija od svih. Engleska lavanda ( Lavandula angustifolia ) je kratak grm s klasovima ljubičas... #Uzgojcvijeća #Zaštitabiljaka
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apostolu · 4 months
Cu lotca ... pe lac.
Sa nu scap din mână cârma,Nici lopețile să-mi scape….Cand te lasi, usor, pe spate.Marea Neagra este un lac sarat, comparativ cu marile si oceanele lumii.In plus, marea mai este si inchisa la trecerea catre Mediterana, de turci.In caz de conflict, stramtoarea Bosfor-Dardanele nu poate fi fortata din nici o directie. O singura nava, mai mare, scufundata unde trebuie si treci stramtoarea doar in…
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radiogornjigrad · 6 months
Žarko Paić: Uloga balkona u duhovnoj povijesti spasa
Venecija Nemjerljivo nesvodiva je uloga balkona u duhovnoj povijesti spasa, svjetskoj povijesti, povijesti psiho-seksualnosti i povijesti ljudske komunikacije. Mirisi, aura i ljepota Mediterana ne idu bez mistike balkona. Sjeverni predjeli zemlje ionako su zatvoreni u svoje šubare i bunkere, pa im ni zaleđeni balkoni ne znače ništa osim pouzdanog skladišta za krumpire, vodku i medvjeđu marihuanu…
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pismamargareti · 8 months
Realno, teško mi pada što ne znam kako si. Nemam načina to videti. Da te zovem ili pošaljem poruku nema smisla, javiti se nećeš. Na Ig si me davno blokirala. Na Fb sam nas blokirao ja jer ni tamo nisi odgovarala. Najlakše bi mi bilo kada bih pouzdano znao da si sretna. Plus da si s nekim baš sretna. Idem po neki luxury katamaran na Maldive, trebam ga prevesti pored Somalije do Đibutija, pa ako se malo smire strasti sa Hutima kroz Crveno more i Sueski kanal do Mediterana. Pošto od Maldiva do Arapskog poluotoka nema ništa na 1200 nautičkih milja poći ću bez cigareta. Ne bih uzimao tu misiju da nismo ovoliko odvojeni. Ovako, nemam zbog čega nešto posebno čuvati glavu. Nemam više Žarka, nadanje da ćemo se više ikad makar čuti me napistilo. Ne znam što mi je srce i tijelo toliko zapelo za tebe? Drži j ne pušta. A bez ikakvog očekuvanja da ću te čuti, vidjeti, čitati ili bilo kako drugačije dodirnuti svako novo veče nema nikakav smisao jer nemam nekog razloga se nešto posebno radovati novome danu.
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uniquecloudmilkshake · 10 months
Raketa și Pobeda
Am reușit aproape o rimă în insensibilitatea mea, strâmbă – eta-eda, că Tot românu’ se naște poet, D-apăi eu barosul meu. Bulibașa al treilea, salvatorul națiunii. După atâția ani, trebe și un președinte de stânga. Ca și cum, ăla care a stat trei mandate n-a făcut destul rău României. Așadar, nimic nu-i poate scăpa – Israel, Egipt, Spania, prânz la Mediterana, piețe, tarabe, marketuri, rakete,…
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inprimalinie · 11 months
Preasfințitul Patriarh Kirill și-a exprimat sprijinul pentru Patriarhia Ierusalimului în situația de confruntare armată din Țara Sfântă
Conflictul care a izbucnit cu o vigoare reînnoită în Mediterana de Est este o preocupare specială pentru mulți astăzi, a remarcat Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Moscovei și al Întregii Rusii Kirill, vorbind pe 25 octombrie 2023 în Sala Catherine a Kremlinului, la întâlnirea Președintelui Federației Ruse Vladimir Putin cu reprezentanți ai asociațiilor religioase din Rusia. Întâistătătorul Bisericii…
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calatoreste · 1 year
Descoperind Marsilia: Un City Break In Capitala Culturala a Frantei
Marsilia, situata pe coasta de sud a Frantei, este cel mai mare oras din regiunea Proventa-Alpi-Coasta de Azur si este cunoscuta drept "Poarta de Sud a Frantei". Acest oras vibrant si diversificat ofera o experienta captivanta pentru calatorii, imbinand o istorie bogata, o cultura efervescenta si un peisaj natural spectaculos. In acest articol, va vom prezenta ce puteti vizita in timpul unui city break in Marsilia, pentru a va bucura la maximum de aceasta destinatie incantatoare.
1. Vieux-Port (Portul Vechi)
Vieux-Port este inima istorica a Marsiliei si un loc perfect pentru a incepe explorarea orasului. Aici veti gasi numeroase restaurante, cafenele si taverne, unde puteti savura specialitati locale, precum bouillabaisse (un fel de mancare traditionala pe baza de peste) sau socca (o clatita de naut). Puteti admira si barcile de pescuit care aduc la mal zilnic captura proaspata.
2. Basilica Notre-Dame de la Garde
Aceasta basilica impunatoare este situata pe o colina cu vedere la oras si ofera cea mai buna panorama asupra Marsiliei. Aici puteti admira arhitectura neo-bizantina a bisericii si puteti urca pe terasa de observatie pentru a va bucura de privelistea spectaculoasa a orasului si a marii.
3. Muzeul Marii (MuCEM)
Muzeul Marii este un loc fascinant pentru a intelege relatia dintre Marsilia si Marea Mediterana. Acest muzeu modern gazduieste expozitii interactive care exploreaza istoria marina, comertul, culturile mediteraneene si impactul global al Marii Mediterane. Exteriorul sau este, de asemenea, impresionant, cu o structura arhitecturala unica.
4. Cartierul Le Panier
Le Panier este un cartier istoric pitoresc din Marsilia, cunoscut pentru strazile sale inguste, cladirile vechi si arta stradala. Aici puteti descoperi ateliere de artisti, magazine locale si cafenele cochete. De asemenea, puteti vizita Muzeul Muzeon, care gazduieste expozitii legate de istoria cartierului.
5. Fort Saint-Jean si Fort Saint-Nicolas
Aceste doua forturi medievale sunt situate la intrarea in Vieux-Port si au o istorie fascinanta. Puteti face o plimbare in jurul lor pentru a admira arhitectura defensiva si pentru a afla mai multe despre rolul lor in istoria orasului.
6. Plaja Catalans
Marsilia are si plaje frumoase pentru cei care doresc sa se relaxeze la soare si sa se racoreasca in apa marii. Plaja Catalans este una dintre cele mai populare si se afla la doar o scurta plimbare de Vieux-Port. Aici puteti inchiria sezlonguri si umbrele sau puteti practica sporturi nautice, cum ar fi windsurfing-ul.
7. Catedrala La Major
Catedrala Sainte-Marie-Majeure, cunoscuta si sub numele de La Major, este o catedrala impresionanta construita in stil romanic-bizantin. Interiorul sau impresionant si designul arhitectural fac din aceasta catedrala un loc de vizitat in Marsilia.
8. Muzeul de Istorie din Marsilia
Acest muzeu ofera o privire cuprinzatoare asupra istoriei orasului, incepand cu perioada antica si continuand pana in prezent. Cu exponate care includ artefacte, picturi si documente istorice, muzeul va va ajuta sa intelegeti evolutia Marsiliei de-a lungul timpului.
9. Insula If
Insula If este situata in largul coastei Marsiliei si este cunoscuta pentru fortul sau, Chateau d'If, care a fost redat faimos de romanul lui Alexandre Dumas, "Contele de Monte-Cristo". Puteti lua o scurta croaziera pana la insula si puteti explora fortul si peisajele spectaculoase de pe insula.
10. Parcul National Calanques
La doar o scurta plimbare cu masina sau cu transportul in comun de la centrul orasului, Parcul National Calanques ofera o oportunitate de a experimenta frumusetea naturala a regiunii. Aici puteti face drumetii, puteti admira peisajele stancoase si puteti face scufundari in apele cristaline ale Calanques.
Marsilia este o destinatie de city break captivanta, oferind o combinatie perfecta intre istorie, cultura, arta si natura. Cu atat de multe locuri de vizitat si activitati de facut, veti avea cu siguranta o experienta memorabila in acest oras efervescent din sudul Frantei.
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lookerweekly · 1 year
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Od danas u prodaji karte za najnoviji nastavak filmske priče o najomiljenijoj i najvrcavijoj grčkoj porodici „Moja velika mrsna pravoslavna svadba 3, dok će u sredu, 6. septembra u bioskopu Cineplexx Ušće Shopping Center, a u saradnji sa Ambasadom Republike Grčkei Ušće Shopping Centrom, biti održana svečana premijera, gde ćemo poslednjim danima leta udahnuti lepotu i duh Mediterana i publici omogućiti nezaboravan bioskopski doživljaj!
| LookerWeekly
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portaltvpljevlja · 1 year
Sevdah i zvuci Mediterana među zidinama Starog grada – veče za pamćenje - https://tvpljevlja.me/?p=114178&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr...
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MSC Seaview | Plutind pe Mediterana
Mediterana este intotdeauna o optiune buna pentru o croaziera datorita porturilor numeroase si a atractiilor pentru toate gusturile si varstele. Si chiar daca acest traseu a fost acelasi cu prima noastra croaziera, am regasit dupa 7 ani niste locuri incantatoare. Continue reading Untitled
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paginadepsihologie · 1 year
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Andreea Esca și Dana Păun prin 'AList Magazine organizează o croazieră de vis, o experiență unică pe care doresc să o împărtășească cu participanții. Această croazieră este perfectă pentru cei care doresc să exploreze și să se descopere, oferind călătorii în orașe din Mediterana, sesiuni cu terapeuți și traineri, precum și momente de distracție și relaxare.
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