faofinn · 1 year
Day 20 - Breakdown
Part 1 | Part 2
Steve finally appeared in the basement, frowning at the sight. “Finn? What’s going on?”
The drugs had given Fao a split second of relief before the pounding of his heart was back. He whimpered, feeling again on the verge passing out, darkness tinging his vision. 
"I can't do this. He needs cardioverting. You're gonna have to do it."
“Hang on, slow down. Talk me through what’s going on.” He said, moving to check the monitoring. 
"Just look at it." Finn grumbled. "I've sedated a bit, given some pain relief, but you need to do it."
“Have you given adenosine?” Steve asked, keen to coach Finn through it rather than just completely take over.
"I've only done dc cardioversion before. There's so many risks with adenosine…" He looked to Steve, so overwhelmed.
“Okay, but it’s risk management, yeah?”
"It's Fao, Steve. I can't do this."
“Of course you can.” Steve told him. 
"Steve, I can't."
“Yes you can. Come on, we’ll do it together.”
“Take a moment, go and sort the drugs out.”
He gave a heavy breath. "Okay. Are…are we doing adenosine?"
“Yeah, we’re going to need to.”
"I can sort it."
“Thank you, Finn.”
"Is he gonna be okay?"
“Of course he is.” Steve busied himself doing his own checks whilst Finn sorted the meds. Fao was still struggling, in and out a little not just because of the sedation. It was hard to concentrate on anything, as much as he tried to listen to what they were saying. He couldn’t remember Steve arriving. Had he been there the whole time?
"I've got the adenosine."
“Perfect. Do you know what you’re doing with it?”
"Giving it to you." He tried.
“Or you could just give it.” 
“Come on, give it. You know what you’re doing, we don’t have time to waste.”
He did as he was told, his hands shaking and his own chest tight. Resentment only grew as Steve continued to push him, unable to separate work from family. 
“Good. Now we just have to watch and wait, keep an eye on that monitoring.” 
The sedation Finn gave had been enough to keep Fao hazy, but not completely out of it. As the drugs went in he whined, feeling the effect of it. It was awful, the overwhelming sense that he was going to die. It felt like he was dying too, as it suddenly became more difficult to breathe. 
"You're okay, you're okay." Finn moved to hold Fao's hand, stroking through his hair. "It won't take long."
He gripped Finn’s hand, panic in his eyes. It felt wrong.
"It's gonna make you feel shit for a bit. You're okay."
He wasn’t okay, he was the opposite of okay, and nobody was helping. He struggled against the blackness at the edge of his vision, terrified if he gave into it he wasn’t going to wake up again. 
Finn’s eyes didn't move from the monitors, watching the rhythms carefully. There was a pause, snd Finn’s own heart almost stopped. Sure enough though, it kicked back in, and straight back into the tachycardia.
Steve swore from the end of the bed. "Finn, we need another dose."
Once the feeling like he was going to die had passed, there was a moment where things eased for Fao and he felt like he could breathe. But nearly as soon as it had happened, it was gone, and he groaned, gripping Finn’s hand desperately. 
"We need to go elsewhere." Finn's voice wavered. "They can do more."
Steve shook his head. “We don’t have time, Finn, and we’ve done too much already.”
"Then you do something! It's not working!"
“Finn, breathe.”
"I'm trying but nothing is working and you're not helping!"
“We just have to follow the protocol, another dose and see how that goes.” Steve told him gently. “This is all they’d do in ED.”
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autobot2001 · 1 year
@mediwhumpmay: breakdown @themerrywhumpofmay: office (Snippet from Hidden Killer)  
No one knows that for the past week, Prowl would sleep four hours before being wide awake. Even though it's two in the morning, he doesn't dare go to his office. In case s guard catches him and reports him to Optimus. What's different this time is Prowl fell asleep. He couldn't believe he had slept until ten. To him, this means no time to eat as he has lots to do. I have to remember Energon in four days. He reminds himself.
This is routine until after the day he has to consume Energon, and Prowl decides to stop eating food altogether. Unaware, his superior and the chief medic notice his strange behavior within days.
Prowl sits at his desk, staring at the papers on the Holiday Killer case. The same papers he's been reviewing for weeks as if he knows he missed something. Even though the police gave him copies of the files, they have yet to say they've found new evidence.
Optimus tries to get Prowl to take a break. Unprepared for the response from Prowl. This is not like him. Optimus worries. He'd get angry at bots not following rules but not lash out at me. Optimus talks to Ratchet and Rung.
"I'm fine!" Prowl argues as Optimus and Ratchet try to talk to him. "I do have the power to suspend you from helping the police," Optimus threatens. "Actually, that's a good idea," Ratchet adds, "you're not contributing anything extra to the case to help the police. If you were, we could have Mirage help them. This would be wise for your health, and you forget we must eat like humans to keep using our holoforms for long periods. Also, forced time off would give you more time to deal with your other task." "Don't call it a task!" Prowl snaps, "that's fragged up." "It's more like a challenge," Drift jumps in, "Jamie is complicated, and even though she knows you, this will be hard for her." "You won't be stepping down from the case, but you need a break," Optimus adds. Prowl sighs, frustrated, "fine." The four mechs aren't liking the lack of clues to arrest the killer. Worried about how many more humans will suffer before he's dealt with.
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