serickswrites · 4 months
Don't Tell Me
Warnings: presumed dead, kidnapping, restraints, torture, unconsciousness
Whumpee crawled their way back to consciousness. They had been walking along and their world suddenly tilted sideways and everything went dark. What happened to me? Where the fuck am I?
Whumpee could hear someone moving around in the room with them. They were on their back on something cold and metallic. What the fuck is going on?
The person hummed as Whumpee began to come to more. They could feel rough, coarse rope around their wrists and ankles. "Who....?" Was all Whumpee managed to say.
"Oh good, you're awake." The person leaned over Whumpee.
Not possible. That's not possible. They're dead. "Noooooo," Whumpee mumbled around the thick cotton feeling of their mouth.
The person smiled, their face pulling into something grotesque. "Don't tell me you forgot about me, Whumpee!"
You're dead. This is a dream. I'm dreaming.
"I'm very much not dead, Whumpee. And you are very much awake." They waved their fingers, brass knuckles glittering on their hands. "And I'm going to finish what I started all those years ago, Whumpee."
"Wh-Wh-Whumppppperrrrr, n-n-n-oooo."
Whumper smiled as they raised their fist. "Oh good, you did remember." And they brought their fist down on Whumpee's stomach.
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shes-some-other-where · 4 months
“Don’t tell me you forgot about me.”
Contains: villainous taunting, restraints, chains, gag, hair grab, choking
The chief overseer gloated, eyes gleaming maniacally as he beheld his recaptured quarry.
At the sight of that familiar sheen, the prisoner shrank away.
Not that he could flee: chains bound his wrists and ankles, fastened securely to a ring bolted to the floor.
“What’s the matter?” The overseer grabbed his hair, grown just long enough now that he could tangle his fingers into it and yank. “Don’t tell me you forgot about me.”
The prisoner grunted into the gag they’d shoved in his mouth, choking on the saliva pooling in his throat.
“Rest assured. I didn’t forget about you.”
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Merry Whump of May
May 20th- “A taste of your own medicine.”
[Zip ties | bleeding out | Office]
(tw: interrogation, stabbing, bleeding out, death mention)
“How would you like a taste of your own medicine, hm?”
Flashlight in their face. Not very nice. The voice in their head, breath hot against their face is even less pleasant.
They squirm, testing the zip ties around their wrists. They don't give. Of course not. Squirming doesn’t help. If anything it makes things worse.
No, no, no, can’t deal with worse. Need to make things better.
Humming-a goodbye-as-the-weight-of-a-corpse-collapses-against-the-blade-better.
Their mouth is dry and scratchy. Wonderful. It hurts to talk. “Do you have any painkillers?”
They’re slapped. Sharply.
“Is that a no, then? How was I supposed to know what kind of medicine you were offering?”
The only response is a growl. At least they aren’t the only ones pissed off.
“Ah, good, can I go now–” They stop as they catch a glint of steel. Metal. Sharp. Painful. Oh, no no no no please don’t–
Fabric rips.
Skin rips with it. Probably a couple organs too.
Blood. A lot of it.
“This was a brand new suit.” They really have the worst luck.
Their captor doesn’t seem to find this funny because she stabs them again.
An explosion of blood.
They double over, coughing. They don’t like this medicine very much.
What am I? Your personal fucking pinata?
There’s a mechanical whirring from somewhere behind them. They don’t want to know what she has planned next.
They attempt to use their charm and people skills to get out of this mess.
“So, do we know each other?”
Their captor holds up a newly sharpened pencil. People skills did not work.
“You wouldn’t remember. But I’ll help—” she spins the pencil, almost gleeful with her new found weapon, “—refresh your memory.”
Oh, come on, someone watched way too many action movies as a kid.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
@mediwhumpmay: breakdown @themerrywhumpofmay: office (Snippet from Hidden Killer)  
No one knows that for the past week, Prowl would sleep four hours before being wide awake. Even though it's two in the morning, he doesn't dare go to his office. In case s guard catches him and reports him to Optimus. What's different this time is Prowl fell asleep. He couldn't believe he had slept until ten. To him, this means no time to eat as he has lots to do. I have to remember Energon in four days. He reminds himself.
This is routine until after the day he has to consume Energon, and Prowl decides to stop eating food altogether. Unaware, his superior and the chief medic notice his strange behavior within days.
Prowl sits at his desk, staring at the papers on the Holiday Killer case. The same papers he's been reviewing for weeks as if he knows he missed something. Even though the police gave him copies of the files, they have yet to say they've found new evidence.
Optimus tries to get Prowl to take a break. Unprepared for the response from Prowl. This is not like him. Optimus worries. He'd get angry at bots not following rules but not lash out at me. Optimus talks to Ratchet and Rung.
"I'm fine!" Prowl argues as Optimus and Ratchet try to talk to him. "I do have the power to suspend you from helping the police," Optimus threatens. "Actually, that's a good idea," Ratchet adds, "you're not contributing anything extra to the case to help the police. If you were, we could have Mirage help them. This would be wise for your health, and you forget we must eat like humans to keep using our holoforms for long periods. Also, forced time off would give you more time to deal with your other task." "Don't call it a task!" Prowl snaps, "that's fragged up." "It's more like a challenge," Drift jumps in, "Jamie is complicated, and even though she knows you, this will be hard for her." "You won't be stepping down from the case, but you need a break," Optimus adds. Prowl sighs, frustrated, "fine." The four mechs aren't liking the lack of clues to arrest the killer. Worried about how many more humans will suffer before he's dealt with.
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shes-some-other-where · 4 months
“Are you alone here?”
Prompt: Alone
Contains: angst, grief
“I’m sorry,” he said, watching her wipe her tears. “It’s a terrible thing to lose someone.” Like he’d almost lost his brother. Like his family had lost him.
“I’ll overcome,” she said, though new tears assailed her, replacing those she’d banished. “I’ll grieve. But I’m strong. I have to be.”
His throat ached. “Are you alone here?”
She shook her head. “Alone? No. I’m with my brother now, until mourning’s done. Then I’ll remarry.” Although a shadow crossed her face, she chuckled weakly, caressing her stomach, tenderly reverent. “And it won’t be long before I'll never have a moment’s peace.”
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