#meet papa shams you guys
shamsgoddess · 3 years
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Name:    Burak  Shams Date  of  birth:    9th  December,  1976 Species:    human Gender:    cis - male    he / him Ethnicity:  Muhajir Nationality:  Pakistani Sexuality:  heterosexual Religion:  Muslim Family:  Lamia  Shams    (  wife,  married  1998  )    Aurora  Shams    (  daughter,  b.  1999  )    and  Rayyan  Shams    (  son,  b.  2001  ) Languages:  Urdu,  English,  and  French Occupation:  owner  of  Shams  Hotels  and  Resorts. Current  location:  travels  around  a  lot  but  his  main  home  is  in  Karachi.
Face  and  voice  claim:    here    (  featuring  his  beautiful  wife  ) Height:    6'3" Hair:    salt  and  pepper. Eyes:    dark  brown. Build:    muscular  with  broad  shoulders.  Exercised.  Chiseled  and  sharp  features.     Scars:    multiple  surgical  scars  on  his  left  ear  lobe  from  a  bike  accident  and  one  on  his  wrist  from  another  bike  accident.  Another  scar  on  his  right  calf  from  …  yes,  a  bike  accident. Piercings  and  tattoos:    none Mannerisms:    sharp  eyes,  saccadic  eye  movements,  suppressed  smiles,  placid  expressions,  clenched  jaw  in  anger,  finger  tapping,  and  fingers  tapping  against  surfaces.    
MBTI:    ISTP Zodiac:    Sagittarius  sun,  Cancer  moon,  and  Aries  rising. Archetype:    the  rebel Enneagram:    8w9 Alignment:    chaotic  good
   Burak  was  born  to  an  upper  middle  class  family  in  Islamabad,  Pakistan.  His  father  worked  in  the  foreign  office  and  his  mother  was  a  university  professor.  Naturally,  they  expected  him  to  follow  suit  with  academics.  Burak,  however,  was  made  of  a  different  clay.  With  brown  hair  akin  to  a  disheveled  crown  resting  atop  his  head,  he  was  found  running  about  the  garden  with  his  golden  retriever.  Never  one  to  sit  still,  forget  sitting  still  long  enough  in  class.  No,  he  was  rather  found  attempting  to  pry  apart  a  clock  and  then  putting  it  back  together.  His  hands  itched  to  comprehend  the  world.  What  good  are  books  when  you  can  learn  from  your  hands?  Growing  up,  these  gifts  of  his  only  blossomed  with  age.  When  he  was  nine  he  built  a  chicken  coop  by  himself.  When  he  was  eleven,  he  began  fixing  things  in  the  kitchen.  His  abilities  did  not  stop  here,  he  was  a  gifted  athlete.  He  played  soccer  for  his  team  all  throughout  school  till  college.  He  also  participated  in  basketball  and  cricket.
   In  1993,  when  he  was  just  sixteen,  his  family  moved  to  Karachi.  Burak,  however  untalented  at  making  friends,  found  one  in  Emir  despite  their  differing  personalities.  Emir  Khan  was  an  affable  extrovert  known  for  his  charm  and  his  flirtatious  nature.  The  son  of  a  millionaire,  spoiled  rotten.  Burak  was  a  shy,  seemingly  grouchy,  introvert.  They  were  poles  apart  but  it  was  his  great  fortune  that  he  befriended  Emir.  A  fact  he  utterly  believed  in  when  Burak  finally  met  Lamia  Khan;  Emir’s  effervescent,  blunt  sister  with  her  round  impish  eyes  and  her  fiery  temperament.  She  would  pick  fights  with  him  and  he  would  encourage  her.  It  was  the  equivalent  of  a  school  boy  pulling  ponytails  because  he  liked  her  but  did  not  know  how  to  express  it.  They  would  often  tease  and  prank  one  another.  Jests  that  ranged  from  leaving  the  iron  to  burn  the  other’s  clothes  to  adding  ants  to  the  other’s  tea.  Their  petty  arguments  seemed  like  fights.  It  was  during  one  of  these  arguments  that  he  confessed  his  feelings  for  her,  Lamia  callously  rejected  him  at  first.  Weeks  went  by  and  Burak’s  absence  left  an  ache  in  Lamia’s  heart.  Moments  when  he  was  all  she  could  think  of.  There  was  no  doubt,  it  was  love.  So,  she  went  to  him  and  confessed  to  the  lovesick  puppy.  It  should  have  been  a  happy  ever  after,  but  Lamia’s  father  was  stoutly  against  their  union.  He  thought  they’d  fall  out  of  love  soon  enough  and  was  in  for  a  rude  awakening  when  twenty  year  old  Lamia  decided  to  marry  Burak.  Her  mother  sided  with  her  and  Burak’s  father,  the  two  got  married  despite  the  blatant  disapproval  from  both  sides  of  the  family.  Yet,  they  never  felt  anything  but  happiness.  They  knew  this  was  forever.      
   Burak  and  Lamia  went  on  to  have  little  Aurora  the  next  year  and  she  was  already  her  father’s  little  princess.  Burak  has  never  loved  anyone  the  way  he  loved  Aurora.  He  would  carry  her  around,  rush  to  do  every  little  task,  sing  her  lullabies,  and  buy  her  whatever  he  thought  she  would  like  to  have.  He  would  wake  her  up  for  school,  make  her  meals,  and  help  her  get  ready.  He  would  braid  her  hair  and  have  tea  parties  with  her.  After  all,  she  was  the  sunrise  in  his  life.  She  was  named  Aurora  because  like  dawn,  she  had  brought  a  new,  hopeful  morning  in  their  lives.  Two  years  after  Aurora  was  born,  they  had  Rayyan.  His  children  and  his  family  became  the  most  cherished,  beloved  thing  in  his  entire  existence.  More  than  his  work,  and  more  than  the  business  empire  he  set  up  to  show  his  father  in  law  that  he  could  treat  his  daughter  much  better  than  he  ever  did.
   Currently,  Burak  is  living  his  dream  existence.  He  is  proud  of  his  family  and  he  is  utterly  and  devotedly  in  love  with  his  wife.  They  still  indulge  in  playful  arguments  as  they  cook  dinner  together  with  kisses  snuck  in  between  that  their  children  roll  their  eyes  and  scoff  at.  He  has  heard  of  the  boy  his  daughter  is  in  love  with  and  despite  his  protective  nature,  he  is  definitely  going  to  love  Tida  like  a  son.    
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tsainami · 6 years
wip prep tag #2
tagged by: @isherwrites​ tysm!! sorry it took this long to get to.
rules: answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
last time i did this it was for cheat (which you can find here), this time i’ll do grave mercy.
1. describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch).
a girl against a theocracy (but for its religion) and a boy against its religion (but for the theocracy) who have very ? confusing ? backgrounds ? (and are vampires) somehow end up meeting while investigating a cannibalistic angel. they end up doing something ridiculous together: unraveling ‘god.’
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
as far as i can see where the plot’s going, probably a trilogy.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
vampires. religious ones! in priestly/nun-ly (not a word) clothing! which comes in mostly white or bright colors because they’re not fans of black vestments. black armor yes, black clothes no. and since there’s vampires, there’s blood. but also gore. and also cults. and devils, angels, monsters, conspiracy! plus a lot of french gothic architecture.
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
book of the ancestor trilogy by mark lawrence. if you’ve read it, it’s probably obvious.
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel.
i haven’t done any edits for this a whole either rip. it’s not much right now, but here’s its pinterest board.
6. Who is your protagonist?
my main protagonist is a girl called ines nenci. she’s a novice at a convent known (or, unknown) to reform young girls whose faith are tainted.
7. Who is their closest ally?
her closest friend is this younger novice named dafne who she constantly worries about and is very protective of. she views dafne as her closest ally, and throughout the story she retains that sentiment. objectively speaking though, it’s probably reuven. after they meet and her fight or flight response when it comes to him calms down lol.
8. Who is their enemy?
the theocracy. namely the ava santi who sits at its head. and also herself.
9. What do they want more than anything?
this is going to sound anticlimactic maybe, but emotional comfort and security. ines really just wants to stop having to be scared all the time. stop having to hold on to anger and allow herself to finally express her hurt and pain after all the years she’s spent oppressing it. she wants to depend on someone and be able to trust them instead of just being the one depended on while in truth she’s just being manipulated. she honestly just. wants. inner peace (lol).
10. Why can’t they have it?
there are many reasons. let’s start with a few minor obstacles in the shape of people who keep her alive solely for the purpose of using her to further their ambitions: 1. the abbess of the convent. this chick keeps ines in her house only to serve as a tool in her plot of overthrowing the theocracy. the convent’s pretty much a facade for this group of heretics to eventually hold some sort of rebellion. but they’re being really dirty about it. 2. the ava santi (aka ye olde pope). he killed her dad. he was also supposed to kill her, but this amazing idea popped up in his brain and he decided “nay, send her to the convent dear men o’mine.” reasons for this is because a) he hates that fucking place and has wanted it dead for years and b) he can’t touch that fucking place because politics and also One Deep and Dark Secret that would cost his position and probs life should it be exposed. 3. the so-called cannibalistic angel she meets, whose reasons for using her are too spoilery to share at the moment. but it’s got something to do with the one ‘god’ of their faith.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
that she’s cursed. it’s repeated a lot in the first chapter, actually. her dad’s death and some of his last words really drilled it in her. and it makes sense, because her existence is scorned by the faith and she learns more and more about this (with the misfortune of having to witness her papa burn ffs as lesson 1 of all things) as she grows up.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
she’s got thick, wavy black hair. pretty long (goes up to mid-back i think) and it’s always braided and then tied up into a low bun. she’s always wearing her habit (which is white) and even if she isn’t she tries to wear something close (usually white too) because it makes her feel secure. she has a black cloak she wears when she goes walking around the capital or the woods (that she really and i mean really knows how to work, especially when she’s killing something so not too much of nasty stuff stains her clothes). usually armed to the teeth. hidden blades everywhere. though you can’t really see that i guess. 
sometimes, she carries a sword.
13. What is the internal conflict?
ines is moroi, which is a race that is treated little better than rabid dogs are in montevena. there aren’t many moroi in existence any more because of wars that involved genocide long ago + the fact that as moroi all you have to do to get sentenced to death sometimes is to accidentally bump into someone. anyway, her internal conflict mostly revolves around her struggle between hating what she is and yet having to depend so heavily on it. she wants to separate herself from being moroi, but that’s impossible since she has to face it everyday. even if people weren’t there to remind her, her body can’t lie. she really, really hates it but there’s no other choice but to live with it.
14. What is the external conflict?
everyone is against the theocracy for their own reasons and the theocracy is against everyone. the teams switch up sometimes though and things get wild when a cannibalistic angel appears and the OG residents of the world, the devil-gods, get weaved into the mayhem (did i mention this takes place in an au hell? because it does).
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
if ines is put through what she went through as a child, having her world break like that (it wasn’t only her dad’s death, it was all the things about the world she was totally clueless about because up until then her dad had limited her knowledge of it, so her whole life was a big fat lie), it would be B A D. the people currently capable of hurting her that way is an older nun from the abbey named sister aura and dafne.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
huge spoilers so i’ll be vague. something monumentally of relevance to not just ines or reuven, but the whole world is a total sham. also if you can believe it or not, aliens are involved (but it totally isn’t what it sounds like lmao).
17. Do you know how it ends?
a little, but not too well right now.
18. What is the theme?  
there’s an absolute truth to everything. but a lot of the times it gets corrupted by people with ill-bred intentions. that doesn’t mean the truth itself is horrible, though. so it’s always good to discriminate and keep in mind that, just like that guy who yells about global warming but clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about while he goes ‘round the world in private jets that secrete shit tons of shit, sometimes we don’t know everything either.
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
i have no idea. (yet)
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
a city-state called montevena which is loosely based off of vatican city but much more french gothic and kinda creepy. later the story moves through parts of canza, one of the three sanctified states that reuven is from.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
yes. predominantly one that occurs in a cave.
22. What excited you about this story?  
the development of the characters. particularly ines, reuven, gabriele, dafne, hazael, mirta and other supporting characters (including the abbess and the ava). it’s just... so interesting. i low-key had a mindfuck about it.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
a copy paste from my previous post on this:
my method is freak out! write a sentence. think about useless things (why would a pigeon be at the city square at night? that doesn't make sense? is it a normal pigeon? what is the purpose of its life?). try not to get distracted (i always do though) and write another sentence. 
the day i’m 92 is the day i finally have two fully written novels with my name plastered all over them in my arms.
TAGGING: @brekkerings @pilipalea @apollchiles (if you guys haven’t done this yet) and anyone else who wants to.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
SUMMER BEACH TRIPS and more stuff
Sakuya: "Zzz..." naho: *snuggles* lilac: zzzz Sakuya: *holds both Naho and Lilac* "Mmm..." *yawn* naho: -w- Sakuya: "Morning..." naho: *yaaaawn* morning. Sakuya: "Hey...Time to get up, since we got some shopping to do." naho: *nods* Sakuya: "Any idea what to get for him?" *sits up in bed* naho: maybe something fancy? like cologne or something? Sakuya: "Does he even wear that stuff?" naho: i think so. *looks around* this is a personal theory but...i think he was a rich kid. Sakuya: "...So, rich kid runs off and joins the military?" naho: i dunno. maybe he was enlisted? Sakuya: "Maybe. I wonder how a rich boy deals getting tossed into the military." naho: *shrug* Sakuya: "...I think cologne can work. Maybe a card or something else too." -and so- Sakuya: *sniff sniff* "Woo! Really strong stuff..." naho: *looks*.... O_________O pricy.... Sakuya: "Eh, get something less pungent, less pricy." naho: good call. Salesperson: "Oh, hello, miss! Would you like to try this fragrance?" *sprays it at Naho* naho: unya! >.< Sakuya: *death glare* Salesperson: o___o;;; *tries to run* naho: =n= they could have asked first. Sakuya: "No kidding...Maybe if we complain to the manager, they'll knock the price down." -elsewhere- Lawless: *dancing while washing the dishes, in his boxers* romina: awooo! full moon out tonight! Lawless: "??? I'm still wearing--" romina: i know, i know. just havin' fun. julian: =///=; kranz: good morning all! *in only a bathrobe, having just gotten out of the shower* Lawless: "Oh, hey." romina: howdy! julian: good morning. Lawless: "Why the bathrobe?" kranz: just got out of the shower. it's licht's turn now. Lawless: "..." :3 romina: guil still asleep? kranz: looks like it. Lawless: *sneaks towards the bathroom...* licht: *singing* Lawless: =\\\\= ("Lovely voice...") *enters bathroom quietly...* licht: *hasnt noticed* Lawless: *slips out of his shirt and boxers...* Lawless: *pulls back the curtain and steps into the shower* licht: ?!?! Lawless: "Want to save on water? Or scrub your back?" licht:..... -too violent- Lawless: *in knots* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Hello~" ayami: *smiles* Belkia: "How's today been?" ayami: it went well. classes have been easier now... Belkia: "That's good...Enjoying the classes?" ayami:...*nod* Belkia: "What's your favorite subject?" -elsewhere- Patty: :3 liz: feeling better? Patty: *nod nod* "Looking forward to your birthday?" liz: yeah. Patty: "Year older, year wiser--" *looks at her face* "...Huh. Still look young." liz: aww. Patty: "Hee hee...Wes doing anything special for you?" liz: i think so. Patty: "Awesome..." *whispers* "Birthday sex..." liz: PATTI! >////< Patty: *eyebrow wiggle* "Maybe a nice hotel room...The king’s suite would be sweet." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *chopping vegetables* tsubaki: *also helping* Shamrock: "I think this soup will be good. It's the spices that help..." tsubaki: *nods* Shamrock: "Do you like it spicy?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "And how are our the patients doing with their chicken pox?" medic: they seem to be doing better now. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Make sure they stay hydrated. And don't let them scratch. Put the mittens on them if necessary." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *opens a closet door* "Hmm...Haven't noticed this before..." kim: oh? Jacqueline: *pulls open the door--revealing another room* "...An entire extra room?" kim: woah! Jacqueline: "...I hope this is more like 'Narnia' secret room and not 'Saw' secret room..." kim: neato. is there anything in there? Jacqueline: "Hmm...Something on the wall? Letters?" kim: ?? *examines one* if there's secretly a mold problem, im gonna gut someone. Jacqueline: "Mm...Looks like someone's name. Maybe a child wrote it on here?" kim: hmm.... *reads it* *The name is smudged, but it does say "Age 5.") kim: *examining* Jacqueline: "...Why would they hide this room?" *creeking in the floorboard* "???" -there is an old box in there- Jacqueline: "???" *opens it* -there is various old pieces of jewelry and marbles- Jacqueline: "A bracelet?" kim: cute. Jacqueline: "Maybe it was a time capsule?" kim: maybe. but for who? Jacqueline: "For the child themselves to find later, before their parents moved the family away?" kim: maybe.... -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yu!" yu: ??? Vulcan: "Look how unhappy the toucan is!" yu: ... Toucan: *glares* Vulcan: "Did you clean his cage?!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *struggling to wrap* >_< tsubaki: need me to help? naho: yes please. *covered in ribbon* Sakuya: "Just wanted to get something nice and simple wrapped--but nope, got to be complicated..." tsubaki: ^^; Belkia: *pops up behind Naho* "Whatcha get 'im?" naho: it's a suprise. Belkia: "...Want to know what I got him?" tsubaki: if you want to. Belkia: *pulls back his cloak to reveal...* "The Suck-O-Matic 4200 All-Purpose Vacuum Cleaner!" *confetti* naho:...wow. Sakuya: "...A vacuum? You think Sham is going to be impressed?" Belkia: "He likes cleaning, doesn't he?" naho: i guess. Belkia: "Wait until you see it in action!" *plugs it in* -later- Shamrock: "???" naho: Q_Q Shamrock: "...What did I miss?" naho: it's nothing! >n< Sakuya: -\\\\\- "J-Just don't..." Shamrock: "...Okay...Need me to clean up?" naho: we got it. Shamrock: "...Then I'll prepare something to eat..." naho:......my poor skirt...now i have to buy a new one... Q_Q Sakuya: *pat pat* "I'll get you a new one." Belkia: "You think you got problems? How do I explain these?!" *shows hickey marks on his neck* Shamrock: "...Please do not make-out with your girlfriend here..." Belkia: "IT WAS AN INANIMATE OBJECT!" Shamrock: "...That's not better." naho: T~T tsubaki: fortunatly, i was able to stop it. Belkia: "Yeah...and without damaging the cord, either." naho: 737 or losing your clothes.... Belkia: "What? Nothing any of us haven't seen--" -PUNCH- naho: D8< Belkia: *collapsed* x___x naho: MY UNDIES ARENT YOUR BUSINESS! Shamrock: o____o; Sakuya: *small laugh* naho: =n= belkia you're such a butt! Belkia: "No...that's what we got a view of..." -KICK TO THE FACE- Belkia: *flies across the room...* lavender: oh? Higan: "??? What happened, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: it's a long story. Higan: "Huh...Belkia got lucky, I guess." Belkia: x_______x -elsewhere- Kid: "I got the gift..." stocking: neat! Kid: "I hope she likes it...Now, we have to get in position..." -later- Patty: "Just this way, Sis, into this dark room..." liz: ok. Patty: "Let me just turn on the lights..." liz: ..... !!!! ???: "SURPRISE!" liz: awww.....you guys! QuQ Kid: "Happy birthday!" stocking: happy birthday! liz: *smiles as she wipes a tear away...she seems to be wearing a ring* Patty: :3 *spots the ring* stocking:....!!! OHMYGOD!! liz: ^^ Kid: "Congratulations!" Wes: -\\\\\- soul: congrats bro! Wes: "Thanks..." *smiles* stocking: *squeee* we're gonna be engagement buddies! *hugs liz* liz: ^^ Patty: *sniff* "All growing up so fast..." heather: congratulations liz! julie: ?? riley: neat. Yumi: Q~Q lord death: *SQUEEEES* Patty: "We'll have a bridal shower and everything!" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Toru, look at the happy kappa doll!" Tool: -_-; toru: ^o^ io: papa! Tool: -\\\\\- *picks up Io* *hug* io: ^^ Shotaro: "These cousins will be the best friends! Right, Saki?" saki: seems like it. Tool: "Good to have family around you." *smiles at Toru* toru: ^w^ chie: *smiles* Tool: "And you will have to watch out for your cousin. Got it?" io: *nod* Tool: *smiles* "Good child." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Kid: "Two weddings..." stocking: *squee!* Kid: "Hee hee...That should be a set of events...We'll have to see how they schedule their wedding." stocking: *nods* Kid: "Do you think they will have their wedding before we do?" stocking: who knows. Kid: *small smirk* "I hope they don't out-do us in the wedding..." -elsewhere- mafura: ~? Touma: *putting tape down along the table in his hotel room, pulling up fingerprints...* mafura: what'cha doin~? Touma: "Collecting something we need..." mafura: what's that? Touma: "A scapegoat..." mafura: we're getting a goat? Touma: "Not quite...I have a loose end to tie up, but I don't want to take credit for it--I'll let someone else take it..." mafura:.....~? Touma: "Now, if you excuse me, I have to eliminate a problem..." mafura: okaaaay. Touma: *exits, looking at his phone, texting an executive* [meet me at the lounge] -in the lounge- lana: *phew* what a day... *Someone is seated in a chair, their back to Lana* lana: just a few minutes till the end of my shift... *The person is not moving in the chair...it looks like she spilled her wine on the floor, which has pooled* lana: *sighs and goes to clean it up* *That's not wine...* lana:..... *eyes widen as she screams* *The executive has a gunshot wound to her temple. No gun is in the room* lana: *runs to a phone to call 911* Operator: "911. What's your emer--" lana: oh my god oh my fucking god there's a dead body! Operator: "Hold on, ma'am. Where are you?" -she gives the address, but it's clear she's freaking out- *Cops arrive, examining the body* Officer #1: "Detective, we found the gun downstairs...The fingerprints--" lana: ...... Detective: *compares the fingerprints...looks and stares at Lana...* lana: ??? Detective: "Ma'am, I will need you to come with me to headquarters..." lana: o-ok...*nervous* --At the police station, Lana is left alone, handcuffed in the interrogation room-- lana: *shaking* *Officer #1 enters* Officer #1: "Your lawyer has arrived..." lana: lawye-... !!! Touma: *smiles* -a few days later- Touma: "Right this way, please. Watch your step: the stairway is dark..." lana: ... (thinking: i was proven innocent....but i have a bad feeling...) *There is a dungeon--and a hand reaches out through the bars and grabs her wrist* lana: *SCREAM* Touma: *smacks away the...Vampire? Abomination?* "Sorry. It can be a bit irritable without a meal..." Abomination: *shrieks at Lana, but looks afraid of Touma* lana: *horrified* what do you want from me? Touma: *smiles* "Subjects..." lana: ?!?! Touma: "You are personable, know people at the hotel...have features that would attract new ones to follow you here..." lana: ....you want me to be bait?! Touma: "Hmm...Crude, but accurate." lana:...you're insane... Touma: *smiles* "Many mistake genius for madness..." *the palm of his hand approaches slowly to caress her face* lana: *backing away* g-get the hell away from me! Touma: *snatches her wrist* "You either get me what I want--or I take what I want. Perhaps you'd rather be its next meal--" *shoves her towards the Abomination's cell...bones litter the floor...human bones* lana: *crying out of fear* no! Abomination: *shrieks, leaping at her* Touma: "What will be your choice, Lana?" lana: please dont kill me! Touma: "You will do as I say?" lana: *tearful* *nods* Touma: *smiles* "Good...And I know the target to start with." *points to the Abomination* "The more it consumes, the stronger it becomes. But humans only get it so far...Tell me, there is a wedding coming up, isn't there? An important one?" -elsewhere- Kid: *sneezes* stocking: you ok? Kid: *sniff* "Yes. Sorry. I guess someone was talking about me." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Have you recovered from your chicken pox?" hinata: *nod* kirei: that's good. ^^ Benimaru: "Excellent. Just glad no one else around here hasn’t had--" Tsukiyo: *scratching* Benimaru: "...Of course." -elsewhere- Belkia: *giggles* otogiri: do i want to know? Belkia: "Maaaaaaaaybe~" *he's holding his cell phone* naho: *peeeeeeek* *His phone has a message on it...* naho: *reading* ayami: [im glad to hear that. ^^] Belkia: [yeah it's great! ^w^ ] naho: talkin to your girlfriend~? Belkia: "Y-Yeah?" o\\\\w\\\\o naho: ah. what'cha talkin about? Belkia: "A date idea..." naho: ooooooh! Owo Belkia: "Dinner, dancing, con some people out of money--" otogiri: -_-; Belkia: "I SHALL PERFORM MAGIC WITH MY LOVELY ASSISTANT!" naho: *sweatdrop* Belkia: "And she has a wonderful outfit, too--quite a cutie!" naho: i see. Belkia: "Care to help us?" *holds up sequined outfit* naho: that's way too revealing! D8< Sakuya: "...Now, hang on--" naho: O.O .....sakkun.... *cheek tug* you perv. >////< Sakuya: "Hee hee--Come on, just suggesting!" naho: 7////n////7 i couldnt wear that! *muttering* not in public anyways... Sakuya: "Maybe in private..." naho: o///o Sakuya: *small pat on the back* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *doing push-ups* shinra: *training* Akitaru: "Good work, son!" shinra: *smiles* Akitaru: "What's your max lift weight now?" shinra: i think it's- Takehisa: *scream* shinra: ?! Takehisa: "Where did they go?!" shinra: where did what go? Takehisa: *he reveals his face--and he has no glasses on, and his eyes pierce into their souls* Akitaru: o____o shinra: .__________________.;;;; do i know you? Takehisa: *panicked fast talking* "IF I DON'T HAVE MY GLASSES THEN I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING AND I RISK WALKING INT--* *BAM* Takehisa: *falls onto the floor...and a Takehisa-face-print is now in the wall* shinra: ow. Akitaru: "...I'll get ice." maki: commander! are you ok?? Takehisa: @_@ "...Why are there three of you?" maki: D8 -later- iris: i found your glasses. Takehisa: *two black eyes* "...Where were they?" iris: on your desk. Takehisa: "...Well, that's stupid of me." iris: ^^; karin: hey, dont beat yourself up over it, we make dumb mistakes like that all the time. Takehisa: -______- "...I need to get back to work--" *struggles to sit up* karin: easy there. Takehisa: "So embarrassing..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "When are you touring the potential reception halls? I was hoping to go with you." stocking: possibly this weekend. Yumi: *smiles* "So exciting!" stocking: *squeee!* Patty: "Bridal shower, too! And bachelorette parties!" liz: *smiles* hard to believe. it feels like just yesterday we started school...and here we all are now....almost. Yumi: "Just a bit more time..." *sniff* "So grown up..." -elsewhere- Akaderu: *passed out on the couch* Kepuri: *reading a book* nea: *trying on some new clothes* toru: *asleep* chie: ^^ Yohei: *watching Toru, smiles* Shinoda: *sipping apple juice* mono: *tense* Assi: "Mono?" mono: !!! w-wha? Assi: "You seem tense." mono: its just....after that incident with those mafia goons... nea: now dont you worry about a thing, hun. Shinoda: "Connections with the mob should help..." nea: indeed~ Assi: "...Hope so..." mono: still... Assi: "??? What? Still worried?" mono:.... -elsewhere- Benimaru: *looking through closet* "Where are they...?" fang-hua: looking for something sir? Benimaru: "My cloak is not here..." fang-hua: your cloak? Benimaru: "It is red." fang-hua: ah. -elsewhere- Black Star: *looking through a web site* tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "What do you usually get someone for a wedding?" tsubaki: eh? hmmmm. i'm not sure. otogiri: perhaps matching towels? Black Star: "Maybe...Just have to find some that are symmetrical." otogiri: perhaps. Black Star: *pulls up some options* "These looks alright--black and white design. What do you think, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: they look great. ^^ Black Star: "Okay...Ordered! Now, for Liz and Wes..." -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawn* mahiru: *phew*.......*puts his jacket over him* Kuro: *bundles up under the jacket* =w= mahiru:... *small smile* Kuro: *slight shiver* "M-Master..." mahiru: ....... o////o uh... Kuro: "I-I'm sorry..." mahiru:..... *gives him a pillow* Kuro: *seems a bit more at ease with the pillow* =w= mahiru:....*smiles* Kuro: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, digging a hole* reimi: looking for fossils? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Sort of? I mean, I found some bones--" reimi: O_O;; Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm sure it's nothing. You know, just what random animals bury." *holds up one in his mouth, his voice a little muffled* "See? Chicken bones!" reimi: ah, i see. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: "I wouldn't worry. I mean, it's not like someone would kill villagers around here--" *An arm grabs Mr. Tsubaki by the back of his neck* Mr. Tsubaki: O_____O reimi: !!! Tsukiyo: *holds up Mr. Tsubaki...* *SNIFF* "Woo! This critter smells awful! He needs a bath, Sister." reimi: ^^; Tsukiyo: "I'll dump him into the fox bucket--with cold water--" Mr. Tsubaki: O_________________O -elsewhere- Lawless: "So, your bro is getting hitched?" soul: yeah. hard to believe. licht: does he need a wedding singer? Lawless: *shiny eyes* soul: you offering? licht: yes. because....*pose* i'm an ang- soul: you're an angel, i know. licht: *glaaaare* don't interrupt me. soul: O_O; Lawless: "DO NOT INTERRUPT THE ANGEL!" *smiles* "Please, proceed, Licht~" soul: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Relan: *hiding in his sweater* mikami: are you feeling better now? Relan: *still hiding in his sweater, but nods* "Yes. Just want to feel warm." mikami: i'd offer to help...but i dont want to burn you. Relan: *slight shiver at that image* "I-I appreciate that!" *nervous laugh* "The sweater is enough to stay warm..." *peeks out from the top of the sweater* "H-How are you?" mikami: i've been well. ryuuko's well, but she seems worried about me....im a bit worried about me too... Relan: "...The C-C-Commander?" mikami:...*nods* Relan: "...Y-Yeah...I was thinking about that..." mikami: .... Relan: "M-Maybe we would go...somewhere else?" mikami: you mean, transfer? Relan: *nods* "It's happened before. You know that scary cat-girl?" mikami: you mean m-miss tamaki? Relan: *nods* mikami: well.... *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* mikami: ?? *opens the door* yes? Giovanni: "..." mikami: !! Relan: "!!!" *stands at attention* Giovanni: "Exercises. Now." ryuuko: .....*holds mikami's hand and walks with her* Relan: *shuffling behind them* Giovanni: "Let's see some progress today..." -elsewhere- Meme: "I CAN'T CATCH THE FUCKING GOLDEN STAG!!!" tsugumi: meme! language! mio: want me to help? Meme: TT_TT *nod nod* mio: you got to sneak up slowly like this, ok? *showing her* Meme: *looks over Mio's shoulder, nods* -elsewhere- Hibana: *paint in her hair, on her dress* D: soldier: she's a handful, aint she? Hibana: "I had no idea children were so small, fast, and messy..." *shiny eyes* "And lovable!" solider: they sure are. i should know, i have two younger siblings of my own. Hibana: "...Huh. I never knew that." -elsewhere- Giriko: *holding an ice pack to his eye* -____- arachne: feeling better? Giriko: "A bit...She packs a wallop." kirika: i said i was sorry! Giriko: "Don't get me wrong--I'm impressed. Just...hurts." TT_TT arachne: ^^; kirika: thanks....i know you can handle it, but that asshat priest made me apologize. 7n7; Giriko: "Eh, just kick Justin in the shin..." kirika: wise words. -elsewhere- PlushFix: .w. hina: *looks at the letter* mercenary group, eh? PlushFix: *nod nod* "Awesome!" hina: what're they offerin'? PlushFix: "Money! That's all that matters!" hina: alright. so where are these guys? PlushFix: "The gritty part of town! So badass!" *shows off his claws* saku:....seems they're part of the mafia. PlushFix: "Hee hee...They hurt a lot of people..." hina: i heard about these guys. i heard that they can fuck some shit up. PlushFix: "Then it'll be fun, right?" hina: hell yea -elsewhere- Rin: *tap tap* kyouko: ya? Rin: "I'm sorry to ask this...but about the 'Blue Night'...?" kyouko: i've heard about it before. apparently from what my dad told me, my grandad died during the incident, and he took over the family church in his place. Rin: "O-Oh...?" kyouko: yeah. but it happened before i was born so, yeah. Rin: "...Y-Yeah...J-Just curious about it since I'm...16..." kyouko: to be honest, i dont know too much about it. Rin: "..." *looking around, nervously* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *frowning* reimi: something wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: "Just don't like getting bathed when I'm in fox form...Tsukiyo is rough, too." reimi: aww. Mr. Tsubaki: "I think she left scabs too..." *pouts* "I will have to put on lotion..." reimi: want me to do that? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I can do my arms and legs, but I need some help with my back..." reimi: can do! *salutes* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small giggle* "You're a very energetic subclass..." reimi: im just trying to help. Mr. Tsubaki: "I appreciate it..." *lowers his yukata* -elsewhere- Arthur: *trying to pull piece in Jenga* "..." nozomi: *keeping score* Arthur: *removes it easily...smirks* "Your move." shinra: hmmmm.... *about to make his move when...* Victor: "DON'T DO IT!" shinra: ?! Victor: "You're picking the wrong piece! Pick that one!" shinra: uhhh.... Victor: "DO IT! DO IT NOW! NOW NOW NOW NOW--" shinra: alright! *pull* -tamaki got trampled- tamaki: shinraaaaaa! *demonic aura* shinra: OwO;;; Victor: *smirks* Arthur: "...Running would be a good idea." shinra: *runs* tamaki: GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!!! Victor: *recording on his camera* "This should be good~" iris: *sweatdrop* shinra: *runs until he crashes into someone* Relan: "Owie..." shinra: r-rel!! *hug* are you ok?? Relan: T_T "That hurt..." shinra: s-sorry! here, let me help you up! tamaki: eh? relan? what brings you here? Relan: "I-I-I want to leave..." shinra: ?? tamaki: eh? Relan: "I-I'm scared what the C-Commander will do..." shinra: hey, im sure that commander oubi wont hurt you- Relan: *shakes his head* "I mean Giovanni..." shinra: oh....wait, so then you're- Relan: *nods* "I can't stay there..." shinra:....*hugs him* its ok now... Relan: *sniff, hug* shinra: .....did you want to speak with commander oubi? Relan: *nod nod* *sniff* -and so- Akitaru: *pat pat* "It's okay, Relan." Relan: *sniff* T_T tamaki: so are we transferring him here then? Relan: "If y-y-you'll have me?" shinra: can we commander? Relan: *puppy dog eyes* Akitaru: "..." *pat pat* "Sure!" shinra: thanks commander! Relan: QwQ maki: we'll start working on the transfer right away! Relan: "Th-Thank you..." *weak smile* -elsewhere- Giovanni: *finds empty bedroom* "...The fuck?" soldier: he even took the rat with him.. Giovanni: "..." *turns without a word, pulling his cape behind him* soldier:.... (thinking: i hope that kid's going to be ok...) Giovanni: *marches into his office, shutting the door behind him* ("...Another loss...") ryuuko: .... mikami: he...wont be too angry...will he? *BOOM* mikami: eep! ryuuko: !! Giovanni: "There...Now that wall is gone. It is roomier now." *rain is blowing into the room* mikami: O^O;;; ryuuko: ...... *A small bird perches on Giovanni's mask* Giovanni: "...I will kill this creature." mikami: c-commander please dont! that's mean! Giovanni: "..." *scares the bird away* "...Prepare." -elsewhere- Shima: *singing to himself* "Summertime..." konekomaru: yeah, just around the corner too. Shima: "Beaches! Girls! Bikinis! Girls! Swimming! GIRLS! GIRLS! G--" -POW- izumo: we. get. it. Shima: *collapsed* "Yeah, so did I..." T~T konekomaru: maybe with the weekend coming up, maybe we can visit the beach district? shiemi: i didnt know death city _had_ a beach district! Bon: "I heard the Grim Reaper did something to add beaches. To get water?" izumo: either that or mephisto screwing around again. *sweatdrop* Bon: "Yeah...Be careful what you say. You never know when he's listening--" -and so- Shima: .w. izumo: here we are. konekomaru: hey, isnt that... *points to a group of ladies...including stocking* Shima: "....I have died and gone to Heaven." izumo: no, but you're about to! stocking: hmm? oh, hey guys. liz: hey. Patty: "Howdy, Rooster Man!" Bon: ._. felisia: ah, small world it seems. lavender: oh my~ friends of yours~? tsubaki: sort of. Shima: *approaches Felisia* "Hello!" felisia: um...hi? ^^; stocking: you better not go perving on my mom! Shima: *gasp* "Your mom?! I could have sworn she was your sister~" stocking: ....... felisia: well, i am her mother, no doubting that. ^^; naho: .... tsubaki: ^^; Shima: "I am Shima, one of your daughter's classmates. And rest assure, I am always there to look out for all the new students~" felisia: ah, a pleasure to meet you then. *smiles* izumo: i'm izumo. and these guys are konekomaru and suguro. Bon: *waves* "Hello, ma'am. So, you all enjoying the beach?" liz: yeah. naho: yep! lavender: oh you know it~ Patty: "PARTYING! Guess why?!" izumo: the warm weather? stocking: and a joint bachelorette party for me and liz! Patty: "And that means no boys!" *stares at Bon and Shima* "..." *points at Shima* "He's barely a man. Can we bring him?" Shima: D:< stocking: no. Patty: "Well, darn. Sorry, fuck-boi--" *kicks Shima down* konekomaru: *wince* ow. naho: get wrecked! Shima: *face in the sand* "...Damn." konekomaru: did you want to get some shaved ice? Bon: "Might as well..." Shima: *muffled* "Yes." izumo: how about you guys? naho: that sounds awesome! felisia: sure. tsubaki: *nods* Patty: "Hee hee! Yes!" -and so- naho: *nom* mmm~ tastes yummy<3 Patty: *bites into hers--* "GAH! BRAIN FREEZE!" liz: careful there. Patty: =3= "Hurts..." -elsewhere- Kid: *looking around* soul: you alright? Kid: *nods* "Just determining how to preoccupy myself." soul: maybe watching a movie or playing games? Black Star: "Games!" kilik: sounds good! Kid: "Excellent! We can play Chinese checkers! No, wait...That's not symmetrical..." kilik: *sweatdrop* soul: or we could play mario party or something. Black Star: "...Yeah, that's better. Or else Kid would take forever--" Kid: *pout* soul: no kidding.....*realization* ugh, that was bad. kilik: no shit. Kid: "..." *finally gets it, makes an Excalibur face* kirika: boooo, that was laaame! Black Star: "PUNISH HIM FOR HIS PUNS!" -and so- soul: was this needed?! *he's bound and stripped to his boxers* Kid: "...Perhaps we did go overboard...and the rope is not quite symmetrical." *adjusts* "Perfect!" lord death: who wants PIZZA ROLLS~?.......anyone? Black Star: "...Yes, please!" Kid: ._. -elsewhere- Relan: *eating waffles, his mouth full* shinra: how are they? Relan: TWT "So tasty..." shinra: glad you like them. ^^ tamaki: ....hey, relan? Relan: "Huh?" tamaki: listen, i know we got off on the wrong foot in the beginning...but given mutual circumstances, i'll try to be a little nicer to you. Relan: "..." *smile, holds out his hand* "Okay!" tamaki:....*small handshake* Relan: -w- "I-I appreciate this..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "So, if Chie and Saki had babies..." mana: ?? Shotaro: "Who's the next one having a kid?" mana:.....*shrugs* Shotaro: "I bet on Kepuri--" Kepuri: *flustered 10x* akaderu: 7/////7;;; Shotaro: "Or Nea--" -PUNCH- nea: ^^# *fist steaming* setsuna: O_O Shotaro: X_____X Emine: "...That's indeed a bad deed." mana: i'll get the ice. Emine: *taking photos* "Going online..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea* kirei: good morning. hope you dont mind me stopping by. Benimaru: "Not at all." *smiles* "How are you?" kirei: i've been well. *smiles* Benimaru: "Would you like some tea? I just brewed it..." kirei: why yes, thank you. ^^ Benimaru: *pours her a cup, handing it to her--his hand softly along hers* kirei: *blush* thank you. Benimaru: *small blush* "You are welcome...How has your day been?" kirei: fairly calm....the cherry blossoms look lovely this time of year... Benimaru: "...We should make a day for a walk...to look at them." kirei: perhaps. *smiles warmly* Benimaru: "...I think...you would look nice...with a cherry blossom in your hair." kirei: oh. um... ./////. Benimaru: "...I made things awkward." kirei: i-its fine, really. ^///^ Benimaru: -\\\\- kirei:....*leans against him slightly* Benimaru: "..." *puts an arm around her* kirei: !!..... u/////u Benimaru: *lean* -elsewhere- Belkia: *counting money* -later- stocking: we're back! Kid: *smiles* "Welcome home!" stocking: *huuug* liz: we had a lot of fun today. Wes: "That's good. How was the beach?" stocking: tons of fun, we even got shaved ice! Patty: "It was yummy!" Kid: ^^ "That's great." liz: we even saw stocking's classmates from the cram school. Wes: "Cool!" Kid: "How were your classmates?" stocking: they were doing good.........*excalibur face* most of them, anyway... Kid: "??? Did someone hurt you?" stocking: no, but one of my classmates was a bit of a pain... Kid: *nods* "Should I send them a message?" stocking: if it helps, i guess. just....try not to go too overboard. ^^; Kid: *serene smile* "Do I ever?" soul: do you want an honest answer? Kid: -_-;;; Wes: *small smile* -later- Shima: o____o konekomaru: *faints* kinzou: is....is that a pigs's head on a stick? Shima: *whimpering* Bon: o____o; "...I told you not to flirt with the Grim Reaper's son's bride-to-be." Shima: "YOU SAID NO SUCH THING!" Bon: "Strongly implied." konekomaru: maybe we should write it down in sharpie? Bon: "On his forehead. Backwards." Shima: D: kinzou: *grabs him* hold still you! Shima: *trying to wiggle free* "NO!" Bon: "Konekomaru, your handwriting is cleaner than mine..." konekomaru: sorry shima. but THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Shima: "NoooooOOOOOooooo--" Bon: *bonks Shima's head* "Proceed." -too horrific to show- mephisto: !! did anyone else feel a cold chill or was that just me? Amaimon: *in his boxers and a t-shirt* "Maybe someone left the window open?" mephisto: i'm sure they're all closed. felisia: and it's springtime too. *in mephisto's yukata* mephisto:........... *NOSEBLEED* Amaimon: "...Should I leave?" -elsewhere- Yumi: *snuggle* lord death: U////U~<3 Yumi: *small smooch on the cheek* "You're so handsome when you blush." lord death: >////< Yumi: *smiles, as she pulls him closer* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *asleep in the junkyard* lisa:.....*picks him up and carries him to his bed* Vulcan: "Zzz..." *holding onto her by the back of her neck* lisa:....get some rest. *smiles and tucks him in* Vulcan: "M...M..." lisa:....*holds him* Vulcan: *calms down* =w= -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "You need the bathroom?" -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: "..." *smiles, hugs* stocking: mmn~ Kid: "Good morning~" stocking: morning honey~<3 Kid: "Morning, sweetie~" *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "How did you sleep?" stocking: pretty good. you? Kid: *nods* "Very well." *smiles* stocking: that's good Kid: "You know what would have made my sleep better?" stocking: oh~? what? Kid: *holds her* "Having you in more of my dreams." stocking: aw, hehe~ Kid: *cuddles* "How about we shower, have breakfast, and start our day?" stocking: sounds great! Kid: *smiles, as he gets out of bed, taking off his pajama shirt* -and so- Kid: *contented sigh* "Ready to start the day!" stocking: *smiles* Patty: "Hey, you two!" *waves excitedly* liz: morning. so what did you guys want to do today? Kid: "Still so much to do for wedding preparations...When is the visit to the hotel reception area?" liz: i think this weekend. Kid: *checks the calendar to see what today is* -its friday- Patty: "I suggest we do a fun activity!" liz: such as? Patty: "I don't know...Arcade?" stocking: sounds like a plan! Kid: *smiles* "Maybe win prizes, too. Pool our tickets." liz: *nods* Patty: "Let's go! Big-ass sunglasses, here we come!" -and so- Patty: "THIS JOYSTICK ISN'T WORKING!" stocking: this game doesnt use a joystick... ^^; Patty: "...Oh. Um...I guess I can't see the screen?" stocking: ^^; Kid: "I guess you do need those glasses..." Patty: *pout* liz: aw, it's alright. (thinking: at least kid isnt making us both get glasses ^^; ) Kid: *stares at Liz* liz:...did you just read my mind? Kid: "...You need glasses." liz: *facepalm* Kid: "...Symmetry is key. As is 20/20 vision." liz: and here he goes again. -_-; stocking: you know, i bet you'd look cute in glasses, kid. Kid: o\\\\o "R-Really?" stocking: yeah. you can wear them without the lenses if you prefer. Kid: "M-Maybe?" -elsewhere- Belkia: *sipping a fruity drink in the pool* tsubaki: *phew*. cant believe it's only still may... Belkia: "I blame the weather..." -WATER GUN ATTACK- Belkia: *gargle* "Wh-What?!" D:< naho: haha! target eliminated! high five! Sakuya: "Nice!" Belkia: "...I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!" otogiri: there's a visitor here. Belkia: "??? Friend or foe?" ayami: h-hello. *in a white sundress and sunhat, with a bag* Belkia: .\\\\. "H-H-Hi! C-C-Cute!!!" ayami: t-thank you. ./////. naho: wow, you look really nice, ayamin! ayami: !! t-thank you! >///<; Belkia: "Wh-What brings you over? I mean, aside from getting to see you?" ayami: i-i thought i'd...come visit... Belkia: "..." *smiles widely* "Want to hang out by the pool?" ayami: oh um...i-i'd like that...but i didnt bring a swimsuit. naho: you can borrow one of mine if you want. Belkia: OWO ayami: oh...a-are you sure? Belkia: *nodding* naho: yeah. we're around the same build, so it'll be fine. *takes ayami to her room* Belkia: *giddy* -and so- ayami: this is....nice. Belkia: *smiles* .\\\. "C-Comfy?" ayami: *nods* Belkia: =w= "I'm sorry we don't have a bigger pool." ayami: i-it's alright. lilac: im not....a good swimmer. Sakuya: "Well, this can be practice?" lilac: i-i guess... -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "We got ramen!" -elsewhere- Relan: "How about here?" shinra: looks good. Relan: *smiles* "Well, let's get Buttons set up..." buttons: ^o^ shinra: *smiles* Relan: *smiles* "Great...I-I appreciate all of this..." shinra: no problem. Relan: "..." *sits on his bed...slight bounce* "...Comfy." shinra: ...mind if i...sit next to you? Relan: "..." *pats seat next to him* shinra: *smiles and sits down* Relan: "I-I feel...safer here." shinra: *smiles* im glad. Relan: "..." *holds his hand* shinra: *blush* iris: *hugs them* Relan: ^\\\^ *hugs Iris* shinra: so, how's desk work for you, rel? doing alright? Relan: "Gr-Great! I didn't think my math skills were so good..." iris: see? that's good to know. you're really smart, relan. Relan: Q\\\\Q "I-I am?" iris: *nods* Relan: *sniff* "Th-That means a lot. I hope I can do well..." shinra: i'm sure you will. Relan: "..." *hugs both of them* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Do you see the pool floaties anywhere?" gabriella: for anything in particular? Hibana: "I was hoping to teach our little cutie how to swim~" gabriella: oh! right! Hibana: "Sweetie! You got your swimsuit?" hanako: *nods* Hibana: "Great! The pool is upstairs." *presses button on the elevator* -elsewhere- Free: *his head is stuck in a honey pot* eruka: ....do i even want to ask? Free: "I read about a bear who did this...It was funnier in the book." eruka: *sweatdrop* Free: "Can you get something to slide me out of this? I'm getting claustrophobic." -elsewhere- Gopher: *stuck on a tree branch* kirika: hold on, i got ya. *slashes the branch* *nice catch!* Gopher: *blushing, covering his face* "Th-Thank you, my hero..." kirika: no prob....mind explaining how you got up there? Gopher: "...A dog chased after me..." kirika: how big was it? Gopher: "Huge! Ferocious! With big teeth! Rabid! With a loud bark and--" *spots it behind Kirika* "EEP!" *leaps into her arms* kirika: *turns* *A small Chihuahua is there* kirika:....... Gopher: *shivering in her arms* "Keep it away from me!" owner: chiko! there you are, jeez, dont run off like that. *puts the leash back on the dog* Gopher: Q^Q -elsewhere- Vulcan: *staring at robot puppy* "...Well? Hurry up!" -elsewhere- Touma: *reviewing his notes* natsuna: .... Touma: "Just a little more time..." -saturday, at the hotel- lana: here to see the reception hall? Yumi: *holding Shiori* "Yes." *smiles* soul: i'm just here as a witness, i guess. Kid: "What is the occupancy of the reception hall? 88? 888? 8888? lana: .... *sweatdrop* stocking: ^^; lana:....aaaanyway, let's get started then. shiori: gu! Yumi: "Good, right, Shiori? Look at the chandelier!" shiori: *shiny eyes* Kid: "Impressive! And the carpeting--the lighting!" stocking: *smiles* soul:......*feeling of unease* Kid: "..." *shivers* lord death: ....!!! TAKE COVER! *barrier cover mode over the group* *Abominations crawl down the walls from the chandelier into the hall* lana: *SCREAMING* stocking: what the heck?! soul: *scythe arm* Kid: "!!! Liz! Patt--" *Abomination leaps at the barrier* liz: *grabs patti and shoots at the monster* Abomination: *shrieks, slicing at the barrier--reaching through slightly...at Yumi and Shiori* lord death: oh no you DONT! soul: *slices the abomination's limb off* Abomination: *screams, clutching wound* Patty: "Woot! Souvenir limb, Sis!" soul: *continues cutting the abomination* lana: *passes out* shiori: XD Kid: "How did this happen?!" soul: at least it's dead now.... *holding the soul* .... Patty: "Oooooo...A new soul!" soul: *gulp* Kid: "...How many...?" soul: that's number 99... Kid: "...Just one more..." soul: a rogue witch....what was that thing? Yumi: *holding Shiori close* "...Anyone else find it convenient that when we happen to visit, those...monsters attack?" lord death: hmm... i'll send in the investigation team. Kid: "..." *stares at Lana* lana: *in shock* w...what....what was.... Kid: "...I don't know." -later- Stein: *examining a limb* "...Why didn't I get to make this?" clay: not sure, but it's creepy as hell. *shudders* Akane: "We still haven't found anyone else around...which leaves only a few suspects..." -elsewhere- stocking: *holding kid* Kid: *holding her as well* "Are you okay?" stocking: y-yeah...just...shaken a bit. Kid: "..." *nods* "I know...Someone was...after us." stocking: ...... Kid: *hugs her* "I won't let anything happen..." stocking: i know... Kid: "..." *cuddles* stocking: *smiles* Kid: "Hey...We're going to get married." stocking: yeah. we are. *smiles* Kid: "I can't wait to dance with you..." stocking: same here. and the wedding night~<3 Kid: ^\\\\^ "Indeed..." stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: "I think we'll need some practice..." -elsewhere- Touma: "Failure..." natsuna: sir? Touma: "...What?" natsuna: what's a failure? and what was the point of this? Touma: "Acquiring a sample. A new one..." natsuna: ?? Touma: "Something to perfect an experiment..." natsuna: and that would be? Touma: "...Would you like to see it?" natsuna: i guess? -elsewhere- Belkia: ^w^ naho: today was a good day. Sakuya: *nods* "Quite a bit..." tsubaki: *setting the beds* Black Star: "need help?" tsubaki: oh, thanks. ^^ Black Star: *gets to work* "...I'm surprised we can fit so many people here." tsubaki: *she nods*....*tearfully chuckles* Black Star: "?! Tsubaki? What's wrong?" tsubaki: n-nothing, just...laughing at the irony of it all....back then, we came to this new home to get away from him.....and now... Black Star: "...Yeah. Ironic." *looks glum* tsubaki:.....*frowns* Black Star: "...I'll get some more sheets." *turns abruptly* tsubaki:........ Black Star: *goes to closet, pulling out another set of sheets...walks back to her, not looking at her* tsubaki: ....*bites lip* Black Star: *finishes making the bed...looks at her* tsubaki: *hugs him* Black Star: "!!! Wh-What?" tsubaki: i-i'm sorry...i've been such a terrible girlfriend... Black Star: "N-No! No, you haven't!" *pulls out of the hug, holding her by her shoulders* "I-I'm sorry!" tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "...I love you, so much." tsubaki: i love you too. really... Black Star: *nods, hugs her* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q reimi: sir? Mr. Tsubaki: "I-I just felt a wave of sadness pass over me, like none I have felt." reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *resumes fox form...leans against Reimi* "I miss her..." reimi:...did you want to visit her? Mr. Tsubaki: *nod nod* -elsewhere- Ponera: *sigh* shaula: whats up, ponpon? Ponera: "...Just lonely, I guess." milia: so boooored. i feel like we havent been doing anything. =n= Ponera: "Maybe we need something to do..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "So, with the commander spoken for, any dating prospects?" fang-hua: eh? Tsukiyo: "You know, you seeing anyone?" fang-hua: not really. to be honest, im not really looking for anyone. Tsukiyo: "...Well, just looking out for you there." -elsewhere- Arthur: "I move the Knight here..." *moves his chess piece* nozomi: hmmm... *moves her rook* Arthur: *moves his pawn* "Check." nozomi: D: karin: oh, so close. Victor: "Well, it's not like it's checkmate yet..." karin: yeah, still early game. Arthur: "I suggest you get out of the way of my pawn, then." -elsewhere- Wes: "I'm so sorry." liz: it's ok. im just glad we're all ok... Wes: *nods* "So am I..." liz:....soul's so close to being a death scythe now. Wes: "Yes...and that scares me." liz: ?? wes? Wes: "He'll be facing bigger threats..." liz: ...we arent going to be children forever, you know. Wes: *nods* "I still see him as my little brother..." liz: i understand that feeling. Wes: "I-I worry...What do Death Scythes tend to do? And without a meister for Soul..." liz: ...then again, justin doesnt have a meister either... Wes: "True...I hope he can help Soul..." liz: hopefully, he's just a little older than soul, so maybe... Wes: *nods, slight shiver* -elsewhere- Yohei: *reading to Toru* toru: *listening* Yohei: So Coraline followed the tunnel into a new world..." *points at the illustration* "Really colorful tunnel, isn't it? What color is that?" toru: papu! (purple) Yohei: *smiles* "That's right! And what color is the cat?" -elsewhere- Harvar: *slicing a watermelon* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Which movie you want?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "And tickets are...pre-ordered." tamaki: awesome! Arthur: *smiles* "I think it will be an enjoyable outing." tamaki: now we just need to get our costumes ready. Arthur: "...Like a suit of armor?" tamaki: sure? Arthur: *shiny eyes* "Yay!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: yeah. *holds her stomach* stupid cramps. TT.TT Kid: *nods* "May I get you anything?" stocking: hot water bottle and chocolate. lots of it. Kid: *smiles* "On it." ("Thank goodness we have chocolate shipped in like natural gas...") stocking: thank you honey~<3 *He returns with the bottle--and a plate of various chocolates* stocking: i wuv you~<3 Kid: *smiles* "I love you, too." -the next day- Patty: "New day! New day!" julie: ^w^ Patty: "What you want for breakfast, Julie?" julie: waffle mountain! Patty: "No! A waffle volcano full of maple syrup!" julie: awesome! Patty: "Okay!" *puts a small chef's hat on Julie* "I'll start pouring the batter in..." -and so- stocking: *shiny eyes* woah! Patty: "Chef Patty delivers! Dig in, folks!" stocking: thanks for the meal~! Kid: "...That volcano is a little off on the left--" Patty: *glare* julie: *nom* Patty: *smiles at Julie* "Want any fruit on it?" julie: blueberries please! Patty: "On it!" *pulls out a modified water gun* "Blueberry gun away!" liz: *berry'd* ah! Patty: "Whoops! Sorry, Sis! I'm sure I can clean that out..." -elsewhere- Relan: *trying to make an omelette* "Um..." iris: need help? Relan: "Y-Yes, please. I'm not sure when to flip...or fold?" iris: ah. you need to wait for most of the liquidy stuff on top to evaporate. Relan: *watches, nods* -and so- Relan: "Is-Is it done?" iris: i think so. Relan: *picks it off the pan and onto the plate* "..." *takes the fork, takes some, bites in--WIDE-EYED ENJOYMENT* shinra: seems he's happy. *smiles* Relan: =w= "Tasty..." -elsewhere- Lawless: *poke poke* licht: *opens eye* what? Lawless: "It's morning. I'm hungry." licht: the pantry is stocked. you know where everything is. Lawless: "..." *poke poke* "Will you make me muffins?" licht: i need my beauty sleep, im not your mother. Lawless: "...You could be my daddy--" -KICK- licht: ..............im just going to pretend i never heard that. Lawless: D: -elsewhere- Vulcan: *fixing the birdfeeder* yu: i brought in some new parts, sir! Vulcan: "Good job! Get to work prepping them and filing them! We start building the new project!" yu: yes sir! Vulcan: "Now, let's see..." *he looks over his blueprints...and it looks like a giant skull...* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Wakey-wakey..." akaderu: *yaaawn* *pulls her into a hug* Kepuri: o\\\\o "..." *returns the hug* "Tired?" akaderu: couldnt sleep. Kepuri: *pouts slightly* "I'm sorry..." *feels his forehead* "You sick?" akaderu:.....sure, lets go with that. Kepuri: "...What's wrong? Talk to me." akaderu:....night terrors. Kepuri: "..." *holds him* "You're awake now...Do you want to talk about them?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *finds a photograph...glares at it* gabriella: is something wrong? Hibana: "Just an annoyance..." *it's her and Giovanni* gabriella: oh. that guy is creepy. Hibana: *nods* "Best to keep an eye out for him..." gabriella: *nods* Hibana: "And away from our daughter..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sorting papers* "What you think about this?" fang-hua: what are those? Tsukiyo: *taps an arrest warrant* "This guy. Seen around buildings, stealing valuables." fang-hua: hmm.. hikage: we'll whoop his ass! hinata: kick him right in the balls! Tsukiyo: "He's like six times your height!" hikage: *climbs on to hinata's shoulders* mecha-twin attack! Tsukiyo: "...'Kay." -elsewhere- tsubaki:....?? a note? *To my love* tsubaki: *opens it and reads it* *It's Masamune's handwriting* Note: "I'm so sorry..." tsubaki: ?? Note: "But I must leave, to prove I am worthy." tsubaki:....... Note: "I will return to you. Wait." tsubaki: .....*bites her lip* (thinking: brother....) Note: "With all my love to you, Oichi." tsubaki:..... *remembering what she heard during the japan trip* black*star? Black Star: *yawn* "Huh?" tsubaki: i think we have a mission. Black Star: "??? Where?" tsubaki: *false smile* consider it a personal mission. Black Star: "...Okay?" ("What is she hiding?") tsubaki: i'll explain later. Black Star: "..." *smiles, nods* "Okay! What do we need before we head out?" -elsewhere- Giovanni: *massaging his wrist* soldier: sir? Giovanni: "We will be ready soon. Did you get me the map of Vulcan's lab?" soldier: yes sir. Giovanni: *takes it, reviewing* "...We'll surround those exits...Check underground, make sure no escape route through basement." soldier: understood. Giovanni: "...I have to finish repairs. Excuse me." *still rubbing his wrist* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Toguchin! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!" naho: *watching* Belkia: "Nothing up my sleeve--" *rips off his sleeve, before reaching into the hat...* naho: *watching and doing her homework* Belkia: "Presto!" *pulls out...Sakuya, in a bunny girl outfit* Sakuya: o\\\\\o naho:.... *NOSEBLEED* Sakuya: *trying to cover himself* "How did I even get here?!" Belkia: "It's maaaaaaaagic!" -elsewhere- Kid: "More chocolate?" stocking: with strawberries. Kid: *smiles* "Of course..." *dips a strawberry in chocolate sauce* "Say 'ah'..." stocking: ah~ Kid: *places the strawberry at the tip of her tongue* stocking: *lick* Kid: *smiles, as he lets her bite into it* stocking: *nom* Kid: "Tasty?" stocking: why yes~<3 Kid: "May I have one?" stocking: sure~ Kid: *closes his eyes, opens his mouth* stocking: here you go~ Kid: "Aaaah~" -nom~- Kid: "Mmm~" stocking: glad you like it~ Kid: *nods* "Yummy! Thank you." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Hmm...Needs more salt." -elsewhere- Meme: *sneeze* mio: you alright? Meme: *nods* "Sorry. Just allergies." mio: ah. Meme: *takes out medicine* "Could you get me a glass of water?" mio: sure. Meme: "Thanks, sweetie!" mio:..... .////////////////////////////////////////. Meme: *sips, takes medicine* "...???" mio: awawawawawa.... @///////////@ *steam coming off her head* Meme: D: "!!!" *catches her* "Oh no! Mio! Speak to me!" mio: im goooooood to gooooo. Meme: "..." .\\\\\. "Um...Maybe you need to lie down?" mio: g-good call. Meme: *leads her to bed* "Just rest up. I'll get you a compress..." -elsewhere- Free: *scratching* eruka: *folding laundry* Free: "I think I need to put the collar on again..." eruka: good call. Free: *puts it on* "Damn fleas..." eruka: i'll get the vaccum. Free: "Okay. I think I need a bath, too." -and so- Free: *bubbles in tub* =w= "I can feel my skin and fur free of those little bastards..." eruka: *washing his hair* Free: "Thanks for doing this." eruka: well someone has to. Free: "Sorry...This is easier than when I had fleas on my own...and your fingers feel nice." eruka: 7////7 thanks...i think. Free: "Maybe I could make it up to you?" eruka: kero? Free: "Maybe I could dust off some of those hard to reach corners?" eruka:...i dont follow? .-. Free: "Well, I mean, you seem so frustrated that I thought I could relieve you by helping out. Those corners get dusty..." eruka: *pouts* w-what's that supposed to mean? >n< Free: "??? What? You were doing house-work, and you're shorter, so with my height, I could reach the dusty ceiling corners--" eruka: *sweatdrop* oh....ok then. i'd appreciate that. ._.;; Free: "...You're welcome! Well, I think I'm about done in here..." eruka:...right. (thinking: STUPID ERUKA! GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!) Free: *stands up* eruka:... O_O *she got an eyefull* Free: "...Oh, right! You're still here. Heh. Sorry about that!" ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzz..." toru: zzzz... chie: *smiles* Yohei: *yawn, opens his eyes* chie: hey~ Yohei: *smiles* "Hey." *kiss on her hand* "How're you?" chie: doing well. Yohei: "Sleep okay? How is Toru?" toru: zzzz..... chie: i dont know, you tell me~ Yohei: *smiles* "Sounds like he's sleeping okay..." chie: *smiles* Yohei: "I can watch him for a bit. You need to do anything?" -elsewhere- Konro: "Hmm..." *finishes watering the flowers* "Perfect!" kabuki: they look wonderful. Konro: "Thanks! I have put in a lot of work tending to them--" kabuki: ah, i see. Konro: "Yes. It would be awful if someone ran through them, damaging them--" -BOOM- hikage: WE GOT IM! Konro: D: ???: "Get off of me!" hinata: *DROPKICK on the bandit's junk* ???: *high-pitch squeal* kabuki: oh, so you're the bandit here? Bandit: *voice cracking* "I ain't admitting to nothing!" Konro: Q~Q "My...flowers..." kabuki: oh~? *calm face, scary aura* Bandit: ._.;;;; hinata: mushishishi. *creepy grin* hikage: >83 Bandit: D: *tries to crawl away* kabuki: and where do you think you're going~? *kitsune tails + mask* Bandit: "I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I'LL GIVE BACK EVERYTHING I STOLE!" kabuki: oh you'd better~ Bandit: *points* "Under the garden! I buried the loot under the garden!" Konro: Q~Q "WHY?!" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "How long will you be away, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: only a few days, if all goes well. Sakuya: "We'll keep the house as you left it." naho: and we'll make sure everything is peachy keen when you get back! Belkia: "Will you bring back souvenirs, Mommy?" tsubaki: i'll see what i can do. ^^ Black Star: "Well, let's get going..." lavender: stay safe, you two! Higan: *waves* -and so- Black Star: "...Long trip?" tsubaki:...yeah. -she explains the situation, and oichi- Black Star: "...Wow...I can see why this is important to you..." tsubaki: *she nods* since masamune is...well....part of me now, i feel i should be the one to try helping her. Black Star: *nods* "Makes sense." -elsewhere- Canadian Grocery Employee #1: "Someone ate all our frozen waffles!" gluttony: *running* -elsewhere- Relan: "Hmm...This doesn't make sense in the budget. Who filed for reimbursement for...'Neko Ninja Warriors Season 2' on DVD?" tamaki: i dont know, but i'll just confiscate it. Relan: "...O-Okay?" Takehisa: "The rest of the budget seems to be in order. Iris, please file." iris: *salutes* yes sir. Victor: "Sweet--the new test tubes arrived!" karin: awesome! Victor: "Hey, Rel, can we borrow your rat for cloning experiments--" Relan: Q______Q shinra: *glares at victor* Victor: "??? What? I touch a nerve?" shinra: *glaaaaaare* dont. touch. buttons. got it? iris: to clarify, 'buttons' is the name of the rat. Victor: *about to poke Shinra's suit button--then hears Iris* "Oooooooh. Gotcha, Sister!" -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Better?" akaderu: yeah. a lot. *smiles* Kepuri: *smiles* "I'm glad...Anything you want to do?" akaderu: not at the top of my head.... Kepuri: *pats his head* "Alright. Then how about we start this day right?" akaderu: like how? Kepuri: *rests a hand on his chest* "I think you need a shower to clean up..." akaderu: *siiigh* Kepuri: "Come on, you need to be at your best..." *lifts up his shirt...kisses his belly* "For me?" akaderu: *blush* a-alright... Kepuri: *takes off his shirt, then takes his hand into the bathroom* -elsewhere- Gopher: "LOOK OUT!" kirika: !! *dodge* *SLASH* monster: *SCREECH* Gopher: "I will fire my Love Cannon at this beast!" monster: *screeah?* kirika: *dodges out of the way* Gopher: "Love Cannon...FIRE!" *boom* kirika: ... monster: x_x Gopher: "Yippee! We did it!" *hug* kirika: good job out there today. 7///7; Gopher: "You were amazing!" =w= kirika: well, that's just me. UwU Gopher: "...That's always you..." kirika: ^w^ Gopher: "..." *pulls back...* "...Can I buy you a coffee?" kirika: hmm. sure. im kinda parched. -elsewhere- Patty: "Yo, Kim!" kim: hey, whats up! Patty: *holds up envelop* "Bam!" *hands it to her* "Wedding invites!" kim: aw, thanks! Patty: "Welcome! Let me know who your Plus One is. BRING GOOD GIFTS!" kim: can do! Patty: "So, how's work been going?" kim: pretty well. -elsewhere- Konro: "WORK FASTER, BANDIT! THOSE FLOWERS AREN'T GOING TO PLANT THEMSELVES!" Bandit: T~T fang-hua: ^^; (thinking: the 7th certainly is an interesting brigade...) Tsukiyo: "Glad they caught this guy...But the Captain's poor flowers..." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "...We should make it up to him. Maybe help out?" -elsewhere- Emine: *in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt* "...I feel foolish." mana: well, you can use some sunlight. a little vitamin D never killed anyone. Emine: "_The sun can kill us all_. Look at it, cackling at us." mana: ... -elsewhere- Yumi: "Death, where are the cookies?" lord death: there should be some in the pantry. Yumi: *opens the pantry...and frowns* "What are _you_ doing in there?" mizune medi: O-O;; i got lost? Yumi: "...And eating our cookies?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Pool's clean!" izumi: awesome! Spirit: "Should be good to go. Want to swim?" izumi: yep. *goes to get changed* sachiko: nice job. *already in her swimsuit* Spirit: *smiles at her* "Any time. Heh...Guess that makes me lifeguard?" sachiko: sure. if you're up for it. Spirit: *nods* "For Izumi, anything..." -\\\\- "Also, you look stunning." sachiko: thanks... izumi talked to me the other night. Spirit: "Oh? What about?" sachiko: izumi's thinking of enrolling in the DWMA. Spirit: "..." *frowns* sachiko: spirit? Spirit: "I'm just...scared." sachiko: yeah, i can understand that. Spirit: "...At least if she was in the school, it would be a long time before she went on any missions...and can learn just how dangerous this work is." sachiko:....*she nods* Spirit: "..." *holds her hand* "I will do everything I can to keep her safe." sachiko: *smiles* i know. Spirit: *nods, trying to smile* "J-Just have to make sure Izumi knows..." sachiko: ....yeah. Spirit: "But for now, let's enjoy today." *smiles* sachiko: right. Spirit: "Well, go take a dip." *pats her arm* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *collapsed under a pile of library books* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: "Oh, sure, just fine--except for the 50 pounds of books on my back!" ???: here, let me help. *levitating the books off her and into a nice pile* Jacqueline: ._.; "...Thank you?" ???: well, i couldnt just leave a lady in need of assistance, now can i~? kim: ..... Jacqueline: *stands up, looking at the person* "Um...What's your name?" ???: just call me Mr. N. Jacqueline: "...Okay? Um...Thanks again." *picks up books* "I better get these re-shelved..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *lying in bath* =\\\\= -elsewhere- Black Star: *checking map* tsubaki: murasaki isnt too far. Black Star: *looks at the sky* "...That's troubling." tsubaki: ...!! -a thick fog looms ahead- Black Star: "..." *pulls out a flashlight* -ahead is the village of murasaki....with the muramasa estate on the hillside- Black Star: "Muramasa?" tsubaki: yes. the village of murasaki. the muramasa family's residence. Black Star: "...Who you planning to meet?" tsubaki: my would have been sister-in-law, oichi. from what i heard from my parents, her mental state is deteriorating... Black Star: "...I'm sorry." tsubaki: it's ok. you didnt do anything wrong. -someone watches from the shadows, but no one notices- Black Star: "It's just...these problems keep mounting. I feel like I'm not doing much..." tsubaki: you are though. you're here with me, arent you? Black Star: *nods* "And I'm not going anywhere..." tsubaki: *she smiles* ???:....... *creeps back into the shadows* Black Star: "Thought what you'll say to her?" tsubaki: *she nods* i still have the letter... Black Star: "How did...he sound in it?" tsubaki: ....pained. Black Star: "Damn..." tsubaki: ....the house is just up ahead now. Black Star: *nods* "Be careful getting in..." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *approaches the steps...looking around* -someone is heard inside- servant: w-who is it?! Black Star: "Two people who wanted to see Oichi--" servant: l-lady nakatsukasa? tsubaki:..*she nods* servant: *hesitant*.....im not sure how well she will respond... Black Star: "??? Can you at least pass along a message to her?" servant:....well. i suppose miss nakatsukasa could _try_ to talk to her. lady oichi barely listens to any of us... Black Star: "???" *looks at Tsubaki* "So, I stay here?" servant:....i'll get you some tea. *looks at tsubaki* lady oichi's chambers are this way. Black Star: "...Be safe." tsubaki: *she nods and follows to oichi's chambers* Black Star: *sits in the room, waiting for tea* "..." tsubaki:....*opens the door leading into the room* -the room is a traditional japanese style room, but it looks dishevled, and it was freezing cold. as tsubaki stepped in, she felt something embrace her- tsubaki: ?!?! -she turns to see a woman with long, stringy black hair and a faded pink kimono- oichi: found you.....masa-chan...~<3 tsubaki: !!!!! Black Star: *feels a chill from where he sits* "?!" tsubaki: o-oichi? oichi: i missed you....so much masa-chan... i've been...waiting all this time... Black Star: *stands up* tsubaki: oichi...its me, tsubaki. oichi: masa-chan...i can feel you right here.... Tsubaki: o_O "O-Oichi! I'm not Masamune!" oichi: ....but...i can feel him....he's here...where is he? where is he? WHERE IS HE! *shaking her* WHEREISHEWHEREISHEWHEREISHE?! *she's shaking, tears falling* Tsubaki: "..." *pulls away from her...resting her hands on her shoulders* "Oichi..." oichi: ....*stares at her, with a silent, but near wild look in her eyes* Tsubaki: "..." *gulp* "Masamune is still here..." *puts a hand along her own chest* oichi: he's....in there?......*sword arm* then....i just...have to cut him out.... Tsubaki: "!!!" *transforms her arm into a blade* "Oichi, stop! I am not here to fight!" oichi: give him back! give masa-chan back!! Tsubaki: *blocking the attacks, but struggling not to hit Oichi* ("Brother...What do I do?") oichi: where is he?! where are you hiding him?! Tsubaki: *deflects Oichi's blade, pushing her against the wall* "Masamune is dead!" oichi:......liar...LIAR! h-he'll be back someday! i know it! he-he's- Tsubaki: *snatches Oichi's hand, placing it on her chest* "If you won't listen to me..." oichi: ?! Tsubaki: "Then listen to him..." oichi: ?? *Soul Resonance...* oichi: ah- *She is underneath a blue sky* oichi: w-where...? *The floor beneath her is a pool of water* oichi: what is....? ???: "The inside of her soul..." oichi: ?! *she turns to see* !!! Masamune: "...Oichi." oichi: ma...masa-chan!! *she runs over to him and hugs him tightly* Masamune: *he is frozen with shock for a few moments...before holding her* oichi: *crying* m-masa-chan...i missed you so much.... Masamune: "...I'm so sorry..." oichi: *still holding him and crying* Masamune: "Oichi...I cannot come back..." oichi: what? Masamune: "...I am dead." oichi: ..... *her heart dropped to her stomach* Masamune: "I am here, within Tsubaki's soul...I cannot come back." oichi: *tearing up* why? how...how did this happen? Masamune: "...My jealousy..." oichi: ?? Masamune: "If I had accepted who I am, rather than what I am not...Oichi, I am so sorry." oichi: ......*whimpering* masa-chan... Masamune: "I'm sorry..." *crying* "I'm so sorry..." oichi: what do i do? Masamune: "...Move forward." oichi: but...i-if you arent there... Masamune: "..." *holds his hand to her chest* "I am always here..." oichi: *whimpering* please...d-dont go.... Masamune: "I'm not going anywhere..." *hugs her* "I love you." oichi: i...i love you so much... Masamune: "And I always will...If you need to see me, please, be kind to my sister..." oichi: ..... Masamune: "If you need to speak with me, just ask her...and I will come to you." oichi: *she nods* -she is back in the room- Tsubaki: "..." *her eyes are wet* oichi: *crying and holding her* Tsubaki: *supports her, crying as well* "I'm sorry..." -later- Black Star: "..." tsubaki: she's resting now...im not sure if i made the situation better or worse... Black Star: "She knows now...That has to help somehow." tsubaki: i hope so. -later- tsubaki: we're home! Sakuya: "!!! O-Oh, hey!" naho: *confetti* surprise! tsubaki: eh? Belkia: *takes Tsubaki by the hand, leading her to the couch* "Kick up your feet! Relax!" tsubaki: eh? lavender: we thought we'd throw a lil party to give you the appreciation you deserve! Higan: *nods* "Hooray." tsubaki: you guys. *teary eyed* thank you. Black Star: *smiles at her* Sakuya: "We got you some small gifts..." tsubaki: ah! i brought souveniers for you guys too! -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *shiver* reimi: you ok? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Just...thinking." reimi: ah.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...She is so perfect." reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "My Camelia Flower..." reimi: ah. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Have you ever felt that way about someone?" reimi: me? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* reimi: not at the top of my head, no. Mr. Tsubaki: "...She has been there, for so long, trying to bring me back into this world...I love her so much." reimi: *listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "I want to be the man she needs me to be...and that my family needs..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *looking at himself in the mirror, while he's in his suit of armor* -elsewhere- Patty: "Any other trash to put out?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: o___o "...How high is your credit card bill?" -elsewhere- Hiro: *washing dishes* hime: i'm home! mrs kenshimono: welcome home, honey! Hiro: "Hey! How was your day?" hime: it went pretty well. everyone's antsy for summer break. mrs kenshimono: well, we just got the reservations for the hotel for vacation. hime: neat. Hiro: "When are we heading out?" mrs kenshimono: as soon as summer break hits. hime: *nods and heads to her room* Hiro: "Where's this place again?" mr kenshimono: it's by the beach. Hiro: "Huh...I forgot to buy sunscreen." -and so- Hiro: *wearing his sunglasses* "Huh. Bright out." Hiro: "I wonder how the sun looks over the beach..." -bump- Hiro: "!!! Oh, sorry--" ef: s-sorry about that! Hiro: "!!! Mai! Hey!" ef: h-hiro! o////o f-fancy seeing you here! >///< Hiro: "Yeah, small world. You visiting?" ef: i was just in the neighborhood doing some shopping. .////. Hiro: "Oh, cool...Shopping for anything in particular?" ef: i needed a new wetsuit, but it's hard to find them in most shops. Hiro: "Yeah, especially in a desert area...Wait, wetsuit?" ef: yeah. i prefer them over swimsuits because....p-personal reasons. Hiro: "..." .\\\\\. "Say no more." ef: y-yeah....(thinking: i shouldnt burden him with....those....) Hiro: "...I did need to stop by to get some swimtrunks..." *follows her* -elsewhere- Ponera: *groan* grimoire: what seems to be troubling you? Ponera: "Just...frustrated." milia: are we gonna do something or what? Ponera: "I don't know...What is progress on our plans?" grimoire: we're about.....68% ready... Ponera: *pouts* "Feels like it's taking forever..." grimoire:....we've just about spent our resources here. Ponera: *pouts even more* "So we have to move. Again?" grimoire: it would be our best course of action. Ponera: "...Nuts. That's going to be pain to move everything..." *cuddles with an ant* "This sucks." ant: =3= Medusa: "Hmph. Moving? That is indeed frustrating. And I suppose you'll be wanting my help, since Shaula is so undependable..." shaula: hey, i am not! i can get my minions to help! im such a genius, hoho~! beatrice: indeed you are, lady shaula. Medusa: "Oh, you created the minions? Sorry, I can't tell the difference, given how similar you are to them--especially in mental prowess." shaula: if you're comparing me to those yellow freaks of nature, then you must be blind. im talking about my 'traitors'. which now that i think of it, is kind of a dumb name. Medusa: "Like I said: your brainless traitors, your brainless self. You create what you are." shaula: then you must be a mentally distraught baby who is the offspring of your deadbeat ex. twice. *SLICE* shaula: O-O;;; Medusa: *sliced at Shaula's sleeve, another arrow aimed at Shaula's neck* "Never talk about my child like that." shaula:.....which one? owo; *SLICE* *Shaula loses her bangs* Medusa: "Stop talking..." shaula: OwO;;;; Ponera: ._.; "Um...Play nice? Or you'll, um, have to sit in the corner?" shaula: 737 neian: muma! Medusa: *smiles sweetly* "It is okay, precious. Mama is here." Ponera: *shiny eyes* "Baby~" -elsewhere- Hibana: "AH-choo!" -elsewhere- Rin: "...Is it cute enough?" kyouko: what even is that? *looks at it* Rin: "I was trying to draw a class mascot..." *it looks like a three-year-old drew it* kyouko: ...its nice. Rin: ^^; "...It looks like trash, doesn't it? I was trying to draw a cute demon..." kyouko: is it some kind of contest or something? Rin: "Yeah! Whoever makes the best mascot design wins a prize for their class: a new refrigerator!" kyouko: ... Rin: T_T "But I can't win it with this crap..." kyouko: want us to help? Rin: *nods* "How are you with drawing?" -elsewhere- Relan: *yawn* shinra: busy day? Relan: *nods* "I need eyedrops..." shinra: i think we have some in the bathroom. Relan: "Thank you..." *follows* -elsewhere- Lawless: *holding conductor's baton* "You got to wiggle your hips to perform for the audience..." licht: piano playing doesnt work that way. Lawless: "How about you play one of those piano flute thingies?" -elsewhere- Kid: "I got the laundry." liz: awesome. Patty: "Great! Time to fold--" *leaps into the laundry basket* Kid: ._. liz: *sweatdrop* Patty: *sits up, holding up--* "Kiddo!" *it's a speedo bottom with skull prints on it* Kid: o\\\\\o stocking: whats up gang-....oh, i wondered where you put those, kid. Kid: O\\\\\\\O Patty: "Oooooooo!" Kid: *snatches them, shoves them down his pants* "N-Nothing!" stocking: ^^; liz: hey, its not as if she hasnt seen you naked before, haha! Kid: "I don't like my speedos out in the open!" Patty: "Oh, how embarrassing can those be compared to--" *grabs Kid's pants* Kid: "?!!!" *TUG* stocking: ...lookin good, kiddo~<3 liz: D8 PATTI! Patty: "Ha ha ha ha!" Kid: *covering himself* D:< stocking: come on patti, leave him be. ^^; Kid: *pulling up his pants, scowling at Patty* "You will pay for that!" Patty: Xp -elsewhere- Hiro: "How about this one?" *holds up a one-piece* ef: .///. t-thats a bit flashy dont you think? Hiro: "Too colorful?" ef: a-a little... Hiro: *picks out a wetsuit* "How about this one?" ef: i think that one is much better. *smiles* Hiro: "Great!" *grabs a pair of swimtrunks with a flame design* "Huh..." ef: wow. Hiro: "Too flashy, right?" -elsewhere- Anya: "Hmm...Forgot the milk..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *reviewing a file* "The food supplies seem suitable..." kabuki: that's good to know. reimi: *smiles* Benimaru: "Then we should prepare for the festival: not long before watermelon and fireworks..." reimi: yahoo! Benimaru: "??? Aren't you excited." reimi: of course i am! i've always loved matsuri season! Benimaru: *small smile* "It is a relief for many here." kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "I suppose I should get out the kimonos..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Come on, Shiori--eat..." shiori: *nom* gu! Yumi: ^^ "Thank you. You need to eat so you can grow up big and strong like your older siblings." -elsewhere- Meme: "I can't beat this level..." -elsewhere- naho: *talking into the fan* aaaaaahhhh... Shamrock: *sipping on cold fruit smoothie* lavender: *in her bathing suit* Higan: "Ready for a dip?" lavender: sounds good. Higan: *smiles* "After you~" Sakuya: *trying to stay in the shade* naho: ....hey sakkun. want some shaved ice? Sakuya: *nod nod* "Thanks...I'm so hot out here." naho: i couldnt tell, you're hot all the time... that sounded so dumb. >///<; Sakuya: "..." *pat pat* "I appreciate it, though." *smiles* naho: ^///^ Black Star: *in his swimtrunks* "Well, I'm ready for some sun and swimming!" lilac: i'll just...stay in here. Shamrock: "??? Would you like a fruit smoothie?" lilac:...*nod* Shamrock: *pours one out from the blender* "Enjoy." X^ lilac:..t-thank you... Shamrock: "Any time..." Black Star: *swimming* tsubaki: *sunbathing* *The nearby bush shakes* tsubaki: ?? *Fox eyes shine out of the bush* tsubaki: !! *The fox recedes back in the bush...then a human hand appears, curling a finger to ask her to come into the bushes* tsubaki: ._.; *looks around* .... *walks over* *Inside, alone in the bushes, is Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *meek wave* tsubaki: .///. what are you doing here? Mr. Tsubaki: "I-I missed my family...which includes you." tsubaki: .....did you...want to speak with them? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nod nod* tsubaki:...you wont be able to stay long, will you? Mr. Tsubaki: "...One night." tsubaki:...ah. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I don't know how to face them..." tsubaki: ...they've missed you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...And I have missed them..." -and so- tsubaki: he's only spending the night. Black Star: *glaaaaaare* Sakuya: "Ts-Tsubaki?" Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *avoiding eye contact* naho: HIIIII! *HUG* >u< reimi: there's just two of them? i thought i heard more people? Shamrock: "YOUNG MASTER!" *glomp* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" ._.; "Um...A few more--" Belkia: "DADDY!" *glomp* lavender: holy shit. himawari: ....ah... Mr. Tsubaki: *waves* "Hi, Himawari...Been a while." himawari: ......*nod* reimi:...interesting bunch. lavender: oi! higan! you're not gonna believe who's here! Higan: "Hmm? What's up? I was just in the shower and--!!! TSUBAKI!" reimi:........ .____________________.; Higan: *hug, lifting him up* Mr. Tsubaki: "N-Nice to see you too, buddy." ^^; Sakuya: *looking at Reimi* "...Yo. Sakuya." reimi: actually, my name is Reimi Nishihori Sakuya: "No, I'm Sakuya. Sorry...Um, why are you with our erstwhile vampire?" reimi: oh! im actually a vampire too! long story. ^^; Sakuya: "...Near-death experience?" naho: you're a new subclass? neat! i'm naho! *shakes her hand* we're all vampires too! except miss tsubaki and black*star. Black Star: *GLAAAAAAARE* reimi: owo; Sakuya: "Don't mind Black Star. He and Tsubaki took us in when no one else would. He's just...stressed." Mr. Tsubaki: *hiding behind Tsubaki* "Why is he looking so mean at me?" Black Star: *GLAAAAAARE* tsubaki: now come on you two, lets try to get along tonight. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *holds her arm* "I hope so...but maybe I should sleep in another room..." tsubaki: eh? .////. Mr. Tsubaki: "So not to have Black Star get upset with me. Do you have a spare room? And one for Reimi?" tsubaki: i think there might be. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Thank you..." *whispers* "And if you grow tired of sharing a bed with Black Star..." tsubaki: ^^;;;; Black Star: D:< Shamrock: "...You can always share a bed with me--" Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ "No thank you." Shamrock: D: naho: D8> Sakuya: "...So, this is typical here, Reimi. Welcome to the family." reimi: *sweatdrop* lilac:... reimi: woah! you have a ghost here?! lilac: eep! Higan: "So, Reimi, what do you do for a living?" reimi: me? well, im a shrine maiden at the asakusa shrine, where i live. ^^ Sakuya: "..." *pats Lilac's back* "Lilac is our family, not a ghost..." Higan: "Shrine maiden? That's hot." reimi: um... otogiri: *CHOP* have you no shame, higan? Higan: "The answer is no." otogiri: *cold glare* reimi: um...sir, i think i may be a bit too young for you. ^^;;; Higan: "...Ouch." naho: he does that all the time cause he's a gross pervy old man. >xP lavender: you said something about a shower earlier~? Higan: "I prefer to think of myself as 'an amorous, experienced individual.'" *smiles at Lavender* "Yes, I was about to shower..." lavender: need a shower buddy~? reimi: O-O;;; what? Higan: "Always~" Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff* "My children are still as I left them." TwT reimi: ^w^;;;; *has no idea what's going on* Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, has Miss Tsubaki been feeding you all well?" naho: yep! -later that evening- Mr. Tsubaki: "You'll sleep well, Reimi?" reimi: hopefully. Mr. Tsubaki: "I'll be across the hall, so don't hesitate to knock. Otogiri and Lavender are also great to ask..." reimi: ok. the room has a futon, so i think im all set. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Good night, Reimi." reimi: *nods and heads to bed* Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at the door to Tsubaki's room* "..." tsubaki: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: *pops his head in, looking around* tsubaki: *asleep in black*star's arms* Mr. Tsubaki: *pouts* tsubaki: *slight shiver* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *checks to see whether she has a blanket over herself* -yes, just to her waist- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *enters, pulling up the blanket...* tsubaki:...*faint smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *leans down, kisses lightly on her forehead* tsubaki: mmmn.... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ("I wish I could stay here forever...") -footsteps- Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *turns and looks--* Shamrock: "Zzz..." Mr. Tsubaki: "???" Shamrock: *bumps into him--and holds on* "Mmmm~" Mr. Tsubaki: "...???" Shamrock: *sleep-whispering* "I want you..." naho: O///w///O Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um..." *whispers* "I think I'm spoken for..." Shamrock: *sleep talking* "N-No..." *kissy face* naho: *peeeeek* OWO Mr. Tsubaki: *pulling back* "Sham, no. I'm with Tsubaki--" *SMOOCH* Mr. Tsubaki: ._____. Shamrock: "Mmm~" naho: *NOSEBLEED* Mr. Tsubaki: *pulling back, with Shamrock still asleep* "Let go--" *TRIP* Mr. Tsubaki: *falling back into the bed* o_O tsubaki: !! ah!...um... o.o; Mr. Tsubaki: *landed atop her* "...Hello~" Shamrock: *landed atop Mr. Tsubaki--* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" D: "Watch where you're poking! tsubaki: O____O;;; Black Star: *snoring loudly* Shamrock: *cupping Mr. Tsubaki's bottom* Mr. Tsubaki: o______O; *something is happening to him down there...as he's on top of Tsubaki* tsubaki: O.O WAKE UP! *CHOP* Shamrock: "Ouch!" *opens his eye* "...Why am I in a threesome with Young Master and Tsubaki?" tsubaki: i think you were sleepwalking? Shamrock: "..." x\\\\\o "O-Oh! I'm so sorry, Young Master!" Mr. Tsubaki: .\\\\. "Y-Yeah..." *he's still on top of Tsubaki and--* tsubaki: O-O; -squish- Mr. Tsubaki: *muffled, pleased voice* =~= tsubaki: O////O *CHOP* Mr. Tsubaki: "Ow!" o\\\\\o "...Sorry." Black Star: *still snoring* tsubaki: ._.; (thinking: there could be a whole war going on outside, and he'd still be asleep...) Shamrock: "...I'll get to bed. Good night--" *tries to run away quickly* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looks sad* tsubaki: s-sorry, i just...wanst expecting that... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I don't want to be alone." tsubaki:....*holds him* ..... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Can you stay with me...until I fall asleep?" tsubaki:...alright... Mr. Tsubaki: *gets up to go into his room..." -elsewhere- Kid: *turns in bed* stocking: U///U Kid: "Mmm...I can't sleep..." stocking: *yawn* kid? Kid: "...Sorry. Just thinking..." stocking:...need anything? Kid: "Maybe just some tea...I was planning the wedding in my dreams, until I was exhausted..." stocking: aw. pre-wedding jitters~? Kid: "N-Not about getting married! Just all the planning." .\\\\. stocking: ah. *hugs* it'll all work out, trust me. Kid: *hug* "R-Right...Just want it to be perfect...for you." stocking: *smiles* with you there, it will be. Kid: =\\\\\= "How did you get to be so perfect?" stocking: hehe~ ^^ Kid: *cuddles* stocking: love you~<3 Kid: *yawn* "Love you, too..." -morning- Mr. Tsubaki: *yawn* tsubaki: *still asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." (thinking: she stayed) ... *holds her* tsubaki: zzz.... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nuzzles* tsubaki: *wakes up* .... !!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *backs up a bit* "..." *just stares at her* tsubaki:....so it wasnt a dream then... *gets up* black*star? Mr. Tsubaki: "In-In the other room...I guess you slept here all night..." tsubaki: *goes to where black*star is sleeping* its time to wake up... Mr. Tsubaki: *pout* Black Star: *yawn...feels where he thinks she is on the bed...and feels nothing* "???" *looks up* "Oh, hey. Up early?" tsubaki: .....*she hugs him tightly* Black Star: "..." *smiles, returns the hug* "Man, quite a grip, Tsu..." tsubaki: *whimpers* Black Star: "???" *holds her* "What's wrong?" tsubaki: am i doing the right thing? Black Star: "...You mean...I mean, what do you mean? I think you are..." -she closes the door and explains- Black Star: "...Maybe...we need to lay down some rules?" tsubaki:....if it helps... Black Star: "...Do you want to be with him?" tsubaki:.....i dont know. i think my feeling for him are out of concern and guilt. Black Star: "So...not love?" tsubaki: ..i cant say for certain. but i know i love you. Black Star: "I love you, too...If something were to happen with you and him...I won't be angry. But...if you are _thinking_ of doing something with him...I would want you to tell me." tsubaki: ok. i wasnt, but ok. Black Star: *nods* "I trust you...and I trust you to tell me what you feel..." *hug* Mr. Tsubaki: *fox ears hear all* Q~Q tsubaki: thank you. *hugs back* Black Star: "Any time, wonderful." *hugs* reimi: sir? Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff* "Y-Yes?" reimi: are you ok? *concerned* Mr. Tsubaki: "...She doesn't...love me?" reimi: sir? Mr. Tsubaki: "She just...feels concern and guilt? I can't...Why?" reimi:.......at least she's concerned for you. thats something, isnt it? Mr. Tsubaki: "...It wasn't what I thought." reimi:...... Mr. Tsubaki: *reverts completely to fox form, sits in Reimi's lap* reimi:... *pets him* Mr. Tsubaki: *whimpers...as he closes his eyes* reimi:..... Shamrock: *behind the corner* "..." ("I have a chance...but he is so sad...") reimi:.... ?? *looks over* Shamrock: "!!!" *hides* reimi:..... (thinking: what is with that eyepatched guy?) Mr. Tsubaki: "Zzzz..." reimi:...did you want to go home now? Mr. Tsubaki: *yawn* "...It is for the best." -after they went home- tsubaki: .... Higan: "...You've been quiet, Den Mom." tsubaki: sorry....rough morning... naho: mr tsubaki and reimi went home to asakusa. he seemed kinda sad... Shamrock: "...Yes." tsubaki: ........... Sakuya: "...I guess we can visit him, soon..." otogiri: but then we risk letting C3 know where he is... tsubaki:....... Sakuya: "...Damn. Maybe another place where they can't find us? Or--" Shamrock: *puts his hands on the table* "Or maybe Tsubaki should take the real action that needs to be done." tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "You know how he feels, and you know how he can be protected...and you haven't done it." tsubaki: .......he said he needed to do something on his own- Shamrock: "And you believe him?!" lavender: sham, take it easy- Shamrock: "You know what he needs to protect him? An eve!" tsubaki: ? Shamrock: "You know what he is like! The control he needs! Be his eve! Save him!" tsubaki: im trying, but- Shamrock: "That's not good enough!" *slams his fist on the table* "He loves you! And you toy with his feelings--" tsubaki: JUST STOP IT!! *uncanny sword markings* DO YOU THINK ALL THIS IS EASY FOR ME EITHER?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO CARE SO MUCH FOR TWO PEOPLE AND FEEL LIKE YOUR A TERRIBLE PERSON FOR NOT GIVING THE OTHER ENOUGH LOVE AND CARE?! lavender: !! naho: o.o Sakuya: *puts an arm out between Tsubaki and Naho, shielding her* Belkia: *hides under the table* Higan: *just stares* Shamrock: "!!! Tsubaki, I--I just mean, have you not thought of how he--" tsubaki: *panting...she then collapses and breaks down crying, hunched over* Higan: *glares at Shamrock* "You fucking idiot..." Black Star: *runs in* "...Tsubaki!" *runs to her* lavender: for fucks sake, sham, what the hell? Shamrock: "I just...Mr. Tsubaki...He needs...He needs us..." Black Star: *holding Tsubaki, glares at Shamrock* otogiri:... naho: its ok. tsubaki: *still crying* Black Star: "We're here...I'm here..." lavender: easy there... otogiri: *looks at shamrock* perhaps you should cool off for a moment... Shamrock: "..." *shudders, looking horrified with himself...runs away* lilac:..... -later that afternoon- tsubaki: *asleep on the couch* Black Star: "...This is my fault." lavender: hey, you didnt do anything wrong. Black Star: "...She is so stressed, and I'm putting that pressure on her, too..." lavender: .... Black Star: "...I'm going to have to accept him, aren't I?" otogiri: we should do something for her. naho: it might help. Black Star: "Anything you have in mind? Because I think I'm too close to this to think of a solution..." naho: not at the top of my head.....anyone seen lilac? -elsewhere- lilac: *panting* too...much...walking.... Shamrock: *fast-walking* lilac: s-shamrock? s-shouldnt we....*pant* go home now? Shamrock: "You go home. How am I supposed to?" lilac: ....t-they'll..come looking for you...they did before... Shamrock: "...I hurt her...because...I wanted him protected...and I am...so angry and jealous of her..." lilac:....*listening* Shamrock: "...I love him." lilac:...oh. Shamrock: "...And he loves her. And I want her to give up everything for him--so that she destroys herself and can save him..." *serene smile as he is crying* "...I am awful..." lilac: *gulp* ...... Shamrock: *puts his head in his hands* "I'm such an idiot..." lilac: ......*hug* if-if it helps...i think you're just trying your best.... Shamrock: "..." *hug* "Like Tsubaki is..." lilac:....im sure she'll forgive you...miss tsubaki's....a really nice person... Shamrock: "...She's also a warrior...You haven't seen that glint in her eye..." lilac:..... Shamrock: "...I'm going to have to sleep with one eye open..." *light bulb* D: "I ONLY HAVE ONE EYE!" lilac: o.o; Shamrock: "She's going to kill me in my sleep!" *hugs Lilac* lilac: um....*confused* uhhhhhhhhh... *looking around* Shamrock: "...Lilac...Help me convince her..." lilac: eh? Shamrock: "...That I'm sorry?" lilac: oh. r-right...maybe...we could get her something? Shamrock: "...I don't know what I could get her to make up for my behavior." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "I'm sorry for last night...I think it was just the anxiety getting to me. Seeing the progress we have made, I feel a little more at ease." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "Let's...look forward to this wedding preparation as a challenge." *smiles* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, wakes up confused* "Wh-Where am I?" reimi: back at the shrine. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small voice* "Oh." reimi:....*pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\= *sniff* "...She doesn't love me..." reimi: if not in a romantic sence, but i know she does care about you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...That's not the answer I wanted." reimi: ......i dont know....life's not very fair...is it? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *remembering his sensei's death* "No..." reimi:...thanks...for saving me. Mr. Tsubaki: "...What kind of a person would I be, if I let someone die?" reimi:...*small smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *huddles into himself, small whimper as he falls back asleep* reimi:...... -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Thanks for the meal, Nea." nea: no problem~ Kepuri: "Hey, I wanted to know--you like the outdoors?" nea: why do you ask? Kepuri: "I'm always locked up in the office--and my boss wants me to 'engage with the outdoors.' Phef. I just don't like that kind of stuff..." nea: insects are part of the outdoors, arent they? Kepuri: -_-; "Yes...But I tend to bring the specimens indoors so I can work in the lab." nea: *sweatdrop* mana: ok. im going to give you girls proper camping lessons! Kepuri: "...'Kay? Where to?" -elsewhere- Victor: *sipping coffee* "Well, I'm done for the day." -elsewhere- Hiro: *swimming* "Come on in! Water's great!" ef: *steps in, wearing the wetsuit* hime: *in a floatie* Hiro: "You okay, Hime?" hime: yeah. just relaxing, bro. Hiro: *smile* "How about you, Mai?" ef: d-doing well... Hiro: "You're a natural, right? Like a duck to water?" ef: y-you really think so? Hiro: *nods* "Yeah, you should have seen when Hime had problems swimming. Or me." hime: bro! D:< Hiro: "Hey, I had the same problems! Don't act like you were perfect the first time you swam..." hime: *rolls eyes* ef: it must be nice, having a sibling. hime: minus the fact he's a total dork, yeah. Hiro: "It has its benefits, Mai..." *splashes at Hime* hime: hey! D8< you butt! Hiro: "Ha ha!" *dodges* hime: TnT Hiro: "Mai--" *splashes a bt* ef: ah! haha! Hiro: "Ha ha--" *slips back* -elsewhere- Patty: "Just need a bit more ice cream on this cereal..." liz: what are you doing? Patty: "Late breakfast?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *peeling grapes* shinra: what'cha up to? Arthur: "Tamaki seems upset, so I thought I'd make her a fruit platter." shinra: ah. Arthur: "...So, how's Relan?" shinra: he's doing great. *smiles* Arthur: "That's good...But..." shinra: ?? Arthur: "What happens when Giovanni shows up?" shinra: ..... Arthur: "...I think you better get ready for how to respond to him." shinra:...yeah.... Arthur: "...Maybe we can blackmail him?" shinra: but how though... hmmm... Arthur: "Maybe he has embarrassing pictures on the Internet?" shinra: hmm... *thinking*... maybe vulcan knows something? Arthur: "Oh, hey! He knows him...Want to call him?" shinra: sounds like a plan. Arthur: *nods, hands him the phone* -briiiing briiiiing- Vulcan: "...What, no one else can answer these things?" *picks up cat-shaped phone* "What you want?!" shinra: hey vulcan, its us again. just here to chat. Vulcan: "...What you want?" shinra: we wanted to talk to you about giovanni. seems you guys have some kind of history. Vulcan: "...Murderer." shinra: O-O; um...vul? Vulcan: "...Yeah. Giovanni. You already know my story with him. You really think he had nothing to do with my father and uncle getting turned into flame monsters?" shinra: um...well i still dont know the full story on that so....*head scratches* Vulcan: "...Giovanni would send his underlings to visit my uncle and dad. Seemed nice enough. Always friendly to me. But that was a lie, just a way to hide what they were planning...When Giovanni showed up, all of a sudden, Dad and Uncle are flame monsters. And dead. I keep trying to find evidence he is responsible--nothing hard enough to get a case against him." shinra: that does sound suspicious. ...maybe we can find out for sure? the 8th does work as internal investigations amongst the brigades, plus we have two friends in the 3rd, plus relan, who's transfered here to the 8th. maybe they know something? Vulcan: "...What do you want in exchange? I know you're angling for something--" shinra: if you find out anything new, let us know, ok? Vulcan: "...Fine." -elsewhere- tsubaki: *waking up* mmn...hnn? *rubs eyes* Black Star: *lying next to her, awake* "...Hey." tsubaki:...hey. *sad smile* lavender: feeling any better now? tsubaki:....a little bit. thank you. Black Star: "...How's your stomach?" tsubaki: fine... -the door opens- tsubaki: oh...hello sham. Shamrock: "...H-Hi..." tsubaki: listen, sorry about this morning. i just...lost it... Shamrock: "...So did I. I blamed you..." tsubaki: ....sorry that i didnt take your feelings into consideration...or his.. Shamrock: "...I just want him to be safe. He means so much to me..." tsubaki: i know. i want him to be safe too... Shamrock: "...I know you do." *sad smile* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...The fox looks ill." kirei: poor thing... Mr. Tsubaki: *ears down, curled up with his tail around him* "..." T_T reimi:.... Benimaru: "Perhaps take him to a doctor? What do you think, Reimi?" reimi: i'll see what i can do, sir! Mr. Tsubaki: *curls up against Reimi* Benimaru: "See that you do. Cannot have this creature hurt." reimi: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *has fallen asleep, shivering* -elsewhere- Touma: "Any reports from the Nakatsukasa residence?" natsuna: nothing yet. Touma: "Keep an eye on the location. We're almost ready with wiretaps." natsuna: right. Touma: *smiles* "This is when our work gets interesting." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *pats Lilac's back* "You did good." lilac: um...t-thank you.. Sakuya: *smiles* "You're welcome. And I'm sure Sham appreciates it." lilac:...*small smile* Sakuya: "Keep it up--that's how we're going to get through this." lilac: o-ok... Sakuya: "You hungry?" lilac: a little... Sakuya: "Pasta sound good?" lilac: sure. -elsewhere- Kid: "We have a few responses already to invitations, regarding whether they want the vegetarian dish..." -elsewhere- Hiro: "I had a lot of fun!" ef: me too. thanks for inviting me. ^^ Hiro: "Any time--Hime had fun, too!" hime: im not a baby, i can speak for myself, you know. -n- Hiro: "Ha ha..." *pats Hime's shoulder, smiles at Eternal Feather* "So, are you staying here?" ef: well, i-if you want me to then...i-i dont want to intrude or anything. Hiro: "I think we got room. Hime and you can share a room, or Hime and I could." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Camping trip, huh? I remember doing that when we started on our travels, Mana!" mana: yeah. it sure brings back memories. Shotaro: *nods* "Think Kepuri will do okay at it?" mana: who knows. -elsewhere- Iida: *tapping his fingers* "...Boring." ochako: *looks up* whats up iida? Iida: "It feels like we have not had a mission in such a long time." tsuyu: yeah, and with summer break coming up... Izuku: "W-Well, we can always just keep practicing, and hope nothing bad happens--" Bakugo: -_-;;; "You're gonna jinx us." ochako: beach trip! Iida: "!!! Yes! Running on the beach! Improving our swimming! A true boot camp in superheroics!" denki: and girls in swimsuits! kyouka: *facepalm* Bakugo: "DENKI! YOU AND IIDA ARE BOTH RUINING THIS! CAN'T A BEACH TRIP JUST BE A BEACH TRIP?!!!" Izuku: ._. -elsewhere- Giriko: *playing* "Happy little baby!" anna: ^o^ Giriko: *holds up spidey plushie* "Happy little spider!" anna: *hug* >u< arachne: ^^ Giriko: *chuckles* "Better than giving her a chainsaw plushie..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *hands Tsubaki tea* tsubaki: thank you. *smiles* Black Star: "You're welcome." *pats her hand* "Rest up. I'm taking care of--" *BOOM* Black Star: o_O tsubaki: ?!?! *goes to check* what on earth- Belkia: *covered in soot, his hair on fire* "...I was baking cupcakes for you." tsubaki: oh...thank you. ^^; otogiri:... *licks fingertips and snuffs the fire* -tsss- Belkia: *holds up the cupcakes...which are burnt* "..." *points at one* "This one is chocolate." *points at another one* "That one is orange." *points at another* "And I think that one has cherry filling." tsubaki: ...^^ thank you. *eats one*...delicious. ^^; Belkia: *shiny eyes* "THANK YOU, MOMMY!" Black Star: o_o ("...Her poor taste buds and stomach...") tsubaki: TTuTT; Belkia: "I'll do even better next time with a meal! In the meantime, I have to get these charred clothes off me before they fused into my skin!" *skips away happily* Black Star: "..." *holds up garbage can and a box of stomach medicine* -elsewhere- Karim: "This is not bad..." pearl: *she smiles* Karim: "Happy to have a break..." *offers plate* "Cheese?" pearl: sure. ^^ Karim: "Cool..." *takes some himself and puts it on a cracker--and still talks with his mouth full* "So...I was thinking..." pearl: ?? Karim: "What are some of your hobbies? You know, when we're not saving lives?" pearl: well, i do enjoy knitting from time to time. Karim: "Oh, cool! Like scarves?" pearl: *nods* i actually made some for ruby and dia. Karim: "That was nice. I'm sure they were happy with them." pearl: *smiles* Karim: "...Could I get a scarf?" pearl: oh! d-did you have anything in mind? Karim: "Mmm...Maybe something cold-themed? I like penguins..." pearl: oh that would be so cute. ^^ Karim: *smiles* "Thanks..." Karim: "Let me know how I can repay you." -elsewhere- Kid: "How is work at True Cross?" stocking: doing well. im learning more about the other student teachers. Kid: "That's good. Would you like to have them over? Or meet up for a meal?" stocking: sounds great! Kid: *smiles* "I look forward to meeting them." -and so- adrian: *nom* dude, this steak is delicious! seiya: .... gilda:..... ^^; Kid: "Gilda, may I pass you any dish? Maybe the salad?" gilda: *nods* Kid: *passes the salad, serving some of it to xem* "We grew some of the vegetables and made the dressing..." gilda: *nom*... ^w^ seiya: why thank you. adrian: thanks~! Kid: *smiles* "So...how is teaching going?" seiya: it's been well. we've been learning a lot as well. gilda: *nods* Kid: "I can imagine it takes some getting used to a new environment..." *pats Stocking's hand* "And I'm glad Stocking has you all with her." adrian: oh, thanks for inviting us to the wedding, stocks! stocking: no problem. ^^ Kid: *smiles* "We look forward to having you there." Kid: (Internal squeeing) -elsewhere- Hiro: "I had fun..." ef: *smiles* so did i. hime: come on bro, we have to go home now. Hiro: "I got it, I know already..." *waves* "Later, Mai." ef: later! Hiro: *looks at Hime* "You're a little impatient." hime: well, i've been hearing rumors at school about vampire and mafia attacks... Hiro: "..." *nervous laugh* "Th-That's just a rumor..." hime: maybe....but still... Hiro: "Y-Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't want you to get hurt--" hime: i appreciate that. Hiro: " 'Cause it's not like I'm afraid or anything..." hime: ... -elsewhere- Kid: "How was dessert?" stocking: delicious~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Thank you for inviting your new friends to dinner." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I think they will be helpful to you...and you to them." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *hug* "Stocking...This is good." stocking: *smiles* Kid: *dips his finger into the dessert, licking it* stocking: hey, save some for me! *pouts* Kid: *taps his dessert-covered finger onto her nose* stocking: ah! haha! Kid: "Hee hee...Now you have an adorable and delicious nose." stocking: ^^; Kid: *dips another finger, bringing it to her lips* stocking: *suck* Kid: =\\\\= "Such talent..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *kisses away the remaining frosting on her lips* stocking: U////U Kid: "I can't tell what is more delicious..." stocking: oh you~ Kid: *smiles, holds her hands* "I mean it." stocking: i know. *hug* Kid: *hug* "So sweet..." -elsewhere- Spirit: "So, this is serious. And you have to take your classes seriously." izumi: *she nods* i will. i'll do my best! Spirit: "..." *small smile, pats her shoulder* "I know you will..." *worried* izumi: *smiles* Spirit: "Be safe...Find a strong partner...and if any boy tries to get near you, BEAT THE EVER-LOVING HECK OUT OF THEM!" izumi: ...noted. *sweatdrop* Spirit: "Good...Good...Also, the same applies to any girls or anyone else trying anything. You just tell me who they are, and I'll show them what for!" izumi: ok dad. ^^; Spirit: "..." *sniff, tight hug* izumi: dad? you ok? Spirit: "I just...it means a lot to hear you say 'Dad.'" izumi: oh...to be honest, it makes me feel a bit better too... Spirit: "...If it does, I'm glad...I am not perfect, Izumi...but I want to try." izumi: *she nods* -elsewhere- Emine: "...I feel happy." lin: that's good. ^^ medea: is it because you vandalized that car? Emine: "Maybe. I mean, that bastard was asking for it. Cat calling, and parking in a handicapped space?" medea: good point. lin: but to be fair, i dont think he'll be driving anytime soon~ *holds up her utensils* medea: chie's not going to be happy about this. Emine: "Let's just make it up to her. Think she'd like new hubcaps?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *hiding in the closet* o____O hanako: ?? Kishiri: "Shhh! Don't let them know I'm in here." hanako: ~? Kishiri: "I may have upset the Commander..." hanako: ???? Hibana: *heard from down the hall* "WHERE IS HE?!" hanako:... hey mom? are you looking for big bro kishiri? he's in your dress closet! Kishiri: .____. "If you weren't an adorably small child, I would be so angry right now--" *A hand punches through the door, right at Kishiri's neck, pulling him out through the hole in the door* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "So, you have to pose a certain way--" fang-hua: tsukiyo, what are you doing?! Tsukiyo: "Oh, hey! It's this new trend online! You got to pose in such a way so that--" fang-hua: *chop* not in front of the children! Tsukiyo: Q~Q "I was doing nothin'!" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." *hugging a pillow* himawari:...? Shamrock: "...It's difficult, Himawari." himawari:..what is? Shamrock: "...When you can't fix things." himawari: ?? Shamrock: "Young master...Tsubaki herself...Just struggling to get through this. And I still regret my actions." himawari:..*hug* Shamrock: "..." *hugs* "I'm sorry..." himawari: .... Shamrock: "..." *holds her* "No more pain..." himawari:...*shaking, eyes dull* im sorry....mr touma...im sorry.... Shamrock: "Himawari, stop!" *hugs her* "He's not here...You're safe." himawari:..... Shamrock: "...I'm sorry. I was thinking only of myself..." himawari:...... Shamrock: "...I wasnt thinking about you..." himawari:...... Shamrock: "...You deserve happiness. Everyone does." -elsewhere- Kana: "You seem rather pleased, Eternal Feather." ef: *smiles* i just had a good day at the pool today. misery: oh my~ have you finally found a special someone~? ef: O///O um.. w-w-well. Kana: "..." *puts it away* "Too soon, then. So, what's their name?" misery: oh how lovely~! and if this person tries to hurt you, i'll just have to get out the old shovel and hammer~<3 ef: O-O; Kana: *holds up cards* "I can cut up the body." -elsewhere- Ponera: *looking around the empty cave* "..." grimoire: is everything all right? Ponera: "Just...conflicted. It feels isolating in here." grimoire: it does decrease our chances of being spotted by the DWMA. Ponera: "...It's big. And empty. And cold. And lonely." shaula: then we build a kick-ass secret base! Medusa: -_-; "What, with laser beams and sharks?" shaula: ...i mean not right away, but we should invest in that. Medusa: *face-palm* Ponera: "We would need money for that..." shaula: i wonder if the shark witch would help us. Medusa: "...You called her fat." shaula: please, she's a stick compared to you. *PUNCH* shaula: ow! Medusa: "At least I have curves, you scrawny twat." shaula: below the belt, sis. Medusa: "Somewhere you're not touched..." beatrice: i...beg to differ. shaula: nice save beatrice! it's official! beatrice is my favorite person in this room, the rest of you are assholes! Medusa: "...Oh, gee, child, really? You can do so much better." beatrice: *glaaaaaare* Medusa: "??? I touch a nerve?" shaula: and another thing, arachne has waaay better curves than you. if she wasnt my sister, i'd tap that. Medusa: "Gah! Gross, gross, gross!" Medusa: "...And I had a baby! I have curves!" -elsewhere- arachne: *shudders* Giriko: "??? Cold?" arachne: i felt a disturbance. Giriko: "...Okay." *holds her* -elsewhere- Alone: *singing to himself* "Don't want be all by my-seeeeeeeeelf." guard: SHUT UP IN THERE! Alone: "No! You shut up out there!" hammerhead shark witck: IM TRYING TO SLEEP BE QUIET! Alone: "Oh, go dunk your head in salt water!" kinuta: zzzzz.... Alone: "...Yo? Kinuta? You awake?" kinuta: hnn? ya? Alone: "...How much longer they keeping you in this prison?" kinuta: not sure. gaaah im so bored! Alone: "Want to talk?" kinuta: eh, why not. Alone: "You doing okay with those missions they have you doing?" kinuta: yeah, keeps the circulation going. Alone: "I'm sure that's good for you. I've been stuck in here so long that my circulation is stuck." kinuta: want me to help you with that~? we still have that hole~ -faint rumbling- Alone: "Oh, babe, I'm feeling those vibrations already!" kinuta: let me just- wait what the heck? -something breaks through the ground- moguru: hmm. *looks at map* according to this, i should be....in jail. nice. Alone: "?! What the hell?!" moguru: salutations. i've been employed by a common ally to locate you and bust you out! kinuta: nice! Alone: "Take me, too!" moguru: i was talking to you sir. but if pinky wants to come along- kinuta: hell yeah! moguru: ok then, just give me a moment. Alone: "Where I go, she goes!" *picks up Kinuta* kinuta: *grins* guard: ?? *looks* oh fizzlesticks. *runs* Alone: "Let's go, babe." -and so- Alone: "So, what's the deal here?" moguru: i found them lady ponera! kinuta: oh? Alone: "Ponera?" Ponera: "...Welcome back." kinuta: um...hi? *sweats* Medusa: *glares at Kinuta* kinuta:...what? Medusa: "...Alone, the trash you bring home." neian: puppy! ^o^ kinuta: yeah mole brat, take a bath. moguru: ...ha. Medusa: "I was talking to you, Kinuta." kinuta: you're one to talk, kidnapping a romani baby. Medusa: "This is _my_ child." kinuta: so adopted then? shaula: oi kinu! whats up bitch! kinuta: got outta prison. shaula: niiice! Alone: *wave* "Hey, Scorpion." shaula: you wont believe how that baby got to be a thing. medusa banged her ex. kinuta: for real? *laughing* OH MY GOD! Medusa: *annoyed* "Ha ha ha. Laugh as you wish. At least I am here for my child, you slut." kinuta: what about that sword wielding weirdo? shaula: OOOOOOH! Medusa: "..You will be silent. Or I will end you." kinuta: alright, touchy touchy. Ponera: "If we are done with all this, I have need of Alone. And I supose we can find a use for Kinuta." -elsewhere- eruka: O_____________O;;;;; i just became overwhelmed with a feeling of dread and danger. Free: "??? Maybe that pizza is disagreeing with you?" eruka: maybe... Free: "I'll get you some medicine...Hey, you call your parents recently?" eruka: not recently. i'll do that then. Free: "Cool..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "It's happening..." lisa: what is? Vulcan: "Watch...She's is going to leap..." lisa: *watching* Kitten: "..." *hesitates* Vulcan: "Come on...You can do it..." lisa: .... Kitten: *leaps--and lands, except for back legs* -elsewhere- Giovanni: *checks answering machine* soldier: ... Giovanni: "The snake hasn't called?" soldier: snake? Giovanni: "The one with Vulcan..." soldier: ah. -elsewhere- Arthur: *wearing a horse mask* shinra:.....*casually sips soda* Arthur: *breathing in the mask* Relan: ._. "...What the heck?" iris:.... o.o Arthur: "Can you believe Vulcan threw this out?" tamaki: you raided his garbage? Arthur: "Why not? It was a landfill. He has so many treasures! Look, this bookcase is just slightly warped!" *Bookcase stands...then falls over...and self-ignites on fire* iris: *extinguishes* Arthur: "...It still stood for a whole two seconds." karin: jeez, not even furniture is safe from combustion. Relan: "...I hope tiny animals don't spontaneously combust." *holds Buttons* buttons: O.o Victor: "...Would it be weird if cats spontaneously combusted?" tamaki: D8 -elsewhere- Assi: "So...camping trip..." mono: yeah. Assi: "Should be fun, right? New experience, get to see the wilderness...alone." mono: .... Assi: "...You going to be okay out there?" mono: *nod* Assi: "..." *nods* "Of course you will. You're strong, so I know you can face the elements." -elsewhere- Patty: *moving the couch...by herself...over her head* "How about here?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *takes medicine* reimi: feeling any better? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *shakes his head* "My body feels better...not the rest of me." reimi:.... Mr. Tsubaki: "I need a distraction...Maybe a walk." reimi: good idea... Mr. Tsubaki: *stands and exits* "..." reimi:... Mr. Tsubaki: *looks along the walkway at residents* -a young couple holds hands as they walk past- Mr. Tsubaki: TT_TT -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Comfy?" naho: yep. Sakuya: "That's good." *snuggle* naho: =w= Sakuya: *forehead smooch* naho: hehe~ Sakuya: "...What do you dream about?" naho: besides yaoi? i dunno. Sakuya: *small laugh* "You ever imagine flying?" naho: hmmm...sometimes. Sakuya: "Looking down on everything?" *holds her arms* -elsewhere- Nals: "...Rather dark and dreary surroundings." milia: it's so cold! could you keep me warm, nalsie~? Nals: "..." *holds up a match* milia: *pouts* Nals: "Just rub your hands together." neian: guu... Medusa: *holds Neian close* "Stay warm, small one." neian: ^w^ Alone: *shivers* "Wish I grew more fur..." kinuta: want me to help~? Alone: =w= "You know it..." -elsewhere- Lawless: "See anything?" romina: nah. Lawless: "It should be here...It couldn't just disappear." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Pool's clean." kim: awesome! Jacqueline: *stretches* "Glad to be done with that." *opens freezer, removes two cans of soda* kim: *smiles* Jacqueline: "What you want to do after this?" kim: how about we go to the mall? Jacqueline: *nods* "I wanted to get a sun-dress..." kim: i think you could rock one. *smiles* Jacqueline: *small smile* "Thanks...Anything you wanted to pick up?" -elsewhere- Gopher: "??? You look familiar..." yu: ?? me? *points to self* Gopher: *looks at him from all angles* "I don't get it...Did we go to school together?" yu: well, i do attend day classes at the DWMA. but im just in the regular program. ^^; Gopher: "...Did you steal my face? Are you another paper clone?" yu: w-what? o.o;;; kotone: *glaaaares and pulls gopher closer to her* Gopher: "It-It's okay, Kotone. I think he's a real human...I hope." yu: i am! really! *waves hands in front of him* Gopher: "..." *extends his hand* "I'm Gopher." yu: my name's Yu. *shakes hand* Gopher: *nods* "Good to know..." -elsewhere- Kid: *holding ice to his nose* "Ow..." stocking: there there... Kid: "This is embarrassing..." stocking: ^^; Kid: "I just hit my nose like this...It's not even bleeding symmetrically." liz: jeez patti, did you have to throw the ball so hard? Patty: "I had to! He kept saying the throw wasn't parallel exactly with the ground!" kirika: look, the video has over 200 hits already. Kid: -______-;;; "You jerk." kirika: *reading the comments* kilik: [ow, that had to hurt] student: [how dare she hurt kiddo! D8<] kinoko: [dude, that's rad] Patty: "...Who's that jerk-off blaming me?" kirika: probably one of kid's fanbrats. *shrug* stocking: *annoyed sigh* just ignore them, thats what i do. Kid: -______-; "This is not the Internet fame I wanted." kirika: at least you're not the guy with that video with the horse. Patty: *Excalibur face* -elsewhere- Ponera: *tossing in bed, wide awake* "..." grimoire: zzzzz.... kinuta: *in the other room* AHHH~ OH FUCK THAT'S AMAZING~! Ponera: ._. Medusa: *glares at the ceiling* ("Goddamn that witch...") milia: SHUT UP! SOME OF US WANT TO SLEEP! Alone: "Then go to sleep!" kinuta: yeah anyway!. now, where were we~? Alone: "The Big Bad Wolf was going to eat you up..." Ponera: ._________. ("...I feel disgusted and lonely...") kinuta: ah~ Alone: *lick* kinuta: oh~!<3 Medusa: "I'm gonna kill them..." Ponera: *curls up, looking at the ceiling* Q~Q Nals: *putting pillow over his head* -morning- Ponera: -______-;;; "Was anyone able to fall asleep?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *hug* tsubaki: *smiles* Black Star: "Feel okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* yeah. Black Star: "That's good...because I got you something." tsubaki: oh? Black Star: *holds up a camellia flower in his hands* tsubaki: *smiles* thank you. *goes to get a vase for it* Black Star: *smiles* "You're welcome...I have some other surprises, for later." tsubaki: ..i see. .///. Black Star: "..." *slight smirk* "I'll just get back to picking up around the house...The 'kids' are making a mess." tsubaki: ah. hehe. Black Star: *takes her hand, gives it a small kiss, before getting to work* tsubaki:...*small smile* Belkia: .w. "Mommy...Are you and Daddy getting along again?" tsubaki: of course. naho: belbel, what's it with you and 'mommy and daddy'? (thinking: what did his family do to him...?) Belkia: "Well, they take care of us like parents, right"? naho:...right. (thinking: mom...dad....) Sakuya: "..." *glances at Naho* "???" naho:... ?? *smiles* Sakuya: "You alright?" naho: of course i am sakkun, why wouldnt i be? Sakuya: "Just...making sure..." ("...Sis...") -elsewhere- Kid: *inhales stocking: *rubs his shoulders* just a few more weeks now~ Kid: *nod nod* "Still, so much to do..." stocking: *smiles and nuzzles* Kid: "Will we be ready?" stocking: i know we will. *smiles* Kid: *smiles* "When I hear you say that...I know it's true." *smooch* stocking: mmm~ Kid: *smiles* "I think that leaves one thing left to plan for each of us..." stocking: oh~? Kid: *holds her close* "Have you and your friends planned anything for your bachelorette event?" stocking: well we did go to the beach... Kid: "And my male friends and I had...fun? I don't know--the part where Soul was in his boxers was odd." stocking: *chuckles* Kid: *laughs* "I guess we're saying good-bye to single-hood..." stocking: i think we did that a long time ago when we started dating~ Kid: "...I am still amazed...by you." stocking: *warm smile* thank you kid. for reaching out to me. Kid: "...And I look forward, to being amazed by you even more." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *banging away on an engine* "Fix, fix, fix..." -elsewhere- Meme: *holding up a Yoshi plushie* "Aw, how cute!" mio: *smiles* Meme: "Where did you get it?" mio: i won it from the crane game at the game corner. Meme: "So talented. Been practicing at it?" mio: i-i guess. 7///7 Meme: "I wish I could win something for you. But I tend to be blunt--or as blunt as an axe can be." mio: well...i guess i have you covered there on both fronts? *one hand becomes and axe blade, and the other becomes a hammer* Meme: *claps her hands* "Yay! See? Perfect weapon." mio:...*small smile* Meme: "And if I can't get the toy out of the crane game, I can break it open with you." *joking smile* mio: um...thanks. ^^; Meme: "You are a knockout." *proud grin* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *in the sundress* "How is it?" kim: it looks great! Jacqueline: *smiles* "Thanks...I think it was a good purchase, especially with the summer heat." kim: yeah. i bet being a lantern doesnt help matters, haha! Jacqueline: -\\\\- "No, it does not." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *wearing a cardboard box outfit* "I. AM. A. ROBOT." *moves like one* GET: -.- saki: how cute. ^^; Tool: "Dude--Fear Robot died for us, man." Shotaro: "I. AM. HONORING. THEIR. MEMORY." *robot dance* mana: *facepalm* *chop* Shotaro: "Ouch! You wrecked my cardboard head!" -elsewhere- Lawless: "Yo, Soul!" soul: sup. *waves* Lawless: "You are! That's what's up!" soul: ...right. well, i just got off work, so i'm just chillin out and sightseeing right now. Lawless: "Oh? Sightseeing for anything in particular? soul: not sure. i guess i might check some parts of the city i havent visited before. its funny, after how long i've lived here, there's still places i've never even heard of yet. Lawless: "Jazz clubs?" soul: know any? licht: i shall find the way there, because. *pose* im an ang- soul: you're an angel, i know. licht: *glare* dont interrupt me. Lawless: "Yeah, don't interrupt the angel! Licht, lead the way!" soul: this should be interesting. -elsewhere- Belkia: *fiddling on a violin...badly* naho: *cringe* Shamrock: *covering his ears* "This is torture!" *KNOCK KNOCK on door* tsubaki: yes? Wes: *at the door...and looks furious* tsubaki: O-O;;; naho: eh-... *SCREAMING AND FROTHS* *KO* Sakuya: "!!!" *catches her* Wes: "I...heard the tortured screams...of a violin." Belkia: *waves* "Hello! I--" *PUNCH* Wes: *holding the violin...his fist steaming* Belkia: X________X naho: ouch. but. WES EVENS IS IN OUR HOUSE! *SCREAMS AND FAINTS AGAIN* Sakuya: -_-; Wes: "??? Um...Hi?" tsubaki: wes, these are me and black*star's house mates. it's....a long story. Wes: "Oh...I was wondering how you afforded this big place. You rent--that explains it!" *shakes Naho's hand* "Hello. Nice to meet a fan." naho: euhehehe... !! *shakes hand* IHAVEABOYFRIEND! *hugs sakuya* >.< Sakuya: =w= "Yeah...So hands off, fiddle boy." Wes: "???" *looks at Tsubaki* "Um...What's with them?" tsubaki: they're dating. naho's...a very energetic person. Wes: "Ah. Well, with wedding prep coming up, I appreciate that." *smiles* -elsewhere- Ponera: *curled up in bed* "Couldn't...sleep..." grimoire:...*puts the blanket over her* Ponera: "...Thank you. Can you do something about Alone?" grimoire: do you want me to neuter him? Ponera: "..." *considers it* "No. Could compromise him for combat." grimoire: ah. Ponera: "...I heard saltpepper works." -elsewhere- Relan: *jogging* shinra: *jogging with him* Relan: "I-I don't think I can keep up like you can!" ^^; maki: you two are doing great! iris: keep it up guys! Relan: "...They used to encourage me..." shinra: ?? Relan: "Mikami and Ryuuko..." shinra:... ah. well, we all go to school together, so. maybe we can invite them to hang out sometime? Relan: *nod nod* "...If G-G-Giov-vani lets them..." shinra: ....right. Relan: "..." *slows down to end the jog* "I...think I'm done." maki: that was pretty good time though. Relan: "..." *small smile, nods* "Th-Thank you, Maki..." -elsewhere- Kid: *folding clothes* lord death: howdy kiddo~ Kid: "Father! Hello! How are you?" lord death: doing just great. im just so happy for you kiddo! *hug* Kid: "Umph! ..." *tight hug* "Thank you!" lord death: so...what are the odds of you two having kiddos of your own? Kid: o\\\\\\o "...Father, um, that's a, um, bit forward...but...Stocking and I are considering..." lord death: i understand. though i would like to spend some time with my future grandchildren... Kid: "...Um...Well..." *nervous laugh* "Can't rush a good thing...But if you are about to become a grandfather, you will know." lord death: *he smiles* it's unfortunate my own father didnt get the chance to meet you....or my other children for that matter. Kid: "...I'm sorry." *holds his hand* "...What do you think...he would think of me?" lord death:...im certain he would be proud of how far you have come. as i am. Kid: *smiles* "Thank you, again." -elsewhere- Mephisto: *sobbing* felisia: is something wrong?! Mephisto: "Stocking...is getting married! My baby girl!" felisia: *she smiles* i know. i never thought i would be able to see it. Mephisto: "..." *holds her hand* "I am so happy you are here..." felisia: .... ^///^ Mephisto: "..." *hugs her* "I was so worried..." felisia:...*smiles* Mephisto: *cuddle* felisia: ^^ Mephisto: "Our baby..." felisia: *she nods* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Nightmare, sweetie?" hanako: *sniff* Hibana: *hug* "You're safe here..." hanako: *hug* gabriella: *hug* Hibana: "You want to sleep with us? Or talk about your dream?" hanako: there was a s-scary scorpion monster who hurt you, mama... Hibana: o\\\\\o "...Oh." gabriella: *concerned look at hibana* Hibana: ^\\\\^ "J-Just a dream, sweetie. Believe me, if a scorpion monster came after me, your mamas would handle it." hanako: *sniffle* r-really? Hibana: *nods* "Really really." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *assembling a tent* mono: *streeetch* Kepuri: "Darn...I think I'm missing a post..." Kepuri: "Nea, you finish with the sleeping bags?" nea: all set~ Kepuri: "Good...Time to take Mono fishing." mono: ok then... setsuna: ^^ Kepuri: *hands her the rod* "And I got the bait..." mana: i think the river is this way. Kepuri: *looking at compass* "Hmmm...Better hurry. I'm starving." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sorting medical files...listlessly* "..." kabuki: good morning. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Hey." *shuts cabinet* kabuki: busy? Mr. Tsubaki: "Trying to be. It keeps my mind occupied." kabuki: ah. Mr. Tsubaki: "Any reason you are here? Feeling okay?" kabuki: the twins were worried about you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...How are they?" kabuki: doing well. though they have taken notice in your recent change in demenor... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *lip quivers--as he starts crying* kabuki: ah! di-did i say something wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: "N-No...I just...Why would anyone worry about me?" kabuki: well, i guess they consider you part of their family. *small smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "...'Family'..." *sniff* kabuki: ...if you feel up for it later, we wouldnt mind you dropping by for some sake. Mr. Tsubaki: "...O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Comfortable?" tsubaki: *nods* Black Star: "I'm glad..." *hug* -elsewhere- Yumi: "I think you'll look lovely." liz: you think so? roxanne: of course. *nods* Patty: "Yep! Just need that something borrowed, something old stuff!" heather: yeah. liz: you guys...*smiles* Patty: "You'll be a knock-out, Sis!" *hug* -elsewhere- Relan: [how are u doing?] mikami: [been busy.] ryuuko: [otherwise alright.] Relan: [that's good to hear. i was worried] ryuuko:... [how's the 8th for you?] Relan: [i feel safe here. :) ] mikami: [that's good to know. ^^ ] Relan: [thanks. it means a lot.] *attaches a pic of him and Shinra* ryuuko: [and iris?] iris: [i took the photo. ^^] ryuuko: [ah] Relan: [sends one of Iris holding Buttons] mikami: [how cute!] Relan: [^^ i know right?!] -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *in pajamas, watching TV* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Good fish meal." nea: *enjoying her ice cream* Kepuri: "??? How much ice cream did you bring with you?" nea: well i have to eat _something_! *pouts* Kepuri: "It was just a question. I mean, we can't have it melting and attracting bears--" -elsewhere- Gopher: *holding up phone* "Okay, recording." kirika: *nods and starts running* -one kick ass parkour session later- kirika: *phew*... Gopher: *playing back the footage* "Wow, this is great! You were so fast..." kirika: *smirks* well, i've had years of practice. i've been doing shit like this since i was like, what, 10? Gopher: *nod nod* "And you still keep getting faster..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "I have finished the chilled fruit smoothies." *passes one to Maki* maki: tasty! Takehisa: *nods* "Glad you like it." *holds out the tray* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *checking her mailbox...there are no letters* "..." fang-hua: waiting on anything? Tsukiyo: "...Just a message from family." fang-hua: ah... Tsukiyo: "I guess...they aren't writing any time soon." fang-hua:...*comforting pat on her shoulder* Tsukiyo: *sniff* "I-I'm sure they're just busy." fang-hua:...want to visit the gardens? Tsukiyo: *nod nod* "I heard Konro got some flowers to grow back..." fang-hua: that's great!
Tsukiyo: *small smile* "Yeah. I heard he's trying for blue roses now." fang-hua:...eh? o.o Tsukiyo: *nod nod* "Colorful, right? I can't wait to see them!" -elsewhere- Harvar: "Try this album." ox: alright. *gives it a listen* Harvar: "I really like the off-bass rhythm." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *holds up Io* "Hello!" io: ^o^ saki: *smiles* Shotaro: "How has she been, Saki?" saki: she's growing up so fast. hard to believe she'll be a year old next month... Shotaro: "A growing kid deserves a great birthday gift! What you want, Io?" io:... owo~? Shotaro: "A doll as big as you? A train set? Books?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "So...How have you two been?" hikage: doing great! hinata: we put a trap in tsukiyo-nee's bed. *mischievous giggle* Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh? What kind of trap?" hinata + hikage: *wide grins* you'll see~ Tsukiyo: *from far away* *LOUD SCREAM* Mr. Tsubaki: "??!" *runs towards the screaming* ("What did they do?!") Tsukiyo: *tied in a rope, hanging from the ceiling by her ankles* o\\\\\o "Who did this?! It was you, wasn't it, you awful beast!" Mr. Tsubaki: D: "I did no such thing!" hinata + hikage: *high five* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hang on! I'll cut you loose--" *tugs on rope* Tsukiyo: *yelps* .\\\\\. Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\o fang-hua: what happe-....um... *exits* Tsukiyo: "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Not at all! Watch! I'll get her down--" *SLASH* *Ropes come loose...and...* Tsukiyo: *falls...without ropes...and without...* .\\\\\\\\. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Shit." fang-hua: .____. what is this, sennan kagura? Tsukiyo: *screams* "GET OUT, YOU PERVERTED DAMN FOX!" *covering herself and throwing a pillow at him* Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form, but running on all fours away* "I SAID I WAS SORRY!" hinata: i thought you liked guys staring at you, tsuki-nee. hikage: yeah, you're just like the kitty lady! Tsukiyo: "You little brats! I don't want a guy I want to get hot and steamy with seeing me like this!" Mr. Tsubaki: *stops running* "...She _wants_ me?" Tsukiyo: .\\\\\. "I SAID NO SUCH THING!" hinata + hikage: oooooooooo! XD Tsukiyo: .\\\\\. *covers her face, crying* "How humiliating..." kabuki: is something wrong? ah! miss usada! *gives her a blanket* here... Tsukiyo: *sobbing* "Stop looking at me!" *pulling the blanket over herself* kabuki:...is something wrong? Tsukiyo: *sobbing* "My family isn't talking to me, I couldn't get Benimaru, I'm attracted to some weird perverted fox thing--and I feel so exposed!" kabuki:...*hug* it's alright... fang-hua: *hugs her as well* Tsukiyo: *calms down, still crying* "I'm so stupid..." fang-hua: you're not stupid. we all make mistakes. Tsukiyo: "...I just want to feel like I'm part of something--and I don't. I feel alone." Mr. Tsubaki: *overhearing* fang-hua: you arent alone. you have all of us. *smiles* Tsukiyo: "...Really? You mean it?" fang-hua: of course. *smiles* Tsukiyo: "..." *small smile, nods* "Th-Thank you. That's all I need..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." (" 'All I need'...It just doesn't feel like enough...") -elsewhere- Kepuri: *looking up at stars* setsuna: it's lovely, isnt it? mana: yeah. mono:...it's nice i guess. Kepuri: "Like millions of fireflies..." -elsewhere- soul: *enters his empty apartment* im home....*sighs and sits down, watching some tv* *Music sounds like it is coming from upstairs* soul: ?? *looks up at the ceiling* (thinking: the hell? who's playing music this hour of the night?) *exits to go to the floor above him and knocks on the door* oooi. you in there? *The music keeps playing...the door is unlocked and opens under Soul's knocking* soul:....?? im coming in. dont worry, im not here to rob you or anything....*closes the door behind him*....*awkward* *A sofa chair is set in front of the stereo system, its back facing Soul. And someone is seated in that chair...* soul: ??? um....hi? um...im your neighbor from a floor below you....i heard you playing music up here... ???: *no response...their hand is limply on the chair's arm* soul:...*cold sweat* *steps closer, slowly* *The person looks dead...and there is a bottle of pills--* soul: !!! *calls 911* ???: *still passed out, not breathing* soul: shit, shit shit shit....! *trying to give them the heimlich* ???: *cough cough* soul: !!! *still giving them the heimlich* come on, dont die on me now. ???: *cough COUGH* "F-Fuck..." soul: hey, you alright? *looks at the pills that were coughed up and gets the person to sit upright on the couch* easy there... ???: "Where am I? Who are you?" soul: you're in your apartment, im assuming. im your neighbor from below you. i heard the music and found you...i already called the ambulance... ???: *annoyed moan* "I wanted to die..." soul: why would you want that? ???: "It hurts..." soul:...do you....wanna talk about it? ???: "..." *cries* "I don't see a future..." soul:....*pats their back* did something happen to you? ???: "I-I'm such a loser! I have no job! No friends! No money! Just die..." soul:....hey, it's gonna be ok. i think i can recommend some jobs for you. ???: *shakes their head* "I'll screw them up..." soul: .... -soon, the ambulance arrived, and soul explained what happened to the officer- Officer: "Thanks for that, son--you saved them." soul:....they need serious help. i tried my best...but im not sure it helped... Officer: "They'll get help...It's up to them to do something with it." soul:...i hope so.....life's too precious to throw away... Officer: "...We're taking them to the General Hospital. Maybe stop by." soul:..ok. *nods* Officer: *nods, returning to car to depart* soul:....(thinking: i think..i did the right thing...right?) *The wind blows by* soul:.....*smiles* Anya: *walking back from convenience store with a bag of chips* tsugumi: i got some new candy kits for us all. Anya: "Oh, fun! Want help?" tsugumi: we can all do them as a group. ^^ Anya: "Well, okay...I wonder how they'll taste..." tsugumi: *smiles as they walk past a girl in a kimono* kimono girl:.... -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *curled up in bed, shivering* fang-hua: *puts the blanket over her* i know, colds arent fun... Tsukiyo: "N-No kidding...Thanks, Fang-Hua..." *curls up in blanket, sniffs* -elsewhere- Kid: "Want a cookie?" stocking: yes please~<3 aaaah~ Kid: *puts it into her mouth* stocking: *nom* ~<3<3<3<3 Kid: *smiles* "Sweet tooth..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "One with chocolate chips?" stocking: yes please~ Kid: *holds up a chocolate chip cookie--breaks it in half, perfectly symmetrical* "One half for you..." -elsewhere- Victor: *looking at a book, its edges charred as if burned* "Hmm..." karin: find anything? Victor: "Can't tell...It's like it's written in code." karin: *peeeek* Victor: "It's gibberish! I mean, it looks like a cookbook and less like a chemistry book." karin:....that is a cookbook. Victor: "..." *headdesk* "Darn it." -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* -door creeeek- Black Star: *stirs in sleep* naho: *giggles* Belkia: "Sh-Shh!" *suppressing giggles* *pulls out the whipped cream* -later- Black Star: *slaps his face--looks around* "H-Huh? What?" -elsewhere- Patty: *sitting in the corner, pouting* liz: now, what have we learned from this? Patty: "Bury the evidence?" liz: yeah....wait what? Patty: "I mean, don't shave off one of Kid's eyebrows?" -elsewhere- Kid: Q_Q "...I need a makeup pencil." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Seen Lisa?" yu: i think she went out to do errands. Vulcan: "Hope she picks up more cat food..." -elsewhere- Meme: "...That's a lot of plushies." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *feeding ducks* "..." fang-hua: morning. Mr. Tsubaki: "Ah, hello...How is everything?" -elsewhere- kohaku:...*staring up at the sky* *Someone is watching her* kohaku:.. ?? *turns* Spirit: "..." kohaku: the hell do you want, death scythe? Spirit: "You should be in class." kohaku: tch- whats the point? they're just premature brats who'll just get killed in battle, but you would know that, wouldnt you? *SNITCK* Spirit: *his blade is at her neck* "..." kohaku: *deflects it with an amber blade* you should be careful, you could get in trouble for harming a student on campus. Spirit: "I am not looking at a student..." *takes another step forward* "I see a petulant little child..." kohaku: *glares* tch-, this is lame. im going for a walk. *begins running off* marie:....what is wrong with that girl? *concerned* Spirit: "...After what happened to her mother..." marie: .....*remembering* Spirit: "..." *shakes* marie:...*remembering what happened to christa's birth mother*.... Spirit: "...I...don't think I can teach right now..." marie: i'll take over your classes for you. *smiles* Spirit: "I-I'm sorry. Thank you..." *holds onto the balcony to steady himself* marie:...do you need to see the nurse? Spirit: *nod nod* -nurse's office- sachiko: yes? !! spirit! Spirit: *weak wave* "H-Hey..." sachiko: is everything ok? Spirit: "..." *covers his face* Spirit: "I...I was so angry." sachiko: ?? Spirit: "One of the students just...mocked me for Maka's...Maka's..." sachiko: !!...*hugs him* Spirit: *hug* "I'm sorry...I failed her..." sachiko: you did the best you could....we're only human. Spirit: "...It's just another screwup. One after another...Izumi..." sachiko: izumi is alright. you saved her life. *smiles* Spirit: "...I couldn't save Maka's...And Izumi is now in this school..." ((Back)) sachiko: *smiles* a perfect chance to make up for past mistakes... *holds his hand* you can do it. i believe in you. Spirit: "..." *bites his lip, nods* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *with fishing pole* "...No bites." -a few days later- Kid: *sweating* liz: you alright? Kid: "Wedding. Reception. Wedding. Rings. Wedding. Dancing. Wedding. Food. Wedding. Wedding night..." *shaking* liz: easy kid, just breathe in. Kid: *holding paper bag to his mouth, breathing in and out until he calms down* "...I hope you are handling this pressure better than I..." liz: well, i am nervous too. but i know it will be ok. -elsewhere- Shotaro: *hanging from the ceiling* mana: we're home! Shotaro: "Yay!" *drops confetti down* chie: welcome back everyone. toru: ^o^ io: hehe! Kepuri: "Glad to be..." *stretches* "Ground hurts." nea: my poor back TT.TT Shinoda: *holding up an ice cream bar* "You must heal..." nea: thank you *smoooooch* Shinoda: -\\\\- "You're welcome." Assi: "Mooooooooooonooooooooo!" mono: ?!! Assi: "You're back!" *arms wide open* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Just feeling crowded in here." tsubaki: maybe we could take a walk? Black Star: "Yeah, that would be good..." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *opens door for her* "...That's a cute shirt." tsubaki: *smiles* thanks. Black Star: *closes door behind her* "Where'd you get it?" tsubaki: i did some shopping over the weekend. Black Star: "Nice. Don't suppose you got me anything...?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *knocking his head against the wall* inko: izuku? are you alright in there? *worried* Izuku: "?!" *opens his door--he has a forehead mark as he smiles nervously* "J-Just...trying to motivate myself..." inko: well, do try to be careful. *worried* Izuku: "..." *nod nod nod* "I'm sorry to make you worry." -elsewhere- Relan: *checking the pantry* iris: hungry? Relan: *nod nod* "I was hoping for cereal..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Takeru..." takeru: y-yes? Patty: *hug* "Feels like I haven't seen you in a while." takeru: s-sorry. been busy... Patty: "Long work hours?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *in pajama pants and a t-shirt...eating cereal in front of the TV* "..." kabuki: good morning. *in a yukata, slightly draped off one of his shoulders* Tsukiyo: *not looking up from the TV, mouth full of cereal and milk* "Mornin'." *swallows her meal, turns* "How are you--" o\\\\o kabuki: ah, what are you watching? Tsukiyo: o\\\o "...Cartoons." -elsewhere- Yumi: *frowning* kirika: *bandaged* ..... Yumi: "How bad are the injuries?" kirika: its just a few scratches, mom. Yumi: "Hence the bandages...How did this happen?" kirika: ....some punks were tormenting a little kid. i beat the shit out of them. Yumi: "And where are they now?" kirika: ER probably...but the kids alright... Yumi: "...I think you should see that child in the morning..." kirika: not sure where they live though...wouldnt that be weird to see them? Yumi: "Perhaps. But I expect that, as a representative of the DWMA, you show interest when intervening in other people's lives. Your behavior reflects on many--and you are a role model..." kirika: *laughing* are you being real?! a delinquent like me? a role model? as if! Yumi: *eyeglasses glint* "You don't get to _decide_ to be a role model." kirika: o_o; Yumi: "Now, where does this child live?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *yawn* kirei: busy day today? Benimaru: *nods* "Disagreements among residents...Had to intervene..." *he lifts up his shirt, revealing a nasty bruise* kirei: !! *goes to get the medkit* Benimaru: "I'm sure it's fine...Can't be that bad..." *tries to sit down* kirei: *bandaging him up* Benimaru: "...Thank you." kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "Heh...I used to just jump into combat, wanting to brawl..." kirei: *listening* Benimaru: "...Don't get me wrong. I still want to fight. But...I know I have someone to come home to." kirei:...*smiles and blushes* Benimaru: *winces a bit as he moves to hug her* kirei: *hugs back, but not too much as to not put pressure on the bruise* Benimaru: "...You're gentle." -elsewhere- Kid: *lying on the couch* julie: ?? Kid: *yawn* "Hey, Julie..." julie: *smiles* Kid: *sits up* "How's your day been?" julie: good. summer break starts next month! Kid: *smiles* "Yay..." *looks at her* "Any idea what you'll be doing this summer?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Diaper change--complete!" toru: ^o^ chie: seems you have this parenting thing down pat~ ^^ Yohei: "Hope so..." *hold up Toru* "For this little guy's sake." toru: hehe! Yohei: *hug, kiss* "Happy baby!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...Is that a deer?" naho: *looks* oh my gosh! *snaps a pic* so cute! Shamrock: *stare* Sakuya: *nod nod* "Yeah. Real peaceful..." himawari: *smile* Shamrock: *flashbacks* (student: come on! just go up and touch it!) (Young!Sham: o~o *approaches cautiously...*) (deer: *looks up and charges*) (student 2: henry run!) (Young!Sham: *stunned, can't move* o___O ) tsubaki: shamrock? *puts a hand on his shoulder* Shamrock: "MY APPENDIX STILL ACHES FROM ITS ANTLERS!" tsubaki: o.o; naho:...huh? Shamrock: "..." *exits the room, going outside...in front of the deer* deer: *stares* naho: O_O Shamrock: "..." *rolls up his sleeves, approaches the deer* tsubaki: what is he doing? O_O; otogiri: he's about to throw down. Shamrock: *stands his ground, holding up his arms at the deer* "...Not again..." deer: *glint* Shamrock: "...Come get some." deer: *SCREECH AND CHARGES* tsubaki: ah!! naho: O-O Shamrock: "AAAAARG!" *tries to grab the deer by the neck and belly* -grapple- naho: woah! O.O tsubaki: 0_0; lavender: damn. Shamrock: *clutching the deer* "I got you now, you bastard..." deer: *struggling* lilac: q.q; Shamrock: *lifts up the deer* tsubaki: oh goodness... Shamrock: "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" *suplex* naho: *JAWDROP* lilac: O.O tsubaki: O_O lavender: dude holy shit. Belkia: ._. Black Star: D: Higan: "...Damn." Shamrock: *collapsed with the deer...panting...* deer: X_X -KO- Shamrock: *fist lifted up* "Victory..." *falls unconscious* -later- himawari: *worried* Shamrock: "Zzz..." *slowly opens his eyes* "Wh-What...?" tsubaki: are you alright? you passed out. Shamrock: "I'm sore..." *looks around, down at himself* "...The deer?" tsubaki: it woke up and ran off. i made sure to feed it. Shamrock: "..." *proud smile, as he stands up on the bed and rips open his shirt* "I AM VICTORIOUS!" tsubaki: o.o naho: ... >->;;;;; himawari:..*small blush* Shamrock: *panting with excitement...before he lies back down* "My abs...are on fire..." otogiri: shamrock, you need rest. Shamrock: "But I'm all..." *yawn* "...fired up..." tsubaki: no kidding. *puts a cold compress on his forehead* Shamrock: *looks at Himawari* "...Are you...okay?" himawari:...?? y-yes... .////. Shamrock: *nod nod* "I'm glad..." *small wink at her* himawari: o///o Shamrock: *smiles...as he falls asleep* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sitting in the onsen* .\\\\\. "...I feel conflicted." fang-hua: how so? Tsukiyo: *covering herself in the bath* "...You ever realize something because you were not paying attention to it, because you were focused on someone else?--SOMETHING ELSE!" fang-hua: um...? Tsukiyo: *frown* "Ever since Benimaru hooked up, I've felt sad and empty..." fang-hua: ...*pats her back* Tsukiyo: *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Victor: *opening another book* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *eating from a bowl of cereal* -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning handsome~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning, beautiful." stocking: hehe~ *smooch* Kid: =\\\\= *smooch* "Love you..." stocking: love you too~ Kid: *hug* "Ready for the day?" stocking: yep. -at school- itsuka: *in homeroom, writing things down* Bakugo: *trying to write down notes...but looks at Itsuka* reiko: *a class 1-b student* isnt that katsuki bakugo from class 1-a? tokage: *another class 1-b student* what's he doing here? Bakugo: *annoyed twitch* Bakugo: ("I can't let anyone know I came into the wrong class today...Do not give in. Do not give them the satisfaction...") boy: *a somewhat chubby boy sits on the floor, as bakugo has taken his seat*... TT.TT Bakugo: *glancing at the clock...it's only been five minutes* "...I CAN'T TAKE IT!" nirengeki: may i have my seat back now sir? itsuka: ?? Bakugo: *fire breath* "FINE! TAKE IT!" *kicks away from the chair and storms out of the room* students: *blink blink* blood king: ....well. _that_ just happened. Bakugo: *enters hallway* -\\\\- "I looked so stupid back there..." *shoves hands in his pockets, grumbling* eijiro: so my foot is totally stuck in there, the dog is flipping the fuck out, and i still have half a pie left!...oh! hey bakugou! Bakugou: "I DID NOTHING WRONG! SHUT UP!" eijiro:...eh? Bakugou: "Give me your notes from what I missed!" -later- Iida: "Bakugou seems...more annoyed than usual." ochako: maybe be stubbed his toe? Bakugou: *annoyed twitch* Izuku: "Seems worse than a toe-stubbing. Maybe he hit his elbow on the door?" Bakugou: *more annoyed twitching* denki: i think i know where he got hit, and it rhymes with 'enis'. Bakugou: *growling* -CHOP- denki: ow! what? i was gonna say 'wenis'! Bakugou: "THAT'S NO BETTER, YOU DICK!" -elsewhere- Medusa: *looking at the cave walls* "Hmm..." milia: whatcha dooooing? Medusa: *taps a carving on the wall* "Who made these?" milia:...*shrugs* Medusa: "The writing is certainly old..." ("Did I see this in...that book?") -something is heard in the lower regions- milia: O.O;; Medusa: "...Follow me." milia: *following* *The markings on the walls increase as they descend, closer to the sound* Medusa: "..." *small smirk* "Fascinating...I'm beginning to follow..." milia: ....!! i-is that...?? -a familiar male is there....a certain reaper....only...its not.-
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