#meg and tosh
nikkeisimmer · 2 years
Excerpt from one of my FF.net JAG Stories: “Settling In” Link if you want to read it to where it currently is.
This excerpt is from Chapter 4.
Just as Animal and Meg got their groceries up into the apartment, her cell phone rang, "Austin!" she barked, a little out of breath and Animal could practically see her exasperation level rising as she found out who had just called. "Harm? What is it now? Oh, you just got done shopping? Well, good for you...Tosh and I just got back in and we need to put some perishables in the fridge…" Animal was already getting started on putting up the stuff. "Yeah, he's doing that right now. Anything other than that; that you're calling about? You just wanted to hear what your partner was doing, uh-huh?" Animal restrained a fit of laughter as he saw Meg roll her eyes in frustration. "Harm…I have a tub of ice cream that needs to go in the freezer…and I don't like melted ice cream…understand?" Meg looked up at the ceiling, "Yes…Black Cherry ice cream…yes my and Tosh's favorite…and if it melts, you're in a big deal of trouble. Mister!" Animal had already put the ice cream in the freezer but Harm didn't need to know that; the cheesecake had gone in there as well. Animal thought he heard faintly Harm's question of "Whatcha makin' for dinner?" Was Harm being purposefully irritating? The cell phone was fortunate that Meg restrained herself admirably from hurling it out the window. "South…Western…Style… Chili!" Meg enunciated each word through gritted teeth. Her partner was going to be annoying her for the entire week-end? It started to make her long for the weekdays of her leave when he'd be at work.
Meg winced as Harm said, "Oh yum…" Animal thought Harm remarkably held back from inviting himself over for dinner; considering that was Meg's and Animal's meal portions for the entire week. Luckily it had meat in it; if it was vegetarian chili; it would be gone after Harm got through with it.
"…and it's chock-full of hamburger…" Meg told Harm with no small sense of satisfaction, "A meat-eater's extravaganza…" Nope, Harm, as a vegetarian, definitely would not be inviting himself over to partake in the meal.
Animal mouthed over at Meg, "I think we need to find Harm a girlfriend…" as he put up the last of the perishables; one plat of ground beef in the freezer, the other in the fridge to keep cold until they cracked it open to make the chili, later on in the afternoon. Meg nodded back at him as she covered the phone's mouth-piece holes…
"Yes, Harm…I need to get busy with getting the stuff into the fridge. Yes, why thank you…I'll see you on Wednesday two weeks from now…" With an emphasis on the last five words: Wednesday two weeks from now… "Yes, Harm, unless it's an emergency; I will be unreachable until next…next WEDNESDAY…" When she signed off on the phone…and put it back in her purse, she went "AARRGGHHHH! I swear, he's like a two year old fishing for information…every two seconds… Whatchu doing? Whatchu makin'…"
"I think you restrained yourself admirably, sweetheart…" Animal grinned at her, "…from telling him to go play in traffic."
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"Oh, believe me, I was sooo tempted." Meg muttered darkly,
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philleegirl · 2 years
Some thoughts on Shetland s7e1. Or at least on what my mama called the Soap Opera-y bits. (Ie, the best bits)
The back of the neck shots! Beautiful throwback to that menacing scene with Donna at the kitchen counter staring daggers into Duncan's neck.
Also, that first scene! The awkward but loving looks between them. And still co-parenting Cassie, even though she is all grownup. I love them both calling each other out on their bullshit, too.
Even though he knew that it could turn the tribunal against him, Jimmy still had to defend Duncan. Also, I love the way Jimmy says Duncan Hunter.
Tosh looks so incredibly happy and settled and peaceful. (It is really nice that the time jump means that Allison doesn't have to wear a pregnancy belly after having to hide two pregnancies.)
Seems so weird seeing Jimmy alone in the house.
The Billy and Jimmy moment was so cute!
Okay, Meg definitely knows that there is something between/important about Jimmy and Duncan. Otherwise you don't suggest going to Duncan's bar for a first date! Plus, you don't not at least go for a hug from a guy you have been chasing that hard. Also, I think the only reason Jimmy took her out is that Duncan made him promise to do it. And the "So fucking stupid" was addressed towards Duncan and himself for going along with it, but of course that is just my shipper's belief.
Love Donnie taking the baby to Duncan's like he is used to being there, but Donnie if you hurt Tosh, we will hurt you!
Okay, Donnie, you are slightly off the hook, maybe even more than slightly.
Meg is right about him not wanting to get hurt, but she doesn't get that he is pining for Duncan and their former life.
Finally, why did Jimmy give Sandy such a sad look about the body? Is Kate Kilmuir in this series?
Not enough Duncan
Definitely not enough Cassie
Too much Meg (sorry I am biased)
Lovely amount of Billy, but could be more
Happy Tosh is amazing, but can we find out the baby's name please?
Killing James off was a cop out. Sorry, but it was.
And how the feck is Sandy still a cop?!?!
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mywingsareonwheels · 2 years
Shetland season 7 (eps 1-3) observations. Spoilerific, including mildly spoilerific for ep 4 which we haven’t had yet.
Behind the cut for spoiler reasons.
- insufficient Duncan, and very insufficient Cassie.
- this is not a particularly compelling central mystery, awesome as the acting is. I’m fed up with the organised crime element, I’m fed up with Shetland being treated as an absolute hotbed of Everything Bad. It just... the first few seasons portrayed the horrible stuff happening as an aberration and that is so much better and more interesting.
- it is good to see Sandy being a bit competent at last.
- I am assuming that Tosh will be fine, thank God. But also, in that case... what’s the point of that cliffhanger? Ugh. Cheap.
- if they break Tosh and Donnie up I will riot. They are both wonderful and deserve the world and they are by far the best canon romantic relationship in the show.
- on which note.
- UGH.
- look if they really want Jimmy to end up in a happy het relationship for Douglas Henshall leaving, then... fair, I guess. This is a thing that happens, and I wasn’t really expecting that they’d go canon Jimmy/Duncan. But they couldn’t in that case put more effort into said het relationship than this?!! Jimmy and Meg have absolutely no discernable chemistry, we’ve not seen them at any point bonding as friends before attempting to date. They’re awkward with each other without seeming actually attracted to each other. The kiss was... weird. And they don’t *smile* with each other. Duncan made Jimmy smile and laugh and obviously feel safe and cherished on the day of his beloved mum’s funeral. That’s what you want for a love interest for the main character, if you want to give them a happy ending. It’s a bit of a whopping difference! At the very least, even without a romantic relationship between the two men, centering their friendship has been a really good emotional choice up to now and I’m annoyed that they’ve stopped that.
- I mean on the upside, I guess, whatever they do and however much they force Jimmy and Meg together and ignore Duncan, they are simply not going to sell the audience on the concept of Meg supplanting Duncan as the second most important person in Jimmy’s life after Cassie. Even if they outright say it, no one’s going to buy that, I think, however heterosexist.
- no Cassie at all in the show so far is a massive loss, even more in some ways than the mostly-gone Duncan. And unlike Duncan she’s not in Aberdeen!! I guess Erin Armstrong was very busy? But we’ve not even seen Cassie’s emotional reaction to a) both her dads being arrested, b) one go to prison, c) the other being suspended, d) and come back to Shetland and resume his work. All while she’s living with one of his employees. Oh and also she lost her grandfather during that time too. I mean, really? Nothing? Nothing even about how she’s coped with all of this? Even without Erin there, could we not at least have a conversation between Jimmy and Alex about how she’s doing? Cassie’s relationship with Jimmy and her gradually starting to trust and have a proper relationship with Duncan too has been one of the joys of the show from day one. She’s absolutely key! Grrr.
- the central mystery of the show wasn’t great in season 6 either, but at least in 6 we had the Duncan & Donna stuff. This one is just... not enough. It feels like they’re repeating earlier themes and beats. (Lost child, frantic mother, flawed and damaged father; that’s 5 and 6 rolled together, and both did it far better.)
- I’ll watch to the end of the show, obviously, but as far as I’m concerned this just isn’t canon, especially not relevant to all the fanfic! Partner and I were noting earlier that if this had been the standard of season 1 we’d probably not have become fans. Which is a massive shame, especially as this is Douglas’s last season.
- after watching last night I then showed Partner Endeavour 1.3 (”Rocket”), which was the one episode they’d not seen yet. They loved it, even though it’s hardly the best of that show. And ooof the contrast in quality was honestly a bit appalling. And in its first four seasons I’d say Shetland absolutely is on a par with Endeavour. I mean, I can’t say that Endeavour series 8 was the best thing ever either, but it was so very much better than Shetland 7 that it’s a bit embarrassing.
- if Endeavour 9 disappoints like this I’ll be frankly devastated. But I will also be surprised.
- just, ugh, frankly.
- so, yeah. Shetland continues to have great acting and scenery and good individual moments, but the writing and direction this season are really really not there, at least not yet. I hope the last few episodes redeem it somewhat. And at least we hopefully get Rhona back next week, and that should help matters. :-)
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madmother2 · 1 month
Shetland TV show
I've just finished watching all eight seasons of Shetland. I absolutely love it but was I the only one who thought Jimmy Perez deserved a better romance? Not only was there no on screen chemistry between Jimmy and Meg but it was really sloppily done; no one at the BBC picked up the massive continuity error. They start dating in season 6, dancing around each other not sure if they want to commit. At the end of season 6, Tosh discovers that she's pregnant. At the beginning of season 7, Tosh's baby girl is three months old so approximately a year has passed. But Jimmy and Meg's relationship hasn't progressed at all. Seriously, if you're not sure if you like them enough to be serious after a year, then the answer is No. And we were supposed to believe that Jimmy was deeply in love with Meg. Ridiculous! It would have been far more believable for Jimmy to have admitted to being in love with Duncan or Tosh; at least he had chemistry with them and clearly cared for them both. Yes, it would have been messy but life is.
Rant over. 😀😀
#Shetland #JimmyPerez #DuncanHunter #AlisonMcIntosh #BBC
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Hi Skippy I just read the blind. That tosh fed to the blind people is no doubt American sources. Every British national knows HMTQ is Sovereign&TDOW is the heir followed by Wills.On a side note. Those pics of Megs posted on TRF Twitter . If you zoom in on the back you can see the beige shape of the fake bump sticking outside on the back of her dress. Smh!
I’m so sick of this crap!  Thank you😔❤️❤️❤️❤️
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100ssarahmeg · 4 years
[Meg 2.4]
Such flapdoodle!  Such argle-bargle and jiggery-pokery!  What rot, tosh, bosh, bull, bilge, tripe, and guff!  What piffle and poppycock, balderdash and baloney, hogwash and hooey!  What claptrap and codswallop!  Such gobbledygook, gibberish, blather, and bunkum!  When they look in the mirror, what do they see?  Will there come a day when the fog lifts for these pettifogging fools? When they smell the blood on their own hands?  Will these obsequious, oleaginous, obstructive jamokes ever face the fact that they’re drowning in their own drivel, cementing their own destruction, reserving their place in hell by shamelessly licking a deranged demagogue’s boots?
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eitmonline · 3 years
EITM Playlist 3/3/21
Ashe & FINNEAS - Till Forever Falls Apart | 5:41
Remi Wolf & Dominic Fike - Photo ID | 6:08
Dolly Parton - Jolene | 6:23
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Dolly Parton (@dollyparton)
Metallica - Battery | 6:29
Meg Myers - The Underground | 6:56
Dylan Cartlidge - Molasses (Walk the Walk) | 7:23
The Wailers - Simmer Down | 7:39
Metallica - Master Of Puppets | 7:44
Skegss - Valhalla | 8:16
Dua Lipa - We’re Good | 8:44
Gary Numan - Cars | 8:50
Bad Company - Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy | 8:53
Robert Palmer - Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor) | 8:55
The Knack - My Sharona | 8:59
KISS - I Was Made For Lovin’ You | 9:02
NF - Clouds | 9:12
Evanescence - Better Without You | 9:22
Metallica - Welcome Home (Sanitarium) | 9:27
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24kGoldn - 3, 2, 1 | 9:56
St. Vincent - Pay Your Way In Pain | 10:20
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typingtess · 7 years
Tiptoeing through the “Queen Pin” guest cast.
Bar Paly as Anastasia “Anna” Kolcheck
Anna is back from "Kulinda" in January.
Sammy Sheik as Ahmed Han Asakeem
Sheik was the terrorist Deeks hoped was worth Kensi's injuries in the two-hour season eight opener.
Azie Tesfai as King
Tesfai was Dr. Michelle Marrs on Power, Nadine Hansan on Jane the Virgin, Meg on Franklin & Bash, Nurse Mandy on on Melrose Place (2009) and Cherry Milton on Wicked Wicked Games.
She appeared in episodes of The Real O'Neals, Superstore, Rosewood, Silicon Valley, Royal Pains, Breakout Kings, Harry's Law, Law & Order: SVU and The Cleaner.
Bruce Thomas as LA District Attorney Frank Gibson
Played the SecNav's ex-husband, Richard Porter, in the "Reach" episode of NCIS.  Was Liam's Dad on Faking It and Stephen Trager on Kyle XY.  Appeared in episodes of Rake, Toasted, CSI: Miami, Eleventh Hour, Desperate Housewives, Bones, Weeds, E-Ring, Star Trek: Enterprise, Diagnosis Murder, Nash Bridges, Beverly Hills 90210 (1990's), Wings, The John Larroquette Show, Ellen, Models Inc. and the soaps Port Charles, All My Children and The Bold and The Beautiful.
Works regularly as a voice actor in animated programs and video games.  Plays Commissioner Gordon in a number of recent Batman animated series.  Was the UPS Guy in the "Legally Blonde" movies and Mini-Ash in "Army of Darkness".
Grantham Coleman as Spence Taylor
Was Richard Doogan in the "Blood Brothers" episode of NCIS and appeared in episodes of Murder in the First, The Night Shift and The Americans.  Plays Bonnie Ray Williams in Hulu's "11.22.63" miniseries  
Anthony Dilio as Devlin Rush
A real life Marine, Dilio appeared in episodes of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Torchwood: Miracle Day, No Ordinary Family, Days of Our Lives, Passions and General Hospital.
Lester Speight as Max “Champ” Champion
Was Calvin Scott in My Wife and Kids and appeared in episodes of Code Black, Scorpion, Cold Case, Bones, Rockville CA, Prison Break, Cuts, One on One, NYPD Blue, Arli$$, The Young and The Restless, Ladies Man, Three Sisters and Homicide: Life in the Streets.  
Provides voices for characters in video games.  Starred in a series of popular Reebok commercials in the early 2000's as "Terrible" Terry Tate: Office Linebacker.
Marco Antonio Martinez as LAPD Detective Johnson
Plays a lot of law enforcement characters.  Appeared in episodes of Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life, The Fosters, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Hot in Cleveland, CSI: Cyber, Harry's Law, Castle, Criminal Minds, CIS: Miami, Boston Legal, The Nine, The Bold and The Beautiful, House, Passions, Medium and The Handler.
Devon Michaels as Assistant Shawn Wilson
Appeared in episodes of House, Monk, Close to Home, Without A Trace, Numb3rs, The West Wing, The Division, The Invisible Man, Frasier and Kate & Allie.  In the mid 2000's, played Bill in The Gilmore Girls – he worked with Rory and Paris at the Yale Daily News.
Chuck Ashworth as LAPD Officer #1
Played the Bailiff in FX's American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson.  Appeared in episodes of Colony, State of Affairs, The Mentalist, Ironside (2013), The Young and The Restless, Monk, The Playbook and Wicked Wicked Games.
Brett Wagner as Buford
Appeared in episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful, Tosh.0, Carbon Dating, Mighty Med, Kickin' It, Touch, Castle, The Forgotten, Knight Rider (2009), United States of Tara, Life, Sons of Anarchy, Weeds, Hannah Montana, Just Jordan, Desperate Housewives, House, Night Stalker, (2005), Inconceivable, Cold Case, Nip Tuck, The Young and The Restless, Drake & Josh, Yes Dear, Judging Amy, Dragnet (2003), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, NYPD Blue, Crossing Jordan, The Huntress, Nikki, VIP, Good vs. Evil, Sliders and Dark Skies.
Curtis Taylor as Sheriff Lyle Tully
Taylor appeared in episodes of The Mentalist, We Are Men, Fake It Til You Make It, Pepper Dennis, Malcolm in the Middle, Strip Mall, Arli$$, USA High, Baywatch Nights, Life Shot, Perfect Strangers, Nearly Departed, Knots Landing, Hunter, Dynasty, Life with Lucy, Simon & Simon, Dallas, Fall Guy, Knight Rider (1980's), Silver Spoons, Hotel, The New Mike Hammer, Just Our Luck, Matt Houston, Emerald Point NAS, Hart to Hart, Flamingo road, The Dukes of Hazzard, CHiPs, Enos, Trapper John MD and Alice.
Chriss Anglin as U.S. Marshal
Former U.S. Army and former police officer.  Was in episodes of Supergirl, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, The OC, Passions and What Should You Do?.
Written by:  Joseph C. Wilson who wrote or co-wrote “Full Throttle”, “Stand-off”, “Personal”, “Plan B”, “Sacrifice”, “Blye, K.” Part One, “Gold Standard”, “Unwritten Rule”, “Fallout”, “Between the Lines”, “Exposure”, “Reign Fall”, “Kolcheck, A.”, “Cancel Christmas”, "Head of The Snake” and this season's "Home is Where the Heart Is".
Directed by::  Eric Laneuville who directed “Partners”, “Purity”, “Allegiance”, “Savior Faire”, “Citadel", "Come Back” and "Parallel Resistors".
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thankskiara · 4 years
Thank you x12 || A Gift for Kiara
The Brain room was packed with delegates of all statures and personalities. Really, how was anything going to get done in all this noise? How would they make this present on time? Felt a bit like Santa's Workshop the night before Christmas, not gonna even lie. Luckily, the person behind the operation knew just who to call. 
"Now if you'll all quiet down--"
"She doesn't even go here." A brunette, youngest of the group, hair braided back into french braids piped up and then immediately shrunk down at the look she got from the poised blonde woman and uttered an apology. What? Mean Girls quotes were always appropriate.
"You know, Haley, I really don't mind Amelia sticking around." The figure lounging in one of the office chairs sideways, tossed her long unruly hair over her shoulder and gave an appraising look to the striking woman.
The former captain let out just the smallest chuckle and then went back to business. "Thank you darling for your flattery but I'm happily coupled. In another life, I'm sure you'd be just the top of my list." She clapped her hands together to get the room back on her again and took a deep breath before she began assuming her role and calling out orders, "In any case, we've got to put something together for Kiara."
"Last I heard Kiara was gone. Left for Kenya."
"Yes, well, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for your brain, Miss Chino, to be a touch more preoccupied with the one you shagged rather than the one who's out there fighting the good fight. Serving, as is her duty. Holder of a few favorites around these parts."
"It wasn’t even--" Mocha narrowed her eyes as she was cut off.
"Tish tosh. We all saw. There’s no poetry to save you from this. Now, a call for order would be nice from the lot of you. I shant be contributing as I didn't know many of her characters but think of me as a moderator. For when Alex needs a bit of order and her brain to be shipshape she knows I'll have it right as rain in no time." Her posture seemed to get just a bit straighter, if that was even possible as she tucked her hands behind her back and paced the conference room. "Now then, a few of us have been called out of retirement to add a few sentiments so perhaps that may be where to start, don't you think?"
"Ay man, if it's for Kiara, I'll do whatever shit you want me to do." A smaller tanned skinned boy with a shit eating grin on his face sat back in his chair, propping his feet up onto the table.
"Alright then, why don't you elaborate on that, Ignacio."
And with that Tito crossed his arms, feeling a little uncomfortable with divulging that with his head-mates. "Nah, I mean listen, aight, she just cares and so do her people, like a lot and shit. She loved my taste in music man like she vibed. She like had Audrey for a hot minute. Man, she was fuckin' great. She could do someone like whatever that like teenage princess was she had and then turn around and do Audrey and give me shit at the Garage like that? Like she didn’t take any of my bullshit and she still was super likeable as fuck. She was a real piece of work but like in a masterpiece sorta way ya know."
"Eloquent as ever, really. But thank you. Next I think we should have Ja--No Stan. Stanley. Sorry, the other blonde 6ft tall Australian lad who dated Ellie."
A large blonde looked up from where he'd been drawing turtles on a piece of scrap paper and an almost as tall blonde but scruffier behind him just gave an annoyed look and crossed his arms before texting whoever he was texting on his phone. The grinning Australian scratched his head a bit, "Oh! Right yeah. Well, I think Ells and I were the first real interaction between--"
"Ay! Fuck, I forgot about me and GG too. Shit, Kiara is the fuckin' greatest, man. Like Georgette was different than those other two as well. Shit, man.”
A hand came and smacked Tito upside the head as the dark haired woman, arms crossed and just plain annoyed to be here when she had better things to do. She rolled her eyes and in a bored tone just said, "Tito I'll beat the shit out of you again. And you know I can."
Amelia cleared her throat, "Thank you, Megara. Although I would refrain from that until after this meeting is adjourned. As you were saying Mr Schell."
Stan just shrugged and gave a bit of a smile, "It's no worries. Tito and I go way back. I know he was just tryin' ta be helpful." He waved across the table at Tito and Meg before sitting up more in his seat, "Uh, let's see then. Well, yeah Ellie was kind of the first ship Alex and Kiara had. We were Stellie and it was real great even if it had a timeline. Also she loved every turtle thing I did which was kind of a confidence booster for just being myself, Scute and Donatello were best mates after all. But yanno, that whole timeline thing was one thing I think Kiara was really good about. If she had an end, she'd commit to it. She never backed off of that wave once she started paddling, right? She just kept going and going until they just plummeted down under. She knew Ellie wasn't gonna make it and she never shied away from her sickness. She wrote it in and kept it seen and made sure that I was included in it all like I wanted to be. We were both dropped out and retired at about the same time because of outside life reasons but I have no doubt that she'd ride that beautiful ship wave until the end. She was like real enthusiastic about everything. It was really awesome to be part of that and play a role in a story that was made the way it was."
The blonde girl with wild hair next to him looked like she was on the verge of crying and just leaned over and hugged the tall Australian. "Oh Stan, that was so lovely."
"Well, I think that leaves me out of the old and retired crew." A redhead, sat in her chair, arms on either arm rest and one leg crossed over the other, ankle on her knee.
"Yes, Kimberly. You had a different experience as well." 
Kim, the original and the first, well respected in the Head gave a chuckle, "Well, you know. When I first got to Swynlake, I knew no one and then all of a sudden, out came some of my best friends and then came the girl who seemed to be against me from the start. Kiara played Bonnie and Bonnie was just all snark but had her layers for sure. I mean, it totally wasn't like I hated her entirely. Kiara kind of sort of made her likable in a way that like popular people are that draws you in. In any case, it was great to like have that competition again and have unresolved past differences come back. Having your greatest competitor will only push you to be better."
"That and V-Day 2017 had you two hooking up in that locker room. That steam was definitely not from the showers, babe. Don't think we don't remember that tea, sis. Ya'll were on each other like you were fighting for the top of the pyramid. I mean bent ov--"
"Thank you, Hermes. I think we can all remember the fated 2017 singing incidents of the past and would rather leave them in the past." Amelia blocked that Spice Girls moment from her memory at all costs.
"Speak for yourself, henny, I was dressed as cupid and a Lady Gaga singing fool."
"Oh so how you are every day." Mocha smirked over at him and just gave him a wink to which he just clutched his chest and fake gasped like he couldn't believe the shade.
"Alright, alright, back on task. Returners and new characters, anything to add? General comments?"
“Ellie was always a really great roommate to Ly. So I’m grateful for that.” Meg offered with a shrug before leaning back in her seat again, arms crossed.
A much taller redhead than the previous one raised her hand a second before she spoke, "Yeah, I mean I'm kinda new but Elyon's been super cool. I mean I know we've only had a small interaction but I think she's got that whole telekinesis thing going for her and she can paint too. She's got all kinds of wild fairy adventures probably planned."
"Oh! Oh! In addition to what Wendy said!" The blonde who had almost cried over Stan's sweet sentiments before immediately perked up with her own comments, "I think they're all rather lovely in their own ways. You know, I've been here in both phases as have a couple of us returners and really Kiara's been such a source of positivity and enthusiasm. Also she shares my love of exclamation points! Really, truly, she's just been so welcoming and open to plotting with everyone and really I can't thank her enough for being herself as well as helping out in this time in the world."
"Well said, Arista." Amelia just nodded and looked around the room for anyone to volunteer anything further. She spotted a smaller gentleman who's head was just about nodding back and let out a loud snore to which Amelia just said firmly and loud as can be, "Mister Zimmeruski." 
The figure squirmed and snorted as he said in a daze, "I swear I didn't put cheese on the counter, Al. That smear was from the peanut butter."
Luckily Jake who hadn't been paying much attention just shook his shoulder a bit, "Alright, mate, you're up. Tell the class what we've learned."
Bobby's eyes opened as he looked around, "Whoa this is like every bad classroom dream trip I've ever had, bro. Like called to the front by the stern but hot teacher lady and just like--" He immediately looked down and sighed a bit of relief, holding up a small fist in victory, "Alright man, I didn't go to class without pants again."
"Mister Zimmeruski." Amelia said again.
"Whoa, okay, Miss Smol-der-let. Let's like calm the tone a little also like Mr. Robert Zimmeruski is legit my dad so like can we all just take it down a level." He looked around the room and paused a moment, "Wait, so what are we talking about?" Jake leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Oh! Oh dope, awesome. Yeah like Kiara is totally on an extra chee-za level in my book, guys. Like her characters are bomb and probably put up with like a ton of my bullshit." He laughed a bit. “But she was like really nice and totally, definitely, wanted to help me get dates and stuff even if she didn’t say it, I could like feel that emo-tion, so like yeah, definitely always available for that assist with that wrist you know. Like flick of the wrist, get the gist my fam." He smirked over at Mocha, "How'd you like the rhymes, babe?"
Before Mocha could react Amelia immediately swooped in, "Alright, everyone back to your locations. Off you go before I get the worst migraine of my three decades on this earth. All of this will be compiled and given to Kiara as a present." She sighed under her breath, "Lord help us all."
As the room cleared out, Amelia turned and looked directly into the camera, sighing and crossing her arms, "I apologize on behalf of Alex's brain, Kiara. Really we all thank you for your hard work and dedication. If anyone were to be steadfast and true throughout all of this its you. We all wish you the safest of days and nights and that this situation ends itself quickly and efficiently without more chaos and undue unpleasantness. Carry on and we'll all be here for you when your crazy days have stifled, no matter how dysfunctional we and this community may also be, you're part of us and us you. We all miss you quite dearly and hope for your safe return in the near future once this invisible adversary has been dealt with."
Well, that kind of sums everything up but, we all miss you and are just sending you all the good vibes as you battle on the frontlines of this pandemic. It's because of people like you that we're continuing to fight back against all of this craziness.
Hope you enjoy this weird and slightly insane little look into things past and present between us as a token of my thanks and admiration.
Wishing you so much luck, good health and hoping you're getting at least some sleep out there, Alex
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nikkeisimmer · 2 years
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Vice-Admiral Meg Austin. OC FACTS
A character from Season 1 “Judge Advocate General”
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Portrayed by actress Tracey Needham in the CBS TV SHOW “JAG”
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1. She’s tough, a computer whiz and dedicated to her career.
2. She sometimes doubts herself but on the whole goes with her gut when making decisions.
3. Considering how driven she was she probably now outranks Harmon Rabb Jr.
4. Faced with the apocalypse, she finds solace with FADM Nakamura.
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5. She’s faithful to those she cares about deeply. Namely Tosh and Harm but of course Tosh is her one and only. 😁
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…as Meg is carrying Tosh’s child in the bunker. So much for the UCMJ. 🤣.
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teatosh · 6 years
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❈Téa Tosh❈ Ganni Meg Leather Cowboy Ankle Boots #teatosh
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philleegirl · 2 years
Shetland S7E5 my shockingly American thoughts…
Oh, Lloyd, my love with the bad accent, in 1981 a black man in Texas accused of killing a cop would not have even made it into custody let alone get the death penalty.
I hate that I love Meg's sweater. I hate everything about her, but I would love that sweater. Also, she is the most uncompassionate nurse I have ever met. I hire nurses and she would not have made it past my first interview.
(My Mama's input on this scene:
Mama: Well, she isn't Methodist. So, she can go.
Me: What?!?
Mama: Didn't we figure out that Jimmy's dad was a Methodist lay pastor?
Me: um… yes.
Mama: So, she can go and Jimmy can go back to Duncan.
Me: 😳
This is the woman who forgot why she put her cough syrup in the fridge, but she remembers this!)
Wow! Stephen went all Shetland when talking about the Braer. I had to turn on CC to understand him.
I love Billy pulling out the bird knowledge to help the case! He has definitely gotten to shine this series and I am here for it. (I would watch a Shetland with Billy in the lead for sure.)
That photographer has so many secrets.
Wait! Lloyd was trying to pass that off as a Canadian accent?!?! 😳🙄
I love Rhona that is all.
There are a lot more cops and forensic specialists in Shetland now.
Jimmy Perez, where are your freaking gloves!!!
I do love Alison and Lloyd's house.
The new music is… um… interesting. I'm not sold yet.
At least Abby did the right thing with the photos. Good girl!
Jimmy doesn't like other LEOs working on his patch without him knowing, but at least not both black men are suspects. Or at least not for long.
Jimmy did a great job connecting with Danny.
Sandy and Billy were so funny.
Sandy is being competent and intelligent. I am here for it. I love him so it is nice to see him back on form. Kate Kilmuir being gone has reset his brain.
Poor Murray. He.just can't catch a break.
Oh, wow! Sandy has found like 3 clues.
Oooo… Carol Ann might be eviler than just evil. I am hopeful.
The West Wing perfected the Walk 'n Talk in corridors. Shetland is working on perfecting the Stand 'n Sway in corridors.
Why does Jimmy look lighter since breaking up with Meg?
Okay arresting Carol Ann must have been extremely satisfying for Tosh!
I love the vanity at Jamie's. Also, I kinda want this to involve Alan and kinda don't.
If you're upset about an old oil spill, why would you create a new oil spill?!?? I am confused.
Jimmy Perez, boy racer!
Oh man! I want to solve this and get into the good stuff (ie Jimmy and Duncan having a tearful reunion at home and deciding to move to a tropical island together.)
Happy with the amount of Meg
Thrilled with the amount of Rhona
Very disappointed with the amount of Duncan
Very disappointed with the amount of Cassie
Competent Sandy makes me happy
Billy is the best!
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ricelovebags · 7 years
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To all the moms and future moms, you make the world go 'round! 🌏 This is @megthomander and her two kids Tosh and Indie. Look at how much they just enjoy talking to their mom!!! 🙌🏽 She teaches her kids to surf, skate, to love art and nature. She approaches education differently. Meg took her kids out of school for 10 weeks to go on a trip to 6 countries around the world! ✈️ Meg inspires her kids to love people, no matter their background or circumstances. Meg is also a part of the original Rice Love team. You may be communicating with her on Instagram or email. She is one amazing mom! 🍚❤️Hope you have a chance to go to rice love.org, click on Stories, to read about some of the amazing moms we give rice to on your behalf. You are sure to be inspired by their amazing stories. Or go to @ricelovegive. #happymothersday (at Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco)
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hetbigbang · 7 years
What Should I Write? - Help for backrose_17
The following are plot bunnies that backrose_17 has put up for voting: Fandoms: MCU/Merlin, Supernatural, Torchwood/MCU, and MCU/Merlin/Jurassic World 1. Fandom/Pairing: MCU/Merlin Steve Rogers/Morgana Description of plotbunny: This is her chance for redemption. Steve sees the good in her, that not even she sees in herself and he plans on saving her. 2. Fandom/Pairing: Supernatural Castiel/Meg Description of plotbunny: Meg wants a baby and Castiel is her boss that drives her nuts, so of course, they end up having a fling that results in Meg being pregnant. 3. Fandom/Pairing: Torchwood/MCU Tony/Tosh Description of plotbunny: When Jack doesn't return during s2 UNIT is after Tosh and Ianto has a plan to keep her safe. 4. Fandom/Pairing: MCU/Merlin/Jurassic World Bucky/Morgana and Steve/Darcy Description of plotbunny: Jurassic World AU Morgana is Zara trying to have a normal life, she didn't count on the Avengers showing up for a visit or for Bucky to sweep her off her feet.
View Poll: #2067188
from Het Big Bang http://ift.tt/2ps2Hyh via IFTTT
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Hi Skippy When Megs say She’s lonely & have no support . Even though she have all those celebrity friends. It’s that she had hoped she would have been BFF with HMTQ& BFF with HRH The Duchess of Cambridge and with The Duchess of Cornwall none of that happened so when she says stuff like that it isn’t for the public she is directly directing it to those names I just mention she tries to put public pressure on them by going public with her Tosh. 🤣
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nikkeisimmer · 2 years
Tosh told me that it seemed as though things were on an inexorable slide to the brink of destruction; that from what he could tell; there was no escape. It was the strategist in him that told him that things were not going to go well in the Pacific...and the Russians were just waiting to jump in with both feet. They had always been our adversaries and it was only a matter of time before we and they came to blows.
It was admirable in how Tosh could split his attention between the affairs of the world stage and the goings-on of bunker management and provisioning, but he did so and that was the one of the interesting aspects of Tosh’s abilities. He does tell me in quiet times in our cozy little meetings that he relies on me to be his right hand and that overseeing reports and effectively managing the bunker wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for my efforts.
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It makes me feel appreciated that I’m doing something rather than just hanging around waiting for the blast doors to lock and the warheads to drop.
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Although I look at Tosh and I wonder if there is something more than just admiration for an effective leader.
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