#meg like: brb off to swim another lap
soulscrying · 1 year
@spirestar: 'you’re always so right. it must be such a burden.'
"oh, than. you flatter me." megaera steadies herself on a giant pillar, impatiently awaiting the liquid death of the styx to drip drip drip off her body. reeling from a sword to her chest was becoming too rehearsed of a sensation. at this point, it's a perpetual stain on her robes, and worse yet, her fury namesake.
"not that it would take a proverb in one of athena's books to come to that conclusion, anyway." she flexes her hands upward to redo her ponytail. "the both of us are more than aware of how persistent zagreus can be. he's practically rashlike. i can barely stomach it at times."
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