#megaera / beautiful but empty; no one could die for her.
soulscrying · 1 year
@spirestar: 'you’re always so right. it must be such a burden.'
"oh, than. you flatter me." megaera steadies herself on a giant pillar, impatiently awaiting the liquid death of the styx to drip drip drip off her body. reeling from a sword to her chest was becoming too rehearsed of a sensation. at this point, it's a perpetual stain on her robes, and worse yet, her fury namesake.
"not that it would take a proverb in one of athena's books to come to that conclusion, anyway." she flexes her hands upward to redo her ponytail. "the both of us are more than aware of how persistent zagreus can be. he's practically rashlike. i can barely stomach it at times."
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corinthbayrpg · 3 years
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NAME. Zuri Workneh AGE & BIRTH DATE. 756 & July 9th, 1265 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Nonbinary & She/They SPECIES. Fury of Megaera OCCUPATION. Pirate & Bookstore Owner FACE CLAIM. Kiki Layne
( tw: death & violence ) Zuri Workneh came into this world as both of her parents were leaving it. Her mother died during childbirth and her father while fighting in war as a hero. Her grandfather, a well known nobleman, took her in and raised her, making sure to cherish his son’s only daughter. Zuri was spoiled rotten by the older man. She was given toys of all sorts, beautiful garments, and the most expensive jewels in the world. Whatever she wanted, he provided it to her with no hesitation. Except for one thing: knowledge. Zuri was curious and intelligent, she caught onto things fairly quickly. Ears that were always listening and a mind that was always plotting. It would’ve been charming if she were born a boy but for a girl, it was not needed. His plan was to marry her off to either a prince or nobleman, whichever came first. It was her duty in life, all of it planned out before she could have a say about it. And Zuri hated it so much. 
Her grandfather refused to tell her anything, to teach her anything that was of true importance. It wasn’t just him, the other men around her were the same way. Except for him. Kofi, the King’s third son who was a year younger than her. He was more understanding and actually listened to her, the only person who cared to help her. Kofi was the one to sneak book’s from his room and give them to Zuri. It was Kofi who taught Zuri many things, it was Kofi who relayed information that he heard from the soldiers. While she didn’t necessarily have freedom, Kofi was her form of freedom. The closest she’ll ever get to it really and she was fine with it. 
The years went on as the two grew closer, and the prince’s feelings for her became known. Everyone can see how he looked at her, how Zuri always brought a smile to his face and how his gifts brought one to hers. When he was old enough to go on war expeditions with his father and older brothers, he would make sure to bring something back for Zuri each time. For the masses to see, the gifts always revolved around jewels and garments from whatever territory they had gone to. But for her eyes only, she could see the books that he swiped or maps that he took or drew for her. Those were her favorite gifts as it allowed her to travel as well and go on grand adventures. 
To anyone around them, it seemed obvious that the two will marry each other in the future. None of them could deny the way that Kofi looked at her with love in his eyes and how Zuri was always looking for the third prince. They were perfect for each other and Zuri’s grandfather was eating it up. He even pushed his granddaughter to make it official and go before the King as a prospective wife for his son. While she would do anything for her grandfather and did love Kofi, there was the hesitation of giving herself up like that. To become his wife, a wife to a prince, meant less freedom than what she wanted. 
It was only Kofi’s words that pushed her down the road of marriage. “If it’s freedom and the right to travel, I’ll give it to you if you become my wife.” And he meant it, she could tell. Kofi wasn’t a man who lied, especially not to her. It was an offer that brought happiness to both parties. A life together and a life where she’s able to do what she pleases. It was too good to be true. Then it happened. A marriage deal between the King and another King from a different kingdom. To create an alliance between their two kingdoms by marrying Kofi off to the other King’s second daughter. It was like that where she saw her life flash before her eyes. The freedom she oh so desired, freedom that was promised to her, was being taken from her. 
Only her grandfather wouldn’t let this happen. How about making Zuri his mistress, he suggested to the King. A chance for his third son to have more children, more sons for his son to have. While she wouldn’t be his wife, it was still an amazing idea especially knowing that his granddaughter’s children will still be royalty. Luckily for them, both Kofi and his father accepted the proposal, Zuri becoming a mistress instead of a queen. Not what she expected and really wanted but she too accepted it. It was better than being with a man who would control her. 
In the next few months, Kofi was married off at the age of seventeen and Zuri became a mistress at the age of eighteen. The two moved away from their kingdom and to a new one. It took them exactly one week to get there, and two months for Zuri to call this new kingdom home. Given her own maidens as well and a beautiful room filled with books, she was happy and in peace. But the feelings Kofi had for her never disappeared, even after marriage. Many could see it, especially his new wife. Unknown to the two, the other woman found herself jealous. Of there being mistress, another woman who had Kofi’s heart, a woman who was more suited to be a queen. But her jealously was kept a secret, all she could do was keep quiet and watch from the sidelines. 
The jealousy and anger that his wife felt for her grew especially when Zuri birthed Kofi his first son. Healthy and beautiful, they named the boy Salana Kofi, a beautiful and bright name for a boy that brought such brightness to their world. He became Zuri’s pride and joy. Two years after, Kofi’s wife had a son of her own. Two sons, boys who could become king in the future. Of either their kingdom or of another. The brothers, unlike their mothers who didn’t get along, were best friends. If you saw Salana then you would see his younger brother following behind them. They could’ve been an amazing duo in the future if it wasn’t for Kofi’s wife.
Tired of the extra attention that both Zuri and Salana were receiving, and the fear of the oldest son succeeding the throne, set out to have the two murdered. After a visit to their old kingdom to see Zuri’s grandfather, she paid for bandits to murder the two. The jealously that she felt swarmed her heart and onto the bandits. When intercepted by the bandits, the men told her that it was the queen who sent them to murder her. Because she was receiving too much attention from the king, that it was because of Zuri that all of her attendants, soliders, and son were to die. Because of the love that Kofi had for her. It was because of their bond that died, that she almost lost her son and her own life. She was a fighter, untrained and sloppy, she stood her ground to protect her only child. Power was needed, to protect the one thing that mattered to her, and it was power that was given to her. By an unknown woman named Megaera who offered power. To protect her son, to protect herself, and to protect others. A bargain that she accepted without a second thought. Zuri was able to take care of the bandits and ran off with her son, both wounded and traumatized from the experience. But alive, they were alive and it was the only thing that mattered.
Becoming a fury was a blessing and a curse. While grateful to the mythical woman who gave her powers and a chance, she had to separate from a life that she has always known. To the rest of the kingdom, both her and her son had been murdered by the bandits or whoever. They were easily forgotten and no more, it didn’t matter as the king had other heirs to choose from. Hidden and forgotten, the two traveled for time on end before Zuri looked for a place for her son to stay. Staying with her meant that his life was in constant danger because of the creatures she had to fight. It took her days to get son to understand this before their split. There were tears, more from her than him, lots of hugs, and loving words. It was the last time that she saw her son, he was nine, so young and soft. Zuri imagined that as time went on, he became a very handsome and respectable young man. 
She spent the years after it doing as she was told. Fighting creatures and protecting the people. Each fight left her feeling more hollow and empty on the inside. Saving others, while nice and a bit fulfilling, but it wasn’t what she wanted to do. She was a woman who wanted to travel. Skies that expanded far out and made her want to see more. Seas that were unknown to her and dirt roads that were left untouched by her footsteps. She needed to see the world and enjoy doing what she wanted, not because of some strange mythical woman giving her a gift. It was more like shackles that kept her tied down. All she needed was a chance to break away and she would take it. 
Then it came. Pirates who were looking for a navigator and Zuri took to it, telling the group that no one else was fit for the job except for her. “Anyone can read a map but you need someone who understands the sea and sky. And that’s me.” Impressed through and through, she was accepted, becoming the group’s official navigator and leaving behind her duties as a fury. 
Life on sea was a shift but she became accustomed to it in no time. It was the same with the others on the ship. At first, hard to get along with, it was with each battle, each exploration, and each celebration that she found herself coming to love them. They were her family, not by blood but by connection. Fellow lost beings who wanted nothing more than to explore. The crew was her everything, they gave her the love and care that she needed. The ship was her home and the crew was her family, no one could take it from her. Until the crew lost their captain and the age of pirates was no more. A decision to split was placed on the table, a decision that she did not want to go through with. However, when you weren’t the captain and just a measly navigator, you don’t have a say in the matter. The crew split apart and Zuri’s life was once again destroyed. 
She continued on with a few others as a thief for a few years before going on her own. She explored the rest of the world, stopping at various places before finally settling down in Ethiopia. Once her childhood kingdom and now a new land, it was the perfect place to stop in. There, she opened a small bookstore with painted walls of the starry sky and books from all over in various languages. She lived there peacefully for years until the veil fell. Unexpected but it didn’t stop her peaceful living. Only the arrival of Ade and the revival of the veil was that peace was taken from her. It was her old friend who dragged her to Corinth ( much against her own wishes ), the reason and purpose being here unknown to her. While it was nice to see her crew back in one area, she would much rather be anywhere but here. 
But even someone like her knew that there was a reason for her being there. There was a reason why she became Kofi’s mistress, a reason why she became a fury, a reason why she left behind her son, a reason why she became a pirate. So she stayed, waiting for her purpose to show its face to her.
+ adventurous, knowledgeable, rational – blunt, pessimistic, direct
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