#meg playing morrowind (badly) for the first time
umbracirrus · 1 year
One thing which I really do appreciate about Morrowind is that when you are given information, you can read it at your own pace. The amount of times in, say, Skyrim that a character will be going through dialogue and giving some information/lore or whatever, but all it takes is not paying attention for a few moments for whatever reason and you have to go through a dialogue loop all over again to hear it again - if it even is an option to hear again.
Plus, the topics section of the journal is pretty neat.
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umbracirrus · 1 year
I am absolutely ready to screw up some more in Morrowind. Last time I played, I managed to somehow get lost in Balmora... Then got lost in Arkngthand. And died.
Basically, my sense of direction in Morrowind is as good as it is in real life.
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umbracirrus · 1 year
Why the fuck is there an NPC asking for me to kiss him?
Do.... Do I do it?
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umbracirrus · 1 year
I need to stop taking breaks of more than a few days whenever I play Morrowind - every single time I've left it more than about 4 days control muscle memory is out of the window and end up screwing up stuff.
I've seen 'with the thread of prophecy severed' quite a few times already and I've barely just done some stuff in Balmora lol-
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umbracirrus · 1 year
Having a go of Morrowind on the pc in the hopes that I don't mess up keyboard and mouse as much as controller
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umbracirrus · 1 year
I keep screwing myself over in Morrowind, but I'm still by the beginning so I think that I'll start again.... And pick much better skills for my character. I think that's one of the main things which I messed up on.
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umbracirrus · 1 year
Hlaalu guard getting in his daily land swimming as a naughty dunmer rests illegally for one whole hour.
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