#megabonavia can reblog obvs
The Pie Story
Sans: “it was bad means, but the moment you were able to steal pie outta the fridge– “
This actually refers to the first piece of canon RP that @m-egabonavia​ and I did involving her Sans and Mocha... this is back when Mocha was super edgy and awful and rawr stab kill, too.
It’s Munday, so I thought it’d be nice to post a piece of history. 
Note that at least on my part, this is really, really bad, and we all know Mocha doesn’t act like this anymore. This starts in script format, is back when my Frisk was male, and never really ended. I’m leaving the dates on purpose. This is really bad on my part aheh kejkjwlekwl;w’
[30/12/2015 6:10:05 PM] 「❤」Casenpai: "Heh heh... you missed me, comedian?"
[30/12/2015 6:10:35 PM] [(o^^)o] Quincy: *You feel your Sans weighed by his regrets.
[30/12/2015 6:11:54 PM] 「❤」Casenpai: "Relax." ?Frisk says as he hops off, though the look in his red eyes is one of bemusement. "I'm not here to kill you."
[30/12/2015 6:14:37 PM] [(o^^)o] Quincy: "..."
The eye that had suddenly burst into flames doesn't die down, focusing its gaze directly down at Frisk. ...Or rather, Chara.
" ...the hell you want? "
[30/12/2015 6:16:32 PM] 「❤」Casenpai: "I'm just here to visit a friend!" The child says with mock innocence as he holds up his hands. "Don't worry~... Frisk is safe. He's sleeping in here." He taps his head to mark his point.
[30/12/2015 6:55:05 PM] [(o^^)o] Quincy: " that so? 'cause last time i checked... y o u d o n ' t h a v e a n y. " The monster's eyes go black for a brief moment, returning to the single glowing eye once more. Keeping it up for so long would wear him out faster, but he couldn't afford the chances.
No use in believing a killer's intentions, right?
" ...welp. i guess since nobody's home except me and the kid 'till tonight, you picked a convenient time to wake up. it's really CHARAteristic of you, pal. "
[30/12/2015 6:58:16 PM] 「❤」Casenpai: Chara give Sans a disgusted look before crossing his arms over his chest. "Seriously? Seriously ?" He sighs before shaking his head, a sudden serious look on his face.
"... say. How've you been sleeping, anyways?"
[30/12/2015 7:04:21 PM] [(o^^)o] Quincy: After a moment of hesitation, Sans lets his eyes return back to their normal dots, releasing the tension in his shoulders that had built up over the past minute or so.
" me? i'm the sleep king. i sleep, like, /all/ the time. it's my thing, if you didn't notice. " As if on cue, the skeleton yawns, stretching his arms while still keeping a constant stare on Frisk's body. " then again, you kept busy in your timeline, so i imagine you missed out on a lot, huh? "
[30/12/2015 7:16:43 PM] 「❤」Casenpai: "Sure, whatever." Chara rolls his eyes before heading towards the fridge. There was leftover pie in there, right?
"My point is that Frisk isn't sleeping well. Nightmares. Constant ones. Not just because of me, too -- going through so many RESETs is taking a toll on him. And as interesting as they are, it also means I can't get any rest." He takes out the pie tin and sets it on the counter, pulling out a fork from the drawer.
"So I'm gonna ask again... how've you been sleeping?"
[30/12/2015 7:29:53 PM] [(o^^)o] Quincy: Wow, he seriously didn't give two shits, did he? Then again, that was about as best of an attitude as you could expect from someone who comitted GENOCIDE, but...
Sans flinches ever so slightly when the fork is pulled out, but relaxes when he sees it's being used for the pie and /not/ to carve out his SOUL. Unless Chara intended to eat the pie THEN kill him, in which case it would be beyond rude.
" i... i know. " Sans sighs, watching the small hands dig into the remaining slice. " and i answered your question. i sleep. very, very often. if anything, i'm /over/ sleeping. but you can't ever have too much of a good thing, right? that's what they say, anyway. you know, kid, you could ask before you start digging through the leftovers like that. i know manners aren't your thing, but if you're going to be jumping into conversations like this, it wouldn't hurt to get a few. "
[30/12/2015 7:50:21 PM] 「❤」Casenpai: "Huh?" Chara blinks. "But there's only one slice left." He tilts the pie tin to show that there's a quarter of the pie left. "Besides, you can eat this whenever you want. This is my one chance."
The boy licks his lips before digging in, and only after savouring his first few bites does he even continue. "Mmf, she hasn't changed her recipe... this is the best."
"Anyways. Point being, these nightmares need to stop. So you two need to talk about all this timeline garbage." He lifts the fork to his mouth and pauses. "Besides, if he gets too mentally tired... then there's more chances that I'll show up... and you don't want that, do you?"
[30/12/2015 8:17:37 PM] [(o^^)o] Quincy: "we-" The skeleton pauses, trying to put his thoughts together. They /had/ discussed things. Multiple times. It was a topic that the two of them couldn't avoid, not when they lived under the same roof and were frequently involved in each other's lives. In those timelines where they went their seperate ways, Sans only had to make a phone call and await the next RESET before even addressing the issues presented before them. But there was no avoiding what had happened, when everyone was alive and they both had gone through Hell and back to make sure it stayed that way.
The conversations weren't ever long, though; Sans didn't like to dwell on the subject for too long, as the mere thought of the memories made his spine shiver with disgust. And while Frisk had always seemed to want to discuss it further, he'd be fine where the topic usually ended -- he didn't blame Frisk, and Frisk didn't blame him. It was a peaceful conclusion to a horror that no one wanted to relive.
Chara had surely been at least semi-present for those conversations, so... what did he expect Sans to do?
The skeleton shrugs. " hasn't stopped you before. you feed off each other's DETERMINATION, right? it's not really in my court then. besides... i can't exactly erase all that myself. anybody'd be having nightmares after all that time making choices. backseating with you probably just made it worse. "
[30/12/2015 8:17:53 PM] [(o^^)o] Quincy: (( on days like these, kids like you don't deserve my wife's pie ))
[30/12/2015 8:33:17 PM] 「❤」Casenpai: "Yeah, but things were different," Chara says between two mouthfuls. "I wanted to play. We have an agreement right now for the most part."
The child finishes his last piece, and he sets the tin in the sink, turning on the faucet to rinse the stuck-on bits before shaking it out. The out of character action seemed more a reflex than anything...
"I know you two have 'talked' about it... more like danced around the subject. It's painful to watch you two, really.... you talk about it for like... a couple of minutes before  you two drift off." He washes the tin and sets it aside to dry before shooting a glare at Sans.  "And don't go blaming me for everything! I'm only responsible for like a quarter of his nightmares. Sheesh."
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