#megami Saikou x reader
Could You write a Scenario in wich we hug Horuda and Megami? They deserve a hug
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♡ Darling gives them a hug ♡
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Pairings: Megami Saikou, Horuda Puresu x GN!Reader Word Count: 1.2k (Megami); 1.3k (Horuda) Content: Hurt/comfort, mentions of nepotism, mentions of bullying, crying, mentions of obsessive behaviour, fluff, probably improper use of Japanese honorifics.
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{Megami Saikou}
It had been a tiring day for Megami.
A stern lecture from her father, a fight breaking out at school, a stolen answer sheet, an explosion in the Science Club - and those were just the things she could name off the top of her head.
Bit by bit, it had all piled up, leaving her wondering if perhaps the world was intent on testing her patience that day. Thus, as soon as cleaning time was over, she shut herself in the student council room, instructing most of its members to do another round of patrols.
It was silly, she knew, but by then, her patience had run too thin for her to tolerate other people's presence, and she didn't want to compromise her image as the perfect student council president by showing her irritation.
At that moment, however, as she sat by herself, working diligently on an assignment, she felt anything but perfect.
Yet no matter how many times she reached her boiling point, there would always be more to do. Be it at school or at home, something would require her attention at nearly all hours of the day; today and tomorrow and the day after that and-
An all too familiar voice broke her out of her spiralling thoughts as the door slid open. Megami looked up from her work, her stomach filling with a fluttering sensation as her tired gaze landed on you.
"Are you alright?" you asked. "I heard from Toriyasu-senpai that you seemed upset, so I wanted to check on you."
Ah, of course you did.
You had left abruptly during cleaning time to fetch some bleach after it had run out, so you ended up missing the memo about staying away from the council room. Not that she could ever fault you for it, of course. After all, it was your kind-hearted nature that drew her in initially, and why she insisted you continue to be a part of the student council despite your lack of qualifications.
She would never admit to having such a bias, though, as doing so would force her to acknowledge just how unhealthy her obsession had gotten.
"I'm alright," she answered immediately, sounding more confident than she felt. "You should start your patrol now if you want to finish in time for our meeting."
Undeterred by her attempt to push you away, you stepped inside and slid the door closed behind you. "Saikou-senpai," you spoke gently, approaching her with cautious steps. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm here if you need someone to talk to you."
Megami sighed at your persistence, setting down her pen as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "You don't know when to give up, do you?" she asked, though there was no hint of annoyance in her voice. Quite the contrary, she was thankful for this opportunity to be alone with you, even if it was due to unfortunate circumstances.
At this, you chuckled. "I guess not..."
Grabbing a chair, you placed it in front of her desk and sat down. With your elbows on your knees, you leaned forward as you rested your head in your hands, looking at her expectantly.
After a moment, Megami relented, "It's really nothing you need to concern yourself with. I'm simply going through a period of stress as everyone does."
You frowned when you heard this. "Oh... Is there anything I can do to help? Maybe take some weight off your shoulders?"
She sighed. "No, there's nothing that can be done, although that's not to say I don't appreciate your concern. The best you can do is let me handle this on my own."
Her answer didn't seem to satisfy you as you looked away, staring absentmindedly at the floor in deep thought. Right as Megami opened her mouth to ask you to leave, you spoke up, "Do you want a hug?"
Immediately, you slapped a hand over your mouth, staring at her in horror as you realised what you'd just asked. Megami returned your look of bewilderment as she asked, "Excuse me?"
Snapping out of your shock, you raised your hands defensively, speaking quickly, "I...! I'm sorry, I didn't mean... I just..." After stumbling over your words for a bit, you finally took a moment to calm yourself, taking a deep breath and letting your hands drop to your sides. Then, you began speaking again, this time more calmly, "What I mean is... When I'm stressed and feel like no one can help me, a hug usually makes me feel better... It's a nice physical reminder that someone's there for you... It keeps you grounded, you know?"
No, in fact, Megami did not know.
Affection of any kind had been mostly absent from her childhood, especially physical affection. The thought of someone holding her during times of emotional distress was utterly alien to her, yet... it wasn't unappealing either.
Granted, doing something so intimate with you would be far from appropriate given the nature of your relationship, but Megami was willing to give it a try. She did like you, after all, even if you weren't aware of it yet, and there was no one else around... Surely one hug wouldn't hurt.
So, taking a deep breath, Megami replied with a stiff nod before speaking, "Alright..."
She was just as stunned as you were at her words but refused to back down as you approached slowly and awkwardly. Due to her lack of experience, it took her a second to realise she should stand up, which she did hastily and nearly knocked into you in the process. It wasn't normal for her to be so graceless, but then again, nothing was normal when you were around.
So, with her gaze downcast, she allowed you to wrap your arms around her waist and, after some brief pondering and internal panic, she reluctantly wrapped her own around your shoulders. Once she grew accustomed to the feeling of being in your embrace, she nearly melted into your arms, having to stop herself from slumping against you.
In an instant, everything bad that happened that day disappeared from her mind, replaced with only the euphoria that came with holding you. If 'comfort' were ever to take human form, it would surely look like you, for only you could calm the raging storm that was her mind.
After a moment, you began to pull away, which triggered an unexpected reflex in Megami as she pulled you back, her grip firmer than before.
"S-Saikou-senpai?" you stuttered.
Megami didn't respond immediately, opting to rest her head on your shoulder first. "Can we... stay like this for a moment longer?" she asked, her voice growing uncharacteristically soft.
Her question seemed to catch you off-guard, but not for long as you soon rested your own head on her shoulder. "Of course."
She smiled at your answer, continuing to hold you as though you were the only thing that brought her a true sense of joy and purpose in her otherwise chaotic life. And in a way, perhaps you were... "And one more thing..." she began.
You let out a soft "Hm?" in response.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you... if you were to call me 'Megami-senpai' in private."
She couldn't see your face, but she swore she could hear a smile in your voice as you answered, "...Okay."
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{Horuda Puresu}
Horuda sniffled, her breath coming out in short, ragged puffs as she examined herself in the bathroom mirror. Her usually well-kept dark hair was damp, messy, and covered in white as she tried desperately to wash chalk dust out of it. Tears slipped from her eyes as she did, looking at her shaking, frightened form.
It wasn't an image she was unfamiliar with.
Her school life had been hell for as long as she could remember, and her time at Akademi had thus far been no different.
Sighing, she took a moment to wipe her tears, which didn't really help in drying her face as her hand was still wet. When she looked back up at her reflection, a choked sob escaped her lips. She was a mess. She couldn't possibly go to class like this.
Turning to grab some paper towels, she suddenly froze at the sound of someone calling her name from the hallway. "Horuda-san? Where are you?" the person called.
Her breath caught in her throat as she realised the person looking for her was you.
Immediately, her mind went into a panic. Out of everyone in Akademi, why did it have to be you that was searching for her? She would have preferred anyone, even one of the bullies, over you; the thought of her crush seeing her in such a state was nothing short of mortifying.
She briefly debated hiding in one of the stalls until you left, but the slight hint of concern in your voice made her reconsider. You had never been cruel to her, no matter how many nasty rumours you heard, so perhaps you wouldn't judge her too harshly if you were to see her...
Taking a deep breath, Horuda made her way to the exit before poking her head out, spotting you just down the hall. As soon as you turned around and saw her, a look of relief washed over your face and you began lightly jogging towards her. Horuda had to resist the urge to hide in the bathroom again as you approached.
"Thank goodness I found you," you said with a smile. "Aburaya-sensei was starting to get really worried, so she asked me to..." Your smile dropped as you went silent, taking in the sight of her damp, dishevelled hair and puffy, red eyes. "...Horuda-san, what happened?"
"O-Oh, um... I-It's nothing..." She replied.
"Obviously it's not nothing if you've got chalk dust in your hair," you said firmly. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Before Horuda could protest, you gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bathroom. A stuttered word or two managed to escape her lips as you did, but otherwise, she made no move to stop you as you stepped out to retrieve a chair from the hallway.
Placing it in front of the sink, you motioned for her to sit down, which she did with some reluctance. As you moved behind her to begin washing her hair, a deep blush settled on her face. This whole situation felt like something straight out of those romance novels she occasionally read rather than real life.
Still, she was grateful for your presence, despite her anxiety, and continued to sit patiently as you washed her hair. Occasionally, her self-control would slip, leading her to glance back at you, only to find her actions went unnoticed as you kept all of your attention on the task at hand.
After a few moments, you spoke, "So... you wanna tell me what happened?"
"U-Um..." Horuda began, her hands suddenly clammy. "I... got some chalk dust... in my h-hair...?"
You huffed as you turned off the sink, slipping into one of the stalls to grab some paper towels. When you came out, you asked, "I can see that, but how did you get chalk dust in your hair?"
Horuda's heart hammered in her chest as she refused to meet your gaze, her hands clutching the hem of her skirt anxiously. She wanted to tell you, she truly did, but what were the odds of you believing her? Musume and her friends were popular and well-liked, while Horuda was just... herself. There was no way you were going to take her word over theirs.
While she was having this mental debate with herself, getting more and more lost in her thoughts, she was suddenly startled by the sight of you kneeling before her. Your concern was shown in your expression as you took one of her hands gently. "Horuda-san, please... tell me who did this. I know this can't have been an accident."
Horuda could only stare at you for a long moment, her hand trembling in yours as she tried to think of how to answer. After thinking over her response, she said, "Ronshaku-senpai... a-and her friends... t-they... they did this..."
A look of anger briefly flashed across your face before you suppressed it, continuing to look at her with concern. "And how long has this been going on for?"
Horuda's breath became shallow as she tried to recall the last few weeks of awful torment she'd suffered at Musume's hands. "S-Since... the start of the school year..."
"Has anyone else seen this happen?"
"So, you're all alone when those bimbos pick on you?"
Horuda was shocked by your sudden insult but nodded, her expression dropping once again. Tears began forming in her eyes as silence fell between the two of you, and she couldn't bear to look at you anymore. She couldn't even feel happy about being able to hold your hands with how much this conversation had upset her. All she could do was stay quiet and hope you wouldn't react too negatively.
After a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity to Horuda, she felt as though her heart had stopped as you put your hands on her shoulders and pulled her down... to hug her.
She was too stunned to speak, remaining stiff as a board while she tried to comprehend what was going on.
"I'm so sorry for not noticing sooner," you said softly. "If you'd like, you can sit with me from now on so they won't bother you anymore."
Horuda could hardly process what was going on but slowly, she wrapped her arms around you, allowing herself to relax in your embrace. Once she snapped out of her shock, her mind quickly caught up and she burst into tears, clinging to you like a lifeline.
This whole time, she'd been terrified of how you'd react to seeing her in such a state, and now you were being so nice. You didn't care that you were kneeling on the dirty bathroom floor, or that her wet hair was covering your arms as she knelt forward, or even that she was weeping into your shoulder.
All you cared about was making her feel better, and that made her heart race in a way it never had before. She felt relieved. She felt... happy.
A few moments passed in which you simply held her, allowing her to cry her heart out before she finally pulled away. If she was a mess before, she was a wreck now, but the sight of your kind eyes and gentle smile made that fact irrelevant.
As her sobs turned into sniffles, she managed to mutter, "Th...Thank you... so much..."
You stood, letting go of her hand, much to her disappointment, and walked behind her with paper towels in hand. "Don't mention it. I'm just happy you're okay." Horuda smiled, wiping her tears as she felt you carefully dab at her hair to get the water out. "Now then, let's head back to class, okay? I'll explain what happened to Aburaya-sensei afterwards."
She nodded. Perhaps with you by her side, her school life might just be bearable after all...
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Saiko Metori NSFW Alphabet
→ Request: hihi!! is this still active?? if so, do you think i can request a NSFW alphabet for saiko metori from saiki k? if you're still doing those ofc!! thank you!
→ A/N: Manga Saiko had no right to be that fine
→ Warnings: Heavy NSFW [obv]
→ Fandom: The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K
→ Pronouns: They/Them
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He gets really emotional after he gets intimate.
For a few moments after he just likes to lay in your arms and listen to your heartbeat
Tries his best, but needs some help in the specifics of what you’d like
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He really likes your hands and all of the things that they can do
His favourite part of himself is his hair
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Likes to cum inside, but always wears a condom
If you want him to pull out, he will try his best 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not really a secret but he likes to have his hair pulled, both as a dom and as a sub
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Zero, not experience at all
Doesn't really know what he’s doing, but he tries to learn
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Face-off and Standing O
Likes to make eye contact during sex
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very serious, makes no jokes at all, not giggly either
May get a little annoyed if you are/do any of the above
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Buys only the most expensive grooming products
Probably waxes, doesnt shed a single tear either
It matches btw
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very very intimate
Regularly pulls up with the rose petals and the candles
Hires a violinist to stand outside the door for mood music
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Does it pretty frequently, moreso if you’re uninterested in sex
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Probably marking as well, both giving and recieving
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Usually does it in his bed, but has done it in the bathroom [read:bathtub]
Avoids public spaced due to the risk factor and the harm it could do to his reputation
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
No, but really it’s super easy to turn on
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Anything that he considers unsanitary
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers to give over receive 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually allows his partner to set the pace
Otherwise he’s slow and sensual
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s conflicted about it
On one hand, is his high sex drive
On the other hand, is his strong desire to be romantic
All in all quickies don’t happen that often
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s definitely down to experiment as long as everything stays in the bedroom
He usually only takes risks after a lot of pep talk to himself [and asking if his partner was okay with it]
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
1-3 maximum, if he goes for a fourth he actually passes out lol
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a lot of them and most are for his partner
Probably gets really expensive ones too [buys with cash so his dad doesn’t know]
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Probably likes to get teased more than be the one teasing
But still probably dislikes being teased as much as he dislikes teasing his partner
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud, loud, loud
 Moans and groans and all of them are loud
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Really wants to get into roleplaying, but is too embarrassed to try and bring it up
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Honestly speaking I think he probably has a very high sex drive
At the same time, he’s also very considerate of your boundaries and desires [or lack thereof]
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He falls asleep super fast but might try not to if there's more to be done
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biggestsimp12 · 15 hours
I read what you wrote for my Akane ask and Im pleased! Good job!
Anywho, I came with another ask. This time, Im asking for Megami Saikou with a gender neutral reader that is kind of like a "fuck around and find out" kind of person? They always get into danger, and somehow they're still alive. I feel like she is an overprotective person over the people she cares about(she literally installs high security and shit if you kill one of the members so), so this would prob absolutely drive her nuts.
They either get in danger or cause the danger. The reader could jump out the window randomly during a lesson and they would get up from the ground like nothing happened and go back to the lesson. What makes it stranger is that they are so calm about it while the rest(including her) are going nuts.
They let their intrusive thoughts win basically.
Glad you like it! I'm writing a week later since I was worried around the time you sent the request as my cat gave birth ariund 4 weeks ago and there was a kitten who wasn't gaining weight at all. I switched on formula and he's finally gaining! Anyway, as always, enough with my yapping -w-
Megami Saikou x trouble maker! gender neutral reader!
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The reader's reckless and daredevil attitude would undoubtedly drive Megami crazy with worry. Every time they do something dangerous or cause chaos, Megami's protective nature would kick in, causing her to fret and try to keep them safe. Despite her best efforts, though, the reader would continue acting wildly, always coming back unscathed and nonchalant. It would be a constant struggle for Megami to keep them out of harm's way, as their fearless attitude seemed to attract danger like a magnet. However, the reader's nonchalant attitude and carefree smile only serve to annoy Megami further, creating a constant cycle of worry and frustration for her.
She might secretly set up hidden cameras around school grounds, particularly in areas where the reader tends to frequent, in order to keep a closer eye on them. Megami would justify this to herself as a necessary precaution. She would make sure that the cameras remained hidden from the reader's view, not wanting them to know about their surveillance.
Her parents, who are already wary of her dating someone so impulsive, confront her about the reader's constant injuries and the trouble they get into. These conversations often turn into fights between Megami and her parents, leaving her in a less than pleasant mood when she comes to school. As a result, it's not uncommon for her to unintentionally take out her frustrations on the reader, snapping at them or behaving curtly towards them.
Megami feels guilty for snapping at the reader, but when they brush it off in their usual calm and aloof manner, she becomes even more frustrated. Megami's emotions are pulled in two different directions. On one hand, she wants to apologize for her outburst, but on the other hand, she's annoyed that the reader seems so indifferent to her anger, as if she's overreacting. This constant push and pull between guilt and frustration only serves to make Megami more agitated, creating a vicious cycle that's difficult to break.
Megami's mood noticeably improves when the reader manages to avoid getting into trouble for a while. The brief respite from the constant worry and nagging gives her a sense of relief and allows her to breathe easier. She appreciates the moments of peace and the absence of the reader's recklessness, acknowledging the relief it brings to her stress levels. These periods of tranquility also give Megami opportunities to remember why she's in a relationship with the reader in the first place, reminding her of their positive qualities and the moments of joy they bring into her life. <333
The end
(Sorry if it is short, I'm an lazy a-)
Bonus (not abt the story lol):
The kitten I was yapping about :D
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saikoucorps · 2 months
You write for yan sim?
What's your favourite character??
Could you write something sfw about a gn!reader x Umeji Kizuguchi? I simped so hard for him back in my yansim days
Tysm even if you don't want to write it!
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Tysm for the request! Honestly my favorite is Ayato Aishi.. but "canon" character wise it'd have to be Megami Saikou. I'm also a huge fan of Info Chan, Nemesis, and Fun girl.
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:ఌ¨ Sneaking out
꒰੭ pairings – umeji kizuguchi x gn!reader
꒰੭ genre – fluff, small drabble
꒰੭ tags – soft umeji (sorta), mutual pining, flustered umeji, reader is somewhat implied a delinquent
→ Reader gets the idea to sneak out, and asks their trusted friend Umeji to go with them.
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"Are you sure you want to do this?"
You had just explained to your friend that you had an amazing idea, a brilliant plan. You wanted to sneak out. With him. It was currently midnight, and you two were speaking over the phone.
"Duh, why else would I ask if I wasn't sure? You scared?"
You could hear him sigh on the other end, clearly annoyed.
"No—Just– Fine. I'll meet you outside your house in twenty."
You were already prepared, you didn't grab much but your phone and wallet. You were ready before you even called him. So, it only took you one minute to walk outside and wait. And surely enough, he was there in twenty.
"You better not make me regret this."
He was wearing something very simple. Like he threw whatever he could find on. He seemed really against this whole thing.
"Don't get your legs in a twist, why so mad? This will be fun!"
"It's not fun because I just woke up from my sleep."
Oh. That's why he's grumpy. He woke up to answer your call?
You decided you didn't feel like bickering today, and neither did he. You both began walking, and you didn't have an exact idea on where to go.. Umeji could tell.
"Where the hell are we going?"
"Uhm.." You dramatically thought to yourself on the possibilities, then finally decided. "The park! That's always fun, huh?"
He groaned before agreeing, and you two headed to the nearest park. It felt nice. The silence between you two, it may have been unexpected, but it felt natural. Umeji was willing to wake up and then sneak out for you.
You two finally found the park, Umeji headed straight for the swings and sat there. He was pretending to be mad, you could tell. So, you decided to sit next to him on the swing nearby.
"It's nice having you here, you know." You began, sitting down.
"What—?" He seemed taken aback, you could see a faint blush on his face. You pushed it aside, it was too dark to tell.
"I'm serious! No one else would have came out here with me, it was very nice you woke up for me.."
You and Umeji sat in silence, he couldn't even speak. He was clearly shocked by your words, and unable to voice his thoughts correctly, he grumbles out.
"Shut up.."
The two of you started up a conversation, it felt like minutes when in reality hours went by. He suggested you guys go to a gas station, and you did. You had gotten drinks and some snacks. It was nice, hanging out with him like this.
You and him walked for what felt like an eternity. It's rare seeing him like this, so quiet.. and not having that "tough" guy act. Umeji stopped and realized how long you guys have been walking.
"It's getting late." He showed you his phone, it was three in the morning. How long were you guys out?
"Shit. My house is too far." You started slightly panicking.. this technically was supposed to be very short.
"Crash at mine. It's only a few blocks away. Plus, it's too dark for you to walk by yourself. Cmon"
He started walking, you haven't even processed what he just said.
"You wanna bring me home? Really? How sweet."
"Don't push it."
You chuckled and followed after him quickly, it only took a few minutes to get there. He said you had to be extremely quiet, his siblings would wake up otherwise.
After a long night, you finally got to sit down. He offered his bed as he slept on the floor. It wasn't really an offer, no, he insisted you slept on the bed and he slept on the floor.
Moments like this with him were rare, but you always treasured them. You believed he did as well.
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taglist ┆ @hannibalhhusband @zackfairscumslut
©@ saikoucorps 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way.. i will ram your booty if you do. all work belongs to me, the one and only, zero !!
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iicheeze · 2 years
Notice me, Senpai! Prologue
Yandere Genshin Impact X Gender Neutral Reader YANDERE SIMULATOR AU
summary: It was your second year at Teyvat High. Expecting another normal year in your high school life. But why is there so many people suddenly courting you?!?! And why is there suddenly so many missing students?!?!
update: Now it has storyline previews for each nations (ones that are currently available at the game, of course.)
a/n: This is an explanation and cast of my Yandere Simulator AU story.
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Senpai as You.
[Name]'s Best Friend as Qingfu.
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Mondstadt Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Aether and Lumine.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Eula Lawrence.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Noelle.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Fischl / Amy.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Albedo Kreideprinz.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Venti.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Lisa Minci.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Kaeya Alberich.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Diluc Ragnvindr.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Amber (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Jean Gunnhildr.
Storyline Preview;
Aether and Lumine was always the same. They're twins after all. Ever since they were born, all they do is help people. No matter what. No matter what they feel. No matter how difficult it may be. It's gotten to an extent where they couldn't feel anything anymore. They just feel hollow. As ever blue sky and its beautiful clouds just turned black and white.
Yet, it became colorful once more ever since they encountered their beloved senpai, [L. Name] [Name]. They can't help that they felt butterflies in their stomach and felt as if the world has gained colour once more!
Yet.. Why do they feel uneasy when they saw their beloved senpai talking to another person?
They can't let them go. Not when they make them feel this way. Not when they are the reason their world is colorful. Not when they make them feel as if they have finally gained a reason to live.
They've been helpful for so long. They're allowed to be selfish.. Right?
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Liyue Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Zhongli
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Xiao.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Mao Xiangling.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yelan.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Chongyun.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Beidou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Shenhe.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Ganyu.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Childe or Tartaglia.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Hu Tao (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Ningguang.
Storyline Preview;
Zhongli had always been the same. Considering, kind, but calm and content. Yet he couldn't shake off the feeling where he felt empty at the inside ever since his beloved, Guizhong, died due to a terminal sickness. He had long moved on from it. But his heart can't reset back to normal. He doesn't feel anything when people confess their feelings to him. Just hollow. Empty.
He can't help but long for the feeling of being in love again.
Yet, it all changed when he accidentally bumped into his senpai whilst walking around his new high school. Spilling their canned soda on him. It was supposed to be revolting. But he somehow doesn't mind. Not when his attention is fixated on their senpai.
When their hands touched, he felt something. Something growing inside him. Like a beautiful sunflower blooming once the sun rises.
He had forgotten what it feels like to be in love. If he is in love, is this what it feels like? Warm, but lovely? If it is, he'd want to feel like this forever.
Their interaction had already ended, yet his feelings kept growing.
However, a flower has to die in the end.
As he then saw his beloved senpai, talking to another man. So lovingly, so friendly. It couldn't help but make him feel rotten on the inside.
He finally gets his heart re-build once more, he can't have another broken. Not again. He will not let his senpai go. No matter what it takes. He doesn't care if he'll have blood on his hands. It's all for him and his senpai. He doesn't want to feel empty again. He will not let them go.
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Inazuma Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Kamisato Ayaka.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Kuki Shinobu.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Kaedehara Kazuha.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yoimiya.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Sangonomiya Kokomi.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Thoma.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Yae Miko.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Raiden Shogun or Ei.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Arataki Itto.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Shikanoin Heizou (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Kamisato Ayato.
Storyline Preview;
Kamisato Ayaka has always been known for their family clan and business. Due to her parents no longer here, she and her older brother had to take care of the business at a young age.
She was always known as smart, elegant, and kind. Yet she stayed alone. She wanted to have friends. But God forbid it.
But, that all changed when she entered High School. The one her older brother designed, to be perfect for her and himself.
She was just relaxing at the rooftop. Enjoying the breeze. Until she decided to practice her dance. After all, no one is there to watch, right?
That is where she was wrong.
Her body swayed along with the wind. Granting her body free moves as she continued to dance with the wind. As she finally finished, she heard clapping.
Turning to where the noise came from.. It was from.. You. Her senpai.
“ That was beautiful..! ”
It was such a simple compliment. So why did her heart start beating fast?
That interaction had ended. It was supposed to be a small one, anyways. As you were busy with other things.
But she couldn't help but think about you. Her senpai. Her mind is basically infested with it. What could she do to impress you once again? What could she do to meet you again? What could she do to finally be of someone's main attention?
She needs you. She has to have you. You were the only one who could understand her. Who could accompany her. Who could finally set your attention to her. Just her.
So just look at her again, won't you? Just her. Don't look at anyone else. You won't need anyone else with her around.
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Sumeru Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Al-Haitham.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Wanderer or Scaramouche.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Candace.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Kaveh.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Tighnari.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Nilou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Layla.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Il Dottore.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Dehya.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Nahida & Collei (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Cyno.
Storyline Preview;
Al-Haitham had always been.. Pretentious.
He was smart, he was attractive, he was looked up on to, he was anything you can ask for in a man.
So why does he feel empty?
It felt as if something is missing. It always feels like something is missing inside him.
He had spent all his time on books, knowledge, education. And nothing else. Was it company he craved? No, he isn't.
His interaction with you was simple. Yet cliche.
You were just going to grab a book in the library, that was obviously too tall for you to take. Getting onto your toes, you tried again. Only for another hand to reach for the book, touching yours.
As soon as the two of you made contact, he can't help but feel.. full.
He felt as if his stomach was filled with sweets, love and butterflies. But it was illogical! There was no way he feels this way just by touching your hand.
You let him take the book as it isn't that important to you anyways. Leaving him alone with his thoughts.
It was a nice gesture of you for him. Do you really prioritize others than yourself?
He decided to brush those feelings off, calling them annoying. But his heart kept beating fast. Ignoring what his mind said.
His vision was fixated on you as you left the library, yet through the windows.. He saw you and another.. boy.
Why is he so rude to you? Why is he so mean to you? Why is he so cruel to you? And why are you just laughing it off? Why are you smiling at him so lovingly? Why are you even hanging out with him? Why? Why? Why?!
He doesn't understand. He hates feeling like this, but he can't help but want more. He's never felt anything like it. Why does he want you so bad? Why does he want to get rid of anyone that dares to stand next to you? He doesn't understand.
Yet he knows one thing. He need to get rid of those who dare to stand next to you, let alone talk to you!? He has to. He has to. Only HE is allowed to stand next to you! Only HE is allowed to talk to you! Only HE is allowed to see that beautiful smile of yours. Only HE is allowed to hear your laughs. Him, him, him! Not anyone else! He won't allow it.
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Please remember that each edition has different storylines. But same ending. So I hope you all are anticipated for chapter one!
Notice Me, Senpai Masterlist
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sakisweetie · 2 years
202X: Can you do dating hcs for The Student Council members? (GN).
Student Council dating hcs
Gn reader
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• She's super gentle with you!
• Whenever you pass her in the halls at school and there's no one around, she'll kiss your cheek (or squeeze it she just loves your cheeks)
• She feels bad that she can't kiss you with others around, but her student council duties are very important to her!
• She sets up dates with you so the two of you can try teas from different cultures
• You have these tea parties at least once a week!
• They're always super relaxing and romantic
• Whenever you're stressed, she loves to give you massages!
• She knows how many admirers she has, and she takes every chance to let you know she loves you and you only
• She's the type of person to fake yawn and throw her arm around your shoulder
• She doesn't care about people seeing you two together, she wants people to know you're hers!
• She gets you to prank people with her because she thinks it's super romantic
• (You end up going along with it even if you think otherwise)
• She loves having lunch with you and gives you candy almost everyday
• If you do the same she will practically worship you
• She invites you to her place to do some silly stuff like soap carving (shes actually really good at it)
• Her favourite thing in the entire world is teasing you
• She doesn't care if you get annoyed that just gets her to do it more
•  She's super protective of you
• She'll beat up anyone that even looks at you funny
• She has a hard time showing affection, especially in public
• It takes her a long time to trust you, but your patience means a lot to her
• Since she takes her student council duties so seriously, she might not make a lot of time for you during school
• She'll try make it up to you at the weekends
• But during school if she's bored she might send you some funny dog videos
• You might be able to convince her to eat lunch with you at least once
• She's super tense most of the time, so PDA is usually a no-no
• Although student council duties are super important to her, she'll make sure to organize her schedule in a way where she can spend some time with you during the day
• She likes going on nature walks with you!
• Whether it's going to a park or just around the school's gardens, she'll walk alongside you, holding your hand
• She doesn't talk much, but she loves listening to you talk about whatever
• Kuroko's probably the most awkward with intimacy and romance, but she's getting there 😭
• I feel like her kisses are very quick pecks, sometimes you don't even feel them
• After a while you just accept her short and sweet 'hellos' and 'goodbyes'
• She's very overprotective of you
• Literally to the point where if someone bothered you, she would yell at them and then have the rest of the student council monitor their every move to make sure they stay away from you
• I feel like she's a lil bit clingy but wouldn't ever admit to it
• She's very responsible with her family's wealth, but she does enjoy spoiling you from time to time
• Hug this poor girl omg
• She won't outright ask you for any affection but she really needs it
• Like one of those super long and tight hugs that feel like hours
• She'd let you come to school with her in her helicopter just saying
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Sorry for not posting I didnt die I swear
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Yandere simulator Masterlist
💙=Male 💖=Female 💛=Neutral 🌈=Fluff 💦=Smut 💀=Angst 💜=Mtf 🖤=Ftm
Yandere simulator 1980s
Ayano/Ayato Aishi
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Ayato Aishi general headcanons 💖
Under my umbrella 💛🌈
Notes 💖🌈
Osana /  Osano Najimi
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Amai /  Amao  Odayaka
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Snow globe 💖🌈
Kizana /  Kizano  Sunobu
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Trickster 💛🌈
Oka / Oko Ruto
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Mido rana 
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Osoro /  Osorō Shidesu
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Megami / Megamo Saikou
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Budo Masuta 
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Shoku Tsuburaya 
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Umeji Kizuguchi
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lbukisgf · 2 years
Hi!! I'd like to make a request for the student council members: how would they react if they found the reader crying? Would they try to comfort them, give advice, solve the problem they're going through, or perhaps something else?
What they would do if they saw you crying.
— gn mc/reader, slightly ooc charas. i assumed that this included megami.
not proofread.
Kuroko Kamenaga, Akane Toriyasu, Shiromi Torayoshi, Aoi Ryugoku, & Megami Saikou
— Kuroko Kamenaga
her first instinct would be to help you, getting what happened or is happening out of you, so she could tell the counselor if she thought it was needed. if you were completely sobbing, unable to breathe; she'd comfort you to hell and back, taking your hand and taking you to one of the bathrooms or a secluded spot outside for fresh air.
"(y/n)! are you alright? what happened? please, speak to me."
"I insist on helping you, I would not be doing my duty if I didn't help you."
"if it helps; you can hug me, squeeze me, I don't care. do what you must."
"It will be all right, I promise."
"I'm not going anywhere, and I will always, be here to help.
— Akane Toriyasu
she would immediately run to hug you, rubbing circles on your back, not even bothering to ask about anything until you were calm. only then she would ask, holding both of your hands gently, using a soft tone.
"(y/n)... it's okay. just relax."
"please don't cry, I don't wanna see you cry."
"would it help if I got some snacks or even a blanket from the supply closet?"
— Shiromi Torayoshi
she'd seem dismissive and annoyed but she'd ask who and why they made you cry, and make their life a living hell; and I mean it. she'd blackmail them, threaten them, you name it.
"yeah yeah (y/n), you'll be fine."
"relax, I'm just gonna talk to... someone."
"interesting, sucks to be them right about now."
— Aoi Ryugoku
first, she'd be worried; trying to calm you down a little, and getting to you tell her what happened. after you do, she'd be pissed; muttering to herself and when you try to ask her to calm down, she'd crack her knuckles and walk out the door.
"hey? (y/n), shit calm down!"
"goddamnit, (y/n) please relax."
"who's ass do I have to beat?"
— Megami Saikou
she's concerned, angry, and upset all in one. depending on how irritated she is that day; she'll either comfort you or ignore you. she has better things to do sometimes, but she would; majority of the time, comfort you.
"I'm right here. please settle down."
"would you like a drink of water? hm?"
— that's all !! thank u for reading :]
—— so sorry if this wasn't what you wanted anon, but I hope u enjoyed it! and thank u for requesting this.
lbukisgf Ⓒ 2023
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yanderegoddess · 2 years
Yandere Simulator Blog
I actually hadn’t intended to be writing this at fucking 10:52 pm but here I am because insomnia is a pain in my ass. And what’s a better way to waste my time then write this out and write some Xreader stuff while im at it. Anyway enough of the side rant off to the real point.
Prompt list!
This is an Xreader Blog I do
X F!Reader
X GN!Reader
X M!Reader
Stuff I write about :
Types of content I write :
smut || the characters will be aged up if smut is requested ||
Characters I write for 202X :
Ayano Aishi
Osana Najimi
Amai Odayaka
Kizana Sunobu
Oka Ruto
Asu Rito
Muja Kina (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanako Yamada
Megami Saikou
Kokona Haruka
Kuroko Kamenaga
Akane Toriyasu
Aoi Ryugoku
Shiromi Torayoshi
Mutsumi Rokuda / Musume Ronshaku
Kashiko Murasaki
Hana Daidaiyama
Kokoro Momoiro
Hoshiko Mizudori
Uekiya Engeika
Genka Kunahito (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Raibaru Fumetsu
Supana Churu
Kokuma Jutsu
Mina Rai
Shima Shiya
Miyuji Shan
Gita Yamahato
Beshi Takamine
Dora Tamamoto
Kiba Kawaito
Meka Nikaru
Homu Kurusu
Inkyu Basu
Sakyu Basu
Sakura Hagiwara
Sumire Suzuki
Horuda Puresu
Male :
Umeji Kizuguchi
Hokuto Furukizu
Gaku Hikitsuri
Dairoku Surikizu
Hayanari Tsumeato
Yandere Kun / Ayato Aishi
Budo Masuta
Taro Yamada / Senpai
Male! Info-Kun
Shin Higaku
Chojo Tekina
Daku Atsu
Geiju Tsuka
Sho Kunin
Juku Ren
Kaga Kusha
Horo Guramu
Yaku Zaishi
Iruka Dorufino
Kencho Saikou
Hazu Kashibuchi
Male rivals :
Osano Nanjimi
Amao Odayaka
Kizano Sunobu
Oko Ruto
Aso Rito
Mujo Kina (( teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanakō Yamada
Megamo Saikou
Characters I write for 1980’s :
Female :
Ryoba Aishi
Kaguya Wakaizumi
Moeko Rakuyona
Honami Hodoshima
Sumiko Tachibana
Ritsuko Chikanari
Ai Doruyashi
Teiko Nabatasai
Komako Funakoshi
Chigusa Busujima
Sonoko Sakanoue
Turi Sutoriku
Doremi Shinmahara
Murasaki Nobumoto
Akari Komiyaku
Raimu Ichijo
Sumire Saitozaki
Male :
Jokichi Yudasei
The Journalist
Saburo Meshino
Togo Atasuma Shichiro Kurosapu
Taichi Hiranaka
Seishiro Sadanaga
Reiichi Tanaami
Joze Shiuba
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
Saisho Saikou
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Could I get Yandere! Student Council President (because I can't remember her name for the life of me) x reader headcanons
M ..... Magumi ? God I gotta look it up, She is actually super forgettable to me.It’s Megami Saikou, there we go okay !!!!!!!!
- Megami wouldn’t be really subtle about her interest in reader, Possible giving them gifts and even inviting them to pricey restaurants after school
- If anyone else even shows interest in liking reader she would make it apparent quickly and sternly that she is already dating you.
- She wouldn’t be bothered if you had friends or anything, just as long as they don’t show interest in wanting to date you.
- Wouldn’t kill for you because if she got caught she would ruin her families life but would probably hire someone to kill for her if it came to that point but i doubt it would ever since she is already intimidating
- Despite this she would still be sweet to you, taking you on dates a lot as well as always getting you thinks you liked. 
- Wouldn’t hesitate to drop what she was doing if you said you needed her help, this is kinda a bad thing though since she is busy and has a lot to do.
- Doesn’t like it when you help her because she likes to do things on her own plus she doesn’t like you over exerting yourself because she was “ Flimsy “
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Megami and Osoro A,B,F,I,K Yandere alphabet
Request: You could make the letters A, B, F, I and K from The Yandere Alphabet for Megami Saikou and Osoro Shidesu From Yandere Simulator please?
Megami: Can both fight and intimidate her rivals but chooses to use her reputation
Osoro: Can both fight and intimidate her rivals but chooses violence
Fandom: Yandere Simulator
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: no beta, yandere behavior, Osoro in general,
Word Count:
Megami: 362
Osoro: 330
Pronouns: ???
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Megami Saikou:
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
She tolerates your existence
I’m only half-joking by the way
She is quite a stoic and reserved person so the fact that she goes out of her way to be near you is notable enough.
Soon other people start noticing her odd behavior as well, though any talk is quickly shut down by her and the other members of the student council.
She soon starts to isolate you from the rest of your friends, she either intimidates them or they start to distance themselves because of Megami’s reputation.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
She’s quite skilled in martial arts so I have no doubt she could easily take down anyone she saw as a threat.
However, she has a strong reputation to uphold as heiress to the Saikou fortune, fortunately for her that reputation and her general aura can come in handy.
She very rarely has to resort to any sort of violence to thwart her rivals but she does have a fair bit of money and resources at her disposal.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Unlike some yandere’s she realizes how her feelings would be perceived from the outside but she still feels hurt.
She is often subtle with her manipulation so she now doubles down.
If she thought it was necessary she would resort to abducting her darling, she certainly has the resources to do so.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
She likes the idea of her partner being a trophy wife/husband.
Though she doesn’t mind her darling working for themselves, she doesn’t really see a need for them to work
She’d want one or two children, the Saikou family does need heirs doesn’t it
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
She isn’t one for PDA unless she feels jealous, so she rarely acts any different around her darling.
She is however very affectionate in private, she often shows her affection through strong hugs around her darlings waist.
Osoro Shidesu:
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
She is quite domineering with her affection, often a tight hand around their waist or pulling them onto her lap.
She makes sure they know and remember who’s in charge
There are some softer moments she shares with her darling, she generally does keep a hand around their waist regardless of her mood
She also lets her darling around her bird, they often take care of it together.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Very messy, she is both a delinquent and a gang leader so she’s already got a fair bit of blood on her hands
If ever she doesn’t choose to use violence against her rivals she could use her reputation to intimidate them enough that they reconsider going near her darling.
She is, unsurprisingly, very quick to use violence against those she feels threatened by.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Much like Megami, she doesn’t believe her feelings are normal
However, she does actually get a bit angrier than Megami
If it hadn’t already happened she would quickly intimidate all of your friends so that the only people that even consider going near you (much less talk to you) are the delinquents and herself.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
She hasn’t put much thought into the future
Most likely just wants to get an apartment and live with her darling
Probably also wants multiple pets or just multiple birds
Definitely doesn’t want any children
Might join the Yakuza
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
She’s pretty possessive, go figure
She seems pretty aggressive toward you at first but it mellows down after a while
She’ll often stand behind you like a guard dog (when she’s actually at school)
She may also make you skip school with her
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332 notes · View notes
lbukisgf · 2 years
Where and when they would ask you out. (pt. 2)
— gn MC/reader, slightly ooc characters.
—— not proofread.
Megami Saikou, Sakura Hagiwara, Ai Durayoshi
— Megami Saikou
during lunch in the student council meeting room.
she  had  insisted  that  you  stop  by  the  stu-co.  room  during  lunch.  fo  what?  you  don’t  know.  why?  again,  you  don’t  know.
but  you  do  it  anyways.  after  class,  you  took  off  down  the  hallway,  fearing  that  you’d  be  late.
when  you  knocked  on  the  door,  hearing  her  voice  from  the  other  side  of  the  door;  telling  you  to  come  in,  you  felt  a  surge  of...  fear?  worry?
you  walked  in,  talking  a  seat  in  one  of  the  many  chairs  around  the  table,  as  she  climbed  down  from  the  ladder  she  was  on.
she  sat  down  after  informing  you  that  she  just  finished  putting  away  some  books,  and  that  you  were  not  in  trouble.
you  were  a  bit  confused,  not  even  a  bit;  very  confused: “wait,  so  why  am  I  here?
“it’s  an  important,  maybe  urgent  matter.”  she  laughed  quietly.
she  laughed? 
she  stiffened  up  after,  grabbing  your  hand  gently.
“i  have  been  watching  you,  observing  you,  and  I  know  that  this  will  be  coming  at  you  rather  fast;  and  i  apologize  for  that.  but  I  insist  that  you  listen.”
you  merely  nodded  your  head,  and  listened  to  her.
“i  believe  that  i  have  fallen  in  love  with  you.”
— Sakura Hagiwara
after  school,  in  the  gardening  club’s  area.
you had gone to see her, like you always do in the afternoon.
checking up on her, seeing how her day went, and seeing if she'd like you to stay with her.
when she told you to stay with her, she had a different time than she'd normally use.
"will you stay with me a while? i'd like to ask you something, as I've been meaning to for a while."
you merely nodded. "of course, go ahead."
she set down the watering can she was holding and turned to face you fully, a small look of worry on her face.
"so as you know, we've been friends for a while; and the both of us greatly enjoy the other's company."
she always was one to beat around the bush, never getting to the point quick enough. "go on..."
she grabbed both of your hands gently, holding them in hers as she smiled.
"what I'm trying to say is, I believe that I am in love with you."
— Ai Durayoshi
before one of her concerts at akedemi.
you were backstage, getting her outfit together so she could perform.
ai came up to you, smiling.
"hey (y/n)! can you come here really quick?"
"oh, of course. lead the way." you were a little surprised, caught off guard even as you followed her outside.
now outside, standing by .the gymnasium; she grabbed your hands squeezing them gently.
"what's got you so excited, hm?"
"well, a lot! but I'm more excited to have you here with me."
you simply smiled. "care to elaborate on why?"
she shifted, her smile now a nervous looking one; as she took a deep breath in.
"I think, I mean- I kind of hope, that I fell in love with you. you're amazing, and I don't think I can go another day without you by my side."
— thank you for reading, I hope u enjoyed!!
lbukisgf Ⓒ 2023
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domxmarvel · 5 years
Guidelines & who i write for
(Updated: August 14 2023)
All characters will be aged up for smut
Please send all request as asks
I will turn down requests i’m not comfortable with or that I don't want to write
Please include a plot (Especially for smut)
Most of my fics (Smut) will be Dom/Top!Reader because that’s what I prefer to write
No ships,OC’s or gender-bent characters (That aren’t on the list)
Only x reader including Poly ( Characters have to be from the same fandom)
Fluff,angst, smut & Preferences
Oneshots,Drabbles,Blurbs & preferences/Multi character
Female!Reader,Male!Reader,Gender Neutral,FTM and MTF
If you don’t specify the readers gender I’ll pick whatever I think suits best
No pregnant reader No babies
No daddy kink
Light yandere only
Headcanons and Song fics aren’t really my strong suit,but I'll try my best to write them
Please don’t be vague,more details are better than less
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Lady Loki
Peter parker/Spider-man
Tony Stark/Iron man
Michelle jones (MJ)
Nick fury 
Natasha romanoff/Black widow
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet witch
Pietro(Wandavision)/Peter maximoff/Quicksilver
Alec Lightwood (male reader only)
Isabelle lightwood 
Magnus Bane
Raphael santiago
Sweet Pea
Jughead Jones
joaquin desantos  (male reader only)  
Toni Topaz
FP Jones
Betty cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom  (Female reader only)   
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Young royals  (No smut!)
Prince Wilhelm (male reader only)  
Simon Eriksson (male reader only)  
Felice Ehrencrona
Never have I ever
Devi Vishwakumar
Aneesa Qureshi
Kamala Nandiwadal
Benjamin "Ben" Gross  
Nalini Vishwakumar
Fabiola Torres (Female Reader only)
Eleanor Wong  
Trent Harrison  
Ethan Morales
Stranger things (Coming soon)
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (Female Reader only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Jim hopper
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Miraculous Ladybug 
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette dupain cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste /Chat noir
Alya Cesaire/Rena rouge
Chloe bourgeois/Queen bee
Zoe /Vesperia
Felix Graham de vanily
Juleka couffaine/Purple tigress
Marc anciel  
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Carmen sandiego
Carmen sandiego
Graham Calloway/crackle
Julia argent
She ra
Adora/she ra (Female reader only)    
Catra (Female reader only)    
Scorpia (Female reader only)    
Double trouble
Queen Glimmer
Sea hawk 
How to train your dragon  
The dragon prince
Amaya (Female reader only)    
Terrestrius ‘Terry’
Runaan  (male reader only)  
Ethari  (male reader only)  
Janai (Female reader only)
Camilo (No smut!)
Mirabel (No smut!)
Across/Into the spider-verse
Miles morales/E1610 (No smut)
Gwen Stacy  (No smut) 
pavitr prabhakar   (No smut) 
Hobie brown
Prowler!Miles/E42 (no smut)
Rio Morales
Peter b parker
Dr. Olivia Octavius
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Corpse husband (No smut!)
Multiverse Monarch/leeandlie
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Detroit become human
Connor (RK 800)
Kara (No smut!)
Gavin reed
Hank anderson
Nines (RK 900)
Yandere simulator
Ayano/Ayato Aishi
Osana /  Osano  Najimi
Amai /  Amao   Odayaka
Kizana /  Kizano   Sunobu
Oka / Oko Ruto
Mido rana
Osoro /  Osorō   Shidesu
Megami / Megamo Saikou
Budo Masuta
Shoku Tsuburaya
Umeji Kizuguchi
Ryoba Aishi
Reiichi Tanaami
José Silva
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
The legend of Zelda
Please specify which version (Game)
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Hyrule Warriors
Ocarina of Time
Agent 47
Diana burnwood
Twisted wonderland
Riddle rosehearts
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Leona Kingscholar
Jack howl
Vil Schoenheit
Rook hunt 
Idia Shroud
Divus Crewel
Mario characters
Princess peach
Princess Daisy
Just dance
Jack rose
Louise Dials
Leda nox/Nightswan
Resident evil 4 (Remake)
Leon kennedy
Ashley graham
Luis Serra
Tumblr media
Fruits baskets
My hero academia
Shoto todoroki
Izuku midoriya/Deku
Mina ashido
Tsuyu asui  (No smut!)
Tenya Iida
Denki kaminari
Eijiro kirishima
Mezou shoji
Kyouka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tamaki Amajiki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Hitoshi Shinso  
Mei Hatsume    
Dabi/Toya todoroki
Himiko Toga
Tomura Shigaraki
Pro heros
Hawks/Keigo takami
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
All might/ Toshinori Yagi
President mic/ Hizashi Yamada
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu
Gang orca/Kugo Sakamata  
Mirko/rumi Usagiyama  
Vlad king/Sekijiro Kan  
Spy x family
Yor Forger/briar
Loid Forger/Twilight
Demon slayer
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Giyuu Tomioka
Mitsuri Kanroji
Inosuke Hashibira
Shinobu Kocho
Tengen uzui + Makio,Suma & Hina
Nezuko (No smut!)
Muzan kibutsuji (+ Lady Muzan)
Kokushibo/upper moon 1
SK8 the infinity
Cherry blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki
Joe/Kojiro Nanjo
Reki kyan
Langa hasegawa  (male reader only)    
Miya chinen (No smut!) 
The way of the house husband
Tatsu/the immortal dragon
Buddy daddies
Rei suwa 
Kazuki Kurusu 
Kyutarou Kugi
*Not writing anymore*
Tom holland
Tom hiddleston
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