#megan writes now
mostly-megan · 2 years
Spring Fever
Werewolf Frankie x F!Reader
Rating: PG Fluff
Description: Frankie believes that it’s time for him to start giving your little partially werewolf son his first hunting lessons
Word Count: 3,450 (no beta; we live and die by the sword)
Warnings: Mentions of “hunting” with no explicit descriptions, mild mentions of werewolf transforming, wolves (idk you guys, this one is pretty mild all over)
(A/N): So I mentioned to @pettyprocrastination in a dm once the idea of werewolf Frankie being a dad with the sweetest little boy and I promised to make a fic with it. THAT WAS 2 YEARS AGO!!! But anyway, this fic is dedicated to Tj’s lovely friendship and extreme patience, I hope you like it💚
Tagging some others who maybe interested: @princessbatears @maybege @frannyzooey @themarcusmoreno @absurdthirst
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Even from the car port outside, you can hear giggles and loud little footsteps in the cabin. You and Frankie share exasperated eye rolls and sighs hidden behind soft smiles as you pass each other. You had just opened up the doors and windows to air out your monthly retreat and Lucas was running wild with excitement.
You walk up the deck steps, carrying one of the coolers of food you had bought on the way up, and see a small, fuzzy blur circling the living room. On the way to the kitchen, you can see your son chasing his tail so fast it was even making you dizzy. Eventually you hear a soft “oof” and look back to see him back in human form bonking against the couch cushion and landing on the floor with dizzy giggles. “Lucas, you’d better be wearing pants when I look back up. We’ve talked about keeping our clothes on.”
You softly chuckle at the small gasp and frantic shifting of fabric. He stumbles into his shorts and t-shirt and toddles over to tug lightly on your pant leg, “Mama, mama, I almost got it that time! Didja see Mama?!” He giggles again as he wraps his little arms around your legs to steady himself. Pulling more cold food out of the ice chest, you play with his soft curls with your other hand, “I did, sweetheart. You’re such a silly pup today, that looked like so much fun!”
Frankie groans as he places another box of food on the table, “Alright, mijo, you got your sillies out, but now we need to get some work done. Okay?” His little face mimics his father’s seriousness as he sits for his shoes to be tied. Once your husband stands, Lucas dutifully marches passed him to the yard. Frankie’s now slightly amber eyes flash up to you with a playful smirk just as he turns through the back door.
When you all get to the cabin, you all assume your usual jobs once the bags are brought in: you get the food put away, Frankie splits the firewood, and Lucas skips all around the yard picking up every piece of kindling. It started because it keeps him busy and tires him out, but honestly, he does a wonderful job. Frankie always says his ass was saved a few times thanks to the hoard of dry twigs you now had on hand.
As you finish stocking the fridge, you can hear your 5 year-old’s happy chatter to his father, who could only really respond in affirmative grunts as he lets the hatchet fall to split the wood. You smile as you start preparing dinner. As excited as they all were, there certainly was a nervous sort of anticipation.
As long as you’ve known your Frankie, he’s always taken 3 days off a month for an extra long weekend. A medical exemption was the official reasoning. Very few really knew that he retreated up to the woods so he could run and hunt as an apex predator during full moons, Santi being one of them. He, in fact, had come with you two the first weekend Frankie decided to tell you about his monthly curse.
Apparently they had planned for a good case/bad case scenario. Good case, Santi would be a helpful resource for most of your questions and help you acclimate to what Frankie deals with in secret. Bad case, you start panicking and Santi could carefully knock you out and they lay you down, setting up that you had slipped on the loose stair and gotten a good bonk on the head. Luckily for everyone, you were more amazed and curious than terrified.
Slowly, the newness and strangeness bleed away until it became nothing more than another occurrence in life. You pay the bills, you do the laundry, and you go up to the cabin to let him get his urges cleared.
You’re pulled from your thoughts back to heating up the stew with an unceremonious cry of “MAMA!” You turn to the little voice and can’t help mirroring the huge grin spread out across his face, “Is it time yet, Mama?!” Your eyes shift to the clock over the stove, “Not yet, sweetheart. Papa said he’ll take you out around 6 so there’s still light. See, the clock has a 4 right now.” He huffed and climbed into one of the kitchen chairs.
You’d think his pouty face would be over being told not to go Trick’r’Treating yet. “I know you’re excited, we just need to eat dinner. Why don’t you help me get it ready so we can eat sooner?”
This seems to appease his impatience for now, slipping out of the chair and coming to his step stool in the kitchen to help you get dinner ready. You hand him a spoon and show him how to butter the bread while chattering about how much he helped his father with the firewood. You tell him how proud you are of how helpful he’s been this trip, but your focus is starting to slip again.
You knew who Frankie was when you were committing to this relationship. You knew that when you talked about having kids and again when you discovered you were pregnant with Lucas (well, technically Frankie accidentally told you, but you were still the one to confirm it). Now though, you couldn’t help but worry about your sweet little boy going hunting at night.
Ever since he could have solid foods, Frankie would go out to hunt while you stayed with Lucas. His grandfather’s old property was safe and large enough that human hunters wouldn’t be anywhere near him. He’d go into the bathroom and slowly change into his other form, groaning and grunting at the uncomfortable tug he described in his muscles. Coming out, he’d almost look like an incredibly huge dog, soft brown fur curling like he needed a good trim at the groomers. But his eyes had the same lovely depth and warmth, even if now more amber than dark brown.
After checking one last time on you and the baby, he’d go out for hours and bring back elk or deer. You would wait in the living room, where you could see the pouch from the window until your husband, the man, once again stood there, soft tummy wrapped with a towel from the bin out front around his waist. Quickly cleaning the meat, he’d bring it inside and throw it to cook in the kitchen while he showered.
He’d come out warm and all smiles and kisses as he made himself a plate full of meat and some potatoes or rice and sat with you at the table, helping to cut Lucas’ portion of meat into small enough pieces. But now, you wouldn’t have baby Lucas to cuddle and kiss while Frankie happily brought back the meat they’d need to feed themselves and their wolves.
Frankie had gently brought it up to you that maybe Lucas would benefit from coming on a hunt once in a while. Only for small game, of course, but it would still teach him valuable skills he would need to care for himself when he was older. You were originally horrified at the thought that Frankie wanted to bring your son who couldn’t even tie his shoes to hunt wild animals. But Frankie had given you time and talked it over with you for long enough until you realized that it would be what he needed.
As you ladle the stew into bowls for the three of you, Lucas cheers at his father coming inside and clammers down the step stool to run up to him. Frankie groans and lifts him high up before blowing on his tummy and dropping him onto the couch, squealing with laughter. You feel his warm palms slide around your stomach to pull you back to him as you sit the warm bowls on the table.
“Mmm, I’m not sure if you or dinner smells better,” his whiskers tickle along your neck as he leaves a series of small pecks up to your ear. “Well, you just said that it was a toss up between me or beef smelling better, so you should go with dinner right now and blame it on your stomach, hot shot,” you giggle as Frankie lowly growls in your ear and swats your bottom before moving to fill the glasses with water and a little cup of milk.
Eating during a full moon with a wolf man and a wolf toddler was a practice in spinning plates. As soon as you chastise Lucas for shoveling beef stew into his mouth, you turn to see Frankie’s cheeks puffed out with food. You give him a glare as he slowly swallows, straightening himself a bit and murmuring a reminder to his son to eat patiently. Frankly, at this point, you don’t know why you even bother to try.
“I’m finished, Papa!” Lucas is off like a shot as soon as his bowl was clean, but Frankie is off right after him, scooping him up, and plopping him on the couch. “Not so fast, mister, we need to talk first.” The little boy let out a long “Aaawww…” as his father drops him on the cushion in front of the coffee table. He groans as he sits and pulls out a map from his back pocket.
You join them after loading the dishwasher and look over the crinkled paper landscape. Frankie had been painstakingly planning out the trail he would take Lucas on as the hunted, coming up on weekends to make the entire path.
“Okay, buddy, what path are we going to take?” Frankie looks at your son with pride, certain he knows the answer. “Purple! ‘Cuz it’s my favorite color,” Lucas bounces on the couch with excitement, “Papa made it all purple just for me!”
Your husband has never looked so proud. “Exactly! And where are you going to stay while we’re out?” Lucas’ face goes stone serious, “Right next to Papa because the woods is dangerous! And, if I gets lost, I stand still and blow my new whistle!”
Frankie cut a paracord to hang an emergency whistle around Lucas’ neck, loud enough to be heard in a half-mile radius. With his heightened hearing, Frankie would be able to hear it and find him before any hunter would register it. Your son’s answer at least calms you knowing he’s prepared in case anything happens. You squeeze Frankie’s shoulder before walking back to the master bedroom, changing into comfy clothes before washing your face.
A knock at the door just as you finish draws your attention back, the space now filled with Frankie’s broad frame. “How are you doing?” his voice betrays his apprehension, he’s told you from the moment he brought this idea up that you have final say. You fold the towel you were using and sigh, “Fine, I guess. Sort of like when he started preschool, I’m so excited for him, but I’m terrified.” Your husband rubs the back of his neck, giving away just how nervous he is too. “But I know you’ll never let anything happen to him, even when changed.”
He looks back at you with a soft half-chuckle, pushing away from the wall he leaned on to pull you into a hug, warm and reassuring. You nuzzle against his neck, inhaling his woodsy scent. When you leave the embrace, he cups your cheek to bring you close for a slow, deep kiss before the inevitable strikes.
“Papa, PAPA LOOK IT SAYS 6!!!!” You both chuckle before your little boy bolts into the room, pointing at the bedside clock. Frankie scoops him up with a playful growl, making the boy giggle. “Ah, it my pup ready for his first hunt?” Lucas’ head nods so fast you watch him almost tip out of his father’s arms.
You laugh at his enthusiasm before leaning in to kiss his little cheek, “My sweet baby, are you sure you wanna go out? You could stay here with me and have cocoa!” He looks at you like you asked him to never watch TV again, “Mama, I gonna be scary wolf like papa!” Frankie chuckles, kissing his cheek and setting him down, “Okay, then let’s fold our clothes and get changed.”
With that, you slip out of the bathroom to lay on the bed. As you had been trying to teach your toddler privacy, you’d included any time he was a wolf. Frankie taught him to neatly fold his clothes and change in the bathroom to minimize any notice. As you try to distract yourself with a magazine you brought, you hear Frankie’s strangled grunts as he transforms and a little “hmph” from Lucas. Your husband teases that his old bones make changing unpleasant, but not gut-wrenching like movies always showed.
Upon hearing the door open, you look up to watch your hulking wolf husband emerge with a small pup zipping in front of him and up onto the bed. “Oh, look at this! Too bad Lucas isn’t here, he always wants a puppy!” You scritch under the soft, rounded snout as he giggles at your feigned forgetfulness, “Mama, it's me!” You smile at him and stand as Frank joins you, scooping up the boy.
You all walk to the front door, Luke nearly vibrating with excited energy as Frankie slips on a bright orange safety vest. You both hope that maybe it would keep any hunters from shooting on site, mistaking him as someone’s hunting dog. His whistle is placed around his neck and he’s off pawing at the door like an over-eager puppy. “Luke, come say good-bye to your mother before we leave!” Frankie puts on his own vest, carefully tucking the map in the pocket.
Lucas whips around to sit at your feet with uppy hands. You whirl him up and blanket his cheeks with kisses, “You be a very, very good boy for daddy, okay? Have a wonderful time and learn so, so much for your big boy brain!” Lucas looks upset suddenly and wiping at the tear slipping down your cheek, “Mama, you crying!!!” You chuckle wetly and take his fuzzy hand to give a kiss, “I’m just so excited for you, honey! Now, you go be the very best hunter and bring me back all your stories!” And he’s off to the door again.
Frankie steps up, wrapping an arm around your waist as he wipes away yet another tear. “You had better take good care of my baby, Francisco Morales, or else hunters won’t be the only thing you’d have to worry about,” he rubs a thumb over your cheek before pressing a scratchy kiss there. “I’d never let anyone touch a single hair of fuzz on his body.”
With that, they’re out the door hand in hand, Lucas chattering his father’s ear off as they start along the path marked with purple spots every few feet. You stood on the deck to watch as they leave, trying desperately to keep your tears away as you lay out two towels on the deck for them. “One hour,” you say to yourself, “you only need to distract yourself for one hour.” Now faced with an empty cabin, you halfheartedly turn on some movie.
It’s campy and a little low-budget, but the main bad guy makes you think of your husband somehow. Only if he was more vampire bat than wolf. But your distraction doesn’t last more than 20 minutes before you hear loud footsteps and Frankie half-soothingly, half-panicked murmurs of “it’s okay, honey, we’re back, you’ll be okay”. You bolt over to the door to see Frankie still in wolf form carrying your little boy wrapped in one of the towels, eyes all red and tired with mucus dripping from his tiny nose.
“Mama, I don’t feel good,” he whines tiredly, reaching for you with gooey hands you ignore to scoop him up as he starts furiously sneezing. “Sweetheart, what happened?” you examine him against your chest for any wounds or marks. “H-he won’t stop sneezing, he was right next to me in the brush and all of a sudden he couldn’t breathe without sniffles.” Feeling his forehead and side of his neck, you don’t feel any possible fever or infection.
“I-I think he has allergies, he’s not sick, just sniffly. C’mon, baby, let’s get you all steamed up in the bath,” you quickly walk to the bathroom down the hall and set our poor little guy in the bath. Taking the showerhead, you gently rinse any pollen off before plugging the tub and filling it with warm water. You hear the master bathroom’s shower turning on as soon as you turn off the water. Now that the steam curls around the room, Lucas takes more filling breaths. But after a few moments, the sniffles start again and tears fall down his nose instead.
“I-I s-so sorry, mama! I-I wanna be a good wolf like daddy!” He’s almost wailing now as he rubs his eyes. “Honey, it’s okay! You just had a yucky day! Next time, we’ll take your allergy pill before going out so you aren’t getting all stuffy from that junk.” He looks up with wide eyes, “B-but isn’t papa mad at me?” Your heart breaks a little as you wipe his eyes, “No, Luke, nothing would ever make him mad at you. Did you know daddy has allergies, too?”
He wipes his face with his whole arm, gasping a big relieved breath, “Really?” You take a clean washcloth to wipe off his face, swiping away any lingering junk, “Oh yeah, he got real sick when he first left for the army and they had to give special pills every day to keep him moving.”
Lucas looks over your shoulder and his eyes grow wider, prompting you to turn and see Frankie slowly walking in now in his loose sleep shirt and sweats. “How you feeling, bud? Is your nose still stuffy?” Lucas nods silently as his father sits with a groan on the ground with you. You pull the drain and wrap your son up in his fuzzy hooded towel. “We were talking about your stuffy nose from boot camp,” you catch Frankie’s eye to silently communicate the need for a story. And your amazing husband catches on.
He ruffles his son’s hair with the towel and groans, “Oh my goodness, it was awful. It’s 98 degrees, burning hot, and I’m standing their with the worst stuffy nose as we tried to run drills,” Frankie loosely pinches your son’s nose and makes a little honk sound. “Why do you think tío Santi calls me Catfish? I was always gulping down air in my mouth because my nose was too stuffed.” Frankie mimes opening his mouth and closing it like a fish, making Luke quietly giggle.
He throws his little arms around his father’s neck, “I sorry I not a good hunter, papa.” Frankie hums sadly, kissing the chubby cheek and holding the back on his head in his large hand, “It’s okay, mijo, you weren’t feeling well. I wanted to get you better! We can just try again next month, okay?” Luke sniffs and nods, all excited again.
You stand up with a soft groan, putting your hands on your hips, “Well, since papa didn’t get any snacks for you two, how about I warm up the leftover stew while daddy gets you into some comfy pjs?” Lucas’ excited gasp has you smiling again, “Yay, my tummy needs food, mama!” Frankie scoops him up, tickling his sides to make him giggle, “If you get some food ready, babe, I’ll get this spring fever monster all cozy.”
You walk into the kitchen and take the food out of the fridge, laughing as you hear more toddler squeals as your boys play. He might be part wolf from his father, but at least for a little bit longer, he could just be your baby boy still.
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gen-is-gone · 8 months
my for some reason unpopular opinion is that it's boring when Fitz remains unhinged levels of self-deluded and closeted actually. Why does he have to be doctor who's answer to dean winchester, huh? why would this man in his mid-thirties who has spent at least a decade traveling in time and space still have weird insane hangups about being attracted to dudes? why does that need to be the thing about the text that we all collectively think is worth taking at face value? it's boring and fucking depressing and honestly doesn't make sense when the future of humanity in doctor who is that bisexuality is the cultural default and completely unremarkable.
#like geez I don't think that making it to thirty+ years old and still being afraid and filled with self-hatred is funny actually#eighth doctor adventures#eighth doctor#fitz kreiner#megan whines into the empty abyss of cyberspace#it's also weird because this definitely wasn't the attitude in fandom ten years ago#my suspicion is that Steve Cole's confirmation that Fitz was always meant to be bi made people start taking the text literally#in a way folks didn't before when slash shipping culture was just used to reading against a text as a default#like I vaguely recall a post going around shortly after that was confirmed in 2019#that brought up how Fitz being canonically bi meant that all his weird hangups couldn't be handwaved away now#because if fandom made him bi against canon then you could just ignore his weirder no homo moments#but if he was intentionally written as bi then he was also intentionally written as deeply closeted#and like. that's true. but also you can just do whatever the fuck you want with canon no matter what#and also like#sure many of the writers were writing him as queer intentionally#but like the writing in the EDAs is so inconsistent of course some people are going to write weird no homo crap#because those writers weren't comfortable with queerness even if Cole's intent was that Fitz was bi#like The Gallifrey Chronicles's whole thing with Fitz and Trix is one long lance parkin no homo moment#does that really matter more than textual evidence that he is attracted to men and knows this about himself?#like I just don't know how you reconcile 'Fitz will bend over backwards to pretend he's straight' with#'a consideration of his chances of [...] getting laid by the Doctor'#or for that matter 'with the Doctor it's the real thing'#or the really really heavy implication that he and Sasha had a one night stand in History 101#or that he and George went on a date in Camera Obscura which led to Fitz being invited on the Siberia expedition in the first place#and again and I can't emphasize this enough: why is this the thing about 'canon' that is so worth keeping?#why is Fitz being depressing levels of in denial more fun than him being openly bi?#destielification of Eight/Fitz smh
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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Later that night, Tess comes up behind Megan and hugs her. Megan startles, unable to fully relax in Tess’s arms. "Hey Meggs and toast." Tess says into her ear, and Megan smiles weakly. "Hey." She says. "Emmy's asleep. If you want to woohoo, we could do it now." Tess says, moving her hands to Megan’s hips. Megan bites her lip, remembering what Tess had said to her about being honest with each other*. "Tessie, can we talk?" She says quietly, and Tess moves away from her. "Okay." She says, and Megan’s stomach churns.
Megan's heart hammers in her chest. "Tessie, I'm sorry but I still sort of have feelings for Iseul and nothing happened between us but-" Megan pauses and then tells her about what Iseul had said at the marketplace earlier in the day, that maybe she should have married Megan and that awkward moment between them. "You told me you didn't feel that way for her anymore." Tess says, her eyes dark. "I know, Tessie. I don't want to, and I love you not her, not anymore." Tess lets out a deep sigh. "But you still have feelings for her. I need some space to think, I'm heading to my pack's cabin for tonight." She says, and Megan nods through a lump in her throat. Tess doesn't even look back at her as she exits the room and Megan stifles a sob, feeling guilty and stupid and angry at herself. She doesn't want to leave Tess or for Tess to leave her, and she would never want to hurt Iseul’s fiancée Grace, who she's become friends with, either. She decides to keep it to herself for now, give Tess space to think, and hope that they could talk it through tomorrow and work it out.
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BIG NEWS! brought to you by the insufferable tumblr user that gave you the “tag yourself as a community quote that’s been stuck in my head” polls:
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loisinherlane · 9 months
Title: A Corncob Pipe, a Button Nose (AO3)
Summary: Lois watches Jon play in the snow and muses on what she’s lost and what she’s gained.
Notes: This is specifically set in the New 52(ish) under the Lois & Clark timeline. For anyone unfamiliar with this, Postcrisis Lois and Clark (and their baby Jon) land in the New 52 universe and decide to go into hiding, as they already have counterparts. At this time, they’re living as the Whites in California on a farm (owned by Sheldon and Christy (Lynn?) Montgomery, who serve as surrogate grandparents to Jon). I took the prompts: things that are passed down and healing/learning to love. I hope this has enough comfort, as Lois got a bit melancholy. Here’s your @superfamsecretsanta Secret Santa, @thekidthesuperkidl!
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meggannn · 10 months
My Fic
my ao3
my writing tag (finished/fic update posts)
fic snippets (WIP excerpts, stuff I may or may not continue)
Some personal favorite fics:
Mass Effect: Tides, Receding (Shakarian ME3 get-together)
Dragon Age 2: Matters of Course (Fenris gen)
Spiderverse: @heyitsspiderman (post-ITSV gen)
Most recently updated (September 19, 2024):
Dragon Age 2/Inquisition: A Crow Flies Down (Fenris/Hawke)
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cryptid-crusader · 3 months
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I got some new blue light glasses and they are very cute. :3
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gccdstories · 6 months
// me thinking I had an entire day off today... and forgetting about the family gathering for Easter.
so I didn't write all afternoon like I planned, but I did get to see and visit with family.
Decent trade, yes?
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thetrolltolls · 1 year
i missed the marder & rosell podcast bc i was on vacation and completely forgot about it so i watched it last night and WAHHHH all of them talking about writing the early seasons of the show and not really knowing what they were doing and they didn't even know what an episode of it's always sunny was and how much fun they always have making it and hearing marder & rosell compare it to other writing rooms they've been in 🥺 (at the same time as aaron paul saying he had so much fun on set and now wants to do more comedy) and marder & rosell talking about how lucky they are that they come up with these outrageous concepts and they actually do make it to air. like when you look at early sunny and the other sitcoms that were on the air at the same time it is really insane to see what they got away with and IDK i'm rambling but i feel so lucky to be watching this show in real time idc what anyone says there is no show out there like sunny and i am just so happy to be part of a little community centered around the funniest tv show of all time
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mostly-megan · 2 years
Oh no I’m starting a new wip and it’s not Joel 💕✨
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purplesimmer455 · 8 months
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Megan and Iseul dressed up as Anne Lister (Iseul) and Ann Walker (Megan) from the show Gentleman Jack.
So, I’ve been watching clips of the show* and Anne and Ann are such a cute couple (plus I have a crush on Anne Lister in the show cause she’s all cool and confident and her style is nice), so when I saw this post of awesome cc hairstyles from Gentleman Jack by @buzzardly28 I had to get the cc and dress Megan and Iseul up as the characters.
So the hairstyles, Megan’s pretty dress, and the pose were easy to find/I already had it in-game, but it was tough as heck finding the closest match to Anne Lister’s outfit in the photo. I finally found a really nice looking matching top and skirt by magnolianfarewell and it worked close enough and I think it looks good.
CC links in case anyone else wants the outfits/hairs:
Both hairstyles: @buzzardly28’s Gentleman Jack- Anne Lister and Ann Walker hairstyles
Iseul’s Anne Lister outfit: scholar vest and skirt by magnolianfarewell
Megan’s Anne Walker outfit: @vintagesimstress’s “1830’s wedding or ball gown”
Article/photo reference**: Inside the story of the real-life Gentleman Jack by Sonia Saraiya
Also here’s a photo from the vanity fair article on the real life Anne Lister that I tried to recreate. I couldn’t find a birds wallpaper so I used the bats one from the vampires pack.
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leftofus · 1 year
i need everyone to read this series by @henrystars immediately. 
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eddiestattoos · 1 year
Csi miami writers, I just wanna talk
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loisinherlane · 1 year
Kon and Ma and Pa + 73?
kon + ma + pa / everyday america by sugarland
oh, woah, everyone's dreaming big oh, woah, but everyone's just getting by that's how it goes in everyday america
"Conner, load up the truck, will ya?" Pa asked, gesturing at the boxes of produce still sitting on the porch. Kon obliged before Pa got it in his head to try to do it himself when he'd already thrown his back out once this week.
The Kents had learned with Clark to be careful in when and what they said. Superhearing wasn't something that could be turned off, even when they wanted to. Ma and Pa had mastered the art of telling each other problems with a single look. Unfortunately, Kon was starting to learn that look as well.
If Pa couldn't work the farm, they couldn't get paid. If they couldn't get paid, Pa couldn't see the doctor. It was a catch-22 of farming. If things went south, they could maybe cash in on their crop insurance, but that didn't help them in the meantime. The farmer's market could tide them over for a little while, especially with Ma's bees churning out the local honey.
"I can run the stand today, Pa," Kon offered. "I think I've done it enough times."
"Yeah, and those baby blues pull in all the customers," Ma snorted. She was still placing last-minute labels on the honey jars.
"Nah, I can do it," Pa insisted. He groaned as his back creaked and moved towards the porch. "But you can tag along. Wouldn't kill you to learn a little more about work."
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claudiaeparvier · 1 year
sad that mortal kombat used to have quality in their games and now it’s just 90% cash grabs.
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scary-ivy · 1 year
The way conspiracy-minded gaylors talk about Taylor is actually soo mean. "She puts all this symbolism in her songs to hint at the fact that she's gay, but she can't come out because she's a big star and it would be too controversial". It's 2023, lots of big famous people are out and still have successful careers. If she's fully aware she's part of the LGBT community but is just hiding it for clout despite the fact that she's the biggest pop artist in the world and already has millions of dollars then that's... incredibly lame of her. Like you are honestly making her look worse.
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