#meghan has opinions
mutalieju · 2 years
I'm reading through a Meghan Markle-hate subreddit (as one does)
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ngl Meghan Markle single-handedly ending the British monarchy sounds great let's gooo
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shoyostar · 11 months
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oh future husband, better love me right!
premise. the nhk gives it’s viewers a peak into the love lives of the jnt’s lineup, interviewing the future wives of the jnt to crack the secret to a happy relationship ❤︎
content. haikyu!! jnt / f!reader. (atsumu miya, rintarou suna, wakatoshi ushijima & shoyo hinata). fluff. somewhat decent relationship advice. downbad fiancés. healthy relationships(!!). suggestive moments. petnames.
soundtrack. dear future husband : meghan trainor.
part two can be read here.
dear future husband m.list. // hq. masterlist.
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“after every fight, just apologize.”
“Relationship advice?” You repeat, sitting across from the NHK interviewer, mic strapped to your shirt as a camera filmed your living room. She nods, smiling while holding a microphone of her own.
“Yes! Tell us, what is the secret to a healthy relationship?”
You tilt your head, “Well, I guess I have some advice to give.” Your fingers drum against the armrest of your couch as you sit in thought, contemplating on what to tell the reporter, “hmm..”
Atsumu sitting beside you laughs, his arm slung comfortably over your shoulder, “I have some advice I’d like to give as well.”
You turn to him with a grimace. “I don’t want any young viewers following whatever is about to come out of your mouth, ‘Tsumu.”
He looks at you offended; reeling his arm back to his side, shock spelled out all over his face. “Excuse me, I’m great at romance. I romanced you, didn’t I?”
“Unfortunately,” you jest, with Atsumu exclaiming in protest, “But this isn’t just about romancing someone, ‘Tsumu. They’re asking what makes a relationship a healthy one.”
“So?” He shrugs, “A healthy relationship is one that’s full of romance.”
“I apologize for him,” you playfully tell the interviewer, ignoring the look Atsumu gives you in response, “He’s not the best at this sorta stuff.”
She merely giggles, “No worries, the players are allowed to give their own opinions as well.” Atsumu puffs his chest out, “See, babe? She said I can talk too.”
“Yeah well, just make sure to cut out whatever he says in the final broadcast,” She lets out a snort at your jab, hiding the smile that creeps onto her face behind her microphone while Atsumu shoves your shoulder in despair.
“Awe, c’mon! I’m not that bad with relationship advice!” He pouts at you, looking like a kicked puppy when he does so, “What makes you think I’m so bad at this, do you actually want to marry me, babe?”
Your eyes soften at his saddened tone, feeling slightly guilty you link your fingers with his, eyes full of love when he smiles down at your intertwined hands.
“Of course I do, ‘Tsumu.”
The camera crew awes as you turn back to face the cameras, still holding Atsumu’s hand firmly in your own, running your thumb over the smooth cut diamond ring studded band he wears on his ring finger.
“The advice I have to give viewers is; Apologize when you are wrong,” you tell the interviewer, “No matter your pride, no amount will replace your relationship. It’s never worth sacrificing your loved one just for the sake of winning an argument.”
“Uh huh, you’re one to talk about that, babe,” Atsumu rolls his neck, “You never apologize first, it’s always me who has to for you to talk to me again.”
“What are you talking about?” You look at him confused, “I’m the one who initiates the apology conversations, you’re the stubborn one out of us.”
You groan, “Exactly.”
Atsumu pulls his hand out of yours, placing it on your thigh instead before facing the cameras. “But, she is right. Do not ever choose a winning an argument over your partner. It ends badly.”
“You would know,” you snort, “You give me the longest silent treatments until I coax you out of it with kisses.”
“Can we cut that out of the broadcast, please?”
You purse your lips to hide the oncoming smile until Atsumu leans forward, a handsome grin on his face as he looks directly into the rolling cameras with a newfound confidence.
“But, y’know. I do always apologize in the end, ‘cause my girl’s never wrong.”
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“make time for her.”
“You see this girl?” Suna jabs a thumb in your direction from across the kitchen, leaning against the marble island lazily as the camera team nods. “Yeah, she gets constipated if I don’t give her enough attention.”
Your head perks up immediately as you shoot him a halfhearted glare, “Do not.”
“See, she’s doing it right now.” He ignores, drinking from his glass of water before setting it down on the counter, ignoring the little gasp you let out at his actions.
Rolling your eyes, you smack his arm before sliding a coaster under his drink, “Don’t scratch the marble, Rinnie. I just bought this island.”
The camera team silently giggles at the short interactions between you two, with Suna sticking his tongue out at you and in response you give him a middle finger before he turns back to face them, “Can you believe her?”
Scoffing, you enter the camera frame beside him, “Don’t bring them into this, Rinnie.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“I’m your fiancée.”
Suna opens his mouth to argue before shutting it promptly, “Good point.”
One of the crew members holds a sign from behind the cameras, indicating to get the interview back on topic. “Why would you ever ask her for relationship advice?” Suna chuckles, “I was the one who made the first move.”
“The interview is for the fiancée’s of the JNT, Mr. Suna,” the interviewer reminds him, “But the players are welcome to voice their own opinions as well.”
Suna stretches his arm behind his back with a yawn, a sliver of his abdomen peeking out from underneath his home shirt before disappearing quickly, “Well in that case, allow me to voice this opinion—”
You slap a hand over his mouth before he can begin, “Nope, didn’t you hear them? This is my interview, Rinnie.”
“Buhf dey shaid I can shpeak too, affhole." Suna glares from behind your hand, removing it from his mouth with a groan. “Did you even wash your hand? Tastes gross.”
“Why did you lick my hand?”
“We’ve done freakier things than that and that’s what you’re worried about?”
Your words get lodged in your throat, sputtering out hurriedly, “This is going on T.V, Rinnie!”
He looks to you with a smug smile, “Yeah, and I can’t wait to rewatch this interview and see your reaction again later.”
Your fists clench momentarily before taking a deep breath, relaxing yourself and facing the cameras with a smile. “Anyways, some relationship advice I’d give to anyone watching; make time for your spouse.”
Suna nods along to your words, “Mhm, I think that’s the most important thing in a relationship.”
“Shut up, Rinnie.”
“Ouch,” he fakes a stab through his heart, monotonous eyes but a playful grin on his lips. “I talk for two seconds and you tell your dear fiancé to shut up?”
You shake your head towards him jokingly, continuing to talk to the interviewer, “A healthy relationship means you spend time with your loved ones, and your spouse should be the most loved person in your life.”
The reporter nods, “I see, I see, what do you suggest to our viewers the best ways to spend quality time with their lover?”
“In bed.” Suna chimes in immediately, earning another smack on the shoulder from you. “What?” He looks at you with a knowing grin, “Oh, you— I didn’t mean like that, oh my god you’re sooo dirty minded.”
He chuckles, “I meant like cuddling, laying in bed together, watching movies. Y’know, wholesome things.”
“Nothing is wholesome with you,” you exasperate, speaking from personal experience. “But yes, those are great ways to spend times with your lover. They’re good times to bond with them, or just relax and unwind after a long day.”
“Yeah, after a gruelling day of practice, it’s nice to come home and lay in her arms,” Suna motions to you before leaning his head on your shoulder, his grin now replaced with a small but gentle smile. “She’s all I want to see after practice.”
“Wow,” you tease, leaning your head atop his, “and where did you learn to be so smooth, hm? Are you just playing it up for the cameras, Rinnie?”
Suna snickers, hands crossed over his chest relaxed, “I would never,” he says before mumbling close to your ear.
“I just, really like to spend time with you.”
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“treat her like a lady.”
“My fiancé is out right now at the gym,” you inform the NHK station crew, their camera men follow you inside your house for the opening shots of the broadcast. “Make yourselves comfortable while you wait.”
The interviewer settles himself on a seat at your dining table as you reach for the vase of flowers atop, moving into the kitchen to pour the old water out of their vase, careful to not spill any over your kitchen counter as you refill the container with fresh water from your tap.
Refreshing the water, you carefully place the flowers back into their vase before rearranging them neatly, coming back out of the kitchen to place them back on your table and adjusting them accordingly as the interviewer watches amazed.
“Those flowers are very lovely,” he notes softly, almost as if any louder of a volume would disturb the plants, “Did you fiancé happen to get them for you?”
You smile, “yes, he did,” recalling the first time he got you a bouquet, on your first date many years ago.
“‘Toshi knows I love flowers.”
The soft click of the lock to your house causes you to perk your head up in familiarity, the frame of your fiancé’s figure coming into view as you see him placing his shoes down beside your door before coming inside.
“Welcome home, dear,” you call out to him from the kitchen, one of the camera crew’s members break off to film your fiancé as he enters the home. He drops his gym bag to the floor beside your couch, removing his jacket and hanging it on your coatrack before passing through the halls of your shared home to get to you.
Ushijima shuffles his way into the kitchen, passing by the camera crew and approaching you from behind, hugging you as his hands are wrap around your stomach, head dropping into the crook of your shoulder.
You lean into his touch, his freshly showered hair smells of the shampoo the two of you use.
“Are you showing them the flowers I got you?” He asks, eying the pretty arrangement of flowers on the table. The cameras zoom in to take a closer shot at the flowers, noting the vibrancy of the colours and the lack of thorns adorning the stems.
You and the reporter nod, Ushijima lets a small smile settle on his face. “She told me they were her favourites,” he tells the reporter.
“Hm,” he hums before turning to you, microphone extending outwards. “is that your relationship advice for the viewers then? Giving your loved one gifts?”
You shake your head quickly, “Oh, no! No, that’s not my advice— Of course, do get your partner gifts if you know they’ll enjoy them.” Ushijima straightens up, hands snaking around your waist to stand beside you as the cameras pan out to record the both of you in the same shot.
“‘Toshi just really likes to get me little things,” you smile, reminicing on all the times your eyes barely glazed over something in a store front before he was scrambling inside the shop to buy it for you, despite your pleas.
“But gifts do not have to be expensive,” You reassure the viewers again, “just little trinkets that remind you of your partner will be enough.”
Ushijima nods before lifting your hand up to the camera, showing off the engagement ring with a large diamond displayed proudly atop it. “Yes, but I do like to splurge when it comes to her.”
You retract your hand quickly, warily eying your fiancé, “‘Toshi! Don’t make the viewers think they need to buy people’s happiness with expensive gifts!”
His head tilts unsurely, “My love, do you not like the ring I got you?”
“I-I do! When did I ever say I didn’t?”
His eyes crinkle slightly in concern, “Then why are you hiding our engagement ring from the viewers?”
“Because,” you sigh, “I don’t want young, inexperienced lovers to think they need something like a huge, flashy engagement ring to be loved by someone.”
“But you deserve the best,” he rebuffs, “There is nothing I wouldn’t buy for you if you asked.”
“‘Toshi.. this isn’t really helping our case…”
The reporter turns to Ushijima, “Even though this is a special for the JNT fiancées, the players are allowed to give their own insight.” He informs your soon-to-be husband, “Do you have anything else to add for our viewers?”
Ushijima thinks for a moment, silent in thought as you look to your fiancé, and the sight of his matching engagement ring twinkling under the bright studio lights filling your home catches your eye all too quickly.
“Do you have anything you want to say, ‘Toshi?” You nudge his shoulder slightly when he continues to remain quiet, an encouraging smile on your lips.
He nods, bringing the hand with your ring on it before giving the intricately cut diamond a kiss, his piercing eyes gazing deep into yours, causing your face to heat up fervently at his wolfish grin.
“Treat your partner the best that you can, like the lady she is and deserves to be treated as.”
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“don’t forget your anniversaries!”
Shoyo’s leg bounces feverishly as the reporter speaks to you casually, unable to contain his excitement at being asked to join you for this broadcasted interview special.
His grin is wide, beaming whenever you sneak small glances at him whenever the reporter looks down at their cue cards of start up questions to ease into the conversation, before the real topic is brought up.
“Do you have any relationship advice for our viewers?”
You’re about to speak until Shoyo interrupts you, quite literally flying out of his seat while brightly smiling as his hand grasps yours with a tight grip, “I do, I do!”
The reporter chortles, smiling at his tactics, “Thank you, Mr. Hinata. But this interview is specifically for your fiancée.” Shoyo’s face sullens lightly until he speaks again, “But you’re allowed to give your own thoughts when she’s done.”
Shoyo slumps back into his seat dejectedly as you rub his back comfortingly, “Sorry, Sho. But just let me speak first, okay?” His pout is replaced instantaneously at your words with the usual smile he holds when around you, “Alright, baby!”
You look towards the reporter, hand still clasped in Shoyo’s securely. “Here is my advice for a healthy relationship; Don’t forget your anniversaries.”
Your fiancé’s mouth hangs open in shock at your words, head whipping to face you with a hearty laugh, “That’s what I was going to say!”
The look of shock that spreads across your face amuses him, staring at you expectantly for a few moments before you too erupt into laughter, shoulders shaking in surprise as the two of you cling to each other for support, with Shoyo nearly falling off the couch with how hard he cackles.
He clings onto your shoulder to stop himself from tumbling, which in turn causes you to laugh harder as you try to pull him back up as Shoyo calls out for you to ‘save him’.
“Baby, I’m falling!” Shoyo shrieks while howling with laughter, “Grab my hand!”
“You’re already grabbing my hand, Sho!”
Cameras stationed around your living room pan to zoom in on Shoyo’s joyful face when he fools around with you, the grip he still holds on your hand as clear as day as you jokingly attempt to rescue his bumbling self.
The out of frame reporter looks to the two of you happily, the fact that you both seem so absorbed in each other and have forgotten about the interview portion of the broadcast is surprisingly heartwarming for both the crew and the viewers watching the broadcast.
Once the two of you manage to calm down, you shyly look back to the NHK crew with a timid smile.
“Sorry,” you apologize to your interviewer, coughing as you try to hold back another bout of laughter when you catch Shoyo smiling at you again, attempting to contain his giggles. “We got a little- uhm, carried away.”
“It’s no problem,” the reporter chuckles, “I can see the two of you are very much in love, so is that the advice you wish to tell our viewers on how your relationship with each other is so healthy?”
You and Shoyo nod simultaneously, “Yeah, don’t you ever forget your partner’s anniversaries!!” Shoyo sternly but playfully warns the viewers, “I’m serious, guys! Anniversaries are important!”
“What anniversaries should our viewers be aware of when it comes to their lovers?”
This time you speak up, “Well, the major and most well known ones of course,” you begin, listing off the ones you can recall at the moment.
“For example; first month together, first year spent as a couple, birthdays could also count I suppose—”
“Did you know I proposed to her on our fifth anniversary?” Shoyo interrupts excitedly, the same happy and bright smile on his face shining when he proudly pulls up his hand to show off the ring on his finger, “I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot to put the ring on her finger after she accepted!”
Recalling that memory brings warmth to your cheeks, “Yeah, he literally forgot about the ring in the box until I asked him about it later.”
“But in any case,” you circle back to original topic at hand, noticing the way Shoyo’s smile dampens a little when you switch back so quickly as you shoot him an apologetic smile, you don’t want to waste the reporter’s and NHK crew’s time any longer.
“Don’t forget your anniversaries, people! They’re a big deal for a ton of lovers!”
“Th-that’s right!” Shoyo piggybacks off your response, “And if you do forget, you better apologize a lot!”
The reporter nods, turning their attention to your fiancé. “And do you have any final thoughts for our viewers on how you maintain a healthy relationship with your fiancée, Mr. Hinata?”
Shoyo smiles deviously at the open ended question he’s been dying to answer this whole time; his hand creeping teasingly up your thigh to the small of your back as he leans in real close to you with a knowing wink, the flushed expression displayed on your face at his actions encourages him even more to continue.
His eyes glint with amusement, the mischievous grin on his lips is firm even in front of several strangers and cameras rolling in real time, footage of his behaviour being broadcasted to the entirety of Japan this very second.
And without shame or guilt, Shoyo smirks.
“Make your anniversary nights real special for her, trust me on that one.”
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astrotruther · 1 month
Astro Observations
misc. (ii)
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🐉 Narcissists may have Mars-Uranus aspects in their chart. Mars’s energy can be either constructive or destructive; pair that with Uranus' erratic quality, and it could make one manipulative. In my opinion, Mars & Uranus having more harsh aspects to multiple other planets could further confirm this. Look out for squares, especially Moon square Mars!
🐉 Sun harsh aspects to Neptune, even conjunction can be somewhat superficial. Neptune may bless them with a mystique that attracts public attention, but they stick to a surface-level public persona. Artists with these aspects may stick to cookie-cutter projects. E.g. Colleen Hover responding to criticism by saying 'I write to entertain not to educate'. Jake Paul also has this aspect. In worst cases there's a delusional egotism to this aspect. On the other hand, easy aspects will be more willing to go within and proudly display their shadows, creating art that is meaningful and leaves a lasting legacy.
🐉 I've observed Scorpio Sun/ Moon in charts of those who backhandedly bully people over things like their appearance. Water Moons in general are capable of inflicting deep emotional wounds to others when unevolved. Having Mercury in a fire sign makes it a lot worse since the words become harsher. I've had a Scorpio Sun - Pisces Moon girl admit to me that she makes fun of people because she had the same done to her while growing up.
🐉 Libra MC are often told they should be models. Understandable because they're so photogenic!
🐉 Pluto-Ascendant easy aspects & conjunction are always reinventing themselves. It's easier for these people to let go of things that don't serve them and realign themselves with their inner true selves. They're skilled at coming to terms with their dark sides and alchemizing it to create a positive impact in the world.
🐉 On the contrary, harsh aspects may feel like they can't be themselves due to external factors or a certain image/ aesthetic that they have to uphold. Some may be child actors/ activists or made it big in early years making it hard to disrupt their public persona. It's way harder for them to branch out within their career field. Ascendant at 0° might have the same effect. E.g. Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, Finn Wolfhard, Darsheel Safary, Malala Yousafzai, Meghan Trainor, Hilary Duff.
🐉 I've seen so many takes on the 0° & most people romanticizing it somehow. It may manifest in a divine way for those who are self-aware/ have evolved. however MOST people aren't. So it gives a somewhat negative quality to the placement, e.g. Jake Paul has his MC at 0°.
🐉 Moon-Pluto aspects not only symbolize a strained relationship with the mother but also with other women. A lot of trauma you accumulated while growing up was because of the women around you. Some of them may have made you feel bad about yourself because they were threatened by you. The signs Moon & Pluto are in could give more context, e.g. Aries Moon, Sag. Pluto = invalidating your anger, not letting you be yourself and forcing you to be someone they like, forcing religion on you from a young age etc.
🐉 Uranus square MC will have a career-ruining public scandal at least once. All I can say is avoid doing shady stuff and if it's external factors beyond your control, handle it with grace, lay low, you'll get your chance to shine again.
🐉 Moon square Lilith is an enemy placement. Moon person hates Lilith person's guts because Lilith person may have hurt them in some way. Moon could want revenge on Lilith for what they did.
🐉 Venus-Saturn aspects may have had people criticize their appearance while growing up, but they end up having insane glow-ups. Their most attractive years come somewhat later in life and they age very gracefully.
🐉 Moon in Cancer/ Moon conjunct Jupiter people possess the ability to manipulate, sometimes on a mass level. It's on them to use their emotional superpowers to influence people in a positive way and not just keep banking on their victim narratives. Nonetheless, these people can hold public interest for a long time.
🐉 Venus in 10th House synastry is often a clout/ PR couple. E.g. Glenn Powell & Sydney Sweeney.
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Click daily to help Palestinians🍉🙏🏽: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
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ilovethewaleses · 1 year
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Not to completely spiral on my blog that has absolutely nothing to do with a Jonas brother about a man I had an entirely neutral opinion about until 2 days ago but this whole thing is making me crazyyyyy I can't stand it. Two days of press about how Sophie is a bad mother and a party girl -- things his kids will read about some day -- and now this??
Sophie has literally dedicated her entire existence as a mother to keeping those girls out of the spotlight. She's complained to the press multiple times. When the first pap pics of Willa came out when she was a baby, she was on the verge of tears talking about how it's disgusting that paps follow children around and that the kids never asked for this life. She accidentally posted a picture of Willa a few months ago and begged people who had the picture or took screenshots to delete them. I always figured that as someone who had a really rough time of it growing up in the spotlight (she's talked extensively about her mental health issues, getting bullied because of a character she played and her weight, and eating disorders), she wanted her girls to be totally protected from that and as far from the spotlight as possible.
I've seen like 1 picture of Willa's face. There's barely *any* paparazzi shots of them. She obviously called to take down the Page 6 post of Willa when Meghan and Harry did not a day later with Archie. We don't even know the name of their second daughter. And now he goes out... to a table outside... with both girls.... facing the street... for PR. Or just to be a dick. I feel so terrible for Sophie I don't even know what to say.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 22 days
JAN MOIR on fire: Meghans become just another pay-per-view plugger turning her high profile into high profit by u/Von_und_zu_
JAN MOIR on fire: Meghan’s become just another pay-per-view plugger turning her high profile into high profit Between not launching her lifestyle brand, not being invited to A-list events and not visiting the UK with her husband, where does Meghan find the time to be an international businesswoman, that is what I want to know.This week, the Duchess of Sussex interrupted her trade and industry schedule to give an interview to the New York Times. How unlike her, is what you are thinking, and I agree.Meghan breached her ongoing quest for privacy, piercing that pearly shell of seclusion and confidentiality, to talk to one of the few publications in the world — along with People magazine, her trusty in-house trumpet — that she knows will treat her waffly pensées and latest commercial undertakings with respect and deference, rather than openly laugh in her face.And so it came to be.\**Meghan would not tell the newspaper how much she put into the brand, nor what ownership percentage she now has in the company, but Cesta confirmed it was a minority stake.So I am guessing that it was sixpence, a free jar of jam and a signed photograph of the Duke and Duchess being presented with their Golden Grifters of 2024 award.Why are we all here? I've lost my thread. Oh, yes — to salute Meghan's 'ability to move merchandise', a talent which was breathlessly admired by the NYT, as if the Duchess were a shiny fashion truck barrelling down the highway of hip.Which, as it turns out, is exactly how she sees herself.\**However, the exiled Duchess has had to wait until now to fully monetise that regal power and fully invest in herself — while also helping struggling fashion brands establish themselves, of course. Of course.'I support designers that I have really great friendships with, and smaller, up-and-coming brands that haven't gotten the attention that they should be getting,' she said.Unknowns such Oscar de La Renta and Givenchy, along with St Ella of McCartney and an obscure apprentice tailor from Milan called Mr G Armani, are all so grateful for her help. As, indeed, are Cesta.\**The Duchess also told the newspaper that, when it comes to being a businesswoman, she is a dolphin, not a shark.And also that she is better than you, but you knew that already.\**Like all influencers — which is what she has become — Meghan always seems to be invested in the higher purpose of self-valourising while imposing her superior taste on the scabby masses for clicks and cash.Look. Plenty of celebrities and even some royals get clothes and accessories for free — but that is not enough for the Sussexes. I imagine long Montecito nights of the soul when Meghan and Harry just burn with pure fury at the thought of anyone else, from handbag maker to napkin embroiderer to dress designer, making money out of them.So perhaps it should be no surprise to anyone that she seems to be turning herself into just another pay-per-view professional plugger, a walking billboard in a perennial marketing campaign for herself, a duchess who has transmogrified her high profile into a high profit, with a price on everything from her ethical diamond earrings to the soles of her shoes.The problem is that, collectively and individually, Harry and Meghan haven't got any actual talent to monetise — all that is left to milk is the very fact of their celebrity itself.For he is a prince who will never be crowned and she is an actress who will never get a part. And it was always, always coming to this sad point. https://ift.tt/2Yd3cUs post link: https://ift.tt/J8CvZrl author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: August 30, 2024 at 04:27AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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Idk I go back and forth on the divorce. Because I think Meghan was surprised by how much pull William had. Kicking them out of KP and then ultimately shutting down their attempts at coming back. I think meghan has cooled off on her threats to the BRF because it’s been a very clear line that has only been reinforced since they left, she’s not welcome there and she’s basically lost all of her bargaining power. Harry is still the one openly threatening them to get what he wants, so how Meghan has switched to completely threatening him during the down swings of their relationship. so I do think that she’s had a least one ah ha moment. It’s still toxic as hell and Harry won’t get what he wants, which is why I leave the door open for divorce, because I do think it will get to a breaking point with him.
Ask from August 3rd
Not just William's pull and William's strength - I think Meghan was surprised by Kate's too. Kate's public persona is one who's pretty passive and submissive (after all, her whole image is "plastic princess designed to breed and stand behind her man" if you aren't a close follower) so Meghan totally went into KP thinking she was going to rule the roost because she has personality, opinions, and American "go-getter-done" directness, which makes her a better boss than the shy introverted British princess.
Which meant Meghan was totally blindsided when Kate confronted her about several issues (how Meghan treated the staff, Charlotte's dress fitting, shutting down the parties, etc.) because she expected Kate to just roll over. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Meghan thought Kate was so demure (so mindful) that she could just take the Wimbledon patronage by sheer force.
And I bet Meghan didn't realize how much pull Kate has until it was too late and she was already getting kicked out the door. I don't think Meghan ever actually interacted with William all that much and the few times she did interact with William, she was making those goo-goo eyes and lovebombing him so she probably wasn't aware that he knew/thought she was a problem until he was throwing them out. I feel like most of Meghan's interactions were with KP staff or Kate, and Kate was the one keeping William in the loop. (But also, William isn't blind and probably saw a heck of a lot more than Meghan or Harry thought he did.)
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celticcrossanon · 4 months
Neil Sean is reporting that the Invictus Games board is "pushing harder" to remove Harry and Meghan as the faces of IG. NS reports that Harry sent IG an email saying his wife brings unprecedented coverage that IG otherwise usually wouldn't get. NS hears that the IG board will decide what to do with Harry (as Harry refuses to step down as patron of IG) after Harry finishes his visit in London this week.
Neil Sean doesn’t know shit and are witnessing completely the opposite
Hi CambridgeFan11,
People have various opinions on Neil Shaun, and everyone is entitles to their own opinion about him. I like to consider what he says and see if it comes true.
The IG is not going to cold shoulder Harry until/if he is replaced. I think the next few weeks will either bring more rumours and solid news on this or shut it down completely.
EDITED: I am adding the comment @washingtonandwinter said on her reblog below, as I would like everyone to see it.
This is from @washingtonandwinter
My daughter as I have written is closely tied to Wounded Warriors. She is actually leaving tomorrow to stay in Fla. until the Games are over in late June. She has been telling me that Harry is bugging the DOD to play a role in Warrior Games.
There is a rumor that she has heard for a while. IG wants to dump Harry. They want the endorsement again of the RF. Harry has threatened to sue them. I didn't believe that part of the rumor as that is most cruel to the Veterans. I did see his attorney enter the Cathedral yesterday. Maybe to support Harry. Or maybe to show Invictus that he is serious. Something to ponder??
In any event- none of this is about the Veterans anymore. Mercer is a politician who will most likely be out of a job with the next elections. And there are other politics behind it all. It could be just a rumor. But all kind of weird, right??
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dflogerzi · 4 months
Hello friends. Okay, I spent some time offline, and did speak in length to a dear friend in England today. I think I understand a few things more. Firstly... there are no rules. And this is my timeline, and I get to change it as I see fit. When I first came to Tumblr it was for one purpose, I kid you not. I knew that Meghan Markle was in her supposed first pregnancy... and I knew it was a lie. I have carried a baby, I know how it works, and she was in my opinion lying. This timeframe coincided with my recent awakening of world events and falling down other rabbit holes.
I was gung-ho on both. And I must say, the world events thing did not serve me well on social media. I have never found it beneficial to argue with others about things we do not agree with. And so a few months into my profile building here on Tumblr and connecting I set my own rules on what it is I am here for. And trust me... the people I have connected with mean so much to me. Now then... I do follow some who I only give out likes to and more private conversations. You know who you are. So for the record I am going to be clear of who I am.
I served under Ronald Reagan while in the Navy. I was always more on the conservative side, although I used to joke that as a Californian, I was sitting on the wall in between and fell over to the right. I used to think a lot of liberal policies sounded good on paper, but that in reality they did not work very well. That has been proven to be true in my estimation. But let me be clear. I do not think the Republican view as it stands today is working out either in a bulk of cases, especially in Washington D.C. Our government is seriously compromised within both parties, and I am also speaking of all branches. Neither party is what it once was, and if you are not aware of what the Global agenda is for the common person I cannot help you. And it is not my place in life to even attempt it. We all journey as we do.
I then found my feet here. My goals were to talk of things I am interested in, loved all my life, and to find some fun in my days. When I stick to that... I thrive. But I am finding that as many more are awakening to the fact that our world is slipping away... we are all talking more. And the planned divisiveness is impacting all of us.
It is going to get worse. No matter what your stand is. And I completely believe this summer is going to get rough in the US. Very rough.
So what did I decide? Well... I want to be here. If I drift off, which was surprisingly easy this week, I do not get to enjoy dishing on all things royal, art, history, travel, spiritual life, pets, and the love I have for friends I have made here.
I may veer off to world events. I am no longer affiliated with any political party. I do not believe there are many in places of power who have our best interests at heart. When the WEF says that population control is a main agenda, I believe them. I have done my studying and digging... and I understand. History is repeating itself, but there is no one who will be landing on a shore in Normandy to save our world any longer.
I am not going to try to influence a single soul here. Nope. I just want to vent a bit on how dumb and ridiculous Harry is, how narcissistic I find Meghan, how much I admire Anne, and my hopes for Catherine's full recovery. I also want to read your posts on cute furry creatures, other lands and travels, inward journeys, art, and whatever else it is in life the day brings. But I admit that I may slip, and I go off on a world event. I apologize for it now. Just scroll on by if you would.
I had a tough time since last summer. I did. But that is what life can bring. And hopefully we grow. And in the end it will be what we take with us. Many changes do come on life's paths.
Love to friends. Thanks for listening. Going to just post this mess, warts and all.
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royal-confessions · 2 months
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“Harry and Meghan should learn to take accountability of their actions” - Submitted by Anonymous
“At this point Harry just blames every single struggle in his life on ‘the British media’. William won’t talk to him? Media’s fault. People don’t like Meghan? Media’s fault. He’s losing his hair? Media’s fault. The day he takes ANY accountability for anything I eat my hair.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Harry uses his mother as a shield from all mistakes from his youth, Meghan and her identity as a shield from what he did and said (all his inconsistencies, and there are) and now he is using the late queen to justify and more importantly an attempt to influence the public (to put the pressure on current goverment for his "reform" of the press). He has never had to be accountable for his own bullshit, his own mistakes and missteps - which is a massive failure on the part of his family, and now as an adult he seemingly has a very limited capacity to accept his own part in the situation as it stands. There has always been someone to shield him from the worst of his own decisions.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Didn't Harry say something in Spare about how the tabloids influenced his family into disliking Meghan? Harry, they met her in person and interacted with her. Maybe their opinion of her was based on that and not on tabloid headlines.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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justenjoythegossip · 9 months
PR spin, credibility of team PR/team Real and the toxicity that they purposefully manufacture, the end of the shitshow: a few random thoughts
The PR spin 
Some mods have been writing that the recent papwalk of Chris and Abba was staged (which it clearly was by the way), Jesal the trolling pap has admitted to it as well, proving something. But regarding celebrities, 99% of what comes out in the media or on SM is staged and manufactured for PR purposes. 
Meghan and Harry call the paps on them all the time and people are not questioning whether they are a legitimate couple. Robert Pattinson and Suki have called Backgrid to show that they were expecting. And guess what? They were expecting. When Jennifer Garner was recently pictured giving money to a homeless person, it was clearly staged and probably served as damaged control for her horrible interview with Regina King. 
So again the staging and the manufacturing for PR purposes do not give us any information on whether a couple is legitimate or if they are only playing for the cameras. Of course, we can strongly suspect Chris and Abba are not legitimate, there are so many clues and signs that point to it but it’s for another discussion. 
The purposely badly manufactured PR…
However, we can question the quality of the content that’s being fed to us because their papwalk didn’t sell their love or marriage at all (that aspect has been already discussed). So the question remains. Why is that? Does Chris hate her so much that he is incapable of acting a very simple scene? Or doesn’t he make much of an effort to sell it because it serves another purpose? Because, they are both actors and what is asked of them is not Sophie’s Choice. So many actors who hated each other’s guts had to play romantic leads and managed to sell it. On the show Castle, Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic famously hated one another and there are countless examples. But why can’t Chris and Abba do it? Or why won’t they? 
The general public won’t look past the big picture. So for them, Chris and Abba will look either cute or creepy (most comments seem pretty negative though). However, the people who pay close attention will be able to interpret the signs the way they want to. So by staging this bad papwalk, they are feeding both team real and team pr by keeping the discourse very much alive and riling people up in order to keep them engaged. 
It has been the tactics used by their teams since the very beginning. They have been weaponizing Chris’ fandom to instigate anger and division so that they could drive traffic and make them gain more attention. Because, they don’t register with the general public. Their names were not even used for clickbait in the Just Jared article about the Scarlett’s Christmas party (which was more likely Colin’s party given all the SNL people present but the spin that it was her party and not her husband’s is telling). Interest in him is fading and she is still a nobody. So the controversy, the inconsistencies, the mysteries and of course the end of the shitshow are all designed to keep his fandom (or what’s left of it) engaged. 
Who are Team PR and Team real…
By team Real and Team PR, I am not including mods who have an opinion on whether Chris and Abba are a legitimate couple with a PR spin (situationship or not, relationship or not, married or not) or exclusively PR but I am talking about mods who claim to know the truth one way or the other, who claim to have insider information and use vitriolic rhetoric against the other group and attack them constantly and viciously or anyone who writes anything contradictory to the narrative they are trying to sell. Those mods are, I believe, either trolls or plants paid by their teams to keep the discourse alive. 
Why both Team PR and Team real have no credibility…
Both Teams have lost all credibility at this point. 
Team Real have seen some of their mods make a complete incredible nonsensical and non-credible U-turn from debunking Chris and Abba’s stunts to selling them as a real couple and shipping them. This includes the mods who had debunked the yoga certificate, pointed out the photoshopped pics in the scare videos or Valentine’s drop and so forth.
By the way, how credible is it that those people recognized the hotel room in Finland (that had 12 rooms by the way) from one picture of Chris and Abba? How credible is it that they recognized the hotel room in Lisbon from the video Chris did for that teacher? Also how credible is it (and how hilarious) that those mods got the exclusive that Renner and Hemsworth were in Boston and told two strangers that they were there for Chris’ kinda first “wedding” when they “reportedly signed an NDA” according to very reliable People’s magazine (read sarcasm here)? 
Team Real also includes the mods that called Chris absolute horrible names like groomer and pedophile before making a complete U-turn  when they allegedly went to the NY con to get a pic with their favorite Captain America. 
But Team PR has lost all credibility as well. They have pretended to be privy to private and personal information regarding Chris to spew nonsense, viciously attack, troll and lie for more than a year now. 
One mod (that I won’t name) have recently made a post saying that people who didn’t know PR or Chris shouldn’t express their opinion on the matter. As if they had any credibility to do so themselves? Recently again they have said that the PR was about to be over because they were spending Thanksgiving apart and the Forbes articles made no mention of her. Also let’s not forget that those mods were part of a scam when they asked fans to give money for a fund to save Chris (a multimillionaire) from this PR nightmare!
But it’s very possible that those mods  don’t want people to express their opinions because they want to control the narrative, like their counterparts from Team real. 
The controversy around the ending of that shitshow…
I can safely say that the end of this shitshow is a controversial subject because I was recently insulted and blocked by one of those so-called Team PR blogs for only stating after the Forbes article that I thought that the PR games were very likely to continue for a while. I still believe a 4-month marriage would be bad publicity for Chris, especially after marrying a 26 year old that looks like his niece. 
But what I find interesting is that they are pushing that the end is near (they have been pushing that lie since the Ghosted premiere by the way) when in truth no one knows when it’s going to end. Except the protagonists of that shitshow and their teams. 
Of course they will probably be right at some point. I think no one believes that they are endgame. But what’s interesting is by keeping people’s hopes alive that it will end soon, they are making sure that people stay engaged. If you were to tell people, relax, it’s going to last for a while, many would check out and leave the fandom. Because many fans that are left are waiting for the end, desperately waiting for it. 
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I desperately need to understand what Harry and Meghan really want. What is their objective? After 4 long years of spitting on the royal family, what more do they want ? Why this obsession with Kate and William ? They have millions of dollars, a house, children, businesses. For you, what are they really looking for ? Sorry for all these questions, but I would really be interested in hearing your opinion.
you won't be able to understand their logic because their brains aren't wired correctly.
Meghan wants to be as powerful and desirable as Catherine.
Harry wants the same power as Wiliam but without the duties, he just wants to be as powerful as William.
After 4 years we can say that they are really taking the path of second-rate royals and they are starting to be conscious. Why? 3 pseudo-royal visits to "less economically developed" countries because no real country will finance their tour without an investment in return. The problem is that it is obvious, which is why Meghan and Harry opt for ultra-controlled communication with a single journalist who has no idea how it works and who is convinced that this is how it is.
The biggest problem for Meghan is that her business has been overshadowed by Catherine's absence. I don't know if people realize, but Catherine was absent and she launched her brand but people noticed Catherine more. At that time (according to my tarot readings) Hollywood was impressed by Catherine's impact, they sold so many articles for 10 days. That's when they understood Catherine's power. AND it's over for Meghan, she can try a lot of things, she will always be behind.
Currently for Harry, he still has things because his father is king and his brother is the future king. But forget one thing, we are really starting to see that he is separated. We will never treat him the same way as William. Personally, he still has 4 years left in front of him after that it's over!! Prince George is coming, he will be 14 and he will enter adolescence, if he goes back to Elton, imagine the world press. Harry will be eclipsed by his nephews and niece. The children will start to participate in national and international tours.
What will they do?
that's all for me, good night.
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anonymoushouseplantfan · 11 months
Do you think she's living the life she always wanted? Some days I feel like she won in terms of being known and having a rich lifestyle when it comes to a big house, vacations and brands which is more any of us can dream of but in other days I feel like there's no way she doesn't feel how far she has fallen and remember how she was treated in 2018 compare to now. I personally think she's using alcohol and other things to lift herself up, going from feeling like she lost a lot of priviliges and angry at the world to feeling like the biggest star on earth. I won't be surprised if she has weekly meltdowns and is insanly unstable behind close doors. I know that narcs don't quit, but even they have the capacity to spot doors getting closed and lack of public adoration
I feel she looks stressed and unwell, but that’s just my opinion.
I don’t think she got what she wanted. She wanted money and attention, but she also wanted love and adoration. She got the first but not the second.
And now she’s basically where she was before, hustling for parts and sponsors. I bet she’s very confused about that.
But what has to hurt most of all is that Kate is still on top of the world, despite Meghan’s best efforts.
The weirdest part of this whole saga was their loser focus on hurting the family. They basically spent all their capital on trying to hurt the family. They didn’t build a business. They didn’t build a brand. They just focused on hurting the family.
And it didn’t work. Their efforts to hurt the press didn’t work either. They failed.
And that’s the most painful part of this for them.
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
I've been seeing more and more of this and want to know your opinion. Do you think Harry was "in love" / obsessed with Catherine (what with his "I liked making her laugh" line in spare about Catherine and the video Meg's mole posted where Harry appeared to pinch Catherine's behind.) and Meghan sold him this idea that she was either like or better than Catherine and when he saw that wasn't the case, instead of at Meghan, he began to project his disappointment and anger onto Catherine? Kind of like most stalkers react when they realize they'll never have the person they are so obsessed with. Maybe that's why meghan hates Catherine so much. Not only she is so much more as a person, she's also the future queen who has the future King William's heart set on her and turns out she also (unintentionally obviously) has Harry's eye on her. Maybe meghan has to pretend to be like Catherine. Maybe that's what creeped Catherine out so much when they first met. She was essentially meeting her cosplayer and william was meeting his mother's cosplayer. I'm very curious to know your thoughts on this idea.
Given the nature of this ask, I am going to struggle to put my thoughts into a coherent response but I do want to make some points. There is too much that can be said on this topic and I am mentally not in a space to do this ask justice.
IMO when it comes to Harry it has nothing to do with love and everything to do with envy. He has always been envious of his brother, and that envy extended to his brother's wife.
The same goes for Meghan, she was envious of Catherine even before she met Harry. For proof please refer to the Tig blog post she wrote for the Royal wedding in 2011.
In both their cases the envy was twisted into a sick obsession. The catalyst was perceived rejection on their part. The obsession is a dangerous and has borne an immeasurable amount of toxicity towards not just Catherine, but her children too.
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andiatas · 21 days
Opinion piece: It may appear as if she is selling something that is not really hers
The interest and the money are there because she is her father's daughter.
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Photo: NTB
Modern royalty is not easy to define. This is partly because it is full of paradoxes.
On the one hand, being royal is deeply personal. It binds a Royal Family together in a way no other families [can] experience. It also means that the royals have to live with a significant interest in who they are and what they think and feel. Who they fall in love with and marry. How they raise their children.
On the other hand, being royal is something very impersonal. You have not become King, Queen, Prince, or Princess because you have achieved something. It's a role you've been assigned through a genetic lottery, and it's a win that brings disadvantages as well as advantages.
Patrick Jephson, who was Princess Diana's private secretary for many years, has written several books about royalty. In his book on Meghan Markle, he points out the importance of distinguishing between the fame you've worked for and the fame you've been born into or married into.
A princess, writes Jephson, will always be listened to. She can say obvious things from a podium, and the applause will faithfully follow. It can be challenging to accept that this goodwill is not really personal. It would be there for anyone who filled the royal role dutifully and kindly.
Jephson's point is relevant to the debate about young royals in general and [around] Princess Märtha Louise in general. There was a reaction when it became known that the Princess and Durek Verrett had sold the rights to their wedding to Netflix and the celebrity magazine Hello.
The two are far from the first famous couple to make such a trade. When movie star George Clooney and lawyer Amal Alamuddin married, they sold the rights to the wedding photos to the British Hello and the American People. The couple made it known that the money would be donated to charity. So did former spouses Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie when they sold their wedding photos to People.
By emphasizing that the money would not go to themselves, the couples also gave the impression that they were selling the rights primarily to retain control over publicity and avoid paparazzi in the bushes rather than to get even richer. Not all brides and grooms with similar deals have been equally generous.
Artist Nick Jonas and Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra also sold their wedding to People. In addition, they received so much sponsorship from commercial actors that their wedding was mockingly called "sponsored content" on social media.
But it causes a stir differently when a Princess does the same thing as movie stars. It has to do with the impersonal part of her position. Unlike the other celebrities, it can appear that the Princess is selling something that is not hers.
The interest and the money Hello is willing to pay are ultimately there because she is her father's daughter.
In the Norwegian royal context, the Märtha case is unique. But in Great Britain, there is a comparable example. When Peter Philips, Queen Elizabeth's eldest grandson, married Autumn Kelly in 2008, he also sold the image rights to Hello.
The Queen was not informed in advance. When she realized what had happened, she must have intensely disliked it. The Daily Telegraph later quoted a source at the Royal Court as saying, "It will never happen again. In retrospect, it should never have happened in the first place."
Princess Märtha Louise is far from the only European royal who creates challenges for her family. Heirs to the throne across Europe have rebellious brothers and sisters who feel they spent their entire upbringing conforming, enduring a distressing attention to many of them.
Several of them, such as British Prince Harry and Danish Prince Joachim, have reacted strongly when they feel that the institution is still trying to control them after they become adults. This is understandable. But like the Norwegian Princess, the royals learn that the gold dust from the castles cannot be completely washed off.
It is not difficult to sympathize with the young royals who experienced growing up under tremendous pressure. The celebrity press can be harsh and harsher in many countries than in Norway, and the style was more invasive in the nineties than today. However, in addition to the disadvantages, royalty brings significant advantages.
Princes and Princesses grow up in a family financed by the public. They experience doors opening for them and invitations pouring in. They regularly have personal meetings with men and women who are changing the world. And they always carry with them something extremely marketable, something many people want a piece of.
This is part of the art of being a modern royal if you don't have a throne waiting. It is a matter of discretion. It's about seeing which doors you can enter and which you should leave closed if you don't want to provoke reactions and make people wonder if this monarchy thing was really such a good idea.
Translation and editing for clarity by me of an opinion piece by Inger Merete Hobbelstad for NRK, published Aug. 30, 2024, at 13:40.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 days
Comment by Nathan Kay in the Express: Meghan Markle's speech feels like a 'terribly disrespectful move' as Firm remembers Queen. by u/Von_und_zu_
Comment by Nathan Kay in the Express: Meghan Markle's speech feels like a 'terribly disrespectful move' as Firm remembers Queen. COMMENT: The timing of Meghan Markle's latest appearance raises eyebrows, as it occurred on the eve of the second anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth II's passing.Disrespectful? CheckSelf-promotion? CheckAttempting to overshadow an important royal moment? CheckHanging with "non-entities"? CheckThe timing of Meghan's appearance raises eyebrows, as it occurred on the eve of the second anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. It feels like a terribly disrespectful move to me, and it’s hard to believe Harry would have allowed it to happen. [Um, actually it is right on brand.] After all, he was supposed to have been the late Queen's favourite grandson, and they adored each other. [Harold said that. No one else said that.] I know I would have had far more respect for the anniversary of my late grandmother's death. [You sound decent. Harold is not.]Surely, both Meghan and Harry would have anticipated that coverage of this event would dominate the headlines the following day - precisely when the rest of the Royal Family is quietly honouring the Queen’s memory. [Of course they anticipated it. That was the point.]***The so-called 'star-studded' gathering - which didn't really have that many 'stars' - included figures such as Marco Leone, Dr. Jennifer Freed, and psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson. [I guess he has never heard of these people either.] Spending time with these non-entities rather than with family in Blighty to commemorate such an important milestone, only goes to show where the Sussexes' hearts lie - in increasing their profiles and adding to their bank balance. [Right on brand.]**If only Harry and Meghan could boast a similar sense of achievement rather than riding on the backs of Hollywood rejects. [Like finds like. They are Hollywood rejects too.] Since stepping back from their royal duties in 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have frequently made headlines with their media ventures. From their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, where they made shocking claims about their life within the Royal Family, to Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, which pulled back the curtain on years of royal tensions, the couple has often been accused of overshadowing major royal events. [They are accused of trying to overshadow royal events because it is true.] This latest appearance only adds to the perception that their actions sometimes lack the awareness and sensitivity expected in such moments. Trying to make major royal milestones about themselves instead of about who they should be won't win back the public. [It is not merely perception. It is reality. Nothing and no one else matters in their tiny self obsessed brains.] While it’s clear the Sussexes are carving out their own path, moments like these serve as a reminder that timing, especially in matters of family and public sentiment, means everything. And Meghan's speech last night missed the mark by a good few days or more! [Dude, she did this on purpose.]https://ift.tt/tLoJv5G post link: https://ift.tt/nJYlBQP author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: September 09, 2024 at 10:51AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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it's my personal opinion. But do you think Catherine actually at all cares about what the harkles say?
Idk but ever since the beginning, I've found Catherine to be extremely secure. As a person, in her role and in her place in people's life. I honestly think it's this quality of hers that William probably loves the most. She's a "creator" sort of a person. She builds up everything and everyone around her. She is probably the person he's closest to. The most open and vulnerable with and the fact that she is so secure means she makes him feel secure, confident and just good. It's no wonder that william has continually flourished since meeting, marrying and being with Catherine.
For such a secure person, I don't think Catherine gives a flying f about the sewer squad, meghan or their drama. Though I do think she was hurt by Harry's betrayal, I think she recovered pretty quick. She strikes me as someone who has the mental stability to know that she isn't responsible for other people's failures and bitterness and doesn't wallow in unnecessary guilt or self pity.
What do you think? I just really really really love Catherine, Princess of Wales lol
Oh no, I totally agree with you. I don't think Kate gives a flying fig what the Sussexes say anymore.
I think her feelings nowadays on them have more to do with how it impacts her family: the mourning that William has had to do for the brother he no longer recognizes, the sadness Charles might have for a son who's turned against him, the fear of her children one day seeing all these nasty things being said or written about them or about her, the upset that Philip's and The Queen's last years were mired in so much strife instead of peacefulness.
And I think that's probably where her Sussex-related stress comes from - just trying to cope with and support everyone else's reactions and everyone else's hurt. So with her illness, Kate has had to focus less on the people around her and more on herself, so it's the people around her that are taking care of her and helping her cope and supporting her.
That's not to say that the Sussexes' own actions and words didn't have an impact on Kate. They did, but I feel like she was most directly affected when they were physically present in her life - 2016 to 2020. After 2020, it probably became easier for Kate to put them in a box and go on with her daily life, because they weren't physically in her environment but at the same time, it probably took an emotional toll because of what William and Charles were dealing with, on top of the loss of Prince Philip, on top of The Queen's illness and her eventual passing.
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