#megumi loves reader more than life itself i think he feels most comfortable them and allows physical touch from them the most :’)
dollsuguru · 3 months
actually really wanna make a fic abt gojo x reader taking care of tsumiki & megumi <333
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itadorisgf · 3 years
Hi! Might I suggest a headcannons request for Gojo and Megumi (separate) with a fem!s/o who happens to be an esper like from mob psycho 100 if you’ve seen that? They have some connection to Jujutsu High but don’t necessary attend there, and her family business exorcises curses as well? Thank you so much if you answer this request, if you don’t feel like it’s for you feel free to delete! Nooo hard feelings at all :)
— fushiguro and gojo with an esper!s/o
note: thank you so much the suggestion!! okay i don’t have the greatest grasp on how being an esper works since i’ve only watched a few episodes of mp100 so far. i hope u still enjoy this!
ft. fushiguro megumi and gojo satoru.
warning: gn!reader
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— fushiguro megumi.
gojo introduces the two of you to each other before fushiguro begins attending jujutsu high. gojo likes to meddle and thinks fushiguro is far too angsty and needs more friends which leads to him whisking fushiguro off to meet you. it's a rocky start, especially since fushiguro doesn’t really care for any of gojo’s antics, but his interest is piqued when gojo states that you're an esper and not a sorcerer. 
fushiguro’s never met an esper before, but he knows that they’re rare, even more rare than sorcerers. at first, he thinks you’re going to be totally stuck-up like the other high-up clans, but he’s surprised when you’re not.
much to gojo’s glee, after the rather awkward introduction, the two of you actually get on really well and begin dating right before fushiguro enters jujutsu high.
it’s a little difficult for the two of you to find time to spend with one another since you don’t attend jujutsu high. there are no espers at jujutsu high who can teach you, so you’re home schooled by your family instead. you guys make it work, though.
fushiguro is a private person, so when you show up unannounced on campus and greet fushiguro with a kiss on the cheek, his classmates lose their minds. his upperclassmen, as well as gojo,  all know who you already, but itadori and kugisaki are immediately hounding fushiguro for answers.
sliding his hand in yours, fushiguro just says that you’re his partner before promptly walking away from the two. you toss a smile over your shoulder and wave at them, telling them that you’d love to chat with them later as fushiguro drags you away. 
though fushiguro is surprised with your sudden visit, it’s not unwelcome in the slightest and he plans on making the most of the time you have together, aka a lot of cuddling in his dorm while the two of you watch movies together.
that becomes the usual for when you drop by to see fushiguro. you inevitably become friends with itadori and kugisaki, and fushiguro doesn’t suppress his mild annoyance at his friends hogging you when you come to visit him. he’d never admit that he’s glad that the three of you get along well with one another. 
although you don’t attend jujutsu high, you often get sent on missions with the first years. it’s during one of these missions that fushiguro realizes just how powerful you are. it’s not like your abilities were unknown to fushiguro, you’ve known each other for a long time, but he’s never seen you in action like this.
you move so fluidly, exorcising curses with an ease that fushiguro’s rarely seen in other sorcerers. it’s then that he fully understands how different sorcerers and espers are even though they both exorcise curses.
fushiguro’s proud of how capable you are, but he could do without the gentle teasing that occurs whenever he gets his ass handed to him. 
— gojo satoru.
gojo adores you without a doubt. he’s dubbed the two of as the most powerful couple ever, with him as the most powerful sorcerer and you as the most powerful esper.
you smack him on the back of the head whenever he says that. he’s not wrong, but you hate how smug he sounds when he says it. you also think that you don’t need to boast about how powerful you are. you just let the number of curses you’ve exorcised speak for itself.
you didn’t attend jujutsu high growing up. your parents chose to homeschool you instead and help you control your abilities. your family is on par with the highly respected clans within the sorcery community, which led to you meeting gojo who at the time was attending jujutsu high.
though he was pretty full of himself and a bit of a dick during your first meeting, you were intrigued by gojo. he wasn’t as stuffy as the other clan members you’d interacted with and he didn’t treat you so formally either. though his ego could be knocked down a few pegs, you thought you rather liked gojo satoru.
the two of you become friends soon after when he sees you training and cockily states that he could easily beat you. with gojo knocked to the ground and you standing above him with a slight grin, let’s just say gojo was proven wrong. you only start dating when you’re fully adults because it takes gojo some time to get his head out of his ass and acknowledge that he held real feelings for you.
gojo finds your abilities to be incredibly interesting. you both are powerful in your own right, but your techniques are so different from one another. he frequently asks you questions about what you can do because he’s genuinely curious, but he also likes to see how long it takes you to lose your patience with his incessant questioning.
it’s rare for the two of you to be paired up since the higher ups can’t often afford to have two such capable individuals working on the same mission since the number of sorcerers are always lacking. but, gojo loves when you’re assigned joint missions. he’s playful the entire time, trying to show off or flirt with you while on the job. you roll your eyes in fond amusement before exorcising your respective curse.
the fact you’re so powerful is secretly comforting to gojo. though he doesn’t voice it and probably will never tell you, the knowledge that you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself eases any potential worries that gojo has regarding your safety. he knows how quickly a life can be stolen in this line of work, which is why it took him such a long time to acknowledge his feelings for you. for awhile he believed that the less attachments the better since it won’t hurt when they leave, but you wormed your way into gojo’s heart anyways. 
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