#meiko in the background xD
sluggybasson107 · 2 years
Hey Sluggy! :) 7, 8, and 14 for the Artist Questions Ask Meme!!
Hello!! Thank you for sending in some questions! I hope you’re having a lovely day/night <33
7: Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
Well, it’s not complete, but I did do a practice drawing of a model recently! It’s more of a warm up for tonight, since I have a a good amount of time to draw :D don’t look at the hand tho I messed that up bad
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[Image Description: a traditional drawing of a woman posing for the camera. She lifts her arm to hit against the wall, and looks at the camera while smiling a little. She wears a flowy shirt and a plain pair of leggings. She has wavy hair going down to her shoulders. End Image Description]
8: What is your favourite piece that you have done?
Asking this to someone who’s extremely critical of themselves is cruel xD Despite being someone who dislikes most of their art a few hours after finishing it, I do have a few amount of drawings that I enjoy! One drawing I love is a recent private drawing I made of an oc and a canon character as a gift for someone else, since I went out of my boundaries in Clip Studio Paint to create the drawing. Of the ones I’ve actually posted, I want to say that it's a three-way tie between one of my first digimon fanarts in 2020, a kenmato drawing I did as a request in 2021, and my Flowers drawing for Sora Week this year! (in order below)
I had so much fun with the 2020 drawing, and I firmly believe that this drawing is one of the two drawing I did that got me back into art. For the 2021 drawing, I had so much fun drawing it. I also went out of my comfort zone for it and drew with a kizuna-inspired drawing. Finally, for the 2022 drawing, I had a lot of fun with the colors and background! I also loved shading this piece so much, and it generally had a great time drawing my girl, and I think it came out really well! I would have included the digiweek drawings since I believe they came out well, but boy they were a pain to make 😭
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[Image Description: Three drawings of Digimon. The first is a traditional piece of Meiko Mochizuki holding Meicoomon. The camera looks at them from the behind, and Meiko and Meicoomon turned their head to look at the camera. Meiko has one of her legs lifted in a bend part way, and her hair flows behind her. The drawing cuts off at her knees. The second drawing is a digital piece of Yamato and Ken from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. To the left, Ken raises his right arm with his thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger raised. To the left, Yamato has his right arm wrapped around Ken's neck casually. The third digital drawing is one of Sora Takenouchi from Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna. The drawing is her in the process of making the flower arrangement she created in the short To Sora. She’s kneeling on a purple cushion and faces her flower arrangement, holding a red flower in her right hand. She also reaches for the book Notes Of The Blossoms with her left hand. End Description]
14: What do you like drawing the most?
Hair!! Definitely hair haha
I usually go to the extreme drawing it since I love hair with expression and volume. Fun shirts are a close second though.
Thank you so much for sending me questions!
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 2: War Game (Review)
Thoughts on the second episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
I loved this episode. Is it because Yamato is in it and I’m an unapologetic Yamato stan? Maybe. But the inclusion of Yamato in the story made things a lot more interesting.
I’m 99% sure the opening credits will change once all eight kids are introduced. I’m sure the other kids will join Taichi in “falling” like in the original opening credits. OG Adventure changed the opening and ending up as the series progressed, too, so it’s very likely they’ll do the same with the reboot.
I liked Yamato a lot -- clearly to everyone’s surprise. *cough* He’s similar to OG Yamato, but still different enough to be his own person. He was less of a lonewolf than the ending credits framed him as and I still liked it. He prefers to do things alone, but he knows what to do to get the job done (teamwork), even though he clearly has reservations about getting close to people. I want to know his background! I really want to see scenes of him with his parents. I hope Hiroaki still has a beefy part in this. Or maybe Natsuko will!? (Sorry, I stan Yamato’s parents too much.)
So it seems Greymon and Garurumon know each other. Interesting. Do they also know the other digimon partners?
Taichi on Yamato: “That’s a human, right?” lol. No, Taichi, he’s an Adonis. ;)
Daigo from Digimon Adventure tri. (Daisuke Namikawa) voices reboot Yamato and I can definitely hear Daigo in him. And while I do like his new voice and thinks it suits him, I still miss OG Yamato’s voice actor Yuuto Kazama in the role. But Namikawa does sound more believable than Kazama as an 11-year-old, lol.
I laughed at Yamato’s disdain at Taichi telling him he’d introduce a friend to him -- and then again at Yamato’s indignation when Taichi goes on to introduce Yamato as his friend to Koushirou. Stop refusing your Crest! XD
Yamato has never heard of the train station Taichi was at before he went into the Network. Ooh, where is Yamato from then?
It’s actually a really big stretch that Koushirou has connections to “web experts” and thus access to classified information at a whim . . . as a 10-year-old. And that he really knows what to do in the Network and everything . . . I know he’s a genius, but come on. :p
I love the sigh Yamato gives when he resigns himself to introducing himself to Taichi and Koushirou. He is seriously winning my heart over with just sounds and facial expressions lol. (But he had my heart already, let’s be real. XD)
What I loved most about this episode was the interactions between Taichi, Yamato and Koushirou. Taichi seemed so much more of a character (and not generic) this episode because he could play off of Yamato and Koushirou. What I loved most about OG Adventure were the kids and their relationships with each other, so having three of them interacting was awesome. I can’t wait for everyone to be assembled!
Yamato calling Koushirou by his last name “Izumi” was a nice touch so that when he does eventually call everyone by their first names, it’ll be really meaningful. (He still calls Meiko Mochizuki by her last name throughout tri. and beyond . . .)
I think I do like reboot Koushirou more than OG Koushirou. He just seems so much more human instead of a walking, talking computer. Plus he’s so adorable, lol.
Taichi reminds me of an adorable little puppy with Yamato. It was like he was all, “Hey, Yamato, can we be friends? Please? Yamato? Please be my friend?” XD His eagerness to befriend him was so endearing.
I like that Taichi physically fights baby Algomon himself. It beats them just watching their digimon partners do all the work. :p
I like Yamato’s quiet confidence. He just trusts that Taichi will understand his tactic to lure the baby Algomon away from the child Algomon “boss”. But after seemingly defeating Algomon, Taichi boasts to Yamato about how he knew what he was thinking, when it was actually Greymon who had to tell him, lol.
I liked Yamato holding his arm out to shut Taichi up because Algomon wasn’t actually defeated, because it reminded me of that scene in tri. Chapter 2 where Yamato stops Taichi that way in the hallway. It was also just funny, lol.
The series is really putting the kids in harms way when Algomon attacks them. I like it, because it makes them seem more involved, instead of just standing by the sidelines and being “owners” of their digimon. But that blow from Algomon that Taichi and Yamato took would severely injure them lol. But I guess if tri. Chapter 4 can get away with Sora being thumped against a cliff and not die, it’s all cool. :P
I have to give props to Toei for actually making Garurumon and Greymon seem like actual characters with their own minds, instead of just “pets” with childlike personalities (which is how I mostly view them in the original series). What a great step up! I really liked them in this episode.
Only two episodes in and we already have a Taito fist-bump! It even felt organic too, even though they just met and Yamato has an aversion to Taichi/making friends. Nice!
I really like the throwback animations to Our War Game. This episode was basically a TV-sized version of the movie and I was here for it. Maybe because Our War Game used to be my favourite Digimon movie (since surpassed by the third tri. movie). I like that they did this because it kind of “connects” this reboot to OG Adventure and it really feels like they could be the same characters in an alternate reality.
The feathers landing in Takeru and Hikari’s hands, activating their Crests, and helping (?) to evolve Garurumon and Greymon into Omegamon reminded me of when Angewomon and Angemon had to shoot arrows at Taichi and Yamato to give them miraculous powers to evolve. I’m sure they’re using a similar “prophecy” idea here.
Omegamon has entered the chat! And it’s only episode two. Wow. How fast does this show want to go? Omegamon is BOSS. Why do the other kids even need their digimon to evolve? lol. Oh, Yamato will leave straight after they win and they can’t evolve to Omegamon for a while anymore. :( Though Omegamon might also be a once-or-twice in a season “miracle” thing? It would work better like that so that they’re not overpowered throughout the entire series.
This episode was so very fast paced. It’s definitely aimed at keeping the attention span of the current instant-gratification generation -- but I do wonder if it’s perhaps too fast? Can they actually keep up and remain interested with things thrown at them at full speed? Because we have knowledge of the old continuity and so we are more ready to accept things like Omegamon happening now, but it might be too much for new viewers? I guess we’ll see how popular the series ends up being.
I think the quality of this series so far is better than the original series. Yeah, I know we’re only two episodes in, but the animation and direction are so much better than OG Adventure. I hope they can keep this level of quality up!
Well, that’s it from me this week!
Below are EPISODE TITLES for the next four episodes of Digimon Adventure: 2020.
They contain spoilers, so if you don’t want to know the episode titles, this post ends here for you!
The episode titles are:
Episode 3: And To The Digital World
Episode 4: Birdramon Soars
Episode 5: The Holy Digimon
Episode 6: The Targeted Kingdom
It seems we’re going to wait a while for Mimi and Jou’s introductions. But I actually do like that they’re slowly introducing the kids, because it opens up so much space to really introduce them. The series has done a great job with Taichi, Koushirou and Yamato so far, so I’m optimistic that it’ll treat the rest of the kids right in the end, too. Hopefully?
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pulaasul · 4 years
Digimon Adventure Tri – Daisuke and the others? Who are they?
A Digimon Adventure Tri review.
This review may be a bit late, but I didn’t watch the fifth movie because I was spoiled by a certain plotpoint and tropes and I really detest tropes of that plotpoint. Considering that I opted not to watch the fifth movie, I didn’t watch the sixth movie as well, I may get confused at the chronology of the events.
I had watched Last Evolution Kizuna, the review of which is linked here, thankfully the producers of Kizuna opted to have an original story as opposed to continuing from the plot threads that Tri left hanging over the course of six movies.
With the reason for this review’s lateness out of the way, let’s continue on with the Tri’s review.
Despite the lateness, I am reviewing  [デジモンアドベンチャーtri - Dejimon Adobenchā] Digimon Adventure Tri
As with some of the movies I had reviewed on my blog, I have an alternative title for Digimon Adventure Tri as a whole.
 デジモンアドベンチャーtri 大輔たちわだれだ?or Dejimon Adobenchā Daisuke-tachi wa dare da?
Digimon Adventure Tri – Daisuke and the others? Who are they?
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Tri was an enjoyable watch. If you want more characterization of the OG chosen 8 and their respective Digimon, it’s a definite watch.
If you’re a big fan of the 02 kids, they do acknowledge them, but better not to expect anything on that front to avoid disappointment.
For me, Digimon Adventure Tri as a whole is a 6.8/10 for me.
I love the many things they did here, but both my bias for the 02 kids and the many things happening just left a bad taste in my mouth.
If that doesn’t hint my love for the 02 kids, this is your confirmation XD.
I’ll start with the movie series’ art style. I still maintain my stance that I do not like the art style they chose for Tri. I will, however, expand on my reasons from the other review.
Tri’s art style is better suited for still images rather than animated. The best suited comparison I can make, and I’m sure a lot of people will protest, but it’s like the Pokemon’s Sun and Moon anime art style.
From what I heard, the new Pokemon art style focuses more on animation detail and flow. Tri’s animation and art style, while a major improvement from the fights seen in Adventure and 02, still come short seeing the ‘derpy faces’ and awkward poses found in the movie.
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(Yamato has bulging pecs and it looked like both Taichi and Yamato skipped leg day)
The new art style does make the ENTIRE CAST absurdly attractive from Taichi to Himekawa even down to the background characters who have something unique in their designs despite just being one off characters.
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The new art style does lessens the “cartoonish” vibes we got from the first two Adventure seasons of Digimon, so no extra-large heads, hands and/or feet. You could definitely feel that this was an updated version of the previous art style, although taken to extremes.
Although… Jiggle physics are seen on the Digimon.
Having watched the entire movie series, I can definitely understand why the 02 kids were given that treatment. However, there were plenty of instances to incorporate them into the plot organically than what we were shown.  
The overall plot was heart wrenching, it delves into the themes of sacrifice and unchecked grief.
We’ll backtrack a bit, I stated above about how the 02 cast could’ve been incorporated into the plot organically than what we were shown.
There were many instances where they could’ve been mentioned by anyone of the cast: the appearance of the Digimon Emperor, Hikari and Takeru checking up on Ken after the Emperor’s appearance, even the instances where they welcome Meiko into the group by encouraging her in times of distress; among other things.
A simple muttering of “where are they?” or “how are they doing?” from anyone, especially from Hikari and Takeru who were a part of the 02 team, would’ve made their exclusion from the main events a bit bearable and understandable.
Them not acknowledging their absence is a very out of character: for Takeru and Hikari, as they were teammates; from Taichi and Yamato as they mentored Daisuke, the former passing the goggle-torch unto him; Mimi and Sora for Miyako; Joe and Koushiro who has commented how reliable Iori was and how his thirst for knowledge was an admirable trait.
all my cons bullet points are my salt towards the 02 kids’ absence lol
In other matters, another thing worthy of criticism, this is for the franchise as a whole, is the fact that there’s a Leomon death inserted in every iteration of Digimon. (01&02 have the original Leomon, Tamers had Juri’s Leomon, Frontier both had Ice Leomon and KaiserLeomon in Kouichi Kimura, Savers had BanchoLeomon.)
Leomon’s death this time around fails to have an impact considering it has become a meme nowadays. Anyone vaguely aware of the franchise would even joke about the Leomon’s screentime before he dies, which was the case in the Tri movies.
There are two events in the Tri movies that didn’t really needed to be there, which really hampered my score for the movie series. First one is how the Mysterious Person, using Young Gennai’s form, to lick Sora’s face.
Another event that didn’t need to happen was how the same Mysterious Person choked Meiko to the point of her losing consciousness, those events IN THE SAME MOVIE really put me in an uncomfortable state, as did a lot of people.
This may be my bias speaking, but I really don’t like how Daigo died in the movie series. I am sure his death potentially served to raise the stakes of the plot, but not really.
The stakes of the plot was already at an all-time high with showing the “deaths” of the 02 kids in the first few minutes of the first movie. It’d raise the stakes even higher HAD THE OG 8 CHOSEN CHILDREN ACKNOWLEDGED THE ABSENCE OF THE 02 KIDS.
Daigo’s death was unnecessary for the stakes were already planted, but they failed to sow those particular seeds hence his death was needed. That and I really love Daigo Nishijima.
Tri could’ve been a rescue movie on top of stopping the apocalypse movie, Meicoomon shenanigans included.
I will admit that learning of Taichi’s supposed death in the tri movies, turned me off from watching the movie series to its completion, back when this was first released. Learning that Daigo, my favorite character, dies in the next one really turned me off from the franchise. Watching it now, I still maintain my stance that he didn’t need to die.
Devimon’s appearance really felt tacked on, he would’ve been a great plot point for Takeru to overcome in the movie, instead we got a few seconds of appearance then nothing. Not even delving into Takeru’s psyche about Devimon’s appearance.
The entire last movie was needlessly dark and that’s says a lot.
Considering this is a review, no review is complete until you state all the positive things you can say about the movie.
As with the debut season of the franchise, Character interactions are at the forefront of the movie series. In here we learned things about them, including Hikari’s teasing remarks towards Takeru or how Yamato is actually scared of ghost stories.
We also learned that the Teenaged Wolves broke up, due to musical differences as Yamato claimed and formed two new bands. “Knife of Day” and “World of the Knife”. The fact that the characters saying the band names have a Might Guy teeth shine effect on them was incredibly hilarious.
Koushiro being a blushing mess when it comes to Mimi was also great.
The viewers can really see the entire group’s dynamic with each other.
The digimon themselves aren’t just one-note characters. They may act as a foil to their human partners, it doesn’t change the fact that they weren’t one-note compared to what we’ve seen in both Adventure and 02.
Interactions aside, each human character having breakdowns and developing in the movie series was another thing I liked about Tri, tying them to digivolving to ultimate/mega level was a pretty neat idea.
It means that Taichi and Yamato aren’t the sole stars of the Adventure saga now.
Speaking of characters, the new characters in this movie-series [Daigo Nishijima, Maki Himekawa, Meiko Mochizuki] were introduced organically and were pretty great in their roles. The twist that the former two were Chosen Children before Taichi and the others was neat as well.
The three of them performed their roles pretty well: Daigo being a shady mentor, who’s loyalty is divided between his student and his work; Meiko being the new kid on the block really helped establish how out of place she really is, it does help that Mimi was incredibly welcoming towards her; Maki’s unchecked grief led her to taking drastic steps just to be reunited with her partner digimon, kickstarting the whole plot of Tri.
[I have a theory that Daisuke and the others were reporting to Maki, once she learned that they were aware of Yggdrasil’s plans, she led them to a trap that was when they were one-shotted by Alphamon.]
We go back to Leomon. It was nice to see a familiar face. Even his scenes were hilarious and awesome. Him being able to stave off the infection from various points in the movie he was in was also great. It makes sense in character as he does have incredible will power, going back to the Adventure days when he was possessed by Devimon’s black gears.
I also appreciate that the boys and girls had equal opportunities at being the eye candy. The boys were the eye candies during their time in the hot springs, while Mimi and Meiko had their chance as eye candies during the school festival.
Last and certainly not the least, were the new arrangements of the Original Sound Track of the Digimon Adventure themes from Butter-fly to Brave Heart’s orchestral version. They’re simply that good to listen in a loop.
As for suggestions, I have a few. This is constructive criticism after all.
Acknowledge the absence of the 02 cast.
Explain why they were absent in the first place, or at least what the characters think why they were absent.
From vacation abroad
On Yacht
Even visiting people out of Tokyo would also work
Both Leomon and Daigo didn’t need to die. Mortally wounded characters are fine, makes us think they’re dead for a few minutes to delve into character development, as was the case for Taichi and Hikari.
Make the 02 kids’ lives as stakes in the plot.
Cut back on the flashback images.
Exposition is also good, even Taichi voicing out his hesitance would’ve made for a great character moment, instead of just glaring at the enemy.
D.R Gennai shouldn’t have licked Sora. That event really didn’t need to happen.
D.R Gennai should’ve just let Meiko bleed to the point of unconsciousness instead of choking her as he taunts Meicoomon to fear and give in to her infections.
Devimon should’ve been an earlier opponent that was later reused in the ending movie to show how much Takeru has grown add in digivolving to Seraphimon.
A video file of Daisuke’s and the others’ defeat at the hands of Alphamon should’ve been viewed after the reboot happened, that would’ve raised the stakes higher.
Daisuke and the others should’ve joined the last fight in the last movie. Escaping from the hospital through their Digimon before collapsing at the very end.
I have no problem with Daigo’s partner becoming Baihumon. I think it’d been better had it been Azulongmon, considering he was the goggle head during his time and thus the leader of his group.
We know that Azulongmon is the leader of the Four Digimon Soverigns.
I think it’d come full circle had Daigo been partnered with Azulongmon.
I think the movie would then end with everyone visiting Daisuke and the others, Meiko included, introducing her to them.
Overall, I give the movie series a 6.8 out of 10 rating. It was a good watch, but the plot fell once they delved into darker themes and darker events for the sake of being dark and without substance. There were a couple of events that didn’t need to happen but happened for the sake of being dark.
Daigo’s death was certainly one of those events. The stakes could’ve been raised higher had the 02 kids were integrated into the plot and not just relegated into glorified silhouette cameos.
These suggestions would still run the course of the plot we got in Tri, but it would’ve flowed the plot organically and didn’t go dark for the sake of being dark.
I wanted to be generous with my rating, but it just won’t do. Even my bullet points review had more Cons than Pros. Factor in my bias for the 02 kids, and you get a 6.8 rating.
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atopearth · 6 years
Shall We Date? Ninja Shadow Part 7 - Kagura Route
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Can see why everyone is surprised that Kagura will be watching over the heroine since he changes into a completely different person when he’s fighting. Most of the time, Kagura is very nice though. Let’s see how he came to be like this… Aww Kagura caught her when she fell off her ladder or whatever, I love how instead of the usual cliche where they would notice how close they are and immediately get off each other, Kagura instead tells her that’s it’s okay and she can take her time (getting off him) just in case she’s still hurt or shocked I guess lol. He’s considerate! Wow though, does Kagura take care of the whole Meiko Salon himself in terms of customer service, bookkeeping, ordering stuff etc?! Does he even sleep..?
It’s difficult for Kagura to warn the heroine about how crazy he gets when he takes off his eye patch, so I really felt that the other guys should have warned her, I mean it’s a sudden change and that Kagura even said that her being backup for Kagura meant having to stop him from going on a rampage once he changes, so I think the heroine should have been prepared about that. Especially since that Kagura nearly killed her. It felt kinda terrible to see Kagura go back to normal and blame himself for having done such a thing to the heroine though… Nice of the heroine to offer Kagura her lap so he can sleep better😊 Hmm so some kind of mission nearly broke Kagura mentally and that’s what brought about his second personality “Homura” who now takes care of all the killing and violent things that the normal Kagura can’t, so really, Homura is there to protect Kagura’s fragile heart that can’t take all that. I’m so glad the heroine scolded him for giving his life away so easily when Suetsugu wanted to kill them for being rude, Kagura needs to learn to treasure himself more! I’m so glad she stopped him before Kagura killed himself because he felt like he deserved to die since he can’t keep Homura at bay anymore and he thinks that he’s done too many bad things to ever be forgiven. I don’t know what Kagura is talking about, but just as the heroine said, she was already so torn over her brother’s death, she definitely doesn’t want to see others she cares about die ever again. Also, she’s right, Homura is just protecting Kagura, he may be a bit crazy and eccentric but that doesn’t mean he is a bad “person”.
It’s difficult to see Kagura and Homura changing between each other haphazardly since it shows how unstable Kagura is, does that mean Kagura destroyed Wakasa’s village or something? Homura is actually kinda amusing though, he’s very laidback but definitely genuinely cares for Kagura. It’s hard for the heroine to refute Homura on how they should be living to atone rather than yearning for death when her brother was killed by Suetsugu and she’ll never forgive Suetsugu for that. As someone who destroyed a whole village, how could Kagura bear the burden of all those lives and how it had tormented Wakasa to this day? How could Wakasa ever forgive him, whatever the reason was? It seems that Wakasa is more okay with it than I thought as long as he gets to know why. I guess that makes it even harder for Kagura to take it.
Not surprised that Homura waving around the dagger trying to hurt the heroine eventually made them realise she’s a woman when they slashed open her kimono, luckily Makoto came in time to protect her, but now Kagura is confined to his room. At least the heroine visits him every day giving him food and a daily update on what’s going on, maybe he’ll calm down a bit more and understand the heroine’s feelings better this way. She would never want to hurt Kagura. So, he was a part of the legion of ninja sent to destroy Wakasa’s village and he was one of the key ninjas… Glad Makoto picked him up when he was dying on the road, but I guess we should be glad for Homura’s existence because at that time Kagura told Makoto and them to kill him, so he was planning to leave him but when Kagura’s different coloured eye had tears and his hand clung to Makoto’s coat, how could he not save Kagura? I just never realised that Kagura went through rehabilitation and mostly worked at the Meiko Salon, he didn’t join the vigilante until just a bit before the heroine joined.
So, Wakasa was the first that went into a frenzy and killed Kagura’s subordinates slowly and cruelly with his drugs. Who wouldn’t if they had to see their village being destroyed? And the reason why Kagura was so injured that he needed Makoto to save him was because the Iga Ninjas ( Kagura’s clan) were fighting over the reward money and killed each other over it. Kagura didn’t want to be a part of it since he doesn’t care about money but they wouldn’t let him leave, and so Kagura ended up being the only survivor. I’m kinda disappointed that the heroine plans to go along with Toru in order to receive medicine from him that will merge Kagura and Homura. It’s not that I don’t understand her concern considering how unstable they are, but I feel like merging them would be cruel to both. They’re independent personalities that care for each other now…
It’s nice that Homura told the heroine of Kagura’s feelings but I guess that only made her resolve more firm to getting the medicine…not that I approve. Well, I’m not surprised that Toru gave the heroine to Willem to sell her as a test subject for medicine, I’m just kinda surprised that the heroine is shocked when they’re obviously not good people.. She could have escaped if they weren’t on a ship :( Luckily she acted so suspiciously in front of Kagura, it would be surprising if they didn’t follow and chase after her lol. Glad Wakasa and them knew to come along too! I’m glad Kagura could finally face Wakasa and sort things out, it’s impossible to forgive it, but considering the burden and guilt Kagura bore all these years and with Makoto asking Wakasa to forgive Kagura as well, things ended up fine.
It’s kinda funny to see Homura tease Kagura since he’s like teasing himself about him liking the heroine, especially when Homura tries to move closer to the heroine but Kagura gets so embarrassed about it hahaha. It felt really heartwarming to see them kiss tbh, just because it felt like they had to go through so many things to get to this point and I guess, the heroine really opened him up and saved him! XD Although it felt pretty anticlimactic in terms of how everything resolved, but I think it kinda shows that what’s important isn’t how it’s resolved or even whether it can be resolved, but instead the fact that you face the problem and try to resolve it. Facing it is the hardest part and it took Kagura many years to do that since he always tried to escape from it with death, with the existence of Homura and by hiding himself. It was especially great to see Kagura truly smile with such happiness!
It was so funny when Suetsugu’s assassination went well and Kagura went to Makoto apologising for the trouble he had caused, and so he said Kagura’s punishment would be increased workload at the Meiko Salon, and lmao that Kagura was grateful for the punishment whereas Homura was shocked that they had to do even more work hahaha. Otherwise though, it was pretty cool to see both Kagura and Homura interchangeably fight with their particular strengths. Hahaha omg when Kagura said he only takes off his eye patch and looks at his prey with both his eyes and the heroine thought he was going to punish her hahaha. It’s so cute how Kagura and Homura are so honest with their feelings now, so honest to the point that it’s too much since he does it in front of all the guys too hahahah.
Hahahah I love how Homura and Kagura are arguing about whose number one to the heroine and flirting with her in front of Makoto’s room😂 It’s nice to see Wakasa and Kagura hope to become friends from now on. Anyway, I quite liked this route, it’s not my favourite but I think it was very interesting to see the overlap with Ninja Assassin and have Wakasa be quite an integral part of the story. I just finished Wakasa’s route recently so I feel like Kagura’s route helped to round things up better with the background to Wakasa’s village. Considering the split personality, it was natural that it would be the main focus of the route but I also feel like there wasn’t enough romantic moments for me to think that they matched together. However, I do like how cute it is that both Kagura and Homura are so attached to the heroine lol.
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somegoodsheith · 6 years
Voltron ask game Tagged by: @just-another-starboy thank you!~~
How did you discover the show?
I heard about it from a friend who told me I might like it. After a while, before I had a blog on tumblr, I was able to search on it to some extent here and it looked awesome. 
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the the show?
Love at first sight. I really enjoyed it from the very beginning :D
Do you have a favorite episode?
“Across the Universe” and “Blade of Marmora”. I love those two to no end!
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav Paladin, why?)
I think I love Red the most, since it’s supposed to be the more complex, hard-to-get one. Plus her instinctive motions both on battle and when needing to save Keith are just admirable.
Do you have a favorite Villian?
I think Lotor and Haggar. 
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (Recurring and/or minor)
I’ve never actually thought about it... but when I do put my mind on it, I think the Olkari are pretty awesome. 
Favorite side / other character(s) - Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
Matt, Kolivan, Thace. Shay is great too. Does Rover count too?
How/Why did you join the fandom?
After watching the show, the same friend who recommended it told me (a few times XD) to open a tumblr blog about it since I’d fit in pretty easily, and after a few lazy rejections I decided to try it. Now I’m in for a bit more than a year~
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
Mmm... I think little-spoon Shiro is one of my faves. Our man needs as much love as the universe can give.
What do you think is the best part of the show?
I honest to god think that Shiro’s and Keith’s interactions are one of the purest things I’ve ever seen between two characters in general. They have such honest motions for each other, such caring and devotion. It doesn’t matter to me how their relationship would be labeled - just seeing them together warms my heart. They protect each other in more than one way, they express so much towards each other. Even if their love is platonic, it’s still very much there, and it’s real and beautiful. 
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
GIVE. ME. MORE. KEITH. Also sheith background! And a happy ending!!!.
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
Usually I say it depends on how it goes, but I think I will :D
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better:
@that-meiko-girl ; @roseroyaly ; @larashir ; @iamstuckinfandom ; @opaldelight ; @pil0t-err0r ; @harukab ; @alienslikedmyfears ; @wassheithsunderground ~ 
anyone else is more than welcome to do this too, and if any of the tagged don’t want to - it’s also fine! :D
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kenjkats · 7 years
Uh... I send you Kenji. Cause I want to know that first impression lol. Can I add a second? Chris... hehehe...
First impression
I ACTUALLY DIDN’T NOTICE HIM AT FIRST LOL (in chapter 1) then when we meet him at The Grand I was just neutral and I bought his diamond scene as a tester since I figured most content would be behind it. I had a mindset of, “Hm Grayson’s nice, but I don’t really feel him as an LI, let’s try this guy.” And now here I am. whoops.
Impression now
Favorite moment
Do I have to choose? :( HMMM I’d have to say the diamond scene with the tea date where he ends up telling MC “I’ll fight for you, so you don’t have to.” THAT WAS SO ADORABLE and selfless and I swear to god he fell in love w my MC right then he’s just not saying the words XD
Idea for a story
So many????? Current ones in progress: him and Eva pranking each other part 3, Alex asks him to stay over for the first time, and Kenji asking her out on a second date XD
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
Besides Kenji x MC? Kenji x Meiko. How he is around his mom is just freaking cute I can’t.
Favorite headcanon
SO MANY AGAIN WHY ugh. Of the ones I have, my Daddy!Kenji HCs come to mind bc he’s so dorky and cute with a kid.
First impression
Wow he’s cute, totally flirting with this guy
Impression now
ONE OF THE SWEETEST LIS EVER WTF, but please cut your hair again LOL
Favorite moment
When he told my MC I love you
Idea for a story
I’ve got some married to Chris Powell HCs in the works XD
Unpopular opinion
Dunno if it’s unpopular but I see a lot of people having adjusted to or like his long hair, but I DON’T NOT EVEN A LITTLE, I replayed and went for Zig when I tried to stick with him and the hair for four chapters lol
Favorite relationship
Chris x Zig? SORRY I haven’t been playing TF/TS much so I’m forgetting others, but I remember him and Zig getting along bc of their similar backgrounds and it warmed my heart
Favorite headcanon
Chris whipping out that flower arranging skill on his anniversary with MC just so she gets this kickass customized bouquet of flowers
Send me a character
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landofanimes · 8 years
Digimon Tri: Loss Comments
this is late hahaha wrote this weeks ago XD but here it goes!
*Sighs* Well, I’m glad they now know evil Gennai or whatever is not Ken after all, at least.
Also, it’s nice they are worried about Meiko and Meicoomon, but…what about…the 02 kids…you know, those friends you’ve known for years? Jeez. I mean, I think I’ve given up. The series will tell us whatever is going on with them later and that will be it.
So. Is Mimi interested in Izzy? Hmm
Kari and TK small stuff.
And are we ever gonna get a Matt/Sora thing? Like, anything? We’re running out of time (nooooo dammit). I have to say though that I am SO GLAD they never showed the trio situation as a love triangle in this, omg. Just two friends worried with another.
A nod to Tai and Izzy (a little late, but at least we got some). Kari and TK small stuff.
CLUELESS Tai and Matt trying to help Sora, omg. XD “Should we ask Takeru for help?” LOL. It was pretty obvious her problem was Piyomon’s behavior though? I mean, duh?! And I really don’t get what’s up with the series kinda supporting the way she deals with it all by herself? I mean, it’s nice that she can take care of herself, but apparently she is always taking care of everyone and no one looks after her? Not even herself?   Just Piyomon, I guess? Don’t get me wrong, I love that the boys tried, and were there for her, she just didn’t opened up (though it was obvious), but I wish she HAD shared her feeling then.
Matt and Tai got their moments too, of course. Also, Matt, why do you even pretend not to care? XP Like, when Agumon was asking him about Tai? You two are bffs, why try to hide that XD Oh, Matt. “I expect too much from him”. Hmm. Interesting. It’s always amusing how someone like Matt has the friendship crest. He loves his friends and fights for them, no doubt, and that’s all the matters – but I always think it’s funny how he is probably the last one you would think was like that if you don’t know him, considering his personality.  
I gotta say I did think we were gonna have some interesting dynamics when the group got separated by Mugendramon’s attack but that didn’t last long enough. I didn’t see much of a point there?
We got another Kari teasing TK about girls (well, meiko this time) but then: - You know who will always be my number one *dramatic pause, a moment for me to process it – then he looks at Matt* right? OMG XD Ok, nice one
A couple small Tai and Kari moments.
Hilarious and cute “techniques” and approaches of the digidestined to their digimons. Poor Sora has a hard time with Piyomon though. Each I don’t quite get but oh well. I did remember that the first time Sora was actually a bit hard, thinking Piyomon was too clingy, and well, look at them now XP I was glad Piyomon finally understood and approved Sora’s kind heart though, in the end. I like how she was all serious and seemed to be about to criticize and then – “I like it”. I though the Mega evolution was a bit much on that point but that’s fine. I know we’re hurrying here so we don’t “waste” time on these.
However I did think the other mega evolutions were waaay too much. Specially Gomamon’s and omg PATAMON’S. Patamon was hurt last movie so I get why he couldn’t do it, but he and TK got barely any stuff in this and suddenly BOOM mega evolution? Like, for the first time? The heck? I thought they were saving it for later (hopefully to do it next to Tailmon but even if not…). Jeez. That was so anticlimactic. Did we really need THREE Megas to defeat that Mugendramon?
Everyone got at least a bit of love in this second first meeting, but omg, I laughed with Mimi and Tanemon – and Mimi was sad but then so brave in the face of the situation! Tokomon and TK were adorable (and having TK checking on the infection was a good one). Gomamon and Joe didn’t have many stuff (not that I recall) but what they did have was good and omg, were these two always that amazing?! I REALLY need to rewatch but aaaargh so long and tiiiime. And Tentomon and Izzy’s bonding, omg, so good.
Matt distant stares to Tsunomon and later Gabumon’s shyness I approaching him, omg I can’t. I know I’m repeating “omg” a lot but aaaah feels. And Tai looking after his always hungry partner, oh boy. Good stuff. Way too quick Mega, like I’ve mentioned, but what can we do.
Points for Kari’s comment on realizing the reboot at least gave Plotmon a happier “childhood”. They were super cute together two, btw.
I know Meicoomon was just sad and alone and that she has problems with the infection but the way they did it I was starting to get annoyed by her continuous crying. Really don’t know how they are gonna solve the situation with her, she’s in real trouble.  I liked how Meiko was honest about hesitating before because Meicoomon was “evil”, but came back for her later because they are partners and stuff, and that she was the wrong one for leaving her before
So. Background and plot for Himekawa and Daigo. And the general plotting going on here.  What we got was interesting, but I’m gonna need more information on that later. Also, I’m sorry for their loss (oh) but whoa lady, easy there. Mr. Nishijima moved on much more healthily. I don’t think she had to become that mad when her digimon didn’t remember her though (I mean, of course he wouldn’t?!), it’s like they wanted to establish she IS bad – she could simply be doing whatever to get her partner back, but well, it seems she really stepped over the line and got kinda crazy in the process? oh well, it’s not like I care about her specifically.
Oh, and it’s nice the kids know Gennai wouldn’t really do these things. That lick was completely unnecessary though.
I need to say, again, that I don’t recall the separation of the group by Mugendramon serving much purpose though? The little conversation we had could have happened in other situation…
Overall I think this was the weakest movie? And I’m upset we’re not gonna get the Kari x TK movie combo after all, but Kari and Meiko. I thought we could get a TKxKari poster then something with Meiko. I’m excited to see Kari’s stuff anyway, of course. Ophanimon’s fall down mode does worries me, though.
And I’m already sad we’re getting near the end. I wonder who the last one is gonna be about? Maybe a group poster? I don’t know
Anyway. See you…around August, I guess!
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ahiddenpath · 8 years
Hidden’s Unnecessarily Long and Image Heavy Reaction to Digimon Tri: Soushitsu
HERE BE SPOILERS, FRIENDS.  Also a boatload of images.
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(Seriously I’m hitting a lot of highlights, don’t spoil yourself!!!!)
Short version: I liked the silly character moments, I wasn’t into the plot/Yggdrasil stuff.  
Long Version:
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Okay so I was like, “Aww, cute, Mochimon likes oolong tea.  This will please Kou.”  
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Yaaaay, Kou is pleased!
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Haha, silly Kou, you so silly and precious.  We’re having fun.
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OMG SON STOP WTH???  Ohhhh man.  Ohhhh man???  I don’t even know how to react to this any more...  We’re veering back into that territory where Tri really wants to make Kou into really awkward comic relief, lol?  Ah well, no harm done, I guess...  I like how even Mochimon knew his lesson was too much.  Why does your newly rebooted partner have a better sense of this than you, Kou?  XD XD XD
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Okay, we’re 15 minutes in and Yama is already rage-quitting over nothing.  Bless him XD
Anyway then Kou is all focused and working really hard.
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Taichi notices and is like,
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Anyway, then campfire shenanigans ensued, and I nearly choked when Takeru said:
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Curse my Takari heart for leading me astray!  XD XD XD  I totally fell for it.
HE SLEEPS WITH HIS LAPTOP oh my god.  All he needs now is a bottle of oolong in his other hand, amirite?  XD XD XD
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Okay, so Sora was struggling a lot in this film, poor gal.  I’m so glad she got her own independent arc, but it felt really... contrived to me?  
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I’m really unclear on why no one understood Sora’s pain.  Everyone else had their partners nearby; Piyomon was conspicuously absent.  It wasn’t hard to see the problem.  I think the point is supposed to be that everyone is so used to Sora watching out for them that they don’t pay her much mind, which is so sad.  I know everyone was absorbed in their pain over the Reboot, but they had a whole pep rally over helping Meiko when an old comrade was literally suffering right in front of them.  I kept expecting Mimi, Jyou, or Hikari to notice, but Sora was on her own.
Sora has a precedence for suffering alone and saying nothing.  It’s totally in character for her.  But I’m confused as to why no one could solve such a simple puzzle.  I mean, the baka patrol pictured above generally isn’t very helpful in these situations (I say this with affection and amusement), but we have other, more cognizant members in this club.
And yeesh, why was Piyomon so intense?  I assume her distrust of Sora’s motives was supposed to echo Sora’s distrust towards her mother’s motives in Adventure.  But Piyomon has always been the sweetest, warmest digimon.  It was jarring to see her behave with such antagonism.  
In my opinion, they wrote Sora perfectly, but they placed her in a situation that felt artificial and forced and tried to justify it by echoing Sora’s Adventure struggles.  It was so close to being awesome, but...  Well, really I should just be happy that she received so much attention, screen time, and effort, and that the love triangle angle didn’t come up.  
You know what?  I’ll take it.  Sora did an amazing job of hanging in there and expressing her love, even though it wasn’t returned, even though everything seemed lost.  That takes incredible inner strength.
Okay, moving on!
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I’m sorry, guys.  He’s the best digi now.  The end.
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Don’t get me started on Yggdrasil and weird ass creeper Gennai (Wtf was with that lick?  Euughhhh?!?!).  I hate to say it, but...  I’m having trouble caring about this new organization, or whatever they are.  Even the movie doesn’t seem to care?  “I’m Gennai, but I’m not the Gennai you know...  Eh, fuck it, I’m the villain now, deal with it.”  I just...  We’re halfway through this ride and they plunk someone in front of us and have him introduce himself like that?  
I suspect his over-the-top behavior might have been an attempt to compensate for his random appearance.  The sudden exposition dump didn’t help.  After three movies of telling us nothing, they’re just throwing info at us with very little background.  It didn’t feel like, “Oh, I see!  That previous stuff makes sense now!”  It felt like, “Er...  Okay, if you say so, I guess...”  Basically, given our previous lack of info on Kind-of-Gennai and Yggdrasil, he had to really amp up the bad guy factor to create interest and investment.
The exception to this is the Himekawa stuff.  Her flashback scenes were awesome, and we finally understand her motivations.  Unfortunately for her, things blew up in her face...  I’m genuinely interested to see what happens with her.    
Oh, by the way?  The real reason Yama and Sora aren’t dating in Tri?  It’s not to allow for a Taiorama triangle.  It’s to allow for these two idiots to hook up:
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Oh, and further proof that Jyou is best:
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That was one hell of a catch.  Wouldn’t that still result in grievous injury to both parties?  XD XD XD
Let’s see...  I really loved that we saw Elecmon in this film, and that some of the kids warped to areas significant to their Adventure experiences.  I loved that Hikari said, “Let’s love the digimon as they are now” and “Plotmon is happier now.”  Such wisdom.  Annnnd I also appreciated Kind-of-Gennai directly mentioning that digimon who died in the real world can’t be reborn...  Not without the Reboot.
Soooo, Wizarmon?  Huh?  HUH?!?!?!
I hope Meiko will be alright (although frankly I think being choked was less dangerous than being slammed into an ice wall by Mugendramon).  Sadly, this film still didn’t give us much reason to care about her as a person.  In fact, the team rallying to help her while Sora’s heart bled in front of them kind of pushed me from my previous stance of, “Hopefully she’ll be given interesting material soon,” to, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?  Sigh...”  (Of course, it’s great that they want to help her, but c’mon guys.  You know who else is on your team?  Sora and the 02 gang).  Even worse, I sense that she STILL hasn’t told the group everything.  
Also, there was a LOT of long, awkward evolving in this flick, but I guess I can’t say that has no precedence in Digimon Adventure, lol!!!!
I have no clue what will happen next.  I’m not impressed with the plot, except when Himekawa is involved.  But they are mostly handling the characters with love and respect, and I appreciate that.
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