countarganan · 4 years
@mei-rin-blossoms liked for a starter!
“No, I don’t necessarily want to go out of Lazulis. Yes, I’d like company if you’re seriously considering sending me all the way over there!”
Some of the castle servants flinched as they heard the former Count’s somwhat-angered exclamations from outside his niece’s office. Rumor had it that Calista was sending her uncle to another place for some time, for some reason, in the next week.
All the servants listening near the door flinched and pretended to do their work as the former Count stormed out of the office, before taking a deep breath and looking towards one particular person...
“Miss Mei-Rin, is it? You’ll be accompanying me outside of Lazulis Island in a week from now. To Melodia. We leave at dawn that day, according to my niece. And no, you’re not backing out of this.” If I’m forced to go all the way outside Lazulis, I’m taking someone with me! 
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sunnysmiles2 · 4 years
A Sickly Prince || Closed RP
Prince CC was first in line in his kingdom to take the throne once his parents passed. But that was a long time away. But, that isn’t the focus here. A few years ago, once he had reached a marriageable age, he was cursed by an old witch, and given a permanent cold until he could find someone who could love him like that.
Unfortunately, most suitors were disgusted by him always being sick, so he passed the time in misery, only getting most suitors by luck now. One day, he heard a princess was coming to the kingdom that day. So, despite being unwell, he went down to great her, hardly able to stand.
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rotcon · 4 years
heist from a height. / continued from here with @mei-rin-blossoms​.
Such a strange lady she made. Doubly so when her cheeks were painted in that raspberry-red. But he understood that the evolution must not have been easy, and so accommodated her peculiarities, so long as they were articulated with a little more eloquence to guests. “I do appreciate it, Mei-Rin. It was rather unique.” 
He made a flourish with his hand, directing her down the hall. Did he dare to distract her further before a briefing? At this time he wanted to speak with the eagle-eyed hunter, not the blushing maiden. Sebastian let the smile fade from his features. This was business now. “Your performance yesterday was impeccable, but there always remains work to be done. Are your rifles in their best condition? You will be in need of them tomorrow evening, but only able to attend the event with one; perhaps two, at a maximum. The host’s security will not be easily dismissed. Will this be functional for you, Mei-Rin?”
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michaeliism · 6 years
“Perhaps we can make this work.”
He appreciated her optimism, really.
Tonight, they were brought to dinner at a fancy restaurant, and their families broke the news that they would be marrying next week. Sebastian didn’t know how to reply, or what to say to Mei-Rin, or what to even think. He cleared his throat, and poked at his noodles that were growing cold. He wasn’t hungry.
He felt like his whole life and all of his decisions were in the palm of his parents’ hands, and it made him sick to his stomach. “…Yeah.” Sebastian looked over to her and gave a weak smile, nodding. That was the best way to deal with this, right? “Yeah. Maybe we can.”
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reankouarchive · 6 years
@mei-rin-blossoms from here.
Her stuttering lilt and shy, clumsy demeanor had always been something that the Undertaker could only see as ‘cute’. Though many, especially of the upper crust, would find such a person annoying or even problematic, her genuinity and attitude towards life made her both nervousness and blatantly unrestrained personability so very human. So very real. And what adorable smiles she’d made, too.
But of course she would hesitate in a game such as this. Someone had likey pushed her into this sort of situation no doubt. The idea would not belong to her. Initially, it had been his intent to disturb whomever had fallen into said closet with him into fleeing before their 7 minutes were up-a guaranteed laugh if he’d ever seen one. Ah, but he had his curiosities for this one...curiosities that had won him over on what seemed a whim. 
With her stumbled words barely concluded, the flat of his palm hit one shoulder, and thin, witch-like fingers grabbed for the opposite arm. He’d pressed her against the wall harshly with this action, pushing the air from her lungs. No need to speak any longer. No need to fumble or prattle on. And just in case such things came into her mind even still, the Undertaker shoved his lips against her own. Just a taste. That was all. 
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countarganan · 4 years
Plot please?
OOC: Honestly? I can see Arganan slowly falling for Mei-Rin (or just the two of ‘em being awkward friends/companions?). He finds her clumsiness and so on really endearing.
Another plot idea is that when the two do make it to Tahirah’s castle in Melodia, someone *does* attempt murdering Arganan (but he survives). CUE THE GIANT ATTEMPTED MURDER MYSTERY AND THE SHENANIGANS THAT UNFOLD! XD
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sunnysmiles2 · 6 years
Mei-Rin for the meme
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗(purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗(how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗(wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗(hoping for a romantic relationship)
💔 Non-existent💗 Very low💗💗 A little💗💗💗 Hopeful💗💗💗💗 High💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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michaeliism · 6 years
“I’m not afraid of you.”
Sebastian didn’t know whether that was a compliment or threat, and he tilted his head to the side, staring down at the woman. “You’re not...?” The vampire’s fangs poked out of his mouth, glinting in the light as he spoke. “And why not?”
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❝ guess i’ll die. ❞
"Mei, wait!"
Bard jogged after her down the hallway, easily catching up and grabbing her by the shoulder to turn her towards him. "Please tell me what's wrong. It's not like you to say something like that."
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Garry smiled as he drew the brunette in close in a warm embrace, his hand moving to gently cup her cheek. Tipping her chin up with his thumb, he leaned down to place a soft, loving kiss against her lips. Lingering there for a moment, he pulled back to gaze down at her kindly, his hand brushing a few strands of hair out of her face. “I love you, Mei-Rin..”
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countarganan · 4 years
💋 (revenge is sweet)
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michaeliism · 6 years
"Quick, pretend to look like you're talking to me."
Sebastian looked around him in confusion, before seeing the shorter woman close to his side looking up at him. He didn’t know what else to do, and he didn’t really have any reason to say no, but he wanted to know why she needed to be avoided. “Uhhh. Okay.” He glanced behind him to see a man watching them, and slid completely in front of the woman to shield her from the man. “What’s up? Do you need help?” He kept his voice quiet so no one else could hear, but he made sure to make it obvious that he was speaking to her.
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🏨 (I don't know why I'm doing this xD)
Garry stirred slightly in his sleep as he felt a small warm mass shift under the covers with him. Blinking awake, he gazed over at the brunetteas she lay at his side. Rolling over, he gently wrapped his arms around her to draw her close to his chest. “What’s wrong, Mei? Were you having trouble sleeping?” He asked groggily.
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