mellozheist · 4 months
The B post i just wanna say. they can block and move on no biggy at all, i have seen people harassed extremely badly due to being in the fandom and ships, seeing that person bringing up stuff just to get people harassed is fucking stupid and they clearly know what their doing. i can't follow certain people who i think are super cool because they did ships in the past and then stuff got brought up and anyone who followed them got Harassed. im never really on X because i see so much of this and it effects so many people to. in shorts words to bee, block. swipe and move on. (your awesome mell and your jimmy design is great \o/)
The stupidest thing is Most of The tweets that brought shipping topic up on Twitter are never a "Discussion" type of tweet
They just want to drop the name of who They think is bad/don't like and leave the person that becomes a public target feeling all stressed when they're just a person
most of them know what they doing and still think they're doing it for a good reason
I already have these kinds of discussions many many times and It's so embarrassing ppl still attack somebody on behalf of CC on the platform that CC can see
It really depressing to see lots of artists get harassed by these people who never learn to [ Live and let live ] and people can't talk about their perspective bc they are afraid of getting attack too (I don't blame them, Twitter can be scary)
It's even sadder when a person whom they thought they were friends with unfollows bc of that kind of thing too, imagine how heartbroken that is
That's why I have a trust issue living in this community and it's an absolutely stupid thing to have when it's just a hobby that supposed to be having fun in my little area
Life has already stressed me enough, Just don't cause unnecessary harm to others you don't like, and spread positivity to the ppl you like
(Thank you for your kind words :D I love drawing Jimmy too!)
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mellozheist · 4 months
I still have 10 more FanonSwap requests (not counting the request that was sent after I closed it)
but I'm a bit busy with personal stuff rn so It might have to wait for a bit ( I'll doodle them in free time :) )
Thank you for your patience guys, I appreciated every kind words for yours
Have a great day >:D
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